IRC logs for #openttd on OFTC at 2009-05-29
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00:28:00 <Nite_Owl> Hello all
00:28:47 <z-MaTRiX> hi
00:28:49 <z-MaTRiX> sup?
00:29:13 <Nite_Owl> Hello z-MaTRiX
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07:20:56 <dihedral> oh my - i just looked at sirkoz more diesel smoke patch ^^
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07:24:13 <Noldo> and?
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07:24:36 <dihedral> a lot of calculation for each huff and puff
07:25:22 <Azrael-> how much is a lot?
07:25:35 <dihedral> original: if (u->cur_speed <= 40 && Chance16(15, 128)) {
07:25:45 <dihedral> sirkoz: if (u->cur_speed < u->tcache.cached_max_speed && Chance16((64 - ((u->cur_speed << 5) / u->tcache.cached_max_speed) + (32 >> (u->tcache.cached_power >> 10)) - (32 >> (u->tcache.cached_weight >> 9))), 128)) {
07:25:59 <Azrael-> heh
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07:26:40 <dihedral> aye
07:27:30 <dihedral> i feel like changing something very minor on that patch file and uploading it with his file name style :-D
07:31:59 <dihedral> i feel happy now :-P
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11:28:43 <Prof_Frink> Singaporekid: Maybe you should say that in a channel I'm in, eh?
11:29:04 <Singaporekid> yas
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13:13:55 <Belugas> hello
13:14:22 <EoD> hallo
13:14:48 <z-MaTRiX> hey
13:16:14 <FR^2> hiho
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13:17:32 <fonsinchen> Is there a short expression in English for "arriving at a station and not travelling any further"?
13:18:45 <Ammler> stop?
13:18:54 <KenjiE20> terminate?
13:18:56 <planetmaker> depart?
13:19:21 <fonsinchen> you can say "50 tons of coal terminate at XY"?
13:19:36 <planetmaker> unload
13:19:41 <fonsinchen> "depart" is the opposite of "arrive"
13:19:56 <planetmaker> well. then it's not depart :P
13:20:00 <dihedral> :-)
13:20:01 <planetmaker> sorry
13:20:13 <fonsinchen> unload means the cargo is leaving the vehicle - that doesn't necessarily mean it stays there.
13:20:28 <dihedral> it's still leaving the vehicle
13:21:13 <dihedral> else, you can also ask if there is another word that emphasizes that cargo is going to continue it's journey some other way
13:21:36 <fonsinchen> dihedral, that's "going via".
13:21:44 <dihedral> unloading to go via
13:21:47 <dihedral> :-P
13:21:49 <fonsinchen> I want the opposite of "going via"
13:22:26 <fonsinchen> I'm in favour of "terminate", but I don't know if that's correct english. Any native speakers here?
13:22:36 <dihedral> terminate :-P hehe
13:22:44 <dihedral> that sounds like killing a process :_D
13:22:51 <dihedral> or something/someone else
13:22:55 <fonsinchen> yes, the process of travelling.
13:23:10 <Ammler> fonsinchen: KenjiE20 should be ;-)
13:23:12 <dihedral> whats the problem though?
13:23:22 <fonsinchen> I want entries in the station GUI saying something like "50 passengers terminating".
13:23:30 <dihedral> lol
13:23:51 <fonsinchen> In analogy to "50 passengers going via London"
13:23:54 <dihedral> what for?
13:24:26 <dihedral> who cares for those passengers who will not travel any further?
13:24:27 <fonsinchen> because right now, for terminating passengers I use "going via" the same station you are looking at.
13:24:31 <fonsinchen> That confusing.
13:24:32 <KenjiE20> "Terminates" is the usual word for any service that stops and changes direction
13:25:09 <dihedral> why at all mention them?
13:25:10 <fonsinchen> dihedral, if you look at the planned flows you are very well interested in terminating cargo.
13:25:33 <fonsinchen> because you want to know how much cargo is coming from where and where it is going.
13:25:39 <fonsinchen> at least I want.
13:25:42 <Singaporekid> 50 passengers will be terminated at London?
13:25:47 <dihedral> hehe
13:25:54 <dihedral> that sounds like a terrorist attack :-D
13:26:07 <KenjiE20> the passengers themselves aren't the service they arrived on will
13:26:30 <fonsinchen> So, is there a different word I could use for the passengers?
13:26:31 <dihedral> the service is not terminated, as the service continues, the passengers just will not use it any longer :-P
13:26:39 <KenjiE20> i.e. the 14:50 newc-ldn terminates at Kings cross
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13:26:41 <dihedral> ended their journey :-P
13:27:21 <fonsinchen> "ending their journey" is nice. Doesn't sound very "technical", though.
