IRC logs for #openttd on OFTC at 2013-01-09
00:00:01 *** MNIM has joined #openttd
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00:07:36 * drac_boy is back from supper now
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01:08:29 <Eddi|zuHause> "the heat in australia is so high that they had to introduce new colours to the weather chart"
01:08:53 <V453000> LOL
01:09:08 <Flygon> Yeah
01:09:13 <Flygon> Purple and Mengenta
01:10:32 <Flygon> ...oh lord, I forgot how FM-synthy this bass is
01:10:36 <Flygon> In fact, this whole track
01:10:49 <Flygon> 'toxitownblues.flac'
01:10:59 <Eddi|zuHause> FM Synth? are we back to 1980?
01:11:28 <Flygon> It IS a Mega Drive track :p
01:12:01 <Flygon> duelindance.flac is even more 90s
01:12:02 <Flygon> Why?
01:12:12 <Flygon> That. Orchistra. Hit. Sample.
01:12:19 <Flygon> This'll take a while to Dr-
01:12:21 <Flygon> Oh god
01:12:27 <Flygon> I just realized what channel I am in
01:12:29 <Flygon> Hahahahhahaha
01:12:35 <Flygon> I thought I was in a completely different channel
01:12:37 <Supercheese> Wrong channel eh
01:12:46 <Flygon> Because in a different channel
01:12:59 <Flygon> I was in a 2+ hour long channel about various 80s and 90s shizz @_@
01:13:08 <Supercheese> chat*
01:13:10 <Flygon> I feel so stupid, hahaha
01:13:15 <Flygon> Yes, chat
01:13:16 <Flygon> Gah
01:13:22 <Supercheese> S'all good ;)
01:13:23 <Flygon> My sleep fatigue is showing
01:13:48 <drac_boy> heh
01:13:54 * drac_boy smacks flygon with an aussie pillow
01:13:55 <drac_boy> :)
01:14:14 * Flygon slaps drac_boy with a .flac
01:14:42 <Flygon> Apperantly the epitome of Mega Drive music in the early 90s :p
01:16:41 <drac_boy> whats a flac?
01:17:29 <Flygon> ...
01:17:39 <Flygon> For a man that knows how North American Railroads work
01:17:44 <Flygon> You're not very computer savvy :p
01:17:51 <Flygon> Open it in VLC, it'll work
01:18:07 <drac_boy> actually I am..I just don't bother dealign with window-specific things which explains why I may not know about them
01:18:17 <Flygon> Ah, gotcha
01:20:03 <drac_boy> dealign? dealing ....
01:20:15 <drac_boy> thats so funny .. never would had thought flipping two letters could make a new word
01:20:26 * drac_boy wonders if dealign is actually a word
01:20:48 <drac_boy> maybe not..unalign would be more proper I think
01:26:47 *** Elukka has quit IRC
01:38:18 <Sacro> grr, anyone know what graphics pack has the home/distant semaphore, BR style
01:42:27 <drac_boy> had a look at the openttdcoop grf list? may still be there
02:00:28 <drac_boy> any luck sacro?
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02:05:18 <Sacro> drac_boy: no, i'll go look
02:06:59 <Sacro> nope, don't see it
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02:07:27 <drac_boy> hmm no idea then sorry :/
02:07:53 <Sacro> those ones that flherne uses
02:07:55 * drac_boy only has used newsignals.grf from MB alone as far as signals are concerned
02:08:53 <Sacro> oh
02:08:56 <Sacro> combined american signal set
02:09:52 <Flygon> Australian Signals are impossible to do
02:09:59 <Flygon> Each state had different signalling regulations :P
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02:11:43 <drac_boy> heh
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02:24:15 <Eddi|zuHause> Flygon: that's not really different in germany :p
02:24:42 <Flygon> Eddi: People don't realize Germany has states, apart from pre-1991 :p
02:25:07 <Flygon> Only countries I've seen that people understand states exist are USA, Canada, and Australia
02:25:12 <Flygon> Also China and Japan
02:25:18 <Eddi|zuHause> at the beginning of the railway age, germany was a loose confederation of around 40 states
02:25:26 <Flygon> ...40?
