IRC logs for #openttd on OFTC at 2009-04-14
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01:53:04 <Patrick> can I get PBS to act like pre/exit signals?
01:53:16 <Patrick> my trains are reserving a path to a red exit and then jamming the block
01:53:28 <Aali> then remove that signal
01:53:41 <Aali> only put PBS signals where you want a train to wait
01:54:35 <Patrick> so I just leave the track bare after the block?
01:54:43 <Patrick> how do I resume normal signalling again ..
01:54:45 <Patrick> that's what I mean
01:55:03 <Aali> what?
01:55:17 <Patrick> I have a block with 3 possible exits
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01:55:33 <Patrick> all of these exits are red, but my trains are still reserving a path
01:55:34 <Sacro> Patrick: don't place a signal unless you are fine with a train stopping behind it
01:55:39 <Aali> then leave atleast one train length before you place any signals on those exits
01:55:52 <Patrick> isn't that what pre-exit signals were invented to do about 15 years ago?
01:56:13 <Sacro> hmm, we need pre/exit pbs, or long reservations
01:56:13 <Patrick> aah, if it's a PBS block then the train will wait inside the block, but not jamming
01:56:23 <Patrick> as it's in one of the "exit" fingers is that what you mean?
01:56:31 <Aali> basically, yes
01:57:05 <Aali> there's nothing wrong with having trains wait inside a PBS block, as long as its not blocking other paths
01:57:53 <Patrick> nope, it's waiting on a station entrance
01:57:58 <Patrick> that might not be the next available platform
01:58:08 <Patrick> the problem that pre-exit was invented to solve
01:58:43 <Patrick> I had a cross of 3 servicing 3 platforms, but I wanted to let the left and right run straight through concurrently if they could do it safely - textbook PBS
01:58:54 <Patrick> but not when the trains keep reserving a path to a red platform
01:59:06 <Patrick> and I've just heard a crash noise from my minimised openttd
01:59:11 <Patrick> fuck
01:59:45 <Patrick> I had two trains inside a PBS block I deleted all the PB signals from :D
02:00:39 <Sacro> hehe
02:00:42 <Sacro> baaaad idea
02:02:18 * Sacro flags the russian patch binary as warez...
02:17:36 <Patrick> now, let's say hypothetically I had a pickup and a dropoff for, say, ore/steel
02:17:45 <Sacro> mmhm
02:18:02 <Patrick> and one steel train somehow ends up stopping in the dropoff because I deleted all the rails for the pickup for 5 minutes
02:18:19 <Patrick> and it keeps piling a little bit of steel up even though the rating is rubbish
02:18:27 <Patrick> just enough to stop it from "evaporating"
02:18:44 <Sacro> right
02:18:46 <Patrick> it's really really irritating,I can't delete the station and I can't transport it away
02:19:12 <Sacro> oh right
02:19:21 <Sacro> set the train to non stop?
02:20:05 <Patrick> no, it was just a one-ffo
02:20:14 <Patrick> now the station's been flagged as "accepts foo"
02:22:37 <Sacro> heh
02:22:45 <Sacro> tell trains to go non-stop by default
02:28:18 <Patrick> too late now
02:28:27 <Patrick> not a single train has passed through it since then
02:32:46 <Sacro> heh
02:32:48 <Sacro> fun fun
02:43:52 <Sacro> hmm, I don't think svn respects --personal-dir
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03:36:20 <Sacro> grr, still has 'to make' rather than 'from making'
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05:02:35 <dihedral> good morning lads
05:02:36 <dihedral> ^^
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10:00:59 <dihedral> boooooring
10:03:24 <petern> yeah you are
10:03:31 <petern> entertain us
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10:56:31 * Xaroth pokes dihedral
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11:13:44 * dihedral dances
11:14:36 <Xaroth> o_O
11:14:39 <dihedral> ^^
11:14:41 <dihedral> sup dog
11:14:42 <Xaroth> poke and he shalt dance
11:15:00 <Xaroth> << got quite far over the weekend
11:15:39 <dihedral> no, dancing was referring to petern wanting entertainment ^^
11:15:43 <Xaroth> ah
11:16:03 <dihedral> capitalize the o ^^
11:16:27 <dihedral> you could fix (and include) buildottd ^^
11:16:47 <dihedral> hehe - even nicer: make a tcltk application :-D
11:16:51 <Xaroth> which o, there's like 200 in that text :P
11:16:57 <dihedral> that'd then work on win, lin, mac too ^^
11:17:12 <Xaroth> ugh, I don't like TCL :P
11:17:24 <Xaroth> besides, if the library works porting to unix wouldn't be much of a problem
11:17:26 <dihedral> i am quite enjoying it, must say
11:17:36 <dihedral> _if_
11:17:49 <Xaroth> if/when really :P
11:18:01 <Xaroth> I can always use some dodgy hax :P
11:19:52 <petern> dbusihedral
11:23:33 <Rubidium> it does support IPv6, doesn't it?