13:27:39 <dihedral> they are passengers - most of them are not very technical :-P
13:27:51 <fonsinchen> I'll also use it for other cargo.
13:28:04 <fonsinchen> 50 tons of coal ending their journey
13:28:05 <fonsinchen> :=
13:28:07 <fonsinchen> )
13:28:09 <dihedral> arrived.
13:28:29 <dihedral> delivered - but that aint gonna work on people :-P
13:28:33 <KenjiE20> 'Final destination'?
13:28:33 <dihedral> 50 people delivered :-D
13:28:37 <fonsinchen> yes, but "arrive" can also mean "and later take another train somewhere else"
13:28:57 <dihedral> arrived. and arrived to continue to .....
13:29:14 <dihedral> too much hassle
13:29:20 <dihedral> you just pick up and drop off :-P
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13:29:47 <fonsinchen> You think the difference between "arrive" and "going via" is enough distinction to make it clear to everyone?
13:29:50 <Ammler> pax is just another kind of cargo
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13:30:27 <Ammler> you don't care as players, if it is nice "speaking", do you?
13:30:46 <fonsinchen> but you want to understand what it means.
13:30:57 <KenjiE20> fon, it would probably depend on context
13:31:18 <fonsinchen> And people are already confused by cargo going to an "unknown station", so I spending some thoughts on the wording.
13:31:33 <fonsinchen> the context is a list of cargo
13:31:47 <dihedral> people are already confused when it just comes to installing openttd or building a junction or ....
13:31:53 <dihedral> nobody cares for such users :-D
13:32:06 <fonsinchen> like in the screenshot here:
13:32:14 <z-MaTRiX> <;
13:32:15 <EoD> ^^
13:32:31 <fonsinchen> I want to replace the text for cargo going "via" the same station you're looking at.
13:32:43 <z-MaTRiX> nice, train having queue of terminating passengers
13:32:47 <KenjiE20> yea, those make no sense to me at all :P
13:33:13 <dihedral> suicide train :-P
13:33:32 <z-MaTRiX> can we have a function ignoring railroad-line end, so i could make a maglev train jump into the ocean ?:)
13:33:33 <FR^2> Hmm. :/ I'd like to program an AI, but the wiki pages don't tell me how to pack an AI, or where to place the files and such... Or I haven't found it yet. Any hints? Is there any "very, very basic" AI example that I could use as a template?
13:33:56 <dihedral> z-MaTRiX, nope
13:34:37 <dihedral> FR^2, you can download one from the content server :-P
13:34:44 <dihedral> and just pick up from there
13:34:54 <z-MaTRiX> heheh btw, citizens celebrate, first train arrives at coal-mine
13:34:54 <FR^2> dihedral: Which one would you suggest?
13:35:02 <dihedral> any
13:35:30 <FR^2> Hmm. Okay.
13:36:31 <dihedral> you want coding examples
13:36:37 <dihedral> not a base to modify
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13:39:08 <Yexo> FR^2: <- that page states step for step what files you should create, and where
13:39:21 <FR^2> Hmm. Not really, the examples are not the issue, I just don't know where to start, how that archive should be structured (info.nut and main.nut are mandatory, I assume - but I'm just guessing)
13:39:36 <FR^2> Okay, I'll just read it through more carefully
13:39:42 <Yexo> you only need info.nut and main.nut
13:40:09 <Yexo> but you can use other files (and include them in main.nut) to organize your code
13:40:37 <Yexo> and in general when working on your ai, you don't want to create a tar archive
13:40:39 <FR^2> Good, that's a start.
13:43:29 <glx> planetmaker: ping
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13:45:30 <planetmaker> glx: pong
13:45:52 <glx> I have a question about 2cc translation :)
13:45:57 <planetmaker> ah :)
13:46:02 <planetmaker> French is not taken yet :)
13:46:17 <glx> I need more info about "Metro Van"
13:46:26 <glx> I don't see exactly what it is
13:46:57 <planetmaker> ohm... let me see, I don't know by heart. I think it's the wagons which can be attached to the metro trains
13:47:03 <planetmaker> it's pax only wagons
13:48:54 <FR^2> StreetTraffic1.1.0 is a good one ;)
13:49:27 <planetmaker> yes. Just checked. That's the only wagon which is available for the metro tracks / trains
13:49:39 <glx> ok :)
13:49:42 <planetmaker> 120 PAX capacity
13:49:57 <glx> a page with name and sprites may be helpful ;)
13:50:03 <planetmaker> not refittable.
