IRC logs for #openttd on OFTC at 2009-12-15
00:01:03 <CIA-4> OpenTTD: rubidium * r18506 /trunk/src/ (5 files in 3 dirs): -Fix [FS#3368]: no error message was created for the first fatal NewGRF error.
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00:07:33 <Eddi|zuHause> he was a victim of the climate change
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00:08:19 <PeterT> Aren't we all?
00:08:48 <Eddi|zuHause> he in particular, which is why the climate summit was moved to denmark
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00:18:18 <t> Eddi|zuHause: you know about climategate?
00:19:12 <t> if not, google it and read! even those mails and files, they are interesting read...
00:19:12 <Rubidium> t: there's lies, damn lies and statistics. That's all you need to know
00:20:25 <planetmaker> and the owners of climategate...
00:21:48 <t> Rubidium: yes, nice quote, especially if those statistics are fixed to hide the decline :)
00:22:06 <t> (google 'hide the decline' )
00:22:27 <Rubidium> but is there a decline?
00:22:48 <Rubidium> that's the whole thing about my quote. It's statistics, thus you don't know
00:22:56 <t> well, every morning there is global worming... followed by global cooling in the night
00:23:10 <t> i see global warming mostly working in gay clubs
00:23:27 <Rubidium> yes, and I'm vegetarian while not eating meat
00:23:39 <planetmaker> T: especially "global"... when it comes to day and night cycles...
00:23:52 <t> planetmaker: ok, so take winter and summer :)
00:24:18 <t> (thats the level of lies blood and gore are pushing)
00:24:58 <fjb> Exxon et al spent million for people who denied the global warming against all facts. Now some conspiracy theorists are doing it for free.
00:25:10 <t> you are in the night denial crowd!
00:25:11 <planetmaker> T: even then... summer and winter isn't global either. FAIL!
00:25:20 <t> planetmaker: tell that to all gore :)
00:25:35 <t> he is comparing summer to winter :)
00:25:36 <planetmaker> obviously I've to tell you
00:25:57 <t> ice is growing, polar bears are breeding well...
00:26:04 <planetmaker> do they?
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00:26:19 <t> planetmaker: check yourself :)
00:26:24 <planetmaker> and THEY are watching you.
00:26:26 <Rubidium> t: still, what's the method of showing the decline? Statistics. Statistics are by definition lies. As such both parties are lieing. Conclusion (by deduction)... there's no decline and no global warming
00:26:32 <planetmaker> T: I did
00:26:50 <t> planetmaker: in summer? :)
00:26:56 <planetmaker> yes
00:27:06 <fjb> Still they do. Still there is ice left. But it's less each year. Some glaciers are still growing, but most are rapidly shrinking.
00:27:16 <t> Rubidium: well, but then why co2 taxes to fund global government?
00:27:40 <t> fjb: just look how ice is growin in last years
00:28:07 <Eddi|zuHause> of course it's not getting warmer during a cyclical decline, the worries are about the next cyclical warming when it's not getting colder during the decline phase due to man-made warming
00:28:08 <fjb> Lokk how is shrinking. I have seen it in the alps.
00:28:09 <Rubidium> t: yes, and that growing ice is not good for my power consumption :(
00:28:11 <planetmaker> T: then show me that satilite image sequence over the last two decades which show ice on average growing!
00:28:38 <planetmaker> (images taken at the same day of the year, mind it)
00:28:55 <Rubidium> ooh, time to get out the julian calendar
00:29:13 <planetmaker> he :-) better take the modified julian calender
00:29:17 <planetmaker> easier comparison
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00:29:32 <fjb> We already had some cases of Malaria in Souther Germany.
00:29:32 <t> Eddi|zuHause: man-made warming? :) lol i love that phrase :)
00:29:56 <Eddi|zuHause> yes, you giggle at the hidden gay reference... what are you? 12?
00:30:31 * Sacro sniggers
00:30:37 <t> Eddi|zuHause: why do you attack me?
00:30:41 <planetmaker> :-P
00:31:02 <Eddi|zuHause> because reason obviously doeasn't work
00:31:26 <fjb> It is easy to belive that mankind could not change what god made. But thinking about what really happens is more difficuld. That is why people ofter prefer beliving over thinking.
00:31:40 <t> Eddi|zuHause: well :) tell me about that. i was studying computer science... that includes logic and higher math...
00:31:44 <planetmaker> Eddi|zuHause: I reccomend
00:31:52 <Rubidium> fjb: on that point... it's God's will
00:32:02 <Rubidium> or whatever the phrase is in English
00:32:30 <Eddi|zuHause> i don't understand these "god made it" people
00:32:32 <Rubidium> t: but how can you prove a decline if the data has been destroyed?
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00:32:53 <Rubidium> ^ that's what happens if you don't have faith in God :)
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00:32:58 <Eddi|zuHause> global warming is clearly described in the bible
00:33:24 <Rubidium> yes... quickly... how many sheep do we have to put on that Ark
00:33:37 <t> Rubidium: i am talking about last few years (decline)...
00:33:53 <Rubidium> t: but then again... statistics
00:33:56 <CIA-4> OpenTTD: yexo * r18507 /trunk/src/ai/ai_gui.cpp: -Change [FS#3340]: move the 'check online content' button from the AI list window to the AI configuration window
00:34:01 <fjb> The bible is the excuse for destroying our world. It's gods will. He said that manking stands above all.
00:34:04 <t> btw 15 years ago my wife was on university, they tried to scare them with visions of 'global cooling'
00:34:04 <Eddi|zuHause> it says right there: mankind didn't use its ressources respectfully, so a flood came
00:34:16 <Rubidium> however you want something to be explained, just draw a different line and there's your proof
00:34:17 <t> its old 'conspiracy theory' about climate change :)
00:35:17 <planetmaker> t: you notice? "They". They watch you. They fool you. They control you.
00:35:18 <Rubidium> ah well... the whole climate stuff is really minor if you compare it with the real problematic stuff
00:35:18 <fjb> So why did Exxon have to spend billions to hide the facs of warming when the warming were lies?
00:35:27 <t> planetmaker: speak for yourself :)
00:35:43 <t> Rubidium: agreed
00:35:46 <planetmaker> I don't claim that "they" did this or "they" did that
00:35:47 <Rubidium> fjb: what facts? They're statistics
00:36:03 <fjb> In context of the universe the earth really is not important.
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00:36:41 <t> its like deaths by terrorists - compared to deaths by lighting or mistake of a doc -- or even by side effects when people take pills (correctly).
00:36:48 <planetmaker> Yeah... one planet complains to the other: "oh, I feel so bad. I have homo sapiens". Replies the other: "Don't worry. That passes."
00:37:32 <t> Rubidium: you can create your own statistics :) - which you can believe in.
