IRC logs for #openttd on OFTC at 2009-06-26
00:00:04 * petern remembers that time when bjarni got ripped for claiming something was faster without testing it
00:00:22 <SmatZ> hehe
00:00:42 <glx> and it was not true IIRC :)
00:00:56 <SmatZ> :)
00:00:56 <petern> KUDr did the opposite :D
00:01:35 <SmatZ> on the other hand, r16654 shows ~3% improvement :)
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00:04:49 <tokai> wrong menu.
00:04:57 <tokai> oups.. and wrong channel too
00:05:45 <SmatZ> :-)
00:06:38 <Eddi|zuHause> imho, slopes should have a bigger impact
00:06:54 <Eddi|zuHause> on acceleration/speed
00:06:56 <SmatZ> finally, they mentioned Jackson in news here...
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00:16:48 <Akoz> later guys
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00:21:02 <SmatZ> @calc (19260+19260+19230)/(17090+17170+17070)
00:21:02 <DorpsGek> SmatZ: 1.12507305669
00:21:15 <SmatZ> about 13% faster than 0.7.0 ;)
00:21:31 <SmatZ> 1000 ticks,
00:21:41 <glx> not bad
00:21:49 <SmatZ> without asserts
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00:39:59 <Eddi|zuHause> @devs: there doesn't seem to be any debug output on where the openttd.cfg was found, and whether writing to it was successful
00:42:09 <glx> Eddi|zuHause: openttd -d misc3
00:42:32 <Eddi|zuHause> glx: no, that only lists the search directories, and whether it found some tars
00:42:38 <Eddi|zuHause> but not the cfg file itself
00:42:50 <glx> level 3 shows where personnal dir is
00:43:01 <glx> and this dir contains openttd.cfg
00:43:02 <Sacro> hmm
00:43:23 <Eddi|zuHause> and still, it does not say if it could write to it
00:43:34 <glx> that's another thing :)
00:43:34 * Sacro writes on Eddi|zuHause
00:43:54 <Eddi|zuHause> <- referencing that
00:43:56 <glx> it's written on exit, but we don't check if it worked
00:44:38 <Eddi|zuHause> and it does not say whether the personal dir actually has a cfg
00:46:06 <glx> D:\developpement\ottd\trunk>touch openttd.cfg
00:46:06 <glx>
00:46:06 <glx> D:\developpement\ottd\trunk>bin\openttd.exe -dmisc3
00:46:06 <glx> dbg: [misc] D:\developpement\ottd\trunk\ found as personal directory
00:46:29 <Eddi|zuHause> glx: on a clean install, no cfg is present
00:46:34 <glx> personnal dir is where openttd found the cfg else it's ~/.openttd
00:46:36 <Eddi|zuHause> (yet)
00:46:52 <glx> or mydocs\openttd
00:47:11 <glx> as explained in readme.txt
00:47:11 <Eddi|zuHause> so from the debug output, one can not differenciate whether there was a cfg in the personal dir, or it chose the default one
00:47:57 <glx> the cfg is "always" in personnal dir
00:48:10 <glx> it will be created there if none found on start
00:48:23 <glx> created on exit of course
00:49:27 <glx> so this guy have a non writable ~/.openttd it seems
00:49:33 <glx> and that's weird
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00:58:34 <Eddi|zuHause> the world is coming to an end...
00:58:41 <Eddi|zuHause> i'm even starting to help alain...
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00:59:07 <torrin> Need Sex? Get Laid!
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01:00:27 <Eddi|zuHause> the weird thing about this is... what is the actual relation between "porn" and "getting laid"?
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01:10:57 <cnk> the former is more often than enough staged
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01:34:25 <marhta> Need Sex? Get Laid!
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01:41:11 <Sacro> whoah
01:41:14 <Sacro> totally zoned out
01:44:22 <Eddi|zuHause> what's up with all the IRC spam suddenly?
01:44:29 <Eddi|zuHause> first the join-flood, now this...
01:46:37 <Sacro> dunno
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07:01:42 <z-MaTRiX> hello
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07:40:49 <dihedral> morning
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07:45:43 <SirSquidness> greetings dihedral
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08:04:24 <andythenorth_> morning
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08:34:53 <dms> Need Sex? Get Laid!
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08:35:15 <SmatZ> what, it's not dead? :(
08:35:20 <SmatZ> hello :)
08:35:42 <Rubidium> SmatZ: a botnet that's dead?
08:37:25 <SmatZ> :-)
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08:49:02 <vannie> Need Sex? Get Laid!
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09:16:58 <z-MaTRiX> hmm
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09:21:18 <dihedral> \o/ - just got a spare part for my mac :-)
09:23:17 <z-MaTRiX> cool, now you can use it as a pc
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09:34:22 <dihedral> z-MaTRiX, wtf!
09:34:31 <dihedral> ^^
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10:03:48 <De_Ghosty> spare part
10:03:50 <De_Ghosty> of a mac?
