IRC logs for #openttd on OFTC at 2007-11-30
00:00:03 <Gonozal_VIII> ah...
00:00:12 <Gonozal_VIII> i don't know where that comes from
00:00:30 <SmatZ> dien ~ servant ?
00:00:33 <Gonozal_VIII> could be from dienst
00:01:23 <ln-> Mon is moon, and Sonn is sun, right?
00:01:41 <Gonozal_VIII> mond and sonne, yes
00:02:23 <ln-> and tor is the god of thunder, in torsdag/Thursday
00:02:37 <Eddi|zuHause2> "Der Name „Dienstag“, mittelniederdeutsch dingesdach, geht auf den mit dem latinisierten Namen Mars Thingsus belegten nordisch-germanischen Gott Tyr, Beschützer des Things zurück und ist eine Lehnübertragung von lat. dies martis = „Tag des Mars“."
00:02:38 <ln-> is he also Donner?
00:02:45 <Eddi|zuHause2> Donar, yes
00:02:59 <Eddi|zuHause2> "Der Name „Dienstag“, mittelniederdeutsch dingesdach, geht auf den mit dem latinisierten Namen Mars Thingsus belegten nordisch-germanischen Gott Tyr, Beschützer des Things zurück und ist eine Lehnübertragung von lat. dies martis = „Tag des Mars“."
00:03:48 <Eddi|zuHause2> damn...
00:04:04 <ln-> i demand the Pope to immediately change these obviously pagan weekday names to something appropriate.
00:04:27 <Gonozal_VIII> hmm seven names... sins?
00:04:36 <SmatZ> like Tag 1a, Tag 1b, Tag 1c, ... , Tag 2a, Tag 2b
00:04:55 <SmatZ> 1 stands for working day, 2 for weekend
00:05:06 <SmatZ> actually, I had a plan to change everything to be 10-based
00:05:10 <SmatZ> 10 days in week
00:05:15 <SmatZ> 10 months in a year...
00:05:29 <Gonozal_VIII> that would be short years...
00:05:31 <SmatZ> then I discovered the base 2/16 numbers
00:05:43 <Wolf01> 'night
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00:05:50 <SmatZ> months could have 36 ir 37 days
00:05:59 <SmatZ> so it would be 10 * 36,5 = 365
00:06:01 <SmatZ> normal year
00:06:08 <ln-> SmatZ: the year used to have 10 months back in the good old days.
00:06:19 <Gonozal_VIII> it did?
00:06:26 <Gonozal_VIII> when?
00:06:32 <ln-> SmatZ: that's why Sep = 7, Oct = 8, Nov = 9, Dec = 10
00:06:32 <Eddi|zuHause2> actually, "back in the old days", years used to be moon based
00:06:37 <SmatZ> and 7 workdays + 3 weekened days is very similiar ratio to current 5+2
00:06:52 <SmatZ> ln-: interesting, didn't know that
00:06:57 <SmatZ> though it sounds logical
00:06:58 <Gonozal_VIII> no, that's not because it had 10 month but because it started in march
00:07:14 <SmatZ> Gonozal_VIII: also solution :)
00:07:31 <SmatZ> depends how long those months were... and given they were likely 28 days long...
00:07:50 <Eddi|zuHause2> so when methusalem is supposed to be some 900 years old, that's more like 900 months
00:07:54 <SmatZ> it should be rather 13 months
00:07:58 <SmatZ> :-)
00:08:33 <Gonozal_VIII> 75 years is also very old for back then
00:08:45 <Eddi|zuHause2> yes, indeed, but a much more reasonable number
00:10:31 <ln-> someone has proposed a 28-day month, which would mean the month is always 4 weeks, and the weekdays always match the same numbers.
00:11:21 <Gonozal_VIII> 7 day month... so no months at all
00:11:44 <SmatZ> ^_^
00:12:20 <SmatZ> true, why don't we just say 300. day of 2007
00:12:45 <SmatZ> or 703405. day AD?
00:12:45 <ln-> that's almost as bizarre as expressing times using week numbers.
00:12:57 <SmatZ> that's the same
00:13:00 <Gonozal_VIII> because it is the 334. :-)
00:13:00 <ln-> SmatZ: or unix time stamps, to be more exact.
00:13:04 <SmatZ> :-)
00:13:13 <Eddi|zuHause2> SmatZ: the julian calendar counted days in a 4 year period
00:13:27 <SmatZ> nice
00:13:56 <Eddi|zuHause2> SmatZ: what actually happened to the tunnel thingie?
00:14:26 <Gonozal_VIII> we could use unix time like they use stardate in star trek :-)
00:15:07 <SmatZ> Eddi|zuHause2: too much other things... sometimes I make a little progress, but... :-/ there are many things to be done in OTTD before 0.6 is out
00:15:10 <ln-> "oh, it's you, i haven't seen you since 1133309609!"
00:15:21 <SmatZ> Star date 3056.6
00:15:32 <SmatZ> :)
00:15:39 <ln-> don't forget swatch internet time.
00:15:44 <Eddi|zuHause2> in A.D. 2101, war was beginning
00:15:50 <Gonozal_VIII> :D
00:15:54 <Gonozal_VIII> ayb!
00:17:26 <Gonozal_VIII> hmmm measure time in openttd revision numbers?
00:18:15 <SmatZ> that is not very periodical
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00:18:37 <Gonozal_VIII> doesn't matter if you use it properly :-)
00:18:58 <ln-> neither are years equally long, and nobody seems to care
00:19:02 <Eddi|zuHause2> especially problematic for actions happening in the future...
00:19:24 <Eddi|zuHause2> ln-: they don't need to be equal, but predictable
00:20:51 <Gonozal_VIII> you should just stop planning ahead then
00:21:13 <ln-> leap seconds are not decided about too many years in advance
00:22:01 <Eddi|zuHause2> yeah, but how many leap seconds do you need to be a day off?
00:22:39 <Eddi|zuHause2> and how many actions need to be predicted by a range closer than a day over a year in advance?
00:23:57 <SmatZ> Eddi|zuHause2: you may try this, it is for some "ancient" revision 11060... you also have to replace opntitle.dat and load the only savegame that is provided :)
00:24:16 <SmatZ> problem is missing support for diagonal bridges in grf
00:24:34 <SmatZ> so I was trying to tweak current sprites... I am not sure about it
00:24:46 <Eddi|zuHause2> Gonozal_VIII: "Der Mittwoch ist nach deutscher Zählung (DIN 1355) der dritte Wochentag, nach christlich-jüdischer Zählung der vierte (und somit der mittlere)."
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00:25:45 <Gonozal_VIII> :S
00:26:45 <Gonozal_VIII> ha! quantum based units
00:27:06 <SmatZ> talking with myself :)
00:27:31 <Gonozal_VIII> yay?
00:27:47 <SmatZ> :)
00:27:51 <SmatZ> just wanted to try it
00:28:05 <Eddi|zuHause2> ln-: btw. "Donner" also means "thunder"
00:28:17 <SmatZ> now I am going to convert deutsch sentences into passive form :-D
00:28:23 <ln-> so i kind of thought
00:28:29 <ln-> half-consciously
00:30:54 <Gonozal_VIII> hmmm should i go to sleep now or stay up and take the train home at 5:10...
00:31:08 <Eddi|zuHause2> yes.
00:31:18 <Gonozal_VIII> ^^
00:31:36 <ln-> doesn't make sense to sleep anymore.
00:32:12 <Gonozal_VIII> last time i took that train they had some problems with the engine and it was 20 minutes late
00:32:42 <SmatZ> Eddi|zuHause2: please, "man kann eine Tasse Kaffee anbieten" ist in passivum "eine Tasse Kaffee kann angeboten werden", right?
00:33:04 <Eddi|zuHause2> that sounds correct
00:33:07 <SmatZ> thanks
00:33:07 <Gonozal_VIII> yes it is
00:33:10 <SmatZ> thanks :)
00:33:35 <Gonozal_VIII> you're good
00:33:48 <SmatZ> I spent like five minutes thinking about it, but thanks ;-)
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00:36:16 <ln-> what to buy for an x-mas present to an 11-year-old? (my little brother)
00:36:42 <Eddi|zuHause2> a 14-day free AOL CD :p
00:36:50 <SmatZ> :-D
00:36:51 <Gonozal_VIII> hehe
00:36:55 <Gonozal_VIII> ttd :D
00:37:11 <SmatZ> :)
00:37:14 <SmatZ> maybe Lego?
00:37:23 <Gonozal_VIII> yes lego is great
00:37:32 <Eddi|zuHause2> <Sacro>
00:39:10 <Gonozal_VIII> i've got at least 2 of those cds lying around somewhere
00:39:57 <SmatZ> is the perfektum from "verbinden" "vergebonden"? I cannot find it anywhere :-/
00:39:57 <SERVEPRO_> two is 28 days of free
00:40:26 <Eddi|zuHause2> "verbunden"?
