IRC logs for #openttd on OFTC at 2011-02-21
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03:26:08 *** rhaeder1 has joined #openttd
04:29:13 *** Kurimus has joined #openttd
04:32:10 *** supermop has joined #openttd
05:56:18 *** Eddi|zuHause has joined #openttd
06:43:50 <Lapsus> Can anyone point me in the right direction as to getting newGRFs working on a shell-only dedicated server? I'm apparently incompetent. Using 1.1.0-RC1
06:45:37 <Lapsus> So far I've gotten the GRFs onto the machine, and have openTTD running a vanilla dedicated server.
07:01:21 <Lapsus> Anyone? How can I get GRFs onto a dedicated server?
07:01:55 *** Br33z4hSlut5 has joined #openttd
07:03:55 *** DayDreamer has joined #openttd
07:04:57 <Lapsus> All I can find on the forums is a thread that mentions that downloading newGRFs through bananas is possible from the console, but it doesn't mention how. ./openttd -h doesn't mention anything about it either.
07:11:19 *** amkoroew has joined #openttd
07:26:13 *** Cybertinus has joined #openttd
07:34:20 <Zuu> Hehe a "Chris_Sawyer" has posted to the forums :-p
07:36:32 *** dnicholls has joined #openttd
07:53:17 *** DoubleYou has joined #openttd
07:57:10 <planetmaker> hehe, yeah, saw that :-P
08:02:04 * planetmaker wonders what kind of test balloon this Chris_Sawyer instance in the forum might be
08:02:46 <planetmaker> It would probably be fun to do that as part of a BA or BSc in social sciences or psychology
08:03:11 <Terkhen> I have still not seen the post but I doubt it's something as elaborate as that :)
08:07:13 <Eddi|zuHause> is there any possibility to even remotely check the validity of the poster?
08:07:34 <planetmaker> I wonder that, too. I don't see more than you, though, either
08:10:07 <Terkhen> quite far from Chris Sawyer's home
08:11:23 <krinn> heu, for the ones who it's morning
08:12:00 <Eddi|zuHause> Yexo: at least that explains the time it was posted ;)
08:14:19 *** fonsinchen has joined #openttd
08:24:06 <Terkhen> someone already believed him
08:29:28 <krinn> if i was sawyer going on a TT forum, i would have post TT image, not roller coaster ones
08:44:35 *** Dreamxtreme has joined #openttd
08:48:18 <Eddi|zuHause> cool... "a random name at a freemailer" is now "real enough"? :p
08:52:26 <krinn> well, it's his real email
08:52:39 <krinn> don't you trust mine ? ?
09:04:31 <Eddi|zuHause> google doesn't find any instances of this email
09:04:58 <krinn> well, you don't really have to google for that :)
09:05:21 <krinn> if you need an email to stop spam, it's easy : will do it
09:05:23 <Eddi|zuHause> not this one... that one in the post :p
09:06:15 <krinn> why whould he take time to create an email when he just have to set a stupid/invalid email for that
09:06:50 <Eddi|zuHause> i don't understand the question
09:07:45 <krinn> well, you want to check the email is valid looking up in google
09:08:35 <krinn> and i'm trying to tell you, that's not need as the email show itself it's not
09:09:08 <krinn> say your email is, if you post on a forum and don't want get spam
09:09:19 <krinn> you'll post or anything
09:09:37 <krinn> or your real but modify as
09:10:23 <krinn> so users should check eddi(remove -nospam), but anyway the one you told them is invalid
09:11:02 *** HerzogDeXtEr1 has joined #openttd
09:12:08 <Eddi|zuHause> i understand what you are saying, but not what you mean...
09:12:29 <Eddi|zuHause> it's like you're talking about something completely different
09:13:20 <krinn> maybe, i saw something like that
09:14:36 <krinn> that's the email i see
09:16:39 <krinn> i should have learn better english at school sorry :)
09:18:32 <peter1138> "email account seem real enough" haha
09:18:53 <asilv> i'm tempted to register as barack_obama with hotmail address and post to that thread
09:19:39 <planetmaker> that's boring. Rather choose the dalai lama or the pope
09:19:56 <krinn> don't pickup God@hotmail i reserved it for me !
