IRC logs for #openttd on OFTC at 2009-07-17
00:06:34 *** orudge` has quit IRC
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00:11:13 <Akoz> is this: layout causing a lot of lagg? would it be significantly better to reduce the amount of intersections ?
00:11:38 <Akoz> comparedy to (if it was equally many tracks)
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00:30:06 <Rubidium> yes
00:30:41 <Rubidium> ofcourse what is "lot", 1 is more expensive CPU wise than 2
00:31:04 <Akoz> right
00:31:31 <Akoz> but it could be like 10-20% at least if I went from 1 to 2 and I have most my trains running the same track?'
00:31:44 <Akoz> guess I have some work in front of me
00:31:48 <Akoz> :-)
00:32:41 <Akoz> the server has 1400 trains now
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00:38:11 <Rubidium> the YAPF pathfinder usually caches stuff from junction to junction. Adding more junctions means smaller caches and more needs to be calculated when finding a path
00:38:11 <Rubidium> e.g. in the first image the train has to choose at least 10 times and it has to consider several times more different paths; even if the destination is straight ahead the signals cause the train to look at the neighbouring routes
00:38:11 <Rubidium> so it will calulcate and then ignore about 30 paths
00:38:11 <Rubidium> with 2 is would need to calculate 3 paths
00:38:11 <Rubidium> and with 1 it has to redo the calculations each time it reaches another junction
00:38:38 <Rubidium> even so, 1400 trains is quite a lot
00:39:05 <Akoz> ^^
00:39:12 <Akoz> yes and we're not even close to the goal
00:40:12 <Akoz> so it only calculates when it reaches a path signal?
00:40:34 <Rubidium> no, when it reaches a junction
00:40:44 <Akoz> oh, ok
00:40:53 <Rubidium> or even more precise, when it needs to take a decision on a junction
00:41:07 <Aali> well
00:41:26 <Aali> YAPF caches some things per-path (junction)
00:41:30 <Rubidium> which means that those big washboard junctions are quite uhm... unoptimal
00:41:51 <Akoz> washboard junctions ey.. :)
00:42:04 <Akoz> unoptimal for cpu... more optimal for trains
00:42:11 <Akoz> its all about the balance
00:42:21 <Aali> but obviously signals need to be considered every time
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00:42:52 <Akoz> so if theres signals every 1 step of the way (with no junctions) that takes quite some cpu as well?
00:43:17 <Rubidium> yes, but that's due to updating signal blocks
00:43:52 <Akoz> btw paths are then calculated over and over again for each decision.. theres no storage at all?
00:44:13 <Rubidium> Aali: YAPF doesn't cache paths through junctions
00:44:22 <Aali> Rubidium: of course
00:44:59 <Aali> but, straight lines (no junctions) cannot be cached entirely either, because of the signals
00:45:04 <Aali> that was my point
00:45:29 <Rubidium> Aali: they can because after a few signals the signals are ignored
00:46:05 <Rubidium> ignored for path cost calculations
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01:01:24 <Akoz> how come one keeps getting more and more "unable to load save game" and "network sync errors" the longer the game you try to join has run?
01:01:27 <Akoz> and is there any workarounds?
01:02:02 <glx> modified server/client ?
01:02:44 <Akoz> aye
01:02:53 <Akoz> doesnt happen during gameplay though
01:02:56 <Akoz> only on-join
01:03:03 <Akoz> and only on late games
01:03:09 <Akoz> big games.. big load files
01:03:09 <glx> so something is not saved when it should
01:03:24 <Akoz> hmm
01:04:25 <Akoz> the clients arent modified in any way.. nor is anything to do with the savegame stuff
01:04:40 <Akoz> is this unheard of in unmodified server/clients?
01:06:05 <glx> the rule is simple, clients and server should do exactly the same and have the same state (map, cached values, ...)
01:07:27 <Akoz> afaik it has though.. all I've modified is added some extra stored values for the server only, and then I interrupt some command packages, and send some
01:07:47 <Akoz> nothing that should interfer with basic game play
01:08:00 <Akoz> or in the savefiles I mean
01:08:52 <glx> anyway sync errors are the hardest to debug
01:09:12 <Akoz> how about "unable to load savegame" ?