00:40:30 <SmatZ> thanks Eddi|zuHause2
00:40:50 <Gonozal_VIII> depends on what perfektum is^^
00:40:53 <Eddi|zuHause2> in most cases, such things depend on context
00:41:14 <SmatZ> of course, "ver-" is unlikely to be disconnected
00:41:49 <SmatZ> "Können Sie Beruf und Familie problemlos miteinander verbinden?"
00:42:18 <Gonozal_VIII> right
00:42:23 <SmatZ> :)
00:43:04 <Eddi|zuHause2> the funniest one is "umgehen"
00:43:21 <SmatZ> why?
00:43:22 <Eddi|zuHause2> or better "umfahren"
00:43:31 <SmatZ> "ist umgegangen?"
00:43:42 <Eddi|zuHause2> because "ich fahre um" means something entirely different from "ich umfahre"
00:43:51 <SmatZ> ah :)
00:48:25 <Eddi|zuHause2> these two cases are quite easy to distinguish, but in the infitive form "umfahren", you have to be very careful, which syllable you emphasise ;)
00:49:03 <SmatZ> like UMfahren or umFAhren?
00:49:05 <Gonozal_VIII> btw i think you only capitalize "sie" in letters... not sure because they changed a lot of the rules that i learned in school
00:49:16 <Eddi|zuHause2> yes. exactly
00:50:28 <Eddi|zuHause2> i think, if you emphasise the first syllable, you split it off, if you emphasise the second syllable, you don't
00:51:02 <Eddi|zuHause2> but it's quite difficult for a native speaker to recognise this kind of regularity
00:51:27 <SmatZ> really nothing for me...
00:53:49 <Eddi|zuHause2> i mean, if you are native speaker, you do not think about it, you just do it
00:57:59 <Eddi|zuHause2> what i also just noticed:
00:58:07 <Eddi|zuHause2> it is verbinden -> verbunden
00:58:14 <Eddi|zuHause2> but it is umbinden -> umgebunden
00:59:07 <SmatZ> it is rather complex :)
00:59:32 <ln-> i guess you don't pay much attention to the sets { an, auf, hinter, in, neben, über, unter, vor, zwischen }, { aus, bei, mit, nach, seit, von, zu }, { durch, für, gegen, ohne, um }
00:59:49 <Eddi|zuHause2> actually, you do learn those at school
01:00:33 <SmatZ> ist gesprochen worden / müssen abgeschickt werden / werden untergeschrieben ... :-)
01:00:36 <Eddi|zuHause2> especially in conjunction with which ones require 3rd case (Dativ) and which ones require 4th case (Akkusativ)
01:00:38 <Gonozal_VIII> you do? can't remember... what about those?
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01:00:50 <Eddi|zuHause2> SmatZ: unterschrieben
01:01:00 <SmatZ> thanks!
01:01:35 <Gonozal_VIII> i guess i suck at german
01:02:26 <ln-> you should (both) listen to the german listening comprehension test for the matriculation examination in order to know that you suck in german.
01:02:37 <ln-> for the *finnish* ...
01:02:43 <ln-> matriculation examination
01:03:41 <Eddi|zuHause2> you have any kind of examples?
01:05:29 <ln-> first of all, it is a test with a few pieces of text read aloud (from tape/cd), and 30 questions with options A,B,C(,D)
01:05:52 <ln-> and its name suggests it is supposed to measure how well you understood what was said on the tape.
01:06:15 <Eddi|zuHause2> yeah, but that does not tell anything about the difficulty level...
01:06:30 <ln-> let's have a practical example:
01:07:21 <ln-> a school class from a german senior high visited our school (when i was still in senior high), and they listened to the test.
01:08:10 <ln-> the best ones got something like 27..29/30 of the questions right, i think no one got 30/30, and many got only just above 20/30.
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01:09:09 <Eddi|zuHause2> that sounds like a quite reasonable distribution
01:09:30 <ln-> but for fox's sake, it is supposed to be a test that measures german skills of finns who have studied german only for 3 to 5 years.
01:09:37 <Eddi|zuHause2> assuming 15/30 is the minimum requirement
01:09:53 <ln-> and then a whole class of native germans cannot get better results than that?
01:10:45 <Gonozal_VIII> you can't remember everything you heard even if it was in your native language...
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01:10:52 <Eddi|zuHause2> would mean >27 is "very good" and ~20 is "medium" result
01:10:56 <ln-> and that is because the questions are so tricky.. you are give 3 or 4 alternatives which are almost the same, but differ in some small detail.
01:11:43 <Eddi|zuHause2> yes, the problem is that you need to know in advance what parts you really have to listen to
01:11:53 <ln-> so it's more a matter of ruling out the contradicting alternatives, and trying to remember what exactly did they say and what not.
01:11:59 <Eddi|zuHause2> in a normal conversation, you often block out stuff that you deem "uninteresting"
01:12:25 <Eddi|zuHause2> that might even be done unconsciously
01:13:16 <ln-> and one more feature of the material that is listened to: it is being read veeeery s l o w l y .
01:13:27 <ln-> very well articulated.
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01:13:53 <ln-> that is, the kind of speech you almost never hear in real life, not even the news on TV.
01:15:48 <ln-> and then you go to germany and the girl at macdonald's desk asks you "köad daf akdfj ghadfg adkvabjgb? jkaadf gfvbgf?", and you have no idea wtf was being said.
01:16:37 <Eddi|zuHause2> that's the point, it does not really matter what she said
01:16:51 <Eddi|zuHause2> you just say "einmal bigmäc mit pommes und große fanta"
01:16:56 <ln-> it does if she expects an answer. :)
01:17:15 <Eddi|zuHause2> you just say it again ;)
01:18:02 <ln-> actually, this was a true event but not in germany, but in sweden. (the situation is the same, and the listening comprehension tests are similar)
01:18:34 <ln-> in germany it was the conductor on train who asked me "dfjadfl akf ropgi dfgö aodfgofg?"
01:19:07 <Gonozal_VIII> then you show him your ticket and he is happy :-)
01:19:32 <ln-> he wanted us to pay some additional supplement.
01:20:18 <ln-> Eddi|zuHause2: "und ein ketchup, bitte"
01:20:26 <ln-> or "einen"
01:20:45 <Eddi|zuHause2> ln-: that's probably what she was asking ;)
01:21:12 <Eddi|zuHause2> and "hier essen oder mitnehmen?" (very important question!)
01:21:35 <Gonozal_VIII> yes, the additional paper bag is veeeeery important
01:21:53 <Eddi|zuHause2> Gonozal_VIII: actually, it's about tax calculation
01:21:57 <ln-> Eddi|zuHause2: actually she was asking for some ID, because i was paying my 22kr (~2€) purchase with Visa.
01:22:08 <Gonozal_VIII> tax calculation?
01:22:09 <Eddi|zuHause2> "hier essen" is restaurant -> luxary good -> 19% tax
01:22:27 <SmatZ> :-D
01:22:31 <Eddi|zuHause2> "mitnehmen" is food -> reduced tax -> 7% (maybe changed?)
01:22:32 <Gonozal_VIII> luxary goods are 33% or something here...
01:23:09 <ln-> Eddi|zuHause2: you can't imagine how quickly one can utter the word "Legitimation?"... whose meaning i didn't even know at the moment, and couldn't there for anticipate it.
01:23:12 <Gonozal_VIII> reduced tax is 10% and doesn't apply to food
01:23:53 <Eddi|zuHause2> you have strange laws in your country :p
01:24:09 <ln-> and i couldn't anticipate someone would want to see ID for a 2€ purchase.
01:24:34 <ln-> then i later heard that for swedish Visas the ID should always be asked. (but not foreign ones, like mine)
01:26:27 <ln-> but in general i understand an adequate percent of what's being said in german, so i can order food in Germany/Austria without resorting to english.
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01:27:01 <ln-> "bitte zwei kügeln erdbeer"
01:27:18 <Gonozal_VIII> kugeln :-)
01:27:36 <ln-> sure about that? :)
01:27:53 <ln-> the dictionary agrees with you
01:27:59 <SmatZ> like erdbeer icecream?
01:28:17 <ln-> SmatZ: ja, italienisch eis.
01:29:55 <Eddi|zuHause2> <ln-> "bitte zwei kügeln erdbeer" <- that's a funny issue, because in most cases, "umlauts" mean the word is in plural
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01:30:53 <ln-> Gonozal_VIII: ah, now i remember; i was using the wrong vowel first (but still got what i wanted), then i heard someone say it the correct way in front of me. and then i forgot it and wrote it wrong here.
