IRC logs for #openttd on OFTC at 2023-04-27
02:16:25 *** D-HUND has joined #openttd
02:20:01 *** debdog has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)
02:43:48 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] krysclarke commented on pull request #10719: Feature: opt-in survey when exiting a game
02:50:14 *** Flygon has quit IRC (Quit: A toaster's basically a soldering iron designed to toast bread)
03:00:51 *** Wormnest has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving)
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06:38:37 *** petern has joined #openttd
06:38:37 <petern> Whoop, working passenger/mail slots
06:51:31 <petern>
06:51:31 <petern> Tourists, eh?
06:52:12 <LordAro> huh
06:52:44 <petern> heh
06:54:25 <LordAro> C23 has removed trigraphs as well :o
06:56:21 <petern> I use that in C#, didn't know C had them.
06:57:59 <petern> Actually I probably don't understand what it is. I use "??=" in C#, which is not the trigraph thing :p
06:58:42 <petern> Okay, reading up, yeah, that makes sense, get rid ๐Ÿ˜„
07:06:00 <petern> Oh yes, new bottom bracket to order.
07:06:33 <petern> I see Wiggle have fucked their website over so my login is no longer remembered.
07:08:32 <petern> > Spend only ยฃ0.01 more to qualify for free delivery delivery
07:08:33 <petern> lol
07:09:14 <LordAro> F
07:09:34 <petern> Ah they've done the same to Chain Reaction too.
07:11:34 <petern> They've wiped the order history instead of migrating it.
07:11:37 <petern> Dumbasses!
07:11:56 <petern> > To make a return on any orders placed before 26/04/2023 use our dedicated returns portal. Youโ€™ll need to provide your order number which you can find in the confirmation email...
07:13:41 <LordAro> mm, i got that email too
07:15:55 <petern> I know what I could get to bump it over ยฃ20
07:17:10 <petern> 4iiii Precision 105 R7000 Power Meter.
07:17:17 <petern> Oh "shame", it's out of stock.
07:19:12 <LordAro> haha
07:19:35 <LordAro> just a little bit over ยฃ20
07:32:56 <petern> Ah, cheapo tyre levers, they'll do.
07:33:14 <petern> Current set are a bit old and near snapping...
07:41:40 <petern> Hmm, std::reduce is a bit wordy :/
08:04:23 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] rubidium42 merged pull request #10651: Change: Use cstdint instead of rolling our own types.
08:06:22 <pickpacket> I may have scored another RPi 3B to put my OpenTTD server on :D the current one is only connected on wifi and that seems a tad unstable at times
08:06:57 <pickpacket> I'm gonna put the new (to me, but really a hand-me-down) by the router and connect with an ethernet cable
08:16:15 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] PeterN opened pull request #10726: Map passengers and mail cargo types
08:28:18 *** m3henry has quit IRC (Quit: m3henry)
09:09:51 <LordAro> petern: that is a very ugly set of case statements
09:10:16 <petern> Very. That was my comment about std::reduce ๐Ÿ™‚
09:10:42 <LordAro> i feel like you should be able to generalise it to a single std::reduce call with a load of parameters
09:11:36 <petern> Yeah, the main purpose of std::reduce doesn't really apply here, with the array lookups etc.
09:12:20 <petern> Also: mostly there will never be multiples, so just going with the first all the time is probably good enough.
09:18:10 <petern> Also after testing, the remap for original houses/industries doesn't work (it works but doesn't go far enough)
09:19:58 <petern> That bit just needs to be based on a climate dependent cargo translation table for original to loaded cargoes, instead of singling out passengers/mail.
11:19:28 <petern> Is it lunch?
11:19:41 <LordAro> yes
11:20:24 <pickpacket> it was. For me
11:25:11 <Eddi|zuHause> need thoughts... get a 49โ‚ฌ monthly ticket for all busses and local trains in the whole country?
11:25:31 <petern> No brainer?
11:25:47 <Eddi|zuHause> it should be, yes
11:25:57 <Eddi|zuHause> yet i'm still conflicted
11:26:05 <pickpacket> Eddi|zuHause: how much do you use these services?
11:26:17 <Eddi|zuHause> currently, twice a year
11:26:25 <pickpacket> then absolutely not worth it
11:26:37 <Eddi|zuHause> but if i have it, i will use it more, probably
11:26:52 <pickpacket> get it for a month and see
11:26:57 <petern> How local is a local train?
11:27:07 <pickpacket> petern: around the block ;)
11:27:17 <Eddi|zuHause> you can get quite far on "local" trains
11:27:35 *** glx has joined #openttd
11:27:35 <glx> You can also chain local trains
11:27:57 <pickpacket> into train nunchuks
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11:28:21 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] rubidium42 opened pull request #10727: Codechange: introduce C++ string accepting case insensitive string comparisons
11:29:08 <Eddi|zuHause> say, i want to go from here to hamburg, on express trains it's 3:30-4:00 for 100โ‚ฌ with 1 transfer, on "local" trains it's 5:00 and 2 transfers
11:29:53 <petern> Ah, so it's not like within a radius of where you live.
11:30:06 <Eddi|zuHause> no, it's the whole country.
11:31:05 <LordAro> do you make that trip more than once every 2 months?
11:31:18 <Eddi|zuHause> i've never made that trip in my whole lifef
11:31:42 <petern> Here I can spend ยฃ44 to use the local buses (within ~ 3 miles radius of town) of one company for one month.
