IRC logs for #openttd on OFTC at 2009-02-28
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00:04:45 <Eddi|zuHause> typical law-german ;)
00:05:03 <Eddi|zuHause> but where is esterházy? sounds hungarian
00:11:09 <Eddi|zuHause> maybe IKEA is called differently in austria :p
00:33:14 *** Eddi|zuHause has joined #openttd
00:55:14 <Eddi|zuHause> planetmaker: apparently nobody cared in over 2 years :P
01:19:35 *** lolman_ has joined #openttd
02:19:40 *** stuffcorpse has joined #openttd
02:28:08 *** KenjiE20|LT has joined #openttd
02:35:39 <Hawson> I've been happily pulling down SVN updates for the last several months, but in the last week or so, I've hit some compile problems
02:36:50 <Hawson> This is on a Linux system (Gentoo), and configure was run with no special options
02:39:48 <Hawson> just started in the last few days, and has persisted.
02:40:10 <Hawson> I've hit compile bugs with SVN before, but they have been quickly cleared up in a revision or two
02:41:45 <Hawson> I suppose I could check out the source again...
02:42:32 <Hawson> hmm...I guess I get to download all the extensions again, eh?
02:43:17 <Brokkoli> you don't have to delete them..
02:43:39 <Hawson> can I just drop them back in place in the new build tree?
02:44:08 <Aali> why would you keep newgrfs in your source tree in the first place? :P
02:44:24 <Hawson> Aali: because I just run eveything out of trunk/bin. :-)
02:44:42 <Brokkoli> newgrfs are no source files
02:44:49 <Aali> still, newgrfs should go in the global data dir
02:44:49 <Brokkoli> so it should be no problem
02:45:01 <Aali> so you dont have to move them around for different installs
02:45:05 <Hawson> if I'm going to rebuild every few days... <shrug>
02:45:14 <Hawson> Aali: all I have is the SVN build.
02:45:33 <Hawson> as this is all on a personal laptop, no need to do anything else.
02:46:22 <Aali> yeah, but if you put the newgrfs in ~/.openttd/data they'll be visible no matter where you start the openttd binary
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02:46:30 <Aali> there's really no downside
02:46:53 <Hawson> I've had no need to before, so never bothered
02:50:49 <Hawson> another question, if you don't mind. I notice in SVN that in the World Generation window, there's options for map edges, but are always greyed out.
02:58:57 <Aali> you have to enable the setting first
02:59:07 <Aali> (under advanced settings)
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04:39:50 <zodttd> Hi Sacro_. Hoping perhaps Darkvater isn't idle atm.
04:41:43 <Sacro_> he'll be getting up soon
04:44:01 <zodttd> Great. I don't know the heirarchy of the development team at OpenTTD anymore. I remember speaking to Darkvater in the past though. Just wanted to talk about a current OpenTTD port of mine.
04:46:38 <Aali> perhaps you should just say what you want to say
05:28:50 *** DaleStan has joined #openttd
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05:52:47 *** Arsonide has joined #openttd
05:53:31 <Arsonide> Hey I got a little nostalgia and was thinking of reinstalling Locomotion (had a lot of fun with it back in the day), when someone pointed me to this...and it seems to be very similar, apparently there's a lot more to do here though.
05:53:48 <Arsonide> One question though, how do I get music working in OpenTTD?
05:54:25 <|Japa|> open winamp in the background
05:54:42 <|Japa|> unless you actually like the midi's that come with TTD
05:54:56 <Arsonide> I wouldn't mind the midis, if I knew where to put them.
05:55:16 <Arsonide> Just...something, right now I'm hearing saw mills and boat whistles and silence.
05:55:34 <|Japa|> ust copy the GM folder from TTD
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07:26:25 <AshKyd> Does anybody know if “No Town Bridges within 2 tiles” or similar functionality ever made it into OpenTTD, and if so how to enable it in the config file?
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08:21:25 <Eddi|zuHause> did you try changing the road layout in the advanced settings?
08:22:21 <AshKyd> Not really. I think it’s on “better roads” but it’s built dour bridges right next to each other. I’ll see what the wiki says.
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10:37:32 <Mark_> any chance of getting oneway signs for trams?
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11:25:00 <Alberth> not happy to be here?
