IRC logs for #openttd on OFTC at 2024-06-13
01:38:35 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] ladysadie updated pull request #12781: Add: Compiler check for _fios_colours/DetailFileType
01:40:45 <silent_tempest> I can only assume you're talking about Haribo gummies?
02:13:45 *** debdog has joined #openttd
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04:37:44 <ahym> andriydohniak: `this` cannot refer to non static members of a class that wouldn't be legal code anyway
04:42:22 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] eints-sync[bot] pushed 1 commits to master
04:42:23 <DorpsGek> - Update: Translations from eints (by translators)
05:15:48 *** keikoz has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)
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06:38:02 <andriydohniak> ahym: I understand
06:46:01 <andriydohniak> ahym: well no, because it won't be called `this`, it will be called `wid`, and when called I would put `this` as an argument, but it will have access to non static members of that struct. And I already did it, and it does compile and work
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07:40:52 <andriydohniak> Where can I get the description of the arguments to SetDParam
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08:08:08 <peter1139> From the function...
08:08:26 <peter1139> The arguments are parameter index and parameter value.
08:09:07 <peter1139> What those need to be depends entirely on the StringID that is using those parameters.
08:13:01 <peter1139> You can find that out by looking up the string in english.txt.
08:13:24 <peter1139> Parameters are enclosed in curly brackets.
08:14:21 <peter1139> e.g. `STR_COMPANY_NAME` is `{COMPANY}`, which means the first parameter needs to be a company index.
08:15:44 <peter1139> (Though not all things enclosed in curly brackets are parameters.)
08:20:08 <andriydohniak> But what is the index parameter? why is it always 0?
08:23:01 <peter1139> Is it always 0?
08:24:05 <andriydohniak> Hmm
08:24:09 <andriydohniak> idk
08:25:39 <peter1139> `engine_gui.cp:215` has a string that takes 14 parameters.
08:26:12 <andriydohniak> ok, I will have to read more about what is happening over there
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08:31:40 <andriydohniak> What types of characters are allowed in company names and cargo types?
08:31:50 <andriydohniak> only ascii? or unicode too?
08:32:57 <peter1139> utf-8, but that isn't something you should need to care about here.
08:33:11 <andriydohniak> I want to sort the list alphabetically
08:33:53 <andriydohniak> lists*
08:36:52 <peter1139> Look at how other sorters are done.
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08:51:48 <andriydohniak> Ok, got it :)
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11:11:48 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] 2TallTyler commented on pull request #12781: Add: Compiler check for _fios_colours/DetailFileType
11:14:40 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] 2TallTyler commented on pull request #12730: Change: Don't use house construction states in Scenario Editor
11:44:48 <pickpacket> Can I expect my PR ( to be merged?
11:49:28 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] 2TallTyler updated pull request #10409: Feature: Import town data from JSON file
11:49:51 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] 2TallTyler commented on pull request #10409: Feature: Import town data from JSON file
12:16:18 <talltyler> pickpacket: Have you tested it? The code looks fine but I’m hesitant to approve without knowing it works πŸ™‚
12:21:48 <pickpacket> talltyler: Oh! Yeah a few times. Can give it another test tonight just to be 101% sure if you like :)
12:47:46 <peter1139> Never expect a PR to be merged.
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12:49:38 <pickpacket> peter1139: Nobody expects the Spanish inquisition!
13:05:00 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] PeterN requested changes for pull request #12763: Fix: Always allow bribing local authority when other company has exclusive rights
13:11:46 <pickpacket> peter1139: sure thing! I'll do it tonight
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14:52:56 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] 2TallTyler updated pull request #10409: Feature: Import town data from JSON file
14:53:28 <talltyler> Heheh of course CI failed, I didn’t commit all of my fixes to the rebase πŸ˜›
14:57:58 *** Wormnest has joined #openttd
15:10:01 <andriydohniak>
15:10:01 <andriydohniak> Sooo I made my widget universal:
15:10:23 <andriydohniak> How do I make the fonts be bigger?