11:31:54 <LordAro> oh i see, missed a bit of stuff above
11:31:56 <LordAro> carry on
11:35:08 <Eddi|zuHause> note the 100โ‚ฌ for express trains is the "i want to go right now" price, if you book ahead it's probably more like 40โ‚ฌ
11:35:12 <Rubidium_> talk about inflation! That 49 euro ticket used to be 9 euros 9 months ago :D
11:35:22 <Eddi|zuHause> yeah :p
11:37:21 <Eddi|zuHause> i've made a few random trips with the 9โ‚ฌ ticket
11:38:19 <Eddi|zuHause> one was a 2-day trip to basel and back (which for some technical reason 150 years ago counts as "in germany" for ticketing purposes
11:38:50 <Eddi|zuHause> )
11:39:14 <Eddi|zuHause> that was the furthest distance i could figure out
11:42:05 <Eddi|zuHause> for single-day trips it's a bit more limited in range, especially if you don't want to leave on crazy hours
11:43:27 <Eddi|zuHause> like that trip to hamburg, there's a connection early in the morning with 1 fewer transfer which cuts down travel time to 4:20
11:44:03 <Eddi|zuHause> (and a similar return trip late in the evening)
12:09:53 <LordAro> only 150 years ago? positively modern
12:09:53 *** WormnestAndroid has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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12:26:33 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] PeterN updated pull request #10726: Map passengers and mail cargo types
12:34:53 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] PeterN commented on pull request #10726: Map passengers and mail cargo types
13:44:06 *** Flygon has joined #openttd
13:46:17 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] rubidium42 opened pull request #10728: Codechange: introduce C++ string accepting natural string comparison
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13:57:18 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] rubidium42 updated pull request #10728: Codechange: introduce C++ string accepting natural string comparison
13:59:55 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] rubidium42 updated pull request #10728: Codechange: introduce C++ string accepting natural string comparison
14:04:19 *** Eddi|zuHause has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection)
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14:21:53 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] rubidium42 updated pull request #10728: Codechange: introduce C++ string accepting natural string comparison
14:29:10 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] rubidium42 commented on pull request #10723: Change: [CI] Use a custom name for matrix runs
14:31:02 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] TrueBrain commented on pull request #10723: Change: [CI] Use a custom name for matrix runs
14:31:07 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] rubidium42 updated pull request #10728: Codechange: introduce C++ string accepting natural string comparison
14:33:00 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] TrueBrain commented on pull request #10722: Change: [CI] Automatically disable asserts when building a stable release
14:35:24 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] TrueBrain updated pull request #10655: Change: base autosaves intervals on real time (instead of game time)
14:36:30 *** TrueBrain has joined #openttd
14:36:30 <TrueBrain> many devs commented on #10655, but no approvals yet ๐Ÿ˜ฆ Would appreciate some feedback on what needs improving / adding (or an approval, ofc)
14:43:21 <petern> Hmm, I think I was going to approve but it had a conflict.
14:51:14 <TrueBrain> I fixed that! ๐Ÿ˜„
14:51:54 <petern> So that function called `GameLoop` threw me.
14:52:14 <petern> Why is the realtime ticker handler elapsed from there?... because i
14:52:25 <petern> ... because it's not really the game loop.
14:52:59 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] PeterN approved pull request #10655: Change: base autosaves intervals on real time (instead of game time)
14:53:47 <TrueBrain> Tnx ๐Ÿ˜„
14:56:44 <FLHerne> fwiw, I just spent a while looking at wasm options
14:57:44 <FLHerne> my impression is that exposing the AI/GS style API via wasm will be quite annoying until they've finished inventing this
14:59:14 <FLHerne> otherwise we need stuff like custom-written serialization of strings both on the host and client side
15:06:32 <TrueBrain> Did you see ?
15:07:23 <TrueBrain> Our AI and GS API would be a perfect match to make into WASM. You just need a small wrapper per language to convert the C-style API to an OO-style, but that is near trivial
15:09:42 *** D-HUND is now known as debdog
15:11:39 *** andythenorth has joined #openttd
15:11:39 * andythenorth looking if there's such a thing as 'native' WebAssembly code
15:11:49 <andythenorth> looks like it's a compiled binary format?
15:11:56 <TrueBrain> It is an IR
15:12:39 <TrueBrain> Available in text format or binary
15:12:50 <petern> Okay this is saner.
15:13:06 <TrueBrain> "Compiled" .. depends on how you define the world ๐Ÿ˜„
15:13:44 <TrueBrain> But you compile your source to WASM, but often you JIT / AOT (which is also compiling) that before execution
15:14:04 <TrueBrain> Or use an interpreter ๐Ÿ˜„
15:14:14 <andythenorth> I was hoping we could do something cool like use WASM, then score an unforced own goal by picking a really weird format and only accepting that for scripts
15:14:31 <andythenorth> because I am a bad person who had 4 hours sleep
15:14:40 <TrueBrain> Now go sit in the corner
15:14:43 <andythenorth> yes
15:15:16 <TrueBrain> petern: Do you also supply context? ๐Ÿ˜„
15:15:44 <petern> Overrated
15:15:55 <TrueBrain> Good!
15:16:05 *** gelignite has joined #openttd
15:16:11 <TrueBrain> Dinner time than ๐Ÿ™‚
15:18:09 <petern> Is there a meme for accepting a bug as normal and not reporting it?
