IRC logs for #openttd on OFTC at 2009-06-03
00:06:14 <CIA-3> OpenTTD: smatz * r16507 /trunk/src/gfxinit.cpp: -Fix (r16503): segfault when deleting non-last graphics set
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07:14:48 <dihedral> morning
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07:25:06 <petern> is that so
07:25:14 <dihedral> here it is, yes
07:27:06 <dihedral> Xaroth, your 'autottd' version makes me smirk :-)
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07:32:58 <Xaroth> it does?
07:32:59 <Xaroth> goodeh
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07:33:49 <Xaroth> did a whole rewrite, so figured staying in the 1 series would be stupid
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07:43:54 <dihedral> Xaroth, the topic says version :-D
07:44:14 <dihedral> majer.minor.bugfix.bugbugfixfix?
07:46:46 <planetmaker> moin
07:46:52 <planetmaker> andythenorth, here?
07:47:25 <dihedral> hello planetmaker
07:48:03 <planetmaker> hey dihedral :)
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09:16:31 <Xaroth> dihedral: release, major, minor, revision .. or something
09:16:57 <Xaroth> or major minor build revion, whatever :P
09:17:06 <Xaroth> last number shows the sourceforge revision
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09:20:16 <Xaroth> i must admit that i did an extra commit just to make sure it was tho.. but that was just because i was being in a funny mood
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09:25:46 <dihedral> hehe
09:25:49 <dihedral> cute :-P
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09:53:30 <fjb> Hello
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11:20:37 <fonsinchen> Cargodist is built by the compile farm now. You can download lots of different binaries from this place:
11:20:37 <fonsinchen>
11:20:37 <fonsinchen> Thanks TrueBrain for compiling, Ammler for hosting, Yexo for saying OK.
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11:55:18 <Chruker> heh, what happens if a ship and the submarine 'collides'?
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12:00:06 <planetmaker> they don't.
12:00:32 <planetmaker> or have you seen two ships collide?
12:00:35 <Chruker> aww, I hope the ship would sink
12:01:01 <planetmaker> I haven't played for long with desasters, though.
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12:04:10 <petern> what about disasters?
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12:11:58 <insulfrog> hi
12:16:45 <dihedral> planetmaker, the question was what happens IF they collide, not DO they collide :-P
12:18:27 <planetmaker> ex falso quot libet :)
12:18:58 <dihedral> who?
12:20:11 <planetmaker> *quotlibet
12:21:15 <planetmaker> not even then... my latin gets rusty :( : *quodlibet
12:22:25 <planetmaker> in other words: whatever you like may be your answer :)
12:28:05 <dihedral> the word 'may' disturbs me :-P
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12:29:43 <planetmaker> yes. It's not true anymore this month :P
12:31:17 <dihedral> ^^
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12:57:07 <SinHarvest> Hmmmmm I backed myself into a stupid corner...
12:58:14 <SinHarvest> I have a tram track running into a building and the track ends at the building instead of having the curved/roundabout ending
12:58:45 <SinHarvest> I could just remove it but a tram is actually on the track and I can't get it to reverse either XD
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13:07:45 * Belugas wishes good to all
13:07:52 <Belugas> and to the others too
13:09:14 <Belugas> mmh..
13:09:21 <Belugas> good +day.. of course...
13:09:27 * Belugas runs for coffee
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13:19:18 <dihedral> i hate migrating cvs 2 svn
13:19:22 <dihedral> i cannot see it any longer
13:19:23 <dihedral> grrrr
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13:34:22 <CIA-3> OpenTTD: rubidium * r16508 /branches/0.7/ (10 files in 9 dirs):
13:34:22 <CIA-3> OpenTTD: [0.7] -Backport from trunk:
13:34:22 <CIA-3> OpenTTD: - Fix: Base graphics names must be unique, so do not add duplicates (r16503)
13:34:22 <CIA-3> OpenTTD: - Fix: [NoAI] When an AI was suspended while in a function called (indirectly) via call/acall/pcall OpenTTD crashed. Fix this by disallowing AIs to be suspended while called via call/acall/pcall [FS#2935] (r16502)
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13:47:35 <Rubidium> yup, ping timeouts are a standard error
13:50:12 <planetmaker> pong... ;)
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14:00:37 <andythenorth> FIRS thread: "[quote="***"]Someone really ought to make some awesome isometric axis flipper rotator cropper tool for image editing.[/quote]....guess the quote anyone :)
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14:01:36 <Rubidium> andythenorth: You ?
14:02:41 <andythenorth> ahem. guess again? you might be guessing forever
14:03:59 <Rubidium> nope, I'm only limited to about 2**48 options, which is finite not infinite
14:04:43 <andythenorth> how many kinds of infinity are there by the way? It's > 1 apparently
14:05:19 <Rubidium> it's infinite
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14:05:49 <Rubidium> ∞ + 1 = ∞
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14:13:22 <planetmaker> andythenorth, two kinds: countable and uncountable
14:13:26 <z-MaTRiX> are you sure?
14:14:15 <z-MaTRiX> 1/∞=0 ?
14:14:48 <planetmaker> yes
14:15:22 <planetmaker> n / oo = 0 for all n except n = +/- oo
14:15:31 <planetmaker> and n not complex
14:15:37 <planetmaker> but even then.
14:15:38 <theholyduck> 9000*∞ ITS OVER NINE THOUSAND!
14:15:40 <theholyduck> or not
14:15:42 <theholyduck> :P
14:15:50 <theholyduck> 9001 rather
14:16:01 <theholyduck> but yeah, 9000*∞ = ∞
14:16:03 <theholyduck> i guess
14:16:12 <planetmaker> I don't need to guess :)
14:16:18 <z-MaTRiX> ok so 1=9000
14:16:22 <planetmaker> no
14:16:32 <planetmaker> oo / oo is not defined
14:16:47 <dihedral> oh boy
14:17:09 <Rubidium> planetmaker: but you just defined it
14:17:16 <planetmaker> you can only operate with oo as a limit
14:17:34 <planetmaker> Rubidium, ?
14:18:20 <Rubidium> "oo / oo" = "not defined" is a definition
14:18:31 <planetmaker> :D
14:19:36 <z-MaTRiX> :)
14:20:32 <planetmaker> what's the value of lim x->0 sin(1/x) ?
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14:21:24 <planetmaker> Rubidium, technically I didn't put an equation sign there.
14:21:58 <planetmaker> :P
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14:27:51 <Eddi|zuHause> <andythenorth> how many kinds of infinity are there by the way? It's > 1 apparently <- there are countably infinitely many cardinality-numbers (aleph 1 == countable infinity, aleph 2 = uncountable infinity, then it goes on with aleph_3, aleph_4 and so on)
14:28:05 <Eddi|zuHause> but it is unproven whether these are all kinds of infinity
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14:28:35 <Eddi|zuHause> aleph_{n+1} = 2^aleph_n
14:29:00 <dihedral> so after aleph 2 they all have an underscore?
