IRC logs for #openttd on OFTC at 2023-02-26
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01:47:10 <JohnFranklin> I think "Timber" is from the last letter of the first name and all but the first letter of the last name
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04:29:57 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/team] narf9995 opened issue #404: [en_US] Translator access request
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05:55:07 <FruitSalad> What happened to the resolution in 13.0? Everything is higher resolution
06:46:54 <Rubidium> FruitSalad: is it the resolution that changed, or have things in the UI become bigger? That might have been support for scaling the UI components, and under Game Options there is an Interface scale where you can adjust that. By default it takes the scaling from the OS' configured scaling
08:38:17 *** Wolf01 has joined #openttd
08:40:29 <andythenorth> users endlessly confused by content
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09:44:46 <TrueBrain> poor user
09:45:02 <TrueBrain> if only I had more time, I would implement presets .. 😛
09:45:30 <andythenorth> I don't know what we can do to aid understanding
09:45:46 <TrueBrain> presets!
09:45:57 <andythenorth> not sure that helps this case
09:46:10 <andythenorth> the problem is that they are confused between industries and trains
09:46:25 <TrueBrain> yes; so bundle it, and just offer a total package 🙂
09:46:28 <TrueBrain> means they don't have to understand
09:46:38 <andythenorth> hmm dunno 🙂
09:46:42 <andythenorth> presets yes, including GS 😛
09:46:44 <andythenorth> for personal reasons
09:46:58 <andythenorth> but I wonder if I can just improve the FIRS description in this case
09:47:01 <andythenorth>
09:47:11 <andythenorth> it's maybe not obvious what it does?
09:47:35 <TrueBrain> it doesn't mention there are no vehicles included 😛
09:48:39 <andythenorth> the website mentions vehicles
09:48:46 <andythenorth> maybe they read that and misunderstood
09:49:21 <TrueBrain> nobody reads a website when being ingame
09:50:04 <TrueBrain> I do like the reddit post .. "the" trains were not included
09:50:20 <TrueBrain> as with vanilla you can refit fine to all your weird little cargoes, not?
09:50:28 <andythenorth> yes
09:50:39 <andythenorth> I think our mods are incredibly hard to understand
09:50:42 <andythenorth> I see it being explained a lot
09:50:50 <TrueBrain> so maybe the user saw someone playing, and wanted to replicate that
09:50:54 <andythenorth> plausibly yes
09:50:57 <andythenorth> or a video
09:51:02 <TrueBrain> the post is seriously lacking context to make any conclusions on
09:51:53 <andythenorth> ok back to writing GS 😛
09:53:42 <TrueBrain> ah, NRS didn't make it in the newgrf wiki yet, I see
09:57:11 *** Samu has joined #openttd
10:00:43 <TrueBrain> right, and these GRFs use action14 to map features .. hmm ..
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10:07:38 <FLHerne> frosch: Why would a tiny heightmap make no sense?
10:07:58 <FLHerne> you could have a 64x64 game set on a very pointy mountain
10:09:10 <andythenorth> oof I wish I knew what caused hotkeys.cfg to be reverte
10:09:50 <andythenorth> maybe I leave it open in my editor or something
10:11:20 <TrueBrain> `Road Stops Extension] set=road-station,palette=8bpp,has-high-res=False,has-sound-effects=False`
10:12:01 <TrueBrain> maybe a bit odd name .. but we already had rail-station 😛
10:13:56 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] Limyx826 opened pull request #10512: Add Coding Style into the repo for easier access, also add vscode into gitignore and SGD currency
10:14:08 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/bananas-api] TrueBrain opened pull request #333: Add: support feature-mapping and classify road-stop sets correctly
10:15:53 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] TrueBrain commented on pull request #10512: Doc: Add Coding Style into the repo for easier access, also add vscode into gitignore and SGD currency
10:17:33 <andythenorth> ok how do I open a story page from a GSText?
10:17:39 * andythenorth reads openttd src
10:18:09 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/bananas-api] TrueBrain commented on pull request #332: Add: classify heightmaps with the information we can extract from it
10:19:32 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] Limyx826 updated pull request #10512: Doc: Add Coding Style into the repo for easier access, also add vscode into gitignore and SGD currency
10:20:48 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/bananas-api] TrueBrain commented on pull request #332: Add: classify heightmaps with the information we can extract from it
10:21:19 <andythenorth> hmm
10:21:30 <andythenorth> I don't see the control code for opening a story page in src/table/control_codes.h
10:25:10 <andythenorth> closest thing looks like a commit for opening story page by clicking on goal text
10:25:11 <andythenorth>
10:25:45 <andythenorth> but I want to do the thing where the story page can be opened from arbitrary text
10:26:18 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] Limyx826 updated pull request #10512: Doc: Add Coding Style into the repo for easier access, also add vscode into gitignore and SGD currency
10:26:57 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] FLHerne commented on pull request #10512: Doc: Add Coding Style into the repo for easier access, also add vscode into gitignore and SGD currency
10:28:46 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] Limyx826 commented on pull request #10512: Doc: Add Coding Style into the repo for easier access, also add vscode into gitignore and SGD currency
10:30:14 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] FLHerne commented on pull request #10512: Doc: Add Coding Style into the repo for easier access, also add vscode into gitignore
10:31:40 <andythenorth>
10:31:40 <andythenorth> This is faked, but eh
10:31:50 <TrueBrain> I want to tell you a story
10:31:52 <TrueBrain> once upon a time
10:31:54 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] FLHerne commented on pull request #10512: Doc: Add Coding Style into the repo for easier access, also add vscode into gitignore
10:31:55 <TrueBrain> I was a little town
10:31:56 <andythenorth> "Let me tell you a story"
10:32:05 <TrueBrain> but then andythenorth showed up
10:32:08 <TrueBrain> and ruined everything
10:32:12 <TrueBrain> 😛 ❤️
10:34:12 <TrueBrain> okay, analysing all heightmaps went from 19m to 12m, by writing slightly smarter Python code .. funny how that goes 🙂
10:34:48 <Azusa> what is this heightmap parser supposed to do?
10:34:57 <TrueBrain> create a histogram 🙂
10:35:35 <Azusa> and what does the histogram show?