15:18:22 <andythenorth> just use my face
15:18:26 <andythenorth> I do it all the time
15:19:42 <petern> Hmm, this industry accepts passengers and produces trash. Accurate.
15:20:12 <petern> You can then send it to a recycling plant to produce rubber / plastics.
15:21:09 <petern> The education chain is fun.
15:21:35 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] TrueBrain merged pull request #10655: Change: base autosaves intervals on real time (instead of game time)
15:21:39 <FLHerne> TrueBrain: I didn't see that, otherwise I wouldn't have been trying to learn how to do basically that :p
15:21:54 <FLHerne> (including thinking that doing TGP first would be best)
15:22:34 <petern> Houses produce passengers who go to high school. They become students who go to University (or have other jobs). Once they go through university they become qualified workers and are then able to work... down in the coal or iron ore mines.
15:22:48 <petern> Whoever made this has never seen coal or iron ore miners ๐Ÿ˜„
15:22:55 <andythenorth> lol
15:23:03 <andythenorth> I grew up in a coal mining town
15:23:34 <andythenorth> class of 30 pupils, at age 16 British Coal rep comes around and says "who wants to go down the pit"
15:23:39 <andythenorth> 10 of the boys go
15:23:43 <andythenorth> 10 of the girls marry them
15:23:44 <TrueBrain> FLHerne: That PR is a small proof of concept. Frosch did work out a bit how it could work for NewGRF. All kinda double.. just a lot of work, and performance wise it will be a bit slower ofc.
15:23:58 <andythenorth> 6 of the other kids work above ground in mines support or related industries
15:24:17 <andythenorth> 4 go to do A-levels
15:24:25 <andythenorth> or college
15:24:31 <andythenorth> less than 1 goes to university
15:25:03 <andythenorth> except the year I left school, they closed all the mines
15:25:21 <TrueBrain> (Well, AI/GS will be faster, but TGP will not :D)
15:25:47 <petern> Reimplement the original generator in it as well ๐Ÿ˜„
15:26:00 <andythenorth> reimplement share dealing in it
15:26:06 <andythenorth> modular stock market
15:26:14 <andythenorth> money-where-mouth-is? ๐Ÿ™‚
15:26:22 <petern> Let's put landscape generators onto bananas.
15:26:33 <andythenorth> I see this as fine
15:26:40 <andythenorth> another thing someone can demand star ratings for
15:26:56 <petern> Unless you download a terrain generator from the internet, you only get a flat landscape...
15:27:26 <andythenorth> rinse, repeat
15:27:29 <andythenorth> industries...
15:27:36 <andythenorth> vehicles....
15:27:53 <andythenorth> so vanilla game is flat map with no content
15:28:05 <andythenorth> but will generate 16k^2 maps much faster
15:36:38 <petern> It won't, because until you download a house set it can't make towns.
15:40:46 <TrueBrain> Town growth on BaNaNaS .. also not a bad idea
15:44:50 <andythenorth> GS though ๐Ÿ˜›
15:46:28 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] rubidium42 updated pull request #10728: Codechange: introduce C++ string accepting natural string comparison
15:58:18 *** jfs- has joined #openttd
15:58:18 <jfs-> did anyone see/look into/anything with this?
15:58:18 <jfs->
15:58:35 <jfs-> maybe it's fixed itself, at least I don't see any crash
16:10:31 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] PeterN updated pull request #10726: Map passengers and mail cargo types
16:11:47 <TrueBrain> jfs-: Try it in one of the 12 other languages ๐Ÿ™‚
16:12:14 <TrueBrain> Maybe Steam crashes on some lovely unicode symbols ๐Ÿ˜„
16:13:07 <TrueBrain> Would be funny if Steam crashes because something we did ๐Ÿ˜„ do they have a bug bounty program? :p
16:18:11 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] PeterN commented on pull request #10726: Map passengers and mail cargo types
16:19:23 <petern> Hah, I did wonder about that but my compiler accepts it.
16:23:06 <andythenorth> goes it we also fix house cargo acceptance? ๐Ÿ˜›
16:23:19 <andythenorth> might be an issue for that one already, I'll look
16:23:42 <petern> Which bit?
16:24:02 <andythenorth> oh wait I misread the PR ๐Ÿ˜›
16:24:11 <andythenorth> I only saw the TE stuff, oops
16:24:22 <andythenorth> "4 hours sleep"
16:24:23 <petern> Likely, I changed it around from my original idea.
16:34:51 <petern> If you can tell me what needs fixing about house cargo acceptance...
16:35:50 <andythenorth> I am looking for the issue, I thought we had one ๐Ÿ˜›
16:37:22 <andythenorth> probably just irc logs ๐Ÿ˜›
16:39:06 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] andythenorth commented on pull request #10726: Map passengers and mail cargo types
16:40:46 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] PeterN commented on pull request #10726: Map passengers and mail cargo types
16:42:22 <andythenorth> \o/
16:42:48 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] PeterN updated pull request #10726: Map passengers and mail cargo types
16:43:36 <petern> But having TE_PASSENGERS doesn't mean the town should produce it.
16:44:31 <petern> Originally I focused on passengers and mail, then I realised that moved food/goods/water could all cause issues.
16:51:31 <petern> Anything I can think of to do with it would probably fall under "that should be in a game script"
16:52:16 <andythenorth> yes
16:52:35 <andythenorth> just not having the cargos depend on numeric slot would be enough of a win
16:56:39 <petern> Yeah, they do depend on label though.