00:37:53 <Eddi|zuHause> fjb: "in context of world population, my food is really not important" -> "so i should stop eating food?" is the wrong conclusion
00:38:26 <Rubidium> Eddi|zuHause: no, it's the right one... the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few
00:39:06 <fjb> Eddi|zuHause: Just stop worrying. Nothing is important. Or stop eating. That makes you stop worring. Wo cares when mankind dies?
00:39:13 <Eddi|zuHause> planetmaker: you now planetjokemaker?
00:39:24 <planetmaker> yup ;-P
00:39:46 <planetmaker> mind they're usually bad and old :-P
00:39:49 <Eddi|zuHause> i guess your kind makes jokes like this often ;)
00:42:54 <t> if you believe that humans produce too much CO2, do me a favor and stop breathing first. :)
00:43:13 <planetmaker> stop farting. methane is worse
00:43:18 <PeterT> Does anyone have sys-op access to the wiki?
00:43:30 <Rubidium> and if you believe chopping down trees causes much less CO2 adsorbition stop breathing too ;)
00:43:31 <PeterT> The link to the forums on the front page is borken
00:43:32 <t> planetmaker: i agree on farts
00:43:35 <fjb> Don't go to Mc Donalds.
00:44:15 <Eddi|zuHause> t: the issue with "going green" is not "don't do X anymore" but "keep doing X with using fewer ressources"
00:44:46 <Yexo> PeterT: fixed
00:44:53 <t> yes, from now you can only breath 1/5 of the air you used...
00:44:58 <PeterT> Thanks Yexo
00:45:01 <PeterT> :-)
00:45:20 <Rubidium> t: fine, but then I'm going to discard the 80% I'm not going to use anyway first :)
00:45:24 <t> so either stop breathing or do a genocide :)
00:46:04 <fjb> We already tried that.
00:47:23 <t> we were always joked about taxes on breathing - and its finally here :) (i was living uder CCCP controlled commie regime and i remember those jokes from those times)
00:49:04 <fjb> What do we learn from that? Eastern Europ was green under the comunists.
00:49:19 * Rubidium also ponders what's the concept of burning bio-mass
00:49:32 <t> they call it holocaust
00:49:46 <t> fjb: no, we were RED
00:49:55 <Eddi|zuHause> Rubidium: depriving the next scentient race of their fossile fuels
00:50:00 <t> its the same style, just another color :)
00:50:11 * planetmaker yawns and shuffles off to bed. Good night folks
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00:50:18 <t> gn! sleep well
00:50:19 <Rubidium> Eddi|zuHause: well, aren't fossil fuels bio-mass too?
00:50:29 <t> also you are biomass
00:50:33 <t> google robot EATR
00:50:33 <Rubidium> maybe it's a bit older, but still...
00:50:34 <t> :)
00:50:35 <Eddi|zuHause> exactly, and if we burn them now, they won't get it
00:50:40 <fjb> So destroying the world is really freedom. Anything else is evel comunistic.
00:50:57 <t> fjb: i didnt call for destruction
00:51:06 <t> dont put that into my mouth
00:51:08 <fjb> And holocaust is what we did, not them.
00:51:25 <Eddi|zuHause> Rubidium: btw. i found a use for your beloved list
00:51:26 <t> we all have part in the history
00:51:31 <fjb> t: You do all the time in this discussion.
00:51:55 <Rubidium> Eddi|zuHause: which list?
00:52:13 <Eddi|zuHause> the one that starts with an "i" and has famous names on it :p
00:52:20 <t> no, only when you throw in climate change... like fact, even when climategate showed its a lie...
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00:52:35 <Rubidium> ah, that one
00:52:53 <Rubidium> am I think what you're thinking?
00:53:13 <Eddi|zuHause> how do we get 200 flamingos into the car?
00:53:38 <Rubidium> with a car crusher?
00:54:28 <Rubidium> or do you mean the Central Afrian Republic, because then it'd be easy
00:54:31 <Eddi|zuHause> did you know that flamingos turn pink from the stuff they are eating?
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00:54:57 <fjb> t: The not used date showed an even faster warmth. But it was left out of the statistics because it was unreliable. That was the "trick" the scientists used.
00:55:39 <t> fjb: nice story, thanks now i can sleep well
00:55:59 <Eddi|zuHause> fjb: removing the results that are the furthest from the average is a common technique in statistics
00:56:04 <Rubidium> Eddi|zuHause: yes I did know that
00:56:21 <fjb> Climagate ofcourse makes up another story. But who pays them?
00:56:25 <Rubidium> and they're not getting pink from the shrimp, but from the blueish algae they eat
00:56:52 <fjb> Eddi|zuHause: I know. You know. The climagate people don't.
00:56:54 <t> And editing all results many times? and deleting emails and data after FOI request? and mobbing scientists who do not agree?
00:57:26 <t> fjb: its admitted that those emails are real
00:57:36 <t> read them
00:57:50 <t> read comments in the code(!)
00:58:31 <Eddi|zuHause> you do know the fundamental theorem of statistics
00:58:49 <fjb> First look who paied whom for tellling the press what. Then come back and complain about some emails.
00:58:51 <Eddi|zuHause> do never trust a statistics that you did not forge yourself
00:59:27 <Eddi|zuHause> i should really start forging statistics
00:59:41 <t> what are u trying to say? that we will never know truth?
00:59:54 <t> are you proud of not being able to see truth?
00:59:58 <t> thats sad
01:00:11 <fjb> "Scientitsts" where paid to tell the press that there is no warmth. Some of them were even not real scientists.
01:00:28 <t> fjb: its the other way around and those mails and files PROVE IT
01:00:42 <t> they got tens of millions $$$ for lying about warming
01:00:51 <t> and they KNEW its cooling...
01:01:03 <fjb> And who paid them?
01:01:33 <t> those questions are good... but you have to LOOK into the case deeper.
01:01:57 <t> i cant do it for you :) but there are many many web pages now about it
01:02:12 <fjb> Just answer that single question. Who would spend billions on generating a wrming hype?
01:02:23 <t> the one who will get much more ?
01:02:27 <Eddi|zuHause> "it's on a web page, it must be true!
01:02:31 <fjb> Who is that?
01:02:39 <t> Eddi|zuHause: please :)
01:02:55 <fjb> Who will earn more than billions from a warming hype?
01:03:02 <t> fjb: did you heard EU president talking about global governance?
01:03:09 <Eddi|zuHause> yes, please... it is proven that we are in a cooling phase
01:03:23 <t> and did you see gore getting hundreds millions already from the scam?
01:03:25 <Eddi|zuHause> the problem is that it is not cooling as much as it is supposed to
01:03:58 <t> Eddi|zuHause: problem is that you believe to someone who is not trustworthy
01:03:58 <Eddi|zuHause> the real (potential) catastrophe is only coming in 100 years!
01:04:07 <lugo> :)
01:04:12 <Eddi|zuHause> nobody is trustworthy...
01:04:25 <t> Eddi|zuHause: even you?