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11:26:55 <Darkvater> hmm what was the channel rejoin command
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11:32:50 <Darkvater> (sorry guys, setting up new linux box)
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13:30:57 <Foto2> I have downloaded OpenTTD 0.6.3 but i need the "Transport Tycoon Delux Location"
13:31:10 <Foto2> I have downloaded OpenTTD 0.6.3 but i need the "Transport Tycoon Delux Location" Where can i download thats ?
13:31:31 <Foto2> I have downloaded OpenTTD 0.6.3 but i need the "Transport Tycoon Delux Location" Where can i download thats ?
13:32:00 <Foto2> I have downloaded OpenTTD 0.6.3 but i need the "Transport Tycoon Delux Location" Where can i download thats ?
13:32:29 <glx> you won't get a download location here
13:33:14 *** Hirundo is now known as Swallow
14:12:20 <Alberth> Forked: "CITIES XL™ is the next-generation in city-building games..."
14:13:53 <Alberth> completely buzzword compliant within the application domain :)
14:14:08 <Forked> I somehow read "citisex" first =p
14:20:17 <Alberth> oops, floating point exception. My code is not yet optimal
14:20:49 <MrFrans> "# On going content production allowing player to regularly upgrade their game.
14:20:49 <MrFrans> # GEMs (Gameplay Extension Modules) allow players to switch their mayor position for CEO seats, from car dealerships to ski resorts, "
14:21:16 <MrFrans> want to do everything in one game. *rollseyes*
14:21:55 <|Japa|> as long as I can be a transport tycoon :P
14:23:15 <Alberth> MrFrans: you missed the last part, about making persistent interconnected world with blogs and avatars
14:24:09 <Alberth> no way 'hundreds of buildings' is going to be enough
14:28:05 <MrFrans> been in development since 2007, that makes it all a bit more believeable. Still makes me wonder about possible depth that the GEMs will have.
14:32:43 <Swallow> If some advanced settings don't exist in an (old) savegame, does the game then use the default values, the _settings_newgame values, or something else?
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15:06:23 <|Japa|> playing a flat, 64x64 map, with a single city in the middle, and no industries, is fun
15:06:44 <|Japa|> it's a challenge to get al the passengers transported withing the city
15:11:57 <Alberth> yet there are users complaining that not enough people live in a city
15:17:12 *** stuffcorpse has joined #openttd
15:19:54 <frosch123> why is there a water supply right next to my desert town, so I cannot fund a water tower...
15:20:19 <Eddi|zuHause> make it close ;)
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15:38:30 <MrFrans> "The gameplay associated with Transport GEMs should mainly be directed towards the usual transport tycoons produced so far with some new features that should bring more fun.
15:38:30 <MrFrans> But thats not all, if you use a Transport GEM in the context of the planet offer, you should get some more fun with other Transport GEM owners but I cant say much about this for now"
15:42:29 *** mackensen has joined #openttd
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15:43:47 <mackensen> has anyone else had trouble/tried compiling r15591?
15:45:41 <mackensen> never had a problem before the latest nightly
15:46:20 <Eddi|zuHause> and we need to summon our telepathic powers to find out your error message?
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15:46:39 <mackensen> Eddi|zuHause: getting there ;)
15:47:03 <mackensen> "/home/cfulton/openttd/trunk/src/console_cmds.cpp:252: error: ‘_switch_mode’ was not declared in this scope"
15:48:24 <Eddi|zuHause> yeah, there was someone messing around with variables.h recently
15:48:39 <SmatZ> mackensen: what configure parameters do you use?
15:48:49 <mackensen> this may be unrelated, but svn throws an error message during update: svn: Failed to add directory 'src/3rdparty/squirrel': object of the same name already exists
15:48:59 <mackensen> SmatZ: defaults only
15:49:02 <SmatZ> mackensen: no, it's not unrelated
15:49:12 <SmatZ> remove that directory, then svn up again
15:49:46 <SmatZ> (it can be unrealated, but probably isn't)
15:50:35 <mackensen> SmatZ: looks like that was preventing a full update
15:50:46 <mackensen> gah, now svn's grumbling about a lock
15:51:40 <mackensen> Eddi|zuHause: I know, but it's not working
15:57:57 <mackensen> that worked--odd that it had a problem with the squirrel directory
16:00:51 <Sacro> `SpComb logs seem to be dropping things :(
16:01:07 <Sacro> zodttd was in this morning, i went to bed
16:01:12 <Sacro> i see no mention of him being here in the lgos
16:01:46 <Sacro> hmm, when I search I can find him
16:01:54 <Sacro> but I can't go to the line in the logs any more
16:02:08 <Eddi|zuHause> mackensen: the problem with the squirrel directory is that it was changed from an external to a regular directory
16:02:45 <mackensen> Eddi|zuHause: okay, yeah, I saw something about that in the changelog
16:02:51 <SpComb> Sacro: is it the timestamps?