10:35:54 <TrueBrain> writing a classifier for heightmaps, so we can guide users a bit more what they are about to download
10:36:03 <TrueBrain> one of the ideas is to get an idea of terrain-type
10:37:02 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/bananas-api] TrueBrain commented on pull request #332: Add: classify heightmaps with the information we can extract from it
10:37:15 <FLHerne> TrueBrain: is the code somewhere? oh good timing
10:37:42 <TrueBrain> so the histogram shows the amount of tiles at a certain height for the heightmap, to get a bit of feel with it
10:38:21 <andythenorth> ok so it seems the way to get the town story is
10:38:21 <andythenorth> - user opens the story book, and goes to a 'choose town...' page
10:38:21 <andythenorth> - user clicks a 'choose tile' button
10:38:21 <andythenorth> - user uses the tile picker to choose a tile
10:38:21 <andythenorth> - GS handles the event
10:38:22 <andythenorth> - GS parses the tile type, and extracts the town from it
10:38:22 <andythenorth> - GS opens the story page for that town
10:38:47 <dP> for the variety checks that you do simply calculating standard deviation would probably suffice
10:39:51 <andythenorth>
10:39:51 <andythenorth> does this make sense, especially to non-native English speakers?
10:40:14 <Azusa> I guess this is also affected by the max height level an individual player sets when loading heightmaps to? since anything can be "flat" if you the "heighest peak" setting is low enough
10:40:34 <TrueBrain> hihi, you are the 3rd to bring that up 😄 But no, these are classifications of the heightmap itself
10:40:50 <TrueBrain> I mentioned yesterday this example: a movie can be 4k, but if you play it on 1080p, it doesn't mean the movie is still 4k
10:41:27 <TrueBrain> similar here. Yes, with in-game generation based on the heightmap you can do all kinds of funky things .. doesn't mean the heightmap has certain characteristics 🙂
10:41:56 <FLHerne> isn't still 4k?
10:42:24 <TrueBrain> the negation already happened at "doesn't" 😛
10:42:46 <FLHerne> one negation doesn't make sense to me
10:43:01 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] Limyx826 updated pull request #10512: Doc: Add Coding Style into the repo for easier access, also add vscode into gitignore
10:43:08 <TrueBrain> pretty sure you can figure it out FLHerne 😉
10:43:39 <andythenorth> ugh that town window text has can't use `'`
10:44:06 <dP> TrueBrain: if you can put gasoline in a fast car doesn't mean your gasoline is fast :p
10:44:07 <FLHerne> TrueBrain: yeah, I'm just a pedant
10:44:17 <dP> you can make both flat and mountaneous out of any heightmap
10:44:23 <TrueBrain> FLHerne: and I just have no clue what is "correct english" anymore 😄
10:44:29 <TrueBrain> as long as we understand each other 🙂
10:44:30 <dP> well, except absolutely flat one ofc
10:45:08 <TrueBrain> yesterday I said "almost pregnant" while the correct phrasing is "a bit pregnant", that one still cracks me up
10:45:11 <FLHerne> TrueBrain: if you remember from the standardised text style debate, no-one seems to agree anyway
10:45:19 <andythenorth> lol town noise limits, how do I hide that crap?
10:45:33 <andythenorth> pointless string in town window
10:46:21 <FLHerne> I still remember that the wiki had both "Coding Style" and "Coding style" with different recommendations
10:46:24 <andythenorth> is there some setting to remove it?
10:46:25 <FLHerne> most ironic thing ever
10:46:33 <TrueBrain> ugh, I so want to add a prerender for heightmaps .. this is so annoying to see what a heightmap is actually going to look like ..
10:46:43 <TrueBrain> FLHerne: lolzzzz
10:46:45 <andythenorth> lambdas
10:47:19 <andythenorth>
10:47:19 <andythenorth> oh lol can't get rid of the town noise limit string
10:47:24 <andythenorth> if I do that I only get 2 airports
10:47:26 <andythenorth> WTF?
10:47:33 <andythenorth> why is this a thing?
10:47:41 <TrueBrain> ReAlIsM, duh
10:47:42 <andythenorth> I mean's because nobody is perfect
10:47:59 <andythenorth> I bet it's fixed in JGRPP
10:48:01 <andythenorth> let's look
10:48:16 <JGR> I don't use air transport at all in my personal games
10:48:42 <andythenorth> actually not fixed
10:48:42 <dP> andythenorth: coz ttd loves forcing "fun" game mechanics on players 😜
10:49:22 <JGR> If the town won't let you build an airport, just build it further away and make it a parkway/interchange station
10:50:03 <andythenorth> so I have the choice of
10:50:03 <andythenorth> (A) 2 airports
10:50:03 <andythenorth> (B) airports up to the noise limits
10:50:03 <andythenorth> (C) as many airports as I want by loading a grf, but then I get a pointless town string
10:50:10 <andythenorth> which doesn't even mention airports as the source of noice
10:50:19 <andythenorth> trains are also noisy and trucks
10:50:26 <andythenorth> some towns ban operations between certain hours
10:50:37 <andythenorth> why is this stuff not just GS?
10:50:43 <andythenorth> oh wait, players hate having to add content
10:51:28 <JGR> GSs are orders of magnitude more cumbersome than settings
10:51:39 <andythenorth> only because we've made them so 😦
10:51:46 <andythenorth> in the interests of some weird 'balance'
10:51:59 <JGR> If you add a setting, it Just Works™
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10:52:02 <Fairy> Clearly we need a setting to determine "airports per town", going from 'noise level' to '999' or something
10:52:34 <andythenorth> it's funny doing GS, every time I make a step forward, it's just stepping on the next landmine
10:55:14 <TrueBrain> also funny how you only now find out game mechanics from .. 1994? 😛
10:56:16 <andythenorth> I got OpenGFX+ Airports years ago to get rid of this crap 🙂
10:56:32 <andythenorth> and I usually ignore towns
10:57:11 <andythenorth> can you imagine the strong feedback we'd get if we just deleted half the gameplay additions?
10:57:14 <andythenorth> and moved them to script?
