IRC logs for #openttd on OFTC at 2009-09-10
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00:06:34 *** Phoenix_the_II has quit IRC
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00:36:44 <DorpsGek> PeterT: yorick was last seen in #openttd 7 weeks, 1 day, 3 hours, 45 minutes, and 57 seconds ago: <yorick> also, don't listen to me
00:37:42 *** SmatZ sets mode: -b *!
00:37:43 *** SmatZ sets mode: -b *!
00:37:45 *** SmatZ sets mode: -b *!
00:37:46 *** SmatZ sets mode: -b *!
00:38:14 <SmatZ> lifetime bans are too cruel :(
00:38:22 <SmatZ> 2 months is more than enough ;)
00:38:53 <Yexo> and likely not effective as they might get another dynamic ip anywa
00:39:38 <PeterT> why would he be banned?
00:39:46 *** DorpsGek sets mode: +e +o!*@*
00:41:28 <Yexo> what was that? the dutch translation of that action in x-chat makes no sense
00:42:12 * PeterT can't understand his "Mother tongue"
00:42:19 <Yexo> SmatZ: what's wrong with @op?
00:42:20 <SmatZ> but somehow, it did strange things
00:42:40 <PeterT> Yexo: because thats to op oneself?
00:42:42 <Fuco> we dont have that on quakenet ;d
00:42:50 <SmatZ> PeterT: can you disconnect and reconnect here please?
00:43:06 <Yexo> PeterT: it can also be used to op others
00:43:13 <SmatZ> it doesn't mean autoope for everyone :)
00:43:20 *** DorpsGek sets mode: +o PeterT
00:43:22 *** DorpsGek sets mode: -o PeterT
00:43:49 <Fuco> you should make a screenshot, then edit the -o out
00:44:06 <Fuco> there was a guy on our channel
00:44:08 <PeterT> SmatZ: why did you need my hostmask?
00:44:44 <Fuco> you can simply /w nick for hostmask
00:45:03 <Fuco> my client can do that ;p
00:45:17 <PeterT> so why did I dis connect and reconnect?
00:45:41 <PeterT> /w doesnt work for me, but /dns does
00:45:45 *** DorpsGek sets mode: -e +o!*@*
00:46:05 <Fuco> /w is shortcut for /whois
00:46:15 <PeterT> you could just use /msg Chanserv list #openttd add Yexo MASTER
00:46:41 <Fuco> chanserv is one hell of a fail service ;D
00:46:56 <Yexo> PeterT: because SmatZ is not master fo the channel either?
00:47:02 <Yexo> but there is no need for that
00:47:13 <PeterT> ok, then replace MASTER with CHANOP
00:47:17 <Yexo> I really don't care whether I'm op or not, as long as DorpsGek does the dirty work
00:47:35 <Yexo> PeterT: you have to be master for that too
00:47:48 <PeterT> weird, I only have to be op
00:51:20 *** SmatZ sets mode: +q PeterT!*@*
00:51:26 <SmatZ> wonder what this does :-)
00:51:43 <Yexo> it makes this channel quiet :)
00:51:54 <SmatZ> what a peaceful place :)
00:51:58 *** SmatZ sets mode: -q PeterT!*@*
00:52:30 <PeterT> yexo: can you go to #megaindustrytycoon
00:52:37 <PeterT> i want to try to autoop you
00:55:44 <PeterT> kicking me on my own channel? harsh yexo
00:55:58 <Yexo> I didn't do anytying, you left yourself
00:56:41 <Yexo> sep 10 02:54:40 * PeterT ( heeft #OpenTTDMegaclan verlaten (Leaving) <- yes
00:58:18 <PeterT> SmatZ: Command misunderstood. Please retry command.
00:58:32 <PeterT> SmatZ: Command misunderstood. Please retry command.
00:58:43 *** PeterT was kicked by DorpsGek (No Unauthorised Bots)
00:58:57 <PeterT> SmatZ: Type /msg PeterT HELP for help
00:59:14 <PeterT> oh, I thought I was authorised
01:07:55 *** Coco-Banana-Man has quit IRC
01:28:05 <DorpsGek> PeterT: Born_Acorn was last seen in #openttd 9 weeks, 1 day, 10 hours, 42 minutes, and 23 seconds ago: <Born_Acorn> Bbl
03:00:34 *** Phoenix_the_II has quit IRC
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07:18:12 <pavel1269> problem :-( ... in one header i have defined class and extern of that class, in another unit, i include this header and want to use that extern in header (inline function) why i cant? in .cpp file i can use it :-/
07:19:10 <pavel1269> it reports undefined symbol when in header :-/
07:19:41 <Pikka> I have no idea, you'll have to wait for others to wake up, sorry :)
07:20:44 <pavel1269> i know, you would tell me that 08 AA 00 ... :-)
07:30:15 *** Aankhen`` has joined #openttd
07:38:18 <TinoDidriksen> extern inline? Impossible.