10:03:51 <De_Ghosty> LIES
10:04:28 <Eddi|zuHause> he means he took it apart and rebuild it. and now he has leftover parts
10:05:05 <De_Ghosty> o
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10:28:36 <dihedral> eh...
10:28:47 <dihedral> well - i needed to replace the DC-in board
10:29:25 <dihedral> and, it's a mac, so those parts are not soldered on to the logic board
10:30:03 <petern> you just have to saw the case open to get to it
10:30:40 <z-MaTRiX> that's no problem, i used to replace BGA ics
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10:38:10 <petern> heh
10:38:12 <petern>;content-type=text%2Fplain
10:38:16 <petern> openbsd
10:38:17 <petern> vs
10:38:23 <petern>;content-type=text%2Fplain
10:38:26 <petern> linux
10:38:29 <petern> er
10:38:33 <petern>
10:40:01 <Rubidium> sense and simplicity vs wtf
10:40:33 *** De_Ghosty is now known as BoooooOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooo
10:41:47 <petern> yup
10:43:27 <z-MaTRiX> :)
10:43:38 <z-MaTRiX> nicer in ASM optimized form
10:43:43 <Rubidium> hmm, does that look like we can fool strlen if using a character '\x80' at the word boundary?
10:43:57 <SmatZ> did anyone say "optimisations"?
10:44:33 <Rubidium> oh no, you can just make it do extra work ;)
10:45:33 <CIA-2> OpenTTD: smatz * r16662 /trunk/src/ (roadstop.cpp roadstop_base.h roadveh_cmd.cpp station_cmd.cpp): -Codechange: replace GetRoadStopByTile() by RoadStop::GetByTile()
10:45:36 <Eddi|zuHause> hehe... "magic_bits", "himagic", "lomagic"
10:45:52 <Rubidium> I'm missing "toomagic"
10:45:56 <SmatZ> :-)
10:46:11 <z-MaTRiX> its black magik
10:46:20 <z-MaTRiX> not imagemagick <;
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10:49:16 <z-MaTRiX>
10:53:01 <Noldo> petern: did you profile them?
10:53:10 <petern> Noldo, no
10:53:11 <SmatZ> memcpy_s(dst,sizeof(dst), src,len);
10:53:13 <SmatZ> wtf
10:53:36 <SmatZ> as if dst wasn't a pointer in many cases
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10:55:11 <SmatZ> "This is just a publicity stunt. Microsoft has to stop letting marketing people write code." :)
10:55:54 <Eddi|zuHause> petern: probably the second version kills all chances of compilers to optimise the damn thing theirselves
10:56:47 <petern> i'm going to assume it is actually faster
10:56:52 <petern> otherwise there's no point
10:57:10 <SmatZ> hehe
10:57:17 <petern> it just *seems* to be doing a lot more :)
10:57:23 <Noldo> it's somewhat safe to asume it has been profiled by someone
10:57:24 <Eddi|zuHause> e.g. by unfolding the for loop and then do 4 8-bit operations simultaneously (e.g. MMX-operations)
10:59:18 * Rubidium wonders whether he understands that function correctly
11:00:09 <Rubidium> oh, it's just strange coding style
11:00:15 <petern> yeah, that too
11:00:27 <petern> there's going to be some overhead in setting up the magic bits
11:00:42 <petern> on 64 bit, anyway
11:01:30 * petern ponders profiling it anyway :D
11:01:34 <SmatZ> :-)
11:01:54 <Noldo> petern: go for it!
11:02:52 *** Sacro_ is now known as Sacro
11:03:05 <Eddi|zuHause> at a quick glance: the first version is doing 2 8-bit operations per loop (x4), the second one is doing 5 32-bit operations per loop
11:04:05 <Eddi|zuHause> plus the jump
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11:22:21 <petern> simple 307912, glib 514992
11:22:29 <petern> hmm
11:22:50 <SmatZ> time or performance?
11:23:03 <SmatZ> (ms or chars/s?)
11:24:42 <petern> simple 196738808, glib 264293684
11:24:47 <petern> pom te pom
11:24:53 <petern> using rdtsc
11:24:59 <SmatZ> hehe
11:25:06 <SmatZ> very interesting
11:26:00 <Eddi|zuHause> so lower=faster?
11:26:12 <Eddi|zuHause> or higher=faster?
11:26:29 <petern> higher = more ticks
11:27:04 <Eddi|zuHause> @calc 307912*8/5
11:27:04 <DorpsGek> Eddi|zuHause: 492659.2
11:27:17 <petern> ?
11:28:17 <petern> simple 1263148, glib 2075964
11:28:18 <petern> :s
11:28:38 <Yexo_> petern: are the strings you're testing long or short?