16:03:40 <zodttd> Heh saw my highlight, and popped in
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16:23:37 <zodttd> I was trying to get back in contact with Darkvater last night but we're on opposite timezones...I have OpenTTD up and running on the iPhone for "jailbroken" devices. Though I'm working on the same deal with another transport tycoon project, I was wondering if with the usage of OpenGFX I could bring OpenTTD to the AppStore as a free release? Assuming I provide complete sources and stay within the licensing agreement. Hence why I would like per
16:29:32 <Eddi|zuHause> that's a nice idea, but opengfx is not fully finished yet, you'd get a horrible amount of reports for having black boxes move through the screen
16:29:43 <zodttd> Thats what I was afraid of :(
16:31:00 <zodttd> I hadnt heard about it for a bit, and went to the wiki and saw the 89% figure, and wasn't sure how much the other 11% was needed.
16:31:10 <Aali> and even when that is finished, perhaps you should wait for the 0.7 release?
16:31:38 <glx> and there is still no replacement for sounds
16:32:23 <Aali> AFAIK the missing graphics include all monorail/maglev vehicles and some town buildings
16:32:25 <zodttd> True. And true. Well that squashes that.
16:32:26 <Eddi|zuHause> well, it would be trivial to add an empty ;)
16:32:40 <Eddi|zuHause> you'd just have no sound
16:32:49 <zodttd> Yeah I could release without sound, but not sure if thats the image to portray
16:33:18 <Eddi|zuHause> well, sound is less essential than houses and trains ;)
16:33:49 <Eddi|zuHause> oh, and toyland is completely missing, i believe
16:34:11 <zodttd> Yeah all I heard was toyland was missing. I didn't know about the others.
16:35:12 <Eddi|zuHause> anyway, i have never used OpenGFX, just seen a few screenshots, and there i didn't like it
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16:35:35 <|Japa|> no, there are some opengfx sprites for toyland
16:35:59 <Eddi|zuHause> |Japa|: yes. but they are not included in the pack
16:36:22 <|Japa|> man I wish I could code
16:36:38 <Eddi|zuHause> you don't need to code anything for opengfx
16:36:39 <|Japa|> I also wish I could manage to DL the ottd source
16:37:08 <Eddi|zuHause> that's easy, just "svn co <URL>"
16:37:11 <|Japa|> I want to know how to code so I can make two tracks per tile
16:37:26 <Eddi|zuHause> yeah, please do that ;)
16:37:27 <|Japa|> and I don't have a cool OS
16:37:45 <Eddi|zuHause> you can do "svn co" even in uncool OSes
16:37:53 <|Japa|> yeah, but // and \\ would be sweet
16:38:22 <Eddi|zuHause> that is a nice intention, but how do you intend to make switches?
16:38:45 <zodttd> Design trumps coding in this case huh :)
16:39:06 <Sacro> Eddi|zuHause trumps everything (loudly)
16:39:08 <Eddi|zuHause> yeah, that's what i wanted to say, but i couldn't express it ;)
16:39:33 <Eddi|zuHause> not trumpet, tuba
16:40:06 <|Japa|> well, at first, I was thinking just tio have it working on straights, with nothing extra
16:40:26 <Eddi|zuHause> you don't get far with only straights
16:40:56 <|Japa|> well, something like this: ---<===>--- is fine for trains to pass each other
16:41:14 *** Hirundo is now known as Swallow
16:41:20 <|Japa|> but I'm getting ahead of myself anyway
16:43:21 <|Japa|> nooooo..... the Tortoise SVN that I have downloaded is the x64 one
16:43:57 <|Japa|> damn my windows re-install
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18:00:19 <batti5> I have a little suggestion, thare is a suggestion at ttd forum that sais in the ottd 0.7 final it should be a new title screen, i think thare should be a poll or something, whare people can thair own created title screen, and others vote, the title screen with the most votes can get in trunk, and the devs can judge it, what do you all think?
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18:05:52 <Sacro> batti5: i think you get the award for most mistakes in a sentence.