07:40:40 <pavel1269> but cant use in header
07:40:57 <pavel1269> will copypaste :-))
07:41:43 <pavel1269> fortunately, function is private so no problem, simply put definition of inline to .cpp file
07:44:49 <pavel1269> i must be missing some basic i think
07:45:10 <TinoDidriksen> Where is your TMainForm *MainForm; ?
07:46:03 <pavel1269> btw, whats that exactly for? i just know that i type it where i define functions of that class :P
07:47:08 <TinoDidriksen> extern TMainForm *MainForm; just makes sure that other places can find the global variable TMainForm *MainForm; provided you have such a global variable...I suspect a spelling or case-sensitive issue.
07:48:20 <pavel1269> so when using extern, the variable must exist?
07:48:38 <pavel1269> oh, another mssing piece :D
07:48:55 <TinoDidriksen> extern does not declare the variable, merely tells others that it's declared somewhere...
07:49:30 <pavel1269> when i move definition of that function to clientlist.cpp, everythings is okay
07:56:11 *** Terkhen has joined #openttd
08:06:35 <Pikka> that's what dihedral said
08:06:39 <Pikka> but where's the evidence?
08:11:53 <TrueBrain> good morning to you too :)
08:19:10 <TrueBrain> hmm .. Venz XL! WHOHO!
08:22:41 *** Vikthor has joined #openttd
08:25:23 <TrueBrain> "What are we going to do today Brain" - "The same thing as we do every night Pinky! TAKE OVER THE WORLD!"
08:26:11 <TrueBrain> (in case you were wondering about my sanity, it just went down the drain)
08:28:04 *** cscsaba has joined #openttd
08:28:57 <Vikthor> Is that some slang version of "How do you do?" If so, than fine, thanks
08:29:56 <cscsaba> whats going on mastering the english language ?:)
08:31:20 <TrueBrain> but I wonder about the use of then and than in this case :p
08:31:25 <TrueBrain> and I can't figure it out :'(
08:32:03 <planetmaker> TrueBrain, I don't bite :-)
08:32:23 <TrueBrain> planetmaker: pfew :)
08:40:40 <Tefad> if you are comparing things you use 'than'
08:40:47 <Tefad> if youre sequencing events, you use then
08:41:06 <TrueBrain> that is book work, not helping :p As I can't figure out if it is a comparing or a sequence :p
08:41:43 <TrueBrain> well, you have the line in your IRC too :p
08:41:54 <Tefad> i am tired point it out
08:42:00 <Rubidium> but what when you're comparing events or sequencing things?
08:42:14 <TrueBrain> "Is that some slang version of "How do you do?" If so, than fine, thanks"
08:42:25 <Tefad> you're not comparing anything
08:42:36 <TrueBrain> well, we can debate that :)
08:42:39 <Tefad> comparing would be more like "if this is greater than that"
08:42:50 <TrueBrain> depends how you depend the 'comparing' part )
08:43:05 <Tefad> it's clearly not part of the condition
08:43:08 <TrueBrain> oh, sorry mister know it all, didn't know I couldn't have my own opinion :p Ghehehe :)
08:43:33 <Tefad> hey, i'm an asshole no need to hug
08:44:04 <TrueBrain> either way, the compare was between my "howedie" and "how do you do" ;)
08:44:25 * Rubidium wonders whether TrueBrain would like Harajuku bridge
08:44:26 *** fonsinchen has joined #openttd
08:44:35 <TrueBrain> Rubidium: who? Can I eat it? Then yes please! :)
08:44:54 <Tefad> also, in just about any instance of "if" you can put a "then"
08:45:11 <Tefad> it's common to have the "then" understood/omitted
08:45:18 <Tefad> or the whole then phase omitted
08:45:25 <Tefad> much like "than" phrases
08:45:39 <Tefad> but with those "than" isn't omitted..
08:45:48 <Rubidium> TrueBrain: not who, but what or where. You can probably eat it, didn't try though
08:46:34 <Tefad> example: "are you going to this restaurant?" "only if you pay (then i will go)!"