14:29:39 <Eddi|zuHause> if a set X has cardinality aleph_n, then the set of subsets of X has cardinality aleph_{n+1}
14:29:41 <dihedral> my word Eddi|zuHause, that line has so much inconsistency :-P
14:29:51 <andythenorth> does any of this help with 'when will it be done?'
14:30:13 <dihedral> yes, it gives you something to do during the time you have to wait
14:30:31 <andythenorth> any idea how long we'll all be waiting?
14:30:34 <z-MaTRiX> 1/∞=0 => 0*∞=1 ?
14:31:08 <dihedral> andythenorth, you ask really silly questions
14:31:08 <dihedral> why dont you open a thread in the forums for that?
14:31:14 <dihedral> perhaps SirXavius has something to say to that
14:31:21 <dihedral> ever probably has something to say too :-D
14:31:50 <andythenorth> and the prize for guessing the quote above goes to dihedral (by default)
14:32:03 <Rubidium> does 1*0=0 => 0/0 = 1?
14:32:18 <dihedral> andythenorth, where?
14:32:30 <dihedral> where is the bus?
14:32:43 <andythenorth> [url=]Subject: FIRS Industry Replacement Set (not yet released!)[/url]
14:33:00 <andythenorth> (oops forgot to trim sorry)
14:33:11 <dihedral> where is the bus with the people inside it who want to know?
14:33:33 <Eddi|zuHause> they are just arriving at hilbert's hotel
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14:33:41 <dihedral> ^^
14:33:51 <Eddi|zuHause> and the hotel manager is busy reorganizing the rooms
14:34:00 <andythenorth> I wonder if my pixels will have moved themselves around into the right shapes while I'm reading this?
14:34:18 <andythenorth> ...nope they didn'. I'd better draw something I guess.
14:34:25 <dihedral> you have pixels in other shapes than square?
14:34:53 <andythenorth> does 'configurations' work better? 'arrangement'? 'disbursement'??
14:35:26 <dihedral> why dont you go for a walk? walk across the motorway to enjoy the sunset :-P
14:35:44 <dihedral> just kidding andythenorth
14:36:54 <andythenorth> I'm finishing a fishing harbour. It has versions for NW-SE and SW-NE shores. Does it *need* versions for other shores? It's only about 64 pixels different, but I've found 10 ways to avoid drawing the bloody things so far :)
14:37:56 <Rubidium> always... more is better, ain't it?
14:38:10 <theholyduck> dihedral, well certain monitors/videos have non square pixels
14:38:10 <theholyduck> :P
14:38:24 <theholyduck> dvds for example
14:38:36 * dihedral clicks another nick to the ignore list
14:38:56 <andythenorth> Too much drawing industries probably. Maybe I should draw a bulldozer. Maybe I don't have enough yet (10 at the last count)
14:38:57 <theholyduck> hmm, did i really deserve that?
14:39:08 <dihedral> that list nearly has more patterns than this channel users :-D
14:39:21 <theholyduck> also, to my defense, i was just talking in #Mplayer :P
14:39:57 <andythenorth> theholyduck: not if we were discussing video post-production, but as we're not...seems fair :) Hey, on another day, you might have been a great help
14:40:09 <dihedral> theholyduck, you aint the lua duck are you?
14:40:14 <theholyduck> dihedral, no
14:40:15 <theholyduck> :P
14:40:37 <theholyduck> i've been the holyduck for.... 13 years now?
14:40:50 <dihedral> are you any older than that?
14:40:54 <theholyduck> 5 :P
14:41:19 <theholyduck> its originally a norwegian joke i made up
14:42:11 <theholyduck> the english version took form during a quake marathon, for reasons i cant remember
14:42:29 <andythenorth> btw, what's the current status of roadtypes?
14:43:12 <Eddi|zuHause> andythenorth: did i understand your plan for the harbour correctly, it can produce fish itself, and it can be used as a transfer station for ships coming from fishing grounds?
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14:44:10 <theholyduck> Eddi|zuHause, well its own prodction would be what local fishers bring in?
14:44:28 <theholyduck> thats how harbors/fish reciving plants work over here
14:44:43 <andythenorth> Eddi|zuHause: might be better answered on forums...bloody long discussion already (but more after the break)
14:44:52 <andythenorth> *no* fishing ground in FIRS
14:44:58 <andythenorth> harbour produces fish
14:45:07 <andythenorth> but contains a dock for various good reasons
14:46:13 <Eddi|zuHause> problem with a builtin dock would be that you can't join it with a trainstation or somesuch
14:46:44 <andythenorth> ah that would be a problem. Hadn't thought of that (or tested it) :(
14:47:02 <andythenorth> join stations doesn't work? Let me just test (science!)
14:48:04 <z-MaTRiX>
14:48:04 <z-MaTRiX> someone have nice similar pages?
14:48:25 <theholyduck> i'm tempted to put your_mom_(number)
14:48:28 <theholyduck> but no
14:49:08 <andythenorth> Eddi|zuHause: you're very correct. Oh :(
14:49:21 <theholyduck> andythenorth, good reasons for a dock == eyecandy? :P
14:49:32 <theholyduck> makes building pretty docklands easier i guess
14:50:18 <andythenorth> theholyduck: yes, would make for a better looking harbour easily. But I designed the layout to allow a default dock to be built next to it anyway.
14:50:27 <andythenorth> including the dock just reduces complexity for players
14:50:57 <theholyduck> andythenorth, any way you could make it buildable on tiles that are at 0 height?
14:51:12 <theholyduck> so it integrates better with how most sane people build eyecandy-docks ?
14:51:28 <andythenorth> player doesn't own the built in station at the industry, I guess it's just a simple *no* to ever making it possible to use join stations on this?
14:51:54 <andythenorth> theholyduck: I don't follow - can you do a screenie or something?
14:52:01 * theholyduck loads a save :P
14:53:09 <Eddi|zuHause> andythenorth: there are two solutions to the dilemma. a) making sure infrastructure sharing allows joining stations of different players, and b) allowing cargo to "walk" between adjacent stations when cargodest is enabled
14:53:19 <Eddi|zuHause> both might not come at all...
14:54:14 <andythenorth> Eddi|zuHause: oh well. It was a nice idea, but there are bigger fish to fry. Ahem.
14:54:32 <andythenorth> (b) would be cool.
14:54:36 <planetmaker> don't talk too much of food please. I'm getting hungry.
14:54:51 <andythenorth> I just had a nice avacado and mozarella salad
14:54:55 <andythenorth> does that help?
14:55:11 <planetmaker> >:(
14:55:19 <Eddi|zuHause> that does not sound tasty...
