IRC logs for #openttd on OFTC at 2009-02-13
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00:12:29 *** tokai|ni has joined #openttd
00:18:45 *** George3 has joined #openttd
00:19:08 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: yexo * r15462 /trunk/src/ai/api/ (ai_controller.cpp ai_controller.hpp ai_controller.hpp.sq):
00:19:08 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: -Change [NoAI]: Make AIController::GetTick() and AIController::GetSetting() static functions.
00:19:08 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: -Fix (r15460): ai_controller.hpp.sq was forgotten.
00:33:21 *** Eddi|zuHause has joined #openttd
00:59:16 *** TinoDid has joined #openttd
01:08:52 *** TinoDidriksen has joined #openttd
01:24:52 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: yexo * r15463 /trunk/src/ai/ai_info.cpp: -Change [API CHANGE]: Replace AIInfo::CanLoadFromVersion(version) with AIInfo::MinVersionToLoad() which should return a single integer, the minimum version the AI is able to load data from.
01:34:47 <Yexo> planetmaker: i am trying to use station_build_gui_r15142 and It dosnt seem to want to work all the things are red :( any ideas <- Do you still think Alain will succeed?
01:35:59 *** goodger_ is now known as goodger
01:41:07 <Eddi|zuHause> am i right that with "red" he means the "modified" icon of tortoise?
01:42:27 <Aali> and red doesn't even have to mean its a conflict, it just means the file wasn't the exact one expected
01:43:29 * Yexo wonders if he already tried to compile clean trunk
01:45:08 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: yexo * r15464 /trunk/src/ai/ (ai_info.cpp ai_info.hpp ai_scanner.cpp): -Codechange [NoAI]: Call all info.nut functions exactly once and only during initialization.
01:45:17 <Aali> why would you use SVN for a patch pack anyway? it doesn't even have a patch management system
01:45:46 <Yexo> I use svn + quilt for a patch I'm making, works ok
01:46:59 *** zachary has joined #openttd
01:47:55 <Aali> yeah, but then quilt is doing the magic, not SVN
01:48:10 <Aali> well, no point in us discussing it here, he won't see it :P
01:48:12 <Yexo> and it requires some manual work
01:49:03 <Rubidium> making a patch pack based on primarily ancient patches... not the thing a novice should start with
01:50:24 <Eddi|zuHause> wait, are you trying to say that there is no point in talking about people behind their back?
01:51:51 * Rubidium wonders what changes he can make to make Alain's work even more miserable ;)
01:51:54 <Aali> Eddi|zuHause: nah it's usually great fun, but I'm going to bed
01:52:23 <Eddi|zuHause> wasted effort, i think, Rubidium ;)
01:52:43 <Rubidium> did a fair job lately already ;)
01:53:31 <Eddi|zuHause> save that for people who could truely appreciate it ;p
01:56:05 <fjb> Btw where is yorrick? Did you ban him?
01:56:33 <Rubidium> my IRC client does ignore him, which is enough for me
01:57:54 <fjb> My doesn't, but I didn't notice him the last days. Maybe my mental filter ignores him by now.
02:00:35 <fjb> A friend tried to talk me into twitter today. But I see no sense in it and their privacy policy ist scary.
02:10:46 <fjb> No, but they don't earn money with the twitter service. And they are a commercial company, no sponsored project.
02:12:06 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: smatz * r15465 /trunk/src/ai/ (ai_info.cpp ai_info.hpp): -Codechange: constify most of AIInfo/AIFileInfo methods, move definition of very simple getters to header file
02:34:17 *** Eddi|zuHause has joined #openttd
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03:12:13 *** TinoDidriksen has joined #openttd
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04:08:50 *** roboboy has joined #openttd
04:24:45 *** DaleStan is now known as Guest1140
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04:35:40 *** Combuster has joined #openttd
04:35:44 *** Combuster is now known as [gone]buster
07:33:49 *** Combuster has joined #openttd
07:39:42 *** Combuster is now known as [gone]buster
08:14:59 *** [gone]buster has joined #openttd
08:21:55 *** Yeggzzz is now known as Yeggstry
08:21:57 *** Yeggstry is now known as Yeggs-work
08:35:13 <Flow> hi, hmm what i found: on vista - there is a specialfolder "Saved Games" - but openttd doesnt use it - it writes savegames and co into my documents - why don't you use FOLDERID_SavedGames to get that path?
08:36:19 <dihedral> perhaps because vista was released way after OpenTTD had support for windows
08:36:36 <dihedral> and in those days that folder did not exist
08:36:53 <dihedral> + you are the first vista user in here who even mentions that folder
08:37:10 <Flow> hehe okay, better late then never ;)
08:37:30 <dihedral> if that folder were standard, and all vista users playing openttd never even knew that folder existed, we would have a bunch of support time just because they cannot find savegames, config, grf files ......
08:38:06 <dihedral> and no - that would not be solved by adding it to the readme file
08:38:14 <dihedral> as most people dont even look into that file
08:38:26 <planetmaker> good morning #openttd
08:38:27 <dihedral> else they'd know where to find their savegames, grfs, config file, etc.