02:25:36 <Flygon> ...holy... well, there's an f word somewhere there
02:26:50 <Flygon> I can't believe such a small area an function with so many states O_O
02:27:08 <Flygon> Here, we have trouble comprehending states smaller than, say, Victoria (around the size of Poland)
02:27:20 <Eddi|zuHause> then bismarck came along, drove austria out as the strongest competitor, and unified the rest of germany under a central government, but that didn't quite propagate to the railways, there were still 6 major state railway authorities and several smaller railways
02:27:42 <drac_boy> well at least the prussia locomotives were nice, period :P
02:27:49 <drac_boy> and so was saxon
02:27:54 <drac_boy> heh heh
02:28:03 <Flygon> Prussia: Producing good 2CC material since... whenever
02:28:32 <Flygon> Still, Germany seems to have kept one thing straight over time
02:28:35 <Flygon> Their bloody gauge
02:28:43 <Eddi|zuHause> that went on like this until WWI, after WWI the railways were unified into one railway
02:28:46 <drac_boy> 760mm?
02:28:57 <Eddi|zuHause> but then again after WWII, it was split up into east and west
02:29:09 <drac_boy> or 4000+mm (I forgot exact) for one of their rail-based boat lifter thing
02:29:24 <drac_boy> or hilter's would-be "huge" gauge
02:29:26 <drac_boy> :)
02:29:40 <Flygon> Nazi gauge is a terrible idea :p
02:29:41 <Eddi|zuHause> Flygon: well, that is not strictly true either
02:29:52 <Flygon> Brunel gauge? Sure. But 3 meters on just two rails?
02:29:55 <drac_boy> or how about the endless 2ft industrial gauges too :)
02:30:24 <Eddi|zuHause> yes, there is standard gauge, but then there was "badian broad gauge" and several narrow gauges
02:30:37 <Flygon> Point is, to my understanding, for long haul purposes, Germany had a somewhat unified gauge
02:31:04 <Flygon> I mean, for example, between Sydney and Melbourne, a 800km trip, you had to change trains half-way through because of a 1600mm vs 1435mm difference
02:31:19 <Eddi|zuHause> yes, like all of europe except spain and russia
02:31:27 <Flygon> Really?
02:31:29 <Flygon> Huh...
02:31:45 <drac_boy> talgo trains had one thing right..they could continue nonstop (well technicially not full speed) through two different gauges
02:31:50 <drac_boy> :)
02:31:53 <Flygon> Perhaps modern Europe is very good at hiding their history...
02:32:35 <Flygon> drac_boy: Apperantly the Talgo solution is an advancement of a rejected guage solution developed in either NSW or Vic... good job, Federal Government, rejecting a perfectly good solution @_@
02:33:08 <Eddi|zuHause> Flygon: btw, 40 states is not the tip of the iceberg, i think i read the number 200 once, until Napoleon cleaned out the mess :)
02:33:22 <Flygon> Then again, Talgo may not have worked as well considering the fact that Diesel and Steam locomotives were the only things used
02:33:35 <Flygon> Convertable passenger and freightcars would solve a lot of isuses, though
02:33:46 <Flygon> 200... that's barely a country >_>
02:34:04 <Flygon> Then again, Australia used to be over 1000 seperate... uh... societies?
02:34:17 <Flygon> Until the Europeans came and f*$#ed that up
02:34:23 <Eddi|zuHause> well, germany didn't quite manage the conversion to a nation state at the end of medieval times, like france and england did
02:36:42 <Eddi|zuHause> the idea of nationalism was actually seeded into germany by Napoleon, which became a) the root of his defeat, and b) the root of the almost total destruction of europe 100 years later
02:38:36 <Flygon> Sooo
02:38:43 <Flygon> Nepoleon destroyed Europe?
02:38:59 <Flygon> Or, nearly did
02:40:09 <Eddi|zuHause> basically... let's say he had a big influence in that ;)
02:40:35 * Flygon nod
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02:50:32 <drac_boy> I'm going to bed a bit earlier, bye
02:50:34 *** drac_boy has left #openttd
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04:54:06 <kamnet> Good morning
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06:55:19 * Supercheese wonders if the Notepad++ highliter could be updated
06:55:22 <Supercheese>
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07:47:51 *** Celestar_ is now known as Celestar
07:48:07 <Celestar> gday
07:52:30 <peter1138> mornin
07:52:44 <kamnet> Good morning.
08:11:41 <Supercheese> Good night
08:11:56 *** Supercheese has quit IRC
08:12:57 <Celestar> so .. cargodist or yacd :P
08:14:54 <kamnet> Looks to me like cargodist as of late has been moving closer.
08:19:38 <Celestar> closer to what?
08:19:45 <peter1138> closer to having less bugs
08:19:49 <peter1138> than it did
08:20:04 <peter1138> yacd for me
08:20:10 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Celestar
08:20:25 <Celestar> peter1138: reasoning? :P
08:23:31 <peter1138> just...
08:25:04 <kamnet> I don't have any preference as of yet for one over the other. I've only played games with cargodist (ChillCore Patch Pack and another that I'm helping to test). Cargodist IMO is more permissive to allowing the player to establish what cargo they would like to ship where.
