IRC logs for #openttd on OFTC at 2009-05-12
00:02:03 *** KenjiE20|LT has joined #openttd
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00:04:20 <Ammler> tschüssli
00:07:04 <Belugas> i might give it a try senor peter!
00:07:13 * Belugas runs downstairs
00:07:24 * PeterT asks if its working
00:07:33 * PeterT says "ok, its working"
00:08:06 *** DaleStan_ has joined #openttd
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00:10:43 *** lobster has joined #openttd
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00:20:24 *** PeterT has quit IRC
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00:49:21 *** fjb_ has joined #openttd
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01:01:48 *** Klanticus has quit IRC
01:02:53 *** Klanticus has joined #openttd
01:34:45 *** Klanticus has quit IRC
01:51:18 *** Zr40 has joined #openttd
02:01:52 *** [com]buster has joined #openttd
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02:08:50 *** goodger has quit IRC
02:10:45 *** DaleStan has quit IRC
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02:33:49 *** DaleStan is now known as Guest1753
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03:08:21 *** TinoDidriksen has quit IRC
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03:57:53 *** KenjiE20|LT has quit IRC
04:25:42 *** [com]buster has joined #openttd
04:25:42 *** Combuster has quit IRC
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05:22:06 *** TinoDidriksen has quit IRC
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05:28:45 *** Cybertinus has joined #openttd
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05:47:54 *** HerzogDeXtEr1 has quit IRC
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05:51:59 *** TheJosh has joined #openttd
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06:08:31 *** [com]buster has joined #openttd
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06:14:46 *** Combuster has quit IRC
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06:16:40 *** TinoDidriksen has joined #openttd
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06:56:44 *** TinoDidriksen has joined #openttd
06:58:14 *** Mr_Gray has joined #openttd
07:01:44 *** Zr40 has quit IRC
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07:17:03 *** maristo has joined #openttd
07:20:27 *** Hirundo has joined #openttd
07:22:51 *** fonsinchen has quit IRC
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07:58:08 <[wito]> one minor gripe about the mac os x build
07:58:46 <[wito]> configuration files should really be in ~/Library/Preferences; and content_download in ~/Library/Application Support/OpenTTD/
07:58:59 <[wito]> jus' sayin'
08:02:21 *** Zr40 has quit IRC
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08:03:30 *** frosch123 has joined #openttd
08:06:25 <petern> [wito], feel free to implement that cleanly...
08:09:52 <[wito]> :P
08:10:13 <[wito]> isn't there already an ./configure switch for doing stuff like that?
08:13:28 *** [com]buster has joined #openttd
08:13:28 *** Combuster has quit IRC
08:13:32 *** [com]buster is now known as Combuster
08:22:57 *** Zahl has joined #openttd
08:24:05 *** ctibor__ has quit IRC
08:38:03 <petern> not split up like that, as far as i know
08:43:00 *** oskari89 has joined #openttd
09:00:19 *** fjb_ is now known as fjb
09:20:35 *** racetrack has joined #openttd
09:23:48 *** Zr40 has quit IRC
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09:33:36 <dihedral> hello :-)
09:41:12 *** Singaporekid has joined #openttd
09:43:39 *** Polygon has joined #openttd
09:44:40 <dihedral> "my speeling might be wrong there" <- HAHA
09:44:56 <Noldo> hi dih
09:45:03 <dihedral> hello Noldo
09:50:31 *** tkjacobsen has joined #openttd
09:52:21 *** oskari89 has quit IRC
09:59:33 *** Zr40 has quit IRC
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10:06:16 *** oskari89 has joined #openttd
10:06:35 <z-MaTRiX> heil-o
10:09:53 *** Zr40 has quit IRC
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10:10:41 *** reldred has joined #openttd
10:24:46 *** divo has quit IRC
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10:43:14 *** Doorslammer has joined #openttd
10:47:42 *** thingwath has joined #openttd
10:50:00 *** tkjacobsen has quit IRC
10:58:01 *** z-MaTRiX has quit IRC
11:00:28 *** Hirundo has quit IRC
11:02:15 *** Klanticus has joined #openttd
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11:27:36 <Forked> where is that dj_nekkid when you need him
11:30:05 *** DJNekkid has joined #openttd
11:30:14 <Forked> hah
11:30:17 <Forked> woop there he is
11:30:51 * Eddi|zuHause praises Forked's summoning skills
11:31:42 <Forked> where is that winning lottery ticket when I need it..