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11:29:27 <petern> 1000 chars
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11:30:01 <petern> hmm
11:30:11 <petern> the glibc is faster for short strings
11:30:54 <petern> simple 30760, glib 1888
11:30:57 <petern> for 20 chars
11:31:22 <Noldo> how is that possible
11:32:36 <petern> after about 200 chars, the simple method is faster
11:32:52 <petern> wonder if that's cache related
11:33:00 <petern> i'm using the same buffer
11:33:45 <petern> must be
11:33:57 <petern> it depends on the number of loop iterations too
11:34:30 <Eddi|zuHause> try placing 1000 20-char strings in a row, to check caching relevance
11:35:03 <dihedral> heh
11:35:17 <petern> yeah
11:38:19 <petern> lol
11:38:21 <petern> i'm an idiot
11:38:36 <petern> i accidentally included the buffer fill in the test timing
11:38:43 <petern> now the openbsd method is always faster
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11:42:49 <petern> simple 10702204, glib 18790640, sys 80
11:42:50 <petern> haha
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11:44:46 <SmatZ> petern: I got different results
11:45:11 <petern> simple 10734980, glib 16345840, sys 5566008
11:45:13 <petern> more like it
11:45:20 <Eddi|zuHause> what's "sys"?
11:45:23 <SmatZ> strange
11:45:35 <petern> standard strlen
11:45:35 <SmatZ> petern: did you try -O3 ?
11:45:58 <petern> yes
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11:47:08 <petern> with "sys 80" it had optimised the strlen away because i wasn't using the result
11:47:12 <SmatZ> my test program
11:47:31 <petern> not text/plain :(
11:48:00 <SmatZ> ;)
11:48:32 <z-MaTRiX> are you optimizing strlen?
11:48:36 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o orudge
11:48:57 <SmatZ> just benchmarking
11:49:14 <z-MaTRiX> can you check ASM too? :)
11:49:22 <z-MaTRiX> would be interested
11:50:02 <petern> SmatZ, 32 or 64 bit?
11:50:24 <SmatZ>
11:50:26 <SmatZ> petern: 64bit
11:51:14 <SmatZ> uint64 r[3] = { 0, 0, 0};
11:51:18 <SmatZ> is better for 32bit system
11:51:19 <SmatZ> :)
11:52:35 <SmatZ> the system strlen() is probably optimised in such a way
11:52:57 <SmatZ> that the gcc knows it always returns the same value
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11:53:51 <SmatZ> so it doesn't have that advantage
11:55:09 <SmatZ> 32b, 64b
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12:16:21 <rasco> hullo
12:18:15 <rasco> is there a reason why CMD_MONEY_CHEAT has to be CMD_OFFLINE?
12:18:32 <rasco> the server doesen't allow it anyways if not in debug mode
12:18:36 <lolman> rasco: to prevent multiplayer cheating, I would have supposed
12:19:41 <rasco> but it's like checking twice
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12:26:05 <CIA-2> OpenTTD: smatz * r16663 /trunk/src/station_cmd.cpp: -Codechange: make removing of railway station tiles faster
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12:27:30 <Eddi|zuHause> rasco: client side vs. server side check?
12:27:57 <Eddi|zuHause> it's not like this check could be performance critical
12:29:47 <Rubidium> rasco: checking for invalid characters in a string doesn't need to happen either, after all the window input checks that
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12:31:19 <rasco> it's not because it could be performance critical
12:32:00 <rasco> not, it's because i'm a server admin and would like to do something funny with the server
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12:32:18 <Yexo> if either of these checks was removed, it should be the one in CmdMoneyCheat
12:32:25 <rasco> e.g. make things more expensive with moneycheat
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12:32:44 <Yexo> if you remove the CMD_OFFLINE flag without changing CmdMoneyCheat you introduce an easy desync
12:32:54 <Eddi|zuHause> rasco: i'm not sure if you understand how multiplayer works
12:32:56 <rasco> yexo: why easy desync?
12:33:08 <rasco> if someone sends a cmd_money_cheat it's his own fault
12:33:15 <Yexo> because if you compile the server in debug mode, the server will allow the money cheat, but the clients won't
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12:33:49 <rasco> yexo: that's exactly the problem. i'd like the money cheat to be configured server-side only
12:33:58 <Yexo> so if client A sends CMD_MONEY_CHEAT, the server will increase the amount of money A has, but none of the clients will accept it
12:33:58 <rasco> you need a debug client to not go desync
12:34:10 <Bjarni> hello everybody
12:34:17 <Bjarni> any ubuntu user here?
12:34:25 <rasco> yexo true
12:34:32 <Yexo> rasco: if you want users to have a debug client, either you have to compile it for them or they have to compile themserlf
12:34:38 <Yexo> so you might as well use a small patch
12:34:49 <Yexo> Bjarni: only occasionally
12:34:56 <lolman> Bjarni: I can quickly chuck a VM together if wanted
12:35:03 <rasco> the problem is: most users don't want to download a patch or custom version
12:35:08 <Chris_Booth> i have a ubuntu VM
12:35:39 <Bjarni> I have a running VM with ubuntu right now
12:35:55 <rasco> so the check could be disabled on client side, but enabled on server side
12:35:57 <Chris_Booth> what do you want to know or want me to do?