08:25:31 <kamnet> YACD is more challenging in that it demands that the player yield to its economy and ship cargo where it is most desired.
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09:25:43 <peter1138> h
09:28:50 <kamnet> i
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10:38:57 <Celestar> hm.
10:39:03 <Celestar> yacd sounds nice then.
10:39:08 <Celestar> Gonna give it a try :)
10:39:27 <Celestar> Tell me ... if rsync segfaults, something is REALLY fishy, right?
10:42:23 <peter1138> yeah
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11:25:07 <drac_boy> hi
11:51:30 <peter1138> hmm, need to figure out how to get my xmpp server back up and running
11:56:59 <drac_boy> :)
11:57:30 <Celestar> hm ..
11:58:18 <Celestar> a UK study revealed that 50% of employees would give out their company login passwords for 10 pounds, but it takes over 100 pounds for 50% of the employees to give out their facebook password.
11:58:41 <Celestar> conclusion of the study: companies should migrate to facebook authentication
11:58:51 <dadymax> lol
12:01:06 <drac_boy> Celestar thankfully I don't even have any sort of "social" logins online at all ;)
12:02:06 <blathijs> Celestar: 10 pounds? Are you serious?
12:02:31 <blathijs> Better conclusion: companies should fire 50% of their employees...
12:02:38 <Celestar> blathijs: yah.
12:03:34 <Celestar> I'm not surprised that people do that.
12:03:40 <Celestar> but for 10 bucks? that's like 2 lunches
12:05:16 <blathijs> I wonder if this is about personal logins, or just general company passwords
12:05:55 <blathijs> in the former case, any abuse can be easily traced to the employee, which would mean way too much risk
12:06:07 <Pinkbeast> Well, I remember the "password for free chocolate" survey at railway stations.
12:06:34 <Pinkbeast> I think you want to be careful of this sort of result. I would gladly lie to someone about my password for free chocolate.
12:06:34 <blathijs> OTOH, they probably packaged the offer in something sounding at least somewhat credible...
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12:24:19 <Celestar> :P
12:24:25 <Celestar> we need a rating system for AIs :P
12:34:00 <peter1138> anyone else using an xmpp server?
12:34:11 <Celestar> yeah. googletalk :P
12:37:40 <peter1138> ah
12:37:48 <peter1138> they'll probably be logging every word you say then
12:39:15 <Celestar> shrug
12:39:21 <Celestar> only some remote friends there.
12:51:00 <planetmaker> Celestar, there is a wiki page about AI comparison. And a few selected forum threads in the respective sub-forum
12:51:44 <planetmaker> Celestar, nevertheless a somewhat automated AI battle which is repeated somewhat regularily might be nice. It's *somewhere* on my agenda. But I fear not very high up... so might well be never
12:53:58 <Celestar> :)
12:54:42 <drac_boy> heh heh
13:02:13 <Celestar> 700 aircraft?!
13:02:58 <V453000> lol
13:03:15 <Pinkbeast> And obviously "does well in automated battle" != "nice to play with"
13:03:20 <Celestar> lol
13:03:58 <Celestar> Mogul's with 2000+ RVs
13:05:12 <Pinkbeast> Well... I think if you set the RV limit per company to n you cannot complain if an AI builds n RVs, at least provided it does not try to cram them all down the same road. :-/
13:05:22 <Celestar> and a 2k 2k map with high number of towns is just insane :P
13:05:25 <drac_boy> heh
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13:22:26 <oskari89>
13:22:50 <planetmaker> V453000, it depends on how criteria are set :-)
13:23:02 <planetmaker> automated battle need not mean to decide on money made
13:23:13 <planetmaker> it could be based on whatever a game script could decide on
13:23:18 <V453000> you know what I think about AIs in general .. :)
13:25:17 <drac_boy> what?
13:25:50 <drac_boy> or is it one of these 'I do not like them one bit at all' answer V453000? :P
13:25:52 <drac_boy> heh
13:26:26 <V453000> more like that yes, +-
13:26:46 <V453000> why would you ever use an AI, I just dont understand ... but ye
13:27:06 <drac_boy> I never ever played with any AI neither .. usually like playing myself :)
13:32:25 <V453000> solo, or with people, but with a computer which does totally weird stuff? idk
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13:37:01 <drac_boy> how're you anyway V453000?