14:55:28 <planetmaker> unfortunately not. But mozarella salat is one of my favourites... :S
14:56:43 <Rubidium> andythenorth: ofcourse it helps getting him hungry
14:56:49 <andythenorth> btw, after banging my head on economy questions last night, someone (here again) explained Simutrans economy to me. But let's not discuss that here :P
14:57:04 <andythenorth> that someone seems to be everywher
14:57:07 <andythenorth> e
14:58:34 <theholyduck> andythenorth, seems i dont have the save, i'll make a nice simple example
14:58:48 <andythenorth> okey dokey
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15:30:25 <theholyduck> andythenorth,
15:30:26 <theholyduck>,_11th_Jan_2160.png
15:32:53 <andythenorth> nice. I take it that's a mockup, unless I've missed the 'build rail stations on water' patch?? :O
15:33:12 <theholyduck> andythenorth, you create channels on open seas
15:33:18 <theholyduck> then delete the ground in between them
15:33:26 <theholyduck> instant ground at level 0
15:33:36 <theholyduck> looks MUCH better when building elaborate docks
15:33:48 <theholyduck> in the previous game i played, we made 5 laaarge docks like that
15:34:04 <theholyduck> but you still need a lvl 1 to place the dock on
15:34:46 <theholyduck> its hugely expensive sure
15:34:52 <theholyduck> but think of it as land-reclamation
15:35:14 <theholyduck> that dock probaly took. 300- or so k to build
15:36:35 <planetmaker> nice dock :)
15:37:05 <theholyduck> planetmaker, its just a quickie, we built a gigantic one with mooving cars and stuff in the last openttdcoop game
15:37:11 <andythenorth> (playing) hey that is probably the most pretty and spectacular hack of construction I've seen :)
15:37:44 <andythenorth> but I can't help with the dock construction problem I'm afraid :(
15:37:55 <planetmaker> oh :) I missed out on that, theholyduck
15:38:04 <theholyduck> planetmaker, we built 5 docks actually
15:38:10 <theholyduck> but the grandest one had actual life
15:38:30 <theholyduck> too bad the game didnt use the random eye-candy cars newgrf
15:38:30 <planetmaker> hehe... I remember building some of these in the I think PSG 80...90 range
15:38:46 <theholyduck> or even a boat one
15:38:56 <planetmaker> there are not many boat newgrfs.
15:39:16 <theholyduck> true, but the base boats just look so booring when you put them there for eyecandy
15:39:34 <andythenorth> some day there will be new boats. that's almost a promise
15:39:36 <planetmaker> hm... depends IMO
15:39:51 <planetmaker> but there are nicer boats then the defaults, yes.
15:40:23 <planetmaker> theholyduck, you can always make a nice map and choose appropriate newgrfs (provided they're on bananas or in our grfpack)
15:40:32 <theholyduck> planetmaker, was thinking of doing that
15:40:40 <theholyduck> i'm almost done with my handcrafted norway scenario
15:40:53 <planetmaker> and if you make it a good scenario (e.g. give it a theme, a purpose) it will help to direct the plans which are going to be made.
15:41:09 <theholyduck> planetmaker, and yeah, working on that aswell
15:41:24 <theholyduck> currently almost done handcrafting some glorious mountains
15:41:29 <theholyduck> and delicious valleys
15:41:30 <planetmaker> :)
15:41:51 <planetmaker> hmpf. I really should go and make holidays there for real.
15:41:56 <theholyduck> planetmaker, the current game is eye killing toyland ;(
15:42:02 <theholyduck> seriously, it gives me a headache
15:42:02 <planetmaker> I know :)
15:42:19 <planetmaker> once in a while doesn't hurt, IMO
15:42:32 <planetmaker> like one toyland every 40 or 50 games :P
15:42:37 <theholyduck> except for the direct physical pain ovciously?
15:42:40 <theholyduck> *obviously
15:43:27 <andythenorth> (drawing) blooody isometric grid
15:44:02 <planetmaker> theholyduck, I'd like to see the comic style as a nice replacement for toyland :)
15:44:19 <planetmaker> or alternative industries for toyland so that the Mars conversion became a bit more sensible
15:48:15 <elmz> comic style?
15:49:11 <planetmaker>
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15:50:49 <Rubidium> toyland is there to show the game IS NOT about reality!
15:51:21 *** Cryloud has joined #openttd
15:51:24 <Cryloud> hi guys
15:51:45 <planetmaker> just like comic style would :)
15:52:09 <Cryloud> i have a question for develop any 32bpp graphics, my english suxx a bit sry and i didnt found what i search
15:52:47 <Cryloud> i use autodesk xsi like 1 year, i see this graphics are renders from a specific angle right ?
15:54:17 <Cryloud> hmm =)
15:54:49 <Eddi|zuHause> the important thing about renders is, that isometric view is not an actual viewing angle, it's a parallel projection
15:54:49 <planetmaker> yes. they are.
15:55:07 <Cryloud> hmm ok
15:55:11 <Cryloud> what angel is it
15:55:24 <planetmaker> see the development wiki :P
15:55:34 <Cryloud> i watched it, nothing about angel there = /
15:55:37 <Cryloud> or im blind
15:55:40 <planetmaker> like 32 pixels right, 16 up.
15:55:48 <Cryloud> yeah but, when i render it
15:55:52 <Eddi|zuHause> and it's not 30° (=arcsin(1/2)), but arctan(1/2)
15:57:20 <Eddi|zuHause> @calc arctan(1/2)
15:57:20 <DorpsGek> Eddi|zuHause: Error: 'arctan' is not a defined function.
15:57:23 <Eddi|zuHause> @calc atan(1/2)
15:57:23 <DorpsGek> Eddi|zuHause: 0.463647609001
15:57:38 <Eddi|zuHause> @calc atan(1/2)/Pi*180
15:57:38 <DorpsGek> Eddi|zuHause: 26.5650511771
15:57:43 <Cryloud> ah one moment i see any angle in the wiki = )
15:57:45 <Eddi|zuHause> there, 26.5°
15:57:46 <Cryloud> im rly blind ;o
15:58:33 <Eddi|zuHause> @calc asin(1/2)/Pi*180
15:58:33 <DorpsGek> Eddi|zuHause: 30
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15:59:38 <CIA-3> OpenTTD: yexo * r16509 /trunk/src/3rdparty/squirrel/squirrel/sqapi.cpp: -Fix (r16502): All Sleep/DoCommand calls failed instead of only those via a call/acall/pcall function
16:01:31 <Cryloud> hey eddi have u 5 minutes for me ?
16:01:38 <Cryloud> i see u are german = )
16:02:01 <Belugas> mmh... and i see that u = you
16:02:06 <Cryloud> ;o
16:02:36 <petern> yeah, it's not true isometric
16:03:28 <Eddi|zuHause> 2 of your 5 minutes are already over...
16:04:00 <Cryloud> i mean in convo ...
16:11:27 <theholyduck> Cryloud, really, the SANEST thing for xsi in terms of rendering it right
16:11:29 <theholyduck> as i've found
16:11:36 <theholyduck> is just exporting it and importing it into blender
16:11:46 <theholyduck> and then use the stuff from blender
16:11:50 <theholyduck> to texture and what not it propperly
16:12:02 <Cryloud> hmm
16:12:12 <theholyduck> using .obj or something else
16:12:14 <Cryloud> i was trying blender 5 months ago but ... its still not my software
16:12:18 <theholyduck> me neither
16:12:24 <theholyduck> wich is why i did the modeling and uv-mapping
16:12:28 <theholyduck> in xsi
16:12:31 <theholyduck> wich i KNOW :P
16:12:40 <theholyduck> and then did the various other bits in render with some guidance
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16:12:54 <theholyduck> thats how i've done stuff for other projects that needed blender stuff
16:13:06 <Cryloud> hmpf,
16:13:08 <theholyduck> *other bits and render in blender
16:13:10 <andythenorth> drawn a slipway for the fishing harbour. might have pixel madness
16:13:11 <Cryloud> i cant any in blender
16:13:17 <Cryloud> ^^
16:13:28 <theholyduck> Cryloud, tutorials and people online can generally help you
16:13:36 <theholyduck> its not IMPOSSIBLE to use, just not as intuative as xsi
16:13:55 <Cryloud> yeah ansd the user interface = horrible ...