08:38:27 <Flow> okay, but that folder is shown in your user profile directly, so you dont have to search more than for "documents"
08:38:31 <dihedral> good morning planetmaker
08:38:54 <dihedral> and now i have to catch a bus to head to work
08:39:00 <Flow> you could create a link to that dir then - for those who are not able to read a readme ;)
08:39:23 <dihedral> none of them default "users" are able to do anything
08:39:49 <dihedral> heck they even have probs with finding the files on their "Transport Tycoon Deluxe CD-ROM"
08:40:30 <Flow> yes sure, but it would be a good thing to clean up those directory-structures, so I told you that there is a special folder for that kind of stuff ;)
08:40:45 <Flow> you dont have to do that - I only asked myself ;)
08:41:13 <planetmaker> actually.... not that opengfx exists, it would be nice, if OpenTTD could get it from bananas, if it doesn't find ANY basegrf (e.g. after a fresh, new install). Currently it just tells you to get tr...grf and
08:41:40 <Flow> most people dont know about special folders at all, they put all there documents directly to C:\ and wonder why they dont find anything ;)
08:43:28 <Flow> for "newbie"-users you could create an installer like "please enter your ttd-cd and press Continue" XD
08:44:02 <planetmaker> I think there exists a MSI installer.
08:44:14 <planetmaker> Not sure about the TTD-CD part, though
08:45:53 <Flow> no - i thought of it in the "oh no - please enter cd that I can copy it for you..."-part of the game ;)
08:47:22 <planetmaker> yes, I understood that :) I'm just not sure what the existing installer actually *does*
08:47:41 <planetmaker> (I don't run ottd on windows)
08:48:37 <Flow> yea okay ;) i only have it on windows - my girlfriend only has vista on her laptop ;)
08:49:17 <Flow> hmm O.o "TRGIR.GRF" is missing or corrupt - but if i press enter it works? and the file surely exists? I installed ttd 2mins ago
08:50:26 <planetmaker> well... you may find errors later. Better copy it from your TTD CD :)
08:50:37 <planetmaker> if they all miss, ottd won't start
08:51:22 <Flow> hmm i recopied it - same thing?
08:53:17 <planetmaker> copied to the data folder?
08:53:59 <Flow> thats the only file he complains about, but it exists, 324kb
08:54:26 <planetmaker> maybe your original is corrupt
08:54:44 <planetmaker> or you have one in the local folder and one in the global and it finds the corrupt first
08:55:17 <Flow> aahh lol -.- i had my "ttd and ttdpatch-package" on my usb stick ;) so the trgir was patched
08:55:23 <Flow> damn ... im so stupid XD
08:55:37 <planetmaker> patched? For what does it need patching?
08:56:48 <Flow> don't know, but it changes some bytes in there
08:58:20 <Roest> is anyone here compiling ottd on windows?
08:59:33 <Flow> no sorry, no compiler here on that laptop
09:04:13 <Flow> hmm another suggestion: if I build a station near a coalmine or similar, it creates a "townname's mine" - but near a powerplant it names it "townsname west/east/north..." why not "townsname's powerplant"?
09:05:13 <FauxFaux> 'cos stations aren't called that in England. ¬_¬
09:05:27 *** Timitry has joined #openttd
09:09:29 *** Progman has joined #openttd
09:20:28 <dihedral> Flow, "is missing or corrupt" <- openttd has the checksum of the files, if your files checksum do not match what OpenTTD expects that is the message you get
09:20:58 *** Roest is now known as Guest1162
09:20:58 *** Roest1 is now known as Roest
09:21:10 <dihedral> Roest, you could ask Alain - he is (wanting to) compile on windows
09:21:28 <Roest> nah problem solved already
09:21:47 <Roest> i'll ask alain when i need to patch it
09:21:48 <dihedral> planetmaker, did you pick up on the messages that duck left?
09:22:22 <dihedral> like "i can change my ip"
09:23:01 <Forked> why would one want to though?
09:23:12 <planetmaker> dihedral: so... did he leave your channel, too? :D
09:23:33 <planetmaker> Forked: in order to circumvent the bans posed on him
09:23:35 <dihedral> did not even have to do anything
09:23:47 <dihedral> he is still in #openttd.ap though
09:24:02 <Forked> trick is not to get banned in the first place
09:24:20 <dihedral> Forked, he sees himself as a oh-so-wonderful FPS game player
09:24:21 <planetmaker> Forked: indeed. But he really made an effort to get there quickly
09:24:38 <dihedral> which gives him the right (at least in his opinion) to have bad attitude
09:25:08 <Forked> if I changed "my" IP my gf would give me a beating :\ she has had this IP for.. uh.. some years now
09:25:42 <planetmaker> I guess I have another every 24h...
09:25:45 <Forked> ISP has static IPs for DSL customers, but since I work here.. :p
09:25:48 <planetmaker> well. Not with this computer, but...
09:26:15 <planetmaker> ... I'm still happy I got x.y.z.42 here :)
09:26:47 <Forked> I get to play with dns entries for the IP :) great fun
09:27:03 <planetmaker> the IT person was actually quite surprised to see it still free when I came and asked for an IP for my computer :)
09:28:17 <Forked> sorta geeky request :)
09:29:25 * Forked plans on a day with cargodest and IS tomorrow
09:30:30 *** Brianetta has joined #openttd
09:31:22 * dihedral gets a new ip every night
09:31:48 <planetmaker> well... there are worse things :)
09:32:22 <Roest> i don't care about the new ip, the 24h disconnect sucks more
09:33:15 <planetmaker> well. At 4:30 am I'm usually asleep as are my computers at home.
09:33:28 <dihedral> planetmaker, usually
09:33:36 <dihedral> but there are exceptions to prove the rule
09:33:49 <planetmaker> well, yeah. My WiFi is anyway disabled between 1 and 7am.
09:34:01 <Roest> i wish i could set my router to do it at a given time
09:34:02 <planetmaker> dihedral: there're always exceptions
09:34:43 <Roest> anyway pm i'm turning oyu in, microsoft offered 250k $ for hints on the author of the conficker worm
09:35:16 <planetmaker> :P go right ahead. I'm not seeing the connection, but well, I hope you tell me :)
09:35:52 <Roest> you just have to play along till i get the money
09:36:06 <planetmaker> go to #hell and ask the guys there ;) There we can talk about it :P
09:36:28 <planetmaker> Or... I take advance money, sufficient in order to buy an island...