13:40:18 <V453000> working on NUTS 0.4.2 and 0.4.0 along with 0.4.1 were the most awesome versions so far :)
13:40:26 <V453000> having a lot of ideas all the time :)
13:40:35 <drac_boy> heh heh :P
13:40:48 <V453000> also might be making a NUTS station set which would show any cargo type in stations ... things like rubber, grain or stuff are kinda missing :(
13:41:00 <V453000> and I have so many cargoes drawn already that it will be simple to utilize
13:41:00 <drac_boy> well I don't even have much of any ideas..just more of trying to find specs and cleaning up tables :)
13:47:48 <V453000> got some working grf yet?
13:49:46 <V453000> once you start playing with it, ideas just appear out of nowhere
13:51:37 <drac_boy> actually most of the ideas are already in place :p
13:51:41 <drac_boy> just some are lacking numbers yet ;)
13:51:45 <V453000> you would think
13:52:10 <V453000> every version of nuts is the current amount of ideas I thought is the "all ideas" at that time ;)
13:52:35 <drac_boy> well theres still the playability limit .. neverminding id and slots limit just as well
13:52:36 <drac_boy> ;)
13:52:52 <V453000> technically, yes
13:53:09 <V453000> but making a good newgrf is a lot of work and I doubt it can ever be 100% since the first version ;)
13:53:16 <V453000> improvements, new ideas, new features
13:53:55 <drac_boy> :p
13:54:26 <V453000> not mentioning bugs .. :)
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13:56:23 <drac_boy> V453000 thats why I was thinking about alpha releases :P
13:57:04 <V453000> any release is good
13:57:08 <V453000> I dont even call alpha and crap
13:57:14 <V453000> just 0.0.1, and counting
13:57:28 <V453000> 0.4.1 is literally 41th version
13:58:13 <drac_boy> I rather prefer one dot thank you :)
13:59:06 <V453000> that isnt the point
13:59:20 <V453000> what im saying is that calling something alpha is not really useful here, it is a version like any other
14:00:03 <bolli> Peter1138, I've used an XMPP chat server in the past...
14:00:32 <drac_boy> actually V453000 thats like saying a grf is perfectly bugfree from first release which is never always the case
14:00:44 <V453000> actually who cares?
14:00:46 <drac_boy> hence it still is an alpha or beta at times whether you like that or not
14:01:22 <V453000> no version of the newgrf will probably be bugfree
14:01:50 <Celestar> hm orudge still looking for money :P
14:01:50 <V453000> it is just version 1 :) nobody can sue you for having bugs in something you do in your free time anyway ;)
14:02:45 <V453000> as for it being new, nobody can even expect it wont have bugs
14:02:53 <drac_boy> celestar heh yeah
14:02:56 <V453000> but naming it "beta" already can make some people not even try it
14:03:02 <V453000> "I will wait for stable" they say
14:03:04 <V453000> same with openttd
14:03:18 <V453000> 1.3.0 is beta1 and look at how many servers use it
14:03:22 <V453000> just a few
14:03:47 <V453000> "we will wait for the stable" ... when "someone" tests it right
14:04:27 <V453000> I wouldnt call my newgrf beta, it is just the "current" number of version I have now, I dont have anything more than that at that time :)
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14:36:04 <planetmaker> V453000, I basically agree with all what you argued here, except on a tiny nuance:
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14:36:20 <planetmaker> There is a point in alpha, beta and stable. And there's a difference.
14:36:35 <V453000> I know, esp in a bigger project
14:36:41 <V453000> but for a small newgrf :)
14:36:59 <planetmaker> But there's only a difference, if you actually DO make alpha and beta releases regularily. So that the code actually DOES get tests. And if you take your time to actually (only) fix bugs between beta and stable
14:37:18 <V453000> yeah I can see that :)
14:37:23 <planetmaker> So yes, tendentially a stable of OpenTTD is more bug-free than a nightly or beta
14:37:32 <drac_boy> planetmaker indeed
14:37:38 <V453000> for a large project like OpenTTD I completely understand it
14:37:42 <planetmaker> But in the scope of NewGRFs as they're being used and developed: it makes little sense :-)
14:37:53 <V453000> exctly
14:38:29 <Ammler> easier to simply release "stable" and then follow with bugfix releases
14:38:30 <Belugas> hello
14:38:56 <planetmaker> I mean... the newgrfs as built e.g. by devzone's compile farm daily: they're kind of alpha. But I doubt they get really much feedback. That only is given if you feed something to the people by making an actual release
14:39:05 <planetmaker> hi Belugas
14:39:15 <planetmaker> Ammler, yes, exactly.