10:57:27 <andythenorth> we'd probably split the community 😐
10:57:59 <andythenorth> inflation, noise limits, town growth rates, smooth vs frozen economy
10:58:03 <TrueBrain> `LtJoker's Hilly Landmass] shape=square,resolution=high,terrain-type=very-flat` .. lol .. some names are just misleading 😄
10:58:21 <TrueBrain> 93% of the landmass is at a single heightlevel 🙂
11:11:34 <Samu> league table header or footer, or both, should be able to be updated
11:11:50 <Samu> i want for example, add the current date in the header
11:12:13 <Samu> because some score updates take just too long to calculate
11:13:34 <Samu> "ranking of companies with best vehicle profit, as of this_date
11:14:27 <Samu> now that i think of it, even the date would be wrong
11:14:45 <Samu> but that's my problem then
11:19:07 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/bananas-api] TrueBrain updated pull request #332: Add: classify heightmaps with the information we can extract from it
11:19:13 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/BaNaNaS] TrueBrain opened pull request #126: Feature: add classification for every heightmap upload
11:25:25 *** D-HUND is now known as debdog
11:36:24 <petern> andythenorth: Probably original gameplay
11:36:32 <andythenorth> Samu how often are you trying to calculate that ranking?
11:37:59 <Samu> non-stop
11:38:57 <andythenorth> why?
11:39:16 <andythenorth> it's just going to run behind?
11:39:31 <andythenorth> the more often you try and calculate it, probably the further behind it will get?
11:43:43 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] hack3ric opened pull request #10513: Fix: build on platforms without native atomic
11:43:57 <andythenorth> Samu current profit, or last year?
11:44:13 <Samu> the sum of both, there's lots of computation before coming with a score
11:44:28 <Samu> i can show u the code
11:44:59 <Samu> think i can upload it to github, now that i think of, it's not finished yet though
11:46:55 <andythenorth> are you trying to use this for real gameplay effect, or to test GS performance?
11:51:45 <Samu>
11:52:28 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] rubidium42 opened issue #10514: [Bug]: Inconsistent (partial) Z
11:53:19 <Rubidium> that is a *huge* rabbit hole :(
11:55:46 <Rubidium> it needs some further thinking and tinkering though, to get to a reasonable and especially consistent and coherent state
12:00:00 <petern> hack3ricviaGitHub: This took a few days...
12:10:35 <dP> rubidium42viaGitHub: does that affect paths that vehicles actually use?
12:10:47 <dP> it's not like they're offroading
12:12:03 <dP> those were probably made just to look good anyway
12:13:07 <dP> anyway looks way better than x/y situation as I remember it
12:13:17 <andythenorth> Samu how often do you need to update the league table?
12:13:22 <andythenorth> monthly would seem to be enough?
12:13:32 <dP> last time I tried I couldn't even make a continuous path out of subtile coords xD
12:14:31 <Samu> sometimes takes more than a month
12:14:43 <dP> for road vehs that is, for trains it's doable
12:15:25 <Samu> I test tons of companies + vehicles + stations
12:15:32 <dP> Samu: well, add them ;)
12:15:42 <dP> I just did the bare minimum of league functions
12:15:54 <dP> did'n quite want to turn it into full gui editor xD
12:16:33 <andythenorth> it's a shame we have to deal with game state 😛
12:16:42 <andythenorth> otherwise all the stats could go on another thread
12:17:12 <dP> they kind of can anyway if they're readonly
12:17:42 <andythenorth> they'll diverge
12:17:56 <andythenorth> Samu will find that the stats are 60 days behind or so
12:17:59 <dP> though whole GS is kind of read-only...
12:18:23 <andythenorth> lol, run GS on a thread, with an outdated copy of game state? 🙂
12:18:39 <andythenorth> and then run commands to the other thread to change actual state?
12:19:10 <dP> copying game state will probably make it pointless
12:19:23 <dP> you either need to give up on state consistency
12:19:39 <dP> or do whatever that thing was called that postgres does...
12:20:09 <andythenorth> I was giving up on consistency 😛
12:20:38 <dP> dP: stm, transactional memory
12:21:15 <andythenorth> I didn't look why Samu's code is so slow...
12:22:12 <Samu> the amount of computation for an element + score ->
12:22:29 <Samu> multiply by the numer of companies
12:22:42 <Samu> i think that one is the worst case
12:23:03 <Samu> but in reality, road vehicles are the worst case
12:23:16 <andythenorth> oh it seems to walk a lot of infra?
12:23:17 <Samu> AIs just mass road vehicles
12:25:15 <andythenorth> you walk all vehicles, then all orders to find stations, then all vehicles again?
12:25:22 <andythenorth> I didn't read properly, might be wrong
12:26:15 <Samu> i walk all stations first, then count the number of airport pieces
12:26:28 <andythenorth> how often?
12:26:29 <Samu> then check which airport has loading vehicles
12:26:50 <andythenorth> a lot of this will not change very often
12:26:58 <andythenorth> airports aren't frequently constructed
12:27:06 <Samu> then on another list, i check which of the loading has the highest cargo rating
12:28:43 <Samu> it's not optimal
12:28:58 <Samu> but it works! slowly
12:32:29 <andythenorth> I really don't get squirrel
12:33:14 <andythenorth> seems I've picked up a pattern of defining functions for a module by pushing them into table slots
12:33:26 <andythenorth> it's a very strange language
12:34:38 <andythenorth> there's no way to know if what I'm doing is pythonic or not
12:34:55 <andythenorth> and the squirrel 3 docs show examples for different patterns
12:35:03 <andythenorth> but then another page gives performance warnings about some of them
12:35:10 <andythenorth> and we're on squirrel 2 anyway 😛
12:44:51 <dP> best squirrel pattern is not to use squirrel
12:56:00 <andythenorth> well
12:56:17 <andythenorth> I have to write some squirrel so I can template it from python
13:12:35 <andythenorth> ugh
13:12:40 <andythenorth> name conflations
13:12:44 <andythenorth> industry type is a class
13:12:55 <andythenorth> but industry type is the numeric ID of the industry class, local to the script
13:19:59 <andythenorth> also do we know if copying refs into slots bloats RAM use or not?
