IRC logs for #openttd on OFTC at 2009-03-31
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00:57:35 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: rubidium * r15905 /trunk/src/network/network_chat_gui.cpp: -Fix (r15424): chat completion got called twice causing tab completion to seemingly fail
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03:02:39 <eMjay88> lol, crashed firefox with an xml file :S
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06:32:03 <dihedral> mornings
06:32:24 <Forked> mmmmm.. bacon.
06:33:51 <Yexo> good morning
06:38:39 *** Yeggzzz is now known as Yeggs-work
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06:57:17 <dihedral> <- you might want to change the url used for from to ;-)
06:57:21 <dihedral> check for yourself :-D
06:59:08 <petern> no, it should be irc://irc...
06:59:17 <petern> hmm
06:59:20 <petern> or something
06:59:24 <petern> the previous link is :o
06:59:58 *** KingJ is now known as kingj
07:03:37 <dihedral> the link to the channel ist, the link that used to redirect (or hold the contents of) currently points to, which is the trac site of the donator for that server :-D
07:06:53 <Forked> don't forget the grin at the end :p
07:08:48 <petern> ist!
07:34:13 <welshdragon> petern is correct
07:35:27 <dihedral> ...?
07:35:33 <dihedral> welshdragon, that just made sense!
07:35:53 <welshdragon> pfft
07:36:03 * welshdragon always makes sense
07:39:28 <dihedral> ...?
07:39:35 <dihedral> yeah.... NO
07:44:06 *** maristo has quit IRC
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08:01:39 *** OwenS has joined #openttd
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08:27:03 <dihedral> a Vikthor
08:27:11 <dihedral> uh - a late comment ^^
08:27:18 <Vikthor> hi
08:28:45 *** OwenS has quit IRC
08:35:03 <planetmaker> good morning
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08:40:57 <dihedral> oi
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08:59:38 <petern> OI!
08:59:39 <petern> YOU!
08:59:42 <petern> GET OFF MY LAWN!
09:00:57 <petern> urgh
09:01:14 <petern> anyone know how to turn off dynamic contrast on a viewsonic va2216w?
09:01:23 <petern> (i have no browser to look it up currently)
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09:48:34 <Ammler> rss/atom feeds point to wrong url:
09:49:01 <Ammler> Hello all, btw. :-)
09:49:10 <Forked> morning =)
09:49:22 <Ammler> example: http://cherokee/openttd/trunk.hg/rev/187271860388
09:49:35 * Forked compiles the latest drive through depots patch
09:51:04 <Ammler> (it worked before as I used the rss feed of cargodest...)
09:52:05 <racetrack> Forked: you're too fast :)
09:52:11 <racetrack> well, not _too_
09:52:17 <Forked> it's done.. so good :p
09:52:23 <racetrack> hah
09:52:29 <racetrack> I have to be sure about it before I upload is all :P
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09:52:50 <Forked> I can hold posting a win32 binary
09:53:06 <racetrack> no its good! I'm happy with the patch!
09:53:17 <racetrack> sorry, that came off the wrong way, and now I read back over it I'm not exactly sure what I meant
09:53:25 <Forked> :-)
09:53:39 <Forked> I have a topic reply notification on the thread :p
09:53:41 <racetrack> but its good that you do the builds, thank you :)
09:53:41 <racetrack> phew
09:53:49 <racetrack> haha
09:54:29 <racetrack> are you actually using the patch in-game, or just watching?
09:54:32 <racetrack> I need more feedback
09:54:37 <racetrack> particularly on road depots
09:55:13 <Forked> I havne't had any playtime lately.. work and we're in the "trying to buy a house" phase right now
09:55:50 <racetrack> yep, hear that
09:56:09 <racetrack> I poke at code on the bus, but don't really get any time to play. for us its work and "having another kid" :P
09:57:14 <Forked> but I really like the idea behind this patch and how much it will affect my gameplay when I do have time.. so I try to do something to help
09:57:39 <racetrack> I do appreciate that, thanks
09:58:01 <racetrack> hey devs, what's the criteria for getting a feature patch into trunk?
09:58:25 <petern> rule 1) don't ask questions like that
09:58:59 <racetrack> why is that?