15:10:43 <andriydohniak> for some reason for cargo payment rates the font size is super small
15:17:06 <peter1139> Increase interface scale.
15:19:35 <andriydohniak> but it's only an issue in this meny
15:20:01 <andriydohniak> Somebody mentioned something about historical reason for this menu's small font
15:20:06 <peter1139> Well, those labels were deliberately small.
15:20:07 <andriydohniak> I would like to change that
15:20:16 <peter1139> Also, you've broken the normal sort order for cargo types.
15:20:28 <andriydohniak> peter1139: I know
15:20:31 <andriydohniak> It still works
15:20:44 <andriydohniak> Ahh
15:20:46 <andriydohniak> I see
15:20:50 <andriydohniak> the passengers are on top
15:21:13 <andriydohniak> Well no
15:21:20 <andriydohniak> Seams to be the same
15:21:45 <peter1139> Are you saying that the first item is the same, therefore the whole thing is the same?
15:21:56 <andriydohniak> :)
15:22:11 <andriydohniak> Ok, the graph is wrong?
15:22:44 <andriydohniak> I just checked all the graph colors to the stock OpenTTD
15:22:47 <andriydohniak> it's correct
15:22:55 <andriydohniak> the menu order might be different though
15:23:35 <peter1139> I'm saying the order of the cargo types is not correct.
15:23:40 <peter1139> (Because it's not)
15:23:47 <andriydohniak> Yea, I did try sorting
15:24:18 <andriydohniak> but they still correspond to the correct colors and graph lines
15:24:19 <peter1139> Anyway, you can replace `STR_GRAPH_CARGO_PAYMENT_CARGO` with `STR_JUST_STRING`
15:24:34 <peter1139> The cargo list does not need sorting because it's pre-sorted.
15:24:50 <peter1139> `_sorted_standard_cargo_specs` should be a clue.
15:24:54 <andriydohniak> peter1139: I stopped using that
15:24:59 <peter1139> Don't stop using that.
15:25:05 <andriydohniak> Why?
15:25:07 <peter1139> It's there that for a reason.
15:25:14 <peter1139> It's there for a reason.
15:26:01 <andriydohniak> Mb, mb the reason is gone once I start replacing all the different storage methods with a vec of IDs
15:26:13 <andriydohniak> and making it universal across all graphs
15:26:52 <andriydohniak> but if you know the reason, tell me, I will check it out
15:27:53 <peter1139> You can fill your vector with data from _sorted_standard_cargo_specs.
15:28:10 <andriydohniak> Why would I do that?
15:28:18 <peter1139> Because then you get the correct ordering for cargo.
15:28:30 <andriydohniak> what is "correct" in this case?
15:28:37 <peter1139> Cargo has a specific order based on more than just the name of the cargo.
15:28:51 <peter1139> Correct is the order that is in _sorted_standard_cargo_specs.
15:28:55 <andriydohniak> but why is that important for a visualisation?
15:29:12 <peter1139> Because that sort order is ONLY for visualisation.
15:29:23 <andriydohniak> then why is it important?
15:29:31 <ahym> Categorization
15:29:38 <andriydohniak> Ahh, ok
15:37:19 <andriydohniak>
15:37:23 <andriydohniak> It's not!
15:37:28 <andriydohniak> It was just broken
15:38:10 <ahym> oh it's alphabetical, that makes sense too, good find
15:38:34 <andriydohniak> So even more code to be removed :)
15:39:31 <andriydohniak> Or I might just fix the _sorted_standard_cargo_specs thing
15:39:35 <andriydohniak> and not do my own sorting
15:41:28 <andriydohniak>
15:41:28 <andriydohniak> But this comment suggest otherwise:
15:41:49 <andriydohniak>
15:42:07 <andriydohniak> but It only applies to stock cargo, so it's actually useless :)
15:42:22 <andriydohniak> alphabetical sorting is just better when you have a search box
15:43:07 <andriydohniak> but I might just use it anyway, because the custom ones get sorted alphabetically anyway
15:43:29 <andriydohniak> Comments being wrong :)
15:52:48 <talltyler> andriydohniak: Speaking of this window, you might find the discussion in this PR relevant to your work:
15:53:01 <talltyler> And speaking of sorting πŸ˜„
15:54:42 <andriydohniak>
15:54:42 <andriydohniak> My thing kinda solves the visibility issue by being able to "select" graphs
15:54:49 <andriydohniak> I can click on a line, or on a list item
15:54:54 <andriydohniak> and it will get "selected"
15:55:15 <andriydohniak> so drawn on top, bigger, with some dark blue outline
15:56:06 <andythenorth> hmmm
15:56:17 <andythenorth> anyone used AWS Step Functions and/or Azure Logic Apps?
