IRC logs for #openttd on OFTC at 2009-08-04
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00:06:56 *** KenjiE20|LT has joined #openttd
00:15:25 *** KingJ is now known as kingj
00:15:35 *** Eddi|zuHause2 is now known as Eddi|zuHause
00:17:31 <Eddi|zuHause> something's wrong with my reconnect script...
00:30:30 *** Polygon has joined #openttd
00:32:21 <adam_vollrath> Is it possible to change max_trains while a server is running?
00:43:17 *** Elton04246 has joined #openttd
01:00:24 *** Elton02551 has joined #openttd
01:01:44 <Aali> adam_vollrath: of course
01:02:01 <adam_vollrath> I got it fingered out, thx
01:09:31 *** Elton01776 has joined #openttd
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01:46:16 *** Elton07774 has joined #openttd
02:44:14 *** LaSeandre has joined #openttd
03:06:34 *** reldred has joined #openttd
03:12:22 *** TinoDidriksen has joined #openttd
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04:48:30 <adam_vollrath> So how does automatic fetching of a server's NewGRF's work? Does the NewGRF need to be in the centralized repository?
04:49:48 <adam_vollrath> DaleStan, sir, thank you for helping me out earlier.
04:51:26 <adam_vollrath> Who should I talk to about inclusion in said repo?
04:52:31 <DaleStan> Whoever wrote the GRF.
04:53:26 <adam_vollrath> Good thing I didn't write it then.
04:55:23 <adam_vollrath> I have it running on my dedicated server, and a handful of clients connected. (No problems yet.) I'd like to avoid having each of my guild-mates download that file tho, if possible.
05:01:59 <DaleStan> adam_vollrath: BTW, the Perl script only currently only handles lists containing exactly 825 names.
05:02:24 <DaleStan> ... And it's past my bedtime.
05:02:32 <adam_vollrath> Ok, sleep well. Thank you again.
05:13:43 *** Rubidium has joined #openttd
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05:14:23 *** jonty-comp has joined #openttd
05:57:10 *** Phoenix_the_II has joined #openttd
06:06:50 *** stuffcorpse has joined #openttd
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06:38:22 *** Progman has joined #openttd
07:25:59 *** Progman has joined #openttd
07:40:01 <R0b0t1> Is there a way to "connect" stations? I figured these stations would be close enough, but no :\
07:40:41 <R0b0t1> Hmm, I guess I could make some 1x1 stations over some tracks...
07:42:44 <dihedral> and check your station spread setting
07:59:33 *** reldred has joined #openttd
08:02:53 <R0b0t1> Ok, well, I got the stations connected, but if I assign a train to go to the station (and intend it to use a large "dock", is it possible that it might decide to load on a 1x1 station?
08:05:30 <dihedral> if the 1x1 blocks are connected, yes
08:05:55 <R0b0t1> So there's no prefference over a dock that'd fit the train? :S
08:05:57 <dihedral> if no roads lead to rom, no one will get there
08:06:21 <dihedral> yes, there is a penalty system
08:06:44 <dihedral> however, if all larger platforms are occupied, it will take what it can get
08:07:11 <dihedral> + 90 degree turns are ugly
08:07:47 <dihedral> what on earth is the point of that station?
08:08:07 <R0b0t1> I did it for the lulz.
08:08:28 <R0b0t1> Well, I actually had a plan of making some main backbone lines
08:08:41 <dihedral> i'd not call it very efficient :-P
08:08:49 <R0b0t1> Going to the station, goods are dropped off at the station, and another train takes it back to the real destination
08:09:03 <R0b0t1> It's so I don't have to coordinate all the resources
08:09:22 <R0b0t1> 'cause there might be coal way over there, but the best power plant for it might be farther away.
08:09:27 <R0b0t1> My ideas are usually shit :P
08:10:35 <dihedral> you want a load of cargo there, yet you have a huge amount of crossing tracks, 90 degree turns, and only terminus stations
08:10:50 <dihedral> that kind of all lowers the throughput
08:11:40 <dihedral> have a look at some of the stuff on the wiki ( and perhaps checkout the wiki of
08:12:03 <dihedral> they have savegames in their archives you can have a closer look at
08:12:20 <R0b0t1> savegames, that's good
08:15:00 <dihedral> you use copy & paste?
08:15:29 <R0b0t1> You mean copy and paste tracks etc?
08:15:39 <dihedral> what else could you copy and paste?
08:15:44 <dihedral> in openttd that is ^^
08:18:28 <R0b0t1> I just used hotkeys and it went pretty fast.
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08:49:03 <R0b0t1> I just opened up a save with the newest svn openttd, and it said something about invalid train lengsh.