09:36:36 <Roest> interesting there are 3 guy in #hell
09:36:38 <planetmaker> but I guess... 250k is not sufficient :)
09:36:58 <planetmaker> it's even a registered channel afaik
09:37:26 <Roest> [10:36] * Topic is 'omg'
09:37:49 <dihedral> oh - we are already there :-P
09:39:06 <Roest> anyway guys, stop distracting micheal blunck with translations and other stuff, he should only work on the next version of the db set
09:39:35 <dihedral> we dont destract him - he does that all by himself
09:39:40 <planetmaker> and new stations and new ships and new houses and... probably I missed at least two projects he talks about ;)
09:40:21 <planetmaker> he should upload it to bananas :P
09:45:38 <dihedral> and complete opengfx
09:46:14 <planetmaker> that's not his business :P
10:08:41 *** Vikthor has joined #openttd
10:18:27 <Brianetta> OpenGFX? Blunck works on that?
10:19:16 <Brianetta> I'd be surprised, he despises OpenTTD
10:19:25 <Timitry> I hope Zephyris finds time to finish OpenGFX
10:19:36 <Timitry> FooBar is now unfortunately rather workin on FIRS
10:19:56 <Ammler> only some houses and engines for monolev
10:20:00 <Timitry> (which might get fantastic, but i'd rather see OpenGFX finished first) ;-)
10:20:06 <dihedral> Timitry, i am sure if you do some pixel drawings Zephyris would code it for you ;-)
10:21:32 <Timitry> I rather try learning C++ in the spare free time that i have :)
10:22:52 <dihedral> Alain can help you there - he's going through the same issues
10:23:17 <Timitry> The guy with the patchpack? :D
10:23:57 <Timitry> I'll rather start with small projects ;-)
10:23:58 <dihedral> he does not have one yet :-P
10:24:22 <planetmaker> [11:23] <Timitry> I'll rather start with small projects ;-) <-- sounds sensible :)
10:24:38 <planetmaker> though... my motivation was kind of the same back then :P
10:24:45 <planetmaker> but starting small is always good.
10:24:59 *** HerzogDeXtEr has joined #openttd
10:25:11 * dihedral needs some coders and grf authors
10:26:03 <dihedral> no Ammler: not only hack
10:26:09 <dihedral> only hack if there is no other way
10:26:27 <Ammler> (was refering to roest)
10:26:42 <DorpsGek> dihedral: Celestar was last seen in #openttd 1 week, 2 days, 22 hours, 35 minutes, and 56 seconds ago: <Celestar> great*
10:26:46 <Timitry> The problem with me is that i always like to start to learn something, but am not very persistent...
10:27:02 <Ammler> celestar would have other work, if he has time ;-)
10:27:14 <Timitry> Just like the website for my judo-club, started but never finished...
10:27:28 <dihedral> that is something websites just attrackt
10:28:31 <Ammler> but celestar showed already interests in combining IS and cargodest
10:29:11 <Timitry> I'd prefer to have a finished CS first :D
10:30:41 <Ammler> seems like nobody is able to make nice homepages without fixed widths.
10:31:07 <Timitry> Well, that's due to the crappy IE6
10:31:14 <Timitry> I really tried, but did not manage it...
10:31:30 <Timitry> Problem was the header graphic
10:32:04 <Roest> only thing IE6 users should see is "update your fucking browser"
10:32:57 * Roest hates developing for IE6 with a passion
10:34:28 <dihedral> Ammler: you can use em as width ;-)
10:34:36 <Timitry> Having the red-black transition as background, putting the two logos on top of that and a text in the middle...
10:34:46 <Timitry> With IE --> Forget it
10:34:55 * TrueBrain is so happy OpenTTD website looks pretty simular in most browsers ... :) (just a random comment, didn't read this conversation at all :p)
10:35:01 <Timitry> I think version 6 does not even know min-width...
10:35:41 <Ammler> TrueBrain: but also fixed ;-)
10:36:32 <TrueBrain> Ammler: small penalty to pay ;)
10:36:51 <Ammler> yeah, seems so, the majority of websites tell that.
10:37:30 <Timitry> And since i integrated lightbox2 on my website, i'm getting aware on how much websites use this :)
10:37:35 *** NukeBuster has joined #openttd
10:40:28 <Timitry> Quote Ammler: "seems like nobody is able to make nice homepages without fixed widths." --> The problem with non-fixed widths is readability... The columns just get too large and make it hard to read the text, but i guess you know that. However, i tried with a variable width from 800px up to somewhat like 1300px, but IE screwed that
10:42:17 *** HerzogDeXtEr1 has joined #openttd
10:58:19 *** [gone]buster has joined #openttd
10:59:56 <TrueBrain> dihedral: you are so weird
11:32:33 *** eQualizer has joined #openttd
11:37:31 *** JapaMala has joined #openttd
11:44:51 *** JapaMala is now known as |Japa|
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12:34:56 <dihedral> i received a private message.... on the forums: "what's irc"
12:35:46 <TrueBrain> not everyone is as brilliant as you are dihedral ;) :p
12:36:06 <dihedral> b-words come to mind TrueBrain
12:36:21 <Rubidium> that's an question to be asked google...
12:36:44 <dihedral> hehe - create a magic-google-ball :-D
12:36:49 <TrueBrain> they all apply to me, I know I know :)
12:37:08 <|Japa|> along with blatant liar
12:37:49 <dihedral> bastard, bloody <other 'nice' word>, bitch, ....