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18:21:52 <SmatZ> batti5: OTTD doesn't allow the title screen to use any newgrf
18:22:16 <SmatZ> and I like the current title screen :)
18:23:24 <Eddi|zuHause> i wish i could turn off sound in the title screen ;)
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18:24:00 <glx> SmatZ: static grfs are allowed
18:24:47 <Eddi|zuHause> the only problem i have with the current title screen is that it gets rather dull when resolutions get higher
18:26:41 <el_en> Are there any theories that can be taken seriously about a Nazi base on Antarctica?
18:28:48 <Eddi|zuHause> i did never hear any
18:36:50 <SmatZ> glx: those don't depend on the savegame though :)
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18:51:44 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: translators * r15594 /trunk/src/lang/ (11 files in 2 dirs): (log message trimmed)
18:51:44 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: -Update: WebTranslator2 update to 2009-02-28 18:51:15
18:51:44 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: arabic_egypt - 7 fixed by khaloofah (7)
18:51:44 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: french - 1 fixed by glx (1)
18:51:44 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: frisian - 51 fixed by luc (51)
18:51:45 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: german - 25 changed by planetmaker (25)
18:51:45 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: italian - 2 changed by lorenzodv (2)
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18:56:32 <el_en> batti5: the correct apostrophe character is ', not `.
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18:58:20 <petern> well no, ` is not an apostrophe...
18:59:21 <Brokkoli> it's "something strange"
18:59:39 <petern> i must admit i never found a use for the ¬ key either
18:59:54 <el_en> it is U+0600 grave accent
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19:00:34 <Brokkoli> no key for that here
19:01:22 <Eddi|zuHause> interestingly, it's also on AltGr+6
19:02:29 <worldemar> different keyboards?
19:03:03 <worldemar> i have italian keyboard at work and it differs from russian even in \ | ` ~ characters and etc
19:04:20 <el_en> italian and russian, what a strange combination.
19:04:25 <thingwath> AltGr+6 switches irssi to window six :o)
19:04:42 <Eddi|zuHause> no, | is AltGr+<
19:05:03 <el_en> Eddi|zuHause is correct there.
19:05:22 <Eddi|zuHause> no, Q is left to W ;)
19:05:38 <petern> left to my own devices, i probably would
19:05:39 <Eddi|zuHause> < is left to Y, where it belongs
19:07:52 <Eddi|zuHause> no, > is Shift+<
19:07:52 <petern> you silly people with your silly keyboards
19:07:52 <el_en> I would hate to have a QWER<Y keyboard like Eddi does
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19:52:52 <el_en> Eddi|zuHause: de layout is actually quite nice when fin/swe is not easily available, because despite Y/Z prank, most shift+number combinations are the same.
19:53:38 <frosch123> shift+number, reminds me of czech keyboard :)
19:53:58 <SmatZ> frosch123: you have used it?
19:54:30 <frosch123> several times, but if it took longer I search for xmodmap :)
19:55:07 <SmatZ> ah, you need it to write "correspondence" with your czech partners, right?
19:56:21 <frosch123> well, not me. but sometimes I have to show them stuff on their computer
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20:00:43 <frosch123> in fact it is a combined english/czech keyboard with both layouts printed on the keys. so it is even harder, as you can usally find the same symbol twice on the keyboard..
20:00:44 <thingwath> most czech layouts sucks so bad, and people still use it... :)
20:01:22 <frosch123> most? how man are there?
20:01:35 <thingwath> at least qwertz/qwerty versions
20:01:47 <thingwath> and some modified "programming" layouts
20:01:54 <SmatZ> and the one which has numbers instead of characters with accents
20:02:11 <SmatZ> "czech amateur layout" or so...
20:02:58 <thingwath> still, there is no common czech layout with correct czech „quotes“, for example
20:04:19 <Eddi|zuHause> „quotes“ <- those are not on the german layout either
20:05:08 <thingwath> you simply have to make your own layout
20:05:50 <SmatZ> (for some reason, the links I posted don't work in FF nor Konqueror... maybe they work only in IE, but I can't test it)
20:05:50 <thingwath> SmatZ: should I see someting on that pages? :)
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20:06:08 <SmatZ> thingwath: I have no clue :) but I suppose so :)
20:06:21 <thingwath> I only have Konqueror and Gecko :)
20:06:43 <frosch123> „ ‟ ” “ <- if I only knew, which is the correct german one...
20:07:07 <Chommik> i've a problem with unicode fonts. how do I change it in openttd.cfg?