08:49:37 <Aali> so, you messed up some newgrf somehow
08:49:47 <R0b0t1> It did say something about that
08:49:55 <R0b0t1> But I downloaded the old grf files and copied them in
08:52:18 *** Azrael- has joined #openttd
08:54:30 <TrueBrain> "{WHITE}Order ombouwen mislukt gestopt {VEHICLE}" <- babblefish translations .. you got to love it :s
08:55:04 <blathijs> What the hell was that originally?
08:55:15 <TrueBrain> well, a bit crappy too: "{WHITE}Order refit failure stopped {VEHICLE}"
08:55:27 <TrueBrain> not the best english of the game .. but the translation is worse
08:55:34 <blathijs> Sounds like a fine translation then :-p
08:55:38 <TrueBrain> I guess it means: the order to refit failed and stopped {VEHICLE}
09:03:23 <TrueBrain> "STR_VEHICLE_NAME_TRAIN_WAGON_RAIL_ARMORED_VAN" translated with "Gepantserde wagen"
09:03:30 <TrueBrain> I don't think there are "wagens" on the rails ...
09:06:19 <TrueBrain> although stricly seen it is correct .. still it reads very funny :)
09:08:18 <blathijs> Mjah, we also use the word "wagon", so I guess wagen is not the best translation
09:08:34 <blathijs> then again, I'm not so sure what VAN is doing in the string id
09:08:44 <TrueBrain> blathijs: it is also in the English
09:08:53 <TrueBrain> I have a whole other idea by that :)
09:09:53 <blathijs> I'd name the road vehicle van, not the train wagon...
09:10:16 <TrueBrain> I agree, the english sucks here
09:12:41 <blathijs> Actually, a Van is a railway car in british :-)
09:13:03 <TrueBrain> in dutch it is ONLY a vehicle that drives on the road
09:13:11 <blathijs> And the dictionary definition of truck and van both say "vehicle", not "road vehicle"
09:13:36 <TrueBrain> so the english is correct
09:13:43 <TrueBrain> but the dutch translation can't be "Truck"
09:14:00 <TrueBrain> ddfreyne: please, read context
09:14:03 <ddfreyne> if you need something else ;)
09:14:04 <TrueBrain> don't start babbling something in random
09:14:32 <ddfreyne> ah nm got it the wrong way around
09:17:00 <TrueBrain> there, now they all say "wagon"
09:17:03 <TrueBrain> much more sane in dutch :)
09:23:48 <TrueBrain> blathijs: 'teveel' or 'te veel' bushaltes?
09:38:14 <TrueBrain> k :) That is now consistent too :p
09:38:25 <blathijs> Vandale says "teveel" is a valid word
09:38:47 <TrueBrain> yeah, the reason I asked ;) Well .. I mark it, and at least now it is consistent
09:38:58 <blathijs> Ah, "teveel" is the noun
09:39:07 <blathijs> "te veel" is a description of having a surplus
09:39:07 <TrueBrain> so "Te veel" it is :)
09:39:49 <TrueBrain> enough for this time of the day :)
09:39:55 <TrueBrain> (up to 300+ strings :p)
09:40:28 <blathijs> yay for TrueBrain :-)
09:40:32 <Eddi|zuHause> doesn't count if it's one sed ;)
09:41:05 <Eddi|zuHause> well, it could be a big sed ;)
09:41:16 <blathijs> Hmm, Yexo is Dutch too? :-)
09:41:23 <TrueBrain> aren't most devs? :)
09:41:49 <Eddi|zuHause> blathijs: i was surprised by that multiple times :p
09:56:31 *** TheFlood has joined #openttd
09:56:54 <TrueBrain> brrr, all those floods, they can be so annoying
09:57:32 <TheFlood> I have a weird problem, my game is stuck in fast farward (using 0.7.2)
09:57:49 <TheFlood> even if I start a new game
09:58:03 <TrueBrain> did you try pressing the >> icon?
09:58:26 <TrueBrain> tried pressing 'tab'?
09:59:26 <TheFlood> but the icon didn't so some bug it is then, but thx TrueBrain!