13:50:17 <planetmaker> he... good idea :) Lot of work :S
13:50:34 <planetmaker> I'll make a ticket concerning that, though.
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13:50:52 <Ammler> planetmaker: grf2html :-)
13:52:36 <planetmaker> <-- @ glx
13:52:41 <glx> Ammler: but that gives too much info
13:52:42 <planetmaker> has obviously not everything, though
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13:53:33 <planetmaker> especially not the metro van :D
13:54:23 <Ammler> <-- looks like a link, which shouldn't be published ;-)
13:55:24 <planetmaker> haha :) Not sure, though. Why not?
13:55:45 <Ammler> takes hours to build in the browser
13:56:02 <planetmaker> hm... I should remember my GBit connection ;)
13:56:11 <planetmaker> took not noticably long :P
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13:57:27 <z-MaTRiX> F_ctp=4*pi^2*f^2*r*m | [f]=1/s && [r]=m && [m]=kg && [F_ctp]=N
13:57:28 <dihedral> loaded fine for me too
13:57:45 <Ammler> like Doxygen for grfs :-)
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14:00:59 <planetmaker> got to go. I wish you all a nice Whitsun holiday :)
14:01:20 <EoD> bye
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14:02:53 <z-MaTRiX> yey
14:04:23 <glx> planetmaker: you don't accept dcc ?
14:06:39 <Ammler> glx: bouncer thas troubles with
14:07:05 <glx> I'll use another way then
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14:09:02 <z-MaTRiX>
14:09:04 <z-MaTRiX>
14:09:16 <z-MaTRiX>ű
14:09:19 <z-MaTRiX>
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14:17:22 <Belugas>
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14:24:30 <z-MaTRiX> some reading for the bored
14:27:50 <Belugas> :S
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14:37:49 <Rubidium> z-MaTRiX: Uncyclopedia is much better for the bored (especially those that know physics and are bored)
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14:45:44 <Belugas> moreover, it is SUCH an exciting topic... and everyone is soooo interested to it...
14:54:39 <Ammler> z-MaTRiX: ok, I read those, do you have more?
14:55:10 *** Ammler was kicked by Rubidium (JFGI...)
14:57:32 <Belugas> JF?
14:57:44 <Belugas> me??
14:57:46 <Rubidium> Belugas: yeah, you
14:58:41 <Belugas> I'm a GI?
14:58:52 * Belugas retracts his belly to GI proportions
14:59:14 <Rubidium> no JF Googles it ;)
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15:02:57 * Belugas exhales
15:06:03 <Rubidium> that's close to your record, right?
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15:10:19 <Belugas> lol
15:10:25 <Belugas> yeah ;)
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15:18:30 <dihedral> Belugas: love that wiki page :-D
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15:44:59 <Belugas> what is fun with wiki, is that no 404 pages aret o be expected :)
15:45:39 <Rubidium> <- A page 'bout 404
15:47:18 <CIA-3> OpenTTD: smatz * r16459 /trunk/src/ (cargopacket.cpp cargopacket.h): -Codechange: move definition of several cargopacket accessors to header file
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17:39:08 <CIA-3> OpenTTD: translators * r16460 /trunk/src/lang/ (afrikaans.txt luxembourgish.txt):
17:39:08 <CIA-3> OpenTTD: -Update: WebTranslator2 update to 2009-05-29 17:38:27
17:39:08 <CIA-3> OpenTTD: afrikaans - 18 fixed, 6 changed by Chilli (24)
17:39:08 <CIA-3> OpenTTD: luxembourgish - 114 fixed, 252 changed by *jigo* (366)
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18:29:43 <z-MaTRiX> hey, reloaded
18:31:34 <frosch123> you reloaded? but why do I still remember that movie?
18:36:06 <z-MaTRiX> movie you cannot forget?
18:36:22 <z-MaTRiX> it was good probably
18:36:42 <frosch123> yeah, the fourth part was better than the second and the third :p
18:36:45 <Prof_Frink> Whoa.
18:37:16 <Sacro> Momma
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18:49:59 <Powerek38> Hi! Is there any relation between NewGRF applied and possible breakdowns of the game?
18:50:15 <Spizania> AdmiralAI is embarassing me
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18:50:57 <Yexo> Powerek38: only if you change newgrfs in a running game
18:51:04 <Yexo> if you didn't, please report it as a bug
18:51:41 <z-MaTRiX> Spizania, why?:)
18:51:59 <Powerek38> Yexo: the thing is I've got a new computer (the first one with Vista in my life) and I now have huge problems with opening saved games which didn't use to happen on my previous PC with XP
18:52:26 <Powerek38> but I thought it's because of activating most NewGRF
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18:53:04 <Yexo> what kind of problems do you have?