15:56:27 <andriydohniak>
15:56:53 <andriydohniak> I just solved that issue
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15:58:26 <andriydohniak> And a bunch more they were talking about
15:58:27 <andriydohniak> :)
15:58:35 <andriydohniak> I am sooo proud 😎
15:59:07 <andriydohniak> btw, when the list is too long, when you click on the graph line, it automatically scrolls to the selected item in the list
15:59:12 <andriydohniak> so that issue is also fixed
16:01:59 <ahym> What about if the list is longer then the height of the window
16:02:18 <ahym> That could be a potential edge case
16:03:18 <andriydohniak> ahym: I have a scrollbar
16:04:35 <ahym> andriydohniak: But if you click on a line that the cargo type is not visible for because it is outside the window does it scroll the panel down so it is visible or does it just select it
16:04:52 <ahym> Like if you had 30 industries or something
16:04:57 <andriydohniak> ahym: yea, it scrolls to it
16:05:04 <ahym> neat
16:05:05 <andriydohniak> it only scrolls if it's outside the view
16:05:10 <andriydohniak> and the minimal distance
16:05:26 <andriydohniak> so if it has to scroll down, it will be shown in the last visible row
16:05:31 <andriydohniak> and the opposite too
16:05:41 <peter1139> ahym, comment is not 100% correct, it's alphabetical, but also by cargo class (passengers, mail, then the rest)
16:06:13 <andriydohniak> peter1139: yea, I found that code, but also found a comment that tells me it should be alphabeticall
16:06:14 <peter1139> It is correct for non-custom cargo. That's the entire point of cargo classes.
16:06:18 <ahym> peter1139: I'm not at my computer but i had wondered if the pdx cargo types were grouped, thank you
16:06:33 <peter1139> (Well, one of the reasons for cargo classes)
16:06:38 <andriydohniak> andriydohniak: Here
16:06:49 <andriydohniak> andriydohniak: Also here
16:07:06 <andriydohniak> I know peter1139 is on IRC, and cant see anything :)
16:07:27 <andriydohniak>
16:07:28 <peter1139> I can view images.
16:07:36 <andriydohniak>
16:07:37 <peter1139> Yes, that's the sorter.
16:07:45 <peter1139> No need to repeat :P
16:07:45 <ahym> It is sorted alphabetically and then by type it appears
16:08:01 <peter1139> No, it's sorted by class then alphabetically.
16:08:07 <ahym> oop
16:08:10 <ahym> Mb
16:08:43 <andriydohniak> :peter1139 you can see images, because I sent it the second time, the first time i just used a discord reply
16:09:05 <peter1139> I saw them the first time you posted them.
16:09:10 <andriydohniak> Ah ok
16:09:49 <peter1139> You should also make your layout match our standards
16:10:16 <peter1139> The scrollbar should go understand the edit box, so it's same height as the matrix.
16:10:27 <peter1139> You've got space above, below, and to the right, so there should also be space to the left.
16:11:30 <andriydohniak> peter1139: Ok, I was gona put that widget on the right later
16:11:39 <peter1139> The coloured boxes are intended to be a specific shape/aspect ratio, IIRC either 9:5 or 10:6 or something like that.
16:11:41 <andriydohniak> I don't understand the scrollbar thing
16:12:20 <peter1138>
16:12:23 <andriydohniak> peter1139: Yea, it uses the font size to calculate it's shape, and I haven't figured out what is going on in that specific window
16:12:33 <andriydohniak> peter1138: perfect
16:12:40 <andriydohniak> will do that
16:23:19 <andythenorth> peter1138: that's a very old version of Iron Horse you're using there
16:23:41 <peter1139> The simplified version.