09:59:48 <TrueBrain> I guess your OS just had the Tab hanging
10:01:16 <Rubidium> TheFlood: tab 'overrides' the icon
10:01:34 <Rubidium> so as long as tab is pressed it'll always fast forward
10:02:05 <Rubidium> and if the OS for some reason tells OpenTTD that the tab key is pressed, it's hard for OpenTTD to figure out it isn't really pressed
10:02:14 <TheFlood> but i could write here without tabs all over, but maybe that's not related
10:02:20 <Rubidium> after all, OpenTTD doesn't have the magic to read your mind (yet)
10:02:39 <TheFlood> using windows... I know! =)
10:02:39 <TrueBrain> I am sure Rubidium will fix tha tproblem soon enough :p
10:03:21 <Luette> is mind reading planned for 0.8.x? =)
10:04:09 <TrueBrain> well, the latest patch failed horribly and resulted in 3 dead
10:04:16 *** Progman has joined #openttd
10:04:38 <Luette> 3 dead eh? Can I 'volunteer' some people for beta-testing... ;)
10:04:56 <TrueBrain> if they are willing to sign the NDA, sure
10:05:41 <Luette> "Dear Mr Bank Manager," ...
10:11:18 *** Coco-Banana-Man has joined #openttd
10:15:05 <Rubidium> what's wrong with the bank manager?
10:17:28 *** fonsinchen has joined #openttd
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10:44:23 <TrueBrain> Rubidium: is that patch correct? 'opt' looks undefined
10:45:47 <Rubidium> TrueBrain: arg is a istringstream, you know what that does to >> right?
10:46:03 <TrueBrain> ....... stupid fucking retarded C++
10:46:57 <TrueBrain> who in his right mind ever thought that overloading >> was a good idea ...
10:47:40 <Eddi|zuHause> overloading is not the problem. overloading with different abstract semantics is
10:48:02 <TrueBrain> and I am still annoyed my dune2 doesn't run correctly :(
10:48:14 <Noldo_> what are you trying to do with it?
10:50:32 <Eddi|zuHause> de- and recompile it for modern architectures
10:51:17 <Eddi|zuHause> but he can't read all the hacks out of the x86 specs :p
10:51:40 <TrueBrain> somewhere is hiding this very logic and simple problem
10:54:35 <Rubidium> if you find out, be certain that you give yourself a cookie... you've earned it by then ;)
11:06:53 *** th1ngwath has joined #openttd
11:10:08 *** Eddi|zuHause has joined #openttd
11:13:44 *** kingj is now known as KingJ
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11:40:41 *** Polygon has joined #openttd
11:55:30 *** Azrael- has joined #openttd
12:02:37 *** |Luette| has joined #openttd
12:20:28 *** HerzogDeXtEr1 has joined #openttd
12:27:19 *** Alberth has joined #openttd
12:34:09 <Belugas> good <part of your day>
12:34:30 <TrueBrain> Belugas: tnx for the movie-tip btw, it indeed is a good serie :)
12:37:40 <Belugas> the actors are good, so is the story line. Just that the "child-crying" stuff is a little big, in my opinion
12:38:18 <Belugas> i can imagine clrealy that there are some entities in Venus who do not aprpeciate the humans coming along to watch them out, and they are making all they can to avoid the visit
12:38:57 <Belugas> like.. sheis pregnant: not supposed to be pregnant while on a mission. he had a vasectomy who misteriously got cured
12:39:16 <Belugas> those two guys who had the same RARE heart defect AT THE SAME time
12:39:30 <Belugas> let say the plot is a tiny bit too big...
12:39:39 <Belugas> unless i'm just on LSD
12:41:53 <TrueBrain> heheh :) Well, I hate series which wait too long with answers
12:43:05 <Belugas> Hearth2 was one of the best series i've ever seen,
12:43:21 <Belugas> since all the answers were presented drop by drop, very slowly
12:43:38 <Belugas> and one drop of answer was followed by two more questions
12:43:48 <Belugas> too bad they cut it out
12:46:03 <Belugas> personnal taste, i'd say...
12:47:00 <Eddi|zuHause> i'm watching the pilot right now
12:47:31 <Eddi|zuHause> apparently the producer said it's going to be "grey's anatomy in space" or something...
12:49:25 <TrueBrain> in that case it will suck ass
12:49:29 <TrueBrain> as you will never see any answers
12:49:31 <TrueBrain> only more and more questions
12:49:40 <TrueBrain> Belugas: and it is okay to give a few answers, and make more questions
12:49:45 <TrueBrain> just ... you have to give answers
12:49:54 <TrueBrain> take Lost .. it sucks ass, simply because you never ever get any answers
12:51:25 *** ChanServ sets mode: +v tokai
12:51:59 <Eddi|zuHause> the question-to-answer ratio clearly shifted in lost
12:52:11 <dihedral> i liked lost season 1 :-P
12:52:12 <Belugas> although we now know why the plane crashed, we do not know who is Jacob, what is that black smoke, and why Jack loves a short aircut
12:52:40 <Eddi|zuHause> you really need to learn where to put the 'h's ;)
12:53:14 <fonsinchen> the zoom levels can be iterated over with two methods: ZOOM_LVL_MIN/MAX and ZOOM_LVL_BEGIN/END. Both are used in some places. I'm adding something like ZOOM_LVL_BLITTER_MIN/MAX or ..._BEGIN/END in order to allow for more zoom levels in the smallmap than in the blitter. As we have discussed a week ago, I'd like this to be included in trunk eventually. While doing that I'd like to unify the iterations. So: Which method of iterating is the preferred o
12:53:40 <Belugas> airchut? aircuth? ahircut?