08:47:05 <TrueBrain> I will go if you pay
08:47:16 <Tefad> example: "i have more beans than he (has)"
08:47:30 <Tefad> "(Then) I will go if you pay."
08:47:34 <Vikthor> I wouldn't have guessed my stupid mistake would spawn such long debate
08:47:48 <TrueBrain> Vikthor: I am bored, nothing to worry about
08:47:48 *** Chris_Booth has joined #openttd
08:48:17 <Rubidium> "I had more beans than he had" or "I had more beans then he had" :)
08:50:03 <TrueBrain> the latter needs a pause before then :p
08:50:49 <Tefad> Rubidium: it's never then in that case
08:51:12 <TrueBrain> Tefad: sure it is! I had more beans. Then he has beans.
08:51:53 <Tefad> right but that's two predicates
08:52:09 <TrueBrain> it misses a ',', but that is all :p
08:52:38 <Rubidium> heh, it's IRC... everyone omits punctuation
08:52:58 <Tefad> yeah capitalization and punctuation go out the window
08:53:05 <Tefad> unless emphasis is required
08:53:07 <TrueBrain> spacesoftentoowhichmakeseverythingunreadable
08:53:19 <Tefad> typingwithoutthespacebariskindofweird
08:53:28 <Tefad> mythumbsarelikewhatthefuckigotnofuckingdukesman
08:53:39 <SmatZ> ,I,don't,omit,punctuation,!
08:53:54 <Rubidium> thoughtheearliestwritingdidnothavespacesandverylittlepunctuationsowerejustgoingbackawhileinevolution
08:55:54 * Rubidium joins TrueBrain in boredom
08:56:02 <Tefad> well the languages that had no spaces also had crazy word endings
08:56:14 <TrueBrain> I think I am going to try out another boredom.. CLASSES!
08:56:17 <pavel1269> fix something then :-)
08:58:03 <Rubidium> hmm, why did I parse that like 'cogito' = 'source version management'
08:58:14 *** stuffcorpse has joined #openttd
08:59:21 <Rubidium> and later parse that as the 'original' Latin writing style?
08:59:56 <Vikthor> No that I know Latin, but didn't Latin already had U by the time Descartes did write this?
09:00:53 <Rubidium> could be, yet Tolkien used eleventy in his books even when it wasn't used anymore in his time
09:01:25 <Sacro> isn't that one hundred and eleventy?
09:02:24 <Rubidium> well, he actually used elevetyone. For more info, read the log of a few days ago
09:03:05 <Xaroth> I almost thought I had my irssi scrolled up to that discussion from a few days ago :o
09:03:32 *** [com]buster has joined #openttd
09:19:55 <planetmaker> it knows it ;-) - just not generally :-P
09:20:02 <DorpsGek> planetmaker: Error: 'n' is not a defined function.
09:20:05 *** ChanServ sets mode: +v tokai
09:20:24 <DorpsGek> Akoz: Error: float division
09:20:49 <Akoz> @calc 9^9^9^9^9^9^9^9^9^9^9^9^9^9^9^9^9^9^9^9^9^9^9^9^9^9^9^9^9^9^9
09:20:49 <DorpsGek> Akoz: Error: Something in there wasn't a valid number.
09:21:02 <planetmaker> @calc log( 10 ** 10 )
09:21:02 <DorpsGek> planetmaker: 23.0258509299
09:21:11 <planetmaker> @calc log( 10 ** 10,10)
09:21:18 <DorpsGek> Akoz: Error: Something in there wasn't a valid number.
09:21:20 <DorpsGek> Akoz: Error: invalid syntax (<string>, line 1)
09:21:25 <DorpsGek> Akoz: Error: The answer exceeded 1.79769313486e+308 or so.
09:21:45 <Akoz> @calc exp(9 ** 999999999999999999999999999)
09:21:45 <DorpsGek> Akoz: Error: The answer exceeded 1.79769313486e+308 or so.
09:22:03 <DorpsGek> Akoz: 26881171418161356094253400435962903554686976
09:22:44 <planetmaker> and now cout up to that number, starting with 0 with step size 1. ;-)
09:22:55 <planetmaker> and I meant the result of exp(10 ** 2)
09:22:58 <DorpsGek> SmatZ: Error: 'j' is not a defined function.
09:23:00 <DorpsGek> SmatZ: 0.540302305868+0.841470984808i
09:23:15 <SmatZ> ^^^ now count to that with step e R
09:23:25 <Akoz> @calc planetmaker ** SmatZ
09:23:25 <DorpsGek> Akoz: Error: 'planetmaker' is not a defined function.