12:38:29 <Forked> 't have to be smart to know what irc is
12:38:55 <TrueBrain> Forked: who said anything about needing to be smart? :p
12:39:38 <|Japa|> as in: a brilliant white light
12:39:51 <Forked> smartest white light ever
13:02:07 * Rubidium wonders who have to pay for IRC
13:03:04 <TrueBrain> Rubidium: you don't pay for access?
13:03:27 <planetmaker> TrueBrain: but I guess most people nowadays pay a flatrate
13:03:34 <planetmaker> so it doesn't matter.
13:03:43 <Rubidium> well, I pay for my internet connection, but I don't pay for IRC itself
13:03:48 <|Japa|> I use a friends connection
13:04:03 <planetmaker> TrueBrain: no. For Internet :)
13:04:19 <planetmaker> Paying for IRC would surely hurt me :)
13:04:37 <TrueBrain> planetmaker: we talked about IRC, if you would have read what was said correctly :)
13:04:46 <TrueBrain> DASPRiD: so you are here illegal? :p
13:04:51 <Rubidium> apparantly some people have to pay for using/connecting? to IRC
13:05:11 * TrueBrain calls 0900-ILLEGALIRCUSERS
13:05:29 <planetmaker> TrueBrain: I read that. And I pointed out due to an internet flatrate it isn't necessary to pay for IRC :)
13:05:34 * DASPRiD calls TrueBrain's mom
13:05:40 <planetmaker> But I guess... words and puns and ... :P
13:05:50 <TrueBrain> planetmaker: so due to the internet flatrate, you don't have to pay for porno websites?
13:06:00 <TrueBrain> weird conclusions ..
13:06:24 <TrueBrain> as we say in dutch: "dat slaat als een lul op een varken"
13:06:28 <DASPRiD> well this server doesnt required a payed account, so
13:06:33 <TrueBrain> or as I raid yesterday: "that is comparing apples with carrots"
13:06:39 <DASPRiD> TrueBrain, ik ben ben!
13:07:12 <Rubidium> TrueBrain: okay, lets rephrase it for you: if you are connected with MSN, do you need to pay EXTRA for connecting to IRC?
13:07:37 <TrueBrain> Rubidium: for me? What did I do wrong :(
13:07:58 <TrueBrain> I was just pointing out the flaw in planetmaker's thinking :p
13:08:22 <planetmaker> :P I prefer the interpretation of "Truebrain willing to understand" :P
13:08:36 <TrueBrain> but to answer: no, I only have to pay extra when I am not connected to MSN .. stupid Microsoft ... always finding ways to get money from us :(
13:08:43 <TrueBrain> planetmaker: fair enough
13:08:46 <TrueBrain> DASPRiD: fair enough
13:09:04 *** tokai|ni has joined #openttd
13:09:57 <TrueBrain> I am going to play a bit more F.E.A.R. 2 .. you guys are boring :p
13:11:08 <TrueBrain> that game is really good :) I have troubles putting it away :)
13:11:25 <TrueBrain> played it for 10+ hours in the last 48 hours ... might be a bit sick :p
13:11:27 * planetmaker hands TrueBrain one of his nice, tiny magnets
13:11:40 <planetmaker> That can solve the issue :P
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13:22:16 <DASPRiD> TrueBrain, is your pc fast enough for that? ;P
13:28:28 <|Japa|> I understood ity perfectly
13:29:34 <|Japa|> but I think it would be better to use one of those magnets that can snap your fingeroff if your not carefull
13:37:26 <Roest> planetmaker do you still have high hopes?
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13:48:14 <Roest> but good post, that's what i wanted to tell him
13:48:24 <planetmaker> I would have higher hopes, if he had demonstrated that he a) could compile trunk and b) could compile a patched trunk (correct revision)
14:03:48 <Roest> captain dihedral tot he bridge
14:04:15 <Roest> we have an emergency question that needs to be answered
14:04:22 <Roest> How do i compile it i cant see it were is the buton in TortoiseSVN to compile open ttd
14:12:46 <valhalla1w> tortoiseSVN is an svn client, not a compiler :P
14:12:48 *** valhalla1w is now known as valhallasw
14:13:17 <Sacro> tortoiseSVN is a frontend
14:13:44 <Rubidium> Sacro: that's a frontend too...
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14:14:54 <Roest> valhallasw i did only forward the question to support operative dihedral
14:14:54 <Rubidium> tortoisesvn does also talk directly with libsvn
14:16:42 <Sacro> i thought it was a wrapper
14:17:05 <valhallasw> Roest: oh, wait, that's someone elses post on the forum? :P
14:17:24 <Rubidium> a random applause for valhallasw ;)
14:17:28 <TrueBrain> DASPRiD: I have a nice xbox
14:17:58 <valhallasw> Rubidium: well, I don't read up further than the last 20 lines generally
14:18:51 <DASPRiD> TrueBrain, xbox is slooow :x
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14:41:00 <planetmaker> DASPRiD: there's an English university which uses them in a cluster as high performance computer :)
14:41:27 <planetmaker> maybe it was some other console, but some of that kind :)
14:42:20 <planetmaker> hehe. That explains the sales of xboxes: computer clusters :P
14:44:57 <planetmaker> might well be, SmatZ. I don't recall exactly. Been some time I read it.
14:45:43 *** Belugas has joined #openttd
14:45:43 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Belugas
14:49:37 <planetmaker> hello sir Belugas :)
14:52:23 <Belugas> hello indeed ho Maker of Planets
14:52:58 <Belugas> ooop.... sorry... you have notyet upgraded... still making one planet :)
14:54:43 <planetmaker> I'm only capable of making on at a time... or I'd bear a different nick... like
14:54:56 <planetmaker> solar-system-maker :P or something
14:55:49 <planetmaker> planets without stars are no fun...