16:23:53 <andythenorth> 0.9.0
16:51:01 <pickpacket> Humdidum
16:51:14 * pickpacket is waiting for compile
16:52:32 <andriydohniak> pickpacket: are you on linux?
16:52:36 <andriydohniak> what specs?
16:53:13 <andriydohniak> I think I already asked you, but I don't remember the names, and all of you are cats
16:53:27 <andriydohniak> :)
16:53:34 <andriydohniak> you have that old thinkpad, right?
16:55:46 <andriydohniak> Yea, I just refuse to remember different cats as being different :)
16:55:53 <_glx_> but everyone is a different cat
16:56:11 <andriydohniak> _glx_: I had the foresight on this one :)
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16:59:18 <pickpacket> andriydohniak: I'm the who voluntarily uses a budget netbook from 2015 with a dual core Atom cpu and 2gb ram πŸ™‚
16:59:36 <andriydohniak> pickpacket: Yea that is not fun!
16:59:48 <andriydohniak> Thinkpad is one thing, but a random one is just sad
16:59:53 <glx_> Needed to remember the commands just to see my cat avatar
17:00:06 <pickpacket> What do you mean? I love my wee laptop
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17:00:19 <andriydohniak> btw, I got the compile time on my Thinkpad (in case of a single cpp file change) down to 40sec
17:00:30 <andriydohniak> (old thinkpad)
17:00:34 <pickpacket> Congrats πŸ˜„
17:00:51 <andriydohniak> Probably less, this is a ceil
17:01:17 <andriydohniak> if YOU want the same result, pay 5$ A MONTH for my compiler course
17:01:32 <andriydohniak> or just `mold -run make -j4 ./openttd`
17:02:00 <LordAro> you might want to look into ccache too
17:04:02 <andriydohniak> LordAro: looks cool, but won't speed up any single file cpp compilation
17:04:15 <andriydohniak> because I already see in the make logs it only compiles that one file
17:04:31 <andriydohniak> when you change the .h file, a lot more stuff depends on it
17:04:38 <andriydohniak> so might help there
17:04:59 <andriydohniak> but it says it can cache false positives, and I am already scared of the build system
17:05:07 <LordAro> build system is fine
17:05:14 <_glx_> oh just touch english.txt πŸ™‚
17:05:18 <LordAro> also, if we're being technical, mold isn't doing a thing for the compilation speed
17:05:21 <LordAro> just the linking speed :)
17:06:33 <_glx_> gcc linker is not known to be the fastest (MinGW often demonstrate)
17:07:00 <LordAro> i had a thought the other day in that we should be able to use lld on mingw
17:07:05 <LordAro> should speed that build up
17:07:33 <andriydohniak> LordAro: Yea, I know, but it does speed up the total time untill binary
17:07:49 <LordAro> that's not what you said though :p
17:08:20 <andriydohniak>
17:08:20 <andriydohniak> Fixed most of the stuff we talked about
17:08:25 <_glx_> and we improved it using `lld` instead of `ld`, still 24 minutes πŸ™‚
17:08:27 <andriydohniak> still need to fix the rectangles
17:09:05 <andriydohniak> _glx_: 24 min ????
17:09:10 <andriydohniak> On what hardware
17:09:23 <_glx_> on CI
17:09:28 <andriydohniak> Aaah
17:09:30 <andriydohniak> ok :)
17:09:38 <andriydohniak> _glx_: Did you try mold?
17:09:41 <_glx_> but mingw disk access are super slow
17:09:44 <andriydohniak> it's multithreaded
17:09:49 <_glx_> not available for windows
17:10:04 <andriydohniak> _glx_: didn't see you were talking about window
17:10:15 <LordAro> _glx_: oh, lol
17:10:17 <_glx_> well MinGW is a hint there πŸ™‚
17:10:32 <andriydohniak> _glx_: I was sending an image, so skipped that
17:10:46 <andriydohniak> btw, any more feedback?