09:23:47 <Akoz> planetmaker please define yourself
09:24:13 <planetmaker> I don't dare. If I measure myself, my wave function would collapse.
09:24:50 <DorpsGek> Akoz: Error: 'null' is not a defined function.
09:24:55 <DorpsGek> Akoz: Error: 'null' is not a defined function.
09:24:57 <planetmaker> nor am I actually a function. I have several different outputs associated with one input.
09:25:22 *** Phoenix_the_II has quit IRC
09:25:30 <DorpsGek> Xaroth: Error: Something in there wasn't a valid number.
09:25:36 <DorpsGek> Xaroth: Error: Something in there wasn't a valid number.
09:25:39 <DorpsGek> Xaroth: Error: Something in there wasn't a valid number.
09:25:45 *** Phoenix_the_II has joined #openttd
09:25:56 <DorpsGek> planetmaker: 9.86960440109
09:25:58 <DorpsGek> Xaroth: 9.86960440109
09:26:32 <Akoz> why is it not ^ instead of ** ?
09:26:41 <Xaroth> @calc 123*456*789+28830302
09:27:04 <planetmaker> Akoz, ask the supybot's math plugin programmers
09:27:37 <Akoz> should've know they were behind it
09:27:43 <TinoDidriksen> Akoz, ^ is typically the XOR operator in computers.
09:27:51 <planetmaker> if it = you, then you might be right.
09:28:09 <DorpsGek> Xaroth: Error: Something in there wasn't a valid number.
09:28:15 <planetmaker> And only since a person is paranoid, it doesn't mean that THEY are not after him/her.
09:28:47 <Akoz> well.. if someone is really inside the brick wall behind me they're long dead so I dont worry
09:36:34 *** zachanima has joined #openttd
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09:57:35 *** Aankhen`` has joined #openttd
10:04:53 *** Coco-Banana-Man has joined #openttd
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10:29:16 <TrueBrain> I just spoke to DorpsGek, and he feels abused
10:37:42 <dihedral> must have been Sacro then :-P
10:43:40 *** [com]buster has joined #openttd
10:47:41 * welshdragon likes dihedral's comment :P
10:48:59 <welshdragon> sodding connection
11:20:08 <TrueBrain> why do you do that?
11:20:36 <Muxy> it's a way to say Hello from Goulp
11:20:59 <Muxy> but if you dont know goulp, you cant understand
11:21:25 <Muxy> goulp maxim, in french is "pourquoi faire simple quand on peut faire compliqu"
11:21:56 <Muxy> why do simple when you can complicate
11:22:20 <TrueBrain> crazy french people :p
11:22:24 <Muxy> which is in english : Keep It Simple (And) Stupid
11:23:04 <Muxy> you see the power of crazyness ?
11:23:12 <TrueBrain> every day when I look in the mirror
11:24:11 <Muxy> yeap, that's a point of vue.
11:24:24 <Muxy> i prefer look behin the mirror
11:25:21 <TrueBrain> there is nothing behind my mirror
11:25:24 <TrueBrain> but a rock solid door
11:25:27 <TrueBrain> a bit boring, if you ask me
11:25:29 <Muxy> and to finish with goulp : The Goulp is Hell
11:25:43 <Muxy> but it's still better in french
11:25:50 <Muxy> "Le goulp c'est l'enfer"
11:26:10 <Muxy> "parce que les shadock sont enferms dedans"
11:27:24 <Muxy> hum about the mirror, you look from behind the mirror ;)
11:28:10 <TrueBrain> I always look in the mirror, what you do with mirrors is your business
11:29:11 <Muxy> none, i'm trying to make the computers go right
11:29:27 <TrueBrain> mine tend to go left, not so much fun I tell you
11:29:32 <Aankhen``> <Muxy> which is in english : Keep It Simple (And) Stupid # isn't that the opposite of "pourquoi faire simple quand on peut faire compliqué"?
11:30:19 <Aankhen``> Okay. I got confused since you said the latter is the former.
11:31:24 <Muxy> But it comes from "Les Shadocks" which is a french old tv show from 1970's
11:38:09 <Aankhen``> Ça semble intéressant.
11:38:27 <Aankhen``> Whoops, English only.
11:42:50 *** [alt]buster has joined #openttd
11:57:44 *** Yexo is now known as Guest2024
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12:04:32 <Eddi|zuHause> gesundheit IS an english word.