12:54:15 <fonsinchen> Or should I keep everything as it is and implement both?
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12:54:40 <dihedral> fonsinchen, you find other MIN and MAX in the source?
12:54:46 <dihedral> other BEGIN and END?
12:54:50 <Belugas> "My" prefered way would be MIN MAX
12:54:50 <dihedral> and what are they used for?
12:54:57 <fonsinchen> there are other begin and end at least
12:54:59 <Belugas> BEGIN END feels too much like Delphi
12:55:50 <Belugas> fonsinchen, basing a decision on what is still in trunk is not really th best. there are parts that need a lot of cleaning and sens-mahing
12:56:53 <Alberth> fonsinchen: I'd assume at some points you'd want to iterate through all levels, and at other points iterate through the levels supported by the blitter, so I'd assume you want both ways in the code.
12:57:55 <dihedral> Alberth, if both are the same?
12:58:28 <fonsinchen> Alberth, I think you got me wrong. Either there'll be ZOOM_LVL_MIN, ZOOM_LVL_MAX, ZOOM_LVL_BLITTER_MIN, ZOOM_LVL_BLITTER_MAX or there'll be ZOOM_LVL_BEGIN, ZOOM_LVL_END, ZOOM_LVL_BLITTER_BEGIN, ZOOM_LVL_BLITTER_END or all of therm.
12:59:27 <fonsinchen> mind that BEGIN/END assumes that END is the last real zoom level + 1
12:59:32 <fonsinchen> in contrast to MIN/MAX
12:59:49 *** Eddi|zuHause has joined #openttd
13:00:07 <Alberth> fonsinchen: given the fact there the values have order, I'd go for MIN/MAX.
13:01:09 <fonsinchen> so that's two of you in favor of MIN/MAX and a lot who don't care. I'll take that as a word ... ;)
13:01:42 <Alberth> fonsinchen: renaming to the other case afterwards does not seem difficult, so not a lot of harm done if you got it wrong :)
13:02:10 <Belugas> but those who did not replied may just be not listening ;)
13:02:45 <Alberth> or busy hacking away in the code, or be outside sun-bathing :)
13:02:58 <fonsinchen> OK, no matter if it's a word or a byte, I'll go with MIN/MAX now.
13:05:20 <Alberth> dihedral: the question is, is there a difference in intention? If yes, then use different names, even if the actual values are the same.
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13:07:07 <bb10> Anyone ever thought of implementing subway/metro? :P
13:07:08 <dihedral> hehe - it did not look like a difference in intention, only a question of using MIN/MAX over BEGIN/END
13:07:20 <dihedral> bb10: search the forums
13:07:31 <Belugas> bb10... what a WONDERFULL IDEA?
13:07:48 <Noldo_> Belugas: don't feed the...
13:08:24 <Eddi|zuHause> bb10: go ahead with the implementation...
13:08:46 <bb10> Eddi|zuHause: I realize it
13:08:54 <dihedral> a friend of mine has a hampster, he called it "Haribo" :-D
13:09:02 <Belugas> bb10, it's indeed quite hard. enormous lot of problems to solve.
13:09:14 <Eddi|zuHause> that doesn't need to be stopping you, bb10 ;)
13:09:15 <Belugas> the whole idea is how to miplement the underground properly
13:09:34 <Belugas> and not only that, but also how to manipulate it
13:09:56 <dihedral> hehe - every level a separate layer :-)
13:10:03 <dihedral> yay for the map array
13:10:04 <Belugas> and of course, to be orignial with the approach, and not just copy over Locomotion's interface
13:11:06 <dihedral> hehe - do an array for all available levels, do an array for surface tiles, ......
13:11:13 <dihedral> and planes crash into too high mountains :-)
13:11:23 <Belugas> and require a 2 gig computer...
13:11:43 <Eddi|zuHause> bb10: the idea was to split the "surface layer" into 16x16 parts, and then generate matching off-map 16x16 grids for the underground railways. then make the vehicle_enter_tile function aware of off-map-tiles
13:11:49 <dihedral> was it not NekoMaster who bought a new computer just for openttd,
13:11:52 <Alberth> we have plenty of CPU core waiting for you
13:11:58 <dihedral> and because he could not watch youtube vids?