17:10:53 <_glx_> used to be 45 minutes with ld πŸ˜‰
17:10:59 <andriydohniak> Welllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll
17:11:16 <_glx_> and it was run for every PR
17:11:50 <andriydohniak> _glx_: How often does mingw build brakes while linux works?
17:12:04 <_glx_> more often that you'd expect
17:12:22 <andriydohniak> once after the initial setup is more often then I would expect
17:13:39 <LordAro> often mingw has a newer compiler than any other platform, because rolling release
17:13:43 <_glx_> but usually it breaks if we don't check it still builds
17:13:51 <andriydohniak> glx, you know there is a wine-mingw for linux, have you tried that? It cross compiles for windows
17:13:55 <andriydohniak> mb that will be faster
17:14:01 <LordAro> the point is compiling it on windows
17:14:07 <LordAro> "natively", as it were
17:14:12 <LordAro> cross compiling would miss the point
17:14:41 <_glx_> for the rare people not using MSVC πŸ™‚
17:15:19 <andriydohniak> _glx_: To use msvc you have to install 20 gigs of visual studio shit
17:15:27 <andriydohniak> even the express
17:15:37 <_glx_> it's not really better for mingw πŸ˜‰
17:15:38 <_jgr_> If you're a developer on Windows you'll have all that installed anyway πŸ˜›
17:16:01 <andriydohniak> I am proud to say I am not and hope I never will be
17:16:52 <andriydohniak> _glx_: I think it's ~6 gigs for mingw
17:17:11 <andriydohniak> and you don't have the dumb microsoft GUI editor
17:17:41 <_glx_>
17:17:48 <yeah_its_gloria> the build tools with just msvc and the windows sdk take up about 10 GiV
17:18:07 <yeah_its_gloria> I use clang and lld which adds 2 more
17:18:47 <andriydohniak> _glx_: Hmm, ok at least that 20 gigs is open source :) (Copium)
17:19:05 <yeah_its_gloria> I've had better experiences with that setup than mingw tbh
17:19:23 <andriydohniak> yeah_its_gloria: you don't use it directly, you use Cygwin
17:19:32 <yeah_its_gloria> I don't use Cygwin
17:19:41 <andriydohniak> Ok then
17:19:56 <LordAro> i've never heard of anyone using Cygwin directly
17:20:07 <yeah_its_gloria> is it even still maintained
17:20:12 <yeah_its_gloria> last time I saw cygwin was uh
17:20:13 <yeah_its_gloria> ages ago
17:20:20 <LordAro> for sure, MSYS still updates itself from it
17:20:24 <yeah_its_gloria> right
17:20:28 <LordAro> but i've no idea of the usecase
17:20:49 <peter1139> There's no particular need for us to run MinGW compiles really.
17:21:36 <andriydohniak> LordAro: Cygwin is not a direct option, its a package manager
17:21:38 <andriydohniak>
17:21:43 <andriydohniak> 138 mb compressed
17:22:22 <andriydohniak> 562 decompressed
17:22:34 <LordAro> i'm not entirely sure what you're talking about
17:22:48 <yeah_its_gloria> LLVM runs on Windows directly
17:22:52 <LordAro> cygwin is not a package manager
17:22:59 <LordAro> cygwin is the underlying runtime
17:23:01 <yeah_its_gloria> why even use an intermediate Unix like layer
17:23:36 <yeah_its_gloria> yeah_its_gloria: the only problem is that ld.lld ships without zlib support in the official distribution so uh
17:23:37 <LordAro> MSYS2 comes with a package manager, which is a bastardised version of pacman from Arch
17:23:43 <yeah_its_gloria> Windows -> Linux cross compilation is Pain
17:23:58 <LordAro> "just use WSL"
17:24:00 <LordAro> :p
17:24:05 <yeah_its_gloria> that's no fun
17:24:26 <yeah_its_gloria> I spent hours fixing a CMake toolchain file just so my buildroot would function
17:24:27 <Rubidium> cross-compilation to Apple's OS, that's pain!