12:05:12 <SmatZ> yeah, one can find it in ENG->GER dictionary :-p
12:05:56 *** KenjiE20 has joined #openttd
12:07:12 <SmatZ> my dictionary was wrong then
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12:23:09 *** DorpsGek sets mode: +b *!
12:23:10 *** Phoenix_the_II was kicked by DorpsGek (As yesterday, please return when your connection is more stable, or when you have a question/contribution to this channel. Thank you.)
12:23:19 *** DorpsGek sets mode: -b *!
12:25:16 *** Spoons is now known as FauxFaux
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12:37:53 <Rubidium> "Pigeon transfers data faster than South Africa's Telkom" <- makes me laugh :)
12:43:47 <TrueBrain> Rubidium: if Pigeons carry 1TB HDs, it even holds in Europe :p
12:44:38 <Rubidium> @calc 100/8*3600*2/1024
12:45:27 <Rubidium> 80 GB/hour at 100 Mbit/s
12:46:12 <TrueBrain> sorry, I can't parse that
12:46:20 <TrueBrain> like saying: 100 Mbit/s at 100 Mbit/s
12:47:03 <Rubidium> having numbers in an order to compare them is useful
12:47:28 <TrueBrain> I fail to see what you were trying to say
12:47:32 <Rubidium> like you might get 40 GB/h at 100 Mbit/s internet (due to overhead and such)
12:47:37 <TrueBrain> that at 100 mbit/s you can transfer 80 GB in an hour?
12:47:49 <TrueBrain> well, if you talk overhead, you should have said /10, not /8
12:48:06 <TrueBrain> (on average, you need 10 bits to send 1 byte on the Internet)
12:48:13 <Rubidium> @calc 100/8*3600/1024
12:48:13 <DorpsGek> Rubidium: 43.9453125
12:48:29 <Rubidium> @calc 100/10*3600/1024
12:49:01 <Rubidium> where in the former I just rounded it down with ~10%
12:49:02 <TrueBrain> so, on that math, a pigeon has 30 hours to fly from A to B, and is still faster than 100 mbit/s connection
12:49:35 <Rubidium> assuming writing and reading the 1TB HD is instant, yes
12:49:49 <TrueBrain> no, it was about transfering data
12:49:52 <TrueBrain> not about reading or writing it
12:50:18 <Rubidium> Including downloading, the transfer took two hours, six minutes and 57 seconds.
12:50:30 <TinoDidriksen> I believe the saying goes, never underestimate the bandwidth of a truck filled with harddrives.
12:50:31 <Rubidium> the 11-month-old pigeon, Winston, took one hour and eight minutes to fly
12:50:55 <TrueBrain> TinoDidriksen: it is BIG! :) I remember that when we had a telescope make some shots
12:51:02 <TrueBrain> we had to wait 2 weeks for the HD to arrive to read those images :p
12:51:14 <TrueBrain> sending a few GB of data over the connection they had at the telescope was impossible :)
12:51:38 <TinoDidriksen> "Never underestimate the bandwidth of a station wagon full of tapes hurtling down the highway. —Tanenbaum, Andrew S. (1996)"
12:53:09 <Rubidium> still, to make a useful comparison you need to transfer data onto the tapes and from them
12:53:46 <TrueBrain> Rubidium: why? We talk about transfer of data! Not reading/writing them .. bandwidth is just moving data, not analyzing it
12:54:09 <TrueBrain> the throughput of a waterpipe is not defined by the nossel at the end
12:54:25 <TrueBrain> by the lack of the nossel :p
12:54:35 <TrueBrain> or how ever you write that in English :)
12:54:54 <TrueBrain> the speed of a train is not defined by the time it takes people to get in or out of the train
12:55:16 <Rubidium> TrueBrain: but the travel time of the people taking the train from point A to B *is*
12:55:26 <TinoDidriksen> It is a valid concern for the overall picture...
12:55:28 <TrueBrain> really? I think the NS would disagree on that very much :)
12:55:59 <Rubidium> I want to get 1 TB from here to you. What's fastest way?
12:56:08 <TrueBrain> often when I take a train, it is already at the station
12:56:13 <TrueBrain> it is there for 15 minutes before it leaves
12:56:17 <TrueBrain> is my trip extended with 15 minutes?
