IRC logs for #openttd on OFTC at 2008-01-09
00:00:00 <Rubidium> just a little cling film
00:00:14 <Bjarni> I read about a homeless guy in the US... he lived under a bridge, but he had a TV and a playstation and stuff
00:00:25 <Bjarni> and furniture
00:01:04 <Bjarni> I thought homeless people didn't own more than they could carry
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00:03:30 <Bjarni> Sacro: do you have a playstation?
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00:06:11 <Sacro> Bjarni: only emulation
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00:06:50 <Bjarni> good
00:06:56 <Bjarni> you haven't fallen to the dark side
00:07:14 <ln-> btw, is blu-ray dark side or not?
00:07:27 <Bjarni> that's a good question
00:07:35 <Bjarni> I'm still wondering about that question
00:08:55 <dih> it is
00:09:03 * dih thinks it defiantely is
00:09:30 <ln-> dih: have you counted how many 'a' letters are in that def... word?
00:09:46 <Sacro> ln-: enough
00:09:51 <Bjarni> why is it the dark side?
00:09:53 <dih> probably none but hey
00:10:00 <dih> or should i say 'but hay'?
00:10:07 <Sacro> the n is in the wrong place though
00:10:15 <dih> oh
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00:10:19 <dih> woops
00:10:28 <Bjarni> what's so bad about blue-ray?
00:10:45 <ln-> how many 'e' letters are there in blu-ray?
00:11:04 <Bjarni> I don't know
00:11:07 <Bjarni> 42?
00:11:22 <ln-> close to zero
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00:12:53 <Bjarni> anyway
00:12:59 <Bjarni> what's bad about it?
00:13:01 <NamedNubcake> anyway?
00:13:06 <NamedNubcake> Blu-ray ftw
00:13:15 <Bjarni> so you prefer HD-DVD?
00:13:15 <ln-> yeah, dih, what's bad about it?
00:13:24 <Bjarni> why?
00:13:26 <NamedNubcake> The insanely huge price?
00:13:40 <dih> they are making too much money with it :_D
00:13:51 <NamedNubcake> So its the insanely huge price ?
00:15:12 <Bjarni> but what is the alternative?
00:15:37 <Bjarni> if everybody picks HD-DVD instead then the companies behind that one will make a lot of money instead
00:16:16 <NamedNubcake> uhm Choose Fibre Optic HD TV?
00:16:25 <ln-> and one company behind HD-DVD is Microsoft.
00:16:31 <NamedNubcake> :O
00:17:21 <Bjarni> I read about the format war the other day
00:17:27 <LeviathNL> how is this for a openttd icon :P
00:17:43 <Bjarni> the industry wants to avoid MS due to royalties for every disc release in the future
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00:18:14 <Bjarni> LeviathNL: interesting
00:19:15 <Eddi|zuHause> what's wrong with the old icon?
00:19:35 <Bjarni> it's.... orange
00:19:42 <LeviathNL> :o
00:20:25 <ln-> Eddi|zuHause: it has a symbol of a monetary unit soon worth less than the paper it's printed on.
00:20:32 <Bjarni> oh it's not your work
00:20:35 <Bjarni> then that's an issue
00:20:45 <Eddi|zuHause> ln-: then they should print it on gold paper ;)
00:21:13 <Bjarni> you see.... we need permission from the owner and I'm not going to ask Märklin to use their images because I already know the answer
00:21:31 <roboman> gmorning
00:21:58 <Bjarni> Alltaken made an image kind of like this once
00:22:35 <ln-> it has too much detail to look good at 1616 or 3232
00:22:46 <ln-> besides the copyright issue
00:22:51 <LeviathNL> It wasn't a serious suggestion, i stumbled upon it and found it rather interesting :)
00:23:02 <Bjarni> Alltaken's version had less detail to avoid this issue
00:23:06 <ln-> this is a serious channel
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00:24:28 <Bjarni> ohh... speaking of Alltaken... his real name is Doug and at one time when he got pizza he couldn't get the bill. The pizza guy looked at it and wouldn't show it... in the end Alltaken caught a look at it and the pizza was not for Doug but for "Dong".... how the hell can you write that??? and about a customer
00:26:00 <ln-> a pen will do
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00:28:29 <Belugas> whoooo... Tortoise 1.4.7...
00:28:39 * Belugas goes installig
00:30:12 * Sacro hands Belugas an n
00:30:35 <ln-> btw, is PSP3 the cheapest blu-ray player?
00:30:43 <glx> it is
00:30:46 <dih> openttd: 0.6.0-beta2/src/station.cpp:193: uint Station::GetPlatformLength(TileIndex) const: Assertion `TileBelongsToRailStation(tile)' failed.
00:31:39 * Belugas catches the n and woders where it should be goig
00:31:48 <dih> i have no idea what happened, if you need the last save, there is one (proabably)
00:32:30 <glx> does it always assert with the save?
00:32:41 <dih> i have not tried...
00:32:43 <ln-> err, actually, PSP stands for portable SP, doesn't it.. what i meant was PS3, as expected.
00:33:18 <glx> well indeed it is PS Portable ;)
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00:36:48 <dih> glx: i have a save from about 5 mins before crash
00:37:09 <dih>
00:37:13 <dih> just trying it now
00:37:30 <glx> try in nightlies too :)
00:37:53 <dih> shall do
00:38:04 <dih> if it crashes another time at least i shall
00:41:20 <Belugas> Eddi|zuHause : nice shot,%2012.%20Mai%201939.png <--- i love the catenaries
00:42:00 <Eddi|zuHause> it's the dutchcatw.grf
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00:53:16 <dih> glx: it's reproduceable
00:53:23 <glx> nice
00:53:32 <dih> SirkoZ did something and can reproduce it
00:53:44 <dih> :-P
00:53:52 <ln-> beware, Bjarni is going to push the button!
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00:55:04 <ln-> see?
00:55:33 <ln-> exactly the kind of time of night when Bjarni tends to push the button, and so he did.
00:58:59 <glx> dih: and what did he do?
00:59:18 *** SirkoZ has joined #openttd
00:59:24 <SirkoZ> Hello!
00:59:32 <dih> i'll let him explain what he did - he knows best :-)
00:59:34 <SirkoZ> I have a great repeatable crash to report
00:59:41 <SirkoZ> I'll make 2 saves
00:59:53 <SirkoZ> and explain how to reproduce
01:00:05 <SirkoZ> "teleporters" are the culprit so to speak
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01:00:28 <Belugas> hoo....
01:01:14 <Sacro> Belugas: I have that installed
01:01:35 <NamedNubcake> anyone know if theres a way to save favourite servers?
01:01:41 <Sacro> NamedNubcake: yes
01:01:46 <dih> yes
01:01:54 <dih> we know if there is a way :-)
01:01:55 <NamedNubcake> How?!
01:01:56 * Sacro knows 2 people :p
01:02:05 <Sacro> NamedNubcake: i learned it
01:02:16 <Sacro> and as for the 2nd person, he just informed me
01:02:20 <Rubidium> Belugas: but do you want to pay for it?
01:02:24 <Sacro> unless he said yes presuming he knew that i know
01:02:30 <NamedNubcake> Lemme rephrase that, How do u save favourite servers?
01:02:38 <Rubidium> because that's what you have to do (after 30 days)
01:02:39 <Sacro> i add the IP address
01:02:51 <Sacro> Rubidium: you don't *have* to
01:02:53 * Sacro coughs
01:03:14 <Rubidium> on the other hand... Belugas can request a free license
01:03:33 <Sacro> as he likes kittens?
01:03:34 <NamedNubcake> !stats
01:03:55 <SirkoZ> dih
01:04:06 <dih> yes?
01:04:08 <SirkoZ> could you upload the saves?
01:04:14 <NamedNubcake> wats in the latest nightly?
01:04:16 <dih> which ones?
01:04:24 <SirkoZ> first in the 0.6.0
01:04:28 <SirkoZ> beta 2
01:04:40 <Sacro> zomg a SirkoZ!
01:04:49 <Rubidium> NamedNubcake: today's nightly
01:04:53 <dih> SirkoZ: which saves do you want?
01:05:01 <NamedNubcake> Yes
01:05:03 <dih> LOL Rubidium
01:05:03 <SirkoZ> I have made them
01:05:07 <Sacro> heh, you need to proof (sic) that you are a dev
01:05:09 <SirkoZ> one without orders and 1 with
01:05:24 <dih> mail?
01:05:27 <SirkoZ> k
01:05:36 <NamedNubcake> i meant what are the changes?
01:05:50 <Belugas> Rubidium, i can? Sacro, is it good and usefull?
01:06:03 <Rubidium> Belugas:
01:06:18 <Sacro> Belugas: yes it is, it basically embeds tortoisesvn into VS
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01:09:12 <NamedNubcake> Blah blah blah
01:09:22 <Sacro> actually
01:09:24 <Sacro> thats not the one i use
01:09:59 <Sacro> Belugas:
01:12:48 <Belugas> thanks , me checks
01:13:24 <Sacro> i don't know how well it'll work for a dev
01:13:31 <Sacro> but for someone like me it seems more than enough
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01:15:20 <Sacro> who is jon?
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01:21:41 <Eddi|zuHause> apparently someone who is dead
01:22:00 <Eddi|zuHause> like karl ranseier
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01:23:44 <dih> g'night ladies
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02:29:32 <Belugas> wow...
02:29:57 <Belugas> ankhsvn is really interesting :)
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03:07:50 <Sacro> Belugas: indeed itis
03:08:23 * Belugas hands a space char to Sacro ;)
03:08:34 <Sacro> Belugas: cheers :) i'll use it wisely
03:10:24 <Belugas> lol
03:15:19 * Belugas hates debuging ecs :(
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03:29:06 <Belugas> grrrrr
03:29:22 <Belugas> getting param on callback 22 :(
03:30:05 <Belugas> problem, our routine for var 7f tries to fetch an industry, which can not be there
03:30:18 <Belugas> since... it's querying for availabilioty
03:31:22 <Belugas> so... big question... does it crash the same in ttdp
03:34:40 <Belugas> nope
03:34:44 <Belugas> damned
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03:53:34 <DaleStan> Belugas: Why does 7F need an industry? 7F is GRF parameter, isn't it?
03:54:52 <Belugas> yes
03:55:18 <Belugas> but our code tries to extract the type out of the industry ptr
03:55:33 <Belugas> an unprotected fnct
03:55:38 <Belugas> fixing it now
03:58:58 <Belugas> i have "protected" var 61, 62 and 7F in our getvariable fnct
03:59:24 <Belugas> the others are refering to industrie, or so i think
03:59:47 <Belugas> rough patch, needs caring a bit
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04:05:03 <DaleStan> While you're at it, it might be a good idea to make sure that 7E doesn't try to find its grf via its object either. I'm not aware of any use of it, unfortunately.
04:07:19 <Belugas> ok, will work on it :)
04:07:36 <Belugas> by teh way, prop 24... a bitch on our side :S
04:07:41 <Belugas> really...
04:08:18 <DaleStan> Hmm. Maybe I don't understand "protected", but I wouldn't think that 61 or 62 require protection; they require a current industry.
04:10:00 <DaleStan> Patch's solution (and this is documented somewhere, I believe) is that if a variable (any of the variables, for advanced 2s) is requested that requires a structure, but the structure is not present, the varaction automatically chooses the first choice.
04:10:01 <Belugas> oops...
04:10:57 <Belugas> if you can find that piece of code, it would be very appreciated
04:11:08 <DaleStan> The code, or the documentation?
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04:13:15 <Belugas> both ^_^
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04:13:40 <Belugas> usually, i read the doc over and over, then follows the code after that
04:15:52 <DaleStan> The code starts at newsprit.asm:1080, esi is either 0 or a pointer to the structure.
04:16:41 <Belugas> 0 meaning no struct, i guess
04:16:44 <Belugas> thanks :)
04:17:01 * Belugas opens, prints and goes to sleep
04:17:12 <Belugas> good night
04:19:25 <DaleStan> Belugas: And the documentation is at VariationalAction2#Variable : "When displaying a vehicle (etc.) in the purchase list, the game will show those variations based on external variables (dates etc.) correctly, but variations based on vehicle variables (variables 40+x, 60+x and 80+x) will always show the first (not the default) cargo-ID unless otherwise specified for the given variable. If you do a calculation, the first cargo
04:19:25 <DaleStan> -ID will be selected if any of the needed variables is inaccessible."
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09:35:41 <dih> hey there ladies :-
09:35:43 <dih> )
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09:38:54 <dih> hello smatz
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09:39:11 <SmatZ> hello dih
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10:19:40 <dih> the crash from yesterday is easy
10:19:53 <dih> and still crashes in nightlies
10:20:28 <dih> build 2 stations next to each other with controll build
10:20:50 <dih> build a third station with ctrl build, so it touches both stations
10:21:00 <dih> sorry -
10:21:08 <dih> i'll give you a save, makes it easier
10:21:51 <Rubidium> who did make those 'joined' stations possible?
10:23:46 <dih> i have no idea, but the stations get confused
10:24:12 <dih> so when a train is there loading, and you turn it around so that all of a sudden the train is on another station, it crashes
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10:24:39 * Rubidium slaps Wolf01
10:25:24 <dih> LOL
10:25:37 <dih> you found out who did them?
10:26:02 <Rubidium> yes
10:26:06 *** Osai^zZz is now known as Osai
10:26:12 <Rubidium> it's not that hard to find out
10:26:22 <Rubidium> as long as you know where lines of code have been added
10:27:09 * SmatZ is scared because he could cause this bug to appear
10:27:24 <dih> :-)
10:27:28 <SmatZ> what FS# are you talking about?
10:27:38 <dih> no fs
10:27:50 <Rubidium> FS#<yet to be determined>
10:27:51 <dih> but i guess that was a subtle hint
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10:34:05 * dih is waiting to get the fs #
10:39:29 <dih> eitherway - this is the save
10:39:52 <dih> as company 7 (cheat :-P) turn the train around once it starts loading
10:41:00 <dih> FS 1632
10:41:08 <dih> SmatZ: ^ for you :-)
10:41:22 <SmatZ> dih: thanks :)
10:42:22 <dih> good luck :-D
10:45:57 <SmatZ> dih: reverse one of these trains?
10:46:29 <dih> no - the save is right at the train you need to reverse
10:46:31 <dih> train 111
10:46:34 <dih> iirc
10:46:59 <dih> SmatZ: last 3 lines are all for you ^^
10:47:18 <SmatZ> aha:)
10:47:19 <SmatZ> sorry
10:48:52 <dih> why would i give you a save where you have to go looking for thing thing in the map??
10:48:55 <dih> :-P
10:49:05 <dih> i am sure some people would do that... but me?
10:49:07 <dih> ^^
10:50:48 <SmatZ> :-)
10:52:27 <dih> so - you like it? something to work with?
10:53:08 * roboboy away
10:53:27 <dih> ^ apparently he was still here to leave that message
10:54:16 <Rubidium> but when you saw it he was gone
10:54:27 <dih> hehe
10:54:35 <SmatZ> openttd: /mnt/svn/openttd/trunk/src/station.cpp:187: uint Station::GetPlatformLength(TileIndex) const: Assertion `TileBelongsToRailStation(tile)' failed.
10:54:38 <SmatZ> :-)
10:54:43 <dih> yep
10:54:50 <dih> everytime
10:55:00 * Rubidium doesn't like 50+ kB savegames for reproducing bugs
10:55:07 <SmatZ> when a train is reversing, it goes one tile forward and one tile back...
10:55:43 <SmatZ> *tick
10:55:48 <SmatZ> or how it should be called
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11:10:00 * SmatZ thinks his patch didn't cause this problem :)
11:12:04 <peter__> smells simple to fix though
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11:22:58 * dih knows what could be done to the way to long server list :-D
11:23:58 <peter__> filter it
11:24:08 * Rubidium too
11:24:10 <peter__> don't show any server except the current version, heh
11:24:28 <dih> join, create company, build 2 stations and a train :-D
11:24:29 <peter__> luser bug report: "there are no servers!"
11:24:37 <dih> hehe
11:25:08 <Rubidium> dih: mine is simpler
11:25:16 <peter__> shut down the master server :D
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11:25:20 <dih> yes - bit _i_ cannot do your way
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11:26:05 <Rubidium> poor soul
11:26:09 <dih> ^^
11:26:35 <peter__> mental note: out of bounds array access causes undefined behaviour
11:26:37 <Rubidium> actually... you can do it too
11:26:39 <dih> the server list was half that a year ago
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11:27:49 <Rubidium> but I'm not going to tell you how
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11:28:37 <Rubidium> hmm... 532 NewGRFs
11:28:51 <Gonozal_VIII> whatwhere?
11:29:05 <Gonozal_VIII> grfcrawler doesn't have that many
11:29:22 <Rubidium> knows 532 distinct NewGRFs
11:29:29 <peter__> heh
11:29:37 <Gonozal_VIII> nice
11:29:46 <Gonozal_VIII> and i don't know them all :-/
11:29:58 <Gonozal_VIII> how should i decide which to use when i don't know all
11:30:09 * Gonozal_VIII cries
11:30:20 * dih slaps Gonozal_VIII
11:30:25 <dih> pull yaself together man
11:30:32 <Gonozal_VIII> *sniff*
11:30:37 <dih> how many times do i have to tell you not to cry in public channels?
11:30:51 <Gonozal_VIII> 532 times!
11:31:00 <dih> get a grip
11:33:07 <dih> 532 unique grf's probably means tons of old versions ^^
11:33:47 <Gonozal_VIII> hmmm unique md5 sum or grfid?
11:34:10 <dih> even with the grfid some authors choose a diff one for the next version
11:34:38 <peter__> unique md5 sum
11:34:54 <dih> nice ^^
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11:35:14 <Gonozal_VIII> i guess that's a lot less then with grfids
11:36:04 <Gonozal_VIII> for example georges ecs vectors get updated a lot
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11:49:57 <peter__> heh, dell's online pc configurer
11:50:06 <peter__> preliminary ship date - 22/08/2007
11:50:12 <peter__> i get it in the past :D
11:50:36 <Rubidium> order it... and complain that you haven't received it yet immediatelly
11:51:12 <peter__> at it goes up to £700 to get a decent system, i won't ;p
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13:26:20 <dih> someone with shell access to DorpsGek here?
13:28:05 <Rubidium> nope
13:30:02 <dih> shame
13:30:46 * LA[lord] is starting to read the "Three Musketeers and D'Artagnan"... again
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13:31:21 <LA[lord]> or whatever is the exact name in English :D
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13:38:24 <LA[lord]> so: Alexandre Dumas "LES TROIS MOUSQUETAIRES"
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13:41:53 <Draakon> hello guys
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14:51:53 <keyweed> hi. i was wondering, in the formula: return (force - resistance) / (mass * 4), is 4 a scale factor?
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14:57:04 <Digitalfox> Normal behavior ?
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14:59:51 <Digitalfox> Also normal behavior ?
15:07:16 <dih> now if you add what you did ^^
15:07:23 <peter__> huh?
15:08:46 <Digitalfox> it's simple build an airport, and after ordering two planes to it remove the airport, the planes will crash and then you can terraform even with plnaes on it
15:08:54 <SmatZ> yes
15:09:03 <SmatZ> similiar with disaster vehicles
15:09:10 <SmatZ> you can even level land under a submarine :-P
15:09:26 <Digitalfox> ok
15:10:39 <Digitalfox> But isn't it a liitle strange being able to level land with them on it? Shouln't they at least be removed
15:10:52 <peter__> hmm
15:10:57 <peter__> that should be blocked
15:11:13 <Digitalfox> well in 2 second shot it isn't :(
15:15:37 <SmatZ> I was considering fixind this and the problem with disaster vechiles too, but I haven't had time yet
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15:18:34 *** Roujin has joined #openttd
15:21:41 <Roujin> g'day
15:22:43 <SmatZ> hello Roujin
15:24:10 <Roujin> @devs: has anyone by chance looked at my "advanced terraform step 2" patch? is there any chance to have it in trunk? and last but not least - if not, where are the offending points?
15:26:42 <Roujin> it does some changes to levelling, in my eyes they are good but maybe you got something to complain about
15:27:37 <Roujin> e.g. i changed the callback to the terraforming one - that means terraforming sound instead of explosion sound and error displayed if it (completely) fails
15:27:58 <Roujin> complete list of changes is in my thread in the forum
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15:30:05 <Lord> Hello Ludde or glx, could it be that in TTD English and American town names are exactly the same?
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15:34:13 <Lord> or anybody else, if you know... :-)
15:35:44 <Maedhros> well, openttd doesn't have an american town-name generator, so in that sense, yes ;)
15:37:59 <Lord> Yeah I've seen that, but I kinda need to know for original TTD. They seem to consist of the very same parts in TTD, and since OpenTTD used just exactly the english ones for american, I thought it might be so. Besides, in the original TTD executable I can only find one block of name parts data, so...
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15:48:47 <Roujin> uhm.. another noobish question from me again: what is the correct place to add a string?
15:49:22 <Roujin> does it depend on what kind of string it is? or just append it to the end of the language file?
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15:52:52 <Belugas> preferably at the end of the file, or in a block related to the topic
15:53:08 <Belugas> never heard of an american town name in ttd
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15:53:55 <Belugas> big difference between language name (american is a valid lang... well.. valid... anyway) and townname
15:55:08 <glx> Roujin: but if you add it in the middle be careful as it can invalidate "TTD mapping"
15:55:17 <Roujin> ok, then am i right that a) the hex numbers in the names are only for original TTD strings
15:55:35 <peter__> yeah, they're meaningless really
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15:56:07 <glx> they are only useful to notice when we must add a mapping ;)
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15:56:14 <Roujin> glx: i've seen blocks labeled like "don't change order of this"
15:56:34 <Roujin> if i don't mess with these, it's all okay?
15:56:48 <glx> usually those blocks are use in menu or start + offset
15:57:40 <Roujin> but if it doesn't say in the file don't change the order of this block, i can insert something inbetween, right?
15:58:13 <Roujin> like, between STR_0809_CAN_T_LOWER_LAND_HERE and STR_080A_ROCKS
15:58:57 <pv2b> str_080a_sucks
15:59:41 <Roujin> i mean, elrail string was also inserted between rail and monorail because it fits best there..
16:00:32 <SmatZ> Roujin: it doesn't matter
16:00:50 <Roujin> great, another thing learned :)
16:01:07 <glx> <Roujin> i mean, elrail string was also inserted between rail and monorail because it fits best there.. <-- it's a menu items list IIRC
16:01:46 <Roujin> oh so it was _necessary_ to add it exactly there..
16:01:48 <Roujin> i see
16:02:35 <SmatZ> hmm yes, some strings need to be in given order, without anything between them
16:02:35 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: peter1138 * r11791 /trunk/src/ (rail_cmd.cpp railtypes.h table/railtypes.h): -Cleanup: move railtype data into table/, like other data files.
16:03:04 <Roujin> hmm where i just added something in between will definately not be in a menu... but it could be adressed with offset :/
16:03:21 <Roujin> could error messages be adressed with start+offset?
16:03:30 <glx> a quick search in code can help
16:03:34 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: peter1138 * r11786 /trunk/src/ (road_gui.cpp window_gui.h): -Codechange: shuffle more includes
16:03:43 <glx> lol
16:07:15 <LeviathNL> why does CIA-1 show an old commit?
16:07:43 <peter__> because it was broken
16:08:19 <Rubidium> LeviathNL: because it got the email just a few minutes ago
16:15:20 <Gonozal_VIII> hmmm there should be a vote system for requested features, where all features that people want to have in the game are listed, those with the most votes first, everybody can add new requests and vote for his favourites... then devs and other people who make patches can look there for inspirations/user priorities
16:15:50 <Digitalfox> It's a nice idea why not create a topic Gonozal_VIII ? :)
16:16:24 <Gonozal_VIII> i don't think the forum offers the right tools for that
16:17:06 <Digitalfox> It does allow a vote system to be included in a topic, and you can always add more options to chose if i'm not mistaken
16:17:20 <Digitalfox> But i guess the wike would be a nice place..
16:17:53 <Gonozal_VIII> i'm thinking of a seperate list, one page, only one line per feature with descriptive name and vote count and the name is a link to the forum post
16:18:22 <Gonozal_VIII> that way you have a fast overview
16:19:02 <Rubidium> Gonozal_VIII: and then? Because many people vote for something the devs MUST implement it?
16:19:18 <Gonozal_VIII> no of course not
16:19:34 <Rubidium> the only thing it will do is create more misunderstanding between developers and users
16:19:35 <Digitalfox> No Rubidium but it could give ideas for dev's if at some stage they don't know what to do
16:20:00 <Gonozal_VIII> or don't know what to do first... which is more likely
16:20:04 <frosch123> There is already at least on feature request list on the wiki
16:20:19 <Rubidium> Digitalfox: flyspray is a very good way to find stuff that can be done
16:20:25 <Gonozal_VIII> yes but with a live vote system
16:20:50 <Gonozal_VIII> <-- something like that
16:21:14 <Digitalfox> Rubidium: Yes it's true..
16:22:27 <LeviathNL> Gonozal_VIII, how about something like this ?
16:23:32 <LeviathNL> several categories only the voting system needs someadjustments.
16:24:19 <Gonozal_VIII> yes... only boolean vote instead of 1-6 stars or something
16:24:39 <LeviathNL> indeed, I was thinking thumbs up/down
16:25:15 <LeviathNL> it's opensource so we should be able to set something up quite fast
16:26:50 <Noldo> Gonozal_VIII: it's not people wanting something that makes it happen
16:27:17 <Gonozal_VIII> i didn't say that it has to be done in that order
16:27:41 <Gonozal_VIII> devs can decide what they want to do, i don't want to change that
16:28:34 <Gonozal_VIII> but if they have to decide between different things to do next they can look what the users want the most
16:28:44 <glx> Gonozal_VIII: but voters won't think like you I fear
16:29:47 <Digitalfox> Well if in the start of the reading it said is just a user wish not developers wish, i guess people would understand :)
16:30:02 <Digitalfox> But some people are stange, so...
16:30:06 <Noldo> also it's more productive so that people actually doing something are doing features they are interested in
16:30:07 <Digitalfox> *strange
16:30:21 <glx> how many read the previous posts before rplying?
16:30:56 <Gonozal_VIII> and devs could flag the requests with things like "impossible with current code", "would be very hard to do" or something like that
16:31:03 <Eddi|zuHause3> and who would moderate that list?
16:31:18 <Gonozal_VIII> why would it need moderating?
16:31:36 <Rubidium> Gonozal_VIII: nothing is impossible and what use has flagging something with 'is hard'
16:32:11 <Gonozal_VIII> i don't know... that were just some random flags^^
16:32:57 <Rubidium> I'd only flag them with: "I'm currently not interested in coding this"
16:33:13 <Gonozal_VIII> yes, why not...
16:36:05 <Rubidium> because that comment is utterly useless
16:40:16 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: rubidium * r11792 /trunk/src/ (11 files in 4 dirs): -Codechange: move some (virtually) globally included AI related structs to a place where they are only included a few times.
16:41:15 <Gonozal_VIII> is that part of noai flowing into trunk?
16:41:35 <Roujin> i've finished a new version of my patch that fixes some terraform stuff. (had a little bug in first version)
16:42:10 <Roujin> would be nice if someone could have a look at it :)
16:42:49 <Rubidium> Gonozal_VIII: no
16:43:41 <Rubidium> it will (once synced) make the number of lines in non-AI files that are changed considerably smaller
16:44:06 <Gonozal_VIII> ah
16:44:24 * Gonozal_VIII pretends to understand that
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16:46:38 <Roujin> lol, i should check my diffs before uploading them
16:47:07 <Rubidium> everyone should
16:47:16 <Roujin> return (flags & DC_EXEC) ? cost : cost; <--- embarassing line
16:48:11 <Gonozal_VIII> i got the idea with the list because i thought there are so many things that could be done, so many great features waiting to be implemented, if i were a def, i would appreciate to know what the users want the most
16:48:35 <hylje> Roujin: haha
16:48:38 <glx> Roujin: nice one ;)
16:49:12 <frosch123> Gonozal_VIII: I guess that only applies to a commerical project.