14:39:24 <Eddi|zuHause> Ammler: depends how much customer-insatisfaction and bugreport-spam you can suffer :)
14:39:54 <Eddi|zuHause> Ammler: but certainly, that looks like what commercial game developers do nowadays :)
14:39:56 <drac_boy> thats the other thing, I'll only prefer serious reports :->
14:40:03 <drac_boy> but I guess thats personally to our own choices
14:40:11 <planetmaker> serious reports?
14:40:43 <planetmaker> you can't choose which feedback you get. You can only choose which you take into account
14:40:46 <Ammler> hehe, yeah, what is a "unserious" report?
14:40:49 <drac_boy> planetmaker mm don't know what else you would call something like "why is ____ bouncing on the track?"
14:41:30 <planetmaker> if people actually talk to you, it's an obvious concern or desire for them. Usually. Whether you call it stupid or not
14:42:07 <V453000> you dont get bug reports for a newgrf daily drac_boy :)
14:43:59 <Ammler> if you release a beta, doesn't this mean, you do not really need bug reports :-)
14:44:54 <Ammler> or basically every opensource release is a beta :-P
14:45:00 <planetmaker> that logic also defies my understanding, Ammler
14:45:28 <Eddi|zuHause> Ammler's logic regularly defies real logic :p
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14:46:36 <V453000> LOL
14:49:42 <peter1138> Eddi|zuHause, tell me how to calculate the clipping rectangle for tunnels
14:50:28 <Eddi|zuHause> peter1138: i'm not entirely sure
14:50:31 <V453000> or else
14:50:55 <Eddi|zuHause> peter1138: the vehicle cuts in CETS are somewhat arbitrariy and empirical
14:51:44 <peter1138> we have the sprite size
14:51:46 <peter1138> and the offsets
14:51:52 <V453000> you cut sprites to make them fit in tunnels?
14:51:53 <peter1138> and the tile
14:52:26 <peter1138> V453000, CETS is two parts to each long wagon, no?
14:52:55 <Eddi|zuHause> peter1138: actually, it's 3 parts
14:53:38 <peter1138> ah
14:53:42 <V453000> oh you have longer wagons than 8/8 right
14:53:42 <Jasperthecat1> Hello.
14:54:21 <Eddi|zuHause> the formulas are buried somewhere here in the "view_normal" function:
14:54:26 <Eddi|zuHause> not sure how useful they are
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14:55:41 <Eddi|zuHause> "slice_start" and "slice_end" range from 0 to 16
14:55:52 <peter1138> i don't think that is useful at all
14:56:14 <Eddi|zuHause> i guess so
14:56:15 <peter1138> hmmm, x_max = x_extents + x_offs
14:56:27 <peter1138> or
14:56:31 <peter1138> not even that
14:57:35 <peter1138> personally i don't think it'll work
14:57:41 <peter1138> ships in FISH are massive
14:57:56 <peter1138> something like fixed articulated parts could work
14:58:06 <peter1138> but that makes movement code awkward
14:58:15 <peter1138> might be less awkward than clipping though
15:00:21 <michi_cc> And it would solve the multiple cargoes in one ship problem on the go ;)
15:03:28 <peter1138> never seems to bother people
15:14:32 * Celestar likes listening to ATC live feed
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15:52:04 <Rubidium> Celestar: especially the times when pilots refuse to do something?
15:52:12 <Celestar> hrhr :)
15:52:26 * Rubidium had that on a United flight
15:53:15 <Jasperthecat1> Lol.
15:53:24 <Rubidium> ATC: take this and that taxi way, pilot: uhm... you know they are repaving that, right?
15:54:46 <Jasperthecat1> I've heard about ATC Controllers sleeping on the job.
15:54:48 <Jasperthecat1> Bad idea.
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16:24:07 <Jasperthecat1> Lol, jermboy reminds me of me.
16:24:15 <Jasperthecat1> The one that's banned.
16:26:10 <Jasperthecat1> Sorry, it's actually serious.
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16:49:59 <NGC3982>
16:50:05 <NGC3982> I have never encountered this before?
16:50:26 <NGC3982> Can it be some kind of setting i have accidently turned on or off?
16:50:46 <peter1138> encountered what?
16:51:02 <NGC3982> A train shorter than the station length, reserving track outside of the station.
16:51:03 <bolli> You need bi-directional path signals at the end of the station...
16:51:23 <peter1138> ah, yes
16:51:26 <bolli> It will do it in that scenario if its just come out of the depot...
16:51:38 <Pinkbeast> Presumably it's because it er what bolli said
16:51:42 <NGC3982> Uhm.
16:51:44 <bolli> Stations =/= signals
16:51:48 <peter1138> yeah it serviced, then reserved up until its safe waiting point
16:51:54 <NGC3982> This has always worked out before, and works in the stations nearby?
