IRC logs for #openttd on OFTC at 2009-04-07
00:05:57 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: smatz * r15965 /trunk/src/ (lang/czech.txt strgen/strgen.cpp strings.cpp): -Change: use recent Czech language for plural form (it has been official for years anyway)
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01:19:51 <jcranmer> allo?
01:20:09 <jcranmer> so I'm trying to install the OpenGFX for OpenTTD
01:20:28 <jcranmer> I've got the Debian version of openttd
01:20:31 <jcranmer> which is 0.6.3
01:21:05 <jcranmer> I got the OpenGFX tar and dumped it in /usr/shar/games/openttd/data
01:22:03 <jcranmer> but trying to run iopenttd complains about not finding the files
01:23:36 <jcranmer> trying the config or cmdline as given in readme doesn't work
01:23:51 <jcranmer> yet searching SVN implies that 0.6.3 is at least nightly r14527...
01:23:54 <jcranmer> what's wrong?
01:24:17 <glx> use 0.7.0
01:24:31 <jcranmer> whee, another time to get custom-compiled stuff
01:24:37 * jcranmer puts it on his todo-after-supper
01:24:48 <glx> and 0.6.3 is way older than r14527
01:26:22 <glx> <-- there you can get the debian package
01:26:29 <glx> for 0.7.0
01:26:50 <glx> no need to compile :)
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02:03:07 <jcranmer> no
02:03:12 <jcranmer> but I need to put it in my debs dir
02:03:20 <jcranmer> to get apt to shut up about it
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02:04:01 * jcranmer pauses
02:04:08 <jcranmer> lenny is the new stable
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02:06:05 <Sacro> jcranmer: we use branches, you cannot compare svn versions like that
02:06:55 <Sacro> also you don't use apt, you use dpkg
02:07:15 * jcranmer puts into his whatchamacallit
02:07:23 <jcranmer> my local debian file distribution
02:08:03 <jcranmer> I know I could just do dpkg -i
02:08:10 <jcranmer> but I'd rather not
02:09:30 <jcranmer> whee!
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05:00:32 <Smoky555> hi all :)
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05:12:04 <Smoky555> i have some question abiut compiling trunk in MSVS2005
05:12:37 <Smoky555> i have an errors :
05:12:39 <Smoky555> 3>..\src\network\core\address.cpp(88) : error C2065: 'AI_ADDRCONFIG' : undeclared identifier
05:12:39 <Smoky555> 3>..\src\network\core\address.cpp(237) : error C2065: 'IPV6_V6ONLY' : undeclared identifier
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05:50:21 <dgrim> Cheerio- has anyone reported difficulty in OS X trunk builds (for slightly more than the past week), before I file a bug?
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06:42:36 <dihedral> dgrim, what exactly?
06:43:12 <dgrim> I'm doing a binary search to figure out what version it happened in, but for the past (> than a week), I haven't been able to build the trunk
06:43:45 <dihedral> ok - i got that out of the first line you wrote
06:43:49 <dihedral> but what is the error
06:43:53 <dihedral> details ;-)
06:44:00 <dihedral> does not work <- that is not helpful!
06:44:20 <dgrim> yeah, sorry, I was waiting for the build to finish before I went looking for the error
06:44:23 <dgrim> it's a linker error:
06:44:23 <dihedral> and what kind of mac do you have ;-)
06:44:29 <dgrim> Undefined symbols:
06:44:30 <dgrim> "_select$1050", referenced from:
06:44:30 <dgrim> NetworkGameLoop() in network.o
06:44:30 <dgrim> ClientNetworkContentSocketHandler::SendReceive() in network_content.o
06:44:30 <dgrim> DedicatedHandleKeyInput() in dedicated_v.o
06:44:53 <dgrim> intel / mac pro 10.5.6
06:46:24 <TinoDidriksen> select() is undefined? Got the core dev libraries installed?
06:47:43 <dgrim> if you mean something other than the developer tools for OS X, possibly not
06:48:32 <petern> heh, select() isn't new
06:48:38 <dgrim> however, OpenTTD did build previously (somewhere between 15893 (bad) and 15890(good))
06:49:13 <dgrim> I'm still doing back-builds to see where it stops working, for my bug report
06:49:27 <TinoDidriksen> _select$1050 is the 10.5 specific version of select() it seems. Depends on the MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET and −mmacosx-version-min= values.
06:49:31 <Noldo> petern: it is somewhat new on minix :)
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06:50:50 <TinoDidriksen> And if those are empty, the latest is used, so empty would on 10.5.6 mean using _select$1050
06:51:36 <TinoDidriksen> You could modify the linker to have −mmacosx-version-min=10.4 and see if that works.
06:52:09 <dgrim> okay, 15891 works, but 15892 (and later) doesn't
06:53:33 <TinoDidriksen> Can also use environment; set MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=10.4 and compile again.
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06:56:41 <dgrim> indeed, that makes it happy with the current trunk (15965)
06:56:52 <dihedral> how are you trying to compile? with xcode?
06:57:00 <dgrim> make from the command line
06:57:05 <dihedral> ok
06:57:32 <dihedral> now that you compiled for 10.4, does it run?
06:57:52 <dgrim> yes, it does
06:57:56 <dihedral> good
06:58:10 <TinoDidriksen> That you're missing _select$1050 does suggest your setup is somehow corrupt or not up to date, though.
06:58:27 <dgrim> I'd expect all manner of things to break if that were the case
06:59:17 <dgrim> I suppose that the iphone devkit may have queered the install, but that doesn't explain why, if I go back to version 15891, it works
06:59:33 <TinoDidriksen> True
07:02:57 <dgrim> okay, so 15892, rubidium changed 2 lines: -Codechange: [OSX] some type fixes so OpenTTD likes more of the 3.1.x Xcodes.
07:03:15 <dgrim> guess I'll start by reinstalling my dev tools and see if it works itself out
07:04:36 <dgrim> thanks for the help in chasing this down
07:04:40 <Rubidium> interesting... so OSX 10.5 doesn't have the 10.5 select? OSX is getting weirder by the day...
07:05:08 <dgrim> yeah, that confuses me.. like I said, I'd expect all manner of things to break if it were lacking select
07:06:04 <Rubidium> 15909 doesn't solve your problem?
07:06:37 <dgrim> I don't think I specifically tested 15909
07:06:38 <Rubidium> Smoky555: install a newer platform SDK (Vista's one or newer)
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07:09:32 <petern> did you test after 15909?
07:10:20 <TinoDidriksen> He tested 15965
07:11:04 <dgrim> 15909 fails with the above error, everything I tried after 15891 fails with that error (until I set the MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET to 10.4)
07:11:29 <Rubidium> interesting
07:11:50 <Rubidium> I can make 10.5 64 bits binaries with 3.1.2 and it doesn't give me any linking errors
07:11:58 * dgrim is (painfully) downloading the devtools again, in the hopes of getting something unwedged
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07:12:44 <Rubidium> could be that I use a newer linker than 3.1.2 though
07:13:25 <dihedral> Rubidium, did you manage to have a look at the diff i sent you?
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07:15:04 <Rubidium> 92 libraries of my 3.1.2 SDK have select$1050 in them, so do you have installed xcode 3.1.2?
07:15:21 <Rubidium> dihedral: no
07:15:25 <dihedral> k
07:15:40 <dgrim> I've got what claims to be xcode 3.1, so I appear to be a couple of points behind
07:16:08 <dihedral> Rubidium, prefer me writing a bug report?
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07:33:07 <Rubidium> dihedral: have you tested that patch?
07:33:43 <Smoky555> Rubidium : i build this trunk, i get exe binary, but i change os_abstraction.h
07:33:52 <dihedral> Rubidium, yep ;-)
07:34:08 <Rubidium> your problem was sending the create company command twice causing an assert somewhere, right?
07:34:08 <dihedral> compared to other approaches i have had, this does not desync
07:34:26 <dihedral> the client would assert, however the server would create the company
07:34:44 <dihedral> i tried to stop the client from issuing the docommand, but failed
07:35:03 <Smoky555> i move
07:35:03 <Smoky555> #define AI_ADDRCONFIG 0x00000400
07:35:03 <Smoky555> #define IPV6_V6ONLY 27
07:35:03 <Smoky555> before
07:35:03 <Smoky555> #if !(defined(__MINGW32__) || defined(__CYGWIN__))
07:35:18 <dihedral> unless there is a way to update the company list in the toolbar_gui when one has joined another company
07:35:50 <dihedral> that would fix it client side, by simply redrawing the list
07:36:00 <Rubidium> dihedral: no it wouldn't
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07:36:07 <Rubidium> and neither would this patch
07:36:21 <dihedral> i tried it, a few times
07:36:30 <dihedral> with debug output telling me when the command was ignored
07:36:35 <dihedral> and it did succeed
07:36:50 <dihedral> in other cases i got a dsync or assert (client side)
07:37:06 <dihedral> and in those cases, the company would still be created on the server
07:38:11 <dihedral> would it be better to check the client_playas as storred on the server, rather than the value sent in the packet?
07:38:39 <Rubidium> dihedral: when you send the "new company"-command it doesn't change your company. That *ONLY* happens when you receive the command back. As long as you can send a command between sending the first and the executing it you will not fix it
07:38:47 <Rubidium> i.e. this patch doesn't fix it
07:39:08 <Rubidium> it just makes it less likely that you trigger it when you've got a short 'command' ping
07:39:16 <dihedral> ah
07:39:17 <dihedral> ok
07:39:57 <dihedral> what would you propose?
07:40:21 <Rubidium> no idea, need to have a good look at it and I can't quite be bothered to do that right now
07:40:27 <dihedral> i was hoping not to have to put the check in the company_cmd code
07:40:28 <Rubidium> ciao
07:40:38 <dihedral> ok
07:40:39 <dihedral> ;-)
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08:11:49 <dgrim> alas, updating to the latest xcode (3.1.2) did not help my select$1050 function become defined for the linker
08:12:40 <dgrim> but it's pretty clearly a problem on my end, so I'll poke at it in the morning. Thanks for the help!
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08:20:35 <TinoDidriksen> And you have a workaround solution if you're desperate to play, so overall a minor problem.
08:21:08 <dgrim> equally minor, if other people were hitting this, I can only imagine that there would be screaming
08:21:35 <petern> or possibly hardly anyone with OS X is compiling it...
08:21:46 <petern> happens just after a release
08:30:49 * dihedral compiles on os x :-P
08:30:53 <dihedral> but i have 10.4 ^^
08:30:55 <dihedral> G4
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09:56:17 <TrueBrain> Firefox crashes a lot when you use 'alert' a lot ..
09:57:21 <Zr40> at least you know what's causing it...
09:57:56 <Zr40> I've seen firefox throw internal errors when you're doing DOM manipulation
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10:00:48 <TrueBrain> and FF can keep on crashing if it crashed before :p
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10:51:26 <TrueBrain> who here uses IE7 and/or IE8?
10:54:26 <Forked> I have both available
10:54:33 <Forked> I don't really use them unless I have to :p
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11:36:42 <TrueBrain> thank you Forked!! :)
11:36:59 <Forked> no problem :)
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12:12:39 <bluser> a somewhat quick grf-question, why does this not disable the power on the wagons (added via prop 1B in the engine): -1 * 0 02 00 CF 81 C0 00 FF 02 C0 80 10 10 CE 00 36 36 CF 00 // CB10 and 36 + attach grapics
12:13:27 <bluser> hmm ... because im dumb enough to use C0 and not 0C perhaps *doh*
12:14:20 <bluser> hmm ... thats not it either
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13:15:15 <TrueBrain> any WT2 users here, which feel like contributing some ideas regarding WT2+?
13:15:23 <TrueBrain> (only ideas, not real implementation :p)
13:15:51 <Belugas> # We need LOVE AND PEACE!
13:15:57 <TrueBrain> we need you Belugas :)
13:17:44 <Belugas> WRONG!
13:17:50 <Belugas> My boss NEEDS me
13:17:54 <Belugas> soooo badly
13:18:47 <TrueBrain> poor Belugas :)
13:19:06 <Belugas> not so poor, my house is almost paid...
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13:19:24 <Belugas> just lke ... a little more than a year and a half!
13:19:27 <Belugas> maybe even less
13:19:33 <TrueBrain> :)
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13:19:45 <TrueBrain> morning glx
13:19:47 <TrueBrain> welcome to IPv6 :)
13:19:47 <glx> windows used the wrong NIC ;)
13:20:32 <Belugas> silly window. through the door!
13:20:40 <glx> I forgot to disable ipv6 for the NIC reserved for VMs
13:21:00 <TrueBrain> why not give them IPv6? :p
13:21:12 <glx> I mean tcp/ip service on it
13:21:28 <glx> so windows doesn't know it but it's connected
13:21:49 <glx> or the other way around ;)
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13:52:11 <DJNekkid> can anf nfo-specialists have a look at ?? im a bit stuck (in my eyes, quite advanced stuff) ...
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13:55:38 <DJNekkid> btw, back in a half or so hour...
13:57:47 * Forked pokes DJNekkid
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13:58:36 <Marcus82> yes! this is the right place if I can't make my TTD software work?!
13:59:00 <Yexo> that depends on what game you want to make work
13:59:06 <Marcus82> have bought the program from
13:59:07 <Yexo> this is the cnannel about OpenTTD
13:59:09 <TrueBrain> glx: would you have time to walk over a WT3?
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13:59:18 <glx> yes
13:59:21 <Marcus82> and want to run openttd
13:59:40 <Marcus82> but there is no AI when I start the game
13:59:41 <Yexo> Marcus82: are you using windows? Did you download the installer?
13:59:57 <glx> there's no AI in 0.7.0 by default :)
13:59:57 <Marcus82> Windows Vista
14:00:06 <Yexo> ah, in that case click on "Check online content" in the main menu and downlaod some AIs
14:00:10 <Marcus82> ahh, that's explains it
14:01:10 <Marcus82> any suggestion which I should take?
14:01:16 <petern> no no no
14:01:24 <petern> do not buy from classicgamingpresents
14:01:25 <petern> *sigh*
14:01:49 <petern> you have just paid money for an illegal download
14:01:50 <Marcus82> thought you had to have to original game to install openttd
14:01:57 <Marcus82> *sigh*
14:02:12 <petern> you do, but classicgamingpresents is not legitimate
14:02:23 <Marcus82> ohh ... :(
14:02:26 <petern> and if you're going to download it illegaly, you can do that for free
14:02:56 <Marcus82> done is done, to bad ... :(
14:03:09 <Marcus82> but they seames legit
14:03:17 <Patrick`> yes, they all do
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14:05:12 <glx> they just sell ttdpatch with illegal ttd ;)
14:05:36 <petern> um
14:05:40 <petern> sorry to break it like that :s
14:06:47 <Patrick`> yeah, you pretty much got had, sorry
14:07:04 <Patrick`> the people who own the copyright on the files don't even know they do ...
14:07:21 <Forked> this weeks special forum person is... dinkiy!?
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14:08:35 <Marcus82> But how do I play it now
14:08:51 <Marcus82> I install the TTD first, then the open TTD
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14:09:08 <Marcus82> start openTTD, download admiralAI
14:09:24 <glx> install openttd, copy ttd data files in mydocs\openttd\data
14:09:45 <Yexo> Marcus82: if you've downloaded an AI, just start a game
14:09:51 <Yexo> then wait a few years for one to start
14:10:03 <jonty-comp> and/or press the ` key and type "start_ai" in the console
14:10:04 <Yexo> note that you can disable AIs in the difficulty window, so check that if none arestarting
14:10:07 <jonty-comp> or is it "ai_start"?
14:10:12 <jonty-comp> I can't remember, I used it earlier
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14:10:13 <Yexo> it's "start_ai"
14:10:24 <Yexo> or "start_ai <ainame>" to start a specific AI
14:12:19 <Marcus82> what's was that about in my docs ?
14:16:36 <Yexo> if you can already start openttd, don't worry about it
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14:16:49 <Frostregen> Hm, about auto signal building: is there a way to auto-change the signals along the line to the (dragged) type+direction?
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14:17:09 <Yexo> if you have multiple installations of opentdd (several patches, a stable and a nightly, etc.) you can place all your data files in one central location
14:17:37 <Yexo> Frostregen: build one signal of the desired type+direction, then start the drag from that signal
14:17:51 <Frostregen> it stops on the first signal found
14:17:59 <Frostregen> no overwriting the existing ones
14:18:04 <Frostregen> (it once worked)
14:18:11 <Frostregen> 0.7
14:18:48 <Yexo> ah, then juse remove all exisitng signals first, then build new ones
14:19:08 <Frostregen> is there an auto-follow remove all?
14:19:22 <Yexo> yes, just drag with remove enabled
14:19:27 <Frostregen> ah, nice
14:19:28 <Yexo> with ctrl for auto-remove
14:20:08 <Frostregen> damn, just read it in the wiki :D
14:22:17 <Patrick`> ctrl needs to be renamed to "the magic button"
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14:22:39 <Forked> ctrl is now known as tmb ?
14:25:14 <Belugas> ctrl culd be known as thumb then
14:25:26 <Frostregen> thx, yexo
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14:28:37 <Marcus82> why doesn't the value of my company increase? not even the AI's company increases?
14:28:48 <Forked> do you still ahve a huge loan?
14:29:10 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: svnsync * r15966 /trunk/src/lang/ (50 files in 2 dirs): -Fix: over time, several incosistancies were not fixed by WT2. Take care of that now. Also introduce #textdir for all languages.
14:29:36 <TrueBrain> wrong account .. lol :p
14:29:46 <glx> who did it?
14:29:51 <TrueBrain> I did :)
14:29:59 <glx> hehe
14:30:03 <TrueBrain> somehow it took the local connection instead of the svn connection ..
14:30:33 <TrueBrain> oh well ... oops! :)
14:31:53 <TrueBrain> 172,116 translation strings ... 37,185 of old translation strings since 7787 .. 218 different contributors .. in 1,093 revisions (sinces 7787)
14:33:38 <Marcus82> Forked: Yeah, missed that, thanks!
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15:53:15 <DJNekkid> hmm :)
15:56:57 <DJNekkid> anyone got any idea on the problem i posted earlier?
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16:13:32 <Pikka> couldn't see anything obviously wrong, DJNekkid
16:13:53 <DJNekkid> so my thinking _should_ be correct?
16:14:01 <Pikka> what happens, does it just not disallow the connection?
16:14:22 <DJNekkid> exactly
16:14:22 <Pikka> do you want to post (or pm me) the whole chain, from action 3 to graphics?
16:16:18 <DJNekkid> pm'ed in tt-forums...
16:16:25 <DJNekkid> i can if that is easier?
16:16:52 <DJNekkid> there might be a few //'ed out lines here or there... things i've tried and not used, or things that is supposed to be used at some point
16:17:10 <DJNekkid> i might need to do some more comments?
16:17:22 <Pikka> *checks*
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16:22:02 <Pikka> nothing jumps out immediately...
16:22:13 <DJNekkid> hmmm...
16:23:22 <DJNekkid> as far as i can tell do i not need to add any "bits" to the callback property in the Action0 Either?
16:23:29 <Pikka> nope
16:24:25 <DJNekkid> there can only be 3 trains in the consist tho, but there can be infinate wagons
16:25:02 <Pikka> oh?
16:25:15 <Pikka> so it half works? now you tell me. :P
16:25:18 <DJNekkid> i thought i did test that earlier, but that seems to work now ...
16:25:24 <DJNekkid> lol, sorry...
16:25:52 <DJNekkid> hmm ... it's a step in the wright direction atleast :p
16:26:03 <glx> -w ;)
16:26:16 <TrueBrain> wrong ... right ... wright!
16:26:38 <DJNekkid> right :)
16:26:44 <Pikka> is there a reason the second count is done with 81 instead of 82?
16:27:07 <DJNekkid> "The 60+x parameter is the vehicle ID to look for, and the returned nn is the number of vehicles in the consist that have this ID. If used with var.action 2 type 81, only the current vehicle and onwards will be check, with var.action 2 type 82, all vehicles in the consist will be counted."
16:27:48 <DJNekkid> the clue is, max 4 wagons per doublehead, and max 3 of thoose all together
16:28:05 <Pikka> ah, hang on
16:28:21 <Pikka> are you building three doubleheads and /then/ adding the wagons? ;)
16:28:40 <DJNekkid> yes ...
16:28:42 <Pikka> if you already have the three doubleheads, the 05 FF range is met
16:28:56 <DJNekkid> well
16:29:03 <DJNekkid> im building a doublehead, 5 wagons
16:29:05 <DJNekkid> clone it
16:29:07 <DJNekkid> and try to attach
16:29:12 <Pikka> so it just does the A9 check that you're not adding more doubleheads. :P
16:29:34 <DJNekkid> now u lost me :)
16:30:06 <Pikka> okay, say you have 6 engines and are trying to add wagons to them
16:30:23 <Pikka> you add a wagon
16:30:25 <DJNekkid> i have one engine, add wagon to them
16:30:29 <Pikka> yeah
16:30:39 <Pikka> how many wagons can you add with only one engine, does it work?
16:30:50 <DJNekkid> not with the code i pasted to you
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16:31:00 <DJNekkid> there i can add as many wagons i want
16:31:04 <Pikka> hmm
16:31:26 <DJNekkid> if i change it to 82 at both places, i can add 4 wagons, but only four wagons, no matter how many engines i have
16:31:36 <Pikka> ahhh
16:31:59 <Pikka> I see what you're trying to do. you want only four wagons per doublehead? :P
16:32:00 <Forked> meep.
16:32:08 <DJNekkid> exactly
16:32:31 <Pikka> that's easily done, although you can't force the player to put them in the right order (ie, four wagons in each set, vs 8 in one and 0 in the other)
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16:32:55 <Pikka> ...although you /could/ stop the train leaving the depot if they're not in the right order I guess. ;)
16:33:15 <DJNekkid> now that would be a bit evil would it not?
16:33:15 <jonty-comp> mb did something like that in dbset didn't he?
16:33:26 <jonty-comp> made the graphics say "WRONG CONSIST!" all over them
16:33:27 * Pikka gets his code on :P
16:33:38 <DJNekkid> thats "easy" (atleast in theory)
16:33:39 <glx> canset does things like that too
16:33:44 <jonty-comp> or something that conveys the same message :P
16:33:48 * jonty-comp has not played canset before :(
16:33:56 <jonty-comp> I should try more of these sets
16:34:00 <DJNekkid> callback 31
16:34:06 <glx> (not graphics, but can't start)
16:34:18 <petern> jonty-comp, and everybody ignores, cos they're idiots
16:34:29 <jonty-comp> I want a train with big writing on
16:34:33 <petern> no doubt the next version (if there is one) will use the callback
16:35:18 <glx> hmm maybe it's not canset, but I know there's a trainset requiring brake van to start
16:35:22 <DJNekkid> well pikka, i guess i could grapichs chains on both engine and wagons ... but i still want the "need new engine for more wagons" thingy ... and i know it's possible, the NSB-set does it :)
16:35:47 <Pikka> NARS does it too, I'm modifying some NARS code for you now ;)
16:36:01 <Pikka> it should allow no other wagons, btw?
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16:37:31 <DJNekkid> yes, no other wagons
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16:43:28 <Pikka> hmm
16:43:47 <DJNekkid> not getting a satisfying result?
16:45:07 <Pikka> just hoping my code does what I think it does without testing it :P
16:45:18 <DJNekkid> hehe
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16:45:47 <Pikka> there, pm sent :P
16:47:30 <DJNekkid> oki... lets se if i understand it :)
16:48:51 <DJNekkid> hmmm...
16:50:01 <DJNekkid> xx is ... ?
16:50:12 <Pikka> the text id of your error message
16:50:25 <DJNekkid> oki :)
16:50:31 <Pikka> with the vvs pointing at it saying what error it is :P
16:50:32 <DJNekkid> thats what i thought
16:50:36 <DJNekkid> yes
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16:52:31 <DJNekkid> renum did not complain atleast :)
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16:52:37 <Pikka> :]
16:53:06 <Pikka> I think some of my calcs on the var 40 might not be quite right, it's late *brain hurts*
16:53:11 <Pikka> try it out and see what happens :o
16:53:57 <DJNekkid> the max number of heads works, but i still can connect infinate number of wagons
16:54:08 <Pikka> hmm
16:55:59 <Pikka> *thinks*
16:56:30 <DJNekkid> dont kill yourself now you hear me?
16:56:35 <DJNekkid> just to be on the safe side
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16:56:49 <DJNekkid> i dont have to run this thru the liveryover as well do i ?
16:56:55 <DJNekkid> livaryoverride
16:57:04 <Pikka> no
16:57:09 <Pikka> it should all be on the loco side
16:57:28 <Pikka> okay, try replacing the 1E sprite withhh...
16:57:37 <DJNekkid> hmm ...
16:57:38 <Pikka> 02 00 1E 82 40 70 FF 01 01 \2/ 60 3B 00 FF 01 FF FF 00 02 xx 80
16:57:50 <DJNekkid> i can only attach this or that many total ...
16:57:53 <DJNekkid> now that is wierd
16:58:07 <DJNekkid> with 3 engines attached, can i only have 7 wagons
16:58:29 <Pikka> I think my calculations were a bit screwy, sorry. I was basing it on a different loco's code...
16:58:48 <Pikka> just to clarify, you only want 4 wagons per 2 locos, yes?
16:59:03 <DJNekkid> 4 engines per dualhead ... so i guess, yes, two locos
16:59:06 <Pikka> yup
16:59:08 <DJNekkid> it's a 13 01 if u get my drift
16:59:29 <Pikka> okay, try ^^ that one instead of the sprite 1e I sent, see if it makes any difference
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17:01:24 <DJNekkid> well, it is almost there
17:01:31 <Pikka> almost?
17:02:01 <DJNekkid> i'll send the .grf and u can see for yourselves+
17:02:15 <DJNekkid> i can build infinate number of wagons if there is only one pair of engines
17:02:16 <Pikka> k D:
17:02:26 <Pikka> hmm
17:02:39 <DJNekkid> even with 2 pairs of engines
17:02:47 <DJNekkid> but once it's 3 pairs, it is limited
17:03:36 <DJNekkid> sent
17:06:22 <Pikka> ah, you use the same error message for both? ;)
17:06:58 <DJNekkid> its not supposed to be that no
17:07:05 <Pikka> erm
17:07:26 <Pikka> oh shi xD
17:07:37 <Pikka> change the 82 in the vehicle ID check to 81 :P
17:07:51 <Pikka> whoops, sorry :)
17:07:51 <petern> oh shi
17:07:53 <DJNekkid> E0 should be: Max number of Wagons, try adding more engines, E1 should be "Train is at max length"
17:08:06 <Pikka> your mum, petern
17:08:19 <DJNekkid> cID 11 ?
17:08:22 <Pikka> 02 00 11 82 C6 -> 02 00 11 81 C6
17:08:25 <Pikka> yup
17:08:47 <Pikka> checking the ID of the lead loco instead of the wagon being added was not helpful ^^; my bad
17:09:02 <DJNekkid> your bad!!! *some evil smily*
17:09:06 <DJNekkid> J/K!
17:09:41 <DJNekkid> anyway, now it works, and now i just gotta try to understand that thing "we" made just there
17:09:55 <Pikka> 02 00 1E 82 40 70 FF 01 01 \2/ 60 3B 00 FF 01 FF FF 00 02 xx 80 ? :)
17:10:40 <DJNekkid> well, basicly that line i guess :)
17:11:05 <DJNekkid> one of thoose "advanced var2"'s ive heard so much nice about, but never even tried to understand
17:11:06 <Pikka>
17:11:22 <Pikka> var 40 shifted by 10 gives us the train length -1
17:11:48 <Pikka> +20 an <operator> <variable> <varadjust> triple follows this <varadjust>
17:12:05 <Pikka> +40 This is a shift-and-add-divide adjustment
17:12:06 <DJNekkid> now there is only one problem left ... why my "disable wagon power" dont work as intended :)
17:12:52 <Pikka> gives us 40 70 FF 01 01 = AND FF, add 1 divide by 1, gives us the train length
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17:13:24 <Pikka> \2/ is the divide operator, then we check 60 3B 00 FF, which is the count of 3Bs in the train
17:13:55 <DJNekkid> CID 3B i understand perfectly :)
17:14:07 <DJNekkid> well, almost :)
17:14:08 <DJNekkid> hehe
17:14:10 <Pikka> ^^;
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17:14:26 <Pikka> hang on, I'll break down the advanced one in a pm for you. :P
17:14:35 <Pikka> disable wagon power doesn't work? :)
17:14:43 <DJNekkid> atleast i can mod it to other engines in the future, and at some point i will understand it :)
17:14:54 <DJNekkid> -1 * 0 02 00 CF 81 0C 00 FF 02 C0 80 10 10 CE 00 36 36 CF 00 // CB10 and 36 + attach grapics
17:15:02 <DJNekkid> should that not disable powered wagons?
17:15:07 <DJNekkid> C0 80 10 10
17:15:39 <DJNekkid> where C0 is x80 + x40 as saied in the action0 prop 22 entry
17:15:58 <petern> saiaiaiaiaieieieieieied
17:16:41 <DJNekkid> *spamming the channel*
17:17:29 <Pikka> that one goes in the wagon's chain, not the locos?
17:17:40 <Pikka> ie, in the graphic override for the wagon?
17:17:48 <DJNekkid> yes
17:18:01 <DJNekkid> and yes, i do have a 1E 01 in the wagon Action0
17:18:36 <Pikka> I've never really used powered wagons to be honest... :o
17:20:01 <DJNekkid> well, i do have an add power prop in the action 0 (prop 1B), and i want a certain sprite to add some extra power
17:20:52 <DJNekkid> if u see in the .grf i did send, wagon nr3 have a panto if it's a head-4wagons-head composition
17:20:57 <DJNekkid> and that wagon should ahve some power :)
17:21:18 <Pikka> right :o
17:22:01 <DJNekkid> if that made any sense
17:22:27 <Pikka> mmhm :o
17:22:45 <Pikka> does it make any difference if you put other values in that callback result? :P
17:22:59 <DJNekkid> not really :)
17:24:18 <Pikka> "not really"? you can't make them steam? :P looks like the cb isn't being called, then...
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17:24:55 <DJNekkid> or it failes somehow
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17:25:39 <petern> is there a mask bit that needs to be set for that one?
17:25:53 <DJNekkid> yes, and its set for both engine and wagon
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17:26:31 <DJNekkid> 1E 01
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17:30:15 <Black-men> hi all
17:30:44 <DJNekkid> in the NSB-set it chaines to this:
17:30:46 <DJNekkid> 1114 * 14 02 00 C0 81 41 08 FF 01 38 FF 00 00 C0 FF
17:31:08 <DJNekkid> 1116 * 14 02 ...... C0 00 10 10 .....
17:31:18 <Yexo> hello Black-men
17:32:18 <Black-men> :)
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17:35:33 <Pikka> I don't really know what the problem there is, DJ
17:35:44 <Pikka> pm sent breaking down the adv. 2, if that's any use. :P
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17:36:52 <Pikka> erm
17:37:05 <Pikka> "AND FF and 01 divide by 01" = AND FF /add/ 01 divide by 01. :P
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17:37:20 <DJNekkid> it's stored in my saved messages ...
17:37:28 <DJNekkid> and it is, imho quite complicated...
17:37:43 <Pikka> hehehe
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17:38:01 <Pikka> you can do powerful things with it though! :D
17:38:09 <DJNekkid> no doubt!
17:39:23 <DJNekkid> they dont even emit fumes...
17:39:28 <DJNekkid> or steam if i try that
17:39:29 <DJNekkid> hmmm
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17:40:18 <DJNekkid> and wagons dont support CB36/0B as far as i can tell
17:40:54 <Pikka> mmhm. since they don't use 0B in the first place.
17:41:00 <Black-men> ?
17:41:08 *** petern sets mode: +b *!*Crash_it@213.234.205.*
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17:41:19 <DJNekkid> aye
17:41:32 <glx> he made some progress ;)
17:41:46 <goodger> petern: wtf was that about? :/
17:42:09 <Prof_Frink> Who knows.
17:42:15 <DJNekkid> hmm, they actually do pikka
17:42:19 <glx> some russian text I guess
17:42:20 <petern> a russian who hasn't learned how to use utf-8, and, of course, that we wouldn't understand it anyway...
17:43:08 <DJNekkid> but, 255 power is not enough ...
17:43:13 <goodger> ah. I thought it might be someone implementing the recent fashion to replace each letter in an otherwise comprehensible string with a latin extended 1/2 variant of it
17:43:30 <Pikka> dj: afaia property 0B is what the game uses to decide if a vehicle is a wagon or locomotive?
17:43:53 <Pikka> I suspect if you use CB36 to change it, interesting things (tm) may happen with savegames and multiplayer. :P
17:44:08 <petern> cb36 values are never saved
17:44:15 <Pikka> :o
17:44:16 <Pikka> oh
17:44:22 <Pikka> in that case.. :P
17:44:33 <Pikka> however, I still don't know why cb10 isn't working for you
17:44:33 <petern> so yes
17:44:50 <DJNekkid> is it possible to a 85 and not 81 in a CB36's extra line?
17:44:51 <petern> you can cause all manner of mayhem by basing callback results on vehicle position or whatnot...
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17:46:03 <Pikka> yes DJ, but that won't help you much. :P you can return values greater than 255 anyway, but I think you'd be better off trying to do it "properly" and work out the cb10 issue
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17:46:48 <DJNekkid> hehe ... well, that is kinda my thoughts as well :)
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17:47:52 <DJNekkid> but: who is to say what is properly or not? :)
17:47:58 <Pikka> you can return values up to 0xEFF in callbacks like 36...
17:48:00 <Pikka> me!
17:48:02 <Pikka> and petern!
17:48:07 <DJNekkid> lol :)
17:48:19 <DJNekkid> oki, u win :)
17:48:41 <Pikka> I need to get some rest. :) bbl!
17:48:45 <Pikka> good luck!
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17:56:39 <TrueBrain> I dislike SpBot :p
17:56:47 <TrueBrain> he smells
17:58:41 <SpComb> you smell
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17:58:58 <TrueBrain> :'(
17:59:02 <TrueBrain> MAMMIE! He says I smell!!!
17:59:10 <TrueBrain> MAMMIE! Do that gasmask off and tell him I don't smell!
17:59:21 <Prof_Frink> Mummy?
17:59:28 <Prof_Frink> Are you my mummy?
17:59:39 <TrueBrain> I am NOT wrapped in paper
18:00:25 <Belugas> neither than mummies :)
18:00:46 <DJNekkid> now this is getting wierder and wierder
18:02:04 <Belugas> [13:43] <DJNekkid> oki, u win :) <--- YOU!!!
18:03:01 <DJNekkid> sorry, i'll try to spell more proper...
18:03:43 <Prof_Frink> DJNekkid: It makes sense if you've seen The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances.
18:04:05 <DJNekkid> not seen that one
18:04:41 <DJNekkid> but how can a CB36 value still be there, even tho i've recompiled the grf, quitted the game, etc...
18:04:54 <Belugas> thank you DJNekkid, your efforts are appreciated
18:05:25 <DJNekkid> just dont force me to type in capital I's all the time... thoose i NEVER will remember :)
18:06:10 <Prof_Frink> Not all the time, that would be silly.
18:06:27 <Prof_Frink> Just when it's a the only letter in the word.
18:06:37 <Prof_Frink> s/ a//
18:07:07 <petern> "don't"
18:07:23 <Belugas> as long as yu remember a simple rule : it's not the street, and there is other ways to impress people :D
18:07:27 <Belugas> you
18:07:34 <Belugas> are
18:07:37 * petern applies nivea like the big girl's blouse that he is
18:07:37 <Belugas> blaaaaa!
18:08:31 <DJNekkid> can i blame my hint of dyslecsia?
18:08:44 <DJNekkid> and english not my mothers tounge? :)
18:10:03 <DJNekkid> now that was wierd...
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18:10:40 <DJNekkid> -1 * 0 02 00 CE 81 10 00 FF 02 \b91 80 14 14 \b51 80 16 16 00 FF <--- if i change the last digits to FF FF, it actually adds 255 power to the wagon
18:11:33 <petern> dyslexia
18:11:35 <petern> tongue
18:11:39 <petern> mother's
18:11:43 <petern> ;)
18:12:06 <Sacro> weird
18:12:07 <frosch123> DJNekkid: that is downward compatible stuff. FFxy is treated as 00xy
18:12:14 <frosch123> err 80xy
18:12:37 <frosch123> you can return FEFF as maximum, or return a FFFF as computed result
18:13:01 <DJNekkid> oki... anyway... i fixed the bug :)
18:13:32 <DJNekkid> now to my other issue :)
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18:30:31 <DJNekkid> is it possible to have more then 1 additional purchase textline, with the usage of more then 1 text ID ?
18:31:12 <DJNekkid> or do i need like i've done in the 2cc set, have all text in one ID, with linebreaks?
18:37:13 <frosch123> currently it does not support textstack
18:37:15 <frosch123> so currently no
18:38:11 <frosch123> howver, if you provide a test newgrf, that might be a five minute feature
18:39:34 <planetmaker> I've a coding style question: for (i=0; i<5; j+=5, i++); or rather for (i=0; i<5; j+=5, i++) {};
18:39:34 <frosch123> <- i.e. you could use stringcode 80 and write the stringid into registers 0x100 and following
18:40:10 <Rubidium> neither, though the latter is better
18:40:25 <DaleStan> planetmaker: Why not "j+=25;" ?
18:40:25 <Rubidium> but the semi-colon isn't needed there
18:40:47 <planetmaker> DaleStan: it's an example :)
18:40:50 <Rubidium> DaleStan: cause then you can't guesstimate bogomips?
18:40:58 <planetmaker> not something I want to use it this way.
18:41:37 <frosch123> I would prefer "for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {\n j += 5;\n}
18:41:42 <planetmaker> the question rather concerns: terminate with ; or with {};
18:41:52 <Noldo> or {}
18:42:08 <DaleStan> Definitely not the second; there's a superfluous semicolon there.
18:42:10 <planetmaker> hm... that's an alternate solution. If that's preferable, I'll use that, frosch123 - thanks
18:42:33 <Noldo> what would it look like as a while?
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18:43:09 <petern> hurr, ttd music w/ fluidsynth
18:43:30 <petern> just needs a dual core cpu :o
18:43:34 <planetmaker> frosch123: as I like that most, too, I guess, I'll go by that :)
18:45:08 <petern> although... maybe 10-20% cpu is better than timidity's usage
18:45:29 <petern> and it doesn't skip when scrolling the map
18:45:46 <frosch123> he, admiral passed town vector
18:46:06 <petern> ?
18:46:15 <frosch123> on bananas stats
18:46:23 <petern> ah
18:46:30 <petern> obviously... :p
18:47:19 <frosch123> but that means that less people download everything
18:48:05 <planetmaker> it's meanwhile too much in order to download everything.
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18:48:19 <planetmaker> especially many things I'd never use :)
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18:52:47 *** Wolf01 has joined #openttd
18:52:54 <Wolf01> hello
18:58:08 <el_en> Wolf01 is unaffected.
18:58:40 <Forked> by the evil plague that is all over irc?
18:59:31 <Wolf01> I'm ill
19:00:13 <el_en> Forked: ah, so you haven't been following the news.
19:00:51 <Forked> oh.. italia and the earthquakes. I just didn't look at the TLD Wolf01 has
19:01:03 <Forked> and I'm sure most people in Italy are affected.. one way or another
19:01:32 <SHRIKEE> hi all
19:01:43 <SHRIKEE> i've just put on openttd 0.7
19:01:49 <SHRIKEE> now its babbling about missing grf's
19:01:50 <Wolf01> I'm at 600km from the area, so didn't feel it
19:01:56 <SHRIKEE> is there a way to see which one s it misses?
19:03:12 <Forked> SHRIKEE: .. at the bottom there it lists the files you need from the original TTD
19:03:37 <SHRIKEE> yea i have those
19:03:40 <SHRIKEE> thats not the problem either
19:03:47 <SHRIKEE> i have added some custom ones from the site
19:03:52 <SHRIKEE> i think its complaining about that
19:03:58 <SHRIKEE> i've updated from 0.6.3
19:04:05 <Forked> it does not say what file(s) it want?
19:04:09 <SHRIKEE> nop
19:04:17 <SHRIKEE> just that some are missing and the game freezes when i unpause
19:04:33 <Rubidium> SHRIKEE: open the "newgrf settings" window
19:04:47 <SHRIKEE> ok, im there
19:04:49 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: rubidium * r15968 /trunk/src/network/core/ (address.cpp address.h): -Codechange: do not allocate a buffer for NetworkAddresses so passing it around is easier.
19:04:53 <SHRIKEE> it lists the 4 i use
19:04:59 <SHRIKEE> but aparantly doesnt load them?
19:05:05 <Rubidium> some are red
19:05:10 <SHRIKEE> no, all black
19:05:25 <Rubidium> uhm, there's a red dot for some of them
19:05:32 <SHRIKEE> all blue
19:05:35 <SHRIKEE> little squares
19:05:53 <Rubidium> the I've got absolutely no clue
19:05:57 <SHRIKEE> hmm
19:05:59 <SHRIKEE> thanks anyway :)
19:06:14 <Rubidium> I guess a screenshot of the error message would be more meaningful
19:06:22 <SHRIKEE> thats an id
19:06:24 <SHRIKEE> idea
19:06:48 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: rubidium * r15969 /trunk/src/network/ (7 files in 2 dirs): -Codechange: make the list of broadcast addresses virtually unlimited.
19:08:12 <el_en>
19:08:57 <Forked> it's poseidon!
19:10:07 <SHRIKEE> Rubidium: first i see this, directly on loading the game
19:10:08 <SHRIKEE>
19:10:16 <SHRIKEE> then this when i want to unpause:
19:10:32 <SHRIKEE> click for a larger image ofcourse
19:11:18 <Rubidium> SHRIKEE: and the list of NewGRFs?
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19:11:32 <SHRIKEE> from the settings menu you mentioned?
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19:12:16 <SHRIKEE>
19:12:43 <SHRIKEE> and, i'm on a mac, maybe thats relevant
19:13:21 <Rubidium> the list of NewGRFs in game
19:13:28 <Rubidium> not in the intro menu ;)
19:13:31 <SHRIKEE> oh
19:13:33 <SHRIKEE> err
19:13:48 <SHRIKEE> aha!
19:13:52 <SHRIKEE> the trams set is missing
19:13:56 <SHRIKEE> red thingy
19:14:02 <Rubidium> that one's missing
19:14:14 <SHRIKEE> the generictrams one
19:14:23 <petern> so download it
19:14:26 <SHRIKEE> can i just include it from the 0.6.3 version?
19:14:30 <Rubidium> click on the check online content below
19:14:34 <Rubidium> and download it ;)
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19:14:43 <SHRIKEE> oh right
19:14:58 <Forked> :-)
19:15:20 <SHRIKEE> hey thats neat
19:15:24 <SHRIKEE> that download thing
19:15:25 <SHRIKEE> :D
19:15:42 <Rubidium> it will only work when the author has uploaded his NewGRF though ;)
19:15:54 <SHRIKEE> yea like a repository
19:15:59 <SHRIKEE> Rubidium: thanks so much :D
19:16:02 <SHRIKEE> it works now
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19:52:13 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: rubidium * r15970 /trunk/src/network/core/ (address.cpp address.h): -Codechange: make it possible to resolve a single address into multiple sockets.
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20:27:25 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: rubidium * r15971 /trunk/src/network/ (7 files in 2 dirs): -Codechange: make it possible for UDP socket handlers to bind to multiple sockets.
20:37:52 <Wolf01> 'night
20:37:57 <el_en> n, w
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20:53:05 <Moriarty> Hehehe - " Discussion of realism is now a quietable offence"
20:54:00 <Moriarty> I forgot my bananas password and was wondering if someone could reset it. I PM'd truebrain a few days ago but he appears to be MIA
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20:56:31 <Moriarty> Hmmmm
20:57:06 <Yexo> Rubidium: can you do that^^
20:57:18 <Moriarty> I can? How? :-S
20:57:25 <Moriarty> Oh right, I'm a cretin. :-D
20:57:40 <Moriarty> (new IRC client is my excuse ;-) )
21:00:19 <Belugas> hin hin hin
21:00:22 <Belugas> new brai too?
21:00:25 <Belugas> ouaaaaa!!!!
21:00:42 <Belugas> Yexo, by the way... hello!
21:00:50 <Yexo> hello Belugas
21:01:06 <Belugas> and i'm sorry to see that you totallt missed the point. but..
21:01:11 <Belugas> YOU DID NOT!!!
21:01:20 <Belugas> damned richk
21:01:41 <Yexo> let him post what he want
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21:02:16 <Yexo> sure, airports are different, but so are docks
21:02:30 <Yexo> and the only thing that patch does it making airports more special
21:03:47 <Belugas> and it would be futile in my mind
21:03:58 <Belugas> it's just a fixation of his
21:05:14 <Yexo> what would be futile, closing airports or modular airports? Or something else?
21:05:18 <Yexo> I don't think I follow you
21:05:34 <petern> what?
21:08:33 <petern> did i miss something? :s
21:10:09 <petern> oh, i see
21:10:14 <petern> he posted
21:13:10 <petern> anything of his :o
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21:13:28 <petern> and yes, closing other station types makes sense to me
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21:14:38 <petern> (grrr, fucking stupid hardcoded extra airports)
21:15:02 <Yexo> I've just written him a reply
21:15:04 <Rubidium> flame DV ;)
21:15:54 <petern> the original additions were fine :p
21:16:04 <petern> double standards me
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21:19:37 <Rubidium> Yexo: just ignore those people who don't want to go the 'extra mile' to get it into trunk
21:19:58 <Rubidium> (unless you want it yourself, but then you most likely code it from scratch anyway)
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21:20:01 <Yexo> Rubidium: sure, but he had a point that no reply was given at all
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21:20:19 <Yexo> I started an attempt to rewrite it myself, but it's not worth the effort for me
21:20:28 <Yexo> I like the idea, but I've better things to code :)
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21:23:12 <Belugas_Gone> And i totally forgot
21:23:21 <Belugas_Gone> as i forgot once more that it's late
21:23:24 <Belugas_Gone> night all
21:23:53 <Rubidium> night Belugas
21:24:10 <Yexo> night Belugas
21:30:27 <petern> stuck in the office
21:30:35 <petern> he'll have to work on ottd all night ;)
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21:48:18 <Patrick`> augh, I feel like I'm going round in circles with openttd
21:48:34 <Patrick`> I always do the same boring things - connect industries in a tree
21:48:53 <Yexo> come play a competition in #coopetition :)
21:53:58 *** Nite_Owl has joined #openttd
21:53:58 <Patrick`> don't have time to keep up with people
21:54:02 <Patrick`> a little bit here, a little bit there
21:54:19 <Nite_Owl> Hello all
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