13:25:23 *** garlic_bread42 has joined #openttd
13:25:23 <garlic_bread42> Quick question on Bananas and compatibility. If i want a grf to be compatible with 13.0 upwards, it's not 1.3.0 is it?
13:35:28 <FLHerne> garlic_bread42: no, 1.3.0 is years ago
13:35:32 <Timberwolf> JohnFranklin: it's from a poster of timberwolves we had in our university house, I needed a name for an IRC network and that was the first thing I happened to look at :D
13:35:38 <FLHerne> (did someone forget to add 13.0?)
13:36:28 <Xarick>
13:36:28 <Xarick> ScriptVehicleList_Station::ScriptVehicleList_Station is slow
13:36:41 <garlic_bread42> i might've forgotten yeah. Thanks for the help though :)
13:37:08 <TrueBrain> garlic_bread42: `>= 13.0` will work just fine 🙂
13:37:45 <FLHerne> garlic_bread42: I meant, I wondered if you were considering 1.3.0 because some list of options didn't have 13.0
13:38:25 <TrueBrain> FLHerne: clearly you haven't uploaded anything on BaNaNaS for the last few years 😄
13:38:25 <Samu> has anyone tried CoronaAI?
13:38:31 <FLHerne> TrueBrain: very true
13:38:40 <TrueBrain> there are no dropdowns 🙂
13:38:54 <TrueBrain> (anymore)
13:38:58 <FLHerne> for a different project I'm involved with, the bugzilla has a version dropdown and we always forget to add new release versions to that
13:38:59 <garlic_bread42> i just wasn't sure and wanted to ask before chaning anything in a live system.
13:39:00 <Samu> CoronaAI has these hiccups caused by ScriptVehicleList_Station::ScriptVehicleList_Station
13:39:16 <FLHerne> 1.3.0 released April 1st 2013 fwiw
13:39:19 <TrueBrain> FLHerne: we used to have that, and that annoyed me. So we made it into a free text field, with validation 🙂
13:39:20 <Samu> the more vehicles in the world, the slower it gets
13:48:24 <andythenorth> agh I frigging hate Squirrel
13:48:25 <andythenorth> `local industry_type_monitors = array();`
13:48:28 <andythenorth> what is invalid about that?
13:48:54 <Xarick> local industry_type_monitorts = [];
13:49:04 <andythenorth> why?
13:49:19 <Xarick> typo
13:49:19 <andythenorth> squirrel docs say `array()` is a valid keyword constructor
13:49:37 <Xarick> i think array needs to specify the size
13:49:49 <andythenorth> lol I have to size the fucking array
13:49:50 <andythenorth> what a joke
13:50:04 <JGR> Squirrel is not Python
13:50:06 <Xarick> array(0) will work
13:50:13 <andythenorth> if it's not a proper higher level language why does it pretend?
13:50:17 <andythenorth> I fucking hate this
13:50:24 <JGR> Why are you doing it?
13:50:27 <TrueBrain> I see andythenorth is not in the best of moods ..
13:50:49 <andythenorth> JGR: it's all we have for script?
13:51:13 <andythenorth> TrueBrain: probably just hunger rage, haven't had lunch 🙂
13:51:17 <Xarick>
13:51:17 <Xarick> corona ai causing these hiccups due to ScriptVehicleList_Station::ScriptVehicleList_Station
13:51:24 <TrueBrain> andythenorth: make go take lunch 🙂
13:52:25 <TrueBrain> make? maybe ..
13:52:28 <TrueBrain> wow .. typing .. hard ...
13:54:56 <Samu> how do i improve function?
13:57:37 <andythenorth> ok so `array(0)` does work, squirrel 2 seems to need it sized when constructed
13:57:50 <andythenorth>
13:57:50 <andythenorth> the error message was excellent
13:58:16 <TrueBrain> `Global symbols - array(size,[fill]) - create and returns array of a specified size.if the optional parameter fill is specified its value will be used to fill the new array's slots. If the fill paramter is omitted null is used instead. `
13:58:16 <TrueBrain> Is what is in the manual, yes
13:58:31 <andythenorth> the failure is mine, squirrel 3 is not squirrel 2
13:58:53 <andythenorth> happens a lot when googling
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14:17:31 <Samu> lol CoronaAI is only 334 lines of code
14:18:13 <Samu> needs to replace AIVehicleList_Station to an equivalent
14:19:08 <Samu> something that won't peg cpu usage
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15:03:13 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/bananas-api] frosch123 commented on pull request #333: Add: support feature-mapping and classify road-stop sets correctly
15:06:52 <petern> They're using a voice channel but all muted, perfect.
15:07:04 <TrueBrain> I assumed if it would land in upstream it would be 0x14, but I guess that is too much of a gamble for now 😄
15:07:09 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/bananas-api] frosch123 commented on pull request #333: Add: support feature-mapping and classify road-stop sets correctly
15:07:34 <petern> TrueBrain: First come first served.
15:08:02 <TrueBrain> You expect another feature to land earlier? 😄
15:08:51 <frosch> WASM-GS 🙂
15:09:15 <TrueBrain> NewGRF action feature
15:09:24 <TrueBrain> Not OpenTTD feature
15:09:34 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/bananas-api] LordAro commented on pull request #332: Add: classify heightmaps with the information we can extract from it
15:10:12 <TrueBrain> Pfff, I am not even allowed to be creative now LordAro?! :p nice catch .. CoPilot at play 😄
15:14:46 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/bananas-api] frosch123 commented on pull request #332: Add: classify heightmaps with the information we can extract from it
15:15:58 <Samu> I edited CoronaAI to try make it lightweight
15:16:44 <Samu> went from 334 lines to 357
15:20:36 <Samu> 362 now, i forgot something
15:26:01 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/BaNaNaS] frosch123 opened pull request #127: Change: add 'kamnet' as maintainer for the BaNaNaS upload of BSPI.
15:27:32 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/team] frosch123 commented on issue #404: [en_US] Translator access request
15:28:06 <Samu> will kamnet update "dead" AIs on behalf of their authors then?
15:28:14 <Samu> so they become alive?
15:30:26 <frosch> copyright expires 80 years after death of the author. maybe ask him then again?
15:31:00 <FLHerne> Are there any AIs that are "dead" because their author doesn't want to interact with GitHub but are otherwise maintained?