11:33:16 <DJNekkid> am i needed?
11:33:42 <TrueBrain> that is suprising, not?
11:34:00 <petern> TrueBrain, English only.
11:34:19 <Noldo> petern is going ln
11:34:28 <TrueBrain> yeah .. and I am considering a kick for that :p
11:34:34 <TrueBrain> petern: really, it can be annoying :)
11:36:00 <TrueBrain> oeh, I know the solution
11:36:02 <TrueBrain> @op
11:36:02 *** DorpsGek sets mode: +o TrueBrain
11:36:16 *** TrueBrain changes topic to "0.7.0 | Website: * (BaNaNaS: bananas, Translator: translator2, Gameservers: servers, Nightly-builds: nightly, WIKI: wiki, Dev-docs: docs, Patches & Bug-reports: bugs, Revision log: vcs, Release info: finger) | #openttd.notice for SVN notices | UTF-8 please | No Unauthorised Bots | English only | No Language Police"
11:36:18 <TrueBrain> @deop
11:36:18 *** DorpsGek sets mode: -o TrueBrain
11:36:25 <Noldo> nice
11:36:36 <TrueBrain> and we all know the topic is always right :)
11:37:31 <Ammler> hmm, "English only | No Language Police"
11:37:40 <TrueBrain> you catched on on that? :)
11:37:50 <Ammler> :-)
11:40:57 *** ctibor__ has quit IRC
11:41:16 <petern> caught
11:43:48 *** TrueBrain has left #openttd
11:44:53 <Eddi|zuHause> "208936+13 records in 208936+13 records out" <- what does the "+13" mean in dd's output?
11:46:06 *** insulfrog has joined #openttd
11:47:47 *** bobo_b has joined #openttd
11:47:55 <insulfrog> hi all
11:52:49 *** KenjiE20 has joined #openttd
11:54:03 *** glx has joined #openttd
11:54:03 *** ChanServ sets mode: +v glx
11:54:11 *** Klanticus has quit IRC
11:57:30 *** tokai has quit IRC
11:58:50 *** petern changes topic to "0.7.0 | Website: * (BaNaNaS: bananas, Translator: translator2, Gameservers: servers, Nightly-builds: nightly, WIKI: wiki, Dev-docs: docs, Patches & Bug-reports: bugs, Revision log: vcs, Release info: finger) | #openttd.notice for SVN notices | UTF-8 please | No Unauthorised Bots | English only :D"
11:59:44 *** tokai has joined #openttd
11:59:44 *** ChanServ sets mode: +v tokai
12:12:13 *** ctibor__ has joined #openttd
12:14:08 *** bobo_b has left #openttd
12:15:13 *** Klanticus has joined #openttd
12:28:04 *** Hirundo has joined #openttd
12:59:29 *** z-MaTRiX has joined #openttd
12:59:32 <z-MaTRiX> hi
13:01:51 *** Klanticus has quit IRC
13:08:53 *** Exl has joined #openttd
13:08:55 *** simNIX_ has joined #openttd
13:09:10 <insulfrog> hi
13:10:49 <simNIX_> hiya
13:12:20 <insulfrog> not alot going off here :p
13:18:10 *** tux_mark_5 has joined #openttd
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13:21:42 <Belugas> hello
13:30:19 *** Xyzzy has joined #openttd
13:31:39 *** Eddi|zuHause has quit IRC
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13:44:13 *** z-MaTRiX has quit IRC
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13:46:27 *** HerzogDeXtEr has joined #openttd
13:47:51 *** ecke has quit IRC
14:03:15 *** maristo has quit IRC
14:23:21 *** Hirundo_ has joined #openttd
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14:28:51 *** Hirundo has quit IRC
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14:39:14 *** insulfrog is now known as insulfrog_
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14:46:12 *** thingwath has joined #openttd
14:59:19 *** TrogDoor is now known as Doorslammer
15:00:49 *** tkjacobsen has joined #openttd
15:04:19 *** _ln has quit IRC
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15:22:01 *** insulfrog_ has quit IRC