01:11:21 <glx> can be for many reasons, more details are available with sl debug_level (I don't know the minimum level required though)
01:12:10 <Akoz> worth a shot. thx
01:12:45 <Akoz> do u know the cmd to turn off the "queried from" debug msgs?
01:13:01 <glx> debug_level net0
01:13:12 <Akoz> ty
01:14:18 <Akoz> is there a way to turn off chat ?
01:14:40 <glx> probably not
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01:20:19 <glx> indeed not
01:21:02 <Akoz> np
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04:14:00 <Nebri> hey guys
04:14:18 <Nebri> anybody know of some good stragety guides for new players?
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06:04:54 *** Huriance has joined #openttd
06:06:12 <Huriance> hey
06:08:02 <Noldo> hi
06:08:29 <Huriance> whats up?
06:09:12 <Forked> urgh. cellphone with wlan and a browser.. using wikipedia while on the toilet makes your legs fall asleep since you sit too long
06:09:49 <Huriance> :P
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09:07:54 <SmatZ> wow, just received kernel panic
09:10:06 <TrueBrain> concratz :)
09:10:14 <TrueBrain> you sent something back? :)
09:10:42 <SmatZ> I am working in GUI, all I saw was blinking KB LEDs
09:10:49 <SmatZ> too bad I couldn't switch to console :(
09:10:55 <SmatZ> I would send back the report ;)
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10:38:20 <CIA-2> OpenTTD: alberth * r16856 /trunk/src/rail_gui.cpp: -Fix: Allow the rail toobar window to align vertically for larger sprites.
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11:23:13 <SmatZ> hmm, Firefox 3.5 officially needs at least 233MHz CPU... I tried that :-/
11:25:01 <Rubidium> and, they lied didn't they?
11:26:22 <Rubidium> cause I can find no reason how to limit for processors of at least 233 MHz
11:26:39 <Rubidium> (or why, except for slowliness)
11:28:30 <SmatZ> :)
11:28:39 <SmatZ> actually, I was running it at 200MHz CPU
11:28:47 <Rubidium> if they would've said 125 MHz or 500 MHz I could've believed them
11:28:50 <SmatZ> maybe it would be magically 10 times faster at 233MHz...
11:29:02 <SmatZ> well, it works
11:29:04 <SmatZ> it starts
11:29:17 <SmatZ> but it takes ~15 seconds to start
11:29:23 <Rubidium> SmatZ: MMX?
11:29:28 <SmatZ> yes
11:30:19 <Rubidium> hmm, there's a non-MMX 233 MHz Pentium proc too, so that can't be it either
11:30:54 <SmatZ> :)
11:31:21 <SmatZ> maybe even regular 80486 (maybe even 386 if FF doesn't need recent glibc) would suffice to "run"
11:33:38 <Rubidium> SmatZ: just get eglibc ;)
11:33:52 <SmatZ> :o)
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11:37:32 <Rubidium> SmatZ: ~15 seconds doesn't sound that much; with Windows it seems to be much worse with 3.5
11:40:41 <SmatZ> :-p
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12:44:42 <Belugas> hellooo
12:47:29 <Akoz> hellooo
12:47:51 <Akoz> oh Im sorry.. I thought u were talking to me
12:48:49 <Alberth> he is, he is probably also doing other things, and not constantly watching the irc
12:49:15 <Akoz> other things than irc? how dare he!
12:49:29 <Alberth> it's called 'work'
12:50:12 <Akoz> never head of
12:54:05 <Akoz> *heard
12:58:36 <Belugas> YOU
12:58:44 <Belugas> not "u"
12:58:46 <Belugas> please
12:59:20 <Belugas> well.. indeed, i have a family to take care of, and work@work is my (sadly) prioroty after family
12:59:21 <Belugas> so...