16:14:08 <theholyduck> in xsi every thing is on the logical key, and every movement with your mouse does exactly what you'd EXPECt it to do
16:14:26 <Cryloud> and the context menu is really fine
16:14:33 <theholyduck> where as i found navigating the camera in blender
16:14:39 <theholyduck> is a bit like trying to box
16:14:43 <theholyduck> with a blindfold
16:14:45 <theholyduck> while drunk
16:14:53 <Cryloud> lolz
16:15:15 <theholyduck> i could never get it to do what i WANTED it to do
16:17:31 <theholyduck> but still, when you want to work with a open source project, blender is really the way to go for the last step
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16:28:13 <Cryloud> any here where works with blender for 32bpp ?
16:29:15 * Belugas hates stuff made by blender and such. too realistic looking
16:29:16 <Belugas> burk
16:29:53 <Cryloud> the problem is, i mean nothing is here where can help me for xsi
16:29:55 <Cryloud> ^^
16:31:43 <Cryloud> for example : is this usefull for ingame when textures are done for it ?
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16:33:42 <Belugas> not in my games, for sure. You should try the blender thread on the forums, take note
16:38:03 <Cryloud> ok ty guys
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18:40:57 <Beardie> Hello?
18:42:02 <Beardie> Annnnyyyyonnnnne?
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18:42:44 <dihedral> hehe
18:42:44 <dihedral> hello
18:42:44 <dihedral> :-D
18:43:05 <Noldo_> classic
18:44:51 <Rubidium> not worth our effort
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18:47:23 <CIA-3> OpenTTD: rubidium * r16510 /trunk/src/ai/api/ (8 files): -Doc: silence some (AI) doxygen warnings by adding comments about the appropriate things.
18:55:57 <CIA-3> OpenTTD: rubidium * r16511 /branches/0.7/src/ (9 files in 2 dirs):
18:55:57 <CIA-3> OpenTTD: [0.7] -Backport from trunk:
18:55:57 <CIA-3> OpenTTD: - Doc: [NoAI] Silence some (AI) doxygen warnings by adding comments about the appropriate things (r16510)
18:55:57 <CIA-3> OpenTTD: - Fix: [NoAI] All Sleep/DoCommand calls failed instead of only those via a call/acall/pcall function (r16509)
19:02:31 <CIA-3> OpenTTD: rubidium * r16512 /tags/0.7.1-RC3/ (5 files in 3 dirs): -Release: 0.7.1-RC3; better be safe than sorry. Especially because some bugs that crash OpenTTD itself are fixed.
19:03:11 <dihedral> i love seing a revision being born :-)
19:03:22 <dihedral> i mean a release
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19:07:35 * Prof_Frink points an op at the topic
19:07:54 <Prof_Frink> petern! NewTopic!
19:07:58 <Rubidium> what's the point when there're no binaries yet?
19:08:39 <Ammler> Rubidium: what are you doing different for RC then full release?
19:08:39 <Eddi|zuHause> you could put pressure on the compile farm to release them faster because of higher demand that way
19:09:14 <Ammler> does it still have asserts?
19:10:36 <Rubidium> Ammler: yes and yes
19:10:49 <Ammler> :-)
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19:11:40 <dihedral> anything but stable releases are compiled with asserts, iirc
19:11:46 <Rubidium> well, I almost released a RC with completely broken AI this afternoon. Luckily we have 'make regression' ;)
19:13:14 *** capleton has joined #openttd
19:13:29 <Ammler> I was just wondering, why you release so many RCs for a minor update
19:13:44 <capleton> hi guys, anyone know how to get the music from TTDX to work in openttd?
19:14:02 <Ammler> capleton: read the readme
19:14:11 <Rubidium> Ammler: why do you think we do it?
19:14:16 <capleton> yeah i just read it from top to bottom
19:14:35 <capleton> wasn't that much covered about the music issue, allthough i tried what was said about the music in it
19:14:44 <capleton> i just get the effects working and not the tunes :/
19:14:50 <Ammler> well, the asserts explains
19:15:10 <capleton> asserts?
19:15:36 <glx> capleton: OS?
19:16:03 *** petern changes topic to "0.7.0, 0.7.1-RC3 | Website: * (BaNaNaS: bananas, Translator: translator2, Gameservers: servers, Nightly-builds: nightly, WIKI: wiki, Dev-docs: docs, Patches & Bug-reports: bugs, Revision log: vcs, Release info: finger) | #openttd.notice for SVN notices | UTF-8 please | No Unauthorised Bots | English only :D"
19:16:04 <Ammler> capleton: that was answer to rubi,
19:16:06 <capleton> im on windows, i run it in debian aswell but i ain't got that problem there
19:16:07 <Rubidium> Ammler: any idea how many people test the 0.7 branch?
19:16:13 <capleton> Ammler: ah okey
19:16:29 <petern> oh, no binaries yet
19:16:31 <petern> never mind :p
19:16:37 <glx> usually it's the opposite
19:16:45 <capleton> haha
19:16:52 <glx> it's harder to get music on windows than on linux
19:17:09 <capleton> crap, i had it working on windows when i installed it i think, but now it doesn't :/
19:17:18 <glx> it's harder to get music on linux than on windows
19:17:30 <glx> (forget my first sentence ;) )
19:17:42 <dihedral> Rubidium: does the 0.7 branch have 'nightlies' after a backport
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19:17:50 <capleton> also, on a complete other issue, how can i contribute with my own grf files?
19:18:03 <capleton> is there some grf extractor for the sprites?
19:18:19 <capleton> guess i should browse the forums maybe :P
19:18:21 <glx> grfcodec
19:19:00 <dihedral> the forums have a search featuer, as does the web - we commonly refer to it as 'google'
19:19:14 <Ammler> Rubidium: 3?
19:19:15 <capleton> :O
19:19:20 <capleton> hehe thanks.
19:19:33 <Ammler> :-)
19:19:55 <SxeDag> Q: I've got a version of OTT and it seems the AI is hopeless. The computer tycoons goes bankrupt within years. I suspected that it had to do with me changing default settings. anyone know what could be wrong? or is the game this easy?
19:20:29 <Ammler> Q: version?
19:20:52 <SxeDag>
19:20:56 <Ammler> :-o
19:20:58 <dihedral> HAHA
19:21:13 <dihedral> SxeDag: when was the last time you visited
19:21:14 <SxeDag> couple of years ago
19:21:28 <SxeDag> lol,dont laugh
19:21:29 <SxeDag> :p
19:21:39 <Rubidium> Ammler: that's probably the overestimation of the year
19:21:42 <Ammler> did 0.4.7 already have "forbid 90deg curves"?