01:30:53 <Eddi|zuHause3> but the reverse is not necessarily true ;)
01:31:33 <Gonozal_VIII> now you'll remember :-)
01:32:05 <ln-> i think kugel is analogous enough with e.g. vogel, which has the umlaut. :)
01:32:44 <Eddi|zuHause3> but with vogel you do not add "n" in the plural
01:32:56 <Eddi|zuHause3> because that would give a really different meaning :p
01:33:00 <Gonozal_VIII> you can... but you shouldn't^^
01:33:54 <ln-> ah, birds + n, i just learned new vocabulary.
01:34:18 <Gonozal_VIII> you know what it means?
01:34:40 <ln-> it's quite birdish in english too, duck.
01:35:17 <Eddi|zuHause3> i'm not sure if you really got the meaning right...
01:35:27 <Gonozal_VIII> i think he has
01:35:54 <ln-> duck you, i have it right.
01:36:10 <ln-> :)
01:36:10 <Eddi|zuHause3> right...
01:36:48 <Eddi|zuHause3> although in german that is one of the really polite ways to express it...
01:37:06 <Eddi|zuHause3> it does not have that negative connotation that the f word has...
01:37:25 <Gonozal_VIII> the f word is not negative...
01:37:31 <Gonozal_VIII>
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01:39:50 <ln-> hmm, does the plural of vogel happen to get an 'n' to its end in any flexed form?
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01:40:38 <Gonozal_VIII> yes
01:40:40 <Eddi|zuHause3> "Ich war einmal bei den Singvögeln, aber sie haben sich dann aufgespalten, die einen wollten nur noch singen, und die anderen nur noch..."
01:40:58 <Eddi|zuHause3> (Otto Waalkes)
01:41:36 <Gonozal_VIII> die vgel, der vgel, den vgeln, die vgel
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01:41:59 <glx> nice all with squares ;)
01:42:15 <Gonozal_VIII> lalala *hides*
01:42:20 <ln-> then your high school pupils have a lot to giggle about.
01:42:41 <Eddi|zuHause3> it's only funny the first couple of thousand times...
01:42:55 <Eddi|zuHause3> so it gets a little old after like 6 years...
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01:43:50 <ln-> at about the time of finishing senior high. ;)
01:44:12 <Eddi|zuHause3> honestly, there is more funny stuff...
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01:44:25 <Eddi|zuHause3> like "Kentucky Schreit Ficken"
01:44:54 <Gonozal_VIII> "wenn fliegen hinter fliegen fliegen, fliegen fliegen fliegen nach"
01:45:41 <Eddi|zuHause3> if at all: "wenn hinter fliegen fliegen fliegen, fliegen fliegen fliegen hinterher"
01:45:43 <Gonozal_VIII> "Wenn Fliegen hinter Fliegen fliegen, fliegen Fliegen Fliegen nach" <-- easier to understand but less fun
01:45:53 <Eddi|zuHause3> could also replace "fliegen" with "robben"
01:46:13 <Gonozal_VIII> oh right... yours is better
01:46:34 <Eddi|zuHause3> i previously had that exact same conversation in this exact same channel...
01:46:49 <Gonozal_VIII> dejavu?
01:47:15 <Eddi|zuHause3> yeah, it's when they change something in the matrix
01:47:25 <Gonozal_VIII> :-)
01:47:43 <Eddi|zuHause3> btw. it's "déjà vu"
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01:48:07 <Gonozal_VIII> yes, but i can't write that without utf-8 ;-)
01:48:15 <Eddi|zuHause3> you can
01:48:39 <Eddi|zuHause3> those letters are in all common extended ascii sets
01:49:01 <Eddi|zuHause3> especially the space...
01:49:38 <Gonozal_VIII> [02:47:41] Eddi|zuHause3: btw. it's "d j vu"
01:50:23 <ln-> Gonozal_VIII: anyhow, e' and `a are a part of e.g. Latin-1, your favorite charset.
01:50:26 <Eddi|zuHause3> so? doesn't mean you can't write it
01:50:47 <Gonozal_VIII> Dj-vu
01:50:52 <Eddi|zuHause3> see?
01:50:57 <Gonozal_VIII> ok ok
01:51:35 <glx> use a "real" client ;)
01:52:13 <ln-> actually Gonozal_VIII's favorite charset might be Windows-1251.
01:52:19 <Gonozal_VIII> i used to but i'm only in this channel now and i don't want to install a client for a single channel when i have such a nice plugin in trillian :-)
01:53:01 <Eddi|zuHause3> 1252 more likely...
01:53:44 <ln-> oops, you're right.
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02:09:16 <ln-> does anyone object if i order a couple of DS9 season boxes?
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02:09:28 <ln-> ~28€ each, including shipping.
02:24:31 <Eddi|zuHause3> only if you then spam us with ds9 quotes in $random_language
02:25:35 <glx> I can use @kick in this case ;)
02:25:37 <SERVEPRO_> ph33r
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02:52:17 <ln-> order placed
02:52:30 <Gonozal_VIII> oh noes!
02:52:41 <Gonozal_VIII> ^^
02:53:06 <Belugas> anyone tried to work with kdev and ottd?
02:53:11 <ln-> also pre-ordered (from another place) Star Wars IV, V, and VI for the total price of about ~32€ + shipping.
02:54:00 <alphax> Hi, I has a question about the train acceleration.
02:54:10 <alphax> the manual say,
02:54:10 <ln-> "I has the bucket"
02:54:11 <alphax> Non-Maglev train acceleration = 37 *(0.55 * Power / Speed - 1.3 * Mass + 60 * #cars + 0.0035 * Mass * Speed + 0.24 * Speed^2 - 60 * Mass of cars on slope) / Mass (kph/day)
02:54:22 <alphax> what's the meaning of "37"?
02:54:26 <Gonozal_VIII> i has a var
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02:55:10 <Gonozal_VIII> 37... some magic?
02:55:36 <alphax> I don't understand.
02:57:40 <ln-> hey, you're from china?
02:58:26 <Belugas> alphax, where did you get those numbers?
02:59:37 <alphax> yes. i am chinese.
03:00:22 <alphax> to Belugas, The formula is declarated in the openttd manual page (wiki)
03:00:57 <Belugas> harghh...
03:01:02 <Belugas> ok, i check in the code
03:01:22 <alphax> the bottom of the page on
03:01:45 <ln-> alphax: tell me then, have you ever seen a device like this:
03:02:13 <ln-> alphax: and/or do you know how much do they cost?
03:03:10 <alphax> I dont known
03:03:34 <Gonozal_VIII> what's that? usb tv reciever?
03:03:54 <ln-> Gonozal_VIII: yeah. for digital cable tv.
03:05:30 <ln-> Gonozal_VIII: the number of cable-receivers for USB 2.0 in the European market is: one (1)
03:05:49 <Gonozal_VIII> really?
03:06:05 <ln-> as far as i know. there is one other, but it's not usb 2.0.
03:06:37 <Gonozal_VIII> what's the difference between dvb-t and dvb-c?
03:07:05 <ln-> and this one is terribly expensive, ~150e although you can get -t models for even less than 20e.
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03:07:59 <ln-> Gonozal_VIII: different modulation technique used due to different properties of air and cable... from the end user's perspective: they simply are not compatible with each other either way.
03:08:22 <Gonozal_VIII> hmm that sucks
03:08:50 * Belugas keeps on seraching for accelration calculations
03:09:19 <Gonozal_VIII> there are lots of dvb-t recievers, i have one myself... i thought you could just plug in the cable instead of the antenna...
03:10:08 <ln-> you can, but you won't see anything.
03:10:10 <De_Ghost> hey
03:10:14 <De_Ghost> in xp
03:10:22 <De_Ghost> explorer is just ui for desktop
03:10:34 <De_Ghost> does it manage any critical functions?
03:10:39 <ln-> except.. it is possible to broadcast dvb-t signal on cable-tv network, and someone even does that, but it's rare and sub-optimal.
03:10:43 <De_Ghost> cuz i can live withour taskbar and everything
03:10:49 <Gonozal_VIII> no, you can shut it off
03:10:59 <De_Ghost> awsome
03:11:00 <De_Ghost> lol
03:11:05 <Gonozal_VIII> and restart it later if you want through the task manager
03:11:12 <De_Ghost> yea i know :)
03:11:35 <De_Ghost> cuz i though explorer manage some gay function or another
03:12:50 <Gonozal_VIII> i haven't noticed anything failing because explorer wasn't running...
03:13:14 <Gonozal_VIII> but i never had that situation for long so i don't know much about it
03:14:14 <De_Ghost> yea i think explorer is just ui not api
03:14:16 <Belugas> haaa.. train_cmd.cpp:310
03:14:23 <Belugas> now... what do we have in here...
03:16:08 <Gonozal_VIII> should be possible to write your own explorer and use that instead :-)
03:16:48 <alphax> in last of the function, just return (force - resistance) / (mass * 4);
03:18:23 <Belugas> yeah, after a series of stuff i do not have a clue what they are there for...