01:04:38 <t> so why are u trying to tell me something :)
01:04:40 <Eddi|zuHause> yes, especially $random_guy_on_irc
01:05:00 <t> i am not asking you to believe me - just read about the case
01:05:23 <t> its not rocket science
01:05:29 <t> its much easier
01:05:48 <Eddi|zuHause> actually, rocket science is one of the easiest parts of science
01:06:07 <t> well :) i know something about turbulences :) which is not that easy to compute
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01:06:20 <Eddi|zuHause> the rocket propulsion system was developed during war times in caves...
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01:06:38 <t> even americans needed nazi scientists to make some good rockets
01:07:15 <Rubidium> t: do you even have a clue how to model the weather, leave alone weather forecasts?
01:07:16 <fjb> They needed German scientists. Too bad that many of them were Nazis at that time.
01:07:17 <Eddi|zuHause> you are overgeneralizing
01:07:26 <Eddi|zuHause> they needed GERMAN scientists
01:07:35 <t> lol eQualizer :))
01:07:36 <Eddi|zuHause> not all germans were automatically nazis
01:07:40 <t> eh i mean Eddi|zuHause
01:07:49 <t> but those were :)
01:08:02 <t> those taken by project paperclip
01:08:32 <Eddi|zuHause> and we all know that the americans actually lost the rocket race
01:08:35 <fjb> Not all were Nazis. Some where. THe USA didn't care.
01:09:01 <t> well especially those nazi doctors from concentration camps WERE nazis to the core
01:09:08 <Eddi|zuHause> the russians, who "only" got the low level technicans after the americans left eastern germany, had the more successful rocket program
01:09:13 <fjb> And we all know that Russion space technology is more reliable.
01:09:31 <t> lol i need to take break :)
01:09:53 <fjb> t: That Nazi doctors did not build rockets.
01:09:59 <Eddi|zuHause> t: and actually, the USA had one of the strongest nazi movements in the "western world"
01:10:05 <t> fjb: you know about project paperclip? :)
01:10:15 <t> Eddi|zuHause: yes, agreed
01:10:24 * t afks
01:10:54 <fjb> t lost anyway by godwin.
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01:30:01 <fjb> dbset 1.0 will be playable in subtropic climate only.
01:30:40 <Eddi|zuHause> yes, when it gets released in 2138
01:30:41 <Rubidium> haha... will it ever be released?
01:31:19 <Eddi|zuHause> of course the world will end 100 years prior to that...
01:33:03 <fjb> The people at Bell knew when the world would come to an end.
01:34:23 <Eddi|zuHause> over the last 100 years, the world ended like two dozen times already...
01:35:21 <fjb> Yes, but there can not be any other reason for making the time counter only 32 bit.
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01:36:46 <Eddi|zuHause> it's even worse... it's 32bit signed
01:37:04 <Eddi|zuHause> so effectively 31bit
01:37:24 <Eddi|zuHause> and have you ever heard of a self-fulfilling prophecy? ;)
01:39:08 <CIA-4> OpenTTD: rubidium * r18508 /trunk/src/ (core/math_func.hpp rail_gui.cpp): -Fix [FS#3372]: if a rail station class had less data than capacity it would try to set a negative position
01:39:20 <fjb> You ought to belive.
01:39:32 <Eddi|zuHause> funny story about statistics
01:39:43 <Eddi|zuHause> the weather forecast is 70% accurate
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01:39:50 <Rubidium> but isn't the overflow in 2038, not 2138?
01:40:11 <Eddi|zuHause> a random person on the street saying "tomorrow the weather is going to be like today" is 65% accurate
01:40:38 <fjb> Yes, that is why the world will end 100 years before the release of dbset 1.0.
01:41:06 <Eddi|zuHause> so all the effort for weather forecasting only increases accuracy by 5%
01:41:43 <fjb> Kräht der Hahn auf dem Mist ändert sich das Wetter oder es bleibt wie es ist.
01:42:00 <Rubidium> my weather forecast for the spring is usually 100% accurate: tomorrow's weather is shit
01:42:17 <Eddi|zuHause> fjb: well, that's a tautology
01:42:24 <fjb> My forecast is: No snow here next summer.
01:42:25 <Rubidium> either it rains, or it doesn't and I get hay fever
01:42:38 <fjb> Me too.
01:42:46 <Rubidium> anyway, either is shitty weather
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01:43:17 <fjb> We should better stay at home and read conspiracy theories.
01:43:23 <Eddi|zuHause> like the scottish people say: "if you can see the top of the hills, it's going to rain soon
01:43:36 <fjb> :-)
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01:44:30 <Eddi|zuHause> Rubidium: the cause for hay fever is not playing enough in the dirt as a child
01:45:59 <Rubidium> I blame my mother
01:46:17 <Eddi|zuHause> funny thing about the human immune system. if it is underoccupied, it searches for new things to fight
01:46:58 <Eddi|zuHause> it's like the americans, if they have no enemies who threaten to attack them, they create an "axis of evil" by themselves
01:47:00 <Rubidium> and it seriously annoys me
01:47:41 <fjb> Me too.
01:47:54 <Eddi|zuHause> while the soviets were around, everything was peachy... afterwards, it started to go down the drain
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01:48:41 <Eddi|zuHause> that was a tiny netsplit...
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01:49:28 <Eddi|zuHause> i'm looking forward to the next cold war between USA and China
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01:50:20 <Eddi|zuHause> it'll get interesting when China starts to support Iran ;)
01:50:34 <Eddi|zuHause> or Syria ;)
01:51:59 <fjb> USA and China can not really have a cold war. They are like conjoined twins now.
01:53:00 <Eddi|zuHause> there are other funny scenarios
01:53:41 <Eddi|zuHause> like political collapse of pakistan and india invading the area, then iran feeling threatened
01:54:23 <Eddi|zuHause> fjb: the cold war doesn't need to be an economical one
01:55:40 <fjb> But it hinders economy very much.
01:55:47 <Eddi|zuHause> fjb: also the question is whether europe manages to get a 3rd independent superpower, or instead stays the puppy of the USA
01:56:14 <fjb> I dislike both options.
01:56:18 <Eddi|zuHause> currently it leans towards the latter
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05:40:28 * roboboy ponders what version of OTTD to download, nightly or stable
05:56:16 <_teeone> stable has more multiplayer games
05:56:25 <_teeone> nightly if you want to see/test the latest and greatest
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07:14:04 <roboboy> is there a list of advanced settings that must be set before a game is started?
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09:10:51 <bartavelle> et bonjour
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10:31:12 <TrueBrain> Yexo: fixed
10:31:38 <peter1138> boring
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10:45:53 <mirQus> Hi!
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10:46:31 <Rubidium> hi :) & bye :(
10:46:33 <mirQus> Is there a developers mailing list for OpenTTD or only the forums?
10:46:52 <roboboy> is there a list of advanced settings that must be set before a game is started?