19:21:48 <Rubidium> Ammler: yes
19:22:03 <Ammler> SxeDag: then that might be your issue :-)
19:22:05 <SxeDag> is there new versions with better AI?
19:22:27 <SxeDag> as i cant play network all the time it really sucks to play vs sucky comp
19:22:45 <Ammler> SxeDag: visit the homepage :-)
19:23:04 <dihedral> yes, visit the homepage
19:23:17 <dihedral> you might be a little shocked but that's ok
19:23:32 <Ammler> Rubidium: that is why I would just release them as stable ;-)
19:23:51 <dihedral> Ammler: that is why you are not a dev :-D
19:24:02 <Ammler> hehe
19:24:13 <Rubidium> Ammler: the fixes are usually too complex and the difference with too big to just 'go' for it
19:24:29 <Rubidium> remember the "bridges don't work at all" RC?
19:24:43 <dihedral> uh :-)
19:24:49 <glx> new version doesn't have AI (but you can download user made AIs)
19:24:49 <glx> and some of them are very good
19:25:05 <dihedral> or make your own ai
19:25:13 <Rubidium> Ammler: there was no need to hurry to fix it and release another stable just because the stable was horribly broken
19:25:17 *** Nite_Owl has joined #openttd
19:25:33 <Nite_Owl> Hello all
19:26:31 <theholyduck_> yo?
19:26:37 <theholyduck_> also, YAY i got myself a new shipment of sugar
19:26:44 <theholyduck_> TEAMAKING IN MAH BEDROOM IS ON AGAIN!
19:26:53 * theholyduck_ picks a nice box of earl grey leafs
19:27:05 <Nite_Owl> Hello theholyduck
19:27:05 <dihedral> hoo hoo
19:27:19 <Nite_Owl> Hello dihedral
19:27:20 <Rubidium> hmm... using your CPU to boil the water?
19:27:24 <dihedral> theholyduck_: you are really annoying!
19:27:28 <theholyduck_> dihedral, i am?
19:27:28 <Prof_Frink> theholyduck_: What does a delivery of sugar have to do with tea?
19:27:43 <dihedral> just to answer your question from earlier on if you deserve being on that ignore list: YES
19:27:44 <theholyduck_> Prof_Frink, i'm one of those suggar addicted junkies
19:27:48 <Nite_Owl> sweet tea
19:27:58 <theholyduck_> Prof_Frink, i USED to be able to drink tea without sugar
19:28:01 <theholyduck_> but now i cant :AP
19:28:02 <Prof_Frink> Ah. I'm one of those tea addicted junkies.
19:28:13 <theholyduck_> thus i need mah sugar
19:28:14 <Rubidium> Prof_Frink: he drinks sugar with some tea
19:28:18 <Prof_Frink> Also known as "English".
19:28:31 <theholyduck_> Rubidium, well 2 tea spoons for a gigantic cup
19:28:37 <Eddi|zuHause> <Rubidium> remember the "bridges don't work at all" RC? <- i remember the "trains do not find paths out of depots" release :p
19:28:39 <theholyduck_> not so much as it really spoils the taste
19:28:46 <Ammler> oh, my Harddisk makes some suspicius sounds...
19:28:58 <Prof_Frink> Time to test your backups
19:29:01 * dihedral wonders where mibbit has it's ignore list
19:29:05 <Ammler> yes :-)
19:29:06 <theholyduck_> dihedral, :P
19:29:09 <Nite_Owl> clickity-clickity
19:29:15 <theholyduck_> dihedral, so i went from on your ignore, to off , to on again?
19:29:25 <theholyduck_> <3
19:29:25 * dihedral found it
19:29:41 <Rubidium> theholyduck_: only because you changed your nickname
19:29:45 <theholyduck_> i didnt
19:29:48 <theholyduck_> xchat did
19:29:54 *** theholyduck_ is now known as theholyduck
19:29:58 <Ammler> hmm, silent again, but I should order a new maybe.
19:29:59 <dihedral> theholyduck_: i use more than one client
19:30:03 <dihedral> thanks that makes it easier
19:30:25 <Rubidium> Ammler: can't Apple send you one for free?
19:30:33 <KenjiE20> heh, Ammler, mine sounds like it stalls on it's first cold boot of the day
19:30:45 <KenjiE20> and has been for about 6 months :P
19:30:51 <Ammler> Rubidium: hehe, you think I have a Mac.
19:30:55 <Rubidium> stop hammering the svn repository... you're delaying the binaries ;)
19:31:09 <theholyduck> if one of my drives started making clicking sounds, i'd go paranoid
19:31:11 <Rubidium> doesn't all of OTTDC have one?
19:31:16 <theholyduck> i use a 8 drive LVM array
19:31:18 <theholyduck> no raid
19:31:27 <theholyduck> also known as the kamikaze
19:31:32 <Rubidium> sounds raid0-ish
19:31:33 <Ammler> only the better members
19:31:38 <dihedral> oh - it would have worked with click click
19:31:40 <dihedral> what a bummer
19:31:41 <KenjiE20> lol
19:31:41 <theholyduck> Rubidium, its like raid0 with better partitioning
19:31:49 <Eddi|zuHause> KenjiE20: solution: do not cold boot :p
19:31:56 <theholyduck> Rubidium, and general betterness
19:31:58 <KenjiE20> haha
19:32:25 <theholyduck> Rubidium, but still, its not exactly the saftest drive setup if you're worried about data loss
19:32:29 <Rubidium> raid0 should never have been called that way; it gives an unwanted feeling of data security
19:32:29 <KenjiE20> well I know which drive it is, and all that's on it is the OS's and the FAT32 mydocs, which gets a nightly backup
19:32:47 <KenjiE20> so I'm covered
19:32:50 <theholyduck> Rubidium, oh and then you got the fact that i run xfs as the filesystem
19:33:02 <theholyduck> Rubidium, aka, the filesystem that can loose files if power cuts
19:33:19 <Rubidium> what FS can't?
19:33:27 <theholyduck> Rubidium, but xfs REALLY can :P
19:33:35 <theholyduck> it doesnt actually write the data
19:33:35 <theholyduck> always
19:33:37 <theholyduck> etc
19:33:55 <theholyduck> its ment to be used on servers with 2 powersupplys and ups's on both
19:33:58 <theholyduck> etc
19:34:56 <planetmaker> Rubidium, afaik I'm the only ottdc mac person :)
19:35:04 <Ammler> osai
19:35:29 <planetmaker> mäh.
19:35:42 <Ammler> hmm, no mh isn't :P
19:36:12 <Ammler> mh would use gentoo
19:36:23 <planetmaker> lol :)
19:36:49 <Rubidium> and I'm probably the only one that can build half of a univeral binary with SDK 2.5 and the other half with SDK 3.1.2 ;)
19:36:55 <Rubidium> without effort
19:37:04 <frosch123> Ammler: "moo", not "mäh"
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19:37:33 <planetmaker> Rubidium, I'll not doubt that :)#
19:37:44 <Eddi|zuHause> man... our current government makes me go totally paranoid
19:37:57 <theholyduck> our?