12:35:58 <Yexo> rasco: in that case users won't have a debug build either
12:35:59 <Bjarni> the question is how do I install java runtime environment in firefox
12:36:09 <Bjarni> preferably without too many steps, which can go wrong
12:37:16 <Yexo> sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre sun-java6-plugin sun-java6-fonts <- from a quick google search
12:37:19 <rasco> Yexo: yes. but if the "standard" official version of openttd would *allow* cmd_money_cheat in multiplayer, a server could choose to enable or disable it
12:37:34 <Yexo> true, but we won't allow cheating
12:37:48 <rasco> why not? cool things are possible with it
12:38:07 <rasco> a server can have price differences without grfs
12:38:10 <rasco> and stuff like that
12:38:13 <Yexo> because it can destroy the fun for people who want to pla fair
12:38:34 <rasco> yes, but a server with cheating does not mean that everyone can cheat
12:38:40 <rasco> you have to enable it first
12:38:47 <rasco> (i mean enable it serverside=
12:38:54 <Rubidium> the money cheat actually working in network in debug mode is PURELY for debugging purposes
12:39:06 <Bjarni> thanks Yexo
12:39:12 <Bjarni> looks like it's installing something now
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12:39:29 <Bjarni> the question is what if it will work when it's done :/
12:39:43 <rasco> Yexo: Rubidium: I understand your guys concernc about cheating
12:40:11 <rasco> but it's no problem as long as the server can CHOOSE to allow/disallow it
12:40:27 <rasco> concerns, taht is
12:40:28 <Yexo> it is, evern a server owner can cheat
12:40:49 <rasco> Yexo: i can cheat as server owner even WITHOUT CMD_MONEY_CHEAT
12:41:04 <Yexo> how would you do that?
12:41:13 <rasco> hehe discard client commands
12:41:22 <SmatZ> useful :-p
12:41:34 <rasco> or inject fake client commands
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12:41:35 <SmatZ> you don't have to run game server after all
12:41:39 <Yexo> it'll be clear very quick if you do that
12:41:59 <rasco> yep, but using a money cheat to cheat will also be clear very quickly
12:42:21 <SmatZ> it's for debugging purposes
12:42:34 <SmatZ> so you can cheat yourself money even in multiplayer
12:42:57 <Yexo> if you want everyone to have a lot of money, create a savegame in mp, load it in sp and cheat every company a lot of money, then load it in mp again
12:43:11 <rasco> Yexo: let me explain what i'd like to do
12:43:27 <rasco> i have a competitive server (speedy)
12:43:33 <rasco> people get scores each game
12:43:46 <rasco> those scores go to a database
12:43:58 <rasco> now, aircraft are disabled on my servers
12:44:10 <rasco> why? because they are veeeery quick money without any work
12:44:31 <rasco> with CMD_MONEY_CHEAT i could make aircraft more expensive quite easily
12:44:46 <Yexo> huh?
12:44:47 <rasco> not only their buy price, but also running costs
12:44:57 <Yexo> what has CMD_MONEY_CHEAT to do with aircraft prices?
12:45:13 <Eddi|zuHause> you could, like, just use a basecost newgrf...
12:45:21 <Belugas> hello
12:45:26 <Yexo> hello Belugas
12:45:38 <rasco> every 10 ticks i could inject a cmd_money_cheat for each airplane, that takes away some of the company's money
12:46:07 <Eddi|zuHause> that's completely silly...
12:46:12 <rasco> heh
12:46:26 <Yexo> just use a base cost newgrf
12:46:41 <rasco> well how easy is it then to get my own GRF's to the official site?
12:46:50 <Yexo> very easy
12:46:56 <Eddi|zuHause> there is already one
12:47:00 <Yexo> as long as you created them, you can just upload them
12:47:07 <rasco> oh well ok
12:47:18 <Yexo> and for a basecost newgrf, you could even unload it since the base costs are stored in the savegame
12:47:21 <Belugas> it's for sure faster than to write your hack :)
12:47:21 <planetmaker> important part is "as long as you created them" :)
12:47:24 <Yexo> that way users don't need the newgrf
12:47:37 <rasco> since the new auto-grf-download maybe people will be more open to joining grf servers
12:47:46 <planetmaker> yes, they are.
12:47:51 <planetmaker> I *think*
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12:48:12 <rasco> Eddi|zuHause: that base cost grf can change all vehicle's running costs?
12:48:14 <planetmaker> would be interesting to see hard facts on that though.
12:48:23 <planetmaker> not only vehicles...
12:48:33 <rasco> sounds good..
12:48:38 <Eddi|zuHause> it comes with a readme...
12:48:50 <planetmaker> Eddi|zuHause, it's surely a do-not-readme :P
12:50:28 <Bjarni> oh dear
12:50:44 <Bjarni> now I wonder how to accept the EULA presented by apt-get
12:51:00 <Bjarni> there is an Ok marker, but I can't click it
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12:51:12 <Yexo> press enter?
12:51:12 <Bjarni> enter or writing ok doesn't help either
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12:51:26 <Ammler> Y?
12:51:42 <Yexo> using tab to select the ok 'button'?
12:51:50 <Ammler> or maybe it is less, so q would help :-)
12:52:02 <Bjarni> tab to ok was the solution :)
12:52:28 <Ammler> which strange distro to you try now?