10:48:44 <mirQus> If there's none, where/who can I send a patch to?
10:49:43 <dihedral> mirQus,
10:49:57 <dihedral> roboboy, settings are created if not present, and default values used
10:51:26 <peter1138>
10:51:33 <peter1138> there was a list, but it's not used
10:52:03 <dihedral> yeah, or one can create an fs ticket right away
10:52:04 <mirQus> bugs. then. :)
10:52:15 <roboboy> ok
10:52:17 <dihedral> though i thought it might be worth looking at the patch first :-P
10:52:27 <mirQus> But no bugs I have, only a preliminary version of a feature. :>
10:52:35 <dihedral> see
10:52:54 <dihedral> mirQus, what's the feature
10:53:20 <peter1138> bugs. handles features and patches too
10:53:32 <roboboy> I was hoping to know so that I could easily skim over the list of settings for the ones that can't be set after my server is started
10:53:40 <mirQus> Train orders that modify the train in a depot.
10:53:43 <dihedral> still, somone has to go around and read... close them :-P
10:54:05 <mirQus> Like 'leave N wagons, take N wagons'.
10:54:22 <dihedral> and does the order then delete itself?
10:54:25 <mirQus> No.
10:54:39 <dihedral> so everytime the order is hit....
10:54:44 <dihedral> and in the end you have just the loc
10:54:54 <dihedral> very ... nice
10:54:58 <mirQus> But you can add another, that will take other wagons. :)
10:55:08 <dihedral> ...
10:55:18 <mirQus> So, every time a train go to some depot, it can switch wagons.
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10:55:41 <mirQus> You can use depots like a mini railway siding.
10:55:58 <dihedral> and... must the wagons be present in the depot?
10:56:06 <mirQus> Yes.
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10:56:26 <dihedral> and does the oder only count when the train is in the depot, or will the train specifically go to any depot for that order
10:56:39 <dihedral> what happens when no waggons are in the depot
10:56:57 <dihedral> what happens in a network of 500+ trains, and shared orders
10:57:02 <mirQus> You need to add a order to go to depot and modify it to include a train modification instructions.
10:57:02 <dihedral> and trains going to various depots
10:57:43 <dihedral> howabout not using the order list, but creating a new maintenance list?
10:58:02 <dihedral> and using sell and buy?
10:58:30 <mirQus> Hmm. I haven't noticed a maintenance lists anywhere (except maybe autoreplace thing).
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10:58:35 <Luukland> Bonjour :)
10:58:56 <dihedral> i did mention the word "create" :-P
10:59:01 <mirQus> A new thing like it might be even better that what I have, but that's a lot more work I suppose.
10:59:12 <dihedral> hehe
10:59:14 <dihedral> yep
10:59:18 <dihedral> probably
10:59:38 <Luukland> Work is relative ;)
10:59:48 <Luukland> Its like icecream, some times you like it, other times not
10:59:53 <mirQus> The ultimate idea is to have locomotives pick wagons from normal tracks. :>
11:00:36 <mirQus> But THAT's a lot work. ;)
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11:11:10 <mirQus> Ok. FS#3373
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11:15:50 <mirQus_> In case you want to look at it, I opened FS#3373 with link to the patch.
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11:17:20 <mirQus> Hmm. Net hickup. ;)
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11:19:04 <dihedral> in case of an entry at bugs. please upload the patch!!
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11:29:22 <Yexo> thanks TrueBrain :)
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11:33:22 <TrueBrain> Yexo: np ;) Weird it was noted this late :p
11:33:50 <Yexo> it was noted several days ago on the forum, but at that time i forgot to mention it to you
11:34:11 <Yexo> but then again i have no idea how long the problem has existed
11:34:46 * Guest1746 isn't sure what for, but thanks TrueBrain anyway
11:49:04 * dihedral is tired
11:49:21 * TrueBrain feeds dihedral some viagra
11:49:37 <dihedral> ...
11:49:44 <dihedral> that's where all the mails come from :-P
11:49:48 <planetmaker> :-P
11:49:48 <TrueBrain> ;)
11:52:28 <dihedral> 3 more days at work \o/
11:53:16 <Sacro> me yawns
11:53:53 <roboboy> grr this laptop is so slow
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11:55:08 <roboboy> its taking forever to extract individual files from this zip and it runs slowly playing large maps in openttd eg coop's public server
11:56:11 <dihedral> roboboy, ah - yes, that's easy to fix, let me send you a patch!
11:56:24 <roboboy> hehe
11:56:46 <roboboy> a patch for windows
11:57:33 <dihedral> yes, yes, of course
11:57:36 <dihedral> what else!
11:58:22 <roboboy> wheres the best place to find out more about the sound replacement project?
11:58:23 <Rubidium> dihedral: is that a glock with ammo and the method of application is: put ammo in glock, remove safety of glock, put barrel to forehead, put trigger to apply patch?
11:58:42 <roboboy> the latest one
11:58:58 <Rubidium> its thread?
11:59:00 <dihedral> Rubidium, :-)
11:59:09 <Rubidium> the stickied one in the General OpenTTD forum?
11:59:12 <Rubidium>
11:59:15 <roboboy> ok
11:59:37 <roboboy> howd I miss it
12:01:22 <planetmaker> depending on what you look for, you might also want to look at the appropriate sub-project at the DevZone, roboboy
12:03:41 <Rubidium> planetmaker: the beauty of the thread is that it links to both the wiki and the tracker and the releases and the nightlies
12:04:10 <planetmaker> ah :-) Didn't recall that
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12:04:28 <planetmaker> Possibly the devzone should link there, too...
12:06:38 <planetmaker> added link to wiki there, too
12:10:30 <Rubidium> where's Bjarni when you need him?
12:10:50 <Rubidium> guess it's derailing some steam train :)
12:13:19 <edeca> planetmaker: Where does bauxite come from in FIRS?
12:13:29 * roboboy wishes winzip would hurry up or give me an error
12:13:46 <planetmaker> dunno.
12:13:51 <edeca> roboboy: What are you running it on?!
12:13:52 <planetmaker> I'd guess a mine
12:13:54 * Rubidium wonders when you get a PSU overflow error
12:14:02 <edeca> planetmaker: Ah sorry, I thought you knew about it :)
12:15:06 <dihedral> Rubidium, just before the psu cuts out, shorts, or explodes
12:17:17 <dihedral> roboboy, how big is the zip :-P
12:20:52 <roboboy> I think 1GB +
12:21:22 <roboboy> once either winzip or explorer respond ill tell you exactly
12:21:59 <roboboy> but it takes for ever on individual files at times
12:24:56 <roboboy> it seems winzip had an eror
12:30:57 <Ammler> someone here has openttd installed on a linux?
12:31:42 <Ammler> installed as "make install" or "<something> install openttd"
12:33:23 <blathijs> Ammler: On Debian it's simple :-)
12:33:47 <planetmaker> blathijs, I think it's not a question along the lines of "how do I do that"?