16:49:19 <Gonozal_VIII> isn't that the same as return cost; ?
16:49:57 <Roujin> yep :P that's why the line is embarassing ^^
16:50:24 <hylje> there should be a static code analyzer that smacks the dev for silly stuff
16:50:28 <hylje> (like that)
16:50:47 <Roujin> well i once had something that made sense written there...
16:51:03 <Rubidium> on the other hand... there is too little context to see whether it is absolutely bogus
16:51:13 <Roujin> then i decided to remove it (or rather change the code somewhere else to archieve the same)
16:51:43 <hylje> Roujin: x ? y : y returns y no matter what
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16:51:49 <hylje> Rubidium*
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16:52:08 <Roujin> well i had x ? y : y + something;
16:52:17 <Roujin> then i removed the +something; ;)
16:52:32 <Rubidium> hylje: and what when I do #define y "some magic" ?
16:52:39 <hylje> then it's just bad.
16:56:03 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: rubidium * r11793 /trunk/src/ (27 files in 2 dirs): -Codechange: pass the expense type via the CommandCost instead of a global variable. Patch by Noldo (FS#1114).
16:56:49 <Gonozal_VIII> global variables are eeeeeevil!
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16:59:09 <Roujin> oh
16:59:25 <Roujin> off i go fixing my patch for 11793 :P
17:00:12 <Gonozal_VIII> you want to sync it with every rev?
17:00:14 <Gonozal_VIII> hf^^
17:01:26 <Rubidium> I just broke his patch
17:02:27 <Gonozal_VIII> oh...
17:04:55 <Roujin> ok it didn't break :D
17:05:00 <Roujin> i thought it would :P
17:05:49 <Roujin> but the changes of this trunk update and my patch in one file entwine nicely ^^
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17:10:07 <LeviathNL> Gonozal_VIII, :P
17:10:15 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: glx * r11794 /trunk/src/economy.cpp: -Fix [FS#1632]: reversing a train when loading at a station with an adjacent station in the same axis crashed.
17:15:17 <Roujin> that's a weird bug
17:15:24 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: rubidium * r11785 /trunk/src/ (bridge.h build_vehicle_gui.cpp window_gui.h): -Codechange: remove some unneeded includes.
17:17:03 <Roujin> LeviathNL: nice, but it says "Submit rant" on the submit button... :P
17:18:10 <LeviathNL> I know, I'm just exploring the code, the source is from
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17:20:00 <Belugas> [11:24] <Digitalfox> No Rubidium but it could give ideas for dev's if at some stage they don't know what to do <--- lol... as if it can be possible :D
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17:21:52 <Eddi|zuHause3> i thought the same, but i didn't want to say it outloud ;)
17:26:40 <LA[lord]> is it possible to code a grf that has different sprites when they are in air and when they have landed?
17:26:55 <Rubidium> yes
17:27:04 <Rubidium> assuming you mean aircraft
17:27:14 <LA[lord]> yes
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17:27:39 <Roujin> goodbye folks, i'm off for now
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17:28:26 <LA[lord]> so it's possible in example to have an aircraft with some stuff (like a flag or something...) when flying and when it has landed it doesn't have flag?
17:28:30 <LA[lord]> behind it
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17:29:14 <Wolf01> hello
17:29:29 <LA[lord]> hello
17:29:55 <glx> LA[lord]: callbacks can do that yes
17:29:58 <frosch123> LA[lord]: IIRC the concorde is using that in either av8 or planeset or both
17:30:17 <LA[lord]> oh good :)
17:31:08 <DaleStan> That's not callbacks. Real sprites and callbacks operate almost entirely independently.
17:31:33 <DaleStan> It's just basic varaction 2s.
17:32:07 <glx> still an action 2 chain ;)
17:32:30 <LA[lord]> so not very simple I guess :D
17:34:34 <DaleStan> But it's not a callback. Callbacks are harder to grasp than sprite lookups. (Or they were for me, anyway.)
17:35:43 <dih> thanks glx: just saw the commit
17:36:05 <glx> dih: nasty layout ;)
17:36:20 <dih> yes
17:36:24 <dih> but it found a bug
17:36:26 <dih> ^^
17:36:32 <dih> i never built it :-D
17:37:40 <LA[lord]> hmm... DaleStan if I would be willing to learn well and would not bother you too much, would you be willing to teach me some things about those callbacks and action2 chains? someday, if you have the time, patience and mood?
17:38:13 <LA[lord]> brb
17:38:24 <DaleStan> The best way to learn is by doing, IMO. But if it's not working, and NFORenum isn't providing useful hints, feel free to ask.
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17:47:18 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: glx * r11795 /trunk/src/ (6 files): -Fix [FS#1616]: take town rating into account when testing if a command can be executed.
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18:11:46 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: rubidium * r11796 /branches/noai/ (454 files in 24 dirs): [NoAI] -Sync: with trunk r11502:11795.
18:12:08 <dih> heh - there is no-ai development ^^
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18:12:18 <Wolf01> no, only syncing
18:12:22 <glx> sync is not dev
18:12:25 <dih> :-(
18:12:34 <peter__> hi
18:12:37 <dih> hello
18:12:40 <Wolf01> hi peter__!
18:14:03 <Wolf01> :O translating "games for the wii" with google translator in italian the result is games for the playstation
18:14:41 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: belugas * r11797 /trunk/src/ (newgrf_industries.cpp newgrf_spritegroup.h):
18:14:41 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: -Fix: Add protection against not already created industry while doing industry callback.
18:14:41 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: Some variables used were linked to invalid industry.
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18:17:21 <Eddi|zuHause3> sync is a "we have not completely given up hope yet"
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18:32:11 <peter__> sync is for washing up
18:35:30 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: belugas * r11798 /trunk/src/industry_cmd.cpp: -Codechange: add comments and give a more representative function's name
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18:50:36 <Wolf01> Bjarni :)
18:50:47 <Sacro> Bjarni :)
18:58:20 <ln-> Bjarni :D
19:00:23 <Digitalfox> Bjarni:)
19:01:21 <Belugas> Bjarni :(
19:01:34 <Wolf01> d'oh i can't always start this madness XD
19:01:45 <Belugas> lol
19:02:18 <LA[lord]> yes you can.. Bjarni :)
19:06:41 * Bjarni concentrate on Belugas' greeting
19:06:47 <Bjarni> the rest is as it should be
19:06:49 <Bjarni> almost
19:07:14 <Bjarni> I mean... you should all kneel and hail me
19:07:30 <Bjarni> anyway it's nice to see that you are happy that I survived
19:07:34 <LA[lord]> Digitalfox's smiley doesn't sho up nicelty, kick him Bjarni whie you still can :lol:
19:07:41 <LA[lord]> while*
19:07:56 <Bjarni> it looks just fine here
19:07:57 <Bjarni> :)
19:08:04 <Bjarni> that's a proper smiley
19:08:07 <glx> it's ok here too
19:08:24 <LA[lord]> he doesn't have a space between your name and smiley
19:08:29 <Bjarni> :lol: <-- however this isn't
19:08:30 * glx kicks LA[lord] for using a client needing a space
19:09:02 <LA[lord]> Bah, what's wrong with ChatZilla...