09:20:37 <JamesG> Doesn't the forum check that email addresses are valid?
09:20:56 <krinn> at creation like all forum, you can then modify it as you wish i think
09:24:37 *** tokai|noir has joined #openttd
09:31:22 <JamesG> Where would someone get the development pictures though?
09:34:01 <planetmaker> see the link I posted
09:34:13 <planetmaker> it's up for years
09:35:04 <Yexo> planetmaker: the link you posted was to the new topic, or did I miss it?
09:36:00 <asilv> there is another thread at off topic
09:40:05 <planetmaker> Yexo, I posted a link in the topic "where's chris sawyer" (or similar name)
10:11:04 *** roboboy has joined #openttd
10:11:24 *** JVassie has joined #openttd
10:17:07 <krinn> is there a way to grab easy an item number from an AIList() like list.GetValue() but for the item not its value ?
10:19:11 <Yexo> what do you mean? Get an item that has a specific value?
10:22:05 <krinn> if i wish grab item #3 from an AIList
10:22:35 <krinn> now i must 1/ removetop + keepbottom for taht 2/ loop until i reach 3
10:23:00 <krinn> i wonder if there is a simple way to grab item #3 from an AIList
10:23:28 <Yexo> Begin(); Next(); Next(); is really the easiest way
10:24:48 <krinn> keeptop(item#) keepbottom(item#) is faster to write, but destructive
10:25:06 <Yexo> if you need that often, maybe you shouldn't be using an AIList
10:25:45 <krinn> well, it's because i use a lot the uniq key+easy valuator
10:31:08 <krinn> AIAbstractList.GetItem() should be a nice addition imo
10:31:41 <Yexo> there is no good way to implement that in the API without looping through the list
10:32:06 <Yexo> having such a function would make it look like an efficient way to get the Xth element of the list, while it's not efficient at all
10:32:38 <krinn> well, it will just do list.KeepTop(item#) list.KeepBottom(item#) ?
10:32:57 <krinn> and return then list.Begin()
10:33:22 <Yexo> just RemoveTop(item#) should be enough
10:34:12 <Yexo> but that wouldn't be an acceptable implementatino for GetItem(item#), since I wouldn't expect such a function to destroy the list
10:34:27 <Yexo> if you don't mind about that, you can still implement it in your own AI
10:34:36 <krinn> you don't have to destroy the list, as you only return the item#
10:34:58 <krinn> you copy it, destroy copy, return value
10:35:04 *** Vikthor has joined #openttd
10:35:12 <Yexo> AIList.GetItem <- function(item_no) { this.RemoveTop(item_no); return this.Begin(); }
10:35:23 <Yexo> try to insert that at the top of main.nut and try to see if it works
10:35:47 <Yexo> krinn: you know how inefficient copying a list is just to get a single item?
10:36:10 <krinn> yeah, but looping thru it is the same
10:36:21 <krinn> i think copy is faster than looping
10:36:44 <Yexo> a copy has to loop though the list and copy every value
10:37:00 <Yexo> to find a certain item you only have to loop until that item, no further, and you don't have to construct another list
10:38:04 <Eddi|zuHause> wait... raising a cow, feeding it, and getting it to the slaughterhouse is not easier than buing beef in the supermarket?
10:39:16 <krinn> well, if the GetItem do the loop -> i'll get one line function = goal reach
10:39:55 <Noldo> you know you can make functions of your own?