18:53:26 <Spizania> it is slaughtering me profitwise
18:53:33 <Spizania> its company value is 25 times mine
18:53:45 <Spizania> and thats after it got knocked abck to teh starting blocks by crashing once
18:54:11 <Yexo> sorry, I was asking Powerek38: what kind of problems do you have?
18:54:25 <Powerek38> Yexo: when I load a game, it either takes very long or it makes the application stop responding just after I start to play (when I unpause it, as it's paused at first when loaded)
18:55:10 <Yexo> some assumptions: 1. on your old computer, you had openttd 0.6.3
18:55:20 <Yexo> 2. On your new computer, you downloaded the latest stable, which is 0.7.0
18:55:31 <Yexo> 3. You have downloaded NoCab through the ingame content-download system
18:55:49 <Powerek38> Yexo: yeah, but I mean saved games from 0.7.0, save already on this PC
18:55:56 <Powerek38> Yexo: yes, I did download it that way
18:56:12 <Yexo> which AIs are running in the savegames you have trouble loading?
18:56:36 <Powerek38> Yexo: I think NoCab (in two versions), Admiral and Convoy
18:56:51 <Yexo> then try removing nocab
18:56:54 <Yexo> see if that helps
18:57:52 <Powerek38> ok, so I need to manually turn it off in AI menu and then try to start a new game which should be loading all right after saving, is that right?
18:59:20 <Yexo> yes, or just remove the nocab tar files then load an old savegame
19:00:06 <Powerek38> ok, thanks for this... I've HP Pavilion with 3GB of RAM, so I guess it's not a weak computer for OTTD, is it?
19:00:49 <Yexo> no, it's just that nocab takes very long to load (at least older versions of it)
19:01:07 <Yexo> the problem is fixed in more recent openttd versions
19:01:17 <Yexo> so you can also download a nightly
19:04:10 <Powerek38> Ok, downloading the latest nightly right now... thanks for your help!
19:07:30 <Spizania> im still on straight 0.7.0
19:07:42 <Spizania> the only patch I especially want is the more height levels one
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19:16:04 <Spizania> um, I have a bug to report, its not a crash bush, its just wierd
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19:18:35 <Yexo> Spizania: are you going to tell us what it was?
19:18:44 <Yexo> or are you waiting for the problem to fix itself
19:18:52 <Rubidium> Yexo: he wants to be like mb
19:19:01 <Spizania> funny
19:19:08 <Spizania> Arctic map, a farm closed a long time ago
19:19:14 <Spizania> all the fields dissapeared except two tiles
19:19:26 <Spizania> they appear to be acting like farm fields do when theres a farm nearby
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19:26:55 <Spizania> any ideas?
19:27:06 <Yexo> no
19:27:12 <Yexo> unless you can reproduce it
19:27:42 <Yexo> so have a savegame where there farm is still there, including instructions like: wait untill .. date, then the farm disappears but the farms don't
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19:56:59 <sperber> hi there
19:57:46 <Yexo> hello sperber
19:57:54 <sperber> i wonther - is there a way to reduce the ingame speed? (so not about 5min/month but maybe 10 times as much...)
19:58:00 <sperber> wonder*
19:58:15 <Yexo> not without patching your game
19:58:46 <Prof_Frink> Run a 2048x2048 map on an old computer?
19:59:06 <sperber> that patch would also influence the speed of any kind of transportations, right?
19:59:18 <Yexo> no
19:59:31 <Yexo> search for the daylength patch
19:59:37 <sperber> k, thx
20:01:31 <sperber> is that patch i suppose that patch is necessary on all clients, right?
20:01:45 <Yexo> yes
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20:35:06 <Spizania> Yexo: I have a savegame where the farm exists I believe, but im not exactly sure when it dissapeared
20:36:00 <Alberth> fast forward the game
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20:37:09 <Spizania> right, and see if it happens every time rather than just a one off?
20:37:19 <Yexo> exactly
20:38:05 <Alberth> and preferably save a game just before the event
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20:45:11 <Nite_Owl> Hello all
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20:46:06 <PeterT> hi
20:46:25 <Nite_Owl> Hello PeterT
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21:08:47 <Eddi|zuHause> hm... konversation-1.2alpha2... am i experiment-friendly enough?
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21:09:36 <Rubidium> Eddi|zuHause: it's less tricky than a) upgrading Xorg or b) upgrading ATI drivers
21:09:57 <Eddi|zuHause> i can pretty safely assume that :p
21:10:36 <Eddi|zuHause> but i should look out that i have a backup of the old 1.1 rpm
21:10:43 <Eddi|zuHause> inst-source only has 1.0.1
21:11:19 <Rubidium> and well, there are quite a few alternatives to konversation
21:14:09 <CIA-3> OpenTTD: rubidium * r16461 /trunk/bin/data/opntitle.dat: -Fix [FS#2929]: add some valid orders so the trains leave the depot again...