19:38:05 <Rubidium> Eddi|zuHause: government? where?
19:38:17 <theholyduck> Rubidium, viva la freestate christiania?
19:38:20 <Rubidium> isn't everything governed by private banks?
19:38:26 <Rubidium> like the FED and ECB?
19:38:50 <Eddi|zuHause> <- just read things like this...
19:38:52 <planetmaker> :P
19:39:02 <theholyduck> i dont read german
19:39:10 <theholyduck> also known as norwegian for angry men
19:39:12 <Prof_Frink> ECB?
19:39:17 <Nite_Owl> planetmaker: look to the Lobster for a fellow Mac-ian
19:40:00 <SxeDag> Q: what is the nightly DL option?
19:40:03 <Rubidium> Prof_Frink: European Central Bank
19:40:15 <theholyduck> SxeDag, last nights latest revision
19:40:30 <theholyduck> developement snapshot is another word for it
19:40:32 <Eddi|zuHause> "we need the possibility for secret computer observation" "reason: people encrypt their data and don't tell us the passwords" ... "reason: we overlook stuff like USB sticks when doing a regular search"
19:40:56 <Prof_Frink> Rubidium: England and wales Cricket Board.
19:40:58 <SxeDag> whats the standard for server play? doesnt everyone need the same version?
19:41:12 <theholyduck> SxeDag, well most people use 0.7.0 for now
19:41:13 <planetmaker> yes
19:41:22 <theholyduck> but there are a cople of servers that run the latest nightly
19:41:24 <frosch123> SxeDag: <- tells you what is being used
19:41:53 <SxeDag> cool, thanks
19:42:03 <frosch123> if you want to play nighlies online you will have to update daily (if you want to play daily)
19:42:41 <theholyduck> wouldnt autottd help with that?
19:43:08 <frosch123> I guess it is meant for that :)
19:43:43 <frosch123> SxeDag: if you have played 0.4.7 all the time, likely it is best to just use the stable 0.7.0 :)
19:44:33 <Rubidium> and finally the binaries are built ;)
19:44:34 <Belugas> speaking of Banks????
19:44:36 <Belugas> grrrrrrrrrr
19:44:41 <frosch123> it offers enough tol keep you confused for long :p
19:44:58 <Eddi|zuHause> i'm not speaking of banks
19:45:14 <Eddi|zuHause> i'm speaking of secret police operations
19:45:45 <SxeDag> the new world order has reachec TTD?
19:45:48 <SxeDag> :P
19:46:10 <frosch123> and government trying to circumvent constitution
19:46:57 <Eddi|zuHause> and that with the side note that it's not even a constitution...
19:47:03 <SxeDag> what caused the northern coal line to blow up. commercial airliners from Jalla Trans. Corp. or the government of Flatville?
19:47:45 <Eddi|zuHause> all that with an imaginary threat of "terroristic" attacks
19:48:08 <Eddi|zuHause> with the side note that the last terroristic attac of foreign origin was 23 years ago
19:48:39 <planetmaker> Eddi|zuHause, <-- like that :)
19:49:01 <Rubidium> Eddi|zuHause: still not getting it
19:49:29 <Rubidium> terrorism = fear of something bad happening, so it's like agorafobia
19:49:42 <SxeDag> Error: cant open
19:49:47 <Eddi|zuHause> by (european) law, you are now terrorist when you pick up the phone, or send an email
19:49:50 <SxeDag> cant start the game^^
19:50:11 <Eddi|zuHause> SxeDag: well, you should maybe read the readme
19:50:17 <SxeDag> meh...
19:50:20 <Prof_Frink> Eddi|zuHause: Terrorist until proven innocent.
19:50:55 <glx> SxeDag: you failed to install correctly as this part is the same in 0.4.7
19:51:33 <dihedral> no wonder he never played any other version :P
19:51:39 <dihedral> could never get them to run :-D
19:52:05 <SxeDag> havent played for some yeears now
19:52:39 <SxeDag> i failed to install correctly?only thing i did was uncheck copy graphics
19:53:30 <glx> you installed over 0.4.7?
19:53:50 <SxeDag> over? i DL installer and installed in a new folder
19:54:00 <glx> that's why :)
19:54:04 <planetmaker> and didn't update your desktop link?
19:54:16 <SxeDag> i dont have the old version installed
19:54:35 <glx> then read the readme about required files :)
19:54:36 <planetmaker> ah...
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19:55:10 <dihedral> why use the installer? :-P
19:55:14 <dihedral> why is there such a thing
19:55:18 <SxeDag> to install?
19:55:26 <dihedral> nobody who has the cd actually uses the installer :-D
19:55:29 <planetmaker> dihedral, I guess the name gives it away...
19:55:39 <dihedral> there's a zip package
19:56:07 <dihedral> actually that sounds rude :-D
19:56:28 <Alberth> then you have to decide yourself where to put the new files :p
19:56:42 <dihedral> oh my - hard
19:56:46 <dihedral> i cannot do something like that
19:56:55 <planetmaker> hehe :)
19:57:23 <dihedral> + if it's an installer, i can join the channel and rant about the game not working even though i unticked the 'copy graphics' section
19:57:26 <dihedral> my my my
19:57:42 <SxeDag> well...
19:57:59 <SxeDag> where will i copy the graphics from if i dont have em
19:58:15 <Rubidium> you have them, cause you had them with 0.4.7
19:58:16 <planetmaker> SxeDag, google is your friend. Or get OpenGFX
19:58:55 <SxeDag> ok, since you guys obv dont know it i'll find out myself
19:58:59 <SxeDag> thanks
19:59:11 <dihedral> hehe - what a looser
19:59:12 <dihedral> :-D
19:59:16 <SxeDag> ty
19:59:21 <dihedral> you are welcome
19:59:26 <Noldo_> SxeDag: by copy you mean steal?
19:59:29 <dihedral> people are telling you all the time, and you are blind
19:59:33 <dihedral> you simply dont read what they tell you
19:59:43 <dihedral> snap
20:00:03 <dihedral> how hard can it be?
20:00:26 <Prof_Frink> There must be ooh... 3407 places to get the graphics from
20:00:38 <SxeDag> yes, but i dont know how
20:00:44 <SxeDag> thats why im asking
20:00:47 <SxeDag> isnt it obv
20:00:49 <CIA-3> OpenTTD: alberth * r16513 /trunk/src/ (widget.cpp widget_type.h window.cpp window_gui.h): -Codechange: Add nested widgets root and array to Window, and NWidgetBase::FillNestedArray() to fill the array.
20:00:59 <dihedral> you have the readme file - that tells you where the graphic files have to go to, you have a running 0.4.7 - you could look in the folder mentioned in the readme, but in the 0.4.7 install directory
20:01:04 <Prof_Frink> No, it's subtle. That's why you didn't notice.