12:34:05 <blathijs> Ah, right :-)
12:34:11 <planetmaker> but maybe... you, Ammler, ask the question you really want to ask ;-)
12:34:23 <TrueBrain> does he ever?
12:34:26 <blathijs> Ammler: In that case, sortof. I've got the deb package installed, which is built using make install :-)
12:36:21 <Ammler> ah sorry, I am wondering if you have the right Icon in the Start menu
12:36:45 * Ammler with KDE4 has just a flag :-(
12:38:11 <Ammler> blathijs:
12:38:43 <blathijs> Ammler: Dunno, I don't use KDE :-)
12:39:12 <Ammler> so it works on your wm?
12:39:23 <blathijs> The menu of my window manager (Awesome) does show the right icon
12:39:25 <Ammler> (whatever you use...)
12:39:47 <blathijs> Ammler: You should probably check /usr/share/applications/openttd.desktop, see what icon that lists and if it's installed
12:40:04 <Ammler> that is all fine, that is why I ask
12:40:23 <Ammler> e.g. works
12:40:35 <Ammler> or also alt-f2 shows the right icon
12:41:05 <Ammler> first I thought, it is because of wrong dimensions for the 256x256 icon
12:41:13 <blathijs> Hmm, that's weird. Other apps don't do that?
12:41:30 <blathijs> Ammler: That icon has wrong dimensions?
12:41:32 <Ammler> well, I never use that menu :-)
12:41:41 <Ammler> yes, 256x248
12:41:53 <blathijs> Hmm, I see, yes
12:42:06 <peter1138> hmm, just tunnel entrances to sort out now
12:42:11 <blathijs> Ammler: Perhaps you should rerun update-desktop-stomething after changing the icon?
12:42:26 <blathijs> update-desktop-database
12:42:59 <Ammler> yeah, dosn't help
12:44:01 <blathijs> Funny...
12:45:06 <Ammler> it might be a bug of the theme in KDE4
12:45:43 <Ammler> I gues, SmatZ is using KDE
12:50:38 <SmatZ> yeah
12:50:47 <SmatZ> I am using KDE4 and I am not happy of that
12:51:36 <Ammler> of what?
12:51:44 <Ammler> about using KDE or the Icon?
12:51:44 <SmatZ> that I am using KDE4
12:51:57 <SmatZ> it's still quite problematic
12:52:03 <SmatZ> I should have stayd with KDE3
12:52:12 <Ammler> well, it very much depense on the version I am using 4.3.4 and it woks fine so far..
12:52:31 <SmatZ> hmm I got even more problems after switching from 4.3.3 to 4.3.4 :(
12:52:32 <Ammler> KDE4 < 4.3 isn't useable
12:52:50 <SmatZ> like, when I lock and unlock session, some app crashes
12:53:00 <SmatZ> krusader is too wide to fit on my window
12:53:07 <SmatZ> when I insert removable media, some app crashes...
12:53:20 <Ammler> hmm, well the suse distro runs around 100 patches through the KDE... :-)
12:54:12 <Ammler> but back to topic, do you have openttd installed?
12:55:31 <Ammler> SmatZ: ^
12:55:36 <SmatZ> Ammler: yeah :)
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12:55:49 <Ammler> and you have the right icon in the Start Menu?
12:55:58 <SmatZ> yes
12:56:31 <SmatZ> though I am using the "old-style" menu
12:56:45 <SmatZ> with 16x16 (or so) icons
12:57:05 <SmatZ> but even with 32x32 icons, it has correct icon
12:57:42 <peter1138> baaa
12:57:43 <Ammler> well, it uses the right icon here everywhere else too
12:57:53 <peter1138> scummvm for s60 doesn't work :(
12:58:03 <Ammler> just not on that stupid start menu
12:58:06 <peter1138> seems like it wants a touch screen
12:58:08 <Ammler> which I never use anyway.
13:04:10 <peter1138> okay, got it... some horrible key combination :s
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13:09:37 <blathijs> peter1138: That is rather cool, but my 1.5" screen is probably not suited for playing games :-)
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13:10:06 <peter1138> mmm, i'm thinking "stuck somewhere with nothing else to do" type playing
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13:21:03 <peter1138> yeah, okay, it's cool but pretty useless
13:21:12 <peter1138> the E71's display is pretty dim
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13:30:14 <roboboy> gnight
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13:36:28 <Singaporekid> peter1138 peter1138
13:38:03 <peter1138> Singaporekid Singaporekid
13:38:29 <Singaporekid> Apparently you have some sort of driving trains patch
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13:51:27 <peter1138> ages ago
13:57:30 <Singaporekid> D:
13:57:36 <peter1138> good lad
13:57:47 <peter1138> i don't think it's there though
13:59:33 <CIA-4> OpenTTD: peter1138 * r18509 /trunk/src/ (7 files in 2 dirs): -Codechange (r2515,r2753): Data for drawing single_x/y rail pieces was inverted.
13:59:48 <peter1138> i mean, it was a loooong time ago
14:02:58 <Markk> Can you fund a new town in a game?
14:04:36 <Ammler> yes, in nightly
14:05:01 <Markk> Ooh, nice, must try that out
14:05:11 <Markk> Thanks :)
14:05:49 <Ammler> he credits go to Belugas and friends :-)
14:07:37 <Markk> Okay :)
14:09:45 <Markk> Oh, shi-
14:09:51 <Markk> I have 2.2 GB of save-files
14:13:09 <Belugas> hello
14:14:15 <SpComb> Markk: easy way to free up some space, then
14:15:33 <Markk> SpComb: yeah :)
14:15:43 <Markk> But I like to save the save-files ;)
14:19:31 <peter1138> hurrr
14:19:39 <Markk> Is it cold?
14:19:41 <peter1138> opengfx really needs its landscape sprites fixing
14:19:57 <Markk> I would need some landscape fixing irl
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14:29:50 <planetmaker> peter1138, what else besides the fields?
14:29:59 <CIA-4> OpenTTD: rubidium * r18510 /trunk/os/windows/installer/install.nsi:
14:29:59 <CIA-4> OpenTTD: -Codechange: some further cleanups of the Windows installer; it didn't always
14:29:59 <CIA-4> OpenTTD: remove all the files it installed and the downloaded free graphics/sounds are
14:29:59 <CIA-4> OpenTTD: now fully extracted instead of dumped as tar in the data directory. This should
14:29:59 <CIA-4> OpenTTD: make reading the readme for them quite a bit easier.
14:30:33 <planetmaker> good one Rubidium ! Hope dies last, eh? ;-)
14:30:38 <peter1138> planetmaker, landscape generator sprites
14:30:44 <planetmaker> oh. yes.
14:32:09 <Rubidium> hope dies last?
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15:30:25 <planetmaker> I meant the hope that people read the readme.
15:31:59 <Belugas> you expect people to READ?????