12:52:43 <Bjarni> once you realise stuff like that it looks so simple and you wonder why you got stuck
12:52:51 <Bjarni> <Ammler> which strange distro to you try now? <-- ubuntu
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12:53:29 <Bjarni> I decided on something more mainstream so I could find people to ask if I got stuck
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12:54:07 <Ammler> that should also support the mouse, I guess.
12:54:32 <Bjarni> it does
12:54:38 <Bjarni> just not in that EULA window
12:54:45 <Bjarni> which is actually the terminal window
12:55:30 <Bjarni> I mean even windows can execute applications which will not listen for mouse input
12:57:36 <Ammler> well, linux <whatever> can be much mre clicky i.e. the middle button.
12:57:54 * Bjarni does the happy dance
12:58:05 <Bjarni> firefox can execute java code :D
12:58:28 <Bjarni> took me hours to get working and some GB downloads
12:58:40 <Bjarni> and I thought it would be so simple....
12:59:20 <Ammler> well, 1st time :-)
13:00:12 <Ammler> usually you install a whole linux system in < 1h, same you need for windows half a day
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13:00:41 <Ammler> (mostly searching for drivers)
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13:01:01 <Bjarni> the main issue was preconfigured VMs without java and/or network access
13:01:15 <Bjarni> who would make a VM without network access???
13:01:36 <Ammler> maybe a license issue?
13:01:44 <Bjarni> maybe
13:01:47 <Ammler> you could "buy" the one with
13:02:05 <Bjarni> but if there is such an issue the documentation could say so
13:02:05 <Ammler> it
13:02:09 <Bjarni> there is no buy option
13:02:37 <planetmaker> Bjarni, for certain tests a VM w/o network access makes sense IMO :)
13:02:46 <Bjarni> yeah
13:02:53 <planetmaker> and hello :)
13:03:00 <Bjarni> it's not completely insane
13:03:12 <Bjarni> but one would assume that it would have it unless mentioned otherwise
13:03:19 <Bjarni> there is a description and it wasn't mentioned
13:03:28 <planetmaker> he...
13:03:37 <planetmaker> there I have to agree.
13:06:04 <Eddi|zuHause> hehe "i believe many people do not like vi because they only use it in stress situations"
13:06:18 <planetmaker> haha :)
13:06:44 <Bjarni> the same could be said for vim
13:06:56 <Bjarni> I usually end up with it if no other editor is installed
13:07:12 <Eddi|zuHause> on which modern system is vi not a symlink to vim?
13:07:27 <Bjarni> I have no idea
13:07:36 <Bjarni> but I type vim, not vi
13:07:36 <Rubidium> Eddi|zuHause: openwrt
13:09:00 <Eddi|zuHause> "and what do you do when no editor is installed at all?" "touch blah; echo XYZ >> blah"
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13:11:36 <rasco> echo "<source code of an editor>" >> editor.c && gcc editor.c
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13:44:27 <CIA-2> OpenTTD: smatz * r16664 /trunk/ (17 files in 4 dirs): -Codechange: move house-related stuff from town.h and town_type.h to separate files
13:46:35 <CIA-2> OpenTTD: smatz * r16665 /trunk/src/ (newgrf_house.cpp saveload/town_sl.cpp town.h town_cmd.cpp): -Codechange: replace GetTownByTile() by Town::GetByTile()
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14:02:42 <CIA-2> OpenTTD: smatz * r16666 /trunk/src/ (7 files in 2 dirs): -Codechange: replace GetHouseSpecs() by HouseSpec::Get(), hide _house_specs[]
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14:15:35 <rasco> so, i'll set up one of my servers with a base-cost grf
14:15:52 <rasco> and will tell you guys how many people join that server compared to the standard without grfs
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14:18:47 <rasco> about the auto-download:
14:19:01 <rasco> couldn't it be done easier for stupid users to download grfs-ingame?
14:19:18 <rasco> currently if you wanna join you have to click through 4 buttons
14:19:23 <rasco> "newgrf settings" - "find missing content online" - "select all" - "download"
14:19:42 <rasco> for stupidheads one or two clicks would be preferable
14:20:16 <rasco> e.g. clicking the join button would make the game ask "do you want to download following grfs? yes/no"
14:20:33 <Sacro> no
14:20:42 <Sacro> it's better to keep the stupid people at bay
14:21:08 <Ammler> "someone" should make a patch for parameter--autodownload or alike.
14:21:54 <rasco> Ammler: what do you mean
14:22:30 <Ammler> well, if join or load a save, just download all grfs needed, if available.
14:23:47 <Ammler> (would also help the stupid admins)
14:24:23 <Belugas> rasco, no matter how idiot-proof a system can be, they always come with a better idiot
14:24:37 <Belugas> even if there was only one single freaking button on the screen
14:25:14 <Belugas> "hey dude... can you make it like i don't need to do anything and let the game work by itself? That'd be coooool"
14:25:15 <Belugas> :P
14:25:19 * Sacro pushes the button
14:25:25 <Belugas> POOOOOF
14:25:31 <Belugas> that was a virus!!!!