20:01:11 <SxeDag> if you dont want to help me understand what i dont, then fine
20:01:18 <planetmaker> SxeDag,
20:01:25 <dihedral> we ARE fucking helping you
20:01:49 <planetmaker> or - as I said - get OpenGFX. It's still unfinished though, but doesn't violate any copyright, if you rip it off the net
20:02:08 <dihedral> he does not need to rip it off the net
20:02:16 <dihedral> he has the data on his computer already :-p
20:02:35 <SxeDag>'re the one not reading
20:02:36 <dihedral> SxeDag: did you have a look at the readme file?
20:02:42 <planetmaker> you grab the latest testing version of that from
20:02:50 <SxeDag> i already said i dont have the game TTD or OTTD installed
20:03:04 <SxeDag> diihedral
20:03:09 <dihedral> did you not just say that you got an error about missing?
20:03:20 <SxeDag> yes
20:03:28 <dihedral> that tells me that openttd is installed enough to look for the file
20:03:31 <Ammler>
20:03:38 <dihedral> that means it's installed enough for there to be a readme file
20:03:49 <dihedral> Ammler: he does not know where to put it
20:03:50 <dihedral> :-P
20:03:58 <SxeDag> well, yes i installed it 5 mins ago. but i dont have any other versions installed
20:04:05 <KenjiE20> [20:20] <Ammler> Q: version?
20:04:06 <KenjiE20> [20:20] <SxeDag>
20:04:08 <KenjiE20> ^ so that was?
20:04:14 <dihedral> a lie then
20:04:16 <capleton> hmm, anyone know if there is a collection zipfile with the 32bpp tiles? would be neat :)
20:04:35 <SxeDag> i've got the game on an external drive
20:04:36 <planetmaker> capleton, yes. Search the forums for the 32bpp thread. It has links
20:04:42 <SxeDag> from 4 years ago
20:04:43 <KenjiE20> cap; there used to be on the
20:04:44 <Ammler> well, that is best sound ever ;-)
20:04:47 <capleton> planetmaker: ok cool
20:04:50 <KenjiE20> yea what pm said
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20:05:05 <glx> SxeDag: the files are on this external drive
20:05:07 <dihedral> SxeDag: you have that drive at hand?
20:05:16 <SxeDag> yes
20:05:29 * planetmaker needs urgently some wood to bang the head against.
20:05:29 <dihedral> then 3 things to do
20:05:33 <dihedral> read the readme file
20:05:48 <dihedral> connect the drive you have the install of 0.4.7 on
20:06:07 <glx> copy required files from drive to where readme says
20:06:10 <KenjiE20> ???
20:06:12 <dihedral> go to the location 0.4.7 is installed at, and see if any of those folder names were mentioned in the readme file
20:06:12 <KenjiE20> profit?
20:06:38 <dihedral> glx: i was not wanting to jump to far at once :-D
20:06:38 <planetmaker> KenjiE20, no, to make the pain go.
20:06:56 <SxeDag> ok
20:07:02 <Prof_Frink> Steal a frenchman's bread?
20:07:03 <KenjiE20> not that, pm
20:07:08 <planetmaker> :)
20:08:13 <SxeDag> wtf is this language?
20:08:28 <planetmaker> the one you selected?
20:08:51 <Eddi|zuHause> it's called "English", as required by the topic
20:08:59 <SxeDag> "haha"
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20:09:45 <Eddi|zuHause> seriously, you got all information you need to get the game running
20:09:50 <SxeDag> it is
20:10:40 <SxeDag> so back to the original Q - are the competetiors really competitive?
20:10:48 <SxeDag> :P
20:10:58 <planetmaker> yes
20:11:12 <SmatZ> they are far better than in before 0.7
20:11:33 <SxeDag> wasting a whole starting budget on a zig zag trainline seems pointless
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20:11:49 <dihedral> oh man
20:11:52 <dihedral> oh man!!!
20:11:52 <planetmaker> well. Start the game, download some AIs and have a run.
20:11:57 <SmatZ> yes, dihedral?
20:12:27 <dihedral> SxeDag: the ai in the version of openttd you are (somewhat) familiar with (0.4.7) basically SUCKS
20:12:28 <dihedral> :-)
20:12:47 <SxeDag> yes
20:13:02 <dihedral> as does the ai in any 0.5.x release
20:13:04 <SxeDag> thats my observation as well lol
20:13:06 <dihedral> and 0.6.x release
20:13:12 <SxeDag> and?
20:13:31 <dihedral> big change - i am not sure you have understood that so far from the odd ways people have mentioned it here before
20:13:33 <planetmaker> and now comes 0.7.x
20:13:37 <SxeDag> 0.7.0 is suddenly donaldtrump mode?
20:14:04 <dihedral> the ai as you know it does no longer exist
20:14:14 <theholyduck> SxeDag, 0.7 lets people write their own ai's
20:14:17 <theholyduck> in a nice modular system
20:14:21 <Prof_Frink> It is an ex-AI. It has ceased to be.
20:14:21 <dihedral> you can write your own if you like (though it'd not advise you to do so)
20:14:31 <theholyduck> then yuo just dl a good one
20:14:34 <theholyduck> and play against it
20:14:36 <dihedral> or you can download an ai someone else has wirtten, and play against that
20:14:46 <dihedral> and you will (depending on the ai) have a hard time
20:14:59 <theholyduck> dihedral, well they can just keep building and building
20:15:07 <theholyduck> then there is the fact that a monkey playinjg connect the dots with airfields
20:15:14 <theholyduck> can easily outperform 80% of peoples rail networks
20:15:17 <dihedral> Prof_Frink: we have dumped that bitch :-D
20:15:39 <theholyduck> or as i like to put it
20:15:47 <SxeDag> airfield better than coaltrains?
20:15:52 <theholyduck> "airfields.. because even monkey's can play connect the dots"
20:16:05 <theholyduck> SxeDag, sure :P
20:16:12 <Prof_Frink> Oi. I resent "monkey" being used as a term of offense.
20:16:26 <theholyduck> or *even a monkey
20:16:53 <SxeDag> fuck!
20:17:03 <SxeDag> my double headed train ripped apart
20:17:09 <theholyduck> :O?
20:17:14 <SxeDag> now they are going in opposite directions
20:17:23 <SxeDag> what can i do to fix it!?!?
20:17:30 <SxeDag> dont tell me readme.txt
20:17:32 <theholyduck> wut?
20:17:36 <theholyduck> how did you manage that?
20:17:52 <SxeDag> fuck, im gonna lose against the zigzag train co.
20:20:01 <dihedral> you can play the newer version ;-)
20:20:42 <dihedral> 0.4.7 is no longer supported :-P
20:20:59 <SxeDag> lol, only jpking
20:22:14 <SxeDag> anyone actually everplay the candy land?
20:22:32 <theholyduck> toyland and yes
20:22:37 <theholyduck> ever once in a blue moon
20:22:39 <theholyduck> *every
20:22:54 <glx> too hard for my eyes
20:22:54 <SxeDag> why would even 6 year olds play that when you can transport coal!
20:23:18 <SxeDag> mmm, i luv my coal trains
20:23:56 <Nite_Owl> and I am sure they love you back
20:24:06 <SxeDag> yes, totally
20:24:34 <dihedral> hey - perhaps we can find you some real coal trains you could play with :-P
20:24:38 <SxeDag> is the starting amount halved? only 100k?