09:59:16 <Yexo> rule 2) at least one dev has to like it enough to review the patch
09:59:20 <Forked> no bugs, codingstyle being correct and.. uh.. stuff.. :)
09:59:56 <Yexo> rule 3) it needs to add gameplay that fits openttd
10:00:20 <Yexo> rule 4) as Forked says, no bugs, correct codestyle
10:00:46 <racetrack> yeah I can guess at things like correct style, no bugs, enough testing, etc. mostly just looking to see if there's an official process or an ad-hoc one
10:01:07 <racetrack> Yexo: "gameplay that fits openttd" is that defined anywhere, or just based on the vibe of it from years of experience?
10:01:12 <racetrack> which would be totally cool
10:01:20 <Yexo> that's based on the feeling of the devs :p
10:01:37 <racetrack> yep makes sense
10:01:39 <Forked> rule 5) post the patch to flyspray?
10:01:53 <dihedral> racetrack, it's defined in the forums, see 'suggestions' :-D
10:02:16 <Yexo> but that means: no war themes at all, no major economic changes that only add economic gameplay, probably more
10:02:26 <racetrack> dihedral: ahh ok ...
10:02:26 <Yexo> Forked: that's not exactly necesary
10:02:41 <Yexo> it can help to get the attention of some devs though
10:02:44 <racetrack> Yexo: yeah the usual rule wherever you go .. "don't be an idiot"
10:03:15 <Yexo> racetrack: that sums it up pretty nicely :)
10:03:36 <Forked> orudge: thankyouthankyouthankyou for increased attachment file size limit :-)
10:03:38 <dihedral> Forked, the move patch development as of december never saw fs or forums
10:03:54 <racetrack> my intention was to finish the features, clear the last bugs, fix up the style bits that I haven't got around to, basically finish the patch, then post it to flyspray along with some kind of adhoc design/rationale for various decisions I made, and then wait
10:04:17 <dihedral> last *known bugs ;-)
10:04:18 <racetrack> and if no response after a few days I'd be prodding here
10:04:18 <racetrack> and go from there
10:04:18 <racetrack> sound reasonable?
10:04:23 <Forked> it was just a guess .. "to better capture the attention of someone who might ahve interest" :)
10:04:32 <racetrack> dihedral: of course ;)
10:04:33 <dihedral> racetrack, prodding here is counter productive
10:04:50 <Yexo> racetrack: that sounds good
10:04:54 <Yexo> dihedral: that's not always true
10:04:57 <dihedral> no ^^
10:05:00 <dihedral> not always :-D
10:05:03 <racetrack> Yexo: thanks :)
10:05:20 <dihedral> Yexo, saying it's true will make him happy - he'll come back to you as soon as he thinks his patch is ready
10:05:28 <dihedral> and say... "but Yexo said..."
10:05:38 <racetrack> heh
10:05:43 <racetrack> see "don't be stupid"
10:05:49 <Yexo> if you have to it generally means there is no dev with a lot of interest (or you would have gotten a reply), so in that case some proddingmight be necesary
10:06:16 <dihedral> also true
10:07:06 <racetrack> I'm making a real effort to get all of the legwork out of the way first. I've been on the other side enough to know what would piss me off. in stuff I've been core dev for, if you hassle me with vague handwaving you get ignored pretty quick. if you poke me because I forgot to look at your incredibly detailed email with all the trimmings, then you get love and a thousand sorries
10:07:16 <racetrack> Yexo: yep, understood
10:08:09 <Noldo> why is it that I don't have time to code anymore :(
10:10:00 <Forked> hah
10:10:39 <Forked> dj nekkid talking about how I should be at work doing workstuff..