16:57:19 *** Brickblock1 has joined #openttd
16:57:19 <Brickblock1> Would it be relevant to do this to the other house cargoes?
16:57:21 <petern> I think depending on TownEffect or CargoClasses would break too many NewGRFs.
16:57:35 <petern> It is for all house cargo types.
16:58:04 <petern> House acceptance is clear, we can just translate the default cargo slots.
16:59:33 <andythenorth> wonder if any scripts will break
16:59:37 * andythenorth un-wonders
16:59:40 <petern> Production just needs translating too and that's what this does.
16:59:45 <petern> Probably if they use slot index.
16:59:56 <petern> Ideally they use labels all the time.
16:59:56 <andythenorth> well they can code better TBH if they do
17:00:17 <andythenorth> there used to be grfs using slots only
17:00:19 <andythenorth> but same applies
17:01:56 <petern> ScriptCargo has GetCargolabel()
17:02:19 <petern> Which is mildly disappointing, as it does mean that behind the scenes it uses indices anyway.
17:03:01 <petern> Yeah I don't see a method to get a cargo id by label.
17:03:09 <petern> So they need to iterate the cargo list to check. That's a bit silly.
17:03:24 <andythenorth> that's just how script works
17:03:27 <andythenorth> get thing
17:03:30 <andythenorth> not thing you needed
17:03:32 <andythenorth> iterate a list
17:03:37 <andythenorth> get told you're making the game run slow
17:03:39 <andythenorth> [shrug]
17:03:42 <andythenorth> life of scripter ๐Ÿ™‚
17:03:57 <andythenorth> also can't cache stuff
17:04:14 <andythenorth> because a) bloats RAM b) it will age, and the event bubbling is far too slow to update caches
17:04:33 <andythenorth> I have a quote from TB somewhere, something like "everything about GS is wrong" ๐Ÿ˜›
17:05:38 <TrueBrain> oh-oh, you awoken the frosch!
17:05:43 *** frosch has joined #openttd
17:05:43 <frosch> GetCargoLabel was added for AI debug output
17:05:44 <andythenorth> oh no!
17:05:46 <andythenorth> the kraken!
17:06:02 <frosch> TrueBrain: did you have cake today?
17:06:12 <andythenorth> oh what, since when did midjourney work here? ๐Ÿ˜ฎ
17:06:18 <andythenorth> that was intended as a joke
17:06:22 <TrueBrain> frosch: not even! Did went to see flowers ... lots of them ๐Ÿ™‚
17:06:37 <petern> Is the idea that AIs don't need to know what the cargo type or label is?
17:06:42 <andythenorth> it has failed very much at frog-kraken
17:06:46 <petern> Just that they can transport it from A to B in vehicle C?
17:07:08 <andythenorth> can everyone see that midjourney response, or just me?
17:07:18 <frosch> petern: pretty much. same for generic GS. silicon valley never cared about individual cargos
17:07:23 <TrueBrain> andythenorth: Discord-only, but yes ๐Ÿ™‚
17:07:38 <frosch> i think there is something wrong with scripts relying in explicit cargo labels
17:08:02 <andythenorth> is it TB's birthday?
17:08:19 <TrueBrain> no, but it is my kings!
17:08:27 <andythenorth> nearly the same
17:08:36 <petern> Okay, in that case these changes won't break AIs beyond how broken they are already.
17:08:39 <frosch> all dutch coworkers have a day off, but have to work on monday instead
17:08:44 <TrueBrain> as frosch is our king, we should serve him cake!
17:08:47 <petern> If they are doing it properly by acceptance, then it will work better.
17:08:51 <andythenorth> is my new king also your king?
17:08:56 <andythenorth> we have a special king-day soon
17:09:06 <TrueBrain> yeah, but nobody actually cares about your king
17:09:10 <TrueBrain> everyone kinda feels sorry for the dude
17:09:12 <TrueBrain> ๐Ÿ˜›
17:09:22 <andythenorth> 'governing the English'
17:09:24 <andythenorth> tough gig
17:09:41 <petern> He waited so long to become King that Kings are now irrelevant...
17:10:20 <frosch> at least he didn't have to start a war for that
17:11:47 <andythenorth> I am still disappointed about midjourney
17:11:56 <petern> What is midjourney?
17:11:57 <andythenorth> frog kraken should have been much better ๐Ÿ˜›
17:12:02 <andythenorth> the AI image bot
17:12:13 <andythenorth> the one that can do everything perfectly except human hands
17:12:18 <petern> Oh. That'll be why I've never heard of it.
17:12:29 <andythenorth> I had a test account, but for me it's literal crack
17:12:47 <andythenorth> I can't pay for it, I will never get anything else done
17:13:38 <petern> Hmm, regression test timed out... huh
17:13:54 <andythenorth> nope still crap
17:14:03 <andythenorth> that's incredible bad
17:14:18 <frosch> andythenorth: you only won 4 of 10 categories in the addon survey. any plans on making a music set?