13:12:20 <Eddi|zuHause> the underground layers will only be generated on-demand
13:13:20 <dihedral> hehe - and then trees on the surface die if their roots are destroyed by tunnels :-P
13:13:24 <Eddi|zuHause> bb10: if you can implement that cleanly, you'll be the hero ;)
13:13:30 <dihedral> and finally oil wells can have a depth too
13:14:10 <Eddi|zuHause> bb10: and of course, "underground" can also equivalently be "overground"
13:14:24 <bb10> Eddi|zuHause: I would if I had the coding knowledge :D
13:14:37 <Eddi|zuHause> bb10: well, that's something you can fix easily ;)
13:14:50 <Alberth> heh, finally multiple levels with air planes.
13:15:03 <bb10> like monorails on an elevated track?
13:15:32 <Alberth> sure, that won't be much of a problem then
13:15:36 <dihedral> Alberth, flying above and below bridges ^^
13:16:37 <dihedral> while at it, it might be worth to create hell at the edge of the world in case a train falls down
13:16:38 <Alberth> I just watched 'dam busters' with the bouncing bomb in WW2, we can do that in OpenTTD then too !
13:16:49 <TrueBrain> Alberth: go for it!
13:17:11 <Alberth> well, bb10 will start with subways first
13:17:44 <TrueBrain> when will he be finished?
13:18:07 <TrueBrain> cool, I will write this in my agenda!
13:18:20 <TrueBrain> that will be such a good day :)
13:19:30 <TrueBrain> why are you laughing?
13:19:33 <TrueBrain> we are serious here
13:19:45 <bb10> I can draw you a subway in 3 weeks :D
13:19:48 <Eddi|zuHause> we are serious cat
13:19:57 <dihedral> TrueBrain, to get a feeling for the source he perhaps will start off with a patch pack :-P
13:20:26 <Eddi|zuHause> why does youtube suddenly say i have a too old version of flash player?
13:20:29 <Noldo_> dihedral: now that's just mean :|
13:22:03 <TrueBrain> too much talk, too little work
13:32:56 <fonsinchen> I have to use the blitter zoom levels also in main_gui.cpp, viewport.cpp and saveload/misc_sl.cpp as there we can't use anything the blitter doesn't support.
13:35:09 <Alberth> I am missing comments, rather
13:35:44 <fonsinchen> yes, I will add some
13:36:12 <Belugas> ZOOM_LVL_NOZOOM -> ZOOM_LVL_NORMAL ?
13:36:59 <Belugas> i'd put the out first. seems more logical to me
13:37:01 <fonsinchen> it was called ZOOM_LVL_NORMAL before, I didn't change it
13:37:45 <fonsinchen> but then I have to change the order in various arrays which depend on the lower zoom levels being the first ones ...
13:37:46 <Alberth> what does "zoomlevels below" mean? is that smaller or bigger values?, if bigger, 'below' seems a bit ambigious.
13:38:32 <fonsinchen> I can rephrase that
13:38:54 <fonsinchen> "zoom levels with higher resolution" perhaps?
13:39:45 <Belugas> fonsinchen,if the purpose is to add the zooms in, i'd say that it does not matter how the current implementation is done. - personnal impressions -
13:40:27 <fonsinchen> I can leave out the IN zoom levels for now.
13:41:21 <fonsinchen> I can also change all those arrays if you REALLY want that ... but I suggest you give that a second thought.
13:43:42 <Belugas> can't tell... hard at work... :(
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14:09:45 <dihedral> Alberth, do that with msg nickserv identify too please :-P
14:10:45 <Alberth> I never got that to work here
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14:43:46 <fonsinchen> does the coding style allow arithmetics with enums? Like "offset[zoom - ZOOM_LVL_BLITTER_MIN]"
14:48:28 <fonsinchen> because there were some problems with casting enums to ints and I don't know if that is done internally here.
15:04:05 <Rubidium> oh... I'm starting to have faith in that the Serbian translation will be done within 10.000 revisions of it's initial (empty) addition
15:08:26 <welshdragon> as my internet is being slow, can i create a new company in the console?
15:12:10 <welshdragon> never mind, i just did it
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16:51:41 <OcTic> hope you dont mind if i idle an support
16:52:20 <Rubidium> we only mind if idling includes frequent reconnects
16:54:00 <OcTic> both shouldnt be a problem
17:13:50 <Belugas> so then, you are welcome, OcTic
17:16:37 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: rubidium * r17060 /trunk/src/lang/english.txt: -Codechange: reorder 1/3 of the strings so they are more logically grouped (rest still needs to be done)
17:19:50 <Eddi|zuHause> do you remove the old "STR_XYZ1" relics off the string names while you're there?