10:40:18 <krinn> yes, i'm not speaking for me now, i know the problem and the solve
10:40:22 <Eddi|zuHause> krinn: that was NOT the point that Yexo made
10:40:27 <krinn> it's just it would be nice for the api
10:40:51 <Yexo> there have been written several AIs, and you're the first to bring this up as far as I remember
10:41:11 <krinn> maybe i found another way to use AIList
10:41:26 <Yexo> maybe, and maybe you're using an AIList where you should use a squirrel array instead
10:41:54 <Noldo> random access and list are not friends
10:41:55 <krinn> agree with that, but using the AIList gave me the valuate and sort functions at hands
10:42:13 <Yexo> I think squirrel arrays also support sort
10:44:34 <krinn> looks: cargo=AICargoList(); rnd=AIBase.RandRange(cargo.Count()); item=cargo.GetItem(rnd); that kind of usage is what i do with AIList
10:45:24 <Yexo> just create a function GetRandomItem in squirrel and use that
10:45:40 <Yexo> all the tools for it are available, I see no reason to put it in the API
10:45:44 <krinn> i'm not using it for random purpose
10:46:24 <Yexo> so also create a GetItem function in squirrel.
10:46:47 <Yexo> the C++ code can't do it (much) more efficient than a function implemented in squirrel, so I see no reason to add it to the API
10:46:49 <krinn> i will do that, i can extend AIAbstractList() for that
10:47:20 <krinn> the only reason was for the api to offer that function as there's a usage
10:47:39 <Yexo> Mind that AIAbstractList was removed from the 1.1 API
10:47:55 <krinn> but ailist replace it no ?
10:48:10 <Yexo> but if you also want to use it for AICargoList you might need to extand AICargoList too
10:48:46 <krinn> isn't AIAbstractList the root of AICargoList ?
10:48:47 <Yexo> see the ai/compat_*.nut scripts to see how to add functions to existing classes
10:49:02 <Yexo> since 1.1 there is no AIAbstractList anymore
10:49:10 <Yexo> AIList is now the base class of AICargoList
10:49:37 <krinn> i read that i take care to only use AIList() (witch are now AIAbstractList with one or two more functions)
10:50:35 <krinn> but until 1.1 is out i think i couldn't extend AIList no?
10:51:01 <Yexo> I'm not sure, you might need to extend all AI*List subclasses for which you want to use your new function
10:51:08 <Yexo> again, see ai/compat_*.nut
10:51:29 <krinn> i'm sorry, where i see them?
10:52:20 <Yexo> openttd install directory/ai/
10:55:50 <krinn> thank you, but empty for me :P
10:56:07 <Yexo> you should still have compat_0.7.nut
10:56:41 <Yexo> that one shouldn't be empty
10:57:50 <krinn> it's not, but i see nothing about any list in here
10:58:33 <Yexo> you'll at least find information on how to extend a class
10:58:46 <Yexo> otherwise try updating to 1.1.0-RC1 and look again
10:59:08 <Yexo> download the zip file and extract that if you don't want to update your installation yet
10:59:39 <krinn> will do, i prefer kept that version under portage control
11:00:30 <krinn> but i think you already told me howto :p
11:00:49 <krinn> AIList.GetItem <- function(item_no) { this.RemoveTop(item_no); return this.Begin(); }
11:00:53 <Yexo> that was from memory without testing or even looking at those files myself
11:01:25 <krinn> looks ok for me, except destroying the list for now, i will of course change that
11:02:35 *** ZirconiumX has joined #openttd
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11:07:58 *** green-devil has joined #openttd
11:08:47 *** JOHN-SHEPARD has joined #openttd
11:13:33 <krinn> :) the new trunk AIList() is = AIAbstractList + AddItem & RemoveItem, eheh and we won't have a GetItem :)
11:28:53 *** KenjiE20 has joined #openttd
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11:48:18 <krinn> you're right Yexo i can extends AIList but this doesn't work for AICargoList :(
11:49:06 <krinn> class AIList extends ::AIList { function GetItem(item_um) { AILog.Info("test"); } } works only for AIList
11:50:24 <krinn> that's because AICargoList is not attach to AIAbstractList?
11:53:10 <Eddi|zuHause> i think you're approaching this the wrong way...