17:14:30 <andythenorth> I considered which else I might win yes
17:14:58 <frosch> i didn't even know road hog was released somewhen
17:15:04 <andythenorth> I only won 3 I think
17:15:12 <andythenorth> FIRS/CHIPS objects isn't me
17:15:26 <andythenorth> Road Hog predates NRT
17:15:38 <frosch> i assumed road-hog was in a sam-state
17:15:43 <andythenorth> nah 1.0 and done
17:15:53 <andythenorth> then I campaigned for NRT and never updated Road Hog to it ๐Ÿ˜›
17:16:15 <Rubidium_> petern: for my builds it's also timing out, though I can't reproducee it locally so I thought I introduced it with the PR I was working on... but apparantly it's not specific to my PR
17:16:35 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] glx22 updated pull request #10725: Codechange: [CMake] Switch GRF generation from NFO to NML
17:17:01 <andythenorth> but at least with NRT we now have 128 different types of road surface and underlay base tile
17:17:06 <andythenorth> and speed limits
17:17:40 <petern> There's a forum thread trying to come up with a standard for road types.
17:17:47 <petern> I can guess how well that's going to go.
17:18:06 <Eddi|zuHause> i just skimmed it, doesn't seem nearly as coherent as the railtype one
17:18:58 <andythenorth> tile ground painter ๐Ÿ˜›
17:19:14 <andythenorth> (scriptable tile ground painter)
17:19:29 <Eddi|zuHause> sounds like an object thing
17:19:31 <andythenorth> then we can make Outbreak / !Virus
17:21:50 <andythenorth> "flat objects"
17:21:51 <andythenorth> ๐Ÿ˜›
17:21:55 <glx[d]> petern: maybe a triggered assert, but not an openttd one as we don't use a window for them with null video driver
17:21:58 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] frosch123 commented on pull request #10725: Codechange: [CMake] Switch GRF generation from NFO to NML
17:27:29 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] glx22 commented on pull request #10725: Codechange: [CMake] Switch GRF generation from NFO to NML
17:28:47 <Eddi|zuHause> andythenorth: what's preventing you from making an object flat right now?
17:38:41 <petern> Not enough objects per NewGRF.
17:40:02 <Eddi|zuHause> well, the step after that would be separating out the ground type (grass, dirt, snow, desert, swamp, etc.)
17:40:03 <TrueBrain> always a limit ... ๐Ÿ˜›
17:41:32 <Eddi|zuHause> and make that freely combinable with track, road, industry, newgrf, etc.
17:41:33 <petern> Okay, so Oblivion is perfectly balanced.
17:41:54 <Eddi|zuHause> is there a game that isn't perfectly balanced?
17:43:20 <glx[d]> glx[d]: will run #10726 regression locally to find out
17:43:53 <petern> It works for me on Windows.
17:44:38 <glx[d]> VS vs VSCode ?
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17:44:57 <petern> I only use VS Code.
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17:45:27 <glx[d]> I'm on VS, waiting for build to finish
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17:46:13 <glx[d]> but I guess it's some assert in some std:: stuff
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17:48:45 <andythenorth> Eddi|zuHause: there might be a missed memo
17:48:56 <andythenorth> how do you place an object under road, or rail track, or station tile?
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17:52:54 <Eddi|zuHause> more map bits
17:52:57 <glx[d]>
17:53:42 <glx[d]> same for both, let's run regression with debugger for the trace
17:55:08 <glx[d]>
17:55:40 <petern> Heh, that is the line I am just looking at ๐Ÿ™‚
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17:55:41 <EmperorJake> Objects on road/track would be nice
17:56:01 <glx[d]> ei->cargo_type = CargoSpec::default_map[ei->cargo_type]; <-- ei->cargo_type is 0xFF
17:56:36 <glx[d]> lol there's a check for that on the next line
17:56:50 <petern> The next line is mapped.
17:57:09 <petern> I guess I forgot that default cargo type can be invalid.
17:57:57 <glx[d]> yeah the old function had if (ct == CT_INVALID) return CT_INVALID;
17:58:58 <petern> Makes me wonder about using .at()
17:59:55 <glx[d]> .at() will fire an exception
18:00:07 <TrueBrain> so how do we feel about ? Would require a rebase of every existing PR, so might be good to get it over with quick ๐Ÿ™‚
18:05:20 <Rubidium_> I'm okay with it, as my PRs are failing due to the issue glx just traced... so I need to rebase them in any case
18:07:13 <petern> The issue glx just traced isn't in master...
18:07:36 <petern> Unless you've done the same as me ๐Ÿ˜„
18:08:21 <Rubidium_> oh joy... then we have two issues?!?
18:08:36 <Rubidium_> as in, you got one and I got one
18:08:43 <petern> Possibly
18:08:44 <Rubidium_> both resulting in the timeouts
18:09:18 <petern> Yeah.
18:09:31 <petern> Hmm, industry chain display is a bit weird for houses.
18:09:41 <petern> The current code says only passengers and mail are accepted.
18:11:07 <petern> But there's also goods & food, or even candy, fuzzy drinks in toyland.
18:11:15 <TrueBrain> but, if nobody disagrees on #10723, approve? ๐Ÿ˜„ Means I can press some other buttons ๐Ÿ˜›
18:12:01 <petern> I don't even know what it changse
18:12:33 <TrueBrain> mostly that future commits don't break CI when they add a library or something .. like one of my drafts is doing ๐Ÿ˜„
18:13:13 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] rubidium42 approved pull request #10723: Change: [CI] Use a custom name for matrix runs
18:13:22 <TrueBrain> cheers Rubidium!