17:21:15 <OcTic> im struggling with train signals
17:21:26 <Rubidium> Eddi|zuHause: what STR_XYZ1 relics?
17:21:58 <Eddi|zuHause> something resembling original string-ids in some of the old string names?
17:22:32 <Rubidium> Eddi|zuHause: and which strings would have such string id?
17:22:49 <Eddi|zuHause> i haven't checked english.txt in a while ;)
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17:28:28 <Belugas> OcTic, have yu checked the wiki about the signals?
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17:28:56 <OcTic> yea ive read most of the wiki, but i havnt grasped them yet
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17:45:33 <keoz> when i compile openttd directly from sources, the sources being located in /usr/local/src, can i assume that the installation prefix will be /usr/local ?
17:45:39 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: translators * r17061 /trunk/src/lang/ (7 files): (log message trimmed)
17:45:39 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: -Update from WebTranslator v3.0:
17:45:40 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: dutch - 313 changes by TrueBrain, Yexo
17:45:40 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: english_US - 5 changes by agenthh
17:45:40 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: korean - 24 changes by telk5093
17:45:41 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: portuguese - 112 changes by SupSuper
17:45:41 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: serbian - 98 changes by etran
17:46:00 <TrueBrain> Rubidium: the floor is yours
17:46:27 <Belugas> yeah, TrueBrain and i have finish dancing on it
17:47:18 <Aali> hmm, was keyboard scrolling always superfast in fast-forward?
17:47:31 <Aali> it's incredibly annoying
17:48:18 <Aali> it's practically unuseable when tapping the key takes you half across a 512x512 map :/
17:48:49 <keoz> mmh ... installation directory... /
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17:49:06 <keoz> isn't it possible to specify an installation location for make install ?
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18:04:51 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: rubidium * r17062 /trunk/src/ (72 files in 5 dirs): -Change: unify the naming of some 125 strings
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18:34:19 <TrueBrain> maybe I should play a game of TT ...
18:34:24 <TrueBrain> that is such a long time ago ..
18:38:59 <Xaroth> TrueBrain: Evo is HOT, even though it was almost 30C outside.. it was still FOOKING HOT inside :(
18:39:10 <Yexo> TrueBrain: lots of nice translations today :)
18:39:33 <TrueBrain> Xaroth: haven't been there in ages ... but that doesn't sound too good
18:39:57 <Xaroth> well apparently that's what it's supposed to do
18:40:02 <Xaroth> the cooled tubes are still cool
18:40:13 <Xaroth> but behind the servers will get hotter if it's hot outside
18:40:19 <TrueBrain> yeah, that is normal
18:45:17 <Eddi|zuHause> did i ever tell you how i love downloads that go at 227B/s
18:46:01 <Xaroth> nope, but i doubt you'll ever will
18:46:23 <SpComb> although even that's 1.8kbaud
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18:47:33 <Eddi|zuHause> Fazit: filefront is shit...
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19:06:52 <Eddi|zuHause> hm, on watching the start of the second episode, i wonder what the name of the "Apfelmännchen" (the fractal) is in english...
19:07:26 <TrueBrain> I know what you mean, and I have no idea
19:08:17 *** Brianetta has joined #openttd
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19:10:16 <Eddi|zuHause> err... "unzip -t" is awful... it lists thousands of lines of "... OK", and then says "at least one error"... care to tell me where?
19:10:57 * OwenSX48BD wonders how one of his routers has managed to go back several passwords
19:11:07 *** OwenSX48BD is now known as OwenS
19:11:40 <Eddi|zuHause> so not only did the download take forever, the file is also corrupted
19:11:53 <OwenS> Oh wait, it hasn't. I'm looking at the wrong router...
19:13:01 <OwenS> I should probably just give my two BT 2-Wires the same password to avoid confusion...
19:13:10 <Eddi|zuHause> it's also cool... it says every error message twice...
19:13:26 <TrueBrain> Eddi|zuHause: and still you miss it ;)
19:13:46 <frosch123> Eddi|zuHause: the download was fine, but your harddisk failed to store it :p
19:13:51 <Eddi|zuHause> well, i grepped for all lines that did not end with "OK" :)
19:14:17 <Eddi|zuHause> frosch123: no, upon further investigation, several people mentioned that the file is corrupted
19:15:07 *** andythenorth has joined #openttd
19:18:16 <andythenorth> why don't we just make the whole damn game boxes?