20:09:08 <Chommik> i'm doing is is written in it, but I get an error when I'm starting openTTD
20:09:24 <thingwath> well, I could also use «french quotes», for example, even in czech, they are little strange, but also correct
20:09:32 <Chommik> "nable to use '5x7.pcf.gz' for small font, FreeType reported error 0x1, using sprite font instead"
20:09:50 <thingwath> (but of course, you won't find them on your keyboard)
20:09:57 <Chommik> do I need to enter absolute path or what?
20:10:07 <frosch123> arn't they like »this« ...
20:11:10 <thingwath> those are called russian :)
20:11:28 <thingwath> (at least in czech typography)
20:13:22 <Chommik> so, maybe it's something wrong with my
20:16:18 <thingwath> shouldn't there be a fontconfig name for the font?
20:16:30 <frosch123> small_font = /usr/share/fonts/misc/5x7.pcf.gz <- works for me
20:18:41 <Chommik> and Unicode works too
20:35:42 <batti5> <petern> (1962-1920)*365.25: 15340?
20:47:57 <Eddi|zuHause> damn, i just lost my 'A' key...
20:49:36 <glx> doesn't your action 8 miss a 00 ?
20:51:13 <glx> <sprite-number> * <length> 08 <version> <grf-id> <name> <description>
20:51:33 <glx> anyway your real sprites are not at the right place
20:52:24 <glx> I wonder how renum and grfcodec can say it's ok :)
20:52:35 <frosch123> it is ok for grfcodec :)
20:53:01 <frosch123> and I guess nforenum thought it is no newgrf, so did not bother
20:53:09 <batti5> wine renum.exe le5100.nfo
20:53:10 <batti5> NFORenum v3.4.6 - Copyright 2004-2007 Dale McCoy.
20:53:12 <batti5> Processing file "le5100.nfo".
20:53:38 <glx> your sprite 5 should be sprite 0
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20:54:04 <glx> hmm no you completely forgot the sprite 0 indeed
20:54:20 <glx> the one telling how many sprites are defined
20:54:57 <glx> you should read and understand the docs first :)
20:55:22 <pound_fool> reading is easy. understanding...
21:01:14 <Brokkoli> you should read the texts
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21:04:07 <glx> at least compare your nfo and the example, you will easily spot the differences
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21:05:35 <maristo> ĉu iu parolas esperanton?
21:06:14 <maristo> i just asked about esperanto speakers
21:06:34 <maristo> is here somebody of translation team
21:08:43 <frosch123> 2008-12-18 was the last esperanto translator active
21:08:58 <frosch123> so if you want, you can be "the team"
21:09:24 <maristo> good, i suppose esperanto.txt needs some corrections
21:24:08 <glx> do you add it in running game or in intro menu ?
21:26:43 <glx> indeed you redefined engine 0 twice
21:28:32 <glx> you really should try to understand what you are doing
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21:45:19 <Turnskin> Mozno po-russki pisat'?
21:45:37 <SmatZ> hello Turnskin, as the topic says, only English is allowed :)
21:45:56 <SmatZ> hmm no, topic doesn't mention that rule anymore...
21:45:57 <Turnskin> Well, i have a question anyway
21:47:37 <Brokkoli> whats your question?
21:48:05 <Turnskin> OTTD 0.6.3 ECS latest (4b?). Self-made scenario with every kind of an industry
21:48:10 *** SmatZ changes topic to "0.6.3, 0.7.0-beta1 | Website: * (BaNaNaS: bananas, Translator: translator2, Gameservers: servers, Nightly-builds: nightly, WIKI: wiki, Dev-docs: docs, Patches & Bug-reports: bugs, Revision log: vcs, Release info: finger) | #openttd.notice for FS + SVN notices | UTF-8 please | No Unauthorised Bots | English only | Discussion of realism is now a quietable offence"
21:48:56 <Turnskin> The problem is that most of farms begin to close like "This farm is inside the city border and is being closed" (translation)
21:49:28 <Turnskin> But the distance between any city and this farm is more than 50 cells
21:50:01 <Turnskin> E.g. map is 512*512 with 10 or so cities of 5k pop. max.
21:50:26 <Brokkoli> there could be a bug in 0.6.3?
21:50:50 <SmatZ> or in ECS ;) or intended behaviour...
21:51:02 <glx> ECS decides that by itself
21:51:08 <Turnskin> Temperate, all ECS vectors included.
21:51:28 <Brokkoli> but is the distance calulation correct?
21:51:39 <Turnskin> Did anybody meet this situation?
21:51:56 <Turnskin> Fruit farms and forests are being closed.