03:18:41 <Gonozal_VIII> somehow the dvb-c reveivers all have a hd built in
03:19:28 <Belugas> in both cases, anyway, the 37 is there...
03:19:38 <Belugas> so something like a physic constant, maybe
03:20:02 <Belugas> canno be gravitaion, too simple
03:20:43 <Belugas> hoo....
03:20:53 <Belugas> Road vehicles accelerate at 37kph/day.
03:21:02 <Belugas> # Ships accelerate at 37kph/day.
03:21:41 <Belugas> so 37 could be seen as base acceleration in the game, mabe
03:22:01 <Gonozal_VIII> i've been bugging a friend of mine who studied physics to look into the vehicle acceleration in openttd for some time now...
03:22:12 <Belugas> the algo just cange the regular acc adapted to the trains
03:22:39 <alphax> but this constant is not appears in the source
03:22:48 <Belugas> indeed
03:23:05 <Belugas> but i've never touched vehicle code before either ;)
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03:26:31 <alphax> ok, thanks for your help, Belugas.
03:27:56 * Belugas still searches
03:28:53 * Belugas wonders where the hell that formula came on wiki
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03:31:59 <Belugas> april 2007
03:32:02 <Belugas> zojj
03:32:38 <alphax> hehe
03:33:14 <alphax> is it a document error?
03:34:11 <Belugas> engines.h:348 , but it's nt that either
03:34:16 <Belugas> i do not know alphax
03:34:31 <Belugas> i really am clueless about acceleration code
03:35:01 <Belugas> but a least, if ever i see a zojj comeing in, i will have seom questions to ask ;)
03:35:19 <alphax> haha
03:37:19 <Belugas> train_cmd.cpp:399 ?
03:37:30 <Belugas> 35 for friction?
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03:40:24 * Belugas gives up
03:40:27 <Belugas> too tired
03:40:55 <Gonozal_VIII> oh time... train.. got to go
03:40:59 <Belugas> good night for those who are under the moon, good dya for those enjoying the sun
03:41:01 <Gonozal_VIII> see you all
03:41:16 <Gonozal_VIII> good night
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03:41:23 <alphax> good day
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11:33:38 <Sacro> 'ning
11:34:29 <Gonozal_VIII> good evening
11:34:34 <Gonozal_VIII> :-)
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11:46:32 * Gonozal_VIII loads his emp rifle
11:47:11 <shodan> noo
11:48:01 <Gonozal_VIII> hacking first terminal!^^
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12:33:57 <Sacro> hey Bjarni
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13:03:11 <Bjarni> hi Sacro
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13:26:50 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: bjarni * r11540 /trunk/src/ (4 files in 2 dirs): -Fix: [OSX] Don't try to compile the quartz video driver on OSX 10.3. It will fail
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13:58:13 <skidd13> Hi folks
14:03:04 <Bjarni> hi skidd13
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14:42:46 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: bjarni * r11541 /trunk/src/unix.cpp:
14:42:46 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: -Fix: [OSX] detect statvfs at runtime (based on OSX version) instead of compile time
14:42:46 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: This should prevent a crash on OSX 10.3 with the precompiled binaries (in the load/save windows)
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14:49:25 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: bjarni * r11542 /trunk/src/os/macosx/ -Fix r11540: [OSX] presumed 10.3 style strings when using GetCurrentLocale nomatter what OSX the target was
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15:07:08 <ln-> what's the german VAT now?
15:08:09 <Bjarni> 16%
15:08:11 <Bjarni> I think
15:08:24 <Bjarni> they increased it from 15% not long ago
15:08:38 <ln-> i think they increased it from 16%
15:08:51 <Bjarni> go figure
15:08:58 <ln-> 19%
15:09:00 <skidd13> ln-: IIRC its 19%
15:09:04 <Bjarni> Germany lacks a strong economy :P
15:09:42 <skidd13> But we've the lowest book prices only 5% tax here
15:11:51 <ln-> we have 22% and i think Bjarni has 25%
15:16:19 <Bjarni> yeah
15:16:27 <Bjarni> we have 25% VAT on everything :(
15:17:10 <Bjarni> and here is the crazy yet true fact about it: our economy is too strong to lower the VAT
15:17:48 <Bjarni> if we lower it then people will buy more and then more workers are needed and our economy is already so strong that the companies hired everybody
15:18:04 <Bjarni> so lowering the VAT will result in lack of workforce
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15:28:05 <Bjarni> "Users are like bacteria - each one causes a thousand tiny crises until the host finally gives up and dies."
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15:39:15 <Belugas> ho hoo...
15:39:28 <Belugas> ttdpatch's wiki is or broken or dead...
15:40:51 <Bjarni> are you saying that if it died, then it didn't break?
15:42:40 <Belugas> The following error was encountered:
15:42:40 <Belugas> * Connection to Failed
15:42:40 <Belugas> The system returned:
15:42:40 <Belugas> (111) Connection refused
15:42:40 <Belugas> The remote host or network may be down. Please try the request again.
15:42:51 <Belugas> so...
15:43:08 * Belugas does not know real status of ttdpatch's wiki
15:43:13 <Belugas> just that it is not working
15:43:49 <Belugas> mmmh...
15:43:53 <Belugas> wiki2 works
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15:57:21 <Belugas> now it works ...
15:57:21 <Belugas> good
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16:08:56 <Eddi|zuHause3> now this is an interesting statistics:,5538,26898,00.html
16:12:06 * Hendikins pads in and flops
16:12:36 <Hendikins> Just for fun, weekend trackwork = twice as many trains. Go figure.
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16:16:35 <Bjarni> Eddi|zuHause3: what is the difference between unknown and other?
16:16:45 <Bjarni> wouldn't everything in unknown be other?
16:17:05 <Eddi|zuHause3> no, other is known, but irrelevant
16:17:07 <Bjarni> or is unknown also known as IRC?
16:17:23 <Eddi|zuHause3> IRC would go into the IM part, i assume
16:17:37 <Bjarni> most likely
16:18:24 <Eddi|zuHause3> unknown might be stuff like SSL traffic that cannot be analysed
16:18:36 <Bjarni> right
16:18:40 <Bjarni> I use that a lot
16:18:52 <Bjarni> remote login to uni servers
16:19:05 <Bjarni> sftp file transfers
16:19:09 <Bjarni> stuff like that
16:19:32 <Bjarni> that could easily be way more than 6% of my traffic
16:19:40 <Eddi|zuHause3> for example...
16:20:38 <Bjarni> at one time I used ssh -X to open firefox because it didn't work correctly with the locally installed one
16:20:44 <Bjarni> but that was internally on uni
16:21:00 <Bjarni> but it could tell how easy it is to transfer decent amount of data though ssh
16:21:06 <Eddi|zuHause3> what i am missing in that picture is online game traffic (WOW and stuff)
16:21:14 <Bjarni> yeah
16:21:44 <Bjarni> considering the time spent on WOW, the amount of bandwidth could be interesting to know as well
16:23:13 <Bjarni>,5538,PB64-SUQ9MjY4OTgmbnI9NQ_3_3,00.html <-- wtf is "abook"?
16:23:20 <Eddi|zuHause3> audio book?
16:23:27 <Bjarni> oh
16:23:30 <Bjarni> right
16:23:52 <Eddi|zuHause3>,5538,PB64-SUQ9MjY4OTgmbnI9NA_3_3,00.html <- i find this one really odd...
16:24:50 <Bjarni> why?
16:25:07 <Bjarni> looks like Germans use bittorrent and edonkey a lot
16:25:19 <Bjarni> you mean that your own survey showed something else?
16:26:01 <Eddi|zuHause3> no, i mean that "DirectConnect" column, that basically replaces "eDonkey" in eastern europe...
16:26:23 <Eddi|zuHause3> while it does not show at all in the other parts
16:26:25 <Bjarni> hmm
16:27:11 <Bjarni> maybe somebody in Eastern Europe started sharing Eastern European movies and stuff on DirectConnect
16:27:27 <Bjarni> and now that's the place to go for localised movies/audio/software
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16:27:53 <Bjarni> so it's 29% localised stuff and the other clients are for stuff in English
16:28:14 <Bjarni> but... I'm not even sure what DirectConnect really is...
16:28:34 <Hendikins> Bleh, I won't have time to play openttd at work today.
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16:28:44 <Eddi|zuHause3> a filesharing network i assume :p
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16:30:49 <Bjarni> Hendikins: shit happens :P
16:31:15 <Bjarni> Eddi|zuHause3: well... according to wikipedia it's a P2P network without contact to other networks
16:31:20 <Hendikins> Bjarni: Yeah, normally weekends are lazy, but we've got 8 trains/hour in each direction instead of 4.