11:54:17 <krinn> that's more for general fix, i could still make a more general function GetItem(list, item_num)
11:55:17 <krinn> and this is what i will do, else i must extends AIAbstractList and this will made it incompatible with 1.1
12:05:40 *** DanMacK has joined #openttd
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12:41:45 *** Dreamxtreme has joined #openttd
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13:22:10 <krinn> how can i check a tile height ? to compare with a next tile to see they are at same height
13:29:58 <yorick> krinn: GetMinHeight/GetMaxHeight
13:30:26 <krinn> is it getmin=getmax then tile is flat ?
13:31:05 <yorick> but you can use GetSlope for that too
13:31:18 <krinn> i didn't really get the slope things
13:36:19 *** ar3k is now known as ar3kaw
13:47:58 <yorick> why doesn't the signal gui have hotkeys?
13:48:10 <yorick> a cycle signal type one would be enough
13:48:26 <planetmaker> reason: no one wrote a patch for that
13:48:59 <planetmaker> make one without default keys and it probably would be quite ok
13:55:08 <Eddi|zuHause> while you're at it, make a hotkey to toggle the convert button as well
13:58:17 <Terkhen> what should happen if one of those keys is set as a global hotkey?
14:00:00 <Eddi|zuHause> oh, and the cycle signal type should respect the advanced setting
14:11:57 <yorick> Terkhen: the signal gui is quite nonpersistent and disappears when it loses focus anyways
14:12:46 <Terkhen> yorick: the default behaviour for global hotkeys is to open their toolbar (for example with auto rail)
14:12:56 <Terkhen> but in this case it would need two windows, the toolbar and the signal gui
14:12:58 *** Dreamxtreme has joined #openttd
14:13:21 <Eddi|zuHause> Terkhen: you can already open the toolbar with the 's' key. no new global hotkey needed
14:13:46 <Terkhen> I know, I was asking what would happen if someone set up global hotkeys for these new hotkeys
14:14:05 <Eddi|zuHause> Terkhen: then i don't understand the problem
14:14:23 <yorick> Terkhen: it ignores the "GLOBAL" part?
14:17:10 <Terkhen> I guess the way to find out is to set S as global :)
14:34:08 <krinn> is there a difference to use RemoveRoadStation or just destroy its tile (ai pov) ?
14:41:04 <yorick> krinn: RemoveRoadStation might keep the road
14:43:21 *** Dreamxtreme has joined #openttd
14:51:15 *** Eggman891 has joined #openttd
15:05:32 <yorick> one of the old new newgrf guis had a feature where you could drag&drop the newgrfs in the list instead of using the buttons move up & down
15:05:41 <yorick> (just like with orders)
15:11:59 <DorpsGek> TrueBrain: Commit by rubidium :: r22124 trunk/src/saveload/saveload.cpp (2011-02-20 21:10:58 UTC)
15:12:00 <DorpsGek> TrueBrain: -Codechange: move comment to its logical place
15:13:55 <krinn> :) expect more stability and speed
15:14:44 *** zachanima has joined #openttd
15:14:47 <Terkhen> who will do the suggestion number 4000?
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15:16:34 *** Chillosophy has joined #openttd
15:16:45 <SmatZ> ok, that's not what you meant
15:18:00 <Eddi|zuHause> SmatZ: the suggestions forum has 3999 topics
15:18:54 <krinn> i could post the AIList need GetItem :)
15:19:07 <Eddi|zuHause> krinn: wrong forum for that
15:19:14 <yorick> lets request ingame weather again
15:19:36 <yorick> krinn: no that's already there
15:19:49 <SmatZ> next one suggesting that is asking for ban :p
15:19:53 <krinn> the "i want newgrf not remove others ones " ?