19:18:49 <Belugas> less realism is always welcome, at least from me ;D
19:19:15 <TrueBrain> hmm ... ads with scientology commercials
19:22:10 <Rubidium> andythenorth: take a look at the earliest OpenGFX... that had lots of boxes
19:34:46 <Belugas> andythenorth, it was a joke. i admire your work, really
19:35:12 <Belugas> and petert, well... he's a !@#$%^&
19:35:20 <andythenorth> hey, if I was easily offended, there's no way I'd be hanging around and asking dumb questions in #openttd ;)
19:35:45 <Belugas> well... you DO learn and work
19:38:10 <frosch123> you like boxes? just press ctrl+b
19:40:15 <TrueBrain> please don't say nothing; it is not polite
19:40:29 <andythenorth> hey what feature can I ask for today?
19:40:45 <andythenorth> prize for the correct answer
19:41:01 <xmakina> i actually /me <box> :S
19:41:32 *** KingJ is now known as kingj
19:42:36 <andythenorth> the correct answer was: 'any I like, as long as I can code it'
19:43:31 <frosch123> s/can/do not have to/
19:44:41 <andythenorth> we say in English
19:45:26 <andythenorth> well, I'd better go draw some more boxes
19:46:04 <TrueBrain> frosch123: when I press ctrl+b I see artifects :(
19:46:42 <frosch123> TrueBrain: svn blame -> svn log -> fs -> read why it is not worth to deal with them
19:46:53 *** kingj is now known as KingJ
19:47:13 <TrueBrain> frosch123: I don't say you should :) I only complain you gave me something to do, and now I see all kinds of artifects! IT SCARES ME! :)
19:47:37 <frosch123> but there are also lots of boxes
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19:47:54 <andythenorth> where are the artefacts? I want artefacts too.
19:48:00 <andythenorth> give me artefacts!!
19:48:21 <TrueBrain> @kick andythenorth this is a nasty glitch .. I keep on kicking you out of this channel .. dunno what happens
19:48:21 *** andythenorth was kicked by DorpsGek (this is a nasty glitch .. I keep on kicking you out of this channel .. dunno what happens)
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19:49:46 <frosch123> yeah, don't distract tb from playing ttd
19:50:17 <TrueBrain> nah, I noticed my WT3 live patch was applied .. so I worked a bit on WT3.1 now :p
19:51:11 <andythenorth> if a vehicle is 100px long in the east-west view (side on), how long if it's on the diagonal? It's basic pythagoras...
19:51:37 <andythenorth> maybe not, maybe I need some cos / tan / sin
19:51:45 <andythenorth> bleargh, it's like work
19:52:50 <DJNekkid> most trains i've seen are 16px wide in / and \ views
19:52:57 <DJNekkid> and 32px wide in __ view
19:53:01 <frosch123> andythenorth: 50, ttd is that distortional
19:54:29 <frosch123> btw. I still have no seens a convincing reason, why rv with 32px are better than rv with 28px
19:55:05 <frosch123> except 32 is dividable by 8, while 28 is not
19:56:00 <andythenorth> what is the angle of the diagonal to the horizontal? I get 46'
19:56:50 <frosch123> two pixel horizonal, one pixel vertical
19:57:15 <andythenorth> what's atan 1/2 ?
19:58:01 <andythenorth> have I made a dumb tan / cos mistake?
19:58:51 <frosch123> no, you assume that vehicle keeps its length in all directions
19:59:11 <frosch123> but it is quite some longer horizontall/vertically
20:00:06 <andythenorth> hmm...this rarely matters for RVs, they rarely visible on diagonals for long
20:00:11 <andythenorth> it doesn't matter for industires
20:00:21 <andythenorth> but it does matter for ships...quite a lot
20:01:07 <frosch123> I guess for ships and planes you can do correct math without distortion
20:01:14 <andythenorth> MB has a ratio of about 0.87
20:02:05 <frosch123> @calc sin(60*pi/180)
20:02:05 <DorpsGek> frosch123: 0.866025403784
20:02:25 <andythenorth> simon foster seems to have about 0.77 for ships
20:02:42 <andythenorth> but hey, blocks are easy to resize :)
20:02:58 <frosch123> be careful, that you do not clip them :)
20:03:13 <andythenorth> in what respect?
20:04:00 <frosch123> to make boxes smaller you can either scale them, or cut one side
20:06:18 <andythenorth> Mmmm, I think I'll scale not clip. The boxes might be a short lived thing. Enjoy em while you can .
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20:28:38 <OwenS> 5.2KB/s download? WTF? I know the SDN servers are much faster!