10:11:37 <Yexo> racetrack: from a very quick scan your code looks ok, didn't spot any obvious codestyle issues, and you seem to have enough (and clear comments)
10:11:44 <Yexo> didn't read all the code though
10:12:08 <racetrack> Yexo: tells me I'm on the right track, cheers
10:12:09 <Yexo> oh, and you need to bump the savegame version because of a bump in trunk r15893)
10:12:23 <racetrack> whoops missed that one
10:12:30 <racetrack> Forked: see, told you you're too quick :)
10:12:31 <racetrack> thanks
10:12:33 * racetrack makes it so
10:12:43 <Forked> I'll tear it down and recompile :)
10:12:57 <Yexo> having said that, your patch is pretty big, and big patches = long time to review = needs to be more interesting before someone starts reviewing it
10:13:01 <racetrack> wait a sec till I get an update
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10:13:30 <racetrack> Yexo: yeah .. it can be broken it up a bit if necessary, I'd be writing about that in the design bit when it hits flyspray
10:14:23 <Yexo> my advise is: if you can break it up, do it know and maintain the patch as a patch queue (with whatever tool you like most for that)
10:14:31 <Yexo> s/know/now/
10:14:48 <dihedral> ^^
10:17:24 <racetrack> Forked: go for it
10:17:36 <racetrack> Yexo: ok I'll look into it
10:18:09 <petern> tip, don't ever pester the devs
10:18:22 <Forked> racetrack: 62a837265193c95ebe6647de359f43ba *drive-through-depots.r15905.diff ? (md5)
10:18:29 <petern> feel free to talk on channel about changes, improvements, etc, that you make, however.
10:19:30 <racetrack> Forked: yes
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10:19:44 <Forked> goodie.. compiling ai/ai_instance.cpp
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10:20:24 <racetrack> petern: by "don't pester" do you mean "don't even ask" or "don't follow them home and throw rocks at their window to get their attention"?
10:20:30 <racetrack> :)
10:20:40 <racetrack> if you mean don't get on at them, then sure
10:20:54 <racetrack> if you mean I can't even ask once other avenues are exhausted, then wtf?
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10:22:24 <dihedral> racetrack, you'll find out if you pester them ^^
10:22:32 <racetrack> :o
10:23:13 <dihedral> hehe
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10:36:22 *** luso has joined #openttd
10:36:28 <luso> hello
10:36:44 <luso> many time a go i play in open ttd one version
10:37:01 <luso> that we can rent the train lines to the others competititors
10:37:13 <luso> someone know what is that version?
10:37:46 <Yexo> I have no idea which version you played, but it sounds like infrastructure sharing
10:37:50 <Yexo> there is a patch in the forums
10:38:15 <Yexo> or check <- Aali: that's the channel, right?
10:39:13 <luso> yes, that is infrastructure sharing
10:39:43 <luso> i had idea that is a version, not a patch... but had ben many time a go
10:39:50 <luso> i go serch in the forum
10:39:52 <luso> thanks
10:39:58 <Yexo> it was never in an official release
10:40:06 <luso> correct
10:40:09 <Yexo> patch/version, all the same
10:40:16 <luso> i remember that isnt a offical
10:41:02 <dihedral> wow - google seems to have improved it's translator :-D
10:41:14 <luso> true :)
10:41:53 <luso> ok, bye people
10:41:56 <luso> thanks
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11:40:56 * lobster_MB stumbles into #openttd bearing a question
11:42:06 <dihedral> spit it out
11:42:15 <dihedral> or does it take a minute to write? ^^
11:42:33 <dihedral> if it does take you that long to write, perhaps forums or fs is a better idea :-D
11:44:12 <lobster_MB> sorry, was on the other Mac for a bit
11:44:41 <lobster_MB> i was wondering, how's this entire tar file thing working?
11:44:46 <lobster_MB> are they alike grf files?
11:45:17 <KenjiE20> tar = tarball = compression format (think .zip)
11:45:47 <KenjiE20> the grf is compressed inside it
11:45:57 <petern> argh
11:45:59 <petern> fucking hell
11:46:18 <petern> they really do think this unspecific job is a 5 minute 'done and dusted' set up :/
11:46:48 <Forked> same thing as yesterday?
11:46:51 <FauxFaux> A very inefficient compression format. Guaranteed to be larger than the input. ¬_¬
11:46:53 <petern> yeah
11:46:59 <petern> or whenever it was
11:47:06 <petern> i've been given some more information now
11:47:14 <lobster_MB> thanks, KenjiE20
11:47:19 <KenjiE20> np
11:47:22 <petern> basically an email from a colleague answering their questions about our API...