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21:21:41 <Eddi|zuHause> is kde 4.2 any good meanwhile?
21:22:00 <Rubidium> no idea
21:22:09 <Sacro> Eddi|zuHause: meanwhile...
21:22:09 <Sacro> ?
21:22:21 <Rubidium> kdevelop 3.5.4 sucks on my machine
21:22:41 <Rubidium> sucks as in: quite unuseable
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21:23:13 <Eddi|zuHause> Sacro: i mean is it a significant improvement over my last try at 4.0 and no major stepback from 3.5
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21:23:26 <Sacro> oh, 4.2 is quite nice
21:24:24 <Eddi|zuHause> i tried amarok 2 a few months ago, and i couldn't get it to play music
21:24:47 <Eddi|zuHause> which might be some crippeling on suse's side, but it made me give up once again
21:25:03 <CIA-3> OpenTTD: rubidium * r16462 /trunk/ -Change [FS#2930]: use a safer way to detect the hash of a mercurial repository (planetmaker)
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22:09:13 <dihedral> <- LOL @ the number of downloads :-P
22:09:53 <frosch123> someone cheated :p
22:10:25 <frosch123> though I am quite disappointed that you did not call it "better vehicle smoke" :p
22:10:33 <dihedral> :-D
22:10:40 <dihedral> i wanted to be confusing :-P
22:10:59 <dihedral> could have called it 'performance decrease smoke generator'
22:11:08 <frosch123> maybe "better" would also need steam smoke :p
22:11:26 <dihedral> did you ever see that patch?
22:11:34 <dihedral> i mean - the checks it performs?
22:11:41 <dihedral> for every huff and puff?
22:11:45 <dihedral> it's insane
22:12:52 <Eddi|zuHause> i must admit, i have never noticed diesel smoke in ottd
22:13:03 <Eddi|zuHause> it was much more common in TT
22:13:23 <Eddi|zuHause> when accelerating and on slopes
22:13:45 <z-MaTRiX> hi Eddi|zuHause
22:14:04 <z-MaTRiX> diesels generate little smoke no?
22:14:14 * Eddi|zuHause sets mode +useless_highlight
22:14:28 <z-MaTRiX> :)
22:14:57 <Eddi|zuHause> no, really, it's annoying.
22:15:16 <z-MaTRiX> yeah sure there are useless highlights
22:16:08 <Belugas> meeeeh...
22:16:10 <Belugas> tired
22:16:16 <Belugas> i guess i shall go home now
22:16:23 * Belugas waves bye bye
22:16:24 <z-MaTRiX> what for?
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22:17:25 <Belugas> 1) eat 2) see my kid and wife 3) rest 4) tv and decompress 5) guitar playing
22:17:28 <Belugas> enough for you?
22:17:41 * Belugas is now officially gone
22:18:01 <z-MaTRiX> ok bye <;
22:28:24 <dihedral> my bed's shouting my name too - night
22:28:52 <Nite_Owl> later Belugas & dihedral
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22:41:51 <Chruker> heh, what a detour to find a 0.6.3 download
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22:42:52 <Yexo> why would you want that? Plus all versions are downloadable from
22:42:57 <Chruker> ... only to find it wont install because I got 0.7.0
22:43:09 <Yexo> download the zip and extract it
22:43:11 <Yexo> no need for the installer
22:43:32 <Chruker> I wanted to see in details how the ai was constructing
22:44:02 <Chruker> the isnt listed in the links page
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22:49:07 <Eddi|zuHause> because it's a page for insiders :)
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23:15:56 <Nite_Owl> need to feed - be back later
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23:58:39 <theholyduck> hmm
23:58:45 <theholyduck> soo i was trying to compile on linux
23:58:52 <theholyduck> checking 3rdparty... NOT FOUND
23:58:52 <theholyduck> ERROR: please make sure you have src/3rdparty/squirrel
23:58:59 <theholyduck> i then try to checkout the svn it gives me for that
23:59:02 <theholyduck> but it says it doesnt exist
23:59:11 <theholyduck> this happens under configure that is
23:59:28 <Yexo> try "svn up" then configure again
23:59:37 <theholyduck> but i need a specific revision
23:59:42 <theholyduck> wichis why did svn co -r
23:59:46 <Yexo> which one?
23:59:59 <theholyduck> 16381