15:31:15 <FLHerne> I kind of doubt it
15:33:48 <JGR> What would "maintenance" actually entail?
15:34:10 <JGR> Typically an AI is released when it is "done"
15:34:40 <Samu> there's is supersimpleai author
15:35:06 <Samu> he stopped uploading since version 19 because ... I dunno why, but it's still updating it on the forum
15:35:23 <Samu> it's version 40 now
15:37:13 <andythenorth> there were a few people who wouldn't banana
15:37:15 <andythenorth> because github
15:37:26 <Samu> question, how do i delete an item from an array?
15:37:33 <andythenorth> I wish those non-banana people luck
15:37:41 <andythenorth> adhering to their hardcore open source principles
15:37:53 <andythenorth> let's hope they never need any packages that ever use github
15:38:17 <FLHerne> JGR: most AIs get updates for a while, mostly to fix cases where they do unexpected stupid things in edge cases
15:38:41 <FLHerne> then the author gets bored :p
15:42:48 <frosch> TrueBrain: the team-discussion deprecation date is approaching. did we yet decide on how to continue with translator discussions/announcements?
16:03:39 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] serg-bloim commented on pull request #10476: Copy wagon configuration to all trains in shared orders/group.
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16:50:24 <andythenorth> what do I call an IndustryTypeMonitor?
16:50:35 <andythenorth> it monitors how many of industry type X are on the map
16:50:43 <andythenorth> and may take actions according to rules
16:50:52 <andythenorth> but an Industry type isn't a type of industry
16:51:25 <andythenorth> an industry type is a numeric ID, that is used to look up a type of industry by industry type in GSIndustryType
16:51:42 <andythenorth> industry type != type of industry
16:51:59 <andythenorth> TypeOfIndustryMonitor doesn't sound correct
16:52:32 <andythenorth> IndustryCountMonitorByType?
16:55:27 <andythenorth> meh maybe I just python template all of that
16:55:33 <andythenorth> then I can use industry_type.numeric_id
16:57:45 <andythenorth> hmm I need a programmer 😛
16:59:04 <andythenorth> maybe I can create a class in squirrel
16:59:09 <andythenorth> not really clear why I'd bother yet
16:59:22 <andythenorth> it's only static properties so far
16:59:47 <andythenorth> table slots seems to work fine
17:03:31 <andythenorth> ugh maybe I need some industry_prototype or something
17:06:14 <andythenorth> hmm IndustrySpec seems to be the internal name in C++
17:06:17 <andythenorth> that will do
17:06:53 <dP>
17:06:53 <dP> what happened in 13.0 that it is now spamming these constantly?
17:07:03 <dP> there is a perfectly fine path
17:07:40 <dP> just station is busy at that moment
17:07:55 <dP> once it clears train procedes just fine
17:08:09 <andythenorth> ach but there's IndustryTypesList and friends
17:08:29 <andythenorth> I can't brain when the same term is both a class and an index
17:08:35 <andythenorth> interchangeably
17:09:25 <andythenorth> meh I put this down, I'm just flooding the channel with whining 😦
17:12:36 <Rubidium> dP: the inconsistent partial Z will not affect actual paths that much. The main thing is that I was trying to make sense of the magic in that function, and simply couldn't wrap my head around it (because it is inconsisten)
17:14:05 <Rubidium> for road/rail vehicles you'll basically be relegated to one of the two adjacent raised corner cases, or a flat tile. For the rest it's only doing something on shadows I'd reckon
17:16:11 <dP> I think even shadows follow standard paths I think
17:16:26 <dP> though never hurts to have a bit more sanity in the game 😆
17:17:20 <Rubidium> it might have an effect on acceleration, as in two directions going up a slope it rises at the first sub-pixel of the tile, whereas in the two other directions it only rises after 2 "sub-pixels" have passed. So going south/north will have a slight difference in moment of arriving at the hill climb
17:22:45 <Rubidium> funnily enough the arrows for one way sprites are added at a Z of 0, 3 or 5. I would expect 0 and 4
17:27:18 <Rubidium> though in the grand scheme of things it does indeed not matter much, but if we ever go to arbitrary configurable paths in stations or something, then it might become more noticable
17:32:44 <andythenorth> ach `MapIndustryTypeCountMonitor` is probably fine
17:32:48 <andythenorth> I mean...I could make it even longer
17:37:42 <andythenorth> hmm
17:37:57 <andythenorth> is it plausible to reload the last loaded save, on a console command?
17:38:03 <andythenorth> testing GS is sloooooow 😛
17:38:54 <nielsm> save the game with a single-letter filename
17:38:58 <nielsm> so you can just type "load a"
17:39:13 <Samu> andythenorth, what can you do with Admin stuff ?
17:39:56 <andythenorth> nielsm that is genius 🙂
17:40:23 <andythenorth> you have no idea how much QoL that adds
17:41:47 <Samu> company_val is an array, not sure how the admin receives it on the other end
17:41:58 <Samu> can u test the admin thing for me?
17:45:22 <andythenorth> no
17:45:25 <andythenorth> I have no idea about admin 🙂
17:55:08 <Samu> who can test it?
17:57:23 <nielsm> yourself
17:57:51 <Samu> me, I don't know what to do
17:58:27 <nielsm> then learn it
17:58:51 <nielsm> how do you expect to be able to do something good with adminport if you don't know how to use it yourself?
17:59:41 <Samu> someone suggested i should send statistics to admin, so i coded it in, but i have no idea how to test it myself
18:00:14 <nielsm> sometimes the fastest way forward is to take a step to the side and learn something new, or to make a specialized tool for the task at hand
18:00:27 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] rubidium42 commented on issue #10514: [Bug]: Inconsistent (partial) Z
18:01:30 <nielsm> craftsmen like woodworkers or smiths do that all the time, make their own tools or jigs that solve some very specific problems for the project they're working on
18:02:51 <andythenorth> `class FIGS {
18:02:51 <andythenorth> // nothing, empty class to act as a namespace for FIRS Industry Game Script methods
18:02:51 <andythenorth> }
18:02:51 <andythenorth> `
18:02:57 <andythenorth> still don't understand squirrel
18:03:13 <andythenorth> namespacing doesn't exist, so has to be simulated
18:04:18 <andythenorth> I also don't know what the formatting rules are, they vary in the squirrel docs
18:04:24 <andythenorth> there's no equivalent of PEP 8 or black
18:05:44 <andythenorth> I don't know how to put a class in a class
18:05:46 <andythenorth> or even if I should
18:06:18 <kamnet> Samu: I'll update anything Borg has released.