11:47:25 * lobster_MB looks into the 32bpp stuff
11:47:27 <petern> which is somehow the spec
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11:47:53 <Forked> ..oki
11:48:15 <petern> of course
11:48:29 <petern> now i'll be in the shit for questioning them
11:50:03 <Aali> .tar is not a compression format
11:50:09 <Aali> its an archive format
11:51:02 <KenjiE20> oh, my bad
11:51:16 <Rubidium> for tapes ;)
11:51:50 <planetmaker> [13:46] <FauxFaux> A very inefficient compression format. Guaranteed to be larger than the input. ¬_¬ <-- tar is actually NO compression format. It's just concatening all files into one.
11:52:05 <planetmaker> doh... too slow ;)
11:52:22 <FauxFaux> Well done. :P
11:53:00 <planetmaker> the big difference is data security IMO :)
11:53:20 <planetmaker> broken bits in one place guarantee to not break another file within the archive.
11:54:23 <TinoDidriksen> If that's your concern, zip is better since it at least does CRC to detect such breakage.
11:56:02 <FauxFaux> There's many much smarter ways to deal with that problem.
11:56:43 <TinoDidriksen> Definitely. par2 is excellent.
11:56:43 <FauxFaux> Wikipedia: convolution code / block code, ways to add redundancy.
11:57:11 <FauxFaux> So you add 10% to your filesize, after removing 20% due to lzma compression, and still have far more redundancy than before.
11:57:47 <FauxFaux> *meeting*
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12:03:42 <dihedral> KenjiE20, tar does not have compression!!!
12:04:01 <dihedral> ^^
12:04:20 <Rubidium> tar in OpenTTD isn't even about compression
12:04:37 <Rubidium> it's about easily and cheaply! accessing the file repeatedly
12:05:12 <dihedral> else it would not be simple tar ^^
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12:45:33 <dihedral> Non-authoritative answer:
12:45:33 <dihedral> name =
12:45:35 <dihedral> HAHA
12:47:48 *** Hendikins|SRA412 is now known as Hendikins
12:47:53 <TinoDidriksen> But it's not 1-1, so the IRCd won't show that.
12:48:45 <dihedral> it is none the less quite amusing ^^
12:48:49 <dihedral> at least to me ^^
12:51:17 <dihedral> UFO64, you like Chris Brown?
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12:54:56 <UFO64> pardon?
12:55:05 <UFO64> who is chris brown
12:56:18 <TinoDidriksen> Musician
12:58:30 <petern> urgh
12:58:32 <eQualizer> He likes to beat up other people
12:58:42 <petern> walked to shops
12:58:43 <petern> knackered
12:59:24 <dihedral> eQualizer, ??
13:00:00 <eQualizer> Chris Brown
13:00:24 <dihedral> ah :-)
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13:33:02 <Belugas> hello
13:33:18 <Forked> greetings
13:36:28 <petern> pom te pom
13:36:31 <dihedral> hey Belugas
13:40:29 <Belugas> hello Forked, petern, dihedral as well as the silent mojority
13:40:34 <Belugas> lol
13:40:36 <Belugas> majority
13:40:55 <Belugas> mister mojo rising!
13:51:01 <FauxFaux> Mojitority.
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14:02:00 <welshdragon> hmm
14:02:10 <welshdragon> new feature for 1.0.0: diagonal roads?
14:02:15 <welshdragon> :P
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14:11:46 <Belugas> honestly? wow...
14:11:57 <Belugas> i was not aware you could code, welshdragon ;)
14:12:07 <Belugas> nor draw... by the way :D
14:12:14 <welshdragon> Belugas: i can dtraw
14:12:20 <welshdragon> *draw
14:12:31 <welshdragon> code i cannot
14:13:33 <TinoDidriksen> Proud of you, Yoda would be.
14:15:05 <welshdragon> hehe
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14:18:52 <EoD> hm, openttd isn't ipv6 compatible
14:18:54 <EoD> Did someone try to make OpenTTD IPv6 compatible before?
14:19:16 <TinoDidriksen> Should be simple to do...
14:19:37 <Belugas> how easy it is to say that...
14:19:52 <Belugas> EoD, yes, somebody tried
14:19:58 <EoD> did it work?
14:20:15 <Belugas> SpComb did it , i think. no, i don't think it did
14:20:24 <EoD> where was the problem?
14:20:30 <Belugas> ask him
14:20:40 <Belugas> i'v got a very small memery
14:20:56 <EoD> ^^ i'll ask him if he comes online
14:21:16 <Belugas> or search on forums, i'm pretty sure it's where it happened
14:21:19 <Belugas> why, you can code?