13:01:12 <Ammler> Grüäzi
13:02:02 <Ammler> translator counter for gws: 2 :-)
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13:28:32 <glx> @op
13:28:32 *** DorpsGek sets mode: +o glx
13:28:46 *** glx changes topic to "0.7.1, 0.7.2-RC1 | Website: * (BaNaNaS: bananas, Translator: translator, Gameservers: servers, Nightly-builds: nightly, WIKI: wiki, Dev-docs: docs, Patches & Bug-reports: bugs, Revision log: vcs, Release info: finger) | #openttd.notice for SVN notices | UTF-8 please | No Unauthorised Bots | English only :D"
13:28:50 <glx> @deop
13:28:50 *** DorpsGek sets mode: -o glx
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13:54:19 <CIA-2> OpenTTD: smatz * r16857 /trunk/src/ (saveload/afterload.cpp train.h train_cmd.cpp): -Fix [FS#3036](r16652): crash when train partially in depot crashed
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15:20:11 <Akoz> @op
15:20:13 <Akoz> *cry*
15:23:19 <Alberth> be glad, with power comes responsibility which makes life much more complicated.
15:23:38 <Akoz> ^^
15:24:00 <SmatZ> :)
15:24:18 *** DorpsGek sets mode: +o Alberth
15:24:26 <Akoz> hihi
15:24:50 *** Coco-Banana-Man has joined #openttd
15:25:09 * Alberth wouldn't know what to do with that power :)
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15:26:34 <Akoz> depends if ou want to be liked or not.
15:26:42 <Akoz> you can try /kick *.* if you want to amuse yourself
15:27:48 <SmatZ> wildcards work in /kick ?
15:28:22 <SmatZ> @kick Akoz* wildcards
15:28:22 <DorpsGek> SmatZ: Error: Akoz* is not in #openttd.
15:28:29 <SmatZ> hmm not this way
15:29:02 <Akoz> hmm.. dno
15:29:24 <Akoz> I havent used irc activly for 12 years or so
15:29:48 <Akoz> try kick *akoz*.*
15:30:07 *** DorpsGek sets mode: +o SmatZ
15:30:23 <SmatZ> nope
15:30:34 <SmatZ> it works for bans though :)
15:30:47 <Akoz> *akoz*@*.* ?
15:31:00 <Akoz> hmh.. well I wouldnt want you to try that.. :p
15:31:03 <SmatZ> :)
15:31:31 <Akoz> I'll take your word for it ;)
15:36:35 * Belugas grabs the word, puts it in his coat and runs away
15:36:47 <SmatZ> :o)
15:41:02 <Akoz> oh noes. he stole the word!
15:41:16 <Akoz> back to notepad :<
15:43:16 <Alberth> Let him have word, use LaTeX instead
15:46:21 <Akoz> I suppose
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17:36:32 <Yexo> hello
17:39:13 <SmatZ> hello Yexo
17:41:02 <Belugas> Yexo!
17:41:10 <Yexo> hi SmatZ :)
17:41:12 <Yexo> hi Belugas :)
17:41:14 <Ammler> hello Yexo SmatZ and belugs :-)
17:41:18 <Ammler> Belugas:
17:41:29 <Yexo> hello Ammler :)
17:42:42 <Belugas> belugs?
17:42:50 <Belugas> Hey Ammlr
17:42:57 <Ammler> but I fixed :P
17:43:13 <Belugas> ho...
17:43:17 * Belugas is blind
17:45:37 <CIA-2> OpenTTD: translators * r16858 /trunk/src/lang/ (indonesian.txt russian.txt simplified_chinese.txt):
17:45:37 <CIA-2> OpenTTD: -Update from WebTranslator v3.0:
17:45:37 <CIA-2> OpenTTD: simplified_chinese - 1 changes by Gavin
17:45:37 <CIA-2> OpenTTD: indonesian - 1 changes by prof
17:45:37 <CIA-2> OpenTTD: russian - 16 changes by Lone_Wolf
17:51:41 <Akoz> is there a way to join the chat of an ottd game only?
17:52:10 <Yexo> not in clean OpenTTD, but with a 3rcparty wrapper it's possible
17:52:23 <frosch123> it is also possible in 0.6.x
17:52:24 <Akoz> is there any such wrappers out there?