11:29:46 <Xaroth> what does?
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11:39:17 * TrueBrain waves hello
11:39:23 <Forked> ello
11:39:40 <Forked> I'm back at work now if you need anything that relates to ie7/8 :p
11:40:06 <TrueBrain> nah, it works for now :)
11:40:06 <dihedral> hello TB
11:40:11 <dihedral> petern, what can i do for you?
11:40:15 <Forked> "for now" I like that part.
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11:54:16 <Rubidium> Xaroth: that thing you're making ofcourse
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11:59:26 <TrueBrain> "Does this smell as butt to you?"
12:00:12 <Xaroth> Rubidium: I don't have a server to specifically test IPv6 servers, but the code I ported is straight from SVN
12:00:50 <Xaroth> using .net objects for connecting, so that should also support IPv6
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13:42:33 <Xaroth> I think dihedral's dancing scared everybody off o_O
13:44:33 <TrueBrain> I had to write a 'simple' echo service
13:44:42 <TrueBrain> 243 lines long ... multi-client support ..
13:44:46 <TrueBrain> I think I overdid it slightly :p
13:45:12 <petern> hmm?
13:45:31 <TrueBrain> I think it could be written in like 50 lines .. maybe a bit more :p
13:45:35 <TrueBrain> if you make it blocking and stuff :)
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13:53:52 <TrueBrain> yeah .. it can also be done in 50 lines :p Ghehe :)
13:54:06 <NightKhaos> What can TrueBrain?
13:54:11 <TrueBrain> nothing NightKhaos
13:54:31 <NightKhaos> TrueBrain: I'm sorry I just entered the room, I was curious is all.
13:54:35 <TrueBrain> :)
13:54:38 <TrueBrain> I was just talking in myself :p
13:54:44 <NightKhaos> don't
13:54:49 <NightKhaos> It confuses me.
13:54:58 <TrueBrain> awwhhh, poor thing
13:55:17 <NightKhaos> I know.
13:55:38 <Patrick> TrueBrain: what language?
13:55:42 <TrueBrain> Patrick: C
13:55:45 <TrueBrain> (plain C)
13:55:46 <Patrick> take it you weren't allowed tosue libraries
13:56:00 <petern> you could do it in one line then
13:56:05 <petern> (just write a custom lib...)
13:56:14 <TrueBrain> yeah :) No, we had to use socket/bind/listen/accept/recv/send/close
13:56:30 <Rubidium> you've used select too, right?
13:56:39 <TrueBrain> Rubidium: in my 243 lines long: yes
13:56:42 <TrueBrain> in the 50 lines: no
13:56:46 <Rubidium> and IPv6? ;)
13:56:53 <Rubidium> hmm, or unix sockets
13:56:55 <TrueBrain> considered it ;)
13:57:36 <TrueBrain> usleep() is not ANSI?
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14:03:22 <Xaroth> Hm, do we happen to have an IPv6 server running somewhere?