15:32:10 <Belugas> man... you're really optimistic and idealistic :S
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15:35:21 <Ammler> could a wiki admin move move to (without Readme, as the official readme is in the source now)
15:35:34 <Ammler> might need to delete OpenGFX first
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15:39:37 <planetmaker> Belugas, not me. But obviously the person with the last svn commit ;-)
15:40:00 <planetmaker> But then: it makes flaming the people who don't read WAY easier ;-)
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15:40:29 <planetmaker> I object, Ammler
15:40:45 <planetmaker> The official readme has a link to that exact wiki page. We should not rename it (now)
15:40:50 <planetmaker> or at least a re-direct is needed
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15:41:25 <planetmaker> It doesn't make it untrue, though, that the official readme is the one which comes along.
15:41:39 <planetmaker> Still we should maintain the wiki page up2date. It's probably read more often.
15:46:23 <peter1138> "up2date"?
15:46:39 <peter1138> you don't "maintain" something "up to date"
15:46:44 <peter1138> you either maintain it
15:46:48 <peter1138> or you keep it up to date
15:47:54 <Ammler> well, it isn't
15:48:17 <Ammler> and you were the guy who moved the readme from wiki to the repo :-P
15:49:12 <Ammler> or course, you can still have a redirect from OpenGFX_Readme to OpenGFX
15:49:43 <Ammler> I would make the wiki page as portal for the OpenGFX
15:51:15 <blathijs> Perhaps put a link to the README file in the source browser on the OpenGFX_Readme page?
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15:51:59 <planetmaker> sounds like a good idea, blathijs
15:52:10 <planetmaker> as does the portal thingy
15:52:24 <Ammler> yep, that is what I have done in the OpenGFX box there
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15:52:44 <Ammler> nvm, I saw, if I logged in, I can move myself, now just the question, should I?
15:53:05 <Ammler> ^ might have too many commas ;-)
15:56:54 <Ammler> <-- also quite outdated
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15:58:09 <planetmaker> yes, indeed
15:58:47 <Ammler> I guess, we can remove that navigation box
15:58:56 <Ammler> and keep only one OpenGFX wiki page
15:59:06 <planetmaker> hm... I like the navigation box
15:59:22 <planetmaker> it looks nice :-)
15:59:38 <Ammler> hehe, you can keep it, but the links go mostly outside
15:59:44 <Ammler> TT-Forums and DevZone
16:00:06 <planetmaker> yes. And everything except the readme is horribly outdated
16:00:41 <Ammler> Readme ->
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16:00:57 <Ammler> FAQ drop without replacement
16:01:25 <Ammler> Tracking Table -> Roadmap ->
16:01:54 <Ammler> drop "Advanced ..." without replacement
16:02:14 <Ammler> credits redirect to the overview csv?
16:03:08 <Ammler> Downloads from Forums -> Release Talk at Forums
16:03:48 <planetmaker> Nah... Don't drop the readme, I think
16:03:59 <planetmaker> It looks nicer than the reame.ptxt
16:04:15 <Ammler> he?
16:04:40 <Ammler> oh well, I leave it... :-)
16:04:52 <planetmaker> removing the rest... yes :-)
16:05:38 * Ammler would have removed only FAQ and the + thing
16:06:48 <planetmaker> :-) Well... whatever you think. Just leave the readme :-) It looks nicer than plain text
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16:10:46 <Ammler> the wiki Readme isn't up2date
16:10:55 <Ammler> so you would keep it anyway?
16:11:56 <Ammler> oh, you made updates
16:12:20 <Ammler> well, I drop my changes then... :-)
16:14:31 <planetmaker> I made the updates a few day back...
16:15:09 <Ammler> he, you made a migration mistake?
16:15:14 <Ammler> pm -> planetmaker ;-)
16:15:41 <planetmaker> hm?
16:16:55 <Ammler> <-- wiki doesn't see the redirect
16:18:18 <planetmaker> I could swear that it once worked...
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16:48:32 <Belugas> YEAH!!!
16:48:37 <Belugas> finished!!!
16:48:45 <Belugas> yet another certification done
16:48:50 <Belugas> 106 transactions now
16:48:51 <Belugas> pffff...
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17:23:03 <Terkhen> hello
17:25:20 <peter1138> pom te pom
17:25:46 <peter1138> hmm, so...
17:38:12 <Singaporekid> SO
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17:39:00 <Belugas> quite
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18:03:43 <peter1138> indeed
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18:27:55 <Belugas> i miss my axe!
18:29:09 * Prof_Frink lends Belugas his Munro
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18:39:53 <Belugas> Munro?
18:40:01 <Prof_Frink> Axe.
18:40:04 * Belugas want guit!!!
18:40:20 * Prof_Frink want snow.
18:41:30 <Prof_Frink> I take spiky things to the Lake Sistrict in december, do Striding Edge at night by headtorch and *still* no reason to use spikery.
18:41:38 <Prof_Frink> s/S/D/
18:42:48 * Belugas has snow
18:43:19 <Prof_Frink> Please deliver to Dorset.
18:45:59 <CIA-4> OpenTTD: translators * r18511 /trunk/src/lang/ (11 files in 2 dirs): (log message trimmed)
18:45:59 <CIA-4> OpenTTD: -Update from WebTranslator v3.0:
18:45:59 <CIA-4> OpenTTD: croatian - 37 changes by UnderwaterHesus
18:45:59 <CIA-4> OpenTTD: finnish - 1 changes by jpx_
18:45:59 <CIA-4> OpenTTD: french - 1 changes by glx
18:46:00 <CIA-4> OpenTTD: german - 5 changes by dihedral
18:46:00 <CIA-4> OpenTTD: hungarian - 4 changes by IPG, alyr
18:48:42 <Eddi|zuHause> it's supposed to snow here this week
18:49:27 <Eddi|zuHause> but by experience, that thaws until christmas
18:51:11 <planetmaker> dihedral: we translate "fatal error" with "schwerer Fehler" ;-)
18:51:54 <Prof_Frink> Is that Foreign for "Oh cock"?
18:52:01 <Eddi|zuHause> i'd say "schwerwiegend"
18:52:50 <planetmaker> PeterT:
18:53:08 <PeterT> Thanks planetmaker!
18:53:26 <planetmaker> mind that it's heavily cheated
18:53:36 <PeterT> Cheated?
18:53:51 <Eddi|zuHause> Prof_Frink: no, that would be "Kacke"
18:53:52 <PeterT> I'll take a look
18:53:56 <planetmaker> company switch, money cheat, and one or two others
18:54:04 <PeterT> Ahh
18:54:52 <Eddi|zuHause> Prof_Frink: which has not much to do with "cock", more with "shit"
18:56:38 <Prof_Frink> Well, "Oh cock" isn't really about cock any more than "Bugger!" is about sodomy.