18:15:13 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] TrueBrain merged pull request #10723: Change: [CI] Use a custom name for matrix runs
18:15:16 <TrueBrain> happy rebase ๐Ÿ™‚
18:15:54 <Brickblock1> EmperorJake: Wouldn't under be better? Or both
18:15:59 <Rubidium_> glx[d]: would you care to have a look why causes the timeout? I have run it on my Windows computer with MSVC, but cannot reproduce it with either debug or release build
18:16:48 <Brickblock1> andythenorth: Isn't the limit only 64?
18:18:02 <TrueBrain> you even bothered to use a Windows computer, and you couldn't reproduce? Damn, that is nasty ๐Ÿ˜›
18:18:25 <Rubidium_> or I'm doing something stupid
18:20:38 <TrueBrain> `StrCompareNaturally` it keeps feeling strange, `naturally` .. I know it is natural sort, but sort naturally has a weird ring to it ๐Ÿ˜›
18:20:42 <TrueBrain> might just be my brain ๐Ÿ˜„
18:20:52 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] TrueBrain dismissed a review for pull request #10709: Remove: buying/selling/owning company shares
18:20:55 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] TrueBrain updated pull request #10709: Remove: buying/selling/owning company shares
18:21:09 <petern> StrNaturalCompare
18:26:16 <TrueBrain> Rubidium_: hmm, regression fails for me because it is missing a language pack .. but I am guessing that is because I didn't run a magic command first ๐Ÿ™‚
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18:29:37 <TrueBrain> maybe I should try master first ... ๐Ÿ˜„
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18:32:12 <TrueBrain> ah, that works; so yeah, Rubidium, that seems to be the issue ๐Ÿ˜› It cannot find language packs
18:36:36 <TrueBrain> running the game seems to work fine; so it is only an issue when the regression starts
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18:39:25 <andythenorth> Brickblock1: no idea ๐Ÿ™‚
18:40:05 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] DorpsGek pushed 1 commits to master
18:40:06 <DorpsGek> - Update: Translations from eints (by translators)
18:47:23 <TrueBrain> Rubidium: if I change the `name.size()` to `-1`, it works
18:47:36 <TrueBrain> sadly, I cannot debug the function, as it is called before the debug console appears ๐Ÿ˜„
18:49:24 <TrueBrain> `If this parameter is set to a positive integer, the function processes exactly the specified number of bytes. If the provided size does not include a terminating null character, the resulting Unicode string is not null-terminated, and the returned length does not include this character.`
18:49:30 <TrueBrain> might be related, the part about null termination
18:49:57 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] rubidium42 updated pull request #10727: Codechange: introduce C++ string accepting case insensitive string comparisons
18:50:03 <TrueBrain> yeah, `size() + 1` solves the issue
18:50:19 <TrueBrain> so .. please null-terminate your strings? ๐Ÿ˜„
18:50:38 <LordAro> easier said than done with string_view :p
18:50:45 <TrueBrain> yup
18:50:58 <TrueBrain> but that is a Rubidium problem, not a me problem ๐Ÿ™‚
18:51:12 <TrueBrain> also explains why it sometimes works, and sometimes doesn't ... depends on what was in the variable it is using to write the output to ๐Ÿ™‚
18:52:01 <TrueBrain> I guess adding `system_buf[len] = '\0'` might also do the trick
18:52:37 <TrueBrain> it does
18:53:02 <TrueBrain> so yeah, fully by spec, that it fails ๐Ÿ˜„
18:54:21 <TrueBrain> I guess that means `OTTD2FS` might also not always be doing what we hope
18:54:44 <TrueBrain> well, enough MSVC for me, brr, this scares me
18:55:42 <TrueBrain> I hope you enjoyed our service today; the bill will be send to the address on file
18:55:42 <TrueBrain> ๐Ÿ˜›
18:56:22 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] PeterN updated pull request #10726: Fix: Moving cargo definition slots prevents normal town/industry behaviour.
18:56:42 <TrueBrain> I don't like the Windows way of building .. `openttd.exe` is in the `Debug` folder, and works fine, unless you use `-x -c ..` .. then it can't find the language files, what-ever I try ..
18:56:55 <TrueBrain> I need to copy the file in the root, than it does work .. what-ever Windows .. I am happy with my Linux ๐Ÿ™‚
18:57:01 <TrueBrain> (well, WSL, but who is counting)
18:57:25 <petern> Fake Linux
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19:03:39 <petern> andythenorth: do you happen to have an industry NewGRF that disables one or more of the default town-accepting cargos...?
19:03:53 <andythenorth> I can make one....
19:04:34 <andythenorth> petern: FIRS 4.15.1 disables goods in Steeltown economy
19:04:38 <andythenorth> is that enough?
19:04:42 <petern> Yeah probably
19:04:50 <andythenorth> I can nerf pax or mail and send you a grf if you need
19:06:53 <petern> Nah
19:07:17 <petern>
19:07:17 <petern> Master...
19:07:22 <petern> Well actually 13.1
19:07:51 <Eddi|zuHause> there was recently an issue in the forum where a grf put those cargos on non-default cargo slots
19:07:51 <petern> Urgh, something is wrong with my build set up, feels like it's running about 400 compilers at once
19:08:03 <Eddi|zuHause> is this whole thing a response to that?
19:08:04 <petern> there was recently an issue where I looked at the forum.
19:08:41 <Eddi|zuHause>
19:08:51 <petern>
19:08:51 <petern> PR #10726
19:11:06 <petern>
19:11:18 <petern> Eddi, but it's long been something I was meaning to look at, but always forgot.