12:56:35 <TrueBrain> (it has no delay, it is just how Dordrecht in this case works :p)
12:56:44 <TrueBrain> Rubidium: by pigeon! :p
12:57:00 <Rubidium> well... the fastest is the hard disk at (near) the speed of light, so sub milliseconds
12:57:06 *** ChanServ sets mode: +v tokai
12:57:19 <TrueBrain> I can beat that: instant, via 'quantum-verstrengeling'
12:57:22 <TrueBrain> (fail to translate, sorry
12:57:38 <Rubidium> ofcourse the gazillion Gs to accelerate and decelerate it completely trash the HD, but that doesn't matter
12:57:49 <TrueBrain> TinoDidriksen: I guess :)
12:58:19 <TrueBrain> would require quite a lot of work to make 1TB worth of bits in entanglement, but okay, that is besides the point I guess
12:58:58 <TrueBrain> (mind you that in such case there is no 'transfer' in the classic way. Hence the possibility of instant 'transfer')
12:59:54 <TrueBrain> [14:55] <Rubidium> TrueBrain: but the travel time of the people taking the train from point A to B *is* <- btw, time == latency. speed == bandwidth
13:01:26 <Rubidium> and both can be compared with 'faster'
13:02:30 <planetmaker> as far as I see 'legacy' doesn't imply deprecated so far.
13:02:36 <Rubidium> the internet is faster than a pigeon if you talk about latency, but the pigeon has for the given distance and data amount a higher bandwidth
13:02:50 <TrueBrain> Rubidium: I can have lower latency with no increase of bandiwdth. I can have bigger bandwidth without the increase of latency. So I miss your point. They are not correlated
13:03:06 <TrueBrain> Rubidium: and we talked about the 'transfer of data', which is bandwidth, very good :)
13:03:22 <TrueBrain> we never talked about the 'fastnesst' of internet :)
13:03:26 <Rubidium> the transfer of a specific amount of data over a specific distance
13:03:49 <Rubidium> which basically means you're talking about the whole picture
13:04:29 <TrueBrain> planetmaker: 'legacy' tends to be phased out
13:04:39 <planetmaker> TrueBrain, that's why I'm asking ;-)
13:04:57 <planetmaker> but it still works. Probably w/o warning.
13:05:28 <TrueBrain> so keep the legacy till it starts to warn :p
13:06:15 <TrueBrain> (which is a bit sad :p)
13:08:04 <Rubidium> luckily the legacy behaviour changes in newer versions, which makes it equally well testable
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13:09:58 <Rubidium> "Also see “Compatibility Issues,” below, for a discussion of the current behavior of legacy methods." <- oh, the legacy behaviour might even change
13:10:15 <Rubidium> lovely... testing it in each version of OSX... that's going to be fun!
13:10:40 <TrueBrain> lucky for us, OSX has very well predefined versions
13:10:59 <TrueBrain> where in general (with the exception of 10.4.9 I believe) there really is only one such version :)
13:11:26 * Rubidium points at the OpenTTD doesn't start on (some) versions of OSX 10.5 saga
13:11:52 <TrueBrain> very good: versions of OSX, you can point your finger to the version
13:12:18 <TrueBrain> plural, I don't care
13:12:25 <TrueBrain> I already used plural
13:13:40 <Rubidium> well... some installations of a SPECIFIC version of OSX caused OpenTTD to fail, where other installs from the SAME disk did not fail
13:14:00 <TrueBrain> I think it is time for your pill Rubidium
13:14:57 <TrueBrain> but so you want to tell me that if on computer A I installed version 10.5.0, OpenTTD failed, and when I reinstalled on computer A the same version 10.5.0 it worked?
13:22:31 <Eddi|zuHause> gnah... i can't distinguish planetmaker from TrueBrain from this far away... they both have the same colour :(
13:22:39 <Eddi|zuHause> i need more colours :(
13:22:43 <TrueBrain> Eddi|zuHause: we should patch Konversation to fix that problem
13:23:13 <Eddi|zuHause> but i'm afraid to join freenode to make a request ;)
13:25:00 <TrueBrain> hehehehe :) I can see that to be a problem :p
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14:08:41 <dihedral> i am looking for an english word.....
14:08:47 <dihedral> use at your own .......
14:10:05 <Aankhen``> Close enough. You could pretend you had a cold when you wrote it. ;-)
14:11:18 <planetmaker> I would rather write "use at your own risk" ;-)
14:11:36 <Eddi|zuHause> yeah, that was my first thought, too ;)
14:12:00 <planetmaker> discretion doesn't mean anything else anyway. Or rather "use your own judgement".
14:12:18 <dihedral> your conference is accessible through following telephone numbers, you may uses these at your own rist??
14:12:34 <TrueBrain> that is horrible english :)
14:12:48 <planetmaker> uhm... conference? accessible via phone?