18:07:08 <andythenorth> ugh
18:07:14 <andythenorth> `class FIGS::MapIndustryTypeCountMonitor {}` doesn't work
18:07:25 <andythenorth> syntax error
18:09:05 <Samu> :) cool
18:09:12 <andythenorth> ach maybe I have to do it like SuperLib
18:09:16 <andythenorth> FIRS_Town
18:09:20 <andythenorth> FIRS_Industry
18:19:10 <glx[d]> andythenorth: doesn't look like valid syntax in any language
18:19:27 <andythenorth> agree
18:19:49 <andythenorth> I wanted to namespace everything to FIGS.[foo]
18:19:56 <andythenorth> to avoid possible collisions etc
18:20:01 <andythenorth> (everything I add)
18:20:54 <andythenorth> I think I can only do that by creating the class with a private name, then storing a reference to it in FIGS
18:21:07 <andythenorth> so _myclass
18:21:14 <andythenorth> FIGS.myclass <- myclass
18:21:17 <andythenorth> FIGS.myclass()
18:21:21 <glx[d]> class and static functions
18:21:33 <glx[d]> it's done that way for the API
18:23:36 <andythenorth>
18:24:02 <andythenorth> I don't want `MapIndustryTypeCountMonitor` in the global namespace
18:24:07 <andythenorth> or maybe I should just not care
18:27:43 <glx[d]> it will be global only for your script anyway
18:28:21 <andythenorth> maybe it's just an aesthetic thing
18:28:45 <andythenorth> without a prefix, I won't remember which methods I wrote and which are in the docs 😛
18:28:57 <andythenorth> FIRSMapIndustryTypeCountMonitor seems very ugly
18:31:08 <andythenorth> maybe I just give it a cute name 😛
18:31:25 <Samu> andythenorth, it can pass on the first and fail on the second, due to random layout choice
18:32:30 <andythenorth> such failure modes
18:32:36 <andythenorth> seems a bit pointless testing then
18:33:08 <andythenorth> but without test mode, it eats a lot of ticks
18:33:15 <andythenorth> fucking GS
18:33:35 <Samu> :(
18:34:28 <andythenorth> it's like a zero progress project
18:34:30 <Samu> a command that fails isn't going into exec mode, i think
18:34:50 <andythenorth> I could do almost everything I want in grf, with one monthly global callback and a few hundred permanent storages
18:34:51 <andythenorth> but no
18:34:56 <andythenorth> that was banned 12 years ago
18:36:18 <petern> Such constructive criticism
18:36:33 <andythenorth> yeah I'm being a dick sorry
18:36:41 <andythenorth> the whole thing makes me feel very stupid
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18:39:39 <Samu> i dunno how to use discord chat
18:39:49 <Samu> how do i paste a piece of code
18:39:58 <andythenorth> surround it with `
18:40:11 <andythenorth> ugh
18:40:18 <andythenorth> so if one layout succeeded
18:40:37 <andythenorth> I could just do a while loop until the industry hits the random layout that worked?
18:40:38 <andythenorth> no
18:40:40 <andythenorth> because random
18:40:51 <andythenorth> and something might build on the tile meanwhile?
18:41:39 <dP> it tries layouts in order iirc so if it fails there is no matching layout
18:42:04 <dP> also if you're funding from gs you may be able to specify first layout to try
18:42:11 <andythenorth> ` uint32 layout_index = ScriptBase::RandRange((uint32)::GetIndustrySpec(industry_type)->layouts.size());
18:42:11 <andythenorth> return ScriptObject::Command<CMD_BUILD_INDUSTRY>::Do(tile, industry_type, layout_index, true, seed);
18:42:11 <andythenorth> `
18:42:15 <dP> at least network commands allow that, dunno if gs api does
18:42:16 <andythenorth> I read that as random
18:42:57 <Samu> i'll use gist
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18:43:34 <andythenorth> I thought CmdBuildIndustry cycled them all
18:43:41 <andythenorth> is it just picking the first layout as random?
18:43:44 <Samu> something like this
18:44:28 <Samu> i think build industry returns true, not an index of the industry, need to confirm
18:44:38 <dP> andythenorth: it does <>
18:44:43 <dP> yeah, just first is random
18:44:56 <andythenorth> ok 🙂
18:44:56 <andythenorth> thanks
18:45:20 <dP> ah, no, wrong loop, it's the same though <>
18:45:44 <andythenorth> I haven't seen any obvious failures of this approach in GS
18:45:56 <dP> though weird part is, it tries the layout you give it last xD
18:46:03 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] DorpsGek pushed 1 commits to master
18:46:04 <DorpsGek> - Update: Translations from eints (by translators)
18:46:04 <andythenorth> it runs every time I reload the save, no failures last few weeks
18:46:22 <Samu> sorry then, i was wrong
18:47:22 <andythenorth> I am often wrong 😛
18:47:23 <andythenorth> happens
18:47:44 <Samu> ah, returns true
18:47:54 <Samu> then my code should work
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18:56:42 <Xarick>
18:56:47 <Samu> coronaAI fixed!
18:58:03 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] serg-bloim started discussion #10515: Send for Servicing logic
18:58:11 <Samu> it used to be this
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19:11:31 <dP> dP: hm, apparently it works the same even in 1.8.0, I wonder why I thought it's new
19:11:48 <dP> guess I just don't pay attention to those pointless messages at all 😆
19:13:13 <dP> still dumb though to complain that there is no path when there is nothing wrong
19:13:43 <LordAro> dP: path caching issues?
