IRC logs for #openttd on OFTC at 2007-06-15
00:01:37 <UnderBuilder> so now hands to the work and create more blender stuff :)
00:02:17 <eekee> anyone happen to know how to shift a stuck tram?
00:02:44 <eekee> (it appears to think it's at the end of it's rails, although it's not)
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00:09:00 <Digitalfox_> This is a buggy screnshot i've taken in game THIS IS A REAL GAME SHOT NO PHOTOSHOP, from a png i added:
00:09:02 <Digitalfox_>
00:10:01 <Digitalfox_> I've replaced a sprite from sawmill, and that was what i get ;)
00:10:08 <SteamWilly> nice
00:10:42 <eekee> heheh
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00:11:35 <Digitalfox_> It's actually very simple :) I thought it would more hard, but if you know what sprites like a sawmill use, you can replace it for a new 32bpp image :)
00:12:09 <Digitalfox_> If you want to try see this
00:14:21 <Digitalfox_> Ofcourse i imagine that developers will simplify the use of 32bpp, with tools like TrueBrain introduced PNGCodec
00:15:03 <Digitalfox_> I believe this is the answer to everybody who asked when we would have 32bpp in openttd, you can play with it ;)
00:15:56 <Digitalfox_> Now we just need thos artists and coders to start betting in 32bpp :)
00:16:02 <Digitalfox_> *those
00:17:57 <eekee> heh, there's the cause of my stuck tram: long vehicles overlapping ;)
00:21:21 <eekee> dude, these trams look like road trains sometimes
00:21:29 <eekee> it's funny
00:23:25 <SteamWilly> where's the difference??
00:23:44 <_Ben_> Difitalfox: you have been able to play with it in the 32bpp build for some time, with the 2 extra zooms. But its really good now trunk has it
00:23:59 <_Ben_> Digitalfox_*
00:25:15 <Digitalfox_> _Ben_: Yes i know :) But i'm refering to the trunk and developers choise of how it works being different form 32bpp branch ;)
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01:06:38 <Belugas> Finally!!! Success!
01:06:45 <Belugas>
01:06:51 <Belugas>
01:07:05 <Belugas> one of the few remaining graphics bugs!
01:07:14 <Belugas> one more down, a few more to go :D
01:07:53 <Belugas> problem : why does it not have the same recoloring???
01:08:33 <glx> what do you mean?
01:12:47 <Belugas> the fuel thank should be recolored as the ... house or whatever...
01:12:53 <Belugas> it's the same original blue
01:13:02 <Belugas> in all cases.
01:13:09 <Belugas> the fuel depot shold have a color too.
01:13:17 <Belugas> so.. i'm wondering
01:13:41 <Belugas> patch industries have fuel tanks recolored, not mine
01:14:09 <Belugas> may i broke some code on my own side...
01:14:12 <Belugas> digging up
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01:17:25 <Belugas> :D
01:17:36 <Belugas>
01:17:40 <Belugas> LA BOMBA!!
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01:17:55 <Sacro> ooooooh
01:17:56 <Sacro> pretty
01:17:57 <Sacro> commit!
01:18:07 <glx> was an error in drawing call?
01:20:02 <Belugas> mmh... not sure... looks like a bug, but i'm not sure. I had to add the palette modifier to get the tanks to work, on thje current draw routine
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01:20:40 <Belugas> } else if (HASBIT(image, PALETTE_MODIFIER_COLOR)) {
01:20:40 <Belugas> pal = GENERAL_SPRITE_COLOR(ind->random_color);
01:20:46 <Belugas> tht was required.
01:21:01 <Belugas> So maybe, there is a problem elsewhere.
01:21:15 <Belugas> not supposed to have affected the regular code like that
01:22:14 <glx> hmm I just tried in trunk, I have 2 reffineries, they are blue :)
01:22:37 <Belugas> so indedd they are broken
01:22:45 <Belugas> and i think i have a clue why
01:22:52 <Belugas> it's the transparency stuff
01:22:54 <glx> new blitter maybe
01:22:58 <Belugas> no
01:23:10 <Belugas> i had that problem way before they started it
01:23:35 <Belugas> if (HASBIT(image, PALETTE_MODIFIER_COLOR) && dits->ground.pal == PAL_NONE) {
01:23:40 <Belugas> that's the problem i think
01:23:54 <Belugas> the ground.pal additionnal condition
01:25:06 <Belugas> sorry...not that...
01:25:25 <glx> industry color is stored in savegame?
01:25:42 <glx> I mean in the tile
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01:26:48 <Belugas> no, it is in Industry->random_color
01:27:03 <glx> but it's saved :)
01:27:06 <Belugas> so, it's assigned on creation and that's it
01:27:15 <Belugas> heu...
01:27:17 <Belugas> yes,
01:27:19 <Belugas> ofcourse :)
01:27:23 <Belugas> in the industry chunk
01:27:33 <glx> so if I use a savegame from 0.5.2, I can try to find the breaking rev
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01:29:35 <Belugas> 8127 :)
01:29:38 <Belugas> or so i think
01:30:14 <glx> I svn up 8126 first then
01:30:22 <Belugas> no prob
01:30:38 <Belugas> i'll fetch the diff meanwhile
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01:31:30 <Belugas> oups.. r8128, sorry
01:31:49 <glx> compiling 8126 for now :)
01:32:38 <glx> hey it's a pre unicode :)
01:32:52 <Belugas> hehe
01:32:59 <Belugas> it's definitively r8128
01:32:59 <glx> I mean win9x/win32 split
01:33:18 <Belugas> ormode was defined at the top of the function,
01:33:26 <Belugas> and has been removed
01:33:56 <Belugas> so the ground sprite got the recoloring,
01:34:02 <Belugas> but the building sprite never
01:36:30 <glx> so the check is wrong
01:36:47 <Belugas> yup, since it forgot to add the recoloring
01:37:02 <Belugas> but the pure fix does not make it look better :S
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01:37:10 <Belugas> got to find a cleaner way to do it
01:38:33 <glx> needs if (HASBIT(image, PALETTE_MODIFIER_COLOR) && dits->building.pal == PAL_NONE) { ...