16:51:59 <NGC3982> Ah.
16:52:00 <Pinkbeast> I suspect the adjacent platform does not exhibit the same behaviour.
16:52:10 <NGC3982> I could never have guessed service had anything to do with it
16:52:12 <bolli> But are the nearby stations dead ends or through stations?
16:52:23 <peter1138> protip: that signal isn't a safe waiting point either
16:52:25 <NGC3982> bolli: Exactly the same buildup.
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16:52:43 <Pinkbeast> Er well it's not a sensible waiting point anyway
16:52:46 <NGC3982> peter1138: I know, bad habit of mine to put signals to close to an exit route.
16:53:00 <bolli> Then when things come out of the depots, they will exhibit the same issue :p
16:53:18 <Pinkbeast> Also you've got the usual problem that if a train arrives with both platforms empty it will use the one which causes it to block the junction while leaving.
16:53:41 <peter1138> that's pretty normal :S
16:53:53 <NGC3982>
16:53:56 <NGC3982> That explain why that one works
16:54:08 <bolli> because they're dead ends
16:54:26 <NGC3982> Pinkbeast: That doesn't really bother me. The station is not to be expanded.
16:54:42 <NGC3982> bolli: I see.
16:54:44 <NGC3982> Thank you.
16:54:48 <Pinkbeast> peter: As a workaround I double the exit signal on the non-preferred platform which is a horrible bodge but does fix it.
16:54:50 <bolli> Your first screenshot had 1 platform as a through station
16:55:04 <Pinkbeast> Also you don't want the depot platform preferred by trains not requiring the depot.
16:55:33 <peter1138> NewPlatformPriorities!
16:55:53 <Pinkbeast> No kidding!
16:56:21 <Pinkbeast> But it really wants one to furtle in the bowels of YAPF which...
16:56:37 <peter1138> just need to assign a custom penalty
16:56:51 <peter1138> "just"
16:57:21 <Pinkbeast> You mean, a property of the map not the orders?
16:57:44 <Pinkbeast> But then a) you're trying to get more bits in the map array and b) the preferred platform may depend on the train's next destination.
16:58:21 <NGC3982> I guess using dual engines in a single train, does not affect reliability at all?
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17:15:11 <planetmaker> evening
17:17:03 <NGC3982> planetmaker: Indeed, it is.
17:17:16 * NGC3982 is sweeping DDR's butt clean on
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17:23:37 <Jasperthecat1> LOL!
17:25:32 <planetmaker> too much detail, NGC3982 ;-)
17:26:07 <NGC3982> ;)
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17:34:29 <DDR> NGC3982: I had an interview this morning.
17:34:35 <DDR> How badly am I loosing?
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17:44:48 <NGC3982> Not really
17:44:56 <NGC3982> Guys, how do i reset a players password?
17:45:04 * DDR narrates: "mm, well, I'm in, but I don't have control."
17:45:11 <NGC3982> with rcon or directly via the dedicated server console
17:45:48 <DDR> My password isn't working. :/
17:46:07 <DDR> NGC3982: Funnily enough, I could log on to your company. I repaid some loan.
17:46:37 <NGC3982> haha
17:46:38 <NGC3982> :D
17:46:41 <Jasperthecat1> What server are you on?
17:46:46 <peter1138> just move him to his company
17:47:00 <Jasperthecat1> You can join a company as a server.
17:47:57 <NGC3982> peter1138: How do i do that? :/
17:48:03 <NGC3982> oh
17:48:07 <NGC3982> I found it
17:48:17 <Jasperthecat1> I wonder why people won't listen to me.
17:48:58 <NGC3982> DDR: It worked.
17:49:00 <DDR> I have the same problem, sometimes. :P
17:49:01 <NGC3982> DDR: Set a new passord.
17:49:02 <NGC3982> +w
17:49:05 <DDR> Yay!
17:49:07 <NGC3982> I have just missed my train.
17:49:08 <NGC3982> ..
17:49:38 <DDR> I told you not to miss the train on my account!
17:50:16 <DDR> And here you go... missing it. I've set default password so you don't miss any more trains.
17:57:35 <Jasperthecat1> Umm, the server needs requests me to enter a password.
17:57:50 <Jasperthecat1> requests*
17:58:13 <Terkhen> hello
17:58:18 <DDR> Which server?
17:58:29 <Jasperthecat1> Appes.
17:58:46 <Jasperthecat1> Tell me in PM please.