19:14:02 <LordAro> certainly no one's reported any issues with trains like that - not like ships which were definitely broken
19:14:23 <dP> idk what isssues but when train waits in the queue to enter station it starts complaining
19:14:56 <dP> it pathfinds perfectly fine, just complains a lot
19:17:16 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] LordAro commented on pull request #10512: Doc: Add Coding Style into the repo for easier access, also add vscode into gitignore
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19:23:02 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] LordAro commented on pull request #10513: Fix: build on platforms without native atomic
19:23:36 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] LordAro merged pull request #10497: Revert 92c7551: Line drawing algorithm fix broke other cases
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19:30:28 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] LordAro commented on pull request #10476: Copy wagon configuration to all trains in shared orders/group.
19:34:25 <Samu> let's test 14 CoronaAis
19:36:54 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] LordAro commented on pull request #10476: Copy wagon configuration to all trains in shared orders/group.
19:39:15 <TrueBrain> frosch: I haven't given it any thought. Ideas?
19:40:42 <frosch> according to the github changelog and the discussion, their intention is to only have discussions assosicated to some repository
19:41:07 <frosch> i don't think a repo per language is viable, and i also do not want to spam the "openttd" repo
19:41:13 <frosch> so, i think the "team" repo is best
19:41:25 <frosch> <- we can add categories per language
19:41:44 <frosch> technically the languages already have country codes, so we could use flags, or we could use some generic icons for all
19:42:56 <frosch> in either case, you now always have to explicitly mention teams to notify people
19:43:20 <TrueBrain> sad, but it is what it is
19:43:37 <TrueBrain> we can most likely script the creation of teams
19:43:51 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] LordAro approved pull request #10380: Hide Tile and TileExtended implementation details inside Map structure
19:43:53 <frosch> yes, we already have a script to create the teams themself
19:44:12 <frosch> we can extend it for categories
19:44:33 <TrueBrain> so let's do that 🙂
19:44:41 <TrueBrain> and with "we", I mean you 😛
19:44:59 <frosch> fine 🙂
19:45:10 <TrueBrain> 😮 Did not expect that response 😄
19:45:35 <frosch> we also need some to add support to add more owners to bananas items via the gui
19:45:47 <frosch> two owner transfers in one week starts to annoy me :p
19:45:59 <TrueBrain> yeah, we have a ticket for it .. time to pick it up 🙂
19:46:08 <TrueBrain> I also got the request to make content obsolete, and hide it from the listing
19:46:22 <TrueBrain> as we are working on BaNaNaS anyway, might as well pick up all those bits and pieces
19:47:12 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] LordAro approved pull request #10314: Codechange: Don't use a dense matrix to store LinkGraph edges.
19:48:13 <TrueBrain> `boring, play factorio instead` .. how DARE you 😛
19:48:13 <frosch> what about the icons?
19:48:17 <TrueBrain> very-flat okay, or better suggestions?
19:48:30 <Rubidium> :O someone's on a roll ;)
19:48:39 <TrueBrain> frosch: I am okay with flags; and if someone complaints, we change it
19:48:45 <frosch> category icons can only be emoji, no custom images
19:49:12 <TrueBrain> `pancake`, instead of very-flat? 😄
19:49:30 <TrueBrain> `no-elevation` 🙂
19:49:43 <Samu> I broke CoronaAI, autoreplace
19:49:46 <Rubidium> TrueBrain: depends on the pancake; American pancakes are more high flatlands compared to the French variant
19:49:51 <Samu> ruins my "fix"
19:49:52 <LordAro> Rubidium: given recent accusations of PRs languishing around doing nothing, i thought someone ought to take a look
19:49:53 <frosch> TrueBrain: having interesting terrain is the biggest feature of ottd over factorio. people playing on all-flat maps are a disgrace 🙂
19:49:57 <TrueBrain> Rubidium: haha
19:50:04 <frosch> TrueBrain: otherwise "very flat" is good 🙂
19:50:17 <TrueBrain> frosch: you are free to carry that opinion 😛
19:50:30 <LordAro> "flat, very flat, no-really-there's-no-elevation-at-all"
19:50:59 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/bananas-api] TrueBrain updated pull request #332: Add: classify heightmaps with the information we can extract from it
19:51:00 <Rubidium> LordAro: true, I already looked through many though most required actions from someone else than me. But in any case, thanks!
19:51:32 <frosch> "very flat" is easier to understand than "coast contour only" :p
19:51:47 <TrueBrain> I did consider also adding a classifier how much water is on the map
19:51:50 <TrueBrain> as some are just ... weird
19:51:53 <TrueBrain> like 50+% water
19:52:08 <frosch> ah, "continental" vs "islands"
19:52:22 <TrueBrain> "oceanic", "island", "actually landish", .. 😄
19:53:28 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] LordAro approved pull request #7729: Add: Allow autoreplace with same model vehicle
19:53:45 <TrueBrain> but not sure how useful that is .. as in, will anyone ever use that to search for a heightmap
19:53:48 <TrueBrain> I think not so much
19:54:12 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/bananas-api] TrueBrain commented on pull request #333: Add: support feature-mapping and classify road-stop sets correctly
19:54:41 <frosch> true, most heightmaps are real-world based, so "region" and "name" already give that away
19:54:57 <frosch> water-level, islands etc. are things for random generated maps
19:56:04 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/bananas-api] TrueBrain updated pull request #333: Add: support feature-mapping and classify road-stop sets correctly
19:56:14 <TrueBrain> that was my reasoning at least 🙂
19:56:25 <TrueBrain> Okay, that should classify road-stop .. good name btw? road-stop? vs rail-station?
19:56:30 <TrueBrain> road-station looked really odd
19:58:22 <glx[d]> Road-stop is fine I think
19:58:58 <TrueBrain> so .. that means there are two things left to add for now: region support, and possibly an indication what kind of rail-type / road-type is in a set
19:58:59 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] LordAro approved pull request #9852: Fix #9810: 'Rebuilding' a through road stop costs money.
20:01:36 <TrueBrain> TallTyler: how did your event go?
20:06:22 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] rubidium42 dismissed a review for pull request #10380: Hide Tile and TileExtended implementation details inside Map structure
20:06:25 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] rubidium42 updated pull request #10380: Hide Tile and TileExtended implementation details inside Map structure
20:07:11 <Rubidium> LordAro: too bad you can't tell github to fixup a particular commit with a suggestion and keep the approved status :(
20:09:03 <LordAro> :(
20:09:09 <LordAro> frosch: feel like reviewing #10144 ?