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18:57:37 <Eddi|zuHause> Prof_Frink: well, it's possible that "Oh cock" has nothing to do with cocks at all, but instead is etymologically derived from "Kacke"
18:57:39 <planetmaker> PeterT: it was mainly thought as a show-case with everything on one screen
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18:57:58 <PeterT> It would be a great opnttle.dat
18:58:32 <Prof_Frink> Eddi|zuHause: Well, mainly it's derived from not being able to say "Fuck" ont' tellybox.
18:58:44 <planetmaker> all features of OpenTTD and as many different sprites to test OpenGFX. My intial idea was just that... titlescreen. I guess that's the savefile's name
18:58:57 <PeterT> :-)
18:59:13 <PeterT> I see that you named the presidents after yourself
18:59:19 <PeterT> but who is M.G. Mur?
18:59:23 <Eddi|zuHause> Prof_Frink: that's the use case, not the etymological heritage
18:59:34 <planetmaker> But there are a few adjustments which can be made. Some of them I already did in my local version
19:00:06 <planetmaker> PeterT: that's left to the reader to find out
19:02:55 <planetmaker> ah... I wondered. It's M.G.Mür
19:03:48 <PeterT> Yes
19:03:51 <PeterT> who is that?
19:03:59 <planetmaker> :-)
19:07:14 <planetmaker> Sorry, I don't tell :-)
19:09:23 <PeterT> Alright
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19:10:46 * peter1138 plays DBSetXL... for old times sake
19:12:51 <welshdragon> I might play some OpenTTD in a minute
19:13:10 <welshdragon> it's a shame there's no Standard server :(
19:13:23 <frosch123> start a rc1 server
19:13:46 <welshdragon> i can't
19:13:47 <PeterT> welshdragon: I will start a dedicated server, if you wish?
19:13:58 <welshdragon> i'm stuck behind a corporate firewall
19:14:17 <welshdragon> PeterT: if you can
19:14:21 <PeterT> down
19:14:23 <PeterT> *done
19:14:43 <welshdragon> are we talking Trunk, or 0.7 series?
19:14:55 * Alberth gives welshdragon a sonic screw driver to punch a hole in the fire wall
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19:16:49 <PeterT> welshdragon: 0.7.5-RC1
19:16:57 <welshdragon> woo
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19:19:19 <PeterT> You coming?
19:19:46 <Sacro> OH YES
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19:42:22 <welshdragon> can I kick somebody from my company?
19:42:29 <welshdragon> (on multiplayer?
19:42:57 <Eddi|zuHause> no
19:43:21 <Eddi|zuHause> when do people understand it's not "their" company?
19:43:32 <welshdragon> PeterT: can you kick 123456
19:43:48 <PeterT> Sure, why?
19:44:09 <welshdragon> or move him to a vacant one?
19:44:18 <welshdragon> he;s not said anything
19:44:28 <welshdragon> and might be sabotaging the game
19:44:37 <PeterT> Was he doing anything bad?
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19:44:49 <welshdragon> i don't now
19:44:54 <welshdragon> but my money fell
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19:46:09 <PeterT> Issue is resolved, i guess
19:47:09 <dihedral> there is also something like 'communication'
19:47:17 <dihedral> or moving someone to spec
19:47:21 <dihedral> setting passwords
19:47:22 <dihedral> ...
19:47:33 <frosch123> but kicking is more fun, ask tb :)
19:49:18 <dihedral> well... most fun i could think of wrt kick, move to spec, remove company and let them watch :-D
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19:53:46 <sparrL> what network ports does openttd use?
19:54:21 <Forked>
19:54:22 <frosch123> @ports
19:54:22 <DorpsGek> frosch123: OpenTTD uses TCP and UDP port 3979 for server <-> client communication and UDP port 3978 for masterserver (advertise) communication (outbound)
19:54:55 <Eddi|zuHause> someone really should add bananas to that...
19:54:58 <frosch123> 3978 tcp is used for bananas
19:55:57 <sparrL> I am trying to get around a local firewall using a ssh tunnel to a remote machine
19:56:07 <sparrL> I know the tunnel is working, other applications on other ports are using it
19:56:23 <sparrL> but i still cant get info from a server in openttd
19:56:31 <Belugas> kicking! banning!
19:57:38 <Eddi|zuHause> sparrL: make sure you forward both tcp and udp
19:57:49 <sparrL> I am not sure how to do that
19:58:12 <Eddi|zuHause> i can't help you with that...
19:58:55 <sparrL> ok, thanks for the pointer
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20:00:55 <TrueBrain> Not only in christmas time you may unpack zip files
20:01:23 <frosch123> @ports
20:01:23 <DorpsGek> frosch123: OpenTTD uses TCP and UDP port 3979 for server <-> client communication and UDP port 3978 for masterserver (advertise) communication (outbound)
20:01:37 <frosch123> empty :(
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20:01:58 <frosch123> oh, wait, it was a andy
20:02:07 <TrueBrain> it always is
20:02:27 <andythenorth> what did I do this time :|
20:03:01 <TrueBrain> @reload openttd
20:03:01 <DorpsGek> TrueBrain: The operation succeeded.
20:03:02 <TrueBrain> @ports
20:03:02 <DorpsGek> TrueBrain: OpenTTD uses TCP and UDP port 3979 for server <-> client communication, UDP port 3978 for masterserver (advertise) communication (outbound), and TCP port 3978 for content service (bi-directional)
20:03:12 <frosch123> \o/
20:03:26 <TrueBrain> @reload openttd
20:03:26 <DorpsGek> TrueBrain: The operation succeeded.
20:03:27 <TrueBrain> @ports
20:03:27 <DorpsGek> TrueBrain: OpenTTD uses TCP and UDP port 3979 for server <-> client communication, UDP port 3978 for masterserver (advertise) communication (outbound), and TCP port 3978 for content service, a.k.a. BaNaNaS (outbound)
20:03:33 <TrueBrain> it is not bi-directional :)
20:03:41 <Eddi|zuHause> i was going to ask ;)
20:03:51 <TrueBrain> we should not broadcast our trojans :)
20:06:45 <Alberth> at least we should not tell anyone :)
20:08:04 <xopek> No UDP does not play? I have a Proxy, with UDP problem ...
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20:12:28 <Eddi|zuHause> xopek: you can play without udp, but you cannot get server info, and cannot run a server
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20:14:39 <frosch123> <- get the ip form there, and add the server manually
20:15:10 <xopek> I add the server IP, get information, to connect. Then when will download maps, ottd is labeled "Registration" and a few minutes off.
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20:18:25 <xopek> Error "Can not load save"
20:18:55 <TrueBrain> did you download any of our official binaries?
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20:19:40 <PeterT> Error "Can not load save" <-- Are you trying to load a newer save with older binaries?
20:19:44 <xopek> makes from sources from gentoo portage
20:19:53 <TrueBrain> make sure to add zlib (on by default)
20:21:41 <xopek> zlib enabled
20:21:54 <xopek> PeterT: No, I'm trying to connect to a network game.