17:24:44 <andriydohniak> yeah_its_gloria: using windows is no fun
17:24:49 <yeah_its_gloria> downloading Arch's packages by hand and making a build root was funny
17:25:12 <andriydohniak> Rubidium: There are literally build services that have clusters of their dumb machines just running xcode
17:25:15 <yeah_its_gloria> andriydohniak: Β―\_(ツ)_/Β―
17:25:24 <yeah_its_gloria> Rubidium: I mean
17:25:27 <yeah_its_gloria> I figured that out once too
17:25:57 <Rubidium> andriydohniak: can you point at one that does not run on Apple's OS?
17:25:58 <_jgr_> Apple go out of their way to make this sort of thing difficult
17:25:59 <yeah_its_gloria> simply
17:25:59 <yeah_its_gloria> - download Xcode
17:25:59 <yeah_its_gloria> - unpack it using Weird Magic (old dead tools)
17:25:59 <yeah_its_gloria> - make clang do its work
17:25:59 <yeah_its_gloria> - success
17:26:25 <_jgr_> Xcode is a buggy mess even on Apple hardware/OS
17:27:03 <yeah_its_gloria> I don't use Xcode that much but I wouldn't call it buggy
17:27:12 <yeah_its_gloria> more so just annoying to use
17:27:33 <yeah_its_gloria> it does everything I expect an IDE to do weirdly
17:27:46 <yeah_its_gloria> like instead of closing the project if no file is open Cmd W closes the window
17:27:53 <yeah_its_gloria> and the project is still active
17:27:56 <yeah_its_gloria> like ? huh
17:28:10 <_jgr_> I haven't had to use it that much and still ran into annoying bugs
17:28:35 <andriydohniak> I used an older version of it a year ago, and it was buggy and crashing
17:28:40 <andriydohniak> also a memhog
17:29:01 <andriydohniak> But that was a MacOS Cierra PC
17:29:12 <andriydohniak> so probably not representative of anything
17:30:02 <yeah_its_gloria> it's been a while since Sierra yes
17:30:36 <andriydohniak> It wasn't my computer, and the OS was not supperted at the time
17:39:06 <Ox7C5> Hi all, is there a way to read stats from a game and output it somewhere? Like an info panel on a second monitor?
17:40:13 <andriydohniak> Ox7C5: If you are ok with running a patch, you can easily modify the game that shows the stat you want, to periodically print it to the console, which you can parse, and show somewhere else
17:40:26 <andriydohniak> A good solution would be grafana
17:41:19 <andriydohniak> easily modify, not easily do what I just said :P
17:41:35 <LordAro> admin port is the "official" solution, but it's not the easiest to set up and use
17:42:09 <LordAro> on the other hand plugins might be the other solution, i think there is a "plain text" plugin somewhere
17:42:20 <LordAro> they're fairly limited in terms of "stats" right now though
17:42:24 <Ox7C5> Would I be able to then read things like industry production, station waiting goods and such?
17:42:28 <andriydohniak> Also, if your monitors are near each other, you can stretch the game into another monitor, and just move the stats windows there
17:43:00 <Ox7C5> andriydohniak: I've got a horizontal monitor and a vertical monitor, so won't work too well with stretching
17:43:19 <andriydohniak> Ox7C5: I think it will
17:43:32 <andriydohniak> your main monitor is the horizontal, right
17:43:39 <Ox7C5> LordAro: Don't necessarily need plain text, any structured format will do
17:43:42 <andriydohniak> and the vertical is to the side?
17:43:47 <_glx_> for this kind of details probably game script and admin port
17:43:58 <_glx_> other option is custom patched build
17:44:05 <Ox7C5> andriydohniak: I mean yeah, it'll work, just not as well as I'd like :)
17:44:46 <Ox7C5> _glx_: Are there any scripts you know of, or do I just have to get started on my own?