17:52:33 <Yexo> yes, autopilot for example
17:52:46 <Yexo> avignon (I think that's a newer version of autopilot), and more
17:53:53 <Akoz> cool. let me google a bit
17:55:33 <Ammler> Akoz: active example at #openttdcoop :-)
18:00:44 <Akoz> uhm
18:01:04 <Akoz> wtb
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18:34:46 <Ammler> There are 155 clients, 140 IPv4 servers and 1 IPv6 servers. <-- :-o more clients than servers
18:35:53 <Yexo> :)
18:36:27 <Rubidium> still, < 2 players per server, so not quite "multiplayer"
18:37:42 <frosch123> make the master server refuse information about 0.6.x servers :p
18:39:00 <Alberth> simply don't count them :p
18:39:40 <Ammler> same with 0.7.0 servers
18:41:14 <frosch123> and those starting with #
18:41:26 <Ammler> sad is, still no newgrf servers.
18:41:53 <Rubidium> Ammler: no NewGRF servers?
18:42:08 <Ammler> frosch123: shall we rename to !openttdcoop?
18:42:15 <frosch123> sad is, no rc1 servers :(
18:42:55 <SmatZ> :(
18:42:55 <Ammler> Rubidium: except our and maybe brians, I didn't find one.
18:42:55 <Rubidium> that's because the peter template scared the n implementation of said template away
18:42:58 <SmatZ> hmm is there RC1 post at tt-forums?
18:43:01 <Ammler> (generic trams don't count)
18:43:26 <SmatZ> Ammler: there are some
18:43:29 <frosch123> SmatZ: muhahaha, you asked it first, you have to do it :p
18:43:39 <Rubidium> <- or doesn't that count because it uses the Generic Tram set?
18:43:45 * SmatZ hides
18:43:47 <SmatZ> :)
18:44:00 <SmatZ> frosch123: ok, I guess someone should do it
18:44:41 <SmatZ> hehe @ Rubidium
18:44:41 <fonsinchen> When zooming in on the smallmap vehicles occupy more than one pixel. They are - naturally - drawn as diagonal rectangular boxes. When the smallmap is partly redrawn (for example when another window overlaps it) an orthogonal rectangular box is passed via _cur_dpi. If a vehicle is partly in that box and just moving out I get ugly artifacts. Does anyone have a spontaneous idea on how to prevent that?
18:44:41 <Rubidium> <- use Japanese stuff
18:44:41 <Rubidium> <- uses ECS
18:44:41 <SmatZ> Fix TTD grf Bugs
18:44:41 <frosch123> but indeed, most 0.7.1 serves use generic trams
18:44:42 <SmatZ> 54560202 82E873A57BC19B24F0AE8D1EC6A6E30B
18:44:42 <SmatZ> why are they using it
18:44:42 <Ammler> Rubidium: it uses a buggy 2cc :-)
18:44:45 <Rubidium> <- another bunch of NewGRFs
18:45:04 <Rubidium> <- Ofcourse Czech stuff isn't counted either by Ammler
18:45:12 <SmatZ> fonsinchen: umm don't implement zooming-in? :-x
18:45:22 <Ammler> Rubidium: it is good :P
18:45:22 <fonsinchen> I need zoom in for cargodist
18:45:29 <Rubidium> <- or North American
18:45:39 <fonsinchen> That's the whole point of the exercise
18:45:39 <SmatZ> yeah, but you are making me hard times splitting that FS patch :)
18:45:45 <Rubidium> <- or DB Set Ancient
18:46:11 <fonsinchen> Just set the limit in OnClick to ZOOM_LVL_NORMAL instead of -ZOOM_LVL_MAX
18:46:11 <Rubidium> and that's ONLY the 0.7.1 servers
18:46:16 <fonsinchen> one line
18:46:34 <fonsinchen> oh, actually in ZoomIn I gues
18:46:48 <fonsinchen> but wait a minute, I have an improved version.
18:46:54 <Rubidium> SmatZ: they are using it because they are ignorant and because Addi added it to bananas for no reason
18:46:57 <Ammler> Rubidium: so 10% use newgrfs?
