IRC logs for #openttd on OFTC at 2024-12-19
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01:51:52 <soylent_cow[m]> is there a way to disable or limit landscaping?
02:06:58 <wensimehrp> you can use the basecosts grf to make landscaping 64kx more expensive
02:17:56 <emperorjake> There is also the terraform_frame_burst setting in the cfg
02:18:59 <soylent_cow[m]> <wensimehrp> "you can use the basecosts grf to..." <- oh this is perfect, thanks 🙏😹
02:25:12 <soylent_cow[m]> <emperorjake> "There is also the terraform_fram..." <- fantastic, i may end up using both :)
03:20:26 *** gnu_jj_ has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)
03:42:06 *** debdog has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)
04:44:48 <DorpsGek> - Update: Translations from eints (by translators)
05:58:56 *** ChanServ sets mode: +v tokai
06:05:46 *** tokai|noir has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)
07:26:38 <LordAro> hmm, breakpad build failure?
07:26:58 <LordAro> " CMake Error: CMake was unable to find a build program corresponding to "Unix Makefiles". CMAKE_MAKE_PROGRAM is not set. You probably need to select a different build tool."
07:27:03 <LordAro> am i looking at the right line there?
08:23:06 <peter1138> When your CI fails after 45 hours...
08:31:18 *** Flygon has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
08:52:16 <LordAro> peter1138: we added a 3 hour timelimit to ours to prevent such things
09:16:29 *** mindlesstux has joined #openttd
09:39:13 <truebrain> LordAro: maybe related to the 24.04 upgrade?
09:39:40 <truebrain> owh, no, we run this in a container 😄
09:41:08 <truebrain> same breakpad as we have been using for a while, and no changes on vcpkg's side
09:46:20 <truebrain> maybe `manylinux_2_28_x86_64` got an update that broke it? I dunno 😛 Someone should launch the container and try out the commands, and look in more detail what is going on 😄
09:49:17 <truebrain> anyway, back to work for me 🙂
09:50:15 <peter1138> > This should hopefully come without too many disruptions for users of the image while providing a more recent compiler toolchain.
10:00:51 *** toktik has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection)
11:40:33 *** tokai|noir has joined #openttd
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11:45:04 *** tokai has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)
12:32:15 <_glx_> I guess some deprecated stuff finally got removed
13:18:20 <truebrain> GL removed? Vulkan now mandatory? /me removes MacOS support 🙂
13:27:54 <_glx_> GL is deprecated since 10.14 IIRC
13:52:03 <cu-kai> yes, it has been deprecated for a while now, i can still build other GL based games though
13:53:13 <truebrain> I would say: either use one of our official binaries, or dig into fixing the issue for us 😄
13:53:49 <cu-kai> rendering code is rather outside of my ability, so i think i'll wait for an official fix :)
13:55:00 <truebrain> Currently we do not have a MacOS maintainer, or on that matter, anyone that is willing to delve in. So that official fix might be a long way away 🙂 Just to set realistic expectations 🙂
13:56:06 * andythenorth cancels new MBP order
13:56:56 <cu-kai> that is fine, i do not primarily use my mac these days anyway
13:57:27 <andythenorth> intel mac, running 15.2?
13:57:32 <andythenorth> I just sold my last intel mac
13:57:54 <cu-kai> i want to own an aarch64 machine, but i cannot justify the cost
13:58:16 <cu-kai> my current primary laptop is now a framework laptop :)
13:59:00 <andythenorth> hmm AWS has intel mac instances
13:59:05 <andythenorth> not sure which OS
14:29:26 *** kuka_lie has joined #openttd
14:38:17 <_glx_> It should be possible for us to try CI with macos-15 and a recent xcode (I'll do some tests on my fork)
15:18:34 <kuhnovic> Yes, I realized that when working on the PF fixes
15:18:58 <kuhnovic> I need to update that drawing branch after the fixes get merged
15:39:56 <peter1138> cu-kai: I have a Raspberry Pi lying around...
15:40:04 <peter1138> But that does not help with mac OS.