19:13:33 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] PeterN commented on pull request #10726: Fix: Moving cargo definition slots prevents normal town/industry behaviour.
19:13:34 <Eddi|zuHause> just wanted to throw that in, in case you needed another example that you might have missed
19:14:04 <petern> Yeah, that is what I was looking at.
19:15:05 <petern> Looks like they're using an old version of OpenTTD though with those super-chunky cargo lines.
19:15:30 <petern> (Not that that affects this)
19:22:26 <Eddi|zuHause> well, it sounds like a thing that should have been done 10 years ago
19:23:02 <petern> That probably sounds more derogatory than you meant.
19:23:15 <Eddi|zuHause> that happens, yes.
19:23:37 <petern> But then, there was my comment early about memes...
19:24:53 <andythenorth> I'm a meme
19:25:08 <andythenorth> hmm recycling day
19:26:02 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] 2TallTyler approved pull request #10709: Remove: buying/selling/owning company shares
19:27:47 <petern> I think this might fail if a NewGRF sets up a house or industry but doesn't change any cargo... as the mapping won't be applied.
19:31:28 *** TallTyler has joined #openttd
19:31:28 <TallTyler> Take a look at what Improved Town Industries does (sorry). It ditches Mail and puts Waste in ID 2 instead so houses generate it. Also planes carry it, but thatโ€™s unintentional.
19:31:40 <petern> Sorry?
19:31:57 <petern> Why sorry? ๐Ÿ™‚
19:32:00 <TallTyler> Sorry for doing stupid things with quirks in GRF spec ๐Ÿ˜›
19:32:06 <glx[d]> weird ctest says "no language files", but when I debug it with `-x -c regression/regression.cfg -g ai/regression/test.sav -Q` it's fine
19:32:07 <TallTyler> If you break it I wonโ€™t mind though
19:32:15 <petern> I think it'll probably fix it.
19:32:22 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] Brickblock1 commented on pull request #10585: Fix #10574 -- revert the change and don't list unavailable road types to game script.
19:33:38 <petern> Houses accepting coal is expected?
19:33:52 <Brickblock1> petern: It would fix one thing and break another
19:33:57 <petern> 1950s...
19:33:58 <Brickblock1> petern: yes
19:34:41 <petern> What will break?
19:34:42 <Eddi|zuHause> i think the never released MB house set had coal accepted by houses
19:35:23 <petern> Ah you want houses to produce waste.
19:35:24 <petern> Hmm
19:36:12 <petern> Being able to specify what buildings produce would be handy.
19:36:19 <Brickblock1> still possible but has to be done with a callback
19:36:28 <petern> Hmm yes.
19:36:37 <petern> Good point, already possible with a callback.
19:36:54 <glx[d]> and it also run fine if I add -s -m and -v
19:37:40 <petern> Banks accept paper... you can just print money? ๐Ÿ˜„
19:39:06 <Rubidium_> glx, if you're looking into the convert_to_fs stuff, then TB already found the reason and I committed a solution that at least does not fail the regression test
19:39:57 <petern> andythenorth: , Eddi, damn that pesky spacebar :p
19:44:16 <glx[d]> I'm looking at #10728, which should still fail according to github
19:44:42 <glx[d]> (well regression fails for me, but not when running manually)
19:44:53 <Rubidium_> I didn't push the fix there yet
19:45:22 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] rubidium42 updated pull request #10728: Codechange: introduce C++ string accepting natural string comparison
19:45:46 <glx[d]> it's annoying when regression and normal run started exactly like regression have a different behaviour
19:49:49 <glx[d]> I even tried in terminal, cd into ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR} (as it's the working dir for the test, and started regression_regression.exe with the exact same args
19:51:39 <TrueBrain> yeah, I had the same issue ...
19:51:49 <TrueBrain> from powershell I couldn't change the working directory or something it seems
19:51:57 <TrueBrain> I didn't understand .. Windows .. ugh ๐Ÿ˜›
19:52:11 <glx[d]> it's cd
19:52:45 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] rubidium42 opened pull request #10729: Codechange: use fmt::format_to to populate some messages instead of seprintf
19:59:41 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] rubidium42 updated pull request #10667: Codechange: Use more std::string in fios land
20:02:50 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] rubidium42 commented on pull request #10667: Codechange: Use more std::string in fios land
20:04:40 <andythenorth> petern: I would find more lolz if it was more than 4 hours sleep ๐Ÿ˜›
20:04:46 <andythenorth> I mean it's all lolz
20:05:14 <andythenorth> but what I find increasingly shocking is the idea that mods aren't updateable ๐Ÿ˜›
20:05:20 <andythenorth> or may never be allowed to die
20:13:48 <pickpacket> Iโ€™ve updated my mod a couple of times. Havenโ€™t uploaded the latest version yet. Mulling it over a bit to see if thereโ€™s anything else Iโ€™d like to change/add/fix while Iโ€™m at it
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20:17:22 <petern> Did you put tea in to the mail slot for lols?
