IRC logs for #openttd on OFTC at 2011-05-06
00:15:20 *** Brianetta has quit IRC
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06:59:45 <Terkhen> good morning
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07:01:46 <planetmaker> moin
07:03:38 <__ln__> @seen morning
07:03:39 <DorpsGek> __ln__: I have not seen morning.
07:04:00 <ChoHag_> Did you open the curtains?
07:05:56 <__ln__> heureka
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07:17:18 <ChoHag_> :q
07:18:18 <peter1138> hurr
07:21:15 <ChoHag_> Can cargodist load old (generic 1.0) games?
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07:24:04 <Terkhen> it should be, try it
07:24:17 <ChoHag_> Did. Segfault.
07:24:43 <ChoHag_> I wondered if that was basically expected or not.
07:28:47 <Terkhen> segfaults should never be expected
07:29:25 <ChoHag_> Well no, more a case of "I haven't worked on the importing old games code yet. Expect bugs."
07:32:16 *** Progman has joined #openttd
07:32:49 <Terkhen> if that is the case, you will find that information in the patch thread
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07:45:58 <dihedral> good morning ladies
07:46:30 <planetmaker> moin dihedral
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07:47:36 <planetmaker> *prod* *prod*, there's some berries which need some dusting before they can be consumed with even greater joy ;-)
07:47:54 <dihedral> yumm yumm :-D
07:47:58 <dihedral> i know :-(
07:48:10 <dihedral> and they are not forgotten :-P
07:48:19 <dihedral> nor is the grape not forgotten
07:49:03 <planetmaker> :-)
07:52:43 *** Absurd-Mind has joined #openttd
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08:17:52 *** Wolf01 has joined #openttd
08:18:44 <Wolf01> hello
08:19:12 <Terkhen> hi Wolf01
08:20:19 *** Brianetta has joined #openttd
08:31:09 <__ln__>!/mikkohypponen/status/66402143325794304
08:36:10 <dihedral> :-D
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09:51:08 <peter1138> is there a premade web interface for openttd servers? ;)
09:51:40 <peter1138> not configuration, but status, etc
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10:22:23 <planetmaker> peter1138, there's dih's ottdlib
10:22:59 <peter1138> is it fully usable without developing stuff?
10:27:46 <dihedral> ....
10:27:48 <dihedral> yes
10:28:15 <dihedral> you want stats over a certain server?
10:32:50 <peter1138> yar
10:33:05 <peter1138> Showing results for stdlib. Search instead for ottdlib
10:33:08 <peter1138> bloody google
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10:34:38 <planetmaker> maybe openttdlib is the better search term
10:35:10 <planetmaker> <-- seems like ;-)
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10:35:30 <dihedral> peter1138, either on ohloh,, or
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10:49:55 <peter1138> gah, stupid server's dishing out the php :p
10:54:38 <peter1138> Fatal error: Class 'OpenTTDLibCache' not found in /home/openttd/public_html/includes/OpenTTDLib.php on line 331
10:54:42 <peter1138> hurr
10:55:02 *** Eddi|zuHause2 is now known as Eddi|zuHause
10:55:09 <Eddi|zuHause> so much for "out of the box" :p
10:55:44 <peter1138> Fatal error: Cannot use object of type stdClass as array in /home/openttd/public_html/index.php on line 30
10:56:46 *** DayDreamer has joined #openttd
10:58:02 <Rubidium> might Debian's PHP be too new for ottdlib? :)
10:58:19 <peter1138> 5.3.3
11:00:45 <peter1138> yeah, $info['name'] fails
11:00:48 <peter1138> $info->name works
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11:20:21 * peter1138 mumbles about the lack of progress bar during game join
11:28:11 <Rubidium> then either the saving is too slow or your connection is too fast
11:28:30 <Rubidium> as it's definitely there
11:28:51 <Rubidium> only it'll only be shown for downloads when it knowns the final size of the to be downloaded file
11:29:25 <Rubidium> which the server will only know after it has compressed the whole thing, but it might already pushed out 90% of the compressed savegame at that time
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11:32:26 *** George|2 has joined #openttd
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11:32:52 <peter1138> yeah, it's a 2048x2048 map
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11:35:07 <planetmaker> uh... who plays that big maps?