16:31:38 <Bjarni> 8?
16:31:46 <Hendikins> So instead of having these nice 15 minute gaps between trains (since I only care about one direction)... well, I don't.
16:31:52 <Bjarni> sounds like rush hour here
16:32:10 <Hendikins> We've got trackwork that is making things a bit special.
16:32:37 <Bjarni> the railroad here just celebrated finishing the trackworks here
16:32:47 <Bjarni> well... they claimed that anyway
16:32:53 <Bjarni> I didn't notice a difference
16:33:18 <Bjarni> they still do stuff to the tracks at night
16:33:26 <Hendikins> Our normal all stations to the City via Bankstown services are running (2tph), our City via Granville services are being diverted via Bankstown and running express (2tph), and we're getting trains to/from the west diverted to the south (4 tph)
16:33:28 <Bjarni> but it might have been end of the special schedule or something
16:34:53 <Hendikins> ...and I am getting recognised by train crew - in a good way, which is nice :)
16:35:53 <Bjarni> heh
16:37:11 <Bjarni> reminds me of when I recognised a guy with a camera. He showed up and wanted to look inside the locomotive and then I started talking about seeing him like 2 weeks earlier where he was in the forest with his camera taking pictures of train(s?)
16:37:29 <Bjarni> and he was like "wtf? How could you notice?"
16:38:11 <Hendikins> I mainly get "You're the guy who does the announcements at Cabramatta, aren't you?"
16:43:39 <Belugas> freaking annoying closing industries...
16:44:31 <Bjarni> heh
16:44:41 <Bjarni> I never do announcements
16:45:00 <Bjarni> I think it's the benefit from not having a mic in the cab :D
16:45:21 <Bjarni> however it could be fun to talk to everybody in the train
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16:45:43 <Bjarni> I once tried being on a bus where the driver started telling stories on the speaker system
16:45:55 <Bjarni> and it was a regular bus
16:46:01 <Bjarni> nothing special about it
16:46:41 <Bjarni> except for the driver that is... normally they appear like they have to pay for every single word they say or something
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16:48:10 <Eddi|zuHause3> <Bjarni> reminds me of when I recognised a guy with a camera. He showed up and wanted to look inside the locomotive and then I started talking about seeing him like 2 weeks earlier where he was in the forest with his camera taking pictures of train(s?) <- but it's not like "you were the guy i almost ran over despite using the horn multiple times"??
16:48:19 <Bjarni> no
16:48:37 <Bjarni> though I would recognise that weirdo as well
16:50:01 <Eddi|zuHause3> that would have been fun ;)
16:51:10 <Bjarni> I'm not so sure
16:51:24 <Hendikins> Bjarni: I'm not a spark driver yet, although I've considered it as a future option.
16:51:57 <Bjarni> heh spark
16:51:59 <Hendikins> I'm now a firm believer in the three ways though
16:52:06 <Hendikins> (Right way, wrong way, railway)
16:52:08 * Bjarni drives diesel
16:52:17 <SpComb> Bjarni
16:52:22 <Bjarni> SpComb
16:52:28 <Bjarni> that was fun
16:52:29 <SpComb> Bjarni's a C-writing train driver?
16:52:31 <Bjarni> let's do that again
16:52:32 <SpComb> (' is next to enter)
16:52:33 <Bjarni> SpComb
16:52:37 <Hendikins> Almost all CityRail services (including all suburban services) are sparks.
16:52:51 <Hendikins> So it is highly unlikely that I'd be driving diesels.
16:53:07 <Bjarni> <SpComb> Bjarni's a C-writing train driver? <-- I'm a guy, who can do everything
16:53:42 <SpComb> you drive diesel trains during the day, restore steam locomotives during the weekend and code in the evenings?
16:53:51 <Bjarni> not really
16:54:09 <Eddi|zuHause3> and at night he gets in his tights and saves the world from evil Sacros
16:54:16 <Bjarni> I study for my master during the day and whenever I have the time I do stuff to vintage diesel trains
16:54:19 <Bjarni> and sometimes steam
16:54:56 <Bjarni> I'm not a professional train driver though I presume that I could become one in really short time
16:55:22 <SpComb> right
16:55:27 <Bjarni> since I already knows the tracks, the rules, the theory and so on
16:56:06 <Bjarni> it happened more than once that somebody learned to drive vintage and then went professionally for a living
16:56:28 <Bjarni> but if I do that then it means discarding my university degree
16:57:03 <Bjarni> surprisingly I'm not planning to do so
16:58:24 <SpComb> or you could get your masters degree, and /then/ go drive trains
16:58:48 <Bjarni> but when I get my master degree I have to use it
16:59:05 <Belugas> you're studying in what exactly, Bjarni?
16:59:23 <Bjarni> imagine a person applying for a job that demands his master degree and he goes "I got it 10 years ago but I never used it"
16:59:31 <Bjarni> Belugas: electronics
16:59:40 <Belugas> oki
17:00:12 <Bjarni> hence the robots being the "practical test of the theory"
17:00:37 <Bjarni> it's easier to see if a robot drives into a wall than to check that some meter shows the correct value
17:01:00 <Belugas> next question : how does it fit with the train stuff? or even, what do you plan to do as a job?
17:01:36 <Bjarni> I plan to get a job outside the railroad industry
17:01:48 <Bjarni> leaving railroads as a hobby, not a way of living
17:02:05 <Belugas> granted :)
17:02:56 <Bjarni> also I'm not so sure that driving would be this fun if I did it every day
17:04:02 <Bjarni> remember when you got your driver's license. Back in those days it was fun to go to drive to pick up something. Today you would rather be doing something else because you drive all the time
17:04:55 <Belugas> hint... programming is not fun when you do it year long...
17:05:06 <Belugas> and i'm not talking about ottd ;)
17:05:06 <Bjarni> heh
17:06:03 <Bjarni> the fun in coding really depends on what you are coding
17:06:11 <Belugas> ... maybe this explains some departure from the dev team...
17:06:14 <Belugas> yeah, you're right
17:06:32 <Bjarni> if you are going "the deadline for this is in 2 days and I have no idea why it doesn't work" is not the fun kind of coding
17:06:56 <Belugas> i have the chance to not code in the same language at work as for ottd
17:07:04 <Belugas> indeed, Bjarni, i get that a lot
17:07:15 <Bjarni> sounds scary
17:07:36 <Bjarni> specially considering your software blocked your credit card :P
17:07:48 * Sacro returns
17:07:59 <Bjarni> oh
17:08:02 <Bjarni> wrong thing to say
17:08:07 <Belugas> lol
17:08:13 <Bjarni> don't talk about blocked credit cards :P
17:08:26 <Bjarni> it sounds so familiar to Sacro that he has to show up
17:08:41 <Belugas> nothing to do :) that was an attempt of getting over my limit way too often :)
17:08:43 <Sacro> :(
17:08:44 <Belugas> almost on purpose
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17:11:36 * SpComb has written C, Python and Javascript code all at the same time for his OpenTTD stuff
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17:12:13 * Bjarni writes C stuff for robots more or less at the same time as OpenTTD stuff
17:13:31 <hylje> robots
17:13:37 <Bjarni> no, my robot pathfinder can't be ported to OpenTTD
17:13:42 <Bjarni> you wouldn't want that
17:13:52 <hylje> yeah, it's a huge bjarnism
17:14:22 <Bjarni> actually if there is an obstacle then it tries to ram it to move it out of the way
17:14:28 <Bjarni> imagine trains doing that in the game
17:14:33 <Bjarni> or in real life
17:14:50 <Bjarni> "the track is blocked... let's try to see if we can ram anything on it to make way though it"
17:15:41 <hylje> sounds really clever
17:16:08 <Bjarni> yeah
17:16:29 <Bjarni> unless the train is a small DMU and the obstacle is a big boy pulling a freight train
17:16:56 <Bjarni> but if the obstacle is a road on the crossing then it's good to go
17:17:11 <hylje> how often do trains ram the road off a crossing
17:17:27 <SpComb> hmm, roadramming
17:17:35 <SpComb> a popular pasttime in the early sixties
17:17:46 <Bjarni> when it's the fault of the railroad: extremely rare
17:18:35 <Bjarni> it's a rare event
17:19:17 <Bjarni> and according to the statistics I think it was 98% of the collisions that's due to human error from the road vehicle driver
17:19:45 <Bjarni> leaving only 2% for technical problems with the car, the crossing or the train driver
17:20:11 <hylje> yet newspapers keep blaming the train
17:20:39 <hylje> suppose its too hard to blame the deceased no matter how stupid or avoidable the accident
17:21:28 <Bjarni> yeah... it's way better to blame the train driver because he didn't die
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17:21:40 <Bjarni> he saw the whole thing but was unable to stop due to the laws of physics
17:22:34 <Bjarni> actually we should blame Newton for the laws of physics... it would be way easier without them
17:24:13 <Bjarni> well... even when it's the railroad that is to blame then the road vehicle driver isn't driving properly
17:24:57 <Bjarni> imagine a crossing that turns on and after a while it turns off again. A nearby train uses the horn continuously: would you still try to cross?