14:26:02 <Sacro> :(
14:26:04 <Sacro> but i'm on a mac
14:26:08 <Sacro> so it doesn't affect me
14:26:16 <rasco> well sure
14:26:18 <rasco> :)
14:26:46 <rasco> but why autodownload in the first place when smart people know where to get the correct grfs in the first place anyway
14:27:18 <Sacro> true
14:27:19 <Belugas> ...
14:27:25 <Sacro> so remove autodownload altogether
14:27:25 <Belugas> that was not the point
14:28:40 <petern> Belugas, you ... available ... tonight?
14:28:43 <Ammler> "smart" and "stupid" might be the wrong words in this case anyway.
14:30:06 <rasco> Ammler: well yea, it would make life easier
14:30:56 <rasco> (even if only a little bit)
14:31:21 <Ammler> well, it does already, if you compare with time before bananas
14:35:14 <Belugas> i'll try petern
14:35:20 <Belugas> late or early?
14:37:16 <petern> er, well it's late for me ,heh
14:40:59 <Belugas> lol
14:41:00 <Belugas> ok
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14:48:02 <Belugas> i won't promise anything, petern, but i'll do my best
14:48:17 <Belugas> i'm eager for another jam indeed
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15:08:20 <Belugas> gaaah....
15:08:22 <Belugas> blind..
15:08:39 <Belugas> i looked at my mouse's laser :S
15:08:59 <Belugas> was not really aware of what i was doing :S
15:09:07 <CIA-2> OpenTTD: smatz * r16667 /trunk/src/ (industry.h industry_cmd.cpp subsidy.cpp town.h town_cmd.cpp): -Codechange: replace GetRandomTown() and GetRandomIndustry() by Town::GetRandom() and Industry::GetRandom()
15:11:23 <SirSquidness> Belugas: I take it you discovered that the light generating element in your mouse is brighter than it needs to be? :P
15:11:53 <Belugas> no.. that it's bright alright
15:12:12 <Belugas> and that WondersOfWondering makes me day-dreaming
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15:22:42 <Belugas> makes me feel like Neil Young playing "Like a hurricane"
15:25:12 <SirSquidness> Is there a way to make OpenTTD use a config file in it's own directory, instead of mydocs or ~ ?
15:26:00 <Eddi|zuHause> yes
15:26:08 <Yexo> openttd -c path/to/openttd.cfg
15:26:14 <SirSquidness> excellent
15:26:14 <SirSquidness> kthnx
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16:24:27 <Belugas> burp
16:24:47 <Belugas> fun fun fun
16:24:59 <Belugas> how to deploy 70 complete stores in 2 days
16:25:10 <Belugas> enjoy hard work guys
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17:35:02 <Wolf01> hello
17:36:27 <Belugas> mister Wolf01 :)
17:37:18 <Wolf01> hello Mr. Belugas :D
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17:41:35 <Alberth> hello
17:42:27 <Wolf01> hello Mr. Alberth :D
17:42:53 <Belugas> Hello Sir Albert
17:43:05 <Alberth> you must be extremely happy or extremely sarcastic :D
17:43:13 <Alberth> Hai Belugas
17:43:21 <Wolf01> oh is he a lord?
17:43:42 <Alberth> I don't know, I don't remember visiting the English Queen
17:43:56 <petern> sirs are not lords
17:44:25 <petern> well technically the word is derived...
17:44:39 <petern> a knight is addressed as sir
17:45:03 <Wolf01> right
17:45:42 <Wolf01> I confused things a bit :P
17:45:48 <CIA-2> OpenTTD: translators * r16668 /trunk/src/lang/ (dutch.txt ukrainian.txt):
17:45:48 <CIA-2> OpenTTD: -Update from WebTranslator v3.0:
17:45:48 <CIA-2> OpenTTD: dutch - 43 changes by Yexo
17:45:48 <CIA-2> OpenTTD: ukrainian - 34 changes by Madvin
17:48:49 <Belugas> welll... do yu have Lords and Knights and Sirs in Italy?
17:49:09 <Wolf01> no, we have a lot of idiots :P
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17:50:09 <Belugas> so you do not feel like a stranger when reading the forums ^_^
17:51:28 <Belugas> Hello Herr frosch123
17:52:07 <Wolf01> hello frosch123 :D
17:52:33 <frosch123> evening monsieur belugas
17:53:01 <frosch123> evening signore wolf :)
17:53:26 <Alberth> frosch123 knows his languages :)
17:53:39 <Belugas> The Internet.. Connection To the World!
17:53:53 <frosch123> no, I always have to look up the spelling of monsieur, though I used it for at least 10 times now :)
17:53:58 <Xaroth> The Internet.. Connection to the biggest collection of tards!
17:54:03 <Xaroth> there, fixed it for you, Belugas.
17:54:43 <Alberth> well, if by 'the world' you mean mostly people from the western world, then yes.