15:19:53 <Eddi|zuHause> SmatZ: undo knob, please :)
15:20:18 <SmatZ> Eddi|zuHause: great suggestion, I will give it a try :)
15:20:42 <yorick> also undo was rejected :P
15:20:57 <SmatZ> it has been suggested and rejected many times
15:21:03 <Eddi|zuHause> yorick: apparently that doesn't prevent anyone from suggesting it again
15:21:30 <krinn> a undo is certainly cheat, but a "confirm for high cost" could prevent stupid tunnels built :)
15:21:54 <yorick> night trains with headlights!
15:22:26 <Eddi|zuHause> yorick: headlights are easy, but a glow effect is not
15:23:02 <yorick> combine it with daylight!
15:23:25 <Eddi|zuHause> yes. i'm looking forward to your implementation.
15:27:07 *** Chillosophy has joined #openttd
15:29:10 <Terkhen> it's been a while since we had a copy paste suggestion, what about one of those?
15:29:31 <yorick> Terkhen: someone's already working on it
15:29:38 <Wolf01> copy&paste... why not?
15:29:56 <Terkhen> yorick: yes, but no one has suggested it in a while
15:54:54 *** Dreamxtreme has joined #openttd
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16:24:12 <__ln__> Terkhen: do you mean like copy-pasting tracks and stuff?
16:24:37 <Terkhen> as a frequently repeated suggestion, yes
16:27:07 *** DayDreamer has joined #openttd
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16:49:12 <Belugas> getting close to lnch hour
17:10:37 <DJNekkid> whats the opposite of \7gG ?
17:11:20 <DJNekkid> *mumble something about slapping and a large trout*
17:13:39 <planetmaker> can you say in plain words what condition you need?
17:14:10 <planetmaker> what is in plain words to you the opposite of your action7 escape sequence?
17:14:17 <krinn> how to get rich (i hope planetmaker answer anything !)
17:14:30 <DJNekkid> i want to notify the end user with an error if DB-set is loaded AFTER nutracks
17:14:41 <DJNekkid> \7gG gives the exact opposite
17:15:06 <planetmaker> DJNekkid, not really. It just depends on what sprite follows
17:15:14 <planetmaker> If the following sprite is "jump to label" you're fine
17:15:26 <planetmaker> and the 2nd next is disable
17:15:31 <planetmaker> (or rather error)
17:15:35 <planetmaker> and the 3rd next is the label
17:15:47 <DJNekkid> that is a point i guess
17:17:01 <planetmaker> krinn, gladly I'll help you find that answer. My advice is not free, though, you just need to transfer the hourly consultant fee of 100€ to my bank account to get started
17:17:29 <DJNekkid> just 100? thats cheap
17:17:36 <krinn> can't deal with a "i'll pay you when i'm rich" ? :)
17:17:45 <DJNekkid> that about what my company fee you if i do work in your home :)
17:18:04 <planetmaker> krinn, indeed. That's something I can't deal with in this respect. Only advance payment accepted
17:18:47 <planetmaker> best transfer method is via Western Union
17:19:10 <krinn> noway i don't trust this, i better put my 100 in actions, i've got hints from Madoff guy
17:21:18 <Zuu> krinn: Have you found autoreplace in the NoAI API?
17:21:38 <krinn> didn't really seach for it, i don't use it
17:21:48 <krinn> at first i was using an autoreplace of my own
17:21:57 <V453000> krinn: I did this with pm as well, now I am rich as fuck
17:22:12 <DJNekkid> planetmaker: thanx, that worked like a charm
17:22:15 <krinn> but it's faster to just sell the vehicle & buy a new one
17:22:41 <krinn> AICompany.SetAutoRenewStatus(false); is what in know about that
17:22:57 <Zuu> Hmm, my bad, I was thinking about autoreplace, not autorenew.
17:23:09 <Zuu> Autorenew is probably in there as a game setting.
17:23:27 <DJNekkid> but feels kinda like a 'upside down'
17:23:32 <krinn> dunno, renew or replace is not really useful for the ai
17:23:58 <planetmaker> krinn, it is. Less op codes
17:24:32 <krinn> not really planetmaker (for my case)
17:24:38 <Zuu> It's not that hard to implement. I just started on something to quicker upgrade to better vehicles than waiting for the old ones to be sold because they are old.