11:35:29 <Markk> o/
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11:38:47 <peter1138> my server atm :p
11:40:22 <Terkhen> they are fun as long as you don't plan on connecting everything :P
11:41:05 <peter1138> it's a scenario, with lots of wide open spaces, not lots of towns randomly placed
11:45:04 <Terkhen> yes, when I play on big maps I'm usually playing scenarios like that
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13:06:59 <Belugas> hello
13:07:05 <Belugas> IT'S FRIDAY!!
13:07:05 <peter1138> hi hi
13:07:17 <Markk> *stab*
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13:07:28 <Belugas> hi sir Nelson :)
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13:28:54 <Alberth> hi
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13:42:01 <dihedral> peter1138, i'll host it for you if you want it :-P
13:50:23 <Chris_Booth_> peter1138: I also have serverspace on my ubuntu server at the moment
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15:11:50 <Belugas> mmh... noise from under the desk. cpu fan is buzzing
15:11:58 <Belugas> i'm not thrilled about that
15:12:02 <Belugas> so...
15:12:08 * Belugas puts on his headphones
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15:16:33 <Prof_Frink> Belugas: Percussive maintenance?
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15:16:43 <peter1138> i did that once
15:16:46 <peter1138> it killed the harddrive
15:17:42 <Belugas> Prof_Frink, i will not hire you, for sure :)
15:18:17 <Belugas> peter1138, i'm sure you did not told him about the cause of the death of that HD :)
15:18:30 <peter1138> quite :)
15:20:09 <Prof_Frink> Belugas: *Careful* percussive maintenance.
15:24:48 <Belugas> I'd rather go along Bob Dylan
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15:25:19 <Belugas> although that is leading to dusty situation
15:25:40 <Belugas> ho boy... from Bob Dylan, I'm heading to Kansas hehehe
15:26:08 <Belugas> #The answer my friend is blowing in the wind
15:26:14 <Belugas> #All we are is dust in the wind
15:26:37 * Belugas slurps coffee again
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15:27:31 <Alberth> make sure you do that with the wind blowing from behind you :)
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15:28:20 <planetmaker> hm.. sand-blasted? ;-)
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15:47:29 <Belugas> yeah :) like... Tea in Sahara
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16:23:14 <ragnar76> hi all
16:23:55 <planetmaker> hi
16:24:51 <ragnar76> got a little prob with openttd 1.04 on debian
16:25:02 <planetmaker> update to 1.1.0 ;-)
16:25:32 <ragnar76> from tome to time the ki debug comes up and complains me about roads denied to other players and no vehicles
16:26:16 <planetmaker> you can't destruct roads from other players, if that's your question
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16:26:45 <planetmaker> or is it an AI which has troubles?
16:27:03 <ragnar76> nope, any other player cannot "my" roads i have build and they can not buy any vehicles
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16:27:15 <planetmaker> but you can?
16:27:34 <ragnar76> yes
16:28:16 <planetmaker> And how does it show that they cannot buy any vehicles?
16:28:24 <planetmaker> Or do they just not buy any vehicles?
16:28:36 <planetmaker> Do you have a savegame?
16:28:46 <ragnar76> from time to time the ki debug windo comes up and tells me
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16:30:15 <ragnar76> something like this: game saved trying to build new service: $from to $to No Vehicle available!
16:30:28 <planetmaker> Oh. That's ok.
16:30:36 <planetmaker> It's just a talkative AI, I think
16:31:06 <ragnar76> sorry, brb. eating
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16:47:59 <Alberth> maybe it is trying to buy vehicles from a rail type where all vehicles have expired? (eg normal rail in 20x0 or so)
16:48:26 <planetmaker> or too early
16:48:41 <planetmaker> and none (yet) available
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16:53:38 <ragnar76> back
16:56:22 <ragnar76> i don't play it that log. i love it to place the rails in a 64x64 map. not much space hard to place the rails without crossing
17:03:10 <planetmaker> [18:28] planetmaker Do you have a savegame?