01:38:42 <glx> like it's done for ground
01:39:16 <Digitalfox_> How do you guys know in witch revision some piece of code get changed and causes a bug, i mean does the compiler tools has some kind info tool for that or you just have go look the revision change log to find out on what revision the code line got changed?
01:39:32 <Belugas> Or someting like that :
01:39:32 <glx> svn blame :)
01:39:39 <Belugas> but it's not pretty...
01:40:06 <Belugas> or TortoiseSVN, View Journal :)
01:41:03 <glx> && dits->building.pal == PAL_NONE is needed I think
01:41:24 <Belugas> hem... possible
01:41:42 <Belugas> yeah... you're rght of course
01:43:17 <Belugas> refreshed
01:43:20 <glx> but it's strange nobody noticed it for more than 2000 revs :)
01:43:21 <Belugas> like that, yo mean?
01:43:48 <Belugas> well... trams got in the way, 32bpp, and what else more?
01:43:56 <Belugas> it's only industries, after all...
01:44:13 <glx> yes same behaviour as the "removed" code :)
01:44:29 <Belugas> i battled over this one since i've been able to load gfx from grfs
01:44:37 <Belugas> yes, a revert-forward :D
01:44:44 <Belugas> ok
01:44:51 <Belugas> compiling and commiting
01:45:32 <Belugas> :S
01:45:37 <Belugas> good tink i did :D
01:45:44 <Belugas> thing
01:45:57 <glx> 8128 doesn't compile
01:46:37 <Digitalfox_> This is why i love the way openttd development is done.. Devs even talk in irc of code and what is happening at the moment :)
01:47:19 <Digitalfox_> For a user like myself this is great has i can follow the work being done
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01:49:52 <Belugas> :)
01:49:59 <glx> ok 8129 + your diff, the colors are correct :)
01:50:03 <Belugas> :)
01:51:26 <Belugas> Digitalfox, the worste job of a dev is finding proper commit messages :D
01:51:30 <Belugas> thanks glx
01:51:46 <glx> yeah I'm bad for that :)
01:52:16 <glx> the start is easy "-Fix (r8128):..."
01:53:49 <Belugas> hehe
01:54:07 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: belugas * r10163 /trunk/src/industry_cmd.cpp: -Fix(r8128): Industries had lost their random recoloring. A test was removed and is now reintroduced in another way.
01:54:11 <Belugas> soo..... two problems solved tonight :D
01:54:39 <Belugas> i can lay down to sleep,my conscience is clean
01:54:40 <Digitalfox_> Belugas: Yeah, some of the commit messages i see, i bet the devs spend more time thinking on what to write, that on what to code.. ;)
01:54:48 <Belugas> hehe
01:54:54 <Belugas> oh yeah :)
01:55:07 <Belugas> bye bye and good night
01:55:10 <glx> some 1 line fixes have a 2 line commit message
01:55:14 <Digitalfox_> bye :)
01:55:19 <glx> night Belugas
01:55:24 <Digitalfox_> good night for you too Belugas :)
01:56:41 <Digitalfox_> glx: I use tortoisesvn to see what changed in each commit, and some times is just a letter or a number, and there is big commit message :\
01:57:08 <Digitalfox_> But atleast things are easy to know what changed..
02:05:15 *** JRWR has joined #openttd
02:05:19 <JRWR> Hello
02:05:27 <_Ben_> hmm this talk of 32bpp got me experimenting with graphics again, but I always gut stuck in the same ruts. Things like the roads. Theres a range of opinions on what they should look like, (a standard set), but in reading the openttd blog earlier I noted that the agreed aim among dev's is just to have things as close to the original as posible. With roads that isn't really posible, becuase the curvature would just look insain, but heres the average colours us
02:05:27 <_Ben_> ed for the new roads (photoshoped) what do people reacon?. >
02:06:42 <glx> not bad
02:07:03 <Sacro> hmmm
02:07:05 <JRWR> I wanted to thank you guys for making OpenTTD, its the only good game i could find for my old ass p2 300mhz
02:07:19 <JRWR> Nice Road _Ben_
02:07:21 <Sacro> i could do UKSignals in 32bpp
02:08:17 <_Ben_> would people here advice making the roads something like that? or is there any advice before I go off rendering?
02:09:00 <JRWR> why with NPF do trains still get lost (well stuck atlest)
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02:20:54 <Phazorx> road looks pretty nice, not sure what exactly do you mean by curvature
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02:22:12 <_Ben_> In the originals there almost black at the edges and a light grey in the centre to give the inpression that the roads are heavily cambered
02:24:58 <Phazorx> ahh, you mean actualy profile rather than turns
02:25:15 <Phazorx> i tihnk that is true more fo topric and much less for temperat/artic
02:26:01 <Phazorx> i did not notice it untill you mention it in standard sets - edges are "smooth" but i think that is for nice border impression
02:26:28 <Phazorx> actual pavement would be much better - but i tihnk it needs to go few steps forward for multilane roads
02:26:46 <Phazorx> yours look very nice as a regular two way siderowad
02:26:59 <Phazorx> but that is it
02:27:21 <_Ben_> so wider road?
02:29:27 <_Ben_> the dark edges do just help to emphasise the edging, but when you make more zoomed graphics, the area shading can't stay proposionate, it needs to be small, otherwise it looks pretty strange
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02:43:32 <Phazorx> well, city tiles with buildings have "concrete" bases right?