19:09:34 <glx> LA[lord]: crash firefox and you'll see ;)
19:09:39 * Bjarni came home from a foreign country today
19:09:45 <Bjarni> that was some experience....
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19:10:08 * Belugas hugs Bjarni
19:10:16 <Bjarni> everywhere around me people spoke.... Swedish :s
19:10:17 * LA[lord] wonders of a safe mode to crash FF
19:10:40 * Belugas goes in work@work testing mode...
19:10:47 * Digitalfox also hugs Bjarni and now with a proper smile for LA[lord] :)
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19:11:26 * LA[lord] is satisfied but doesn't hug Bjarni, only shakes hand and is happy that Bjarni wasn't eaten by the Swedes
19:11:31 <Digitalfox> Witch country were you in Bjarni ?
19:11:44 <Bjarni> I find it odd that it's so tricky to get proper LAN stuff (for permanent installation) in Denmark while it's always in stock in Sweden at a very low price
19:11:53 <Bjarni> just 100 meters from the ferry landing
19:12:04 <LA[lord]> *conspiracy*
19:12:26 <Digitalfox> oh Sweden.. That's cool, would love to spend some holidays there :)
19:12:33 <Bjarni> <Digitalfox> Witch country were you in Bjarni ? <-- I went to Hungary... the country where I expect everybody to speak Swedish :P
19:13:03 * LA[lord] is going to switch the IRC client to HydraIRC
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19:13:21 <Digitalfox> Huh? But Bjarni you're from Germany right?
19:13:41 <Bjarni> when I was about to go home I missed a ferry and the next one broke and was withdrawn from service
19:14:03 <Bjarni> so I spent almost 40 minutes waiting for a working one to take me home :(
19:14:19 <Bjarni> Digitalfox: no
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19:14:31 <Bjarni> in fact I haven't been to Germany
19:14:54 <Bjarni> bbl
19:15:16 <Digitalfox> No? So where are you from? i was under the impression you were from Germany :)
19:15:57 <LA[lord]> Come on DF, does Bjarni sound like German to you?... It's looogicaal he is from Paraguay
19:16:05 <LA[lord]> :P
19:16:55 <LA[lord]> my god, this thing doesn't show smileys at all...
19:17:00 <LA[lord]> :(
19:17:46 * LA[lord] continues reading "The Three Musketeels"
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19:18:20 <Draakon> hello
19:18:28 <Digitalfox> LA[lord]: Does anyone have volunteer to replace GUI sprites?
19:19:18 <LA[lord]> I don't have any volunteer :D
19:19:51 <LA[lord]> and no-one has volunteered too
19:20:20 <Draakon> i don't know how do draw
19:20:22 <Draakon> and code
19:20:43 <LA[lord]> that's an unfortunate case then.... next please
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19:24:54 <Draakon> perhaps teach me then? ;D
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19:26:31 <LA[lord]> quoting Belugas, you need to consultate Skidd14 for graphics lessons :D
19:26:40 <LA[lord]> and coding... ttdpatch wiki
19:26:50 <LA[lord]> new graphics specs
19:26:58 <dih> no - dont let him bother skidd ^^
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19:28:48 <LA[lord]> why dih?
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19:29:00 <dih> well...
19:29:44 <LA[lord]> that said *alot*
19:29:55 <LA[lord]> :P
19:30:11 <dih> ^^
19:30:23 <Draakon> i was kidding
19:30:33 <dih> i was not ^^
19:30:41 <Draakon> why?
19:31:13 <LA[lord]> because Skidd15 might have something better to do? Like drawing newgrf ports?
19:31:31 <Draakon> i can draw but not very well
19:32:09 <LA[lord]> and that's how dih managed to escape w/o reasoning of his statements
19:32:43 <Draakon> still i want to know the reason, dih
19:33:07 <dih> tough
19:34:40 <LA[lord]> what happened di, why can'r you say more than one word :( need ambulance? :D
19:34:49 <LA[lord]> dih*
19:34:58 <dih> phone
19:35:34 <Draakon> dih thinks that i fooled a person called Cia
19:35:53 <Draakon> or someone else that is called like that
19:36:02 <dih> nope
19:36:09 <LA[lord]> another much meaning one sentence...and another one
19:36:10 <dih> i just asked
19:36:31 <LA[lord]> Cia... that sounds like cia|Pavel_css
19:36:40 <LA[lord]> or something like that :D
19:36:54 <Draakon> then whats up with you about me? today your like angry at me or smt
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19:42:41 <dih> Draakon: i merely asked if it was you - with no further implication
19:43:28 * LA[lord] dusts off a kitchen towel and slaps it at Draakon
19:43:48 * Draakon kills LA with RPG
19:44:06 <LA[lord]> haha
19:44:12 <LA[lord]> failed.. again
19:44:18 * dih takes Draakon, slowly cuts him into little pieces, and finally desolves them in very strong acid
19:44:20 <Draakon> no
19:44:35 <dih> ^^
19:44:39 <dih> j/k
19:44:45 <LA[lord]> yea right...
19:44:51 * Draakon has a regen ability, so he is alive again and nukes the whole earth so everyone besides me is dead
19:44:57 <LA[lord]> you think we believe you, dih?
19:44:57 <Bjarni> back
19:45:06 <LA[lord]> Bjarni :)
19:45:14 <dih> Draakon: stop pm'ing me
19:45:18 <dih> hello Bjarni
19:45:21 <Draakon> why?
19:45:31 * dih considers using /ignore
19:45:35 <Draakon> as these things arent talked here
19:45:45 <dih> there is nothing to talk about
19:45:47 <Bjarni> <LA[lord]> Come on DF, does Bjarni sound like German to you?... It's looogicaal he is from Paraguay <-- well... I can actually speak with the people in Germany... I can't in Paraguay....
19:46:00 <LA[lord]> :D
19:46:03 <Draakon> yes there is
19:46:03 <LA[lord]> j/k
19:46:19 <Bjarni> in that case
19:46:29 <Bjarni> LA[lord] has no sense of funny humour
19:46:54 * LA[lord] got kicked from #OpenTTD by Bjarni. Reason: Lack of humour
19:47:02 <Belugas> funny humour? is there a furious humour?
19:47:05 <Belugas> or a sad humour?
19:47:08 <dih> LOL
19:47:17 <LA[lord]> there is black humour...
19:47:24 <Bjarni> that's the funny kind
19:47:37 <dih> ^^
19:47:46 <Belugas> lol
19:47:51 <dih> hello Belugas
19:48:19 <Belugas> hey
19:49:41 <Draakon> anyone has a piece of code from a random grf to show me so i can study it?
19:49:48 <LA[lord]> ok.. The LackOfHumourLA farewells you all now..
19:49:54 <LA[lord]> and goes to sleep
19:49:56 <LA[lord]> bye
19:50:14 *** LA[lord] has quit IRC
19:50:32 <dih> bye
19:54:34 <Bjarni> like this one... there was a guy who found a bottle and it turned out that there was a genie in it. He set it free so he got 3 wishes. I thought about it and told the genie what he wanted and puff he was in a mansion and had a lot of money and hot women all around him and he became very happy. Then it knocked on the door and he went and opened it. Outside was two guys in all white cloth. They even covered their heads in white cloth.
19:54:34 <Bjarni> They caught him, took him to a nearby tree and hung him. Then the two guys walked away and took off their "hats" and it turned out that one of them were the genie. The genie said "thanks for your help. I can understand the wishes for wealth and women but I really don't get why he wanted to be 'hung like a black guy'" <-- I guess this is an example of black humour
19:55:57 <Draakon> very funny.... NOT!
19:56:13 <Bjarni> I said it was black humour
19:56:26 <Bjarni> didn't say this one was particular funny
19:57:12 <Draakon> i got better one: why blonds don't buy KIA(the car)
19:57:28 <Draakon> i let you guys to think for a bit
19:57:34 <Draakon> then i give the answer
19:58:30 <Bjarni> I wouldn't buy one either due to safety and how environmentally unfriendly they are
19:58:36 <Bjarni> but I guess that's not the answer
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19:58:58 <dih> hehe
19:59:03 <dih> but that was funny ^^
19:59:22 <Draakon> real answer is: blonds mobile phone says: NOKIA
19:59:41 <Draakon> aka NO KIA
19:59:46 <Bjarni> I get it
20:00:01 <Bjarni> but I don't get why it should be funny
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20:00:18 <dih> and i dont get why it needs 'laying out' for us!!!
20:00:19 <Bjarni> in fact I find it so lame that it's almost funny that you consider it an ok joke
20:00:34 <dih> no - you are mixing sad and funny now
20:01:05 <dih> sad can though be that sad that it in turn becomes amusing ^^
20:01:20 <Bjarni> I see that a lot on IRC
20:01:24 <Gonozal_VIII> what're you talking about?
20:01:31 <Bjarni> !logs
20:01:31 <SpComb> Logs: (old: )
20:01:39 <Draakon> ok i got another one
20:01:50 <Bjarni> Draakon would eat me alive if I copy pasted that joke again
20:01:57 <Bjarni> well... he would try to do so
20:01:58 <Draakon> Why blonds don't talk while they sex?
20:02:05 <Noldo> hmm, CFollowTrackRoadNo90
20:02:12 <Bjarni> they can't multitask?
20:02:16 <dih> oh man - see what you started with one joke Bjarni?
20:02:38 <Bjarni> that's ok
20:02:41 <Bjarni> sort of
20:02:47 <dih> :-S
20:02:48 <Draakon> Answer: because hes mother told not to talk whit strangers and its nice to talk with full mouth
20:02:49 <Bjarni> I still got the ability to kick
20:02:52 <Noldo> okish
20:03:17 * dih misses that ability in this channel ^^
20:03:27 <dih> for _one_ reason only ^^
20:03:30 <Draakon> Why do blondes have TGIF on their shirts?
20:03:44 <Draakon> Tits Go In Front!
20:03:49 <dih> why does draakon not understand stfu
20:04:01 <glx> Draakon: you can stop now
20:04:11 <dih> ycsn ^^
20:05:07 <Draakon> dih: you asked for it and besides you are the first on to tell me to stop so stop complaining like that
20:05:23 * dih slaps Draakon
20:05:26 <dih> get a grip
20:07:33 <Gonozal_VIII> 20:50:36 < Wolf01> Bjarni :)
20:07:33 <Gonozal_VIII> 20:50:47 < Sacro> Bjarni :)
20:07:33 <Gonozal_VIII> 20:58:20 < ln-> Bjarni :D
20:07:33 <Gonozal_VIII> 21:00:23 < Digitalfox> Bjarni:)
20:07:33 <Gonozal_VIII> 21:01:21 <@Belugas> Bjarni :(
20:07:36 <Gonozal_VIII> bjarni!
20:07:50 <dih> lol
20:09:08 <Wolf01> too late, not valid
20:09:30 <Bjarni> it is
20:09:33 <Bjarni> sort of
20:09:52 <Bjarni> he wanted to declare that he worships me too
20:09:58 <Bjarni> it's never too late to do that
20:10:11 <Gonozal_VIII> 21:13:21 < Digitalfox> Huh? But Bjarni you're from Germany right? <-- muha
20:10:53 <Gonozal_VIII> everybody knows that you're from japan!
20:11:09 <dih> ^^
20:12:59 <Prof_Frink> Gonozal_VIII: Don't be silly.
20:13:16 <Prof_Frink> He's from the Bjarnia.
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20:15:14 <dih> LOL Prof_Fink
20:16:10 <glx> Gonozal_VIII: you won the 6 highlights for nothing prize
20:17:14 <Gonozal_VIII> yay
20:17:20 <Gonozal_VIII> wat do i get?
20:18:52 <Gonozal_VIII> i don't have highlight, the channel is never that busy
20:19:04 <Draakon> a free gift card from world wide nuclear shop?
20:19:08 <Draakon> xD
20:19:23 <Gonozal_VIII> world wide nuclear shop? :S
20:19:39 <Draakon> oeh
20:19:47 <Draakon> 'not getting the joke are we?
20:19:47 <Gonozal_VIII> is that where you buy all your nuclear weapons?
20:19:51 <Draakon> yes
20:19:52 <dih> chinese baby toys ^^
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20:23:24 <Draakon> yup
20:24:17 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: peter1138 * r11799 /trunk/src/ (newgrf.cpp newgrf_engine.cpp newgrf_engine.h): -Codechange: no need to special-case helicopter rotor 'overrides'
20:25:45 <Draakon> but what would be japan baby toys?
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20:41:08 <ln-> the Jem'Hadar
20:41:30 <dih> ?
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20:43:06 <Eddi|zuHause3> ln- watched too much star trek, don't pay too much attention to him :p
20:43:20 <dih> bim him out scotty
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20:46:47 * Belugas thinks Jem'Hadar is more related to Dune... but maybe he's wrong...
20:47:54 <ln->
20:48:44 <Gonozal_VIII> strange, i thought of dune first too
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20:49:14 <Belugas> Gum Jabar, maybe?
20:49:17 <Belugas> bah....
20:49:23 * Belugas heads done to work
20:49:38 <peter__>
20:52:55 <Wolf01> :O
20:53:17 <Wolf01> <-
20:53:58 <Bjarni> heh
20:54:03 <dih> :-)
20:54:29 <Bjarni> looks like the railroad tracks goes under the houses
20:54:37 <Bjarni> just like a building here
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20:54:48 <Bjarni> well... they removed the building like 2 years ago
20:55:19 <Bjarni> but it looked funny... it looked like a regular apartment/office building and then there was a tunnel in it for the railroad
20:55:25 <Bjarni> (the railroad came first)
20:55:39 <Bjarni> now the building is gone but the railroad remain
20:56:09 <hylje> Wolf01: was that building designed to confuse aerial viewers?
20:56:11 <Wolf01>;amp;amp;amp;amp;t=k&ll=41.89477,-87.628648&spn=0.002803,0.005016&t=k seem that here there is something wrong o_O
20:57:46 <dih> ^^
20:59:03 * dih wonders how long Wolf01 was searching google maps for to find nidbits like this
20:59:15 <Wolf01> about 2 seconds
20:59:31 <dih> find the next one ^^
20:59:57 * dih counts the seconds
21:00:29 <Wolf01>
21:00:50 <dih> ^^
21:00:52 <dih> next
21:00:53 <Wolf01> this is the best
21:01:14 <dih> hehehe
21:01:38 <dih> i find the odd google maps one better though
21:01:38 <SmatZ> :-D flying car
21:01:48 <Wolf01> the same plane :D
21:01:58 <Rubidium>,-95.677068&sspn=114.762455,107.402344&ie=UTF8&ll=52.363592,4.712234&spn=0.003043,0.003278&t=h&z=18&om=1 <- missing something?
21:02:30 <hylje> aww
21:02:57 <dih> ^^
21:03:00 <Wolf01> no, is only too quick :D
21:03:05 <ln-> interesting, another Galaxy class starship
21:03:34 <Wolf01> the scanner was not able to scan it quickly
21:05:10 <Wolf01> the bermuda triangle
21:06:12 <Bjarni> I once looked at the google earth forum for people finding odd stuff
21:06:20 <Bjarni> one showed a pic of himself
21:06:34 <Bjarni> declaring that nobody else enters his garage
21:08:41 <Wolf01> eheh
21:10:22 <ln-> done watching 2/7
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22:26:13 <ln-> so, i have a CustomView component derived from NSView; how do i write event handlers for it?
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22:31:48 <Sacro> Rubidium: "There is at least one string that does not have at least one character that is not supported by the built-in font." <- what the hell does that mean?
22:32:10 <Sacro> from what i can tel it means the opposite to what you intend
22:32:57 <Rubidium> that your font sucks
22:33:32 <Rubidium> and my 'writing English for noobs' sucks too
22:33:58 <Sacro> Rubidium: actually it doesn't mean that
22:34:07 <Rubidium> well... it should
22:34:16 <Sacro> from what i can tell...
22:34:21 <Sacro> you use a diouble negative
22:34:49 <Sacro> you need a string that has all chars that the font doesn't support
22:34:55 <Sacro> or something
22:35:00 <Rubidium> as I said... my english sucks (when I rerererererewrote (plus or minus one re) that sentence)
22:35:21 <Rubidium> s/sucks/sucked/
22:35:24 <Sacro> mmm :p
22:35:27 <ln-> Sacro: where's the straw in a strawberry?
22:35:36 <Sacro> ln-: in the middle
22:36:26 <ln-> i haven't noticed.
22:37:58 <Rubidium> ln-: the straw in strawberry is because of the straw they put over the ground so the strawberries do not touch the ground, but the straw instead
22:39:23 <ln-> ok
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22:49:26 <peter__> sleepy time
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23:00:15 <Rubidium> DaleStan: do you know what the exact reasons are to not add fish (or disable it) as a cargo when loading ECS Agricultural + NewCargo in this order in TTDP?
23:01:19 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: smatz * r11802 /trunk/ (16 files in 3 dirs):
23:01:19 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: -Fix [FS#716]: do not crash trains when leaving depot to a very long track
23:01:19 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: -Codechange: use dedicated pathfinder for signal updating, resulting in better performance and possible future improvements
23:02:08 <ln-> a fix and a codechange in the same commit? why?
23:02:47 <Rubidium> cause the rewrite of the signal thingy fixes the bug
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23:15:25 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: rubidium * r11800 /trunk/src/ (30 files in 4 dirs): -Codechange: move some functions to a more logical location + some type safety.
23:15:42 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: rubidium * r11801 /trunk/src/ (29 files): -Codechange: remove some unneeded includes from some header files.
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23:17:52 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: peter1138 * r11803 /trunk/src/newgrf.cpp: -Fix: unlikely but possible infinite loop leading to undefined behaviour
23:19:19 <Eddi|zuHause3> how can an infinite loop lead to undefined behaviour?
23:19:45 <Sacro> that is a damned fine point
23:19:48 <peter__> ok, it's defined: it will crash at some point
23:19:49 <Eddi|zuHause3> i mean, infinite loops tend to not get anywhere
23:20:01 <peter__> depends what it's doing in the loop
23:20:16 <ln-> if it crashes, then it is not infinite.
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23:21:22 <Zothar> perhaps it would be infinite if it weren't for it consuming more and more memory on each iteration
23:21:36 <Zothar> for example
23:21:44 <peter__> that would indeed happen
23:21:52 <peter__> anyway, sleepy time 2
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23:24:16 <ln-> does the Turing machine have infinite memory? no?
23:27:16 <Eddi|zuHause3> there is a difference between theoretical infinite loops and practical infinite loops
23:28:35 <ln-> if we assume a Turing machine has only unlimited memory, but not infinite, will this memory-leaking loop crash or not?
23:28:36 <glx> while(true){} is infinite
23:29:12 <ln-> and how rude would it be to crash a computer that is purely theoretical?
23:30:50 <Zothar> a Turing machine has finite states, but the tape is unlimited and therefore, infinite, but which do you count as the memory, the state of the machine or the tape?
23:31:26 <Zothar> it would be theoretically very rude to crash a purely theoretical computer, no?
23:31:40 <ln-> i say infinite is greater than unlimited.
23:34:05 <Zothar> but is not inifinte the same as without limit?
23:35:03 <murray>
23:35:31 <Zothar> not today anyway... :P
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23:44:51 <Eddi|zuHause3> the tape length of a turing machine is always limited by the time the turing machine is run
23:45:03 <Eddi|zuHause3> it is thus only potentially infinite
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23:46:05 <ln-> Slrningsanordningen fungerer inden for normale parametre.
23:46:55 <ln-> does the turing machine have the concept of "out of memory"?
23:47:06 <Eddi|zuHause3> hm... i'm not sure i understand what a "Slørning" is
23:47:23 <Eddi|zuHause3> ln-: no
23:47:27 <Zothar> except that the Turing machine is theoretical and the theory calls for an unlimited tape; nothing in the theory talks about how long it is run; just because every location on the theoretical tape isn't accessed by the theoretical machine does not mean that the theoretical tape does not have unlimited storage
23:48:21 <ln-> Die Tarnvorrichtung funktioniert innerhalb normaler Parameter.
23:48:23 <Zothar> if by memory, you mean storage, then a Turing machine does not have the concept of "out of memory"; by definition the machine itself, has, however, a limited set of states and therefore a limited set of instructions because both are finite.
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