17:03:45 <ragnar76> me? only the autosave
17:03:46 <planetmaker> or you can continue to wonder, talk generally about your game, give no detail about the AI used or the game date
17:03:57 <planetmaker> nor the newgrfs used
17:04:32 <planetmaker> well, I certainly don't have that savegame, and you obviously wonder about it. Who else should have it?
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17:08:44 <ragnar76> wel, it's just the debian installation. no extensions and no changes in the prefs made
17:10:28 <planetmaker> right. I guess I give up
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17:12:41 <Alberth> evenink
17:13:41 <planetmaker> hello Alberth & quak frosch123 :-)
17:15:03 <frosch123> moin :)
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17:26:43 <ChoHag_> Are there stations with a specific style for unloading things other than minerals?
17:27:58 <planetmaker> ChoHag_: industrial stations renewal has lots
17:28:01 <Terkhen> depends on what station set you are talking about
17:28:09 <ChoHag_> Oh is there more than one>
17:28:24 <ChoHag_> Can they be switched around without crashing>
17:28:34 * ChoHag_ finds the ? again
17:28:42 <Terkhen> expect crashes and problems if you change any newgrfs
17:28:57 <planetmaker> ChoHag_: You can overbuild stations
17:29:27 <ChoHag_> But that's just a gfx mod? Presumably if I switch station grfs I'm just likely to get some weird stations at first, right?
17:29:56 <Alberth> you presumed wrong
17:30:11 <ChoHag_> Present tense.
17:30:28 <planetmaker> "just" add additional station grfs. Though... yes, changing grfs on a running game can rarely be recommended
17:30:30 <Alberth> it is an extension to the game, and also has its own behavior
17:30:30 <ChoHag_> Industrial stations renewal is the one I'm using. I can only see a specific unloader station for minerals.
17:30:58 <planetmaker> well, there's one mineral unloader, yes
17:32:23 <ChoHag_> Take logging for example, I have a station for loading logs, which fills up with raw logs when it's waiting for a train, but all the log-specific stations do no good for unloading at a sawmill because they're never stock up with logs.
17:33:08 <planetmaker> ChoHag_: you could (additionally) try CHIPS
17:33:27 <Terkhen> stations where you unload never show up cargo sprites IIRC
17:34:36 <ChoHag_> Hmm you're not allowed to add grf to a running game any more.
17:35:43 <planetmaker> that's right
17:36:15 <planetmaker> and yes, on unloading stations never cargo shows, that's right, so CHIPS is not that usuable there
17:36:34 <V453000> CHIPS shows logs
17:36:55 <V453000> afaik it can show logs, coal or goods
17:37:10 <V453000> maybe something else but I am sure about these 3
17:38:21 <Alberth> Terkhen: feeder stations?
17:38:27 <planetmaker> the good thing is, that it does that dynamically
17:38:34 <planetmaker> one tile fits all :-)
17:38:45 <Alberth> nice :)
17:38:49 <Terkhen> cargo probably shows up in feeder station, but not in those where you unload the cargo to an industry
17:38:59 <Terkhen> oh, that's cool :)
17:40:41 <ChoHag_> Oh well I'll live.
17:40:46 <ChoHag_> It's only cosmetic anyway.
17:42:21 <planetmaker> ChoHag_: what I do: I have a preset of NewGRFs which I always use; that includes all station NewGRFs I like
17:42:33 <ChoHag_> Yeah me too.
17:42:39 <planetmaker> Prior to starting a game I select that and then add the game-specific newgrfs
17:42:42 <planetmaker> ok :-)
17:42:55 <ChoHag_> I was trying to make my set prettier.
17:45:39 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: translators * r22427 /trunk/src/lang/ (belarusian.txt catalan.txt croatian.txt):
17:45:39 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: -Update from WebTranslator v3.0:
17:45:39 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: belarusian - 3 changes by KorneySan, Wowanxm
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18:27:35 <ChoHag_> What's a good figure to add to travel time?
18:27:40 <ChoHag_> I usually do about 10%.
18:28:00 <Alberth> 8 it's a nice roundly-shaped number
18:28:27 <Alberth> s/number/figure/
18:28:33 <ChoHag_> Regardless of how long it is prior?
18:28:47 <planetmaker> I like 9. It's square. You can use it in reverse, then it's 6 and 69 is not that bad either
18:28:52 <ChoHag_> Or do you just like the look fo the glyph?