14:58:09 <TrueBrain> DASPRiD: if you think an xbox is slow, you never played on any
14:58:17 <TrueBrain> damn, finished FEAR2 ... good game .. good game :)
14:58:44 <Sacro> planetmaker: zartiblatfast?
14:59:27 <Sacro> has been a whlie since i read it
15:00:34 <planetmaker> well... whatever :P
15:00:40 <planetmaker> that word doesn't make sense to me :)
15:03:05 * Roest wonders if Alain is a real person or someone making fun of us
15:06:27 <planetmaker> He'll be real. He's playing on dih's server.
15:28:00 <dihedral> alain seems to be a real twerp!
15:28:54 <dihedral> i mean - it's worse than i had expected in the first place
15:29:10 <dihedral> and planetmaker granted him the benefit of the doubt.... :-D
15:29:12 * Forked ponders about punching out just to play openttd
15:30:05 * planetmaker ponders about granting myself now the benefit of a weekend start :)
15:30:22 * planetmaker decided on 'yes' :D
15:41:35 <Roest> man this is going to kill me, today is the date for the first review cycle notification for the eurovis, i wish they'd send it out already
15:46:40 <Roest> i mean i knew that already, just thought i'd get a reason
15:46:56 <TrueBrain> why specify such things?
15:47:03 <TrueBrain> seems unreasonable to expect that of me
15:48:22 <TrueBrain> that is true for sure
15:50:06 <dihedral> of course TrueBrain never knows
16:05:57 *** kingj is now known as KingJ
16:06:38 <Roest> a computer with a french accent?
16:26:15 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: yexo * r15466 /trunk/src/ai/ai_info.cpp: -Fix (r15330): The squirrel instance object was freed twice if an info.nut failed to compile.
16:27:22 *** KingJ is now known as KingJ-temp
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16:31:02 *** Swallow_ is now known as Swallow
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17:07:56 *** TrueBrain has joined #openttd
17:17:46 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: yexo * r15467 /trunk/src/ (7 files in 2 dirs): -Fix [NoAI]: AIs with an error in their info.nut are no longer available in-game.
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17:32:38 <Roest> rubidium spieler = player which of course could mean company in that case
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17:36:02 <Rubidium> Roest: in any case it was wrong and it currently is wrong
17:36:29 <Yexo> it's not only in german though, english has the same text (2-8)
17:36:31 <Rubidium> and if it means company, then single player can be Mehrspieler too
17:36:44 <Rubidium> hmm... who wrote that?
17:37:51 <Roest> no i meant spieler translates as player which wouldn't mean company in the language but a player could be understood as company in that environment
17:38:33 <Rubidium> just don't mention the number of players ;)
17:39:54 <Yexo> Rubidium: wouldn't it be better to remove the string from all other languages so they're force to correct it?
17:45:49 <Rubidium> hmm, I think there should be a more thorough review of the current english strings
17:46:01 <Rubidium> seems to me that there're quite some strings that aren't used anymore
17:46:37 <Belugas> watch out, some are maybe not explicitely used, but are referenced by incrementing the base one
17:47:01 <Belugas> granted, it'snot the case of all those "unused"
17:50:49 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: rubidium * r15468 /trunk/src/lang/ (47 files in 2 dirs): -Fix: reword the multiplayer tooltip so it doesn't mention the (incorrect) number of players anymore.
17:55:57 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: rubidium * r15469 /trunk/src/lang/english.txt: -Fix (r15468): why doesn't subversion trigger the save of my text editor before doing the commit?
17:56:20 <frosch123> the man who can faster commit than his editor can save :)
17:57:15 <el_en> your word order a little germanic sounds.
17:57:39 <frosch123> maybe it is just old english
18:01:51 <petern> maybe it was just wrong
18:06:20 <planetmaker> [18:39] <Yexo> Rubidium: wouldn't it be better to remove the string from all other languages so they're force to correct it? <--- I would disagree. I think the translators think about what the function does.
18:06:30 <planetmaker> word by word translations are often more a fail than not
18:06:54 <Yexo> I think the translators think about what the function does. <- I hope they do, but I think a lot of them don't
18:07:32 <planetmaker> Yexo: it's the easier way not to, sure :)
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18:07:57 <planetmaker> But to fix the non obvious errors, that's what we started the German translation topic in the forums for.
18:08:02 <Yexo> planetmaker: just take a look at the removed strings, almost all of them had 2-8 (only bulgarian had 1-7 for some reason)
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18:20:15 <Nite_Owl> Reformatted the hard drive, reinstalled Windows XP and all the proper drivers, and now the PC is caught in a boot up loop - that is it gets to the windows loading screen, goes to a black screen, and then back to the windows loading screen in an endless loop. I plan on going into windows repair and trying to fix the boot sector etc. but any other advice would be appreciated.
18:22:23 <SpComb> Nite_Owl: black screen, as in BIOS bootup?
18:22:37 <SpComb> if it reboots during windows-bootup, then it's probably BSOD'ing
18:23:19 <Prof_Frink> But with BSODs turned off.
18:23:41 <Alberth> The 'B' means Black here, obviously :)
18:24:06 <Nite_Owl> no BIOS boot up - no key press
18:25:39 <Nite_Owl> The black screen only lasts a second before the windows loading screen comes back around
18:26:38 <Nite_Owl> normally it would go from the black screen onto the windows desktop
18:30:04 <Nite_Owl> I have been playing around with this one for over a week and cannot get it back to a stable condition
18:31:39 <Nite_Owl> Boot sector repair is the last possibility and if that does not work then the thing is toast. I could try replacing the hard drive but...