17:25:00 <krinn> i balance vehicle need by station providing
17:25:09 <Zuu> But if it were available in a usable form it might be usefull.
17:25:18 <krinn> so if i sell a vehicle and i need one more, it will just buy it
17:25:53 <krinn> and as autoreplace generally get a bigger version, it's just bad to get bigger capacity while still have same number of vehicle
17:25:55 <planetmaker> krinn, autoreplace does not wait for old age
17:25:59 <Zuu> That's how I buy new ones when old vehicles are sold. Eg. waiting for it to reach the treshold for buing new vehicles due to too low capacity.
17:26:14 <krinn> i don't wait old age, i replace when it's out or preview :p
17:26:27 <Zuu> However, that's not good when a brand new engine is invented that is twice as good as the old one.
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17:28:19 <krinn> what i do is compare engine with new engine, then add that to a list
17:28:35 <krinn> eveytimes a new engine is out/preview i update that list
17:28:43 <krinn> and the list is just old engine -> new engine
17:28:59 <krinn> and i've just check if oldengine=newengine no update need
17:29:53 <Zuu> well, what autoreplace is usefull for is to carry out a replacement. Not the act of figuring out what engine to replace with another.
17:30:50 <krinn> well, you ai must choose a better engine, and it's predictible what engine will replace what other engine...
17:30:52 <Zuu> I will probably encode a replace order in the vehicle name and send them to depot :-)
17:31:03 <planetmaker> krinn, how is that predictable?
17:31:15 <planetmaker> do you (or an AI) know future engines?
17:31:33 <krinn> because you need a way to filter & pickup an engine for a cargo...
17:31:49 <krinn> nah, not reading futur :)
17:32:43 <krinn> i can send you the file that handle that part zuu if you wish have a look
17:38:58 <CIA-11> OpenTTD: frosch * r22125 /trunk/src/table/build_industry.h: -Fix (r9162)[FS#4528]: The animation-ness of two goldmine tiles were swapped, causing the wheeltower to not work properly, and the bottom corner to show the wrong sprite.
17:43:28 <frosch123> all of you should defintely play more arctic :p
17:44:54 <planetmaker> frosch123, why? :-)
17:45:04 <planetmaker> (yes, it's probably my favourite climate) ;-)
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17:46:32 <Terkhen> I usually play arctic too
17:47:07 <__ln__> i only live in the arctic
17:47:39 <frosch123> there has been a half house for 13000 revisions on the gold mine (unless you play ogfx)
17:48:43 <planetmaker> yeah :-) And opengfx has a gold mine bug, too :-P
17:49:56 <planetmaker> and that's as bad as the half house, too ;-)
17:50:47 <peter1138> does that bugfix 'break' ogfx? :D
17:51:16 <planetmaker> I didn't yet test
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17:57:19 <dihedral> whatever happened there
18:01:46 <planetmaker> a rice bag fell over
18:02:03 <planetmaker> a butterfly flapped
18:02:09 <planetmaker> thus a hurricane evolved
18:17:16 <dihedral> planetmaker, and managed to kill my server? yeah right :-P
18:19:18 <dihedral> "received signal 15" is what i found in the logs
18:20:18 <dihedral> i fail to call it regular :-P
18:20:57 <peter1138> Stupid laptop... 100% CPU to play a video on YouTube :S
18:21:01 <dihedral> i think i'll move away from that provider
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18:24:10 <peter1138> Something like 10% was PA, 25% Xorg, and the rest to the browser...