20:24:47 <dihedral> just sit in front and wait for them to give you a ... HUG
20:25:11 <SxeDag> lol, i sense death threats
20:25:24 <dihedral> no
20:25:26 <dihedral> nono
20:25:30 <SxeDag> :p
20:25:44 <dihedral> i never said i would put you there :-P
20:26:16 <SxeDag> just assuming i would do it volutarily i assume?
20:26:31 <dihedral> sure :-P
20:27:25 <SxeDag> another question... is TTD played for money?
20:27:40 <frosch123> I play it for fun
20:27:42 <Nite_Owl> as in gambling?
20:27:43 <SmatZ> hahaha
20:27:46 <SxeDag> yes
20:28:02 <SmatZ> not a bad idea
20:28:03 <SxeDag> as in gambling or as a competition
20:28:13 <Nite_Owl> try a texas hold 'em site
20:28:19 <SmatZ> :-D
20:28:32 <SxeDag> sure, i play poker too
20:28:40 <dihedral> sure you can play for money
20:28:47 <SmatZ> :-D
20:28:53 <planetmaker> SxeDag, yes, you can. For every hour you can send me a fixed fee. Say... 5€?
20:28:55 <dihedral> you visit the home page, and click the 'donate' link
20:29:05 <SxeDag> but i know many computer games are played for money. i just wonder if thats the case for such and old game like ttd
20:29:19 <dihedral> ttd is old
20:29:23 <dihedral> OpenTTD is not old
20:29:26 <SxeDag> ...
20:29:32 <SxeDag> you get the picture
20:29:36 <SmatZ> no
20:30:23 <planetmaker> ^^
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20:31:20 <planetmaker> is the game better, if you would have to pay for the same thing?
20:31:37 <SxeDag> pay for it?
20:31:38 <planetmaker> then you should start to regularily donate as dih suggested
20:31:51 <SxeDag> yes, sure
20:32:02 <Muxy> Kiss, from Goulp ;)
20:32:17 <dihedral> SxeDag: if you like what the game is, you can support it
20:32:25 <SxeDag> ofc
20:32:37 <SxeDag> whats the standard donation these days?
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20:33:08 * SxeDag thinking of a number between 0-1000
20:33:20 <Prof_Frink> <drevil>One million dollars!</drevil>
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20:46:26 * Belugas runs home
20:46:27 <Belugas> ciao
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20:50:11 <Nite_Owl> later Belugas
20:50:31 <planetmaker> SxeDag, 10 ... 50€
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21:06:03 <SxeDag> lol, theres not any AIs in the game
21:06:31 <theholyduck_> SxeDag, yes
21:06:33 <theholyduck_> you need to DL them
21:06:34 <SxeDag> i only got this dummyAI and the cool msg: he wont do shit
21:06:39 <theholyduck_> see that download content
21:06:40 <SxeDag> yeah, i understand
21:06:41 <theholyduck_> button?
21:06:45 <theholyduck_> on the main menu?
21:06:47 <theholyduck_> click it?
21:06:53 <theholyduck_> then select a couple of the things marked with ai
21:06:54 <SxeDag> i know
21:06:55 <theholyduck_> and then hit download
21:07:00 <SxeDag> :p
21:07:14 <SxeDag> just thoguht it came with at least one default AI
21:07:20 <theholyduck_> naw
21:07:22 <theholyduck_> why would it?
21:07:40 <theholyduck_> defaults generally suck
21:07:41 <SxeDag> plug and play ftw`?
21:07:53 <SxeDag> do you recommend any?
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21:08:03 <theholyduck_> i havent tried any
21:08:04 <planetmaker> any which is downloadable is ok
21:08:09 <theholyduck_> though if i ever get really boored
21:08:15 <theholyduck_> i'll add them all to a 2048x2048 gam
21:08:20 <theholyduck_> and watch them do battle for a day
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21:13:25 <CIA-3> OpenTTD: alberth * r16514 /trunk/src/ (widget.cpp widget_type.h window.cpp window_gui.h): -Codechange: Add widget flags, and drawing and invalidating.
21:14:57 <SxeDag> record it and send it to the movies
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21:53:17 <dragonhorseboy> anyone feel like reminding me whats up with certain servers being password protected but has no www or anything to even inqury to re what password is? (I doubt its several players at one roof address seeing some of these server has been going on nonstop for several days)
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21:53:35 <dragonhorseboy> just wondering about it thats all
21:54:01 <Nite_Owl> friends and family only
21:54:06 <Aali> 1. clueless person A sets up server
21:54:13 <Aali> 2. person A forgets about server
21:54:48 <dragonhorseboy> heh hm both makes sense and I hadn't thought of these .. thanks
21:54:58 <dragonhorseboy> aali seem unlikely to me :p
21:55:11 <Nite_Owl> or they have an IRC channel
21:55:24 <Aali> dragonhorseboy: not really
21:55:50 <Nite_Owl> did you click on the sever in the list to see more info
21:55:59 <Aali> I MAY have a server running right now, I don't know, I usually forget about it
21:56:16 <Aali> sure, its not on the server list, but not everyone turns that off
21:57:15 <Aali> nope, wasn't running, must've rebooted that machine..
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21:58:03 <dragonhorseboy> nite_owl nope and no clue here neither .. oh well no biggie anyway :p
21:59:51 <Nite_Owl> they are also using v0.5.3
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22:03:28 <dragonhorseboy> I do wonder one thing tho..there's no coop server in the list
22:03:59 <Xaroth> there is
22:04:18 <dragonhorseboy> I resorted the list by passworded servers....
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22:04:26 <KenjiE20> lies, they are there
22:04:27 <Xaroth>
22:04:28 <dragonhorseboy> let me try reload openttd...
22:04:51 <Xaroth> or better yet, use auttottd when i get a chance to release it :)
22:05:22 <dragonhorseboy> whats auttottd?
22:05:42 <Xaroth> search the forums :)
22:06:15 <SxeDag> What does "Join" in the company screen means? im playing online
22:06:31 <SxeDag> can i join someones co?
22:06:50 <Xaroth> yes
22:07:01 <SxeDag> which means?
22:07:12 <Xaroth> you can play co-op ?
22:07:17 <SxeDag> ok
22:07:22 <SxeDag> for joint profit?
22:07:27 <SxeDag> and points
22:07:30 <Xaroth> for joint fun
22:07:41 <dragonhorseboy> xaroth.. 'no search results for auttottd, searching auto tie...' >_<
22:08:02 <Xaroth> dude
22:08:06 <dragonhorseboy> (some funny suggest it decided)
22:08:08 <Xaroth> the topic is on the first page of general openttd
22:08:21 <Xaroth> surely the forum can find that o_O
22:08:25 <Xaroth>
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22:10:00 <SxeDag> how do i access chat in-game?
22:10:14 <Yexo> just press enter
22:10:18 <SxeDag> cool
22:13:09 <dragonhorseboy> hm I'll pass
22:14:12 <dragonhorseboy> anyway need to afk for supper :/
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