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18:34:11 <Nite_Owl> tried that - the memory and the motherboard are fine as far as I can tell
18:40:02 <Nite_Owl> I will give it one last shot tomorrow if what I have in mind does not work then it will be up to them to decide if they want to replace the hard drive or get a new tower/system
18:42:16 <TrueBrain> Nite_Owl: if your OS boots, it is not your boot sector which is damaged ...
18:43:53 <TrueBrain> and most likely you installed a driver which makes windows BSOD .. wouldn't be the first time ..
18:44:08 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: yexo * r15470 /trunk/src/ai/ai_info.cpp: -Fix [NoAI]: Check the types of the parameters passed to AddSetting, AddLabels and RegisterAI.
18:44:22 <Nite_Owl> the OS (winXP) does not boot - it starts to then loops back which is what lead me to believe it could be the boot sector
18:44:39 <TrueBrain> you say you see the windows loading screen
18:44:44 <TrueBrain> this is WAY past the boot sector ...
18:45:21 <TrueBrain> try pressing F8 .. if you get a menu, it is not your bootsector :)
18:45:33 <TrueBrain> (if it is, btw, your BIOS will error out with telling you something nifty)
18:46:05 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: translators * r15471 /trunk/src/lang/ (6 files in 2 dirs):
18:46:05 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: -Update: WebTranslator2 update to 2009-02-13 18:45:45
18:46:05 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: dutch - 12 changed by Excel20 (12)
18:46:05 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: finnish - 1 fixed by jpx_ (1)
18:46:05 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: french - 1 fixed, 2 changed by glx (3)
18:46:07 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: luxembourgish - 333 fixed by Gubius (333)
18:46:07 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: ukrainian - 5 fixed by mad (5)
18:46:54 <Nite_Owl> and it was working fine for 3 days prior to this - the F8 does give a menu - darn, what could it be then?
18:47:05 <TrueBrain> [19:43] <TrueBrain> and most likely you installed a driver which makes windows BSOD .. wouldn't be the first time ..
18:47:06 <glx> looks like a driver problem :)
18:47:11 <TrueBrain> I generally hate repeating myself :p
18:47:22 <TrueBrain> in the F8 menu, do: Load Last Known Good Configuration
18:47:31 <TrueBrain> if you didn't disable that feature, it most of the time loads
18:47:34 <glx> check video driver (usually it's the faulty one)
18:47:41 <TrueBrain> with the lost of a few drivers and windows updates, most of the time
18:47:51 <TrueBrain> and if you are lucky safemode does load
18:47:58 <TrueBrain> depending on which driver fucks up ...
18:48:06 <TrueBrain> glx: how to check if you can't boot? ;) :p
18:48:29 <TrueBrain> :) I hope for Nite_Owl that safemode loads ;)
18:48:34 <glx> and you can force VGA too
18:49:22 <goodger> I think you mean SVGA
18:49:34 <TrueBrain> oh dear, goodger knows better again ...
18:49:58 <KingJ> What's the command to enable the magic bulldoser cheat on a dedicated server?
18:50:05 <goodger> IIRC, windows XP's safe mode operates in 800x600 at 256 colours
18:50:20 <Nite_Owl> according to the owner (not the most reliable source) she could not go to Last Known option because the keyboard would not work
18:50:23 <glx> KingJ: cheats are disabled for multiplayer
18:50:33 <TrueBrain> Nite_Owl: hahahaha :) Get a PS/2 keyboard, and plug it in :)
18:50:47 <glx> TrueBrain: try that on a dell ;)
18:51:06 <TrueBrain> glx: the dells without ps/2 have correct usb keyboard detection at bios level :) Well .. the ones I had in my hands :p
18:51:07 <KingJ> Ah that's a shame, magic bulldoser is the only cheat I ever turn on
18:51:46 <Nite_Owl> it is a Dell - I will bring an old keyboard - it does have a PS/2 port
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18:52:15 <TrueBrain> Nite_Owl: yeah .. some usb keyboards are not detected on those old machines ;)
18:52:23 <TrueBrain> won't even let you in the bios ... annoying :p
18:52:49 <Nite_Owl> She has a wireless keyboard
18:53:06 <glx> if they implement BIOS stuff they should ;)
18:53:30 <TrueBrain> but okay, the wireless keyboard most likely is just an usb keyboard, seen from the system
18:53:43 * glx played with USB stuff recently (built a joypad adapter)
18:53:56 <Nite_Owl> I did not have her try to get into the BIOS over the phone - too risky
18:54:23 <TrueBrain> Nite_Owl: and no much she could do there anyway ;) Was just pointing out the keyboard is only detected by the OS .. rather annoying :)
18:54:54 <Aali> funny tidbit; legacy keyboard emulation with a certain combination of BIOS and linux makes SMP systems unbootable
18:55:34 <TrueBrain> strange things between BIOS and OS are not rare :) Far from it ..
18:55:43 <Aali> happened on a newly assembled server of mine
18:55:54 <Aali> if it weren't for google I would never have figured it out
18:56:19 <TrueBrain> so you did send them money for it, I hope? :p
18:56:38 <Aali> non-SMP kernel worked flawlessly, SMP kernel borked with a million errors and rebooted
18:57:08 <Nite_Owl> Ah well it will be a fun day tomorrow - thank you all for the advice
18:57:08 <TrueBrain> Aali: most problems are solved in 2.6.26+ kernels btw
18:57:16 <TrueBrain> but SMP in general gave errors from time to time with older ones ;)
18:57:20 <TrueBrain> Nite_Owl: good luck :)
18:57:24 <TrueBrain> happy driver-hunting
18:57:32 <TrueBrain> one of the worst parts of Windows ....................