14:03:28 <Xaroth> want to see if the library can get it's info properly
14:03:45 <Rubidium> yup, there're 3 of them
14:03:48 <Xaroth> O_O
14:04:10 <Rubidium> they probably also have an IPv4 address though
14:04:19 <Xaroth> meh
14:04:28 <Xaroth> trying to find out pure IPv6 support for the lib
14:04:45 <Rubidium> just don't fetch the IPv4 server list
14:04:56 <Xaroth> eh?
14:05:05 <Rubidium> then you'll only get three IPv6 addresses
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14:06:06 <Xaroth> Rubidium: by sending the IPv6 type id rather than Autodetect?
14:06:25 <Rubidium> yes
14:06:41 <Rubidium> or only sending from an IPv6 address
14:06:56 <Xaroth> Rubidium: by sending Autodetect the server only sends IPv4 from an IPv4 client then?
14:08:09 <Rubidium> if the packet has an IPv4 source address it will only return IPv4 server addresses
14:08:22 <Rubidium> (with autodetect turned on)
14:09:39 <Rubidium> and if the source address is IPv6 it'll only return IPv6 servers
14:10:05 * Xaroth goes test
14:10:57 <TrueBrain> I am going to enjoy this beautiful weather we have outside :)
14:11:02 <petern> bastard
14:11:07 <Rubidium> TrueBrain: lies!
14:11:14 <TrueBrain> where?
14:11:18 <Xaroth> hm
14:11:21 <Xaroth> something went wrong i think
14:11:22 <Xaroth> [14:11][testMasterServer] Completed, 176 servers
14:11:23 <Xaroth> [14:11][testMasterServerIPv6] Completed, 176 servers
14:11:34 <glx> you failed :)
14:11:53 <Rubidium> like sending on from an IPv4 address
14:12:09 <Xaroth> yes, I'm sending with the IPv6 byte.
14:13:07 <Rubidium> what version?
14:13:14 <Xaroth> public const int NETWORK_MASTER_SERVER_VERSION = 1;
14:13:20 <Rubidium> there's your problem
14:13:25 <Xaroth> .. 2?
14:13:27 <glx> try version 2 :)
14:13:42 <glx> version 1 is ipv4 only
14:13:59 <Xaroth> there we go
14:14:00 <Xaroth> [14:13][testMasterServer] Completed, 175 servers
14:14:00 <Xaroth> [14:13][testMasterServerIPv6] Completed, 3 servers
14:14:10 <glx> looks better
14:14:36 <Xaroth> now to see if it parsed the address properly
14:15:09 <Xaroth> would be typical microsoft stuff to not parse IPv6 properly from bytes.
14:16:43 <Xaroth> 2001:1af8:fe2e:0110:0000:0000:
14:17:08 <Rubidium> that looks foobar-ed
14:17:34 <Xaroth> just a bit :P
14:17:40 <Xaroth> might be formatting tho
14:18:59 <Xaroth> bah
14:19:06 <Xaroth> stupid IDE translating errors to dutch
14:19:28 <Rubidium> that's a stupid language anyways
14:19:36 <Xaroth> what, dutch? :P
14:20:11 <Rubidium> yeah
14:20:46 <Rubidium> stuff translated in Dutch could as well be translated into Gibberish and it would make as much sense
14:20:52 <Xaroth> yes
14:21:54 <Xaroth> damned thing still being dodgy
14:22:05 <Xaroth> 2a01:0e35:2e22:ea20:0209:5bff:
14:22:44 <glx> I know the ISP for this one :)
14:25:55 <glx> what is the doted part ?