14:21:23 <Belugas> you think you can do that?
14:21:31 <Belugas> and what wuld it brings to OpenTTD?
14:21:39 <Belugas> and i do not care, honestly
14:22:00 <EoD> i have a basic idea of coding; i don't really think i can do it, but i'll give it a try
14:22:31 <EoD> I have no IPv4 connection at the university, but IPv6 and we tried to play OpenTTD there ;)
14:22:58 <EoD> (i have only private ipv4 networks at the university, so no access from one computer to another or to "the outside")
14:23:38 <Rubidium> the major problem is that the masterserver isn't/won't be IPv6 capable in the near future
14:23:58 <EoD> why
14:24:00 <EoD> ?
14:24:01 <Rubidium> as the costs for IPv6 would be too high
14:24:10 <Rubidium> costs in financial terms
14:24:26 <EoD> Is this your own server?
14:24:40 <TinoDidriksen> You can tunnel ipv4 over ipv6, and inversely. Easy to get that set up.
14:24:41 <SpComb> EoD: it did work
14:24:42 <EoD> I can offer you IPv6 connectivity (for free of course)
14:25:00 <EoD> at least for testing
14:25:14 <EoD> SpComb: Do you have a working IPv6 copy of openttd?
14:25:30 <Rubidium> there's the problem... unreliability
14:25:34 <SpComb> uh, somewhere, and very outdated
14:25:41 <Rubidium> depending on external sources
14:25:56 <EoD> actually, depending on SixXS
14:27:40 <SpComb> hrmph, although it's actually on a host that's down
14:28:09 <glx> IPv4 is theorically accessible with IPv6 IIRC
14:28:16 <SpComb> EoD: implementing the basic IPv6 stuff wasn't that difficult, but that was just the first 10%, the rest of it was harder
14:29:08 <glx> else you couldn't browse the net ;)
14:29:28 <SpComb> it wouldn't be too hard to support IPv6 addresses for e.g. `openttd -n`, you'd just need to modify the address-parsing function, and replace gethostbyname/socket/connect with getaddrinfo/socket/connect in one or two places
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14:29:54 <SpComb> but once you start looking at the network server list stuff, either LAN or Internet, it becomes a lot more difficult
14:30:18 <EoD> glx: We have a private net and we access the internet trought a NAT. We also have IPv6 which goes directly to the www without any filtering software in between
14:30:29 <SpComb>
14:30:54 <SpComb> it even has some basic win32 support
14:31:02 <SpComb> but it's nigh on a year old
14:31:21 <welshdragon> EoD: is this a uk univiersity?
14:31:32 <dihedral> <EoD> glx: We have a private net <- you do? oh!!! i want one too :-(
14:31:33 <dihedral> ^^
14:31:38 <EoD> welshdragon: germany
14:31:47 <EoD> ^^
14:31:53 <welshdragon> EoD: hmm, they technically should allow it
14:32:15 <welshdragon> do they use a proxy for ipv4?
14:32:22 <EoD> welshdragon: I'm one of the admins, there and i'm sure they are not :)
14:32:27 <dihedral> EoD, can you host a server? ^^
14:32:50 <EoD> a private server? I don't think so ;)
14:32:56 <dihedral> what a shame
14:33:00 <welshdragon> EoD: it doesn't matter, i can access network games at my university fine
14:33:03 <dihedral> would only be 1u :-P
14:33:10 <EoD> lol
14:33:25 <EoD> I think we have only about 4u left
14:33:32 <dihedral> see - it'd work
14:33:56 <EoD> SpComb: I'll have a look at the code. May i ask you some questions if i have some?
14:34:31 <EoD> until someone else requests those 4u officially ;)
14:38:09 <EoD> "Sorry, but we have only 3u left. I have absolutely no idea which server this is..." :-D
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14:44:04 <Rubidium> just wire it to as many switches as you can and make it look like it's old and running an arcane OS
14:44:22 <Rubidium> then 'it must be important, so we better not touch it'
14:44:39 <Aali> and plenty of blinkenlights!
14:45:26 <Aali> so, when are we getting IPX support in openttd?