18:57:49 <Aali> that server is running 2.6.25 :P
18:58:03 <TrueBrain> glx: I have had it with my ATA driver, with my audio driver, with my video driver, and with a usb (!) driver ...
18:58:09 <TrueBrain> but yeah, in general it is the video driver :)
18:58:29 <Aali> unless you have a creative sound card
18:58:31 <TrueBrain> the ATA one was the hardest to detect :(
18:58:32 <glx> anyway for dell, always use dell drivers
18:58:46 <TrueBrain> from ;)
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18:58:56 <Aali> creative makes the shittiest drivers ever
18:59:18 <glx> I'm still trying to find why my father's dell sometimes hang
18:59:45 <TrueBrain> I still wonder why they sold me a T5750 and claimed it supported VT-X :(
18:59:45 <Nite_Owl> I have already spent many days trying to fix this one so just one more could not hurt too much
19:00:03 <TrueBrain> Nite_Owl: I hope she is pretty
19:02:05 <Nite_Owl> she is my older cousin so it does not even count in those terms or in 'getting paid' terms although she will usually give me some money but not as much as I usually charge
19:02:46 <Nite_Owl> still you do what you can for family
19:03:21 <TrueBrain> hmm .. so 'pretty' is not relavant too
19:04:12 <Nite_Owl> Hmmm - I better bring a mouse too just in case
19:04:44 <glx> you can do everything without it
19:05:31 <glx> but if install worked then keyboard worked too
19:06:50 <Nite_Owl> up until this boot loop problem everything worked fine - granted it only lasted a few days and then went nuts again
19:18:45 <Nite_Owl> Once again thank you all for your advice
19:25:53 <TrueBrain> Nite_Owl: those who do nice, receive nice ;)
19:26:19 <TrueBrain> Mortal: can I suggest getting a more stable connection?
19:26:38 <Mortal> sorry TrueBrain, that's my irc client plugin crashing
19:26:58 <Mortal> I can turn autoconnect off for oftc if you'd like
19:27:15 <TrueBrain> I think it is more useful if you have an irc client which doesn't cash all the time ;)
19:30:59 <TrueBrain> haha, Marusha - Over the rainbow .. that is an old song :)
19:31:57 <Rubidium> depends on what one would classify as old
19:32:23 <TrueBrain> (but that might have been very obvious)
19:32:51 <Rubidium> how would you classify something from like 1230?
19:33:06 <TrueBrain> sorry, I don't have any recording from 1230, so I wouldn't know
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19:37:42 <TrueBrain> plural? Cool :) Hi to you too
19:38:03 <Rubidium> TrueBrain: don't you have earlier music?
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19:42:07 <Yexo> admiralai has a limit on the number of AIs per bus stop, but with big towns you'll still get jams
19:42:41 <Elukka> the only ai i've ever used was the old "alpha ai" patch in trunk :D
19:42:47 <Elukka> it actually works pretty well for road vehicles
19:42:53 <Rubidium> Yexo: s/AIs/busses/ ?
19:43:32 <Rubidium> could be you made it IS compatible already
19:44:20 <Yexo> that's impossible, since the AI can't check vehicles of other companies
19:44:44 <Elukka> i liked using them to build bus services for me
19:44:47 <Yexo> and if that is changes, other places that assume so will fail
19:44:50 <Elukka> they'd build them, then i'd buy them out
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20:11:56 <Roest> Max station spread. Warning High setting slows game. Now what would be considered a high setting?
20:12:40 <Roest> hmm possible answers are 42 and depends
20:12:42 <kingj> I run mine on 40, and notice no slowdown
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20:37:56 <Belugas> cannot redirect an address
20:38:49 <Rubidium> well... it's chasing Jerrymouse ;)
20:41:52 <Rubidium> Belugas: you know that the Americans stopped using Tomcats in 2006, right?
20:46:44 <Rubidium> true, but whatever wikipedia says doesn't mean it's true
20:46:55 <Rubidium> even when they got 'sources' for it
20:47:39 <Rubidium> station flag is not within 9 tiles of destination industry/town flag
20:48:49 <Zahl> hmmm.. has it always been like that?
20:49:39 <Zahl> by station flag you mean what exactly?
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20:50:04 <Rubidium> there where the station name is
20:50:25 <Rubidium> and it has only been so since somewhere in the mid 1990s
20:51:10 <Zahl> so its brand new, so to say
20:52:35 <Zahl> awesome, it works! youre my hero Rubidium :-)
21:19:55 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: rubidium * r15472 /trunk/src/lang/english.txt: -Fix: consistency of capitalisation of words in the intro gui and of NewGRF.
21:24:33 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: rubidium * r15473 /trunk/src/ (intro_gui.cpp lang/english.txt): -Fix: add two missing tooltips in the intro gui
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22:09:02 <Roest> hmm is it possible for a vehicle with shared orders to get unshared again?
22:12:23 <valhallasw> Roest: select 'end of shared orders' and click delete
22:36:52 <el_en> what is under the openttd world?
22:37:17 <el_en> is it possible the world lies on the backs of four elephants?
22:38:22 <Nite_Owl> which in turn stand on the back of a turtle
22:38:50 <valhallasw> the only turtle ever to show up on a Hertzsprung-Russell diagram?
22:39:04 <el_en> yes, naturally the elephants can't be standing on thin air (or space), there must be a turtle.
22:40:01 <Elukka> then what do the turtles stand on?
22:40:09 <Prof_Frink> Nah, it can't be the Disc because a) it's square and b) the circumfence goes all the way round
22:40:27 <Prof_Frink> Elukka: It's a *turtle*. It *swims*.
22:40:57 <Elukka> ah, that explains everything
22:42:14 <valhallasw> Prof_Frink: maybe some alternate squareworld?