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18:04:16 <Belugas> why do you say hat Xaroth? its not true
18:04:32 <Belugas> there are plenty of retards that do not have access to the internet
18:04:58 <Belugas> true, some do qualify enough to pollute the system, but... ain't the majority
18:12:20 <Wolf01> ok, I must go now, see you :)
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18:18:57 <Xaroth> Belugas: but it is, by far, the biggest collection of em
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18:39:01 <Sacro> talking of retards
18:40:25 <Belugas> :)
18:40:30 <Belugas> hello Bjarni
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18:50:59 <z-MaTRiX> hello
18:51:24 <Bjarni> hello Belugas
18:51:32 <Bjarni> and z-MaTRiX
18:51:57 <Bjarni> Sacro: be careful. I might take offence from your lies
18:52:32 <Sacro> well more fool you for taking offence from lies
18:53:17 <Bjarni> spreading lies is actually a jailing offence
18:57:36 * Prof_Frink arrests Bjarni for dealing cake
18:58:25 <Sacro> i snorted cake once
18:58:34 <Sacro> got a candle stuck up my nose
18:58:53 <lolman> Bjarni: depends on what the lie is regarding, actually :)
18:59:15 <lolman> If it doesn't defame, no it's not :D
18:59:27 <Sacro> lolololololololman
18:59:32 <Sacro> oh noes
18:59:35 <lolman> Sacro: oh yeses
19:00:06 <Sacro> eugh
19:00:12 <Sacro> MJ celebration
19:00:18 <Sacro> lolman: are you still in my house?
19:00:21 <lolman> Sacro: yes
19:00:51 <Sacro> sweet
19:01:16 <lolman> I've also prodded O2 and got them to nudge my tarriff down
19:01:34 <Sacro> niiiiice
19:02:15 <lolman> Will be selling my old phone too \o/
19:02:30 <Sacro> was costat?
19:03:14 <lolman> Well I'm just going for a quick get rid of it job, which will apparently give me £134
19:07:26 <lolman> (Easily covers the extra money going on the G1)
19:08:14 <Bjarni> "quick get rid of it job".... near Hull that means "get rid of evidence of the stolen goods", right?
19:08:37 <Prof_Frink> Bjarni: No, you're thinking of Liverpool
19:08:47 <Bjarni> right
19:08:57 <lolman> What he said
19:09:02 <Bjarni> in Hull you make teenagers pregnant
19:09:11 <Prof_Frink> And get flooded
19:09:12 <Bjarni> and crash random people's homes
19:09:18 <Noldo> one makes or you make?
19:09:32 <lolman> Noldo: depends how posh you are
19:11:09 <Bjarni> if that you means me, then it's "one makes" because I wouldn't do it
19:11:25 <Bjarni> in Hull it would most likely be a dangerous thing to do
19:11:41 <Bjarni> I mean they are more likely to carry an STD, right?
19:11:58 <Bjarni> besides it would take a sick person to deal with such an age difference
19:12:14 <Bjarni> Sacro on the other hand...
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19:18:26 <Sacro> yes?
19:18:59 <Bjarni> damn do I really have to explain that one to you?
19:19:26 <Sacro> Why not
19:19:43 <Bjarni> I was implying that the mental age difference between you and a teenage girl aren't really present
19:20:04 <Sacro> :(
19:20:30 <Bjarni> but I didn't declare this as a fact
19:20:40 <Bjarni> so you are still able to prove that implication wrong
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20:03:41 <CIA-2> OpenTTD: frosch * r16669 /trunk/src/road_cmd.cpp: -Cleanup (r1): Only animated tiles are... animated.
20:05:42 <z-MaTRiX> wow
20:06:21 <petern> heh
20:06:22 <frosch123> someone knows how levelcrossings look like in tto?
20:07:07 <petern> frosch123, you know that might have to go back in? :p
20:07:28 <petern> although... it'd be more complex than that anyway
20:07:53 <frosch123> if you find a nice place for AddAnimatedTile :p
20:15:04 <frosch123> hmm, I guess we do not support animated waypoints
20:17:07 <Belugas> that exists? or ... it WILL exist
20:18:04 <frosch123> due to ttdp's interpretation, newgrfs consider waypoints as stations, so they *might* try to use animation :p
20:18:51 <frosch123> or is it ottd's interpretation of newgrfs?
20:21:47 <Belugas> dunno, MB has completely messed up my brain in that matter
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21:06:29 <Belugas> bye
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21:25:39 <CIA-2> OpenTTD: alberth * r16670 /trunk/src/ (intro_gui.cpp widget.cpp widget_type.h): -Codechange: Containers with equally sized children are useful to have.
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22:17:15 <Andel> !seen truelight
22:17:29 <Andel> oops forgot - no seen
22:17:30 <Andel> d'oh
22:18:14 <Xaroth> @seen Truelight
22:18:14 <DorpsGek> Xaroth: I have not seen Truelight.
22:24:05 <frosch123> truelight? who's that? :p
22:24:25 <Andel> can someoen please try and tell me if they can access it please?