20:24:11 <TallTyler> I keep approving #10709 (remove shares) when it gets rebased and dismissed. Who wants to click the big green button? ๐Ÿ˜›
20:36:44 <pickpacket> petern: no, but now that you mention itโ€ฆ ๐Ÿ˜‰
20:37:10 <pickpacket> The only change I made was to add a name to nearby stations ๐Ÿ™‚
20:37:11 <petern> Don't, it'll break things ๐Ÿ˜„
20:37:47 <pickpacket> Which is such a tiny change that uploading a new version for just that feels unwarranted
20:38:06 <glx[d]> argh, touching english.text means almost full rebuild
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20:40:37 <Rubidium_> primarily because of the language file checksum that gets written into table/strings.h
20:42:41 <glx[d]> well I'm replacing strings so
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21:07:25 <petern> /* Resort every 10 days */
21:07:25 <petern> this->resort_timer = DAY_TICKS * 10;
21:07:35 <petern> Uh oh
21:09:13 <TrueBrain> TallTyler: give it two more days
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21:09:26 <petern> It is, of course, barely called in the right place.
21:09:27 <TrueBrain> I will merge it then ๐Ÿ™‚ Enough time for people to form a negative opinion abou tit ๐Ÿ™‚
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21:11:18 <TallTyler> Iโ€™m surprised we havenโ€™t gotten any comments yet
21:11:33 <TallTyler> Maybe that happens after merge ๐Ÿ™‚
21:13:21 <andythenorth> have you told reddit and forums?
21:14:46 <LordAro> couldn't hurt
21:14:54 <LordAro> actually, that's not true at all
21:15:08 <LordAro> but more opinions might be worthwhile
21:18:53 <TrueBrain> well, the variety in upvotes on the PR itself is surprising
21:18:59 <TrueBrain> so it might just be a good idea ๐Ÿ˜›
21:19:09 <TrueBrain> but yeah, give it a few more days, and I will merge it, no worries ๐Ÿ™‚
21:24:41 <Rubidium_> ugh... I'm building myself an ever growing tangle of related branches and subsequently PRs
21:24:47 <Rubidium_> stupid rabbit holes
21:36:16 <glx[d]> I removed 9 colored strings
21:36:53 <glx[d]> like STR_BLACK_COMMA and similar
21:37:25 <petern> GET OUT
21:37:45 <petern>
21:37:54 <glx[d]> hehe
21:38:39 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] rubidium42 updated pull request #10729: Codechange: use fmt::format_to to populate some messages instead of seprintf
21:40:12 <glx[d]> I like this one
21:42:39 <glx[d]> petern: so maybe I should just stop and let you PR ๐Ÿ™‚
21:42:57 <TrueBrain> if we wait for petern to make a PR of every patch he has .... we will be here for a while ๐Ÿ˜„
21:43:17 <TrueBrain> โค๏ธ
21:43:51 <glx[d]> at first I though about using {COLOUR} for that, but it was just better to remove them
21:44:15 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] rubidium42 opened pull request #10730: Fix: FormatArrayAsHex returns gibberish instead of a hex array
21:45:57 <glx[d]> all of your recent PRs share commits ๐Ÿ˜‰
21:46:21 <petern> It's like header interdependency but PRs.
21:46:23 <Rubidium_> yep... :(
21:46:53 <Rubidium_> I've got it branches 4 deep locally
21:47:14 <Rubidium_> well, maybe even 5
21:47:50 <petern> So I made sortlist_type.h (GUIList, because yeah, file naming) have an IntervalTimer, but without a way to specify what happens when it elapses it's a bit pointless.
21:48:14 <petern> stash for later :p
21:48:45 <TrueBrain> Rubidium: but the last PR can just be a single commit, not?
21:49:08 <petern> Rubidium didn't get highest committer count by squashing it all ๐Ÿ˜‰
21:50:23 <Rubidium_> it could, iff I could be arsed to have two branches create the file for unit tests for string functions
21:50:51 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] PeterN opened pull request #10731: Change: Remove some tiny/colour strings
21:51:15 <petern> glx[d]: that's where I got.
21:53:00 <glx[d]> you have a little more than me ๐Ÿ™‚
21:53:39 <glx[d]> maybe I should add some commits to your branch instead
21:55:50 <petern> Can do, or just take bits as needed. Although as the PR is there now, makes sense to add/edit that.
21:57:21 <glx[d]> yeah it's just a starting point, there are so many strings starting with a colour tag that could just use the right colour in DrawString call
21:57:32 <petern> Yup
21:57:38 <petern> Also some that are a bit more awkward though.
21:57:57 <petern> Setting colour is very important when getting string dimensions...
21:58:11 <glx[d]> and many duplicates just because the starting colour is different
22:00:16 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] PeterN updated pull request #10674: Change: Split Game options into General, Base sets, Video tabs.
22:01:58 <glx[d]> oh it doesn't build
22:03:09 <petern> Ah, I probably just committed whatever I had before switching to something else.
22:03:15 <petern> "TC_SMALL" heh no
22:06:15 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] PeterN commented on pull request #10674: Change: Split Game options into General, Graphics, and Sound tabs.
22:11:04 <petern> Recompiling 10731 now before I force push.
22:17:36 <petern> Need to add a fontsize NWidgetPart to go along with SetTextColour()
22:18:00 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] glx22 updated pull request #10687: Codechange: Simplify drawing of timetables
22:18:08 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] PeterN updated pull request #10731: Change: Remove some tiny/colour strings
22:25:19 <glx[d]> weird nmlc is asserting now I switched back to my nml branch
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22:27:20 <glx[d]> oups I had a change in nml source
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22:41:26 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] glx22 updated pull request #10725: Codechange: [CMake] Switch GRF generation from NFO to NML
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23:25:37 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] glx22 updated pull request #10731: Change: Remove some tiny/colour strings
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