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19:11:32 <V453000> is somewhere a very simple example of a station newGRF code? I tried to look at chips, but I couldnt understand a thing there :(
19:12:34 <planetmaker> V453000, the only other station newgrf with code likely is ISR. But that's far from simple, too. Maybe... DutchStations is there as well... you know where to look ;-)
19:12:38 <planetmaker> But none is simple
19:12:48 <V453000> hmm :)
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19:13:19 <V453000> I can at least find some code in ISR :D
19:17:02 <V453000> oh jesus christ
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19:17:32 <V453000> I better try something simple because this looks like true hell
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19:21:22 <peter1138> i guess i'll have to reconsider purchasing from jessops
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19:24:57 <Eddi|zuHause> the "modern station" set has code somewhere, but an unusable license
19:25:14 <Eddi|zuHause> and the code is probably not good at all
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19:25:24 <V453000> mhm :|
19:25:46 <V453000> I dont need to use the code just learn how to code a trivial sprite replacement for stations with cargo dependence
19:26:09 <V453000> but looking at makes my stomach turn around
19:26:20 <planetmaker> just... open issues with CHIPS :D
19:26:35 <V453000> that might be a nice idea
19:26:42 <V453000> will consult with andy
19:26:42 <peter1138> no such thing as a trivial sprite replacement for stations
19:26:53 <planetmaker> if you provide sprites for cargo and maybe platforms...
19:27:13 <V453000> I mainly want the cargo coded, I have tons of cargo sprites
19:27:24 <planetmaker> and, V453000 also make sure to possibly provide it to ISR as well. Thus open issues there, too. Or alternatively
19:27:27 <V453000> well laying around nuts sources, extracting them isnt that hard
19:27:42 <planetmaker> not hard != at the fingertips :D
19:28:16 <V453000> sure sure :)
19:28:21 <V453000> my original thought was
19:28:30 <V453000> most of my cargo sprites look ... different
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19:28:39 <V453000> im not sure if that wouldnt collide with most "normal" station sets
19:28:42 <Wolf01> evenink
19:28:45 <V453000> aka isr chips
19:29:04 <planetmaker> that I don't know and would leave to judge the people who code it :D
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19:29:18 <andythenorth> lo
19:29:26 <planetmaker> hi andythenorth
19:29:27 <frosch123> see, summoning also works with andy
19:29:34 <andythenorth> bizarre eh?
19:29:36 <V453000> speaking of the devil
19:29:45 * andythenorth -> logs
19:30:03 <planetmaker> hm. yes. it worked with alberth with a certain delay. Like you predicted ;-)
19:30:12 <V453000> andythenorth: what would you say if I wanted to flood you with tickets about CHIPS and additional cargo sprites, while providing the cargo sprites? :)
19:30:28 <andythenorth> herp
19:30:39 <V453000> not to mention that most of the sprites are ... with some wtf value
19:31:15 <V453000> well it isnt that bad :)
19:31:23 <andythenorth> we'd need to find a coder
19:31:41 <V453000> that is exactly what I cant do
19:31:52 <andythenorth> oh just throw a rock ;)
19:31:55 <andythenorth> there are loads :P
19:32:02 * V453000 throws a rock at andy
19:32:12 <andythenorth> got a list of cargos?
19:32:22 <V453000> sure, all
19:32:32 <V453000> (literally)
19:32:47 <andythenorth> WTF-CHIPS
19:33:03 <V453000> :D
19:33:04 <andythenorth> will I like them? o_O
19:33:08 <V453000> my aim is to extract NUTS sprites
19:33:11 <V453000> and NUTS supports all cargoes
19:33:36 <V453000> idk, you hopefully would :)
19:34:26 <V453000> first thing I would do is collecting all sprites of cargoes I have currently, mostly crates, containers, boxes, animals, wood logs, toyland cargoes, bricks, planks, steel, everything
19:34:57 <andythenorth> hurg
19:34:59 <andythenorth> toyland
19:35:04 <V453000> when it comes to things like heaps, I would need to draw those.... but then I have recolour tables with which I make all hopper cargoes
19:35:10 <Alberth> planetmaker: I should become less predictable :p
19:35:17 <andythenorth> you could redraw the ones I've got :P
19:35:19 <andythenorth> for heaps
19:35:22 <andythenorth> I don't like them
19:35:31 <V453000> ISR has nice heaps
19:35:43 <Terkhen> toyland cargos, nice :D
19:35:45 <V453000> could try drawing something similar
19:36:12 <andythenorth> iirc, adding cargos isn't much work for CHIPS
19:36:19 <andythenorth> you have to follow the framework
19:36:21 <frosch123> <- heaps of fizzy drinks?