18:32:12 <Alberth> ChoHag_: what do you mean 'add to travel time' ?
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18:32:32 <Alberth> he andy!
18:32:41 <Rubidium> what's with andy?
18:32:45 <ChoHag_> When the timetable autofills, the travel time between each station is too optimistic.
18:32:51 <andythenorth> gnineve
18:33:11 <ChoHag_> I usually set the waiting time to 2 days and bump up the travel time to allow room to make up for breakdowns etc.
18:33:43 <ChoHag_> But I usually just leave them alone and I'd like to make a greater effort this time to have them spread out correctly.
18:33:44 <Alberth> I don't bother with time tables, breakdowns break them too badly
18:33:56 <andythenorth> Alberth: how else do you schedule yacd?
18:33:58 <andythenorth> for PAC
18:33:59 <andythenorth> PAX /s
18:34:06 <Terkhen> hi andythenorth
18:34:12 <andythenorth> hi hi
18:34:19 <Terkhen> I still don't know the uses of timetables
18:34:45 <andythenorth> Terkhen: how are you setting vehicle load orders for PAX with YACD?
18:34:49 <Alberth> andythenorth: I have not been successful in transporting passengers with yacd. I go bankrupt all the time
18:35:08 <andythenorth> it's easy-peasy
18:35:14 <andythenorth> :P
18:35:15 <Terkhen> always normal orders
18:35:15 * Alberth just states 'visit this station'
18:35:54 <andythenorth> Alberth: that works for high passenger numbers, but if there are low numbers waiting, your vehicle will lose money
18:36:10 <andythenorth> especially if there are variable running costs (e.g. NARS 2)
18:36:16 <andythenorth> you need to wait n days
18:36:30 <andythenorth> that might also help the station rating, or that might be voodoo
18:36:33 <Alberth> ah, must try that :)
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18:36:36 <andythenorth> I hate station rating algorithm
18:36:47 <andythenorth> Alberth: if you do, write a patch for default 'wait' value
18:36:48 <andythenorth> :P
18:36:51 <andythenorth> it's very boring
18:36:53 <Terkhen> I'm always losing money, yes
18:36:58 <andythenorth> go to A, wait 1 day
18:37:01 <andythenorth> loads of boring clicks
18:37:07 <Terkhen> with small links I do not bother, I just set an excessive number of vehicles
18:37:33 <Terkhen> the big links tend to regulate themselves, I sometimes set full load at one of the stations
18:37:36 <andythenorth> a % full order would have similar result money-wise
18:37:40 <Eddi|zuHause> <andythenorth> Alberth: if you do, write a patch for default 'wait' value <-- one of the timetable patches has that
18:37:52 <ChoHag_> %-full would be nice.
18:37:57 <andythenorth> % full order seems to be a bit invisible
18:38:03 <Eddi|zuHause> ctrl+click on "set time", and it sets the time for all stations
18:38:24 * Alberth wants a patch that can handle break downs
18:38:30 <andythenorth> what would it do?
18:39:01 <Alberth> spread out vehicles evenly?
18:39:36 <andythenorth> an AI that clicks stop/start? :P
18:40:17 <Eddi|zuHause> each travel order should have two times: one "enforced" time, and one "buffer" time
18:40:41 * andythenorth ponders
18:40:53 <andythenorth> articulated ships -> no no no?
18:42:14 <andythenorth> actually what I pondered was trucks with n invisible trailing vehicles
18:42:14 <planetmaker> not no no
18:42:25 <andythenorth> so that 1 truck could carry n cargos
18:42:37 <andythenorth> but that reminded me of the ship problem
18:42:59 <Alberth> ships get tricky due to their size?
18:43:00 <andythenorth> hmm
18:43:11 * andythenorth has just thought of an alternative to rv-wagons
18:43:18 <andythenorth> if I give an RV n trailing vehicles
18:43:26 <andythenorth> and introduce a cargo subtype (invisible)
18:43:34 <andythenorth> players can refit a truck to n trailers
18:43:37 <andythenorth> same for trams
18:43:58 <Eddi|zuHause> but you can't refit individual trailers, only the whole vehicle
18:44:06 <planetmaker> but you still couldn't refit it to various cargos
18:44:16 <andythenorth> was that not patched for?