20:23:24 <PeterT> Ah
20:23:33 <PeterT> What version?
20:23:48 <xopek> 0,7,4
20:25:09 <frosch123> what is the exact error message?
20:26:44 <xopek> err message is written in russian ... how to get it in english? :-)
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20:27:22 <frosch123> switch language to english?
20:27:34 <xopek> how?
20:27:44 <frosch123> game options
20:28:10 <frosch123> or did the ebuild only compile one language?
20:29:17 <xopek> i don't know. in the setting of the game i do not see the option change the language...
20:30:24 <frosch123>
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20:33:55 <xopek> could not load savegame
20:34:25 <xopek> i am looking ch lang in other options %)
20:36:00 <frosch123> well, there are three placed printing that error :p no idea :)
20:36:33 <frosch123> do you have a "network_client.tmp" in your autosave directory?
20:38:13 <xopek> there is such a file. rights to record belong to me.
20:38:42 <frosch123> you could try opening it as singleplayer, maybe that gives a more detailed message
20:38:56 <frosch123> (rename it to something.sav for that)
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20:41:22 <xopek> Game Load Failed
20:41:22 <xopek> Internal error: infliate() failed
20:41:36 <xopek> on load network_client.sav
20:41:52 * TrueBrain still votes zlib
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20:43:00 <xopek> TrueBrain: emerge shows that ottd compiled with support for ZLib. There is any possibility to check this?
20:45:17 <frosch123> if you save a game yourself, check the first four characters in the file :)
20:45:40 <frosch123> they should be "OTTZ" with the "Z" being most important
20:45:58 <TrueBrain> Fun fact: did you know Dune2 also used chunk-based savegames? :)
20:46:29 <xopek> OTTZtx
20:48:00 <frosch123> "tx" ? are you looking with some hexeditor, or with something breaking the output
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20:48:30 <xopek> cat Fanioz\ Corp.\ Ltd\,\ 2254-11-20.sav | head -n 1
20:48:31 <xopek> :-)
20:48:51 <PeterT> welshdragon: Are you still playing?
20:49:55 <welshdragon> yes
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20:51:08 <PeterT> K
20:54:20 <frosch123> oh, "CAT ABUSE ! ELEVENTYONE !"
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20:54:47 <xopek> nothing variants?
20:57:16 <frosch123> no idea, 0.7.4 savegames start with "OTTZ" 0x00 0x74 0x00 0x00
20:57:35 <frosch123> so maybe the savegame download was incomplete
20:59:04 <xopek> So download finishes without errors like. Only then the registration fails.
21:00:02 <frosch123> well, if you cannot open "network_client.tmp", then there is something wrong
21:00:10 <TrueBrain> disk full?
21:00:12 <frosch123> you can try starting ottd with "-d 7"
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21:06:57 * Belugas is on CutAndRage. Quite appropriate... Cuting Heads in RAge!
21:07:14 <Belugas> ooops.. wrong channel..
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21:13:56 <xopek> Broken savegame - Unknown chunk type
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21:14:27 <frosch123> that sounds like you try to join a not-0.7.4 server
21:15:09 <xopek> 89,187,136,89:3978
21:15:13 <xopek> 0.7.4 server
21:17:21 <Fugas> ?
21:17:24 <Fugas> this is my server
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21:24:19 <xopek> how to redirect output log with -d 7 to file?
21:24:37 <xopek> openttd -d 7>file.log not work...
21:25:52 <Ammler> debug goes to stderr (2>)
21:27:18 <xopek> ah. ok.
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21:39:04 <xopek> fail. 2bm logfile... :-)
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21:43:09 <SpComb> bm?
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21:44:39 <xopek> 2mb*
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22:37:18 <MrEmperor> I have a question
22:37:50 <MrEmperor> about upgrading from electric rail lines to monorail
22:38:17 <MrEmperor> is there any way to upgrade trains in depots without cloning them from a new one?
22:39:54 <glx> no
22:40:12 <MrEmperor> so the upgrade has to be manual?
22:40:16 <MrEmperor> oh well
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22:40:19 <CIA-4> OpenTTD: yexo * r18512 /trunk/src/industry_gui.cpp: -Fix (r17859) [FS#3376]: assert when clicking the industry button in the scenario editor
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22:40:47 <MrEmperor> thanks anyway
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23:02:41 <Yexo> stupid users
23:03:07 <fjb> That was really a FAQ.
23:03:17 <Yexo> someone actually takes the time to fill in the reported version in a bug report, but the changes it to "0.7.5-RC1" when it's actually the latest nightly
23:03:44 <fjb> :-)
23:04:15 <Yexo> had me wondering for several minutes why vs complained about not finding matching debug symbols
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23:08:23 <Eddi|zuHause> feature request: when using the "clone vehicle" button, and that vehicle type is not available anymore, but has a replacement rule set, build that new vehicle
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23:08:51 <SmatZ> it would confuse people
23:09:05 <SmatZ> it would have to be some "GUI setting"
23:09:07 <SmatZ> or so
23:09:59 <Eddi|zuHause> i don't think the confuse potential is that high...
23:11:16 <Eddi|zuHause> but i often had a situation that i got a "this vehicle is old" message, made a replacement rule, and thought "hey, i could use another vehicle on that route"
23:12:29 <Eddi|zuHause> and for the new vehicle i need not only copy the vehicle orders, but also refit it and put it into the matching group
23:12:50 <Eddi|zuHause> or wait for the first vehicle to get replaced, and then clone that
23:13:03 <Eddi|zuHause> both being suboptimal solutions
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23:27:24 <fjb> Autorenew was also not optimal last time I checked. When a vehicle has more than one refit option for the same carge (regiering in NARS 2, diffenrent number of passengers in Long Vehicles) the default value is chosen, not the value the vehicle was refitted to.
23:27:43 <Eddi|zuHause> fjb: that was changed recently
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23:28:01 <fjb> Oh, that is great news.
23:28:24 <Eddi|zuHause> it now tries to get the refit option with the same name
23:29:00 <fjb> It was really annoying with regiered locomotives.
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23:29:22 <Eddi|zuHause> i haven't tried regearing yet
23:30:27 <fjb> It is really usefull if the wagons have speed limits anyway but the train is heavy. Or if the train is light but could go faster.
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23:37:08 <Eddi|zuHause> yes, i understand how regearing works ;)
23:37:27 <Eddi|zuHause> but you might as well just offer two different engine models
23:39:46 <peter1138> or half a dozen, in some cases
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23:44:38 <Terkhen> good night
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23:44:44 <Eddi|zuHause> yeah, there are different usage models. like continuos high speed vs. stop-and-go vs. continuous high load vs. shunting
23:48:22 <fjb> That is the same reason why many locomitives are regearable in reality. And you can easier reuse a regearable locomotive with another train.
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23:51:08 <Eddi|zuHause> regearing an existing engine isn't done very often...