22:25:10 <goodger> nope
22:25:19 <goodger> connection refused, or whatever HTTP code that translates as
22:25:46 <Xaroth> that's not a http code
22:25:50 <Xaroth> that's a tcp code.
22:26:03 <goodger> meh
22:26:32 <goodger> so, how is everyone these past.... months?
22:26:54 <Prof_Frink> It's the good badger!
22:27:15 <goodger> ¬.¬
22:27:55 <goodger>
22:28:02 <Andel> thanks goodger
22:28:50 <goodger> *thumbup*
22:29:25 <goodger> everyone is OK then. super.
22:31:14 <goodger> I'm not very good at this precise moment
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22:41:41 <Nite_Owl> Hello all (Zzzzz)
22:45:28 <goodger> um, yes
22:53:51 <goodger> it is appallingly hot ._.
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23:05:23 <Bjarni> did the forum just die for everybody?
23:05:50 <Bjarni> or is it just my connection?
23:05:51 <Alberth> for me it did
23:05:57 <Bjarni> :(
23:06:17 <Bjarni> it worked a moment ago
23:06:27 <Bjarni> makes it rather tricky to reply to the stuff I just read
23:06:43 <SpComb> verily
23:06:47 <Alberth>
23:07:23 <Bjarni> just refound that page too
23:07:56 <goodger> someone just asked me whether was down
23:08:06 <SpComb> and what happens when has some weird routing issues and gives inconsitent results?
23:08:16 <Bjarni> goodger: go to the page and check ;)
23:08:20 <goodger> linking to caused severe embarrassment
23:09:55 <Bjarni> clicking the link didn't work for me
23:10:04 <Bjarni> <-- trying again
23:10:14 <Bjarni> works this time
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23:10:25 <Bjarni> haha
23:10:32 <Bjarni> you wrote the URL wrong
23:10:47 <Bjarni> it's "everyone", not "everybody"
23:10:56 <goodger> oh bugger
23:11:10 <goodger> oh, wait
23:11:15 <goodger> I clicked your link by mistake
23:11:25 <goodger> no, you have completely missed the joke
23:11:47 <Bjarni> looks like it
23:12:25 <Bjarni> and I still can't see the joke with the wrong URL
23:12:57 <goodger> OK, good luck with that
23:13:29 <Bjarni> either you explain it or you didn't tell a joke :P
23:13:51 <goodger> that's completely not how this sort of thing works
23:14:09 <Bjarni> it is when an op declares so
23:14:58 <goodger> you're now threatening to kick{ban} me for half-heartedly dredging up a joke that you don't understand?
23:16:52 <Tefad> mutiny.
23:17:13 <goodger> quiet, you.
23:17:28 <Bjarni> no
23:17:37 <goodger> not you
23:18:10 <Bjarni> I made you aware that you might risk a kick for not answering my request
23:18:39 <goodger> sounds quite like a threat to me
23:19:04 <goodger> and I hate to have to point it out, but I can't explain the joke from outside the channel
23:19:32 <Bjarni> good point
23:20:19 <Bjarni> still I can't see that it should be funny to write the wrong URL
23:20:45 <CIA-2> OpenTTD: alberth * r16671 /trunk/src/spritecache.h: -Doc: Documenting Sprite structure.
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23:27:46 <goodger> I am in no immediate danger of self-harm
23:29:44 <Bjarni> but what about harm from other things?
23:29:55 <Bjarni> have you checked all the shadows around you?
23:30:20 <goodger> yes, I check them every few seconds
23:30:50 <Bjarni> good
23:30:56 <goodger> no.
23:31:06 <Bjarni> then I can walk right on and you will not notice because you are busy looking at shadows
23:32:17 <goodger> you'll have a job walking here from denmark
23:32:47 <Bjarni> what makes you say that?
23:32:53 <Bjarni> ever heard of proxies?
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23:33:25 <Chruker> meh, I cant get to
23:33:46 <goodger> nor I
23:33:54 <goodger> Bjarni: proxies are not you
23:33:59 <Bjarni> Chruker: looks like the entire server went offline
23:34:56 <Chruker> ahh well, it'll bounce back... hopefully :-)
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23:35:36 <Bjarni> it will
23:35:40 <Bjarni> eventually
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23:55:11 <LadyHawk> hmm
23:55:30 <LadyHawk> where do i enable this 'multiple newgrf engine sets' thing?
23:56:07 <Nite_Owl> what version of OpenTTD are you using
23:56:16 <LadyHawk> not sure
23:56:23 <LadyHawk> 0.7.1 it says in titlebar
23:56:40 <Nite_Owl> go to the advance settings
23:56:54 <Nite_Owl> advanced settings
23:57:28 <LadyHawk> whereabouts
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23:58:05 <Nite_Owl> I believe it tis under the vehicles tab
23:58:37 <Nite_Owl> Oh wait - not tabs anymore
23:59:02 <LadyHawk> aha, found it
23:59:24 <LadyHawk> under vehicles just like you said =)
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23:59:46 <LadyHawk> thanks
23:59:52 <Nite_Owl> any time