18:47:04 <fonsinchen> Just need to sort out that one problem ...
18:47:57 <Rubidium> Ammler: no idea, I haven't counted and can't be bothered to do that
18:50:57 <fonsinchen> Smatz, I have pushed a new version into my git repository at It documents some more things in DrawSmallmap and DrawSmallmapStuff and it makes absolutely sure that DrawSmallmapStuff doesn't draw outside its dpi. This used to create some artifacts.
18:51:05 <fonsinchen> Also the code looks better now.
18:51:35 <Belugas> IN TRUNK!
18:51:49 <fonsinchen> ?
18:52:18 <Belugas> nevermind...
18:52:24 <Belugas> sanity has dropped on the floor
18:52:33 <frosch123> fonsinchen: it's friday
18:52:36 <fonsinchen> I can't solve the issue with half-drawn vehicles on zoom-in now, as I have to leave in 10 Minutes
18:53:13 <fonsinchen> And I'd like to remind you of tile iteration and diagonal levelling which is also in my git repository and always up to date with trunk.
18:53:21 <SmatZ> fonsinchen: nice set of patches
18:53:44 <fonsinchen> thanks
18:59:58 <fonsinchen> bye
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19:04:03 <Prof_Frink> Sacro: I have better plans.
19:04:56 * KenjiE20 points to the other channel
19:05:06 <KenjiE20> :P
19:05:23 <Sacro> Prof_Frink: stop this confusing
19:05:56 <Prof_Frink> KenjiE20: Sacro's not in the other channel.
19:06:24 <KenjiE20> no wait... you're not in the other channel
19:06:34 <Sacro> no, i'm banned from the other channel
19:06:41 * KenjiE20 is confused now
19:06:43 <Sacro> or i was
19:07:58 <Sacro> KenjiE20: there is 'another channel', i am aware of its existence but have not been invited to join it
19:07:58 <KenjiE20> ah
19:07:58 <Sacro> suffice to say there are possibly some people in there that don't wish for me to be there
19:08:04 <KenjiE20> I was thinking #openttd and #tycoon alter-verses
19:08:16 <Prof_Frink> #tywhatnow?
19:09:59 <Sacro> hmm
19:12:42 *** Boombox has joined #openttd
19:13:31 <Boombox> Hello
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19:16:46 <Alberth> hello Boombox
19:29:28 <Belugas> heheh Boombox is not a loud box
19:29:31 <Belugas> buwhahahah!!!
19:30:00 <Akoz> what do I do wrong when I get error C2471: cannot update program database '...\objs\win32\debug\openttd.pdb' ...\src\rev.cpp when compiling?
19:31:52 <glx> do a full rebuild
19:33:35 *** Boombox has left #openttd
19:34:57 <Alberth> You scared him away
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19:44:27 <CIA-2> OpenTTD: rubidium * r16859 /trunk/src/ (6 files): -Codechange: split the Station struct into two so parts of it can be reused for Waypoints.
19:49:38 <Belugas> heheh... would not be he first time, i guess :)
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20:00:56 <SpComb> structure-oriented programming
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20:21:36 <CIA-2> OpenTTD: rubidium * r16860 /trunk/src/ (4 files in 2 dirs): -Codechange: introduce a helper to assign a station spec to Waypoints
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20:27:31 <Belugas> bye
20:29:35 *** Zephyris has joined #openttd
20:30:19 <CIA-2> OpenTTD: rubidium * r16861 /trunk/src/ (station.cpp station_base.h): -Codechange: move a few more bits from station to basestation (to be shared with waypoints)
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20:40:42 <CIA-2> OpenTTD: rubidium * r16862 /trunk/src/ (4 files in 2 dirs): -Codechange: make waypoints use the same system of station station spec lists.
20:44:46 <Ammler> waypoints over multiple lines now?
20:45:42 <Rubidium> no?
20:47:39 <planetmaker> not yet :-) ... but newgrf waypoints maybe? hm...