14:12:56 <dihedral> phone conference :-)
14:13:26 <Aankhen``> dihedral: What are you trying to say there? Why's it risky to you the numbers?
14:13:27 <planetmaker> In order to take part in the conference call any of these numbers: <blub> <bluh> <blah>
14:14:13 <planetmaker> dihedral, video conference! way better ;-)
14:14:14 <dihedral> Aankhen``, i was making 'fun' of the word 'risk' at that place
14:14:20 <dihedral> planetmaker, we do that too
14:14:30 <dihedral> and web application sharing conferences
14:14:34 <dihedral> online presentations etc.
14:27:55 <CIA-4> OpenTTD: rubidium * r17492 /trunk/src/ (road_cmd.cpp road_map.h saveload/afterload.cpp town_map.h): -Codechange: don't store the town index for road depots.
14:33:20 <CIA-4> OpenTTD: rubidium * r17493 /trunk/ (11 files in 3 dirs): -Codechange: store the depot index on the map
14:34:08 <TrueBrain> darn, my english sucks
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14:36:50 <CIA-4> OpenTTD: rubidium * r17494 /trunk/src/ (depot.cpp depot_base.h): -Codechange: improve algorithmic complexitiy of Depot::GetByTile from O(n) to O(1)
14:38:21 <CIA-4> OpenTTD: rubidium * r17495 /trunk/src/ (8 files in 2 dirs): -Codechange: replace 'Depot::Get(GetDepotIndex(tile))->index' with GetDepotIndex(tile)
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14:50:13 <planetmaker> hm, then I don't understand entirely the logic why floating point in the AIs must be avoided
14:50:43 <planetmaker> IIRC the argument for int operations only is to stay in sync with clients in MP situations for path finding etc.
14:51:19 <planetmaker> The only advantage I see is that an AI will give on another computer with the same savegame and setup otherwise also guaranteed the same result
14:51:28 <planetmaker> That might be different, if float is allowed.
14:52:41 <planetmaker> or do I miss something substantial? :-)
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14:56:14 <planetmaker> :-) I just wonder what might be the reason for the near-fundamental rejection of float ops :-)
14:56:14 <DorpsGek> Yexo: Phoenix_the_II was last seen in #openttd 31 weeks, 2 days, 23 hours, 39 minutes, and 20 seconds ago: <Phoenix_the_II> right :)
15:00:34 <Ammler> Yexo: our lovely host ;-)
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15:36:33 <Belugas> might just be by traditions and to avoid claims like "if it's good for AI, it should be good for other operations" and open up the door to misuses and wonderful long and nasty arguments...
15:36:44 <Belugas> users are sooo good when arguing...
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15:40:44 * Belugas feels like a big teddy bear with all thses hugs :D
15:41:24 <planetmaker> :-) Bel-huggy-lugas :-P
16:03:57 <Eddi|zuHause> yay, i successfully repaired a signal ;)
16:18:04 <Sacro> Unicode is big. Really big. You just won't believe how vastly hugely mind-bogglingly big it is. I mean, you might think it's a long way down the codepage to ü, but that's just peanuts to Unicode.
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16:28:50 <Eddi|zuHause> # U i vethed na i onnad.
16:28:51 <Eddi|zuHause> # Si boe u-dhanna.
16:28:53 <Eddi|zuHause> # Ae u-esteli, esteliach nad.
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17:05:12 <De_Ghosty> is modular ui in the road map?
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17:10:57 <Xaroth> why do you want a modular ui?
17:12:37 <_ln> what do you mean by modular ui?
17:16:17 <MyCatVerbs> why do you want a ui?
17:16:32 <MyCatVerbs> Does your imagination not work or something?
17:17:05 <Belugas> first a tile map, a new map, then a road map
17:17:50 <MyCatVerbs> Sure, it's just that, this being a game project, it's called the "wishlist" instead.
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17:25:03 <Belugas> De_Ghosty, making a modular user interface does not serves any good, in my mind
17:25:14 <Belugas> making you could explain a bit more what concept you have in mind
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17:45:35 <CIA-4> OpenTTD: translators * r17496 /trunk/src/lang/ (6 files): (log message trimmed)
17:45:35 <CIA-4> OpenTTD: -Update from WebTranslator v3.0:
17:45:35 <CIA-4> OpenTTD: catalan - 39 changes by arnau
17:45:35 <CIA-4> OpenTTD: english_US - 2 changes by agenthh
17:45:35 <CIA-4> OpenTTD: italian - 4 changes by lorenzodv
17:45:36 <CIA-4> OpenTTD: romanian - 5 changes by kkmic
17:45:36 <CIA-4> OpenTTD: russian - 3 changes by Lone_Wolf
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18:00:48 <Ammler> Does someone else than skidd13 work with the rpm spec from
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18:33:58 <Aankhen``> Is there any technical reason why signs, station names, etc. are limited to such short lengths? Or is it just that people are too busy doing other things to fiddle with that?