14:26:06 <Xaroth> that's what i'm trying to figure out
14:26:07 <Forked> dodgy
14:26:09 <Rubidium> that's MS way of fracking up the IP
14:26:24 <Rubidium> it's 'valid' for the IPv4 mapped into IPv6 addresses
14:26:39 <Rubidium> but I'd say it's invalid when it's not such a mapped IP address
14:27:15 <Rubidium> as the begin of both differs vastly I'm fairly certain one of the isn't right (and I suspect neither is right)
14:27:20 <glx> because the corresponding ipv4 is
14:28:52 <Xaroth> hm
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14:29:37 <Xaroth> when telling the address to serialize back into a byte array it gives the exact same back :/
14:29:46 <Rubidium> ::ffff: <- that would be a valid IPv4 mapped into IPv6
14:30:33 <Rubidium> IPv4 and IPv6 addresses don't have much (if any) common ground, so don't try to match IPv4 to IPv6 based on the address
14:30:47 <glx> the format is 2a01:0e3x:xxxx:xxxy:yyyy:yyyy:yyyy:yyyy
14:31:03 <glx> with the ipv4 being x
14:31:17 <Rubidium> glx: for your ISP maybe
14:31:39 <glx> yes for it :)
14:31:55 <glx> but 2a01:0e3 is my ISP
14:32:32 <Rubidium> mine or OpenTTD's IPv6 addresses have nothing in common (well... they all contain lots of digits, but so does pi)
14:34:45 <Xaroth> apparently it turns the last 4 of 16 bytes in the X.X.X.X stuff
14:36:33 <Xaroth> hm
14:38:00 <glx> that's valid for freenet tunnels
14:38:47 <glx> (anonymous tunnels)
14:39:10 <Xaroth> 2001:1af8:fe2e:0110:0000:0000: should in fact be 2001:1af8:fe2e:110::1
14:39:25 <Xaroth> so it's close, but no cigar.
14:40:31 <jonty-comp> it doesn't smoke anyway
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14:47:52 <Xaroth> hm
14:47:58 <Xaroth> .net uses mixed notation
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14:49:40 <grasmanek94> hello can somebody help me with a little problem?
14:50:05 <Sacro> Xaroth: .Net
14:50:07 <Forked> it all depends what the problem is :)
14:50:17 <Xaroth> Sacro: yes.
14:51:39 <dihedral> grasmanek94, no, as we dont know what your problem is!
14:53:41 <dihedral> fine guy! asks to ask a question and idles ^^
14:54:08 <Forked> maybe it's a long and complicated question that takes time to write
14:54:19 <grasmanek94> okay
14:54:21 <grasmanek94> i got 7.0
14:54:25 <grasmanek94> and i downloaded
14:54:27 <grasmanek94> a few
14:54:28 <grasmanek94> ai's
14:54:29 <Forked> (0.7.0)
14:54:33 <grasmanek94> and the standart ai is gone ;/
14:55:02 <dihedral> Forked, or just a dozon of 4char long lines
14:55:15 <Forked> dihedral: I wont comment on that, I used to do the same thing :\
14:55:24 <dihedral> ^^
14:55:25 <grasmanek94> and when i use the downloaded ai it just laggs OpenTTD 7.0 to death
14:55:34 <dihedral> 0.7.0
14:55:49 <Forked> tried smaller maps?
14:56:21 <grasmanek94> ye
14:56:24 <Forked> dihedral: I also tend to not write complete sentences. "Have you tried a smaller map?" should have been my last line
14:57:03 * dihedral points at the line "and i downloaded" followed by "a few" followed by "ai's"
14:57:20 <dihedral> sounds like someone is out of breath :-P
14:58:42 <Xaroth> Rubidium: System.Net.Sockets.SocketError.AddressFamilyNotSupported
14:58:43 <Xaroth> -_-
14:58:53 <dihedral> grasmanek94, care to mention some details of your computer?
14:58:59 <Xaroth> the IPAddress might even be working
14:59:13 <Xaroth> it just doesn't want to do IPv6 stuff :P
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15:02:45 <grasmanek94> 3ghz 2 cores, 2gb ram ddr2, nvidia gforce 8600 GT
15:03:03 <grasmanek94> win vista
15:04:08 <petern> try lowering ai_max_opcode_till_suspend?
15:04:18 <petern> although... default should be fine, i think
15:04:24 <dihedral> should be ^^
15:04:27 <grasmanek94> example to what?
15:04:31 <dihedral> it's fine on my lappy ^^
15:04:31 <grasmanek94> 100 000?