19:36:35 <V453000> example of my source
19:36:49 <Alberth> how do you drink that? :)
19:37:09 <V453000> ton of stuff I have drawn aside which can get some use
19:39:25 <V453000> nice
19:39:58 <V453000> andythenorth: you edit in psd, and then when saving you just save it into the palette, right?
19:40:27 <andythenorth> yes
19:41:07 <V453000> and each piece of station has 2 options randomized
19:41:19 <V453000> or 4 for full tiles
19:41:27 <V453000> as in cargo sprites
19:41:59 <V453000> splendid :)
19:42:21 <andythenorth> got a checkout?
19:42:43 <planetmaker> hehe. good time to start using repos ;-)
19:42:45 * planetmaker hides
19:42:50 <V453000> oh god
19:43:21 <V453000> well I guess it had to come some day :d
19:45:20 <DDR> OK, once I got all my trains back up and not 50 years old, I was coming in at about 2/3 NGC3982's profit.
19:45:21 <andythenorth> install hg....
19:45:32 <DDR> Not bad, considering that was 50 years ago I set up the rail lines.
19:45:55 <DDR> I am redeemed. He only thought he'd beaten my pants off.
19:49:07 <DDR> Query: Is there a 'skip to previous order' command?
19:49:20 <DDR> Skipping ahead is nice, but I've got 20 stops on this list.
19:49:30 <DDR> Of... um... orders.
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19:58:44 <Eddi|zuHause> ooh... cubed strawberries :p
19:59:07 <V453000> :)
20:00:48 <Eddi|zuHause> your texts don't always match the pictures though
20:02:10 <V453000> the texts are old
20:02:13 <V453000> rather obsolete :)
20:03:41 <V453000> they are remains of the sprites to the right
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20:21:14 <fonsinchen> hi
20:21:45 <fonsinchen> TrueBrain, sorry to say that, but the compile farm seems to have problems with cargodist again.
20:23:09 <michi_cc> V453000: m4nfo might be an alternative as along as NML doesn't do stations (
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20:36:57 <DDR> I'm winning again.
20:37:48 <V453000> michi_cc: :o
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21:24:43 <frosch123> andythenorth: current status
21:24:51 <andythenorth> ;O
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21:28:35 <andythenorth> frosch123: looks pretty good to me
21:29:01 <frosch123> just has some weird TODOs :p
21:29:52 <andythenorth> effect vehicles for industries? :P
21:29:55 <andythenorth> smoke :P
21:29:58 <Eddi|zuHause> "A man from Pirna (Saxony) drove around with "RIP" on his license plate, instead of the typical "PIR", until the police notified him over a month later"
21:48:11 <andythenorth> hrmm
21:48:21 * andythenorth acquired anti-virus scanner today
21:48:27 <andythenorth> for first time in about 12 years
21:49:06 <andythenorth> found 202 infected files
21:49:37 <andythenorth> @calc 202 / 2153273
21:49:37 <DorpsGek> andythenorth: 9.38106779772e-05
21:55:57 <Rubidium> that is 0%, so you're virus free! ;)
21:56:31 <andythenorth> ho ho
21:56:36 <andythenorth> lucky me :)
21:56:40 <andythenorth> statistically
21:56:52 <andythenorth> not bad for 12 years of copying my OS from one mac to the next :P
21:57:17 <andythenorth> and never having any AV stuff
21:57:19 <Eddi|zuHause> was that 202 different virusses?
21:57:28 <andythenorth> 202 infected files
21:57:48 <andythenorth> mostly html.phishing.blah
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22:02:11 <frosch123> the only virus i ever had was in an uninstaller, which i never executed
22:02:45 <frosch123> felt like the dev build some vengeance into it
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22:13:34 <Terkhen> good night
22:14:12 <NGC3982> DDR: Hey! :D
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22:18:33 <NGC3982> DDR: I started outoreplacing trains until i realized they were 40 million GBP each, and -all- my mainliners are dual-engine trains.
22:18:48 <NGC3982> The wallet turned into a singularity and vanished due to Hawking radiation.
22:18:49 <NGC3982> ;_;
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23:40:59 <DDR> oh my
23:42:52 <Jasperthecat1> I know, your last year's income is negative.
23:43:13 <Eddi|zuHause> mega-traffic-jam?
23:43:22 <Eddi|zuHause> autoreplace?
23:44:14 <NGC3982> autoreplace
23:44:29 <NGC3982> 121 million to autoreplace an oil train
23:44:45 <NGC3982> Current balance: 1.270.000
23:44:46 <Eddi|zuHause> inflation?
23:44:46 <NGC3982> :(
23:44:49 <NGC3982> Hueg.
23:45:07 <NGC3982> But it will work itself out
23:45:14 <NGC3982> In a ten year period or something
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