21:52:34 <Brokkoli> using 0.7 beta i didn't have that problem
21:52:35 <Turnskin> Brokkoli Well, it's much more 2 screens (of normal view of main window).
21:52:56 <Turnskin> I never met this later too.
21:54:16 <Turnskin> Brokkoli What is 0.7? Where can i read it's features?
21:56:35 <Turnskin> Brokkoli So, no passenger dests still in 0.7? :(
21:58:21 <Turnskin> Brokkoli Does it 1) Support 0.6.3 (older?) scenarios 2) Building diagonal railways by dragging ?
21:59:25 <Brokkoli> but i don't know if 0.7 final versions will support 0.7 beta savegames
21:59:37 <Turnskin> I made nice ECS scenarios for TTDP and OTTD r120... and 0.6.3 but every time i was to do it from begining due to incompatibility.
22:00:26 <frosch123> official versions are upwards compatible
22:00:37 <frosch123> or downwards... never get that
22:00:37 <Brokkoli> is the beta official?
22:01:51 <Turnskin> Is George being here is That Great George, Famous GRFmaker? ;)
22:01:58 <frosch123> however you can drag horizontal/vertical track only with autorail
22:02:04 <frosch123> not with the oldschool-tools
22:02:26 <frosch123> Turnskin: yes he is, but likely sleeping
22:03:03 <Turnskin> Nice to meet him at least in userlist ;)
22:04:14 <frosch123> otoh IIRC it is about midnight for him ...
22:04:22 <Turnskin> OK, i'll download 0.7 and try.
22:04:35 <frosch123> also update ECS vectors in that case
22:04:45 <Turnskin> Yep, for me too - it's 4.05 in Siberia.
22:05:17 <Turnskin> frosch123 From George's site?
22:05:33 <frosch123> don't overwrite you old ECS vectors, if you want to continue playing with 0.6.3
22:05:37 <glx> from openttd content download :)
22:05:46 <frosch123> Turnskin: you can also get them though the ingame content download
22:06:40 <Turnskin> But i prefer do it manually... From which URL?
22:07:06 <frosch123> take a look at
22:07:45 <Turnskin> OK, i'll take a look...
22:48:50 *** amixppc has joined #openttd
22:49:08 <amixppc> trying out the new beta
22:49:37 <amixppc> i try to find missing content online etc
22:49:55 <amixppc> click on it and i get a list with red dots missing
22:50:10 <amixppc> but i cant download them
22:50:39 <SmatZ> only some grfs are available online
22:51:11 <SmatZ> *via the "download content" OTTD feature
22:51:59 <amixppc> is it possible to choose more than one grf file at time?
22:52:25 <SmatZ> just check the checkbox :)
22:52:29 <amixppc> for adding available newgrf
22:52:50 <SmatZ> ah... if you mean the "Add NewGRF" window, then the answer is "no"
22:54:39 <frosch123> 118 is a nice number
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23:16:55 *** HerzogDeXtEr has joined #openttd
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23:39:23 <SmatZ> gregor__: wouldn't it cause doubling of number of HTTP requests?
23:39:45 <SmatZ> I have no clue about that :)
23:39:58 <SmatZ> but why do you mind the longer address?
23:40:56 <gregor__> SmatZ, not notable, looks dirty
23:42:33 <thingwath> / on has 301 redirect to /wiki/index.php/Main_Page, so where is the problem? :)
23:42:45 *** ChanServ sets mode: +v tokai
23:42:48 <Belugas> no problem in my mind
23:48:03 <thingwath> why would anyone read such URL? :)
23:49:05 <Brokkoli> /wiki/ should not be removed
23:49:56 <DaleStan> Brokkoli: wiki's already in the url. *wiki* Why have it twice?
23:51:03 <Brokkoli> it's possible but not good
23:51:30 <DaleStan> That said, thingwath's right. Joe Random doesn't read URLs. Click links and (if you're lucky) search, but read?
23:52:42 <Brokkoli> i would prefer to remove the "index.php" that's easy and unproblematic
23:53:01 <thingwath> Joe Random. I don't. :) In fact, I don't even write them, if I wanted to get to the Oil_Refinery page now, I would go to, click on Manual link and type "Oil refinery" in the search box :)
23:53:55 <Brokkoli> but it looks better ;)
23:58:51 <Brokkoli> and google likes it more
23:59:20 <Brokkoli> pages without a query string get a higher ranking
continue to next day ⏵