18:24:58 <dihedral> hehe - at least you know what you need to kill
18:25:51 <peter1138> Nothing was hung, it's just ... slow :S
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18:45:39 <CIA-11> OpenTTD: translators * r22126 /trunk/src/lang/ (7 files in 2 dirs): (log message trimmed)
18:45:39 <CIA-11> OpenTTD: -Update from WebTranslator v3.0:
18:45:39 <CIA-11> OpenTTD: arabic_egypt - 40 changes by Company_director
18:45:39 <CIA-11> OpenTTD: belarusian - 1 changes by KorneySan
18:45:39 <CIA-11> OpenTTD: danish - 19 changes by beruic
18:45:40 <CIA-11> OpenTTD: frisian - 142 changes by Taeke
18:45:40 <CIA-11> OpenTTD: malay - 3 changes by toadhall
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19:53:13 <krinn> i've reeanble the upgrade to vehicle
19:53:31 <krinn> i was bug by the vehicle keep waiting in depot
19:53:50 <krinn> but the solve was so easy (i've remove the rename vehicle for depot check)
19:54:28 <krinn> check your vehicle in depot: if you don't what it's doing here: sold it, if it's too old, replace it, if it have a better version, it's there for upgrade
19:54:40 *** Phoenix_the_II has joined #openttd
19:55:11 <Zuu> I have a system where I store extended connection/vehicle state in the vehicle name.
19:55:31 <krinn> i could be false: like it is there because not making money & you will buy new version if one exist... but it will do the job
19:55:55 <Zuu> Vehicles wihich are named "suspended" are for example not sold even if they stay stoped in a depot. Instead they indicate that a connection has been suspended due to zero supply.
19:55:58 <krinn> oh, i've done that too, i was tagging them
19:56:49 <krinn> and you keep them getting old, paying maintenance... for suspend vehicle?
19:57:09 <Zuu> When I send vehicles for selling, I rename them to "sell" and remove all orders from them apart from a goto (and stop in) depot order.
19:57:47 <krinn> i've done that too, i was getting mad at just sending it to depot, while with order it really goes to depo
19:58:46 <Zuu> A suspension may for example happen if a connection get its supply from a secondary industry that has a production stop. (one possible reason for this is that the vehicles of this connection is blocking the entrance to the station for the supply to the industry in question)
19:59:23 <Zuu> If I would not have a mechanism to step of from secondary industries when they drop to zero production, that could grid lock the entire industry and cause loss to my AI.
19:59:55 <krinn> i've solve that, but you must check your station for it
20:00:21 <krinn> but you can trigger it if you found vehicle loosing money if you don't activly watch stations
20:00:46 <Zuu> I keep fairly detailed statistics over my stations.
20:02:01 <Zuu> about 4-5 long-term mean values related to the usage of the stations.
20:03:00 <krinn> look at GetCargoListAcceptAtTile
20:08:32 <Zuu> ... a function that returns the cargo types that a truck stop at a given tile would accept ...
20:09:07 <Zuu> please be aware that a non-uniform station works different with respect to cargo acceptance and cargo supply.
20:09:19 <Zuu> (supply to the station that is)
20:09:54 <krinn> that's only for road station, restrict the its radius
20:10:14 <Zuu> So you never expand your road stations?
20:10:22 <krinn> yes, but with road station ^^
20:10:58 <krinn> actually, i don't and i will not do mix them
20:10:59 <Zuu> you still have missed some parts if you don't work on the station as a whole.
20:11:36 <krinn> will use all (even boats looks boring as hell), but i don't mix them
20:11:47 <Zuu> I don't remember which that work as a rectangle and not. But one of them form a rectangle and one is just a buffer zone around each station part.
20:12:15 <Zuu> You'll find out the details on the wiki.
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20:13:11 <Zuu> There is probably also a implementation in SuperLib.
20:13:11 *** mrfrenzy_ was kicked by DorpsGek (Wrong channel. Retry in #openttdcoop.)
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20:14:29 <krinn> that bot is a bit rude, a simple message would have done it
20:15:45 <planetmaker> it's a sort-of running gag
20:16:23 <Zuu> There is a SuperLib::Station::IsCargoAccepted(station_id, cargo_id), not sure if there is a reverse function somewhere.