15:04:35 <petern> it should be 10000 by default
15:04:39 <petern> so, er, 100000 is higher
15:04:44 <dihedral> ^^
15:04:46 <grasmanek94> ;p
15:05:00 <grasmanek94> lets try it out...
15:05:10 <petern> i guess if it's too low AIs will ... not be able to do much very quickly
15:05:21 <Zr40> what does that actually control? amount of processor time per game tick?
15:05:42 <TrueBrain> Zr40: no, the amount of opcodes per tick
15:05:51 <Zr40> I guess that's what I meant
15:05:54 <TrueBrain> what it says: max opcodes till suspend (read: go-to-next-tick)
15:05:56 <TrueBrain> :p
15:06:22 <Zr40> I used to think it had to do with multiplayer games, where if the AI would lag behind it would get disabled or something
15:06:27 <grasmanek94> when i load a game it will also apply?
15:07:06 <Zr40> no, I believe that's stored in the save, but you can change it once you've loaded the game
15:07:10 <dihedral> grasmanek94, if in doubt, start a new game
15:07:19 <glx> what AIs are loaded?
15:07:34 <grasmanek94> random to choose:
15:07:56 <grasmanek94> admiral, convoy, fanai, nocab,
15:08:17 <grasmanek94> otviai, paxlinkm, towncars, wrightai
15:08:20 <grasmanek94> that's it
15:08:32 <glx> check the AI debug panel when slowdown starts
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15:12:29 <grasmanek94> so.. what EXACLY does the amoount of opcodes...
15:13:22 <grasmanek94> hmm when i changed from 100 000 to 10 000 it helps.. 5 ai's loaded
15:13:44 <dihedral>
15:14:17 <TrueBrain> I guess there is a reason 10k is the default?
15:14:55 <grasmanek94> hmm maybe
15:15:07 <grasmanek94> tja i thout 100 k would be enough xD
15:15:39 <TrueBrain> well .. less thinking, more following defaults :)
15:15:41 <TrueBrain> hehehehe :)
15:15:45 <grasmanek94> ^^
15:16:00 <grasmanek94> yeA... enjoy the new ai's xD
15:16:11 <grasmanek94> but what happend to the standart ai? :O
15:16:31 <TrueBrain> you can give him a visit in the graveyard I guess
15:16:40 <grasmanek94> ow.. lol xD
15:16:45 <dihedral> take some flowers along
15:16:50 <grasmanek94> hehe
15:16:50 <dihedral> and say hi from us all ^^
15:17:00 <grasmanek94> yea xD
15:17:18 <glx> we killed it because it was cheating
15:17:26 <grasmanek94> o really?
15:17:34 <grasmanek94> how did it cheat??
15:17:46 <glx> free terraforming, no town rating
15:17:51 <Rubidium> free terraforming, bonus cargo rating, ...
15:17:54 <grasmanek94> heh
15:18:27 <dihedral> dbus-send petern .....
15:18:29 <dihedral> ^^
15:18:33 * dihedral grins
15:18:57 <TrueBrain> I love school-assignements .. they are so clear in what you need to do ... and they really point you in the right direction and stuff ...
15:18:59 <TrueBrain> lovely!
15:19:08 <grasmanek94> hmm but will there be more "advanced" bridges in 0.7.1 ?
15:19:22 <dihedral> what kind of more advanced bridges?
15:19:36 <Rubidium> bridges for electrified rail ofcourse!
15:19:42 <dihedral> those with signals on them? those with custom bridge heads? those over other bridges?
15:19:43 <Sacro> Hmm, how do you change default Manager name?
15:20:11 <grasmanek94> if u have 1 blocks higher from the ground
15:20:15 <grasmanek94> u can build a bridge
15:20:19 <grasmanek94> but if 2 u can't
15:20:32 <dihedral> eh?