17:25:13 <Bjarni> no train passed the road yet
17:25:56 <SpComb> yes
17:26:58 <Bjarni> this is rare but it happens
17:27:49 <Eddi|zuHause3> i read somewhere that if the crossing is broken, the train must stop and look if the road is free
17:28:07 <Bjarni> that's true for our part of the world
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17:29:36 <Bjarni> in USA the crossing activates 20 sec before the train arrives and you can't stop a train at that distance if it fails
17:30:03 <Eddi|zuHause3> breaking news: a bag of rice has fallen over in china
17:30:10 <Bjarni> o_O
17:30:23 <Bjarni> so now they are staving?
17:32:32 <Belugas>
17:32:36 <Belugas> toumtedoum
17:32:42 <Belugas> you are now warned
17:33:14 * Sacro is warned
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18:57:58 <ln-> Sacro: train station or railway station?
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19:00:52 <eemeli> hi
19:01:50 <eemeli> who do i report a crash/bug to?
19:01:50 <glx>
19:02:12 <eemeli> i need to create an account to report a bug?
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19:05:48 <Belugas> yes, if we want to discuss with you further after...
19:05:56 <Belugas> or inform you that the bug is fixed,
19:06:02 <Belugas> or even not a bug...
19:06:06 <Belugas> and why
19:06:06 <Belugas> etc..
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19:09:40 <eemeli>
19:09:47 <eemeli> if i did something wrong feel free to bark at me D:
19:11:03 <Eddi|zuHause3> that's Sacro's job :p
19:11:04 <Belugas> 1) newgrf? 2) savegame?
19:11:24 <Belugas> the crash has nothing to do with chating
19:11:36 <skidd13> eemeli: trams?
19:11:46 <Gonozal_VIII> what did you do? build a road at unusual places?
19:12:01 <Belugas> he was chating, Gonozal_VIII
19:13:18 <eemeli> what do you mean "newgrf"??
19:13:53 <Gonozal_VIII> i guess that means none
19:13:56 <DaleStan> google:newgrf
19:14:01 <eemeli> i have an autosave just before the crash
19:14:14 <skidd13> IIRC this bug is related to articulated vehicles and Rubidium has fix it. But I'm not sure.
19:14:14 <skidd13> the autosave is helpfull
19:14:15 <eemeli> we're using the generictram set
19:15:08 <Belugas> there we go... the set in question IS a newgrf.. or a grf
19:15:34 * Belugas wonders if a beta2 would not be in order...
19:16:18 <skidd13> Belugas: FS 1388 <- Same bug
19:16:32 <skidd13> And fixed by Rubidium
19:16:44 *** batataxpto69 has joined #openttd
19:16:47 <batataxpto69> hello
19:17:33 <batataxpto69> anyone?
19:17:36 <eemeli> hi
19:17:42 <batataxpto69> hello
19:17:51 <batataxpto69> ho do i talk in online ttd?
19:18:20 <eemeli> enter
19:18:24 <batataxpto69> lol
19:18:25 <batataxpto69> ok
19:18:27 <batataxpto69> tanhk u
19:18:34 <eemeli> np
19:19:49 <eemeli> well that was fast D:
19:20:44 <batataxpto69> lol
19:20:47 <batataxpto69> yeah
19:20:56 <eemeli> i meant my bug report :P
19:21:13 <batataxpto69> :S
19:21:23 <batataxpto69> ok
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19:51:03 <Sacro> ln-: que?
19:51:48 <batataxpto69> que é que se passa?
19:53:49 <skidd13> Sacro: How many times you've been kicked because of using foreign languages?
19:54:00 <Sacro> skidd13: a fair few
19:54:07 <Sacro> however, I no longer copy/paste stuff
19:54:12 <Sacro> i only use words that I know what they mean
19:54:31 <batataxpto69> we can't use foreign languages?
19:54:47 <skidd13> english only please!
19:54:53 <batataxpto69> :(
19:54:56 <Belugas> yup
19:55:03 <Sacro> skidd13: por quoi?
19:55:10 <Belugas> as for everyone can understand
19:55:17 <skidd13> @kick Sacro
19:55:19 <Eddi|zuHause3> yes, i noticed a significant drop in Sacro's sentences in the last few weeks ;)
19:55:19 <Sacro> as for? :p
19:55:24 *** Sacro was kicked by Bjarni (You should know how to use English)
19:55:26 <batataxpto69> ok
19:55:30 <Belugas> grrr....
19:55:32 *** Sacro has joined #openttd
19:55:35 <Sacro> :(
19:55:35 <Sacro> !stats
19:55:42 <batataxpto69> but portuguese is not foreign, here is national :P
19:55:47 <Eddi|zuHause3> it's not even correct....
19:55:48 <Sacro> !logs
19:55:48 <SpComb> Logs: (old: )
19:55:58 <Belugas> so anyone can understand everyone...
19:56:08 *** Bjarni changes topic to "0.5.3, 0.6.0-beta1 | Website: * (DevBlog: blog, Translator: translator2, Gameservers: servers, Nightly-builds: nightly, NightlyArchive: archive, WIKI: wiki, SVN mailinglist: maillist, Dev-docs: docs, Patches & Bug-reports: bugs) | #openttd.notice for FS + SVN notices | UTF-8 encoding is mandatory in this channel | English is the official channel language | And please, no YouT"
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19:56:26 <Sacro> no YouT eh
19:56:41 *** Bjarni changes topic to "0.5.3, 0.6.0-beta1 | Website: * (DevBlog: blog, Translator: translator2, Gameservers: servers, Nightly-builds: nightly, NightlyArchive: archive, WIKI: wiki, SVN mailinglist: maillist, Dev-docs: docs, Patches & Bug-reports: bugs) | #openttd.notice for FS + SVN notices | UTF-8 encoding is mandatory in this channel | English is the official channel language | And please, no YouT"
19:56:52 <Bjarni> looks like our topic is too long
19:57:23 <skidd13> Bjarni: We maybe need a channel disclaimer :D
19:57:30 *** Bjarni changes topic to "0.5.3, 0.6.0-beta1 | Website: * (DevBlog: blog, Translator: translator2, Gameservers: servers, Nightly-builds: nightly, NightlyArchive: archive, WIKI: wiki, SVN mailinglist: maillist, Dev-docs: docs, Patches & Bug-reports: bugs) | #openttd.notice for FS + SVN notices | UTF-8 is mandatory | use English | And please, no YouTube links"
19:57:42 <Belugas> "UTF-8 encoding and English are mandatory" ?
19:57:52 <ln-> will people be kicked for using latin-1?
19:58:05 <ln-> (i'm for it)
19:58:10 <batataxpto69> i don't know waht econding am i using
19:58:11 <skidd13> ln-: Not if no one notices
19:58:18 <Bjarni> only if they complain about not being able to see æøå
19:58:20 * Sacro goes to a caf?
19:58:33 <Sacro> Bjarni: see it? I know the guy
19:59:02 <batataxpto69> can you read é ã ê ç ???
19:59:15 <Bjarni> <batataxpto69> i don't know waht econding am i using <-- basically... can you see this char: "∫"
19:59:27 <Bjarni> if you can then you don't use latin-1
19:59:37 <batataxpto69> yes i can
19:59:45 <Bjarni> then you use UTF-8
19:59:58 <ln-> and it was only one character?
20:00:05 <ln-> the integral sign
20:00:52 <batataxpto69> yes only one, ∫ this one inside quotation marks
20:01:12 <Sacro> "S"
20:01:13 <Bjarni> はい <-- well this should be two chars ;)
20:01:30 <batataxpto69> yes
20:01:41 <batataxpto69> to oriental chars
20:01:42 <Bjarni> and if you can read them as Asian chars, then you for sure aren't using any latin charset :P
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20:01:44 <skidd13> Bjarni: Now you use foreign languages :D ;)
20:01:55 <Sacro> hmm, i see 3 unknown utf-8 chars
20:02:22 <Sacro>
20:02:25 <Bjarni> skidd13: I wondered who would say that but it was the best test I could come up with
20:02:29 <batataxpto69> in portuguese channel i can read all the chars, ã à á ê ç ª, etc
20:02:43 <Bjarni> now the good questions is.... what did I write and in what language?