16:26:22 <xarick> some weirdness still happening kuhnovic
16:27:20 <xarick> the ship started at the ship depot towards the east direction, then suddenly it reverses and started following the glowing red tracks
16:28:15 <xarick> and when it reaches the end of it, it reverses again into the path towards north to adjust course it's a bit messy
16:28:39 <xarick> i'll make a video after tea break
16:28:42 <kuhnovic> Do you have a savegame? I might be able to have a look at it tonight
16:30:36 <xarick> ship 1435 of company #14 I think
16:30:51 <kuhnovic> I guess it's another 4K map? 😛
16:31:00 <xarick> yes but only one ship is moving
16:31:39 <xarick> i waited for it to complete the path
16:31:48 <xarick> but it still repeats the same behaviour
16:32:36 <kuhnovic> That does make a big difference hehe
16:33:47 <kuhnovic> But it doesn't loop or get lost right? Just does suboptimal stuff
16:33:49 <xarick> after following till the end of red line
16:34:06 <xarick> yeah, it finds the path though with some jerky behaviour
16:34:31 <xarick> it's an old save game, i simply went to check if it solved anything
16:35:14 <kuhnovic> Is this right after you loaded it, or after some minutes of gameplay?
16:35:44 <xarick> after you load, it goes to depot, but i waited it to complete the path
16:36:00 <xarick> and it repeats again when it heads to depot
16:36:08 <kuhnovic> The ships might have some old stuff in their cache, which was calculated using the old behavior
16:36:52 <kuhnovic> If it's repeating then there's something else going on
16:42:10 *** gelignite has joined #openttd
16:51:01 <cu-kai> i know of one FOSS project using darling to provide macOS builds
17:12:14 <LordAro> that's not particularly googlable
17:14:40 <_glx_> it could be related to `MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET: 10.13`, or it's absence (we set this for our builds)
17:15:25 <_glx_> and we set 10.15 in cmake
17:34:31 <truebrain> yeah, our own binaries should work just fine
17:34:36 <truebrain> still, there will be a time they won't 😄
17:36:05 <_glx_> I'm trying to get failure in CI
17:41:47 *** Wormnest has joined #openttd
17:46:05 <_glx_> I removed MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET, using macos-15 (15.1.1 IIRC) and latest xcode (16.2) and it links fine (if I ignore `was built for newer 'macOS' version (15.0) than being linked (10.15)` for all libs because x64-osx vcpkg was not in my cache 😉 )
17:54:57 *** gelignite has quit IRC (Quit: Stay safe!)
18:18:59 <_glx_> I can confirm there's an issue for linux releases, but don't know what is wrong yet
18:34:57 <_glx_> for some reason we install 2023.01.27
18:40:17 *** Smedles_ has joined #openttd
18:42:33 <xarick> most interesting points at 0:34
18:43:24 <_glx_> oh it's the baseline I guess
18:43:34 *** Smedles has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)
18:44:11 <_glx_> yeah it is the baseline
18:46:37 *** ChanServ sets mode: +v tokai
18:53:28 *** tokai|noir has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)
18:53:28 <kuhnovic> xarick: Interesting. The first reversal is probably due to the fact that CheckShipReverse and the regular PF calls work slightly differently. The second reversal is something that I was afraid of could happen in certain situations. The ship needs to end up in a region that's on the HL path, but at that point it's not always clear which direction should be taken afterward. This happens when the
18:53:28 <kuhnovic> path is cached all the way to the last region on the HL path, which is what happens in this video.
18:55:20 <kuhnovic> Ok, this needs further investigation
18:59:51 <andythenorth> was it lunch yet though?
19:14:50 <truebrain> _glx_: finally a reason again to increase the baseline? 😄
20:02:47 <peter1138> Oh, constexpr still. Thought I'd fixed that.
20:22:32 <_glx_> now the question is what to select for baseline
20:31:28 <_glx_> I think I'll use latest vcpkg release hash
20:39:04 <_glx_> wow generic linux build is full of maybe-uninitialized warnings
20:40:18 <_glx_> gcc14 side effect I guess
21:18:15 *** Wormnest has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)
21:19:31 <xarick> I need to do something about 10544, I always keep postponing
21:19:59 *** kuka_lie has quit IRC (Quit: Lost terminal)
21:36:51 <xarick> so much has changed...
22:28:06 *** nielsm has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)
22:35:24 <xarick> I'm so scared of doing a force push
22:35:41 <xarick> years of work becoming unreversible
22:37:42 <cu-kai> isn't that what branches are for
22:37:50 <peter1138> You can keep branches around...
22:41:36 <xarick> i need to rebase it, it's falling way behind
22:42:34 <xarick> much logic around check ship reverse changed, i dunno
22:42:43 *** Wolf01 has quit IRC (Quit: Once again the world is quick to bury me.)
22:43:54 <xarick> i can re-evaluate it starting tomorrow
22:47:39 *** keikoz has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)
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