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18:35:33 <Aankhen``> Yes to which question?
18:36:31 <Aankhen``> SmatZ: Why not what?
18:36:54 <SmatZ> why should the limit be 1 byte more or less?
18:37:58 <Eddi|zuHause> afair the limit is in pixels, not in characters
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18:38:13 <Yexo> there are 2 limits, 1 in characters and 1 in pixels
18:38:25 <SmatZ> different font -> different pixel width
18:38:33 <SmatZ> pixel limit isn't used anymore
18:38:37 <Yexo> hmm, yes, then why do I remember a pixel limit?
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18:38:55 <Aankhen``> SmatZ: Signs because they seem to be the only method for persistent communication between players in MP…
18:39:07 <SmatZ> Aankhen``: you can use two signs
18:39:29 <Eddi|zuHause> Aankhen``: you don't need to write essays
18:39:49 <Aankhen``> Yeah, that's what I see people doing. It just seems hackish.
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18:41:59 <Aankhen``> Eddi|zuHause: Perhaps not, but easily a third of the current length is taken up just mentioning one town name.
18:43:59 <Aankhen``> Anyway, thanks for the answers.
18:48:19 <Ammler> Aankhen``: or use autopilot :-)
18:57:55 <SmatZ> like, when you do clean checkout, does it happen too?
19:11:31 <Ammler> SmatZ: yes, but I guess, I found the reason
19:11:48 <Ammler> openSUSE 11.1 is a bit more strict
19:12:26 <Ammler> I made some changes to the spec files, shall I post those to the FS?
19:15:32 <Ammler> now, it succeeded, but I don't find the rpm :-(
19:29:52 <Ammler> the only bug left: openttd.i586: W: wrong-icon-size /usr/share/icons/hicolor/256x256/apps/openttd.png expected: 256x256 actual: 256x248
19:30:33 <blathijs> Ammler: packaging rpm?
19:30:56 <Ammler> blathijs: yes, trying to make suse rpm :-)
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20:16:43 <CIA-4> OpenTTD: frosch * r17497 /trunk/src/airport_movement.h: -Codechange: Macrofy AirportMovingData.
20:19:26 <CIA-4> OpenTTD: yexo * r17498 /trunk/ (9 files in 6 dirs): -Add [NoAI]: Enable the squirrel std math library
20:19:47 <Rubidium> it'll cost you though
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20:41:25 <planetmaker> @calc 230 * 1.6 * sqrt(2)
20:41:25 <DorpsGek> planetmaker: 520.430590953
20:41:37 <planetmaker> @calc 230 * 1.06 * sqrt(2)
20:41:37 <DorpsGek> planetmaker: 344.785266507
20:41:53 <dihedral> yes, that would make a difference :-P
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20:46:53 <dihedral> seems that CIPP has a huge fan base :-D
20:48:42 <Nite_Owl> his posts make my eyes bleed
20:49:10 <Eddi|zuHause> that's why the forum needs a real ignore function
20:50:06 <Nite_Owl> plus I always want to respond with something along the lines of "Brain hurt. Make brain stop hurting."
20:50:14 <Terkhen> as long as he keeps posting on his own thread I'm happy
20:52:54 <Terkhen> well, not happy, just happier... because I don't have to try to understand his post and answer him
20:55:53 <dihedral> i love the fact that the patches have not been downloaded once yet :-D
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21:56:27 <Progman> looks like the amount of information about something or how many bits you need to save the information...
21:56:40 <Eddi|zuHause> it's an entropy formula
21:57:19 <Eddi|zuHause> (where "amount of information" is a special case of)
23:02:19 <DaleStan> Yexo: Re NFORenum and airports: r2201 may have overridden your 0.dat, and r2203 will definitely override your feat.dat.
23:03:04 <Yexo> there are indeed a few conflicts
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23:14:43 <CIA-4> OpenTTD: yexo * r17499 /trunk/src/3rdparty/squirrel/sqstdlib/sqstdmath.cpp: -Fix (r17498): remove 2 unused functions so some compilers stop warning about them
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