20:03:13 <skidd13> Bjarni: Be carefull with asian signs, you could say things you never intend... ;)
20:03:35 <batataxpto69> lol
20:03:44 <Bjarni> but I know what I just wrote :P
20:03:45 <batataxpto69> japanese
20:03:49 <batataxpto69> i think
20:04:24 <Bjarni> むね <-- I presume that skidd13 is referring to words like that XD
20:04:40 <Bjarni> I didn't say it :P
20:04:44 <Bjarni> (at least not loud)
20:05:36 <Bjarni> hint: it appears that Sacro has a highlight on this one in English
20:05:42 <ln-> ˈsəu ˈɪŋglɪʃ ʃæl wi toːk ðen.
20:05:43 * skidd13 hands a katana to Bjani (meant for kicking himself out of the channel) ;)
20:06:36 <skidd13> @all: please stay in english
20:07:03 <Bjarni> <-- skidd13.... you really want me to do that???
20:07:17 <skidd13> Bjarni: Now a Youtube link
20:07:30 <ln-> ˈnaθiŋ woz dɪˈsaɪdiːd əˈbaut orˈtogrəfɪ
20:07:47 <skidd13> ln-: are warned!
20:07:53 <ln-> skidd13: what? it's english.
20:07:55 <Sacro> Bjarni: boobies?
20:08:08 <ln-> skidd13: modern day english.
20:08:12 <skidd13> ln-: I know therefore no kick ;)
20:08:19 <Bjarni> see.... Sacro understands boobs in all languages :P
20:08:46 * Bjarni imagines Sacro copy pasting the word from before and goes to make an image search on google
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20:09:14 <Bjarni> Sacro: for all you know this can backfire... you only have my word for the meaning :P
20:10:24 <Bjarni> I will make this clear once and for all: you can get kicked for writing something I can't read!!!
20:10:27 <skidd13> good night
20:10:36 *** skidd13 has left #openttd
20:10:59 <Bjarni> I think that's the basic channel rule when it comes to what language to use
20:12:03 <Sacro> Bjarni: Shadayim :P
20:12:26 <batataxpto69> arabic?
20:12:32 <Sacro> :o
20:12:40 <batataxpto69> are you playing with babel translator?
20:12:50 <Sacro> batataxpto69: no, I happen to know the word
20:15:08 * Gonozal_VIII doesn't want to imagine why people would buy a combination of uranium ore, lots of live mouse traps, lube, enema sets and tons of lingerie
20:16:45 <Sacro> Gonozal_VIII: fun evening...
20:18:01 <Gonozal_VIII> it's all fun and games until the mutant butt-mice attack!
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20:21:13 <Bjarni> Sacro: is that boobs in Arabic?
20:26:06 <Eddi|zuHause3>
20:27:47 <Sacro> Bjarni: hebrew
20:29:19 <Bjarni> but I presume that it's boobs
20:29:24 <batataxpto69> it's the same
20:29:37 <Bjarni> otherwise you wouldn't have said it
20:29:42 <batataxpto69> lolol
20:30:23 <Bjarni> Sacroのむね
20:30:41 <Bjarni> now Sacro will wonder for a while what that sentence means :P
20:31:11 <batataxpto69> now he will think and he will not boring us
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20:31:17 <batataxpto69> :P
20:31:44 <Bjarni> perfect
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20:41:47 <Bjarni> see... he will not say anything until he figured out what I just said about him
20:41:57 <Bjarni> so we will never see him again :P
20:42:16 <batataxpto69> that's good, right?
20:42:47 <Gonozal_VIII> that text about german is great :D
20:43:31 <Bjarni> batataxpto69: it's perferct
20:43:35 <Bjarni> *perfect
20:43:38 <batataxpto69> ok
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20:52:50 <ln-> does anyone here happen to be a doctor?
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20:59:52 <Bjarni> why?
20:59:58 <Bjarni> did you shoot somebody?
21:00:07 <Belugas> does it hitch?
21:00:10 <Bjarni> or did you do something as stupid as eat your own cooking?
21:00:32 <Bjarni> maybe he drank too much
21:00:46 <Bjarni> I read today that 5 people dies in Finland every day from drinking
21:00:47 <Belugas> does it smell?
21:01:05 * Bjarni feels bad for those 5 people
21:01:20 <Bjarni> dying on a daily basis...
21:01:21 <batataxpto69> tehy die drinking???
21:01:26 <batataxpto69> porra!
21:01:31 <Belugas> depends what they were drinking and who gave them :P
21:01:38 <Bjarni> rocket fuel!
21:01:48 <Bjarni> err
21:01:51 <Bjarni> jet fuel!
21:01:56 <Bjarni> good quality jet fuel
21:02:00 <glx> kerosen?
21:02:05 <Bjarni> they drank it in Russia
21:02:25 <Bjarni> then the police started to investigate why the drunks died
21:02:54 <batataxpto69> hehehe
21:03:16 <batataxpto69> here ppl almost only drink beer
21:03:33 <batataxpto69> but the beer hear is strong
21:03:38 <Bjarni> the thing is... they didn't know it was jet fuel
21:03:40 <Belugas> here, it's coffee
21:03:43 <Belugas> lotsa
21:03:47 <Bjarni> it was sold as illegal vodka
21:03:56 <batataxpto69> :S
21:04:14 <Bjarni> and it was cheaper than normal vodka due to a new tax that was meant to cut down the use of vodka
21:04:37 * Belugas thinks he need to stop drinking coffee... the night is getting closer
21:04:37 <Gonozal_VIII> i know people that drink 96% ethanol
21:05:06 <glx> they could try E85 :)
21:05:11 <batataxpto69> people taht drink ethilic alcohol are commiting suicide
21:05:12 <Gonozal_VIII> hehe
21:05:21 <batataxpto69> the liver don't affort that
21:05:37 <batataxpto69> here who drink absint in the night is crazy
21:05:55 <Bjarni> batataxpto69: are you sober?
21:06:09 <Bjarni> public drinking in this channel is banned
21:06:11 <batataxpto69> i will translate to see wath is a sober
21:06:18 <batataxpto69> in the babel fish
21:06:30 <Belugas> E85?
21:06:38 * Belugas googles
21:06:42 <Gonozal_VIII> you don't know e85?
21:06:56 <batataxpto69> babel fish doesn't know wath is a sober
21:06:59 <Belugas> nope, otherwise, i would not be googling :S
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21:07:03 <Gonozal_VIII> ah... wrong continent for that
21:07:05 <batataxpto69> and i don't know either
21:07:34 <Gonozal_VIII> that's gas with 85% ethanol in it
21:08:24 <batataxpto69> bjarni, wath is a sober
21:08:35 <batataxpto69> a guy that don't drink?
21:08:48 <glx> a guy with no alcohol in blood
21:08:53 <batataxpto69> ok
21:08:56 <Gonozal_VIII> ethanol is much cheaper than gas :-)
21:08:56 <batataxpto69> now i am
21:09:15 <batataxpto69> and i am usually
21:09:15 <Bjarni> <batataxpto69> a guy that don't drink? <-- no, that's a description of me
21:09:29 <Gonozal_VIII> i don't drink either
21:09:29 <batataxpto69> :D
21:09:36 <batataxpto69> ok ok
21:09:48 <Bjarni> or you could say: "a guy that don't drink" is always sober
21:09:54 <Belugas> thanks google and Gonozal_VIII
21:10:02 <Belugas> nope, nothing like that in here...
21:10:22 <Belugas> or not that i know of
21:10:26 <batataxpto69> saint google has always the answer
21:10:38 <glx> the answer is always 42
21:10:55 <batataxpto69> by the way
21:10:59 <batataxpto69> where you from?
21:11:07 <Gonozal_VIII> according to wikipedia, there's only one station in canada selling it
21:11:22 <Bjarni> glx: how much alcohol do you have in your blood right now (in ‰)?
21:11:36 <glx> near 0
21:11:45 <Bjarni> <glx> the answer is always 42
21:12:15 <Bjarni> <batataxpto69> where you from? <-- my home town
21:12:47 <Belugas> [16:12] <Gonozal_VIII> according to wikipedia, there's only one station in canada selling it <--- might not be in my surrounding, for sure
21:12:59 <glx> Bjarni: but if the answer to this question was 42, I wouldn't be able to write here ;)
21:13:43 <Belugas> voice to text device?
21:14:12 <Gonozal_VIII> hehe, did you ever try to use that?
21:14:16 <batataxpto69> i quite
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21:14:44 <Bjarni> <Gonozal_VIII> hehe, did you ever try to use that? <-- according to it translate the sound of a fart into the word "France"
21:14:55 <Gonozal_VIII> hehehe
21:15:28 <Bjarni>
21:15:37 <Bjarni> first thing that came up when searching for "France"
21:15:54 <Bjarni> makes you wonder about the French guys
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21:17:37 <Bjarni> <Jesus> and i kept getting banned simply becuase i lived in france
21:17:39 <Bjarni> hahaha
21:17:57 <Bjarni> I should pick a country to kick
21:18:11 <Bjarni> how about Burma?