18:44:23 * andythenorth tests
18:44:35 <Eddi|zuHause> that feature was removed again
18:44:50 <Alberth> a unfeature :p
18:44:59 <andythenorth> oh
18:45:01 <andythenorth> ho hum
18:45:16 <andythenorth> what you should actually have said is "that's a stupid crappy hack you're proposing"
18:45:21 <andythenorth> and "be patient" :P
18:46:02 <andythenorth> hmm
18:46:06 <Alberth> we prefer to wait until the patient himself reaches that conclusion, it is better for the healing process :)
18:46:20 * andythenorth browses forum
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18:46:44 <andythenorth> *does* it make sense to have a bit of both yacd and cargodist in the same game?
18:46:53 <andythenorth> perhaps if you're smoking crack
18:46:55 <Rubidium> yes
18:47:18 <Rubidium> I'd model pax with dest and tourists with dist
18:47:19 <andythenorth> yes, Rubidium is smoking crack?
18:47:27 <andythenorth> oh I see
18:48:11 <Rubidium> as tourists generally go somewhere they can go, whereas pax don't go with "public transport" if they can't reach their destination
18:48:17 <andythenorth> Rubidium: so it makes sense when limited by cargo type?
18:49:28 <Rubidium> yep. Whether we'd want it to happen is something else
18:50:13 <andythenorth> does it make sense when both mechanisms apply to same cargo?
18:50:57 <Rubidium> it'd model reality better, but it'd probably be an implementation nightmare
18:51:55 <Eddi|zuHause> fonso said he'd already have an implementation for cargodist-like destinations on top of yacdest in his branch
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18:58:21 * andythenorth is suddenly a milk tycoon
19:01:40 <Eddi|zuHause> andythenorth: btw, have you seen my patch yet?
19:02:41 <andythenorth> I saw the ticket, haven't tested yet
19:04:48 <michi_cc> Any YACD bug report out there which I forgot and haven't said anything about a fix yet?
19:05:37 <Eddi|zuHause> michi_cc: handling of industries with lots of destinations but very low output needs some improvement
19:06:32 <andythenorth> michi_cc: not bug reports, but game balance feedback...
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19:07:25 <Eddi|zuHause> michi_cc: and enforcing each industry have at least two incoming sources
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19:08:12 <michi_cc> 1.2 will split a cargo packet over 5 units into two chunks and over 50 into four chunks, that seems to help. (For FIRS supplies lower limits might be even better, but I don't want to span too many cargo packets.)
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19:09:24 <michi_cc> I'm not sure if two incoming sources are such a good idea, as it will cause many links from supply industries if there are only a few of them.
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19:15:35 <andythenorth> michi_cc: industries requiring multiple input cargos is a hard problem
19:16:19 <andythenorth> I thought maybe industry sets should change to support YACD
19:16:43 <michi_cc> Would probably need NewGRF extensions though, as NewGRFs can do almost anything in the production callback.
19:17:09 <andythenorth> currently FIRS is partially broken by YACD
19:17:10 <Yexo> it'd probably require the same information that AIs are currently missing
19:17:35 <andythenorth> I don't see how YACD can (or should) support FIRS, but I seemed to be arguing against general view
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19:27:45 <planetmaker> andythenorth: for the same reason as many e.g. also the more height level patch needs to support it: a new patch must not break perfect valid NewGRF
19:28:16 <andythenorth> I was thinking about it. I guess I have a different take on it
19:28:18 <planetmaker> this game builds on maintaining backward compatibility. Not by all means. But making an honest effort to do so
19:28:43 <andythenorth> brb
19:28:57 <planetmaker> without this, we couldn't expect people to take it seriously, if they can't rely on that
19:32:30 <Eddi|zuHause> who is the responsible administrator for i get "internal error" every time i post a comment
19:33:59 <andythenorth> I don't argue against backward compatibility
19:34:16 <andythenorth> but changing the economy is quite substantial
19:34:21 <planetmaker> any particular issue / bug you try to comment?