02:43:45 <Phazorx> and country siderowads are surrounded by grass so they are green
02:44:06 <Phazorx> essentually it wold be nice to classify roads from streets
02:45:13 <Phazorx> so orads are countryside with green edges and streets are aspalt with concrete pavement
02:45:21 <_Ben_> ah, well at the moment I'm just aiming to replace, but grades of roads would be interesting. I like the idea of differnet surfaces particually
02:45:28 <Phazorx> doesnt ansver your question - but i guess idea of original TTD art was to fit both purposes
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05:35:32 <Smoovious> well, playability was the priority... appearance, not so much... (which is why it is still so popular I guess)
05:45:00 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: miham * r10164 /trunk/src/lang/ (5 files):
05:45:00 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: -Update: WebTranslator2 update to 2007-06-15 07:44:28
05:45:00 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: catalan - 2 fixed by arnaullv (2)
05:45:00 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: dutch - 2 fixed by habell (2)
05:45:00 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: esperanto - 1 fixed by LaPingvino (1)
05:45:02 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: norwegian_bokmal - 24 fixed by oletk (24)
05:45:02 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: turkish - 16 fixed by jnmbk (16)
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07:17:20 <Gekko> is "planespeed on" available in OpenTTD 0.5.2?
07:17:29 <Gekko> dbg: [PlaneSetw.grf:11][Fatal] Designed to be used with planespeed 1..4 or planespeed on.
07:17:32 <Gekko> that's the error I get
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07:28:47 <Rubidium> it's not available, but on the other hand it isn't as fatal as it looks (IIRC)
07:39:03 <peter1138> yay
07:39:07 <peter1138> opengl scrolling working
07:41:44 <Gekko> Rubidium: does it just mean it'll go at a random speed?
07:41:55 <Gekko> also with the UK train set, maglevs are enabled at 1925...
07:42:33 <Rubidium> no, they go as they would go with planespeed 1
07:42:45 <Rubidium> or whatever is "the same as TTD"
07:42:52 <peter1138> hmm, mouse pointer fucks up though :o
07:42:58 <Gekko> so why isn't it enabled?
07:43:43 <Rubidium> because nobody cared?
07:44:19 <Rubidium> it isn't even fatal; the newgrf just works as it should (well, it should actually be rejected, but that isn't implemented in 0.5.x)
07:44:40 <Phazorx> sounds like moe useless asserts
07:45:28 <Rubidium> Phazorx: what are you talking about?
07:45:48 <Phazorx> if it isnt fatal and you want to reject it - most likely it's goona be done with asserts
07:45:52 <Phazorx> whcih will become fatal :)_
07:46:20 <Gekko> I just want my planes to run as they say they should
07:46:30 <Gekko> Airbus A380 mmmm
07:46:30 <Rubidium> Phazorx: you don't assert on wrong EXTERNAL input
07:46:50 <Phazorx> so it will be just disabled?
07:47:36 <Phazorx> Gekko: i wonder if in case of crash there will be less casualties in 380 due to advanced security measures
07:47:50 <Gekko> lol
07:48:16 <Phazorx> i saw lufthansa demo
07:48:38 <Phazorx> they got 400 people out of the plain under 2 minutes
07:48:40 <Phazorx> plane
07:50:16 <Rubidium> Phazorx: in trunk the newgrf would be disabled if it "throws" a fatal error. 0.5.x does not handle those errors
07:50:41 <Phazorx> i see
07:52:09 <Phazorx> err... sorry "On the day in question, 853 passengers and 20 crew members had to evacuate the A380 within 90 seconds"
07:52:20 <Phazorx> that is close to 900 people :/
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08:05:38 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: rubidium * r10165 /trunk/src/newgrf_engine.cpp: -Fix [FS#874]: crash when trying to get the aircraft movement state of an aircraft going to a just deleted airport.
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11:00:45 <Gekko> <-- Corey is in Yellow
11:00:52 <Gekko> corey tried to get the train into the station
11:00:56 <Gekko> corey sucks more than a fucking AI
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11:55:04 <Smoovious> he's right tho... >looks at screenshot< the legacy AI is better...
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13:27:24 <MarkMc> Tjo, i'm wondering a thing
13:27:37 <MarkMc> The news in OTTD (In game), can I turn them off?
13:27:45 <glx> yes
13:27:53 <MarkMc> Nice
13:27:55 <MarkMc> How? :)
13:27:55 <glx> in news options
13:28:10 <moe> either totally or in bottom bar scrolling
13:28:35 <MarkMc> Where are those options?
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13:29:06 <geoffk> hold down the mouse when selecting on the news icon
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13:29:47 <MarkMc> Witch news icon? :o
13:29:51 <glx>
13:29:56 <geoffk> near he ? icon
13:30:02 <geoffk> he/the
13:30:04 <MarkMc> Oh
13:30:35 <MarkMc> Yeah, thanks! :)
13:30:54 <MarkMc> Now i'm gonna play again :)
13:30:56 <MarkMc> Ciao
13:30:59 <geoffk> laters
13:41:47 *** Caemyr has joined #openttd
13:41:58 <Caemyr> hiya
13:42:27 <Caemyr> great job guys on open ttd project
13:43:01 <Caemyr> i`ve been a fan of ttdlx long long ago
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13:44:08 <Belugas> thnaks
13:44:18 <Caemyr> i know that devs usually dont like this kind of questions, but... when could 0.6 relese be expected?
13:44:38 <Caemyr> anything apart "when it`s done":P
13:44:52 <hylje> when its done
13:45:02 <Caemyr> hah
13:45:49 <Caemyr> if the wiki is correct, only NewHouses/NewIndustry is separating us from 0.6?
13:46:52 <Belugas> newhouses is already done, newindustries is still been worked on
13:47:28 <Belugas> and i can't tellyou when it will be done, since i do not know when i'll be able to complete it
13:47:53 <Caemyr> well it`s obvious:)
13:48:06 <Caemyr> i know how it works
13:48:29 <Caemyr> am i right to say that 0.6 will be branched when NewIndustry is done?
13:49:24 <Belugas> and tested for bugs, yes
13:50:43 <Caemyr> ok great to hear it
13:51:04 <Caemyr> thx for your time, i`ll poke around and try to bring back my memories with ottd
13:51:06 <Caemyr> :)
13:51:36 <Belugas> enjoy :D
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13:59:10 <orudge> Hmm, I see some new OS/2 build tools that may help me with getting the OS/2 build compiling again
13:59:15 * orudge may have a shot with that later on
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15:25:14 * Smoovious blinks.
15:25:15 <SpBot> ouch
15:26:53 <Touqen> wtf dude
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15:44:51 <peter1138>
15:46:12 <Eddi|zuHause2> what kind of vehicles are those?
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15:48:28 <Smoovious> they look fairly decentt
15:48:29 <Smoovious> -t
15:48:43 <peter1138> uh, that's the LV4
15:48:49 <peter1138> the important bit was the text
15:50:13 <Smoovious> nightly or trunk?
15:50:35 <stillunknown> peter1138: Is that tex supposed to be better than the current one?
15:50:53 <Smoovious> thanks for saying that, stillunknown
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15:51:24 <stillunknown> s/tex/text
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15:52:08 <peter1138> people wanted antialiasing ;(
15:52:19 <peter1138> you lot are never happy
15:52:31 <stillunknown> I never said i wanted anti aliasing.
15:52:33 * Smoovious grin.
15:52:44 <Smoovious> if we were happy, development would screech to a halt
15:52:44 <peter1138> not you personally, no
15:52:49 <stillunknown> AA is good is some cases, but not here.
15:52:54 <peter1138> besides, it i add this, it'll be toggleable
15:52:57 <Sacro|Laptop> now for bloom effects!
15:53:03 <Sacro|Laptop> is toggleable a word?
15:53:06 <peter1138> it is now
15:53:14 <Smoovious> nyeah
15:53:33 <peter1138> hmm, toggleable per size, probably
15:53:36 <peter1138> small really needs it
15:53:40 <peter1138> large could do with it
15:53:42 <peter1138> normal doesn't need it
15:53:43 <Eddi|zuHause2> a language is bad if you can't make up words when you want...
15:54:03 <Sacro|Laptop> just cos you speak german
15:54:29 <Eddi|zuHause2> german is great for making up words :)
15:54:29 <Smoovious> schplurmopple
15:54:55 <Eddi|zuHause2> that is not german :p
15:54:58 <stillunknown> peter1138: you want to anti alias small text?
15:55:09 <Smoovious> nope... it is english
15:55:23 <Eddi|zuHause2> what does it mean?
15:55:38 <Smoovious> dunno... haven't decided yet... just made it up...
15:55:44 <peter1138> stillunknown: if you're using a font with freetype, it needs it, because it's impossible to find a regular font that fits in the small size
15:55:59 <peter1138> also, this only applies to the 32bpp blitter ;)
15:56:26 <peter1138> or maybe i'll just make it dependent on config setting. much easier...
15:56:27 <stillunknown> fixed is a decent font, tried that?
15:56:36 <peter1138> fixed doesn't go that small
15:57:42 <Eddi|zuHause2> Smoovious: english does not usually use "sch" in words...
15:57:49 <stillunknown> Even so, wasting dots on anti aliasing at such small sizes seems strange.
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15:58:01 <stillunknown> Not everyone has a 200 dpi screen ;-)
15:58:12 <stillunknown> (=joke)
15:59:21 <peter1138> Eddi|zuHause2: yeah, like school
15:59:32 <Smoovious> well, at some point, english didn't usually use "mpf" either... as in oompf
15:59:40 <Eddi|zuHause2> that is pretty much the only exception i know
15:59:55 <Eddi|zuHause2> and it is rather a "s" attached to a "ch"
16:00:18 <Smoovious> scholar
16:00:23 <Eddi|zuHause2> but that would make the word above have "s", "ch", "p" without vowel
16:00:25 <peter1138> schedule
16:00:45 <peter1138> philip schofield
16:00:48 <Smoovious> wouldn't be the first english word that began with 4 consonants
16:01:06 <peter1138> rhythm :D
16:01:09 <peter1138> (i know!)_
16:01:16 <Eddi|zuHause2> y is rather a vowel :p
16:01:40 <Eddi|zuHause2> and "rh" and "th" are one "unit"
16:01:59 <Smoovious> yeah, but someone had to do that "sometimes Y" thing just cuz they couldn't wrap their brain around an all-consonant word... made the sometimes Y rule so his brain wouldn't explode
16:02:15 <Caemyr> does anyone here tried to generate heightmaps with GE/MicroDEM?
16:02:33 <peter1138> Smoovious: well it is a vowel in those cases
16:03:05 <Sacro|Laptop> hymn!
16:03:43 <peter1138> SOMEONE must like AA fonts ;(
16:04:01 <Smoovious> yeah, now, but not originally... remember, us white people don't have rhythm, so the sometimes-Y thing didn't come up until later
16:05:09 <Belugas> I do! I do!
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16:05:37 <Smoovious> we evolved since then tho, once we ran into the brothas...
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16:08:48 <Eddi|zuHause2> in some languages, y is called "greek i" (spanish, for example)
16:10:01 <Belugas> and french
16:10:28 <Belugas> in english, it is a question (why) ^_^
16:10:30 <Belugas> hehehe
16:10:43 <hylje> y?
16:11:07 <Eddi|zuHause2> in german it is "ypsilon"
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16:12:30 <jordi> so
16:12:36 <jordi> Ubuntu officiall has openttd now
16:12:44 <jordi>
16:12:44 <hylje> omg
16:14:00 <peter1138> +bug? heh
16:16:22 <hylje> much like patches are sent to bugtracker
16:16:58 <Caemyr> erm
16:17:09 <Caemyr> OTTD still needs original datafiles
16:17:18 <jordi>
16:17:20 <Caemyr> it`s quite strange though...
16:17:20 <peter1138> yes
16:17:31 <Caemyr> to sync it in ubuntu
16:17:32 <jordi> Caemyr: strange?
16:17:37 <jordi> Caemyr: it went to multiverse
16:17:54 <jordi> the "weird licensing situations" repo
16:18:00 <Caemyr> hah
16:18:00 <Caemyr> ok
16:18:46 <jordi> anyway, this completes my "provide official openttd debs". I guess all other .deb based distros will either take from ubuntu or debian, and these two blathijs and I can manage now.
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16:20:56 <jordi> heh, ubuntu's ia64 buildd is called hooker
16:21:24 <Caemyr> rotfl
16:22:44 <jordi> blathijs: ^!
16:24:52 <blathijs> hmm?
16:25:32 <blathijs> jordi: Won't ubuntu take it from debian as well?
16:30:23 <jordi> apparently we had to tell them to sync it
16:30:25 <jordi> as it's in contrib
16:30:28 <jordi> or something
16:30:30 <jordi> dunno
16:30:42 <jordi> but it's done now, and they'll suck from debian automatically I guess
16:31:07 *** boekabart has joined #openttd
16:31:36 <jordi> i just wanted to bring the good news here. :)
16:31:48 <boekabart> damn, i missed it
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16:40:14 <Wolf01> hello
16:43:15 <Sacro|Laptop>
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16:44:32 <Caemyr> lawl
16:44:34 <Caemyr> yeah
16:44:44 <Caemyr> and 640kb should be nuff for everyone
16:45:12 <Caemyr> in this very moment i find 1gb not quite enough for microdem map editing
16:49:58 <Wolf01> not for me, i need 320x200
16:50:16 <Wolf01> ah, was kb
16:51:42 <Wolf01> i can't read today :/
16:52:02 <Wolf01> should be the sweat in my eyes
16:53:12 <Wolf01> is CIA stats dead?
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16:58:24 <Caemyr> :)
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16:58:32 <Caemyr> ahahah its alive!
16:59:43 <Sacro|Laptop> gordons alive?
17:02:26 <Caemyr> noep
17:02:30 <Caemyr> one sec
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17:03:22 <Caemyr>
17:03:46 <Caemyr> first batch of a heightmap
17:06:37 <boekabart> Caemyr: is that,21.027832&spn=9.145805,20.566406&z=6&om=1
17:06:41 <boekabart> ?
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17:07:39 <Eddi|zuHause2> south sweden, east germany and poland
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17:07:43 <Eddi|zuHause2> strange combination...
17:08:02 <Bjarni> sure it is
17:08:06 <Bjarni> it's IRC after all
17:08:24 <boekabart> Eddi|zuHause2: switch between those 2 sites very quickly, it matches almost perfectly
17:08:36 <Bjarni> !logs
17:08:36 <SpComb> Logs:
17:09:39 <Bjarni> ohh maps
17:09:47 <Bjarni> "I can see my house from here" :D
17:10:01 <Caemyr> Eddi: Baltic sea region
17:10:43 <Bjarni> hopefully everybody here was aware of what area those maps are meant to be xD
17:10:51 <Eddi|zuHause2> well, you could have done the complete baltic sea...
17:11:03 <Bjarni> <Bjarni> "I can see my house from here" :D <-- this line should help those, who didn't know that
17:11:30 <Bjarni> Eddi|zuHause2: maybe, but for all you know, the rest is excluded due to being ice covered
17:12:00 <Eddi|zuHause2> that whole area was ice covered 10k years before
17:12:16 <Bjarni> see
17:12:39 <Bjarni> but ice is actually an issue in the missing part
17:12:51 <Eddi|zuHause2> i know
17:13:06 <Bjarni> ice sucks
17:13:08 <Eddi|zuHause2> but not right now, probably :p
17:13:14 <Bjarni> it can damage paddle wheels
17:13:54 <Eddi|zuHause2> that's what ice cracker ships are for
17:14:02 <Bjarni> yeah
17:14:07 <Bjarni> however
17:14:12 <Eddi|zuHause2> (are they called that way in english?)
17:14:14 <Bjarni> it's still a serious issue
17:14:52 <Bjarni> hmm
17:14:57 <Sacro|Laptop> ice breakers
17:15:02 <Caemyr> well it seems that this is the highest i could get on GE
17:15:15 <Bjarni> my Danish-English dictionary is playing hide and seek
17:15:15 <Caemyr> there were no DEM`s for upper regions
17:15:17 <Bjarni> :s
17:15:27 <Bjarni> but I can look up the name in German if you like :P
17:15:48 <Eddi|zuHause2> aside of that, you should probably turn the world 45°
17:16:09 <Bjarni> ahh, found the dictionary
17:16:09 <Eddi|zuHause2> it's "Eisbrecher" in german
17:16:27 <Bjarni> but now Sacro|Laptop spoiled the fun in looking it up :)
17:17:21 <Sacro|Laptop> i'm good at danish-english
17:18:06 <Caemyr> Eddi: prolly, you are right
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17:18:15 <Bjarni> <Caemyr> well it seems that this is the highest i could get on GE <-- yeah. I recall some issue regarding placement of satellites or globe to 2D map conversion issues or something... at least you can't get any higher than like Oslo, which fits with the screenshot
17:18:20 <Caemyr> but as i mentioned, this is the first try
17:19:03 <Caemyr> Bjarni: there were no DEMs to download upper than the ones here
17:19:28 <Bjarni> <Sacro|Laptop> i'm good at danish-english <--- fine... go ahead... translate this:
17:19:46 <Sacro|Laptop> Bjarni: why should i?
17:19:55 <Bjarni> to test your statement
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17:21:13 <Sacro|Laptop> hmm, wish i could get laptop power via bittorrent
17:21:38 <Bjarni> you want to pirate power to charge your battery for free???
17:21:57 <Bjarni> that's not really how it works
17:22:13 <Sacro|Laptop> i don't want to go upstairs and grab my charger
17:22:25 <Bjarni> you want to download hardware?
17:22:32 <Sacro|Laptop> well... not hardware as such
17:22:37 <Sacro|Laptop> just electricity
17:22:47 <Bjarni> you want PoE?
17:23:04 <Wolf01> PoE, maybe with wi-fi
17:23:05 <Sacro|Laptop> E?
17:23:10 <Wolf01> ethernet
17:23:11 <Sacro|Laptop> ethernet?
17:23:11 <Sacro|Laptop> nope
17:23:22 <Sacro|Laptop> PoWiFi
17:23:33 <Bjarni> "Power over Wifi".... now that would be intersting
17:23:48 <Bjarni> but also sounds like it's likely to cause cancer
17:24:05 <Bjarni> as it would demand a rather strong magnetic field to work
17:24:24 <Bjarni> this could also be an issue for your HD
17:24:24 <Bjarni> and electronics in general
17:24:34 <Sacro|Laptop> cancer?
17:24:40 <Sacro|Laptop> hmm...
17:24:53 <Wolf01> atomic battery rulz!
17:24:57 <Sacro|Laptop> erk, 15 mins remaining
17:25:10 <Noldo> I remember reading slashdot o April 1.
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17:25:22 <Bjarni> about wireless power supply or ?
17:25:31 <MarkSlap> Jepp
17:25:47 <Bjarni> I saw some scientist in the news the other day... he claimed to be able to do it
17:25:54 <Noldo> I read few of the jokes and didn't notice anything mut the wireless power...
17:26:09 <Bjarni> and he demonstrated and claimed that it will be common place not to use wires in your house in a few years
17:26:27 <Bjarni> maybe I'm old school, but I don't think that will ever happen
17:26:29 <Wolf01> i red about a combustible cell battery, which can use every liquid with sugar... so you can use your coke :D
17:27:24 <Bjarni> I read about a micro diesel generator small enough to put in your cell phone. The US army wanted one that could recharge in no time
17:28:20 <Bjarni> would be nice to have on our robots... they keep running out of power :(
17:28:29 <Bjarni> we did talk about fuel cells though
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17:29:39 <Bjarni> somehow I don't think uni will pay for it... at least not until the batteries are so old that they are unusable and can't hold power for more than a few minutes
17:32:56 <Bjarni> wtf
17:33:06 <Bjarni> I mention robots and everybody shuts up o_O
17:33:34 <Bjarni> or was it US military or wireless power supply?
17:34:06 <Bjarni> now I know... if you say anything, you are afraid of appearing stupid compared to me xD
17:34:27 <Bjarni> say something bright to prove me wrong :P
17:34:34 <Wolf01> i was thinking something nice to say, but with my low knowledge of english...
17:34:47 <Wolf01> and i'm know that i'm not so nice
17:34:54 <Wolf01> *i know
17:35:22 <Bjarni> *English
17:36:18 <Bjarni> <Wolf01> and i know that i'm not so nice <-- are you applying to become a developer or admin or something?
17:36:29 <Bjarni> because you are doing a great job in that direction
17:36:45 <Wolf01> maybe a developer
17:37:21 <Bjarni> requirements to become a developer is that you are an admin in here
17:37:37 <Wolf01> when i'll get vs2005 i'll plain to start porting ottd for windows mobile
17:37:45 <Bjarni> to become an admin in here, you will need to be a developer
17:38:00 *** Sacro|Laptop has quit IRC
17:38:22 <Bjarni> looks like the battery died :P
17:38:43 <Bjarni> [19:24:57] <Sacro|Laptop> erk, 15 mins remaining <--- short 15 minutes
17:39:08 <Wolf01> mmm i think i must disconnect for some time, is rain with thunders here
17:39:23 <Bjarni> maybe he decided to close instead of just letting it die to protect his filesystem
17:39:51 <Bjarni> <Wolf01> mmm i think i must disconnect for some time, is rain with thunders here <--- I read that as "I need an UPS"
17:40:01 <Wolf01> i have 3 of them
17:40:21 <Smoovious> or at least a power strip with spike/surge protection
17:40:41 <Wolf01> but i'm worried about the telephone line or the tv antenna
17:40:52 <Bjarni> well, it's nice to go to battery power when the power cuts due to over voltage
17:41:01 <Smoovious> a good power strip also filters the phone line
17:41:08 * Bjarni uses his UPS to protect the phone line
17:41:22 <Smoovious> you're on your own as for the arial tho
17:41:27 <Bjarni> the internet connection is also on the UPS... router and everything
17:41:32 <hylje> the internet!
17:41:39 <Bjarni> if the power dies, I need to contact the power company
17:41:47 <Wolf01> seem that all finished when i said "rain with thunders" O_O
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17:42:47 <Bjarni> hmm
17:43:04 <Bjarni> I can't detect any serious thunder in Italy... it's all in Slovenia
17:43:09 <Bjarni> close to the boarder though
17:43:50 <Wolf01> i'm near the coast of the adriatic sea
17:44:33 <Caemyr> erm
17:44:45 <Caemyr> what`s the max size of heightmap?
17:45:16 <Bjarni> I guess it will take a while before we see Sacro again... Hull has like the worst weather in all Europe right now and he will be stupid to plug in the computer
17:45:23 <Caemyr> i used 2048x2048 png, but it got massively truncated
17:45:28 <Bjarni> then again, it's Sacro so he will be back in a minute or so
17:45:40 <Wolf01> oh, clouds are returning :)
17:46:04 <Wolf01> i'm going to have diner now
17:46:39 *** Sacro has joined #openttd
17:46:39 <Bjarni> lucky you
17:47:16 <Bjarni> Sacro: while saving Wolf01 from the thunder, I had to move it somewhere else... you don't mind having it, do you?
17:47:26 <Sacro> Bjarni: move what?
17:47:33 <Bjarni> the thunder
17:47:39 <Sacro> ack
17:47:42 <Sacro> i'm scared of it
17:48:09 <Bjarni> then if you are really nice, I might move it again
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17:52:44 <Bjarni> nothing from Sacro....
17:52:53 <Bjarni> then I will scare him some more :P
17:53:39 <colle> rtytwrrrrrrwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwjjjj
17:53:51 <colle> sorry, cat on the keyboard
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17:56:28 <Bjarni> w, j and ö next to each other?
17:56:38 <Wolf01> back... i'm starving, the hamburger was too little ;_;
17:56:51 <Bjarni> I can understand the rty part though
17:57:04 <Bjarni> hmm
17:57:21 <colle> i've no idea how she managed
17:57:24 <Bjarni> now I should act like a real admin
17:57:31 <Bjarni> Wolf01 is staving
17:57:36 * Bjarni goes to eat dinner
17:57:42 <Bjarni> have fun Wolf01 :P
17:57:45 <Wolf01> :)
17:58:09 <Wolf01> i will have a midnight-breakfast :)
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18:00:18 <peter1138> moo?
18:01:32 <peter1138> pom te pom
18:03:32 <Wolf01> la la la
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18:03:40 <peter1138> AA fonts woo ;)
18:03:50 <Wolf01> yeah
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18:16:45 <Wolf01> mmmh i think i can't finish the title screen random scrolling withot a transparent widget :/
18:16:52 <Wolf01> *without
18:17:48 <Wolf01> or maybe... let me try another approach
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18:30:11 <Wolf01> oh, CIA-1!
18:30:38 <Caemyr> yeah
18:30:48 <Caemyr> ours appeared as well
18:31:20 <Caemyr> there were some issues with CIA server
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18:31:33 <Caemyr> too high cpu load
18:35:23 <Wolf01> where are the colors used for the gui?
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18:45:06 <Wolf01> ok, i'll put again on hold that patch, and i'll go again to sync the transparency optimisations
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18:46:36 <Wolf01> i don't know if is my fault or ttrsv3 buildings cannot be made invisible o_O
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18:50:12 <Wolf01> why is this channel so quiet?
18:51:09 <hylje> no
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18:51:34 <Eddi|zuHause2> yes
18:52:20 <Belugas> maybe
18:52:47 <Eddi|zuHause2> now see what you did, Wolf01 :p
18:53:07 <Wolf01> ok
18:53:13 <Belugas> yeah! craziness has fallen upon us
18:53:14 <Belugas> o_O
18:53:27 <hylje> silliness rather
18:53:36 <Belugas> although for some it is easier than others !!
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18:54:04 <Wolf01> i'm the fift horseman of apocalypse... i'll spread madness all around
18:54:16 <Wolf01> *fifth
18:55:31 <Eddi|zuHause2> hm, the fifth amendment guarantees your right to not say anything that might be used against you, i think
18:56:19 <Wolf01> i live in italy, all can be used against me.. also what i don't say...
18:56:35 <Wolf01> and 5 days after i'm again out of jail
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18:58:24 <Eddi|zuHause2> i think in germany they have to prove something within 48h, or let you go
19:05:52 <Wolf01> uhm, was tree_cmd.cpp changed for the blitter?
19:21:01 <Wolf01> oops, Belugas i might need your help
19:25:05 <Wolf01> yes i need your help
19:26:19 <Belugas> not in a position to really help, but .... who knows...
19:26:26 <Belugas> can give it a try...
19:27:12 <Belugas> so... waht can i help you with
19:27:14 <Wolf01> i'm trying to fix the invisible houses patch
19:27:41 <Wolf01> with the ttrsv3 the game crashes when i enable the invisibility
19:28:26 <Belugas> newgrf_house.cpp
19:28:35 <Belugas> drawNewhouse something
19:29:05 <Belugas> it did worked, i remember
19:29:37 <Wolf01> not the transparency, the invisibility
19:29:45 <Belugas> ho... that...
19:29:47 <Belugas> dunno
19:30:04 <Belugas> mmh...
19:30:12 <Wolf01> i copied the invisible trees method
19:30:34 <Wolf01> but i may need to modify the newgrf code
19:31:48 <Belugas> i think it is not a really good idea...
19:32:22 <Wolf01> eh, i think it too
19:32:52 <Belugas> having trees invisible is one thing, but houses....
19:32:53 <Belugas> no
19:33:16 <Belugas> unless you're douing invisible houses only whe newhouse are not loaded
19:33:28 <Wolf01> i got what i wanted by putting if (!HASBIT(_transparent_opt, TO_HOUSES) || !_patches.invisible_houses) { before "foreach_draw...."
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19:33:48 <Wolf01> but it still crashes
19:34:30 <Belugas> HASBIT(_loaded_newgrf_features, GRFLOADED_NEWHOUSES)
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19:34:42 <Bjarni> <Belugas> yeah! craziness has fallen upon us <-- nothing new there :p
19:34:56 <Belugas> put that test in town_cmd,
19:35:10 <Belugas> don't drill in the newgrf code, i think it would be wiser
19:37:04 <Wolf01> ok, that works, but, i can't see the roads better then :D
19:37:36 <Belugas> peter1138, you are right, it sucks -> HASBIT(_loaded_newgrf_features, GRFLOADED_NEWHOUSES)
19:38:56 <Belugas> Wolf01, i cannot offer anything more than that at the moment.
19:38:57 <Belugas> sorry
19:39:10 <Wolf01> don't worry ;)
19:39:44 <Wolf01> i think we'll find the problem and fix it when you will be less busy
19:41:05 <Wolf01> at least now it don't crash
19:41:41 <Belugas> that would be when newindustries are finished... of course
19:42:28 <Wolf01> i can wait, i have a lot of finished patches to sync and maybe fix
19:43:28 <Wolf01> the work is always behind the corner ;)
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19:53:56 <Belugas> work work work...
19:54:01 <Belugas> i hate hate hate
19:54:44 <peter1138> Belugas: what sucks?
19:55:30 <Belugas> hasbit instead of bool evaluation...
19:55:34 <Belugas> i will change it
19:56:25 <peter1138> why?
19:56:42 <peter1138> as in, in what way does it suck? heh
19:57:19 <Bjarni> #define TRUE (1==1)
19:57:19 <Bjarni> #define FALSE !TRUE
19:57:19 <Bjarni> I wondered about those two lines of code today so I asked the guy who wrote it. He said that you can't be sure that all compilers reads 1 as true and 0 as false. It's inverted on some (not very used) platforms
19:57:26 <Bjarni> ever heard about anything like that?
19:57:45 <hylje> no
19:58:29 <Bjarni> I thought a true/false thing was (x != 0) on all C compilers
19:59:09 <Belugas> well... you prefered (IIRC) a simple boolean evaluation instead of doing a HASBIT evaluation for _loaded_newgrf_features. It looks better with a simple _loaded_newgrf_features.hasnewhouse or something
19:59:11 <Bjarni> surely it didn't help that he forgot the name of the platform that used 0 as true :p
19:59:50 <Belugas> is sucks because it looks magical instead of straigh forward
19:59:55 <peter1138> ahh
19:59:58 <peter1138> *nod*
20:00:08 <peter1138> i wondered if you found a technical reason, that's all :)
20:00:24 <peter1138> well, hasbit is a teeny bit slower
20:00:48 <Belugas> no reasons whatsoever... just the habit, i guess
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20:02:23 <Belugas> or maybe memory usage... but it's silly anyway
20:02:35 <Belugas> so let's go for speed instead
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20:28:08 <Belugas>
20:28:14 <Belugas> looks better peter1138?
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20:36:57 <Wolf01> i'm sorry to have given you more work, Belugas :(
20:37:10 <Belugas> naa...
20:37:17 <Belugas> was waiting for DElphi to compile
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20:45:29 <Rubidium> Belugas: those are the best times of the day, aren't they?
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20:45:47 <Belugas> hehe :) yes
20:46:19 <Belugas> but it's also the worst way for deving... like typos to the hundreds
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20:47:56 <Eddi|zuHause2> 90% of the time the computer scientist spends watching the computer doing everything automatically :)
20:48:23 *** Haclet has joined #openttd
20:48:47 <Haclet> hi guys
20:49:04 <Haclet> Do you some public OTTD server when can I conect now for play?
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20:49:30 <Belugas>
20:49:33 <Belugas> all of those :)
20:49:35 <Eddi|zuHause2> err... what?
20:50:13 <peter1138> +have, i assume
20:50:29 <Haclet> heh ;) Thanks - I didn't think to check :)
20:50:45 <Rubidium> you can just get the same list in-game
20:51:05 <Rubidium> and it'll automatically put the ones you can actually connect to at the top
20:51:15 <Haclet> Rubidium: Oh, I didn't know that - I will test :)
20:52:02 <Belugas> don't need to test, it works :) Only need to try and enjoy :D
20:54:12 <Haclet> How does it work - How the OTTD is finding server on Internet ? Broadcast or is connecting with one IP and taking servers list?
20:54:38 <Belugas> magic :)
20:54:43 <Belugas> a master serverm, actually
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20:55:13 <Haclet> Nice solutioin :)
20:55:44 <Rubidium> Haclet: how did you think that serverlist was made without a master server?
20:56:48 <Haclet> Rubidium: You are right :) I didn't think :)
20:57:22 <Haclet> I had busy day and I don't have clean my mind :)
20:57:53 <Haclet> For a moment I was thinking about broadcast - but in Internet is not easy :)
20:58:19 <Rubidium> multicast ;)
20:58:26 <Haclet> BTW: How can download from SVN execly 0.5.2 version (I have VERSION MISSMATCH) ?
20:58:33 <Haclet> Rubidium: :)
20:58:38 <Rubidium> /tags/0.5.2
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20:59:05 <Haclet> Thx
20:59:58 <Belugas> going home
21:00:05 <Belugas> good night and have anice weekend
21:00:14 <Rubidium> have fun Belugas
21:00:57 <Belugas> yeah... home improvement :S
21:00:59 <Belugas> fun fun fun...
21:01:04 <Belugas> but tghanks anyway :D
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21:14:29 <Bjarni> lol... this is actually funny reading... while porting software, it goes something like "it can compile... the software is ported. There is no need for real tests to see if the different arguments for the app actually works"
21:14:59 * Bjarni remembers when he got OpenTTD to compile on mac for the first time
21:15:14 <Bjarni> it compiled just fine... yet it failed to open a window when executing
21:15:32 <Bjarni> resulting in a crash when it tried to draw in the window
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22:15:09 <Wolf01> 'night
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22:21:32 <ln->
22:23:27 <valhalla1w> 3Dfx \\o
22:24:01 <Digitalfox_> cool video ;)
22:24:13 <valhalla1w> LOL
22:24:27 *** valhalla1w is now known as valhallasw
22:24:56 <valhallasw> lol
22:25:07 <valhallasw> promo video from when FFVIII was new :D
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22:29:31 <valhallasw> <-- i've got one of these over here :)
22:29:45 <valhallasw> without the nice plastic stand though :)
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22:33:20 <peter1138> ive got 2 voodoo 2s
22:33:24 <peter1138> but no cable :o
22:34:17 <peter1138> those were the days
22:35:02 <Eddi|zuHause2> my first 3D card was a GF2
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22:35:39 <glx> I have a ragepro in my PII 233 box
22:35:49 <glx> (only 2Mo)
22:43:21 * kaan idles some more
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23:14:35 <Markkisen> You aren't supposed to run OpenTTD Debian on a SuSE machine?
23:15:37 <Markkisen> But it works fine for me :)
23:18:02 <valhallasw> 'debian' and 'suse' only mean the way of packaging
23:18:07 <valhallasw> and possibly the libraries used
23:18:16 <valhallasw> if the libs are available on your machine, it will run find
23:18:18 <valhallasw> fine*
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23:23:36 <Sacro> but deb files shouldn't be easy to install on an rpm based distro
23:26:03 <Markkisen> Okey :P
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23:26:18 <Markkisen> I don't really remember how I did it tough
23:27:28 <Bjarni> ./configure && make
23:27:37 <Bjarni> that's likely the way to do it
23:28:02 <Bjarni> if it is the trunk, that is
23:28:08 <Bjarni> 0.5.2 is another story
23:28:15 <Bjarni> then it depends on me doing the job right
23:28:43 <Bjarni> anyway
23:28:46 <Bjarni> goodnight
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23:56:05 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: belugas * r10167 /trunk/src/ (5 files):
23:56:05 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: -Codechange: Change the flagging system of grf loaded feature from a bitset to a bool evaluation.
23:56:05 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: Like easier to read and faster to evaluate :)