21:21:00 <Eddi|zuHause3> i vote for austria :p
21:21:17 <glx> let's ban .dk ;)
21:21:19 <Bjarni> ok
21:21:25 <Bjarni> .de it is
21:21:42 <Eddi|zuHause3> like that quote: "the last austrian we gave op tried to take over the world"
21:21:45 <Bjarni> .de is Denmark, right?
21:22:03 <Gonozal_VIII> yes, de is denmark, ban .de
21:22:09 <Eddi|zuHause3> do you know another country that starts with de?
21:22:27 <Bjarni> demonoid?
21:23:08 <bob27> ban the us:-D
21:23:09 <Bjarni> well some people acted like they lived there when they closed :P
21:23:42 <Bjarni> now I know... we ban .mil and .gov and then they will spend a while trying to figure out why we did so
21:24:06 <Bjarni> because whenever they lurk they can't decode our gaming talk into anything criminal
21:24:51 <Bjarni> on the other hand then they will waste time on us... time they should use to track down terrorists
21:24:58 <Bjarni> so by doing so we could help terrorists
21:25:07 <Bjarni> I guess such a ban is out of the question
21:27:14 <Eddi|zuHause3> hehe, german federal court decided that a group of people arrested for a prevented bombing attack may not be charged as a terroristic organisation (but rather as criminal organisation)
21:28:39 <Bjarni> you are helping terrorists?
21:28:44 <Eddi|zuHause3> because their actions could not lead to significant damage to a state or governmental organisation
21:28:59 <Bjarni> that's fucked up
21:29:09 <Bjarni> your anti terror laws are flawed
21:30:18 <Bjarni> here we convicted 3 people of terrorism. Then their attorney stated that they shouldn't be convicted because nobody had ever been convicted for having a homemade bomb before without actually using it
21:30:35 <Eddi|zuHause3> you mean we should rather install a high security prison on mallorca and put all souspicious looking people there without charging them?
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21:31:11 <Bjarni> that's like saying that saying that it's legal to plan to shoot somebody because you shouldn't be jailed because nobody was jailed for using that type of gun before
21:31:59 <Bjarni> <Eddi|zuHause3> you mean we should rather install a high security prison on mallorca and put all souspicious looking people there without charging them? <-- no, I mean having/making a bomb should be terrorism even if the target is say a station rather than a government building
21:32:28 * Belugas goes home and leave you in the good entertainment that provides his friend Bjarni. Enjoy
21:32:50 <Bjarni> heh
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21:32:59 <Bjarni> like I intend to stay in this channel right now :P
21:33:02 <Bjarni> bbl
21:33:04 <Eddi|zuHause3> well, i don't even really know what kind of bomb that was
21:33:25 <Bjarni> that doesn't matter
21:33:53 *** HerzogDeXtE1 is now known as HerzogDeXtEr
21:34:02 <Eddi|zuHause3> you don't usually get arrested for throwing a firecracker to a stone wall...
21:34:03 <Bjarni> it's not like type A is more criminal to use than type B if the result is the same: hurting/killing people
21:34:22 <Bjarni> a firecracker is not a bomb
21:34:57 <Eddi|zuHause3> that's the point, you can't charge people for attempting to kill people if the "bomb" was not meant to be able to kill
21:35:30 <Eddi|zuHause3> a firecracker _is_ a bomb... it explodes when you ignite it
21:36:33 <Bjarni> <Eddi|zuHause3> that's the point, you can't charge people for attempting to kill people if the "bomb" was not meant to be able to kill <-- if they are arrested for possession of a bomb, then I presume that it's a bomb and then it's terrorism
21:37:09 <Eddi|zuHause3> according to german federal court, it is not...
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21:38:08 <Eddi|zuHause3>
21:39:00 <Gonozal_VIII> would be hard to tell where the line is between firecracker and bomb... what if you open op 10 firecrackers and pile up the powder? is that a bomb? or 100 of them?
21:40:35 <Eddi|zuHause3> if i read this correctly, they did not actually use bombs, but rather ignition triggers on cars
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21:45:16 <Gonozal_VIII> that's not terrorism, that's damaging property of the state...
21:45:54 <Eddi|zuHause3> exactly...
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23:04:44 <Eddi|zuHause3> err... my OTTD hangs with 15% map generated
23:05:15 <Eddi|zuHause3> "Leere, felsige Landschaft wird erzeugt"
23:05:26 <Eddi|zuHause3> "0 / 87488"
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23:06:49 <Eddi|zuHause3> uses 90% CPU and does not react to kill
23:08:14 <Gonozal_VIII> leere, felsige landschaft wird erzeugt? how do you get to that?
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23:09:32 <Eddi|zuHause3> 3271:STR_CLEARING_TILES :{BLACK}Leere, felsige Landschaft wird erzeugt
23:10:18 <Eddi|zuHause3> looks like a mistranslation though...
23:10:39 <Eddi|zuHause3> 3279:STR_CLEARING_TILES :{BLACK}Rough and rocky area generation
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23:11:13 <Eddi|zuHause3> nobody ever notices because that step is probably over way too fast
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23:12:29 <Gonozal_VIII> map generates without problems in 11542, what settings did you use?
23:13:11 <Eddi|zuHause3> nothing unusual... 2048x2048, arctic (alpine)
23:15:06 <Gonozal_VIII> hmm arctic 2048^2 has no problems either
23:16:08 <Gonozal_VIII> but switching to german reminds me why i decided to use english... so many strings are too long...
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23:37:08 <Eddi|zuHause3> it seems to work fine after i deactivate alpine
23:38:09 <Eddi|zuHause3> ah, well, i'll play a temperate game for a change
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23:41:34 <Bjarni> <--- hehe... "do not pass though closing doors"... that goes without saying but they decided on an interesting picture :)
23:41:44 <Bjarni> and now I will be sure not to do so
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23:41:55 <Bjarni> I wouldn't want to get my tail jammed in the door XD
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23:42:48 <Sacro> hehehe
23:42:53 <Sacro> autorenew is fubar
23:42:59 <Sacro> Bjarni:
23:44:11 <ln-> is there already an adult site with nude girls playing OpenTTD?
23:44:33 <Sacro> ln-: rule 34
23:44:40 <Bjarni> 42
23:44:45 <Eddi|zuHause3> is there already [...] girls playing OpenTTD?
23:44:54 <Sacro> Bjarni:
23:44:54 <Bjarni> Eddi|zuHause3: yes
23:44:57 <Sacro> Eddi|zuHause3: yes
23:45:54 <ln-> Eddi|zuHause3: i see the problem, but some girls are willing to do strange things for money. (according to internet sources)
23:46:30 <orudge> 2girls1train?
23:47:05 <Bjarni> according to rule 34 there should be porn pictures of my bed.... wtf
23:47:23 <orudge> and you in it!
23:47:24 <orudge> muahaha
23:47:28 * orudge hides his secret collection
23:47:32 <Bjarni> no I'm not
23:47:39 <Bjarni> which makes me think... who is?
23:47:52 <orudge> bom bom bom
23:47:56 <orudge> tis Born_Acorn, probably
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23:48:08 <Bjarni> I have seen a nude girl posing on a steam locomotive
23:48:15 <Bjarni> well... pictures of it
23:48:16 <orudge> hmm
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23:48:16 <orudge> actually
23:48:20 <orudge> George's buses
23:48:23 <orudge> featured nude ladies
23:48:23 <Bjarni> some people thought it was funny
23:48:25 <orudge> that sort of counts, surely?
23:48:48 <Bjarni> my first thought was "what a dirty girl"
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23:50:38 <Bjarni> I'm thinking about rule 34.... and trying to find something sick enough to disprove it... I better stop because my mind is not wicked enough to come up with anything where I'm sure that nobody would do it as porn
23:51:19 <Bjarni> I mean... even if I say public group sex during the winter it will likely be out there somewhere
23:52:24 <Sacro> Bjarni: oh it is
23:52:25 <Bjarni> I saw a news blooper (from USA). Some news guy was talking to a guy shovelling snow (and there was a lot of it) and they were freezing and all of a sudden they are interrupted by a naked man dancing in the snow
23:52:26 <Sacro> err...
23:52:31 <Sacro> i'd think...
23:52:40 <Bjarni> Sacro: are you in it?
23:52:46 <Sacro> no
23:53:47 <Bjarni> I think it was funny with that named man because he had to move really quickly because it was so cold and those guy warmly dressed guys just stared at him with a wtf look on their faces and the TV guy said something about "some people are really crazy"
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23:54:15 <Bjarni> I hope that this guy got really ill afterwards... would serve him right
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23:55:35 <Bjarni> <-- found it
23:55:40 <Bjarni> it's even live :D
23:57:41 <Sacro> hehe
23:58:55 <Sacro> Bjarni: