IRC logs for #openttd on OFTC at 2009-05-14
19:56:07 *** DorpsGek has joined #openttd
19:56:07 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o DorpsGek
19:58:01 <Belugas> yup
19:58:04 <Belugas> therefor...
19:58:06 * Belugas yawns
19:59:18 <frosch123> who reanimated dorpsgek?
19:59:39 <glx> it was just away from this chan
19:59:47 <frosch123> that I know
19:59:51 <glx> (and I didn't)
20:00:33 * Belugas stops CPR'ing DorpsGek
20:04:14 <Eddi|zuHause> CPR?
20:04:39 <glx> I guess it's reanimation
20:05:36 <Nite_Owl> IT IS ALIVE - DorpsGekenstein
20:06:07 <glx> Nite_Owl: don't mix the professor and the monster
20:06:11 <Eddi|zuHause> Frankenstein was not the monster...
20:06:46 <Belugas> Cardio Pulmo Resurection
20:07:17 <Eddi|zuHause> why can't those english speakers use real words?
20:07:40 <Belugas> same in french... but it's CPR
20:07:46 <Nite_Owl> I am aware of that but for the sake of the humor...
20:07:52 <Belugas> Cardio Pulmo Ranimation
20:08:16 <Eddi|zuHause> if one says "Herz-Lungen-Wiederbelebung", everybody knows that it's about "Heart" and "Lungs"
20:09:18 <frosch123> KPR "kardiopulmonale Reanimation" :p
20:09:36 <Eddi|zuHause> frosch123: i have never ever heard anybody say that :p
20:09:41 <Belugas> How do you call the doctors who a re dealing with hearts? A Heartholog? or cardiolog ? :P
20:10:02 <frosch123> Kardiologe :p
20:10:10 <Eddi|zuHause> i have never dealt with one
20:10:13 <Nite_Owl> cardiologist
20:10:48 <Eddi|zuHause> but everybody would understand "Herzdoktor" :p
20:10:56 <frosch123> Eddi|zuHause: I never heard "H-L-Wiederbelebung", always "Reanimation"
20:11:06 <glx> only the -doktor part ;)
20:11:13 <frosch123> Eddi|zuHause: do not confuse with "Herzkasper"
20:11:29 <Belugas> a lungologist?
20:11:49 <Eddi|zuHause> Belugas: do those even exist?
20:11:49 <glx> what's that?
20:12:06 <Belugas> a doctor who deals with lungs ^_^
20:12:16 *** batti5 has left #openttd
20:13:37 <Nite_Owl> Pulmonologist
20:13:40 <Eddi|zuHause> frosch123: but it's a fact that a majority of the "foreign" medical terms have german equivalents, where there aren't any in other languages (english, french)
20:13:43 <glx> pneumologue :)
20:14:26 <frosch123> "What?"
20:15:00 <Belugas> i'm just having fun ;)
20:15:01 <frosch123> Eddi|zuHause: can you give me an example of a medical term that is not latin-like in german, french and english?
20:15:22 <Eddi|zuHause> "Muttermund"
20:15:53 <Sacro> mother dog?
20:16:02 <_ln> Sacro: hund, bitte.
20:16:05 <Eddi|zuHause> no, that's a "Hund"
20:16:33 <Belugas> who you want to bite?
20:16:56 <glx> col de l'uterus
20:17:16 *** TinoM has quit IRC
20:17:31 <Belugas> Mont de Vnus?
20:18:12 <frosch123> it's a "Mont" in french? in german its only a "monticule" :p
20:18:23 *** orava has joined #openttd
20:18:25 <Eddi|zuHause> no, Belugas was joking
20:19:17 <Eddi|zuHause> anyway, there are lots of examples outside the female anatomy ;)
20:19:44 <_ln> omg, Belugas used an accent on a letter for the first time.
20:19:56 <glx> and he failed ;)
20:20:14 *** goodger has joined #openttd
20:21:05 * Belugas has not yet re-installed correctly his mIRC client since on new computer..
20:21:07 <Belugas> i thingk
20:21:09 <Belugas> -g
20:21:13 <SmatZ> :o)
20:21:28 <SmatZ> welcome, mIRC Belugas
20:21:29 <Eddi|zuHause> 12:39:360
20:21:36 <Eddi|zuHause> err... wrong window...
20:21:46 <SmatZ> type password next time please :)
20:21:54 <glx> maybe it is
20:21:59 <SmatZ> heheeh
20:22:02 <Eddi|zuHause> that WAS my ... wait ;)
20:22:23 <Sacro> s'ok, we only see starts
20:22:24 <Sacro> *star
20:22:25 <Sacro> s
20:22:46 <SmatZ> :)
20:23:23 <Sacro> see my password is *******
20:23:37 <glx> I have the same
20:23:52 <SmatZ> :D
20:24:07 <Eddi|zuHause> so if i say hunter2 you see only stars?
20:24:13 <SmatZ> hehehe
20:24:14 <Sacro> exactly
20:24:22 <Tefad> my password is also *******!
20:25:01 <Belugas> OH mY GOD!!!
20:25:07 <Belugas> I do not have a password!!
20:25:23 <Sacro> :o oh no
20:25:33 <Eddi|zuHause> then you cannot make use of this mIRC function
20:26:25 <Belugas> which one? the kick?
20:26:28 <Belugas> let me try...
20:26:44 *** Eddi|zuHause was kicked by Belugas (testing, 1,2,3)
20:26:52 <Belugas> oups... sorry... i do have a password...
20:26:59 <SmatZ> :D
20:29:17 *** Eddi|zuHause has joined #openttd
20:29:18 *** Azrael- has joined #openttd
20:29:59 <Eddi|zuHause> serves me right for provoking people and then not watching the chat
20:30:23 <Belugas> :D
20:30:39 <glx> enable auto rejoin ;)
20:31:04 <Eddi|zuHause> i hate that function...
20:31:22 <Eddi|zuHause> it totally voids the educational function of a kick
20:31:54 <Eddi|zuHause> so people with autorejoin tend to earn a tempban
20:32:01 <glx> usually kick is not educational
20:32:31 <SmatZ> true
20:32:46 <SmatZ> that's why DorpsGek has "ban with timeout"
20:33:24 <SmatZ> but if you are kicked and you autorejoin, you still should know why you were kicked
20:33:34 <SmatZ> that you should stop your behaviour
20:33:35 <SmatZ> or so
20:33:52 <glx> else there's the next step ;)
20:33:57 <Eddi|zuHause> you have no idea how many people have no clue that there was a kick message
20:34:05 <SmatZ> :-/
20:34:12 <SmatZ> maybe depends on client
20:34:21 *** SmatZ was kicked by DorpsGek (hello)
20:34:26 *** SmatZ has joined #openttd
20:34:35 *** glx was kicked by DorpsGek (test)
20:34:35 *** glx has joined #openttd
20:34:35 *** ChanServ sets mode: +v glx
20:34:38 <SmatZ> I see it :)
20:34:41 <glx> me too
20:34:47 <Eddi|zuHause> maybe depends on the "client" :p
20:34:59 <glx> [22:34:53] Vous avez été kické(e) de #openttd par DorpsGek [] : test
20:36:45 <Ammler> well, it might look like a disconnect
20:37:56 <glx> the text is different ;)
20:38:08 <glx> but as nobody reads
20:38:14 <Belugas> [16:34] <+glx> usually kick is not educational <- especially mine
20:38:30 <glx> TB's are not either ;)
20:38:39 <glx> especially when Sacro is the target
20:38:50 *** Exl has quit IRC
20:38:52 <Sacro> hm?
20:38:56 <Eddi|zuHause> TB's kicks are stress management :p
20:39:07 <glx> same for Belugas ;)
20:39:59 <frosch123> usually there is no need for kicking, most of the time highlighting is enough. correct, Ammler?
20:40:14 <SmatZ> :)
20:40:28 <Ammler> :P
20:42:33 <glx> @op
20:42:33 *** DorpsGek sets mode: +o glx
20:42:56 *** glx changes topic to "0.7.0, 0.7.1-RC1 | Website: * (BaNaNaS: bananas, Translator: translator2, Gameservers: servers, Nightly-builds: nightly, WIKI: wiki, Dev-docs: docs, Patches & Bug-reports: bugs, Revision log: vcs, Release info: finger) | #openttd.notice for SVN notices | UTF-8 please | No Unauthorised Bots | English only :D"
20:43:27 *** ctibor has quit IRC
20:43:38 <Eddi|zuHause> what's with the smilie?
20:44:14 <_ln> yeah, English is a serious matter!
20:44:28 *** thingwath has joined #openttd
20:44:31 <Ammler> merge of "English only" and "no language police", maybe ;-)
20:44:36 <Sacro> there's an 0.7.1-RC1 now?
20:44:53 <SmatZ> petern considers that "English only" rule funny because hardly anyone here speaks English well enough
20:45:04 <glx> Sacro: now means 3 days ago yes
20:45:13 <Sacro> didn't notice the commit
20:45:56 *** TheMask96 has quit IRC
20:46:02 <frosch123> what, sacro, you did not read the announcement topic on the forums?
20:46:17 <Eddi|zuHause> that's easy if english is a foreign language for 70% of the people in here...
20:46:26 <frosch123> that was hard work and took almost 12 hours :p
20:46:35 <SmatZ> hmm my ISP was supporting tunneled IPv6, but isn't anymore :-x
20:46:46 *** ctibor has joined #openttd
20:48:51 <_ln> let's have a Dutch Only theme day, schall wir?
20:49:15 <Eddi|zuHause> ok, i will speak "funny dutch" then ;)
20:49:34 <_ln> is there some other type of dutch too?
20:50:05 <Eddi|zuHause> someone here said a few days ago that german sounded like "funny dutch"
20:50:36 <petern> funny?
20:51:17 *** TheMask96 has joined #openttd
20:51:47 <frosch123> petern: "don't mention the war"
20:51:55 <SmatZ> didn't you add that ":D"?
20:52:08 <Westie> "what war? :P"
20:53:37 <Eddi|zuHause> petern: well, it's only a quote...
20:53:38 <SmatZ> I missed it too I guess
20:55:48 <Belugas> # TOO FUCKED UP TO CARE ANYMORE!!!
20:56:04 <Belugas> yeah... my stress management... fun and nin!
20:56:29 <Eddi|zuHause> # Es könnt alles so einfach sein
20:56:34 <Eddi|zuHause> # Is es aber nich
20:58:15 *** Klanticus has quit IRC
21:03:24 * Belugas is going to release some steam tonigh on the guitar
21:03:31 <Belugas> night all
21:03:38 <Belugas> enjoy ze night
21:03:49 <glx> have fun :)
21:04:23 <Belugas> i will , thanks :) and if petern is still awake by then, it will be dounble :D
21:04:26 * Belugas is now gone
21:05:39 <_ln> what if there was a bot that checked that everyone's each word against an english dictionary, and kicked when unknown words are uttered?
21:06:11 <_ln> and why not a grammar checker, too.
21:06:24 <Eddi|zuHause> "there is no technical solution to a social problem"
21:07:58 *** Azrael- has quit IRC
21:10:54 <Eddi|zuHause> # this is where your sanity gives in, and love begins
21:10:55 <Eddi|zuHause> # never lose your grip, don't trip, don't fall, you lose it all
21:10:57 <Eddi|zuHause> # the sweetest way to die
21:12:49 <_ln> "Angels & Demons" was highly unrealistic, as Italian police officers understood English.
21:13:07 *** ctibor has quit IRC
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21:17:35 <_ln> tengo que acostarme ahora. buenas noches, gente.
21:18:20 <Eddi|zuHause> ja, du mich auch...
21:18:29 <Eddi|zuHause> (:P)
21:20:38 *** KenjiE20 has quit IRC
21:21:20 *** DorpsGek sets mode: +b *!
21:21:21 *** _ln was kicked by DorpsGek (English only)
21:23:33 *** KenjiE20 has joined #openttd
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21:27:26 *** octernion has joined #openttd
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21:30:40 *** tkjacobsen has quit IRC
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21:32:39 *** NightKhaos has joined #openttd
21:39:11 <insulfrog> cyas
21:39:12 *** insulfrog has quit IRC
21:41:20 *** DorpsGek sets mode: -b *!
21:44:27 *** Nuke2 has joined #openttd
21:47:04 *** Nite_Owl has quit IRC
21:59:38 <CIA-3> OpenTTD: glx * r16307 /trunk/ (5 files in 2 dirs): -Fix: makedepend can't handle the amount of files we have and it also miss some dependencies. That's why we introduce our custom implementation of makedepend.
22:01:38 *** octernion has quit IRC
22:03:16 <Ammler> glx: done?
22:03:23 <Ammler> no make clean needed anymore?
22:03:50 <glx> you may need make clean, but not because dependencies ;)
22:04:13 <Ammler> well, I had to use it almost for every compile lately
22:04:37 <Ammler> for*
22:04:48 <glx> that's because you didn't disable makedepend ;)
22:05:08 <glx> (or fixed your makedepend)
22:05:58 <Ammler> don't I need that?
22:06:18 <frosch123> checking builtin depend... yes <- now you need that :)
22:09:00 <glx> makedepend was just a compilation accelerator
22:09:36 <glx> same for the new depend
22:15:47 *** Cybertinus has quit IRC
22:20:01 *** HackaLittleBit has joined #openttd
22:20:13 <HackaLittleBit> Hello
22:21:32 <HackaLittleBit> Please guys can you close that post of mine (splitting tunnels, bridges and depots)
22:21:57 <SmatZ> close post?
22:22:08 <HackaLittleBit> close post! pls
22:22:09 <SmatZ> like, "Lock topic"?
22:22:18 <HackaLittleBit> lock topic
22:22:48 <SmatZ> there's a policy of not closing topics upon request :-x
22:23:07 <Yexo> I'll copy my private reply here for others to read:
22:23:09 <Yexo> 1) I can't do that, since I'm not a moderator at the forums
22:23:13 <Yexo> 2) I see no reason to close it, just leave it alone and it'll die eventually
22:23:29 <frosch123> really? i saw "close as requested" several times
22:23:39 <SmatZ> really?
22:23:50 <SmatZ> at tt-forums?
22:23:51 <frosch123> however, HackaLittleBit, just report your own topic and a moderator will summon itself :)
22:23:53 <Yexo> yes, but mostly in topics were a flamewar started
22:24:01 <SmatZ> ah, yes
22:24:20 <SmatZ> bad bad frosch123 :-x
22:24:27 <frosch123> "what?"
22:24:28 <SmatZ> do you want HackaLittleBit banned :(
22:24:47 <HackaLittleBit> LOL
22:24:47 <SmatZ> moderators don't like being summoned this way imo :)
22:25:45 <frosch123> ok, then do a post and ask the participant to stop spamming your topic :)
22:26:35 *** NukeBuster has quit IRC
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22:26:57 <SmatZ> hmm clone
22:28:18 *** Yexo_ has joined #openttd
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22:34:02 <HackaLittleBit> Fine, then the only thing I can do now is continue my search fo that ilusive wing that PikkaBird posted
22:34:21 <SmatZ> ilusive wing?
22:34:40 <HackaLittleBit>
22:34:42 <SmatZ> you mean "Guess the plane" thread?
22:34:49 <SmatZ> ah ok ;)
22:34:50 <HackaLittleBit> yep
22:36:12 <frosch123> hmm, "forum games". i guess i have never been there before :)
22:38:08 <HackaLittleBit> are you looking? do you see the )&)!"%$)%)!$ silence of PikkaBird
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22:54:44 <HackaLittleBit> ok found the plane hehe :)
22:55:10 <HackaLittleBit> good night everybody
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23:40:16 <CIA-3> OpenTTD: smatz * r16308 /trunk/src/ (station_cmd.cpp town_cmd.cpp): -Fix: parameter is invalid when it's equal to length of an array (Yexo)
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