20:17:32 <krinn> i have one working fine, i will kept it and adapt to my others transport type
20:17:55 <krinn> as long as i don't mix, i'll be fine
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21:55:06 <frosch123> the 4000th suggestion is boring
21:57:37 <DanMacK> There isn't one according to my system, still 3999
21:58:37 <frosch123> so, one of us cannot read or count?
22:00:18 <planetmaker> 3999 is what my browser tells me
22:01:00 * DanMacK thinks of what to post :P
22:01:06 <SmatZ> 4000 threads, 38658 posts
22:02:57 <frosch123> anyway, he is suggesting to implement tooltips
22:03:07 <frosch123> pff, i even considered to implement number 4000 :p
22:06:31 <Eddi|zuHause> frosch123: then you're lucky it was such an easy one :p
22:06:59 <Eddi|zuHause> so now really... who told me age cargo wasn't run for loading trains?
22:11:16 <Eddi|zuHause> i can't find any such statement in the log... but maybe my grep-fu is not working
22:11:52 <frosch123> if (_age_cargo_skip_counter == 0) v->cargo.AgeCargo(); <- run svn blame on that line
22:12:35 <SmatZ> I think it will blame me
22:12:50 <SmatZ> but if it will, it was just a codechange
22:14:11 <SmatZ> am I responsible for breaking something by that codechange?
22:14:29 <frosch123> anyway, svn blame is actually wasted time. the same code is also in ottd 0.1
22:14:43 <frosch123> SmatZ: no, it always was that way
22:15:22 <Eddi|zuHause> then why do i so firmly beleive i was told differently?
22:15:34 <Eddi|zuHause> i certainly didn't make this up
22:16:30 <frosch123> i have been playing for ages to always put at least three trains on every line
22:16:35 <frosch123> even if they are really short
22:16:48 <frosch123> like 3 wagons or so
22:36:06 <JamesG> Quite a few have no graphics
22:37:57 <JamesG> They don't appear in the menu, but they do on the map
22:40:23 <Mazur> Is SH40 the only regular train in the default train set? Or have all other trains expired adn am I not seeing them because of that? (It's 2197)
22:41:49 <JamesG> Trains look normal to me
22:42:43 <Mazur> Then it must be the year of this Sandbox.
22:43:05 <Ammler> planetmaker: JamesG confirmed my issue ;-)
22:43:24 <JamesG> None of the vehicles expired when I tested it
22:43:35 * Mazur is talking about 1.1.0-rc5, b.t.w.
22:43:57 <JamesG> I tested with 1.1.0-beta5
22:44:01 <Mazur> Just realised my question crosstalks with Ammlers.
22:45:05 <Mazur> Ok, I'll have to make a fresh sandbox, then.
22:46:02 <planetmaker> thx for checking, JamesG
22:46:02 <Mazur> Or rather, a range of them for different purposes. :-)
22:49:18 <Eddi|zuHause> either beta5 or rc1
22:52:56 <Eddi|zuHause> yea, we do know what rc stands for :)
22:56:06 <Eddi|zuHause> the end of the world is nigh...
22:56:14 <Eddi|zuHause> they want to restart the LHC
23:04:39 <Mazur> I was demonstrating, Eddi|zuHause. that I also knew.
23:05:22 <Mazur> Far be it for me, to try and expain basic OpenTTD matters to anyone here.
23:16:04 <Zuu> Hmm, NoCAB is spending 50-100% more money on construction and vehicles than CluelessPlus, but CluelessPlus is making slightly more profit and is piling up money. What is better? :-)
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23:22:11 <Zuu> hmm, and now NoCab start to roll out its rails...
23:23:36 <krinn> imo, spending money = more money earn and less chance to bankrupt with poor routes
23:24:18 <krinn> but it cost more, because more chances to find a bad routes and loose money
23:30:31 <Mazur> Spending (wisely) is future income.
23:31:02 <Mazur> The early gain is often in vain.
23:32:02 <krinn> one take is better than two you could have (french one)
23:38:29 <krinn> AIDate.GetMonth return 0-11 ?
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