15:20:43 <dihedral> pile up some dirt ^^
15:20:45 <grasmanek94> ee lets me make a paint thingy xD
15:20:50 <grasmanek94> w8 a min ;)
15:20:55 <dihedral> _wait_
15:20:56 <dihedral> sure
15:21:12 <Xaroth> hm
15:22:04 * Rubidium thinks grasmanek94 just randomly changed settings without knowing what it does
15:22:20 <grasmanek94> i know very much but opcodes is something new :P
15:22:46 <dihedral> knowing anything is relative
15:23:21 <grasmanek94>
15:23:22 <Xaroth> hm
15:23:23 <grasmanek94> i mean that
15:23:30 <Xaroth> this app just doesn't want to create an IPv6 socket
15:23:53 <dihedral> grasmanek94, all i shall say is:
15:24:02 <grasmanek94> so u can only build a brigde with max 50m difference but i want for ex 150 m
15:24:27 <dihedral> then pile up some dirt yourself!
15:24:44 <grasmanek94> lol just talking about if it is coming...
15:24:48 <TrueBrain> [17:23] <dihedral> grasmanek94, all i shall say is:
15:24:49 <TrueBrain> [17:24] <dihedral> then pile up some dirt yourself!
15:24:51 <TrueBrain> :p
15:24:55 <dihedral> :-D
15:25:04 * dihedral piles some dirt onto TrueBrain
15:25:06 <grasmanek94> not requesting xD
15:25:58 * dihedral pours 100L of water onto the dirt pile to help TrueBrain "grow"
15:26:38 <Xaroth> Rubidium: While I can get the IPv6 list, seeing somehow .net doesn't want to connect to IPv6 on this machine i'll just wait for somebody to come by that does.
15:27:51 <Rubidium> I guess you don't have a connected IPv6 address
15:28:02 <Xaroth> nope, and no way around it :/
15:28:17 <Rubidium> sixxs, freenet6, ... ?
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15:28:26 <Xaroth> .. i'm at work atm :P
15:28:43 <Rubidium> coding for openttd at work? ;)
15:29:01 <Xaroth> i got a headache from staring at PHP code
15:29:11 <Xaroth> so i tried to do some research on my app.
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15:30:49 <grasmanek94> okey lol 1 problem fixed now next xD
15:30:52 <Xaroth> Sacro: I know, but Mono's support for System.Windows.Forms has been dodgy in the past to say the least
15:31:01 <grasmanek94> can't delete the "bad" ai's after download
15:31:17 <Xaroth> grasmanek94: you can
15:31:28 <grasmanek94> if yes - how...
15:31:32 <Sacro> Xaroth: had no issues here
15:31:34 <grasmanek94> in the folder of openttd?
15:31:45 <Xaroth> %MYDOCUMENTS%/OpenTTD/content_download/ai/
15:31:45 <Sacro> I switch to/from Mono quite frequently
15:31:51 <Xaroth> Sacro: cool, good to know then
15:32:00 <grasmanek94> oo mydocuments.. lol xD
15:32:12 <grasmanek94> heh didn't even think about to look there
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15:39:59 <dihedral> readme.txt
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15:40:37 <dihedral> and if your next problem is not answered by reading those, ask
15:40:48 <Xaroth> yer fergetting
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15:44:25 <petern> the best bit
15:44:26 <petern> with that guy
15:44:32 <petern> is that he asked the same question on #debian
15:44:41 <petern> without mentioning openttd or 0.7.0 at all...
15:44:44 <jonty-comp> o_o
15:45:05 <Xaroth> o_O
15:45:37 <dihedral> haha
15:45:38 <dihedral> cute
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15:47:35 <petern> first question "what's an 'ai's'?"
15:47:54 <petern> 15:53 < EmleyMoor> Does this have anything to do with Debian?
15:47:54 <petern> 15:53 < grasmanek94> ee dunno what debian is :(
15:47:55 <petern> :D
15:48:31 <Xaroth> o_O
15:48:41 <Xaroth> why the hell did he end up in #debian to begin with then>?
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15:49:36 <dihedral> lol
15:49:40 <dihedral> that is too funny
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15:50:02 <TrueBrain> Xaroth: I slipped in a reference to #debian a while ago :p Works very nice ;)
15:50:07 <TrueBrain> got sick of those stupid people :p
15:51:18 <Xaroth> lol
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16:01:48 <Xaroth> time to head home, later folks
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16:14:40 <frosch123> George: does ECS modify the cargo classes of goods and fruit?