20:51:37 <CIA-2> OpenTTD: rubidium * r16863 /trunk/src/ (5 files): -Codechange: GetWaypointByTile -> Waypoint::GetByTile, like used for e.g. stations
20:52:06 <Ammler> now?
20:52:08 <Ammler> :-D
20:52:20 <Rubidium> you earned it ;)
20:52:42 <planetmaker> :O
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20:53:13 <Nite_Owl> Hello all
20:53:26 <Rubidium> hi Nite_Owl
20:53:35 <SmatZ> hello Nite_Owl
20:53:53 <Nite_Owl> Hello Rubidium & SmatZ
20:54:05 <planetmaker> hi Nite_Owl
20:54:24 <Nite_Owl> Hello planetmaker
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20:54:33 * planetmaker goes compiling... I wanna see what waypoints do now :)
20:54:49 <Rubidium> nothing different
20:55:00 <Rubidium> except possibly crash
20:55:09 <planetmaker> well :-) I don't expect them to be different with orders, but :-)
20:55:43 <planetmaker> Should I find a crash... well, not what I hope for, but alas, also useful
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21:06:19 <CIA-2> OpenTTD: rubidium * r16864 /trunk/src/ (5 files): -Codechange: make Waypoints a subclass of BaseStation.
21:06:52 <glx> planetmaker: you won't have enough time to find crashes between commits ;)
21:07:02 <planetmaker> :-)
21:07:14 <planetmaker> glx, there are way worse things in life.
21:07:42 <planetmaker> And I certainly don't want to stop one of you, if you're in a commit frenzy or spree :P
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21:36:39 <CIA-2> OpenTTD: yexo * r16865 /trunk/src/ai/api/ (ai_airport.hpp ai_order.hpp ai_road.hpp ai_vehicle.hpp): -Doc [NoAI] [FS#3037]: replace old exception names with current ones and fix a type in the noai documentation (patch by Chruker)
21:37:02 <Chruker> wheeeee
21:39:31 <SmatZ> VEHCILE :)
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21:46:09 <CIA-2> OpenTTD: yexo * r16866 /trunk/src/ai/api/ai_vehicle.hpp.sq: -Fix (r16865): forgot to run
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22:00:26 <CIA-2> OpenTTD: frosch * r16867 /trunk/src/ (9 files): -Feature(ette): Turn variable 0E/8E (vertical offset for trains in depot) and variable 1E/9E bit 3 (wagon width in depot) into grf-local variables.
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22:38:26 <Coco-Banana-Man> Is there somewhere a sound or video file with those funny horn sound of (at least the early) UKRS diesels? :D
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22:47:13 <Nite_Owl> I will not swear to this but would they not have to be part of the NewGrf
22:47:52 <Nite_Owl> so if you decoded the NewGrf would they not be there
22:47:52 <DaleStan> Nite_Owl is correct. The sound file is embedded in the GRF.
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22:49:47 <DJ-Burtybob> hi all
22:50:07 <Nite_Owl> Hello DJ-Burtybob
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22:50:13 <Yexo> hello DJ-Burtybob
22:50:50 <DJ-Burtybob> just a quick question. would an error of "error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _u_shapeArabic_4_0" at linking be todo with the openttd useful zip??
22:51:24 <Rubidium> did you update
22:51:32 <Rubidium> if so, try a full rebuild
22:51:56 <Rubidium> or at least force a rebuild of fontcache.cpp (I think)
22:52:02 <DJ-Burtybob> Yes it is a fresh set up with the latest openttd useful download from the ottd dot org site...
22:52:21 <DJ-Burtybob> hmm the file that is chucking the error is gfx.obj
22:52:44 <Rubidium> oh, gfx.cpp then
22:53:00 <DJ-Burtybob> ok thanks I will try that now :D
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23:03:21 <Nite_Owl> Need to feed - later all
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23:18:59 <DJ-Burtybob> Ok now its erroring on "src\network\core\address.cpp(101) : error C2065: 'AI_ADDRCONFIG' : undeclared identifier" and this was a clean checkout
23:21:41 <Rubidium> you need a newer platform SDK
23:24:21 <DJ-Burtybob> ok thanks
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