IRC logs for #openttd on OFTC at 2024-07-24
01:26:55 *** Wormnest has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving)
01:42:30 *** Smedles_ has joined #openttd
01:46:26 *** Smedles has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)
02:53:18 *** D-HUND has joined #openttd
02:56:50 *** debdog has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)
03:17:39 *** Smedles has joined #openttd
03:25:06 *** Smedles_ has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)
03:25:06 *** Smedles has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
03:27:20 *** Smedles has joined #openttd
04:08:56 *** keikoz has joined #openttd
04:28:24 *** Ox7C5 has joined #openttd
04:42:07 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] eints-sync[bot] pushed 1 commits to master
04:42:08 <DorpsGek> - Update: Translations from eints (by translators)
06:42:13 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] MasterOktagon commented on pull request #12857: Feature: "Faster" path signals
07:27:26 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] WenSimEHRP opened pull request #12880: Add: station variable 6C for wider ID detection
07:50:20 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] github-advanced-security[bot] commented on pull request #12880: Add: station variable 6C for wider ID detection
07:57:41 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] WenSimEHRP updated pull request #12880: Add: station variable 6C for wider ID detection
08:04:45 <johnfranklin> what is force push? this phrase sounds some admin power
08:08:14 <peter1138> It means replace what was already pushed. Without a force-push, you can only add on to what is there.
08:35:05 *** soylent_cow[m] has joined #openttd
08:40:42 <peter1139> Ah yes, the game needs train shunting because here's-a-real-life-example...
08:51:56 <FLHerne> peter1139: [because I want to play model trains replicating real life as closely as possible and ]
08:53:24 <FLHerne> it would be ludicrously complex, fiddly micro-management guaranteed to cause players grief, and yet I'd love to play with it anyway
08:53:29 <FLHerne> (yes I know there's a patch)
08:54:08 <FLHerne> I think to work in any really usable way it would need a very new concept of how timetables work
08:55:28 *** mindlesstux has quit IRC (Quit: The Lounge -
08:55:53 *** mindlesstux has joined #openttd
09:00:56 *** mindlesstux has quit IRC (Quit: The Lounge -
09:02:00 *** mindlesstux has joined #openttd
09:18:22 <peter1139> Oops, absentmindedly put milk in my coffee...
09:23:42 <kuhnovic> At least it's not sugar
09:24:25 <peter1139> Hah, my Dad still does the "no thanks I'm sweet enough" "joke" every time...
09:26:04 <kuhnovic> My dad always wants one of those artificial sweetener tablets in his coffee. Not sure what's worse...
09:37:41 <FLHerne> I just bought some coffeemate as a backup for when I run out of milk in the middle of nowhere
09:37:53 <FLHerne> but it's best avoided really
09:41:52 <peter1139> Heh, national cycle-to-work-day next week.
09:44:16 <peter1139> About 40 miles for me, along main roads.
09:44:47 <peter1139> And into the Cotswolds so a bit lumpy.
09:45:37 <kuhnovic> 12 km for me, and dead flat since it's the cheeserlands
09:47:43 <kuhnovic> Admittedly, I am the type that takes the car the moment there's a slight chance of rain
09:55:03 <truebrain> The water dripping from my showerhead is enough for me to go: nah, it might rain 😛
10:50:30 *** hao has joined #openttd
10:51:38 <LordAro> peter1139: on Thursday I will be approximately 400 miles away from work
10:51:45 <LordAro> and heading in the wrong direction
10:59:11 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/team] glx22 commented on issue #575: [hu_HU] Translator access request
11:16:21 <johnfranklin> I am used to drinking latte
11:16:44 <johnfranklin> I admire those who drink espresso.
11:35:39 *** hao has quit IRC (Quit: Page closed)
11:56:16 *** Ox7C5 has quit IRC ()
13:54:04 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] LordActive commented on issue #11374: [Bug]: Cannot expand towns in Scenario Editor when town road construction disallowed
14:43:57 *** Flygon has quit IRC (Quit: A toaster's basically a soldering iron designed to toast bread)
14:51:00 *** Wormnest has joined #openttd
16:42:19 *** herms6 has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)
16:50:23 *** nielsm has joined #openttd
16:56:20 <peter1139> Beep
17:37:49 *** iSoSyS has joined #openttd
17:42:05 <pickpacket> Boop
20:32:09 *** nielsm has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)
20:39:14 *** marchnex has joined #openttd
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21:21:53 <peter1139> Gosh. Quiet.
21:26:59 *** keikoz has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)
21:44:16 *** tokai|noir has joined #openttd
21:44:17 *** ChanServ sets mode: +v tokai|noir
21:51:09 *** tokai has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)
21:54:19 <goddess_ishtar> it's quiet... too quiet
21:54:33 <f_> *crickets*
22:22:09 *** iSoSyS has quit IRC ()
23:58:35 <dwfreed> goddess_ishtar: thanks for jinxing it