19:34:31 <andythenorth> an industry set tailored to one economy might just not work with another economy
19:34:44 <Eddi|zuHause> planetmaker: <-- the comment gets through, though
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19:34:57 <andythenorth> if you force the economy to be static to support existing sets, then it can't be changed :o
19:36:55 <andythenorth> in the case of FIRS, in default economy it tries to encourage / enforce certain cargo delivery choices by player
19:37:07 <andythenorth> but in YACD, player can't make those choices, YACD makes them
19:37:10 <andythenorth> who should change?
19:38:03 <Eddi|zuHause> YACDest should change
19:40:54 <andythenorth> I don't see how it can
19:41:03 <andythenorth> but maybe I miss an option
19:41:18 <andythenorth> so we tell it:
19:41:36 <andythenorth> (a) please ensure that cargo amounts to each destination aren't small
19:41:52 <andythenorth> (b) please ensure that every industry that requires n cargos gets a delivery of n cargos
19:42:00 <andythenorth> square != circle
19:43:00 <andythenorth> unless we have cargo 'loaves' and cargo 'fishes', for those who had that parable on regular-repeat in school
19:49:01 <Eddi|zuHause> what?
19:51:55 <andythenorth> there is one problem discussed with YACD: make sure the cargo amounts to each destination are enough to make money
19:52:12 <andythenorth> and the other problem: make sure industries with multiple input cargos get supplied
19:52:20 <andythenorth> I can't see how to reconcile those goals
19:52:28 <Eddi|zuHause> but: the supplies are not supposed to make money, they are supposed to increase your economy
19:52:41 <andythenorth> ah
19:52:50 <andythenorth> this wasn't about supplies specifically ;)
19:53:12 <Eddi|zuHause> but my actual question was: what parable?
19:53:21 <andythenorth> feeding the 40 thousand ;)
19:53:33 <Eddi|zuHause> don't think i heard that one
19:53:53 <andythenorth> five thousand /s
19:54:01 * andythenorth did not pay much attention to school
19:54:25 <andythenorth>
19:55:03 <michi_cc> Anything else for YACD I missed or forgot?
19:56:23 * andythenorth would like a newgrf cb or action 0 to specify whether YACD applies to a cargo
19:56:26 <andythenorth> but that's a bit premature
19:56:48 <andythenorth> and might be un-needed
20:01:22 <andythenorth> michi_cc: I have one query
20:01:51 <andythenorth> I have an industry producing food with 7 possible destinations shown
20:02:08 <andythenorth> for any given delivery, nearly all production seems to go to 1 of the 7
20:02:42 <andythenorth> which destination is chosen seems to be on a random or (round-robin?) basis
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20:03:50 <andythenorth> only one of the destinations has a valid route to it
20:04:02 <andythenorth> I though YACD would favour the destination with a link?
20:04:12 <planetmaker> why should it?
20:04:14 <michi_cc> It's a weighted random, where the weight is determined by waiting cargo at the destination and production of the destination. So if you only actively service one industry, that one likely has a higher weight.
20:04:33 <planetmaker> hm... :-)
20:04:55 <michi_cc> Whereas service here does not mean transport from that specific source to the destination, just production in general.
20:05:29 <andythenorth> michi_cc: in this case the destination is a black-hole industry
20:05:36 <andythenorth> i.e. accept-only
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20:06:22 <michi_cc> Nevertheless, 1.2 should distribute the cargo of industries better.
20:07:43 <michi_cc> Black-hole industry is actually penalized unless it falls into the "nearby industry" bucket.
20:07:53 <andythenorth> I can see why
20:08:26 <andythenorth> although it's another problem for FIRS - which relies on industries as destinations for town cargos
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20:08:56 <michi_cc> If there are only black-hole industries the penalty doesn't matter.
20:08:58 <andythenorth> although in that case all the destinations are black hole, so maybe the penalty has no net effect
20:09:23 <michi_cc> Only the relative weight is important, not the absolute value.
20:10:00 <andythenorth> makes sense
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20:32:45 <michi_cc> Eddi|zuHause:
20:33:34 <Eddi|zuHause> interesting. but throughput isn't the most important value to spot bottlenecks
20:35:31 <michi_cc> Line width is based on cargo waiting on that link.
20:36:49 <Eddi|zuHause> CargoDist also has a main-viewport-overlay
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20:37:48 <Eddi|zuHause> michi_cc: but e.g. the ship link has fairly wide line, but no capacity problem at all
20:38:30 <Terkhen> it would be useful to show the amount of cargo that wants to go to a certain location, regardless of it is being transported or not
20:38:54 <andythenorth> stacked bars, by colour?
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20:39:22 <Eddi|zuHause> andythenorth: cargodist had that, but it's obstructing the minimap-view too much
20:39:40 <andythenorth> put it on the real map :P
20:40:27 <Terkhen> IIRC cargodist was trying that too
20:41:05 <Eddi|zuHause> the problem is that YACDest probably does not have as much link-statistics available as CargoDist
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20:44:11 <Eddi|zuHause> the source-destination map may be interesting, not only the link map
20:44:21 <Eddi|zuHause> especially to find unconnected industries
20:45:23 <Terkhen> or good towns to add to your network
20:45:32 <andythenorth> source-destination would be most helpful
20:46:59 * andythenorth resolves to fly lumber and steel everywhere :)
20:47:11 <andythenorth> as YACD is picking destinations 400 tiles away :P
20:47:29 <andythenorth> or I could flatten the delay penalties for cargo in FIRS :)
20:48:57 <Eddi|zuHause> there's another road-vehicle-spacing bug outside the scope of HEQS
20:49:18 <Eddi|zuHause> the collision detection seems to always check the full bounding box, ignoring shortened vehicles
20:50:07 <Rubidium> yeah... lovely, ain't it?
20:50:23 <Rubidium> but really fixing that breaks way more :(
20:50:23 <Eddi|zuHause> so my HEQS patch helps a little, but not completely
20:50:53 <andythenorth> ho
20:51:11 * andythenorth tries running large trains, with many mixed cargos
20:51:15 <andythenorth> from one side of map to other
20:52:06 <Eddi|zuHause> Rubidium: what exactly breaks there?
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20:57:10 <andythenorth> bed times
20:57:12 <andythenorth> good night
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20:57:14 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: michi_cc * r22428 /trunk/src/smallmap_gui.cpp: -Codechange: Reduce code duplication in the smallmap legend.
21:02:44 <Rubidium> Eddi|zuHause: changing bounding boxes -> changing the center of vehicles -> changing the moment they turn / changing the offset at which they are drawn -> big mess
21:04:22 <Eddi|zuHause> Rubidium: yes, but a) that also solves lots of things, and b) what about just changing the collision detection, not the bounding box?
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21:13:43 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: frosch * r22429 /trunk/src/ (21 files in 4 dirs): -Add: some constants for specific palette colours used in the GUI.
21:14:25 <compi> somebody know why i can't connect to a server? everytime when i connect i can see Autorisieren... and then i see the start screen
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21:16:52 <Rubidium> Eddi|zuHause: collision detection works from the center of the objects
21:17:17 <Zuu> compi: are you on wireless?
21:17:24 <compi> yep
21:17:31 <Zuu> could be high packet loss.
21:17:45 <compi> oh ok i test it with my cable
21:17:48 <compi> thx for the advice
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21:19:13 <compsport> Zuu: same problem
21:19:36 <Zuu> router/firewall problem?
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21:19:54 <compsport> My buddy is also in my network and he is on the server
21:21:01 <Zuu> Does not technically say anything regarding if the problem lays in your firewall.
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21:21:13 <Zuu> Though, it could be pretty much anything.
21:22:01 <compsport> last week i played from the same place on the same server
21:22:03 <compsport> damn
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21:34:21 <marius> Evening, trying to setup aan OTTD server for me and some friends but keep hitting the "Failed to find raphics set" error when I try running it (it's supposed to run on a non-GUI debian 6.0 server)
21:34:51 <Wolf03> you need the data files too
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21:35:54 <marius> I see, where would one obtain said data files, they werne't mentioned in the install wiki page
21:36:07 <Rubidium> they're mentioned in the readme
21:36:23 <Eddi|zuHause> the download page has links to opengfx etc.