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20:37:44 <TrueBrain> DephNet[Paul]: would you mind staying or leaving? You join/leave so often in a day, without really saying anything .. starts to become more an annoyance ...
20:38:48 <TrueBrain> @kban "DephNet[Paul]" 60 would you mind staying or leaving? You join/leave so often in a day, without really saying anything .. starts to become more an annoyance ...
20:38:48 *** DorpsGek sets mode: +b *!
20:38:49 *** DephNet[Paul] was kicked by DorpsGek (would you mind staying or leaving? You join/leave so often in a day, without really saying anything .. starts to become more an annoyance ...)
20:38:54 <TrueBrain> works better in backlogs :)
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20:40:25 <TrueBrain> KingJ: sounds like really useful renames :p Ghehehe :)
20:40:28 <TrueBrain> what movie to watch tonight ..
20:40:44 <KingJ> Oops, forgot to turn that off
20:42:09 <TrueBrain> as penalty, give me a movie I haven't seen and I want to watch tonight :)
20:42:12 *** KingJ is now known as kingj
20:42:40 <TrueBrain> Mind the: "I want to watch"
20:43:19 <TrueBrain> again, mind the ... sigh :p
20:43:35 <Nite_Owl> Hard to beat a good Bogart film
20:46:50 <Nite_Owl> unless, of course, it is a good Bogart & Bacall film
20:48:33 *** Brianetta is now known as Brianetta_expired
20:48:40 <TrueBrain> poor Brianetta_expired
20:48:45 <TrueBrain> didn't know you had an expire date
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20:49:34 <Brianetta> New Brianetta! Fresh!
20:49:56 <TrueBrain> I was about to call the newspaper
20:50:00 <TrueBrain> that they should replace all Brianetta soon
20:50:10 *** Brianetta_expired has quit IRC
20:51:44 <TrueBrain> well, I am going to expire myself too; good night all!!
20:53:28 <Belugas> bye bye mister True Brain
20:59:25 <andythenorth> 130px ships are going to overlap terrain somewhat.
20:59:38 <andythenorth> Probably most won't be that large
20:59:55 <andythenorth> but our friend Dan MacK was quite keen on having some that big
21:01:13 * Nite_Owl must come up with a replacement for the word 'hovercraft'
21:05:51 <Belugas> time to GOOOOOOOOO HOOOME!
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21:07:38 <Eddi|zuHause> <frosch123> asin 1/2 = 30° <- that is not what openttd uses, that would be 1 pixel up, 2 pixels diagonal. openttd uses 1 pixel up, 2 pixels right, which makes about 25°
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21:09:23 <Eddi|zuHause> @calc atan(1/2)*180/pi
21:09:23 <DorpsGek> Eddi|zuHause: 26.5650511771
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21:22:18 <OwenS> I wish WINE would learn to clean up it's gamma settings after itself
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21:50:30 <xmakina> Can NoAI generate a random number?
21:51:56 <DJNekkid> should i ble able to switch between two sets of liverynames based on a year? (use a var2 81 C4 to change, and call that in the CB19?)
21:54:05 <Eddi|zuHause> i seem to recall a discussion with MB that it's not possible
21:57:22 <DJNekkid> thats what i seemed to find out, but i asked just in case i did something wrong :)
21:59:43 <DJNekkid> i'll do it the old fashioned way then
21:59:44 * xmakina reads up on AIBase.RandRange
22:20:11 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: rubidium * r17063 /trunk/src/ (51 files in 3 dirs): -Fix: terraform toolbar had the wrong tooltip for building trees.
22:27:16 <DJNekkid> guess i cant change power via livery numbers either
22:27:44 <DJNekkid> hmm ... pikka did that, atleast TE and max speed in nars...
22:28:42 <DJNekkid> but ... he may have used the other trick as well
22:56:25 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: rubidium * r17064 /trunk/src/lang/english.txt: -Codechange: reorder another 1/3 of the strings
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23:38:59 <Eddi|zuHause2> i think there are a few problems with this series...
23:39:09 <Eddi|zuHause2> first of all, they use imperial measures...
23:39:51 <Eddi|zuHause2> "defying gravity"
23:40:02 <Eddi|zuHause2> and they are promoting the dream scene a little aggressively for them to resolve it only in 5 seasons
23:40:24 <Eddi|zuHause2> and i constantly think "where the hell do i know this blonde girl from..."
23:40:26 *** Eddi|zuHause2 is now known as Eddi|zuHause
23:41:54 <Eddi|zuHause> yeah, you're right
23:42:19 <Rubidium> "the series" to be correct, not the movie
23:42:31 <Eddi|zuHause> i haven't seen the movie
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continue to next day ⏵