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17:21:54 <TrueBrain> getting a TCP checksum correct is a BITCH
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17:23:34 <TrueBrain> michi_cc: nice going ;) :p
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17:49:44 <CIA-9> OpenTTD: translators * r16058 /trunk/src/lang/ (6 files): (log message trimmed)
17:49:44 <CIA-9> OpenTTD: -Update: WebTranslator2 update to 2009-04-14 17:49:02
17:49:44 <CIA-9> OpenTTD: danish - 9 fixed by ThomasA (9)
17:49:44 <CIA-9> OpenTTD: dutch - 10 fixed by habell (10)
17:49:45 <CIA-9> OpenTTD: english_US - 10 fixed by WhiteRabbit (10)
17:49:45 <CIA-9> OpenTTD: german - 1 changed by planetmaker (1)
17:49:47 <CIA-9> OpenTTD: hungarian - 6 fixed, 3 changed by IPG (9)
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18:18:50 <TrueBrain> i
18:18:52 <TrueBrain> hmm
18:18:54 <TrueBrain> cool
18:18:55 <TrueBrain> random letters
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18:20:24 <petern> !u
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18:36:50 <Wolf01> the cat is on the chair
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18:44:22 <[wito]> Le chat es sur la chaize
18:54:51 <glx> *est
18:54:54 <glx> *chaise
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18:58:48 <Patrick> hah
19:02:16 * TrueBrain closes the page to a forum thread before he starts replying in a way that can't result in any healty conversation :)
19:02:24 <jonty-comp> pfft
19:02:31 <jonty-comp> that's no way to go about the internets
19:04:20 <TrueBrain> but it is better for my blood pressure :)
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19:18:04 <TrueBrain> pompiedom
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19:26:15 <dihedral> TrueBrain, which thread... :-P
19:26:36 <TrueBrain> not relevant :)
19:26:44 <dihedral> :-(
19:26:46 <Rubidium> the stupid one ofcourse
19:26:47 <dihedral> spoil sport
19:27:08 <TrueBrain> the one which makes me wonder: are people really THAT stupid?
19:27:14 <Rubidium> yes
19:27:28 <TrueBrain> hehe
19:30:19 <dihedral> hehe
19:36:04 <petern> there's only one?
19:36:14 <TrueBrain> lol :)
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19:38:34 <Butsejente> Hi, is there anyone who can tell me how to download tram"trucks"/ways ?
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19:40:02 <petern> click on the 'online content' button :D
19:40:12 <Butsejente> In the game?
19:40:19 <Butsejente> Yes.. I'm a newbie
19:41:35 <dihedral> there is only one button with that name ;-)
19:44:00 <Butsejente> I have the norwegian verson. Just had to look around, but think I understood this now, thank you so much!
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19:51:18 <Butsejente> How do you get them to function when downloaded?
19:57:19 <TrueBrain> "i can't install OTTD onto my acer aspire one, it uses linux linpus as the operating system and i don't know where to begin please help!" <- I love people :)
19:57:30 <Markk> :D
19:57:41 <Butsejente> Got it, sorry for boterhing you guys =) Thanks!
19:59:15 <TrueBrain> enjoy Butsejente :)
20:01:35 <Butsejente> Thank you so much! Love the tramrails =D
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20:22:37 <Spenglerr> hey
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20:23:43 <TrueBrain> how nice of him to visit us
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20:34:30 <Rubidium> how dare the call it nettalk6 if it isn't connected via IPv6...
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20:36:41 <TrueBrain> and so the obsesion of IPv6 continues :p
20:37:06 <Rubidium> ofcourse it does
20:38:02 <petern> ...
20:38:16 <petern> when do we switch off ipv
20:38:19 <petern> 4? :D
20:38:20 * Rubidium wonders when all ipv6 ranges will be given away
20:38:34 <TrueBrain> petern: lets do it now :)
20:38:51 <Rubidium> petern: we've tried it quite regularly and people complained about that
20:38:57 <petern> should be a long time
20:42:55 * TrueBrain tries to finish a few more steps of WT3 ..
20:43:42 <Wolf01> 'night
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20:49:08 <glx> TrueBrain: good idea ;)
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21:07:49 <CIA-9> OpenTTD: rubidium * r16059 /branches/0.7/src/ (17 files in 7 dirs): (log message trimmed)
21:07:49 <CIA-9> OpenTTD: [0.7] -Backport from trunk:
21:07:49 <CIA-9> OpenTTD: - Fix: Inconsistency between using NETWORK_NAME_LENGTH and NETWORK_CLIENT_NAME_LENGTH for the length of client names (r15988)
21:07:49 <CIA-9> OpenTTD: - Fix: [NewGRF] Abort production callback after 0x10000 iterations and show a messagebox blaming the NewGRF [FS#2787] (r15958)
21:07:51 <CIA-9> OpenTTD: - Fix: [NewGRF] Set callback_param1 (var 10) to 1 only when requested (r15957)
21:07:51 <CIA-9> OpenTTD: - Fix: Tooltip of detailed ratings window button showed wrong tip (r15943)
21:07:53 <CIA-9> OpenTTD: - Change: Harden string copying on places where it is possible (r16024)
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21:13:19 <CIA-9> OpenTTD: rubidium * r16060 /branches/0.7/src/ (11 files in 3 dirs): (log message trimmed)
21:13:19 <CIA-9> OpenTTD: [0.7] -Backport from trunk:
21:13:19 <CIA-9> OpenTTD: - Fix: Storing/loading some currencies failed due to inconsistent settings "tables" [FS#2826] (r16028)
21:13:19 <CIA-9> OpenTTD: - Fix: Usage of uninitialised memory when trying to build a random new industry, but there are no industrytypes to choose from (i.e. all appearance probabilities are zero) (r16027)
21:13:21 <CIA-9> OpenTTD: - Fix: "Build separate station" in the station picker would reuse deleted stations [FS#2818] (r16025)
21:13:21 <CIA-9> OpenTTD: - Fix: 32 bpp sprites in tars would also be shown in the list of heightmaps [FS#2817] (r16023)
21:13:23 <CIA-9> OpenTTD: - Fix: Sometimes the unregister "query" thread could be delayed so much that the
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21:20:20 <CIA-9> OpenTTD: rubidium * r16061 /branches/0.7/ (50 files in 4 dirs):
21:20:20 <CIA-9> OpenTTD: [0.7] -Backport from trunk:
21:20:20 <CIA-9> OpenTTD: - Fix: Non advanced vehicle list did not handle company switching correctly (r16054)
21:20:20 <CIA-9> OpenTTD: - Fix: Do not warn that crashed vehicles are getting old; upgrading them is impossible [FS#2740] (r16048)
21:20:21 <CIA-9> OpenTTD: - Fix: The currency abbreviation for the Romanian Leu is now RON [FS#774] (r16041)
21:20:21 <CIA-9> OpenTTD: - Fix: Dash was not able to run iconv detection (r16035)
21:20:23 <CIA-9> OpenTTD: - Fix: [NewGRF] Do not give "... Mines" as name to the station of oil rigs, or more general: do not add "... Mines" when the all of the cargoes are part of the liquid, passenger or mail classes [FS#2785] (r16029)
21:23:13 * TrueBrain finishes an other building block of WT3 (navigation!) and is going to find his bed
21:23:15 <TrueBrain> night all
21:23:36 <Rubidium> good luck searching
21:23:46 <Rubidium> please inform us about the quest tomorrow ;)
21:23:58 <TrueBrain> will do
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22:12:48 <Xaroth> WT3?
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22:22:53 <Xaroth> thar, preliminary layout for AutoTTD done :o
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22:38:24 <[wito]> Does the NewGRF callback for industries naming stations allow several possible names (in case the first one is taken (which might happen if several industries/town are enabled))?
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