14:45:28 <Aali> :P
14:45:38 <EoD> There is only a small switch in our server room. The switches are on another floor and controlled by the LRZ (leibniz supercomputing centre)... I
14:46:06 <EoD> I'm just a small and unimportant admin around there ;)
14:46:54 <petern>
14:48:43 <glx> lol
14:49:13 <planetmaker> lol
14:49:38 <planetmaker> like a quick guide to "how to make 4 people quite unhappy" ;)
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15:16:00 <Belugas> Ho JOY!
15:16:07 <Belugas> my vacations dates are accepted!!
15:16:28 <Belugas> fom the 10th to the 17th, i'll be off :D
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15:20:40 <Rubidium> 10th of April till the 17th of December? That's be joyful
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15:21:44 <goodger_> welshdragon: wb
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15:22:00 <welshdragon> goodger: thanks
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15:27:52 <Belugas> indeed, Rubidium, indeed... alas... just one week
15:28:04 <petern> urghle
15:28:12 <petern> why did i bother looking at buildottd's source
15:28:14 <petern> it's ugly
15:28:24 <Belugas> that's just a leftover from my vacation pool
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15:40:36 <welshdragon> grr. my rv's aren't replacing (0.7.0 rc2)
15:41:02 <glx> autorenew or autoreplace?
15:41:12 <welshdragon> they have got old, i told them to autorenew to different models and they haven't.
15:41:35 <glx> do you play with breakdowns off?
15:41:47 <welshdragon> yes.....
15:41:52 <welshdragon> i'll activate thenm :P
15:41:57 <glx> how is "no service if breakdowns are off"?
15:42:06 <welshdragon> set to on
15:42:15 <welshdragon> erm
15:42:35 <welshdragon> set to 'service if breakdowns are on'
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15:44:59 <vany_87> hoi
15:45:21 <welshdragon> hello vany_87
15:45:43 <vany_87> can i write german?!
15:46:45 <glx> not here
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15:47:52 <vany_87> ok
15:48:01 <vany_87> my english is not so good.
15:48:08 <vany_87> but i have 1 question.
15:48:56 <vany_87> openttd is only for the transport tycoon deluxe?! or are work at other games from tycoon?!
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15:49:03 <KingJ> Only for TTD
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15:50:02 <vany_87> äh sry.. i mean the prog-team,
15:50:19 <vany_87> are they work at other projects?!
15:50:28 <vany_87> not the game sry.
15:50:36 <glx> welshdragon: so this setting is off
15:50:49 <welshdragon> glx: yes
15:52:11 <vany_87> does anyone know the game rollercoaster??
15:52:17 <vany_87> from tycoon
15:52:32 <welshdragon> vany_87: yes, but nobody here develops for it
15:52:41 <vany_87> ok.. thx.
15:52:47 <KingJ> Yes, but I don't think there are any plans to make an Open Rollercoaster Tycoon - it's a completely different engine and game type :P
15:53:30 <vany_87> i know..
15:53:55 <vany_87> what a shame.. i love this game..
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15:54:30 <Rubidium> actually rollercoaster tycoon (1) is more like TTD than Locomotion is like TTD (game engine wise)
15:54:39 <vany_87> i have an old cd. but it doesn't work. and i can't never find an alternative
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15:55:14 <petern> dosbox
15:55:20 <Rubidium> install windows 98 and try to install it there
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15:55:37 <welshdragon> vany_87: erm, sorry, we can't help, is it the original game?
15:55:38 <vany_87> no thats not the problem ;)
15:56:19 <vany_87> which original game? @welsh
15:56:20 <glx> if you have the original cd you can try to get a backup version
15:56:52 <welshdragon> vany_87: erm, rollercoaster tycoon?
15:57:00 <vany_87> yes
15:57:10 <vany_87> hm ok..
15:57:22 <welshdragon> is your disk scratched?
15:57:50 <vany_87> yes it is..
15:57:58 <vany_87> so i can install new..
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15:59:20 <welshdragon> vany_87: take it to a shop, they can reoair it for about 5 - 10 euros
15:59:43 <vany_87> in which shop a normaly shop?!
16:00:06 <welshdragon> a pc games shop
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16:00:56 <vany_87> ok i'm trying..
16:01:13 <vany_87> thx for your help..