22:43:13 <Sacro> Elukka: turtles all the way down
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22:59:50 <Yeggstry> forgive my complete ignorance, but can someone explain how the transfers work?
23:00:24 <Elukka> which means you can drop off things to intermediate stations
23:00:33 <Elukka> the cargo will wait there until picked up by another vehicle
23:00:49 <Yeggstry> I dont understand the fact that my train has a profit but the lorries which move it to the final destination have a cost each time
23:02:10 <Nite_Owl> it works better profit wise if the transfer is short and the trip to the final destination is long
23:02:34 <Elukka> you'll still get the money, though
23:02:48 <Elukka> the time the cargo is waiting is counted as travel time, i think
23:03:39 <Nite_Owl> not necessarily - it could loose money if the transfer is really long and the trip to the final destination is really short
23:04:10 <Rubidium> 1) the first vehicles don't actually earn money
23:04:10 <Prof_Frink> How does one loose anything other than arrows?
23:04:34 <Rubidium> 2) the last vehicle earns the whole trip
23:05:13 <Rubidium> to make the non-last vehicles not have negative income, the amount of money they would've gotten are virtually given to those vehicles
23:05:18 <Nite_Owl> you know I can not spell
23:05:57 <Rubidium> after that whatever virtual money is handed out is substracted from the profit that the last vehicle shows
23:05:58 <Prof_Frink> Yeah, but loose/lose really annoys me.
23:06:26 <Nite_Owl> I blame it all on phonetic reading as a child
23:06:28 <Yeggstry> ah ok, the problem I have was that the towns on this map don't give me easy access to transport goods, so I've done a train route to the outskirts then lorries to the final destination
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23:21:00 <Prof_Frink> Sacro: Do it properly. Write a bash one-liner that gives you a countdown.
23:21:29 <Sacro> Prof_Frink: /exec -o date?
23:23:01 <Prof_Frink> That's not a countdown.
23:24:41 <el_en> while date +%s ; do sleep 0.8s ; done
23:25:03 <Prof_Frink> Still not a count*down*, is it?
23:26:14 <el_en> Prof_Frink: date +-%s ?
23:27:04 <Prof_Frink> el_en: No, you need to take the output of date +%s and do something to it
23:28:05 <Mark> while true; do clear; echo $((1234567890 - `date +%s`)); sleep 1; done ?
23:28:36 <el_en> Mark: there's a slight chance of missing the important number if you sleep 1.
23:28:46 <Prof_Frink> I'm not bothering with the clear, but yeah
23:31:38 <el_en> and we have a lift-off!
23:32:37 <Tefad> i'm in ##1234567890 on freenode
23:34:56 <Prof_Frink> ...well, that was fun, wasn't it.
23:36:00 <el_en> never seen any channel with that much traffic
23:37:03 <wgrant> el_en: #ubuntu-release-party after Hardy was close, but not quite to that extent...
23:37:31 <Prof_Frink> Sacro: The epochalypse, the end of the unixverse.
23:37:52 <kd5pbo> date() or time() or such returns 1234567890?
23:38:22 <wgrant> Sacro: FFFFFFFF will be the only sound heard as it ticks over, as the world begins to swear.
23:38:27 <Prof_Frink> excluding leap seconds
23:39:07 <kd5pbo> Wait, is it 1234567890 or 0xFFFFFFFF?
23:39:14 <wgrant> 1234567890 just happened.
23:39:19 <wgrant> 0xFFFFFFFF will happen in 2038.
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23:39:52 <Mark> 2000000000 will occour Wed, 18 May 2033 05:33:20 +0200
23:40:07 <Prof_Frink> Pfft, my computer goes well past 2038 anyway
23:40:16 <kd5pbo> Hopefully by then we'll be using four bytes for whatever datatype it returns.
23:40:36 <wgrant> Prof_Frink: But lots of data formats still use 32-bit time_t, and will for a while yet...
23:41:05 <kd5pbo> Well, we have 29 years to add bytes.
23:41:25 <kd5pbo> Who knows, by then a byte maybe 16 bits.
23:41:54 <Nite_Owl> Yes but the Maya calender ends December 21st, 2012
23:42:17 <kd5pbo> Who do you believe, the Mayans, or the Unix folks.
23:42:33 <Prof_Frink> How much beard did the Mayans have?
23:42:34 <kd5pbo> Hm, maybe my girlfriend will cease to exist in 2012, and I'll disappear in 2038.
23:42:51 <Nite_Owl> when the solar system aligns with the black hole at the center of the milky way
23:42:58 <el_en> wgrant: but 0xFFFFFFFF is a negative number.
23:43:23 <wgrant> You're right, it is signed.
23:43:32 <Prof_Frink> Nite_Owl: That statement makes no sense.
23:43:34 <kd5pbo> So, we've even less time.
23:44:02 <Prof_Frink> Heh, there's even a 1234567890 thread on UKC
23:44:15 <el_en> 2038 is still the year when trouble arise.
23:45:02 <Prof_Frink> < Nite_Owl> when the solar system aligns with the black hole at the center of the milky way
23:45:57 <Prof_Frink> el_en: Nah, the *real* trouble's not for a few milennia, when Andromeda arrives
23:46:12 <Elukka> by millenia do you mean billions of years
23:46:20 <Elukka> and it's not real trouble
23:47:31 <Nite_Owl> Perigee might have been a better term
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23:48:30 <Elukka> galactic collisions are fun
23:48:35 <Elukka> they collide but nothing much actually collides
23:51:38 <Nite_Owl> Pedigree as in pure breed
23:52:17 <Nite_Owl> Ahhh - back on beer are we
23:52:30 <Prof_Frink> Did we ever leave?
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