21:36:54 <marius> Aha, those! Thanks =)
21:36:58 <Wolf03> or just use the client's ones
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21:38:56 <marius> Do I need all 3 (GFX, SFX and MSX), or jsut the GFX one?
21:40:34 <Eddi|zuHause> only GFX is essential
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21:41:29 <marius> ALl right, thank you very much
21:42:31 <Terkhen> good night
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22:00:51 <supermop> any germans on?
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22:04:03 <yorick> supermop: Eddi|zuHause
22:04:14 <yorick> (he's always on)
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22:09:08 <ChoHag_> I have a little village here with 73% of the population waiting for a bus.
22:11:18 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: frosch * r22430 /trunk/src/table/ (build_industry.h cargo_const.h): -Fix: COAL, RUBR, SUGR and the coalmine used windows palette colours in smallmap/legends etc..
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22:17:55 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: michi_cc * r22431 /trunk/src/network/core/tcp_content.cpp: -Fix (r22399): NETWORK_RECV_STATUS_MALFORMED_PACKET != false.
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22:51:08 <Eddi|zuHause> in roadveh_cmd.cpp:1091: v->cur_speed = u->First()->cur_speed; <-- shouldn't that be min(v, u)?
22:53:05 <Eddi|zuHause> (same thing repeated in 1202)
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23:16:37 <ccfreak2k> Why would it be?
23:21:30 <Wolf03> 'night
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23:32:08 <Zuu> Hmm, it seems there is no (legal) free compiler to compile OpenTTDAU.
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23:33:09 <Zuu> Unless you have Turbo Delphi 2006 installed since before they took down that free version.
23:42:43 <Chris_Booth> Zuu yes I see that issue. I have been looking for a torrent to Turbo Delphi 2006, but with no luck
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23:43:02 <Chris_Booth> there is a free trail offered but not sure what they are going to cut out of that version
23:43:06 <frosch123> did you try porting to lazarus?
23:43:19 <Zuu> I did try downloading lazarus and compiling with it.
23:43:30 <Zuu> However it complained on my procedures within records.
23:43:42 <Zuu> A feature that was added around year 2005 or so.
23:43:42 <frosch123> delphi is dead, no use in trying to find some old version
23:44:08 <frosch123> procedures within records?
23:44:08 <Zuu> Embarcadero still develops Delphi.
23:44:15 <frosch123> just replace "record" with "object" ?
23:44:35 <Zuu> Records and Classes uses totaly different memory allocation method.
23:44:49 <frosch123> class allocate memory, objects do not
23:44:55 <Zuu> Records are assigned by value, while classes are assigned by reference.
23:44:58 <frosch123> what are records with procedures then?
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23:45:18 <frosch123> yes exactly, that is the difference between "object" and "class"
23:45:30 <frosch123> at least that was the difference up to delphi 5
23:46:00 <frosch123> did they remove "object" and reintroduce it as "record"-feature? :p
23:46:07 <Zuu> possible
23:46:21 <Zuu> I haven't used Delphi 5.
23:46:26 <Zuu> Or anything older.
23:46:44 <Zuu> My first contact with Delphi was in 2007.
23:46:47 <frosch123> ok, explains why you do not consider delphi "dead" :p
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23:47:20 <Zuu> Hehe :-)
23:48:02 <frosch123> from my pov dephi was best around 5, turned into a mess around 7 (also due to kylix), and was totally ususable after 7
23:48:32 <frosch123> :p
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23:49:02 <frosch123> anyway, since lazarus follows dephi 2&5, i would just try to replace "record" with "object"
23:49:29 <Chris_Booth> maybe I will look at making a C# or C++ clone of ottdau 2
23:49:52 <frosch123> yup, moving to a different language is the other alternative :p
23:50:03 <frosch123> but don't tell belugas :)
23:50:09 <Zuu> hehe :-p
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23:55:18 <Zuu> Chris_Booth: As far as the 2009/2010/2011 or whatever the last Delphi version is can compile the code, I think the 30 day trial will work.
23:55:57 <Chris_Booth> lol nice I get the same message twice I assume Zuu?
23:55:59 <Zuu> I have heard though that there is a problem when you have a very recent Delphi version that uses Unicode strings to make it read/write binary files produced by older Delphi programs.
23:56:26 <Zuu> twice?