17:46:57 <Rubidium> if the stats can be shown from OpenTTD's existing windows, then you can consider running multiplayer locally and having a (second) client on the second monitor with the appropriate windows opened
17:48:06 <andriydohniak> Rubidium: that is the most briliant idea I have ever seen! Idk how I haven't thought of this
17:48:37 <andriydohniak> Ox7C5: just ping, because your issue is 100% solved
17:49:53 <Ox7C5> It'll work as a temporary solution. But I think I'll try looking into this through creating a new script
17:50:13 <Ox7C5> Appreciate people taking the time to suggest things
17:50:38 <andriydohniak> Ox7C5: you already decided to go into the deep end, I respect that!
17:51:15 <_glx_> <> (available on bananas) might be an option too
17:51:23 <Ox7C5> It'll be a fun little sideproject
17:53:38 <_glx_> as I understand it you run the GS, and trigger commands from admin port
17:53:43 <andriydohniak> Does anybody know why is Cargo Transfer rate menu has small font size
17:53:52 <andriydohniak> and where is it set
17:53:55 <_glx_> what are the strings ?
17:54:08 <_glx_> do they start with {SMALL} ?
17:54:30 <andriydohniak> No
17:54:46 <andriydohniak>
17:54:49 <andriydohniak> This just draws a small string
17:55:04 <andriydohniak> and also every color becomes black
17:55:21 <andriydohniak> (for text)
17:55:26 <andriydohniak> I can still make rectangles)
17:56:09 <_glx_> well
17:56:33 <_glx_> forced small and black
17:56:53 <_glx_> that's why peter suggested to use STR_JUST_STRING here
17:57:26 <_glx_> which is `STR_JUST_STRING :{STRING}`
17:57:57 <andriydohniak> _glx_: what file is that?
17:58:09 <_glx_> english.txt
17:58:32 <andriydohniak> Ahhh, I remember him mentioning that file, but somehow I missed why 🀣
17:58:36 <andriydohniak> πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ
17:59:03 <_glx_> anyway as said, replace `STR_GRAPH_CARGO_PAYMENT_CARGO` with `STR_JUST_STRING` in your calls
18:00:13 <andriydohniak> Should I just change STR_GRAPH_CARGO_PAYMENT_CARGO to be just a string?
18:00:28 <andriydohniak> and just use the proper small fonts where necessary?
18:01:28 <_glx_> well STR_JUST_STRING exists, so no need to define/modify another string to do the same
18:01:51 <andriydohniak> Yea, but the name for that STR_GRAPH thing is pretty specific
18:02:03 <andriydohniak> so might as well use that
18:02:21 <_glx_> it is because it's a small black string
18:03:07 <andriydohniak> _glx_: but it should no longer be that
18:03:37 <andriydohniak> all widgets in that window no longer need to use that, because the old selector is getting replaced
18:03:47 <andriydohniak> idk if it should even exist
18:05:14 <Rubidium> andriydohniak: generally I'd say just leave it. When the CI on your PR starts to complain that it's not used, then you can remove it
18:05:29 <andriydohniak> Rubidium: ok :)
18:05:45 <andriydohniak> Does the CI check the text files?
18:07:27 <Rubidium> it checks whether there are strings in english.txt that are not used in the game
18:07:46 <andriydohniak>
18:07:46 <andriydohniak> I think I fixed all the complaints, but if you have anything else, pls let me know
18:21:21 *** michalc5706 has joined #openttd
18:21:21 <michalc5706> Hello all - I wanted to ask about
18:21:21 <michalc5706> I would love to get this added to OpenTTD, and I _think_ I've addressed the review comments. What do people think? Anything else to be changed / can it be merged in?
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18:50:47 <yiffgirl> haven't forgotten about my prs btw, just been very busy
18:53:46 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] rubidium42 commented on pull request #12777: Update cmake/Endian.cmake to work with newer versions of CMake (>=3.2…
19:02:26 <andriydohniak> How big of a deal is it to add more buttons with text?
19:02:40 <andriydohniak> (that does not appear anywhere else)
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20:00:45 <talltyler> michalc5706: I like it but don’t know enough about scripts to feel comfortable reviewing it.
20:16:15 <michalc5706> talltyler: Ah do you know who could review it?
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