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16:02:12 <welshdragon> glx: so is it a bug?
16:02:55 <glx> is the vehicle type still available? Do you have enough money?
16:03:07 <glx> many possible reasons :)
16:03:52 <welshdragon> glx: yes, it's still available, and i have £10m+
16:04:27 <glx> maybe it's your layout then
16:05:11 <welshdragon> the depot is easily acceesible
16:05:33 <welshdragon> (being Road Vehicles)
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16:08:09 <petern> * When an exception is raised, it is caught and then thrown again.
16:08:09 <petern> * This is an example of selfdocumenting code saying:
16:08:09 <petern> * It's not a bug, it's a feature.
16:08:09 <petern> * It also keeps annoying breaks out of my debugger ;)
16:08:09 <petern> */
16:08:12 <petern> catch (Exception) {
16:08:14 <petern> throw;
16:08:17 <petern> }
16:08:21 <petern> le sigh
16:08:29 <petern> oh well, at least it's not my code
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16:10:51 <welshdragon> glx: problem solved
16:11:04 <glx> how?
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16:12:23 <welshdragon> i was clicking on the greyed out buses
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16:13:14 <glx> <welshdragon> they have got old, i told them to autorenew to different models and they haven't. <-- hmm that's autoreplace indeed
16:13:37 <glx> and autoreplace is not affected by servicing
16:16:52 <welshdragon> hehe
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16:18:03 <welshdragon> can i request a small feature? towns don't build bridges, and you can add a boundary that your cities do not grow over?
16:19:16 <welshdragon> my towns have merged into one big city :(
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16:33:51 <petern> you can build that boundary
16:34:13 <welshdragon> petern: how?
16:35:26 <Belugas> diagonal rails, owned land, stations.... lottsa stuff
16:35:46 <Rubidium> well places big UFOs
16:36:32 <Belugas> :D
16:36:33 <Ammler> disable town roads and build them self
16:38:08 <welshdragon> tried that
16:39:04 <welshdragon> the scenario had already connected all cities, so they just grew along the 'motorways'
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17:27:19 <Noldo> hmm, trunk won't compile on debian lenny
17:27:44 <Noldo> unknown pragma in lang file
17:28:15 <Rubidium> then your lenny is broken I'd reckon
17:28:49 <Rubidium> (compiles fine on my lenny)
17:29:17 <glx> (and strgen generates this error)
17:29:21 <Rubidium> sounds more like a 'broken' makedepend
17:29:36 <Rubidium> or make getting messed up over time changes
17:32:31 <Noldo> make clean and retry won't help :/
17:33:04 <Rubidium> try svn revert
17:33:23 <glx> and check the error log
17:36:27 <Noldo> fresh checkout helped
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17:46:40 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: alberth * r15906 /trunk/src/genworld_gui.cpp: -Codechange: Completed widget number enum of world-generation windows.
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18:36:29 <petern> hahah
18:36:41 <petern> AI writers! fear the wrath of SirkoZ!
18:42:22 <Noldo> I never quite understood where that 60% magic line comes from
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18:46:42 <Yexo> most likely because ni the early years (with slow vehicles) the maximum rating (without statue or advertising) is +-67%
18:47:15 <frosch123> does sirkoz also have that switch?
18:49:46 <frosch123> I would like an ai that monitors the magic bulldozer, and if it becomed enabled, bulldozes everything
18:51:53 <petern> :D
18:57:19 <Sacro> /me would like to stick frosch123 in a bucket and leave him
18:58:08 <frosch123> nice, so you won't highlight me in there?
19:02:39 <Belugas> what an incredibly pretentious little ...
19:02:44 <Belugas> whatever...
19:03:19 <petern> shit
19:03:45 <Belugas> yeah
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19:42:54 <welshdragon> Sacro: your /me at 7:57 failed :P
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19:43:55 <Sacro> Yep
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20:22:30 * Belugas goes to sleep. night all
20:22:37 <Rubidium> night Belugas
20:22:45 <Belugas> and please... crush that sirkoz to the ground!
20:22:48 <Belugas> night Rubidium
20:22:51 * Belugas is gone
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20:48:06 <welshdragon> ok, where can i find the openttd grf's file on OSX?
20:48:18 * welshdragon has looked under /library
20:48:23 <Rubidium> do not read the do not read me
20:48:25 <Ammler> read the readme
20:48:31 <Ammler> :-)
20:48:34 <welshdragon> hmm
20:51:05 <welshdragon> danke
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20:54:03 <welshdragon> hmm, is the uk roadset compatible with openttd?
20:54:14 * welshdragon downloaded it off grfcrawler
20:54:48 <Ammler> tell us the error you get :-)
20:55:05 <welshdragon> no error, it can't be found in - game
20:55:18 <Rubidium> anyone in here with a 64 bits OSX?
20:55:32 <welshdragon> Rubidium: erm......
20:55:35 * welshdragon checks
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20:57:23 <Sacro> hm?
20:57:39 <Ammler> Rubidium: the patch to desync c&p users availabe?
20:58:06 <Rubidium> Ammler: it's called the c&p patch
20:58:31 <Ammler> he?
20:58:50 <Ammler> you mean, if we would patch the server with, they would desync?
20:58:51 <Rubidium> where do you have c&p-ers?
20:59:07 <Rubidium> no, you don't need to modify the server to make them desync
20:59:29 <petern> :D
21:00:01 <Rubidium> just need to appropriately modify a client binary to send the right commands
21:00:14 <Rubidium> one such binaries is the c&p binary
21:03:34 <Noldo> what does it take?
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21:06:57 * dihedral would prefer killing a bunch of the servers in the server list :-D
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21:22:28 <Ammler> I guess, there is no up2date c&p-patch, so it was a wrong assumption
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21:22:55 <fonsinchen> hi
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22:07:18 <fonsinchen> can I load an AI for an existing company that was previously played by myself?
22:07:39 <Yexo> no
22:08:37 <fonsinchen> can I somehow transfer all my stuff to another company that is owned by an AI? Why doesn't switching to the AI company via cheat and trying to buy myself out work?
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22:11:23 <Yexo> the only way is switching via the cheat and buying the other company
22:11:54 <Yexo> for why it doesn't work there might be several reasons: how old is the company you want to buy? Have you enabled buying shares?
22:12:57 <fonsinchen> I have. I can buy 75% but not more
22:14:26 <fonsinchen> The other way round, however, I can buy all of the AI company when playing as my old company.
22:14:32 <fonsinchen> very strange
22:14:51 <Yexo> do you get any error message? Or is the buy button just greyed out?
22:15:24 <fonsinchen> it's greyed out
22:15:36 <fonsinchen> no matter how much money I get (via cheat)
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22:18:07 <glx> company 0 is protected on single player
22:18:25 <glx> if it goes bankrupt, the game ends
22:20:10 <fonsinchen> shit
22:20:19 <fonsinchen> no way around that, I guess?
22:21:05 <fonsinchen> I could load it in multiplayer, have company 0 bought out by company 1, then start a new company 0 and then reload in single player
22:21:09 <fonsinchen> would that work?
22:21:53 <glx> probably
22:22:22 <glx> but better do it with a dedicated server I think
22:22:47 <glx> hmm in multiplayer you can't buy other companies
22:25:11 <Yexo> it wouldn't work anyway, since in multiplaye ryou can't join an AI company and neither can you use the cheat to switch to it
22:25:40 <fonsinchen> yes, I found out
22:25:55 <fonsinchen> however, it shouldn't tell me that this is a protocol error ...
22:26:31 <fonsinchen> ok, bad luck I guess
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22:26:57 <Yexo> the join company button should be greyed out for AI companies
22:27:05 <fonsinchen> it isn't
22:27:19 <fonsinchen> I tried to join the AI company and got a protocol error
22:27:31 <fonsinchen> then I tried to join my original company and it worked
22:30:28 <fonsinchen> how do I send money to other companies in multiplayer (or is that possible at all?)
22:31:17 <glx> client menu (in company list dropdown)
22:34:12 <fonsinchen> oh, another funny bug: the money doubles while being transferred
22:34:42 <Yexo> are you sure you're using the same currency on both clients?
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22:36:40 <fonsinchen> you can have different currencies on the clients? I didn't check.
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22:55:51 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: glx * r15907 /trunk/src/misc_gui.cpp: -Fix (r15841): some strings in save/load dialog were drawn with a 2 pixel offset
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