20:09:53 <frosch> road stuff, no thanks
20:10:03 <LordAro> lol
20:10:06 <LordAro> i think i'm just going to approve
20:10:21 <LordAro> i assume it's been well enough tested at this point
20:12:48 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] LordAro approved pull request #10144: Add: NewGRF road stops
20:14:08 <LordAro> Rubidium: don't suppose you want to fix up a few of the "dead" PRs you've commented on yourself?
20:14:17 <LordAro> i'm very conscious that #10380 will break everything
20:15:15 <Rubidium> definitely looks like merging 10144 before 10380 might be the better order
20:15:27 <LordAro> among others
20:17:56 <Rubidium> only the tree one I commented on touches the map stuff as far as I can quickly ascertain
20:18:26 <TrueBrain> frosch: : in the NewGRF parser of BaNaNaS, for action 04, there is a `lang_id < 0x80` .. is that actually correct?
20:18:51 <TrueBrain> the 0x80 is an indicated StringIDs are 16bit instead of 8bit, if I read this all correctly, not?
20:19:35 <andythenorth> anyone think of a shorter name for this? MapIndustryTypeCountMonitor
20:19:52 <frosch> TrueBrain: yes, and we do not want to include the 16bit ids into any classification
20:20:03 <frosch> the 16bit stuff has no feature relation
20:20:03 <TrueBrain> why not? he asks curiously
20:20:11 <TrueBrain> ah, lol
20:20:14 <TrueBrain> k, tnx 🙂
20:20:24 <frosch> 8bit stuff is things like "vehicle name", 16bit stuff is "generic text"
20:20:49 <TrueBrain> was curious about railtypes and their strings .. but they seem to be 16bit stuff 😄
20:20:49 <andythenorth> IndustryBalancer? IndustryDensityMonitor? IndustrySpreaderOuter?
20:21:29 <frosch> TrueBrain: for rail/road/tram types we would check the rail/road/tram type translation table
20:21:31 <andythenorth> AreThereEnoughIndustryInstances
20:21:39 <frosch> they list all the tracktypes a vehicle set knows about
20:21:55 <TrueBrain> I was mostly looking for the proper name of things, instead of the label
20:22:13 <Rubidium> andythenorth: IBM?
20:22:16 <frosch> name of what?
20:22:25 <TrueBrain> railtypes
20:23:09 <frosch> yeah... no... i don't think we can extract the name of things defined in a grf
20:23:26 <TrueBrain> that inconsistent? Or?
20:23:44 <frosch> at that point you better start ottd and dump the ottd state after loading the grf 🙂
20:24:18 <andythenorth> lol
20:24:25 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] ldpl updated pull request #10006: Make modifier keys configurable and split Ctrl into remove and function.
20:24:27 <TrueBrain> isn't it as simple as loading feat 10 and check what 08 and 1b point to?
20:25:08 <frosch> that kind of stuff only works as long as there is no action6/7/9 involved
20:25:54 <frosch> the snowline and basecost stuff barely works, and we already filter for actionA with action6
20:26:02 <frosch> anything more really makes no sense to do in python
20:26:24 <frosch> start ottd with null-blitter, let it load the newgrf, dump the specs it creates, and exit it after 1 tick
20:26:36 <TrueBrain> I am not even against that 😛
20:26:52 <frosch> anyway, what do you want to do with railtypes?
20:26:54 <TrueBrain> means we can do away with the whole Python parser 😄
20:27:01 <TrueBrain> I was just curious how consistent it was over GRFs
20:27:17 <Rubidium> but... what if a NewGRF requires another NewGRF to be loaded before it functions?
20:27:17 <TrueBrain> wondering if we can make it in a classifier
20:27:45 <frosch> there are also newgrf parameters, which change stuff 🙂
20:27:55 <TrueBrain> NewGRFs are too complicated 😛
20:28:06 <frosch> TrueBrain: classify using the labels, not using the names
20:28:27 <TrueBrain> yeah, but end-users won't understand the labels
20:28:34 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] rubidium42 merged pull request #10144: Add: NewGRF road stops
20:28:57 <frosch> the names won't help you either :p
20:29:24 <frosch> you can only classify wrt. "this vehicle set does not care about railtypes", and "this vehicle set obsesses about railtypes"
20:29:26 <TrueBrain> GRR @ 10144 .. I just changed the Feature ID to something not 14 .. and now I have to change it back again? OMG! 😛
20:29:29 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] rubidium42 merged pull request #7729: Add: Allow autoreplace with same model vehicle
20:29:31 <frosch> i don't tihnk there is actually any middle ground
20:29:37 <frosch> either people use < 4 tailtypes, or they use > 32
20:29:57 <TrueBrain> okay .. can we at least tell if something is a bus/truck-set or a tram-set?
20:30:35 <frosch> maybe, but don't most sets define both anyway?
20:30:44 <TrueBrain> I dunno! 😄
20:32:53 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/bananas-api] TrueBrain updated pull request #333: Add: support feature-mapping and classify road-stop sets correctly
20:33:27 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/bananas-api] TrueBrain commented on pull request #333: Add: support feature-mapping and classify road-stop sets correctly
20:34:04 <TrueBrain> frosch: I was mainly looking at this, as I noticed some sets having tags like monorail, maglev, 3rd rail, etc. Which I can see as a useful filter for people to look for content
20:34:52 <Samu> CoronaAI is now 397 lines long
20:35:07 <Samu> i think i am fixing it way too much
20:37:29 <Samu> I wish there was a way to improve some functions
20:37:44 <Samu> could there be a pool of stations for each company
20:37:56 <Samu> and another for vehicles for each company
20:38:22 <Samu> so that when AIs do something that requires iterating over all vehicles, it is already the pool of its own vehicles only?
20:38:32 <Samu> or the pool of it's own stations
20:39:39 <Samu> i am imagining such pools would improve cpu usage per AI
20:39:49 <Samu> might be wrong
20:41:28 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] michicc merged pull request #10314: Codechange: Don't use a dense matrix to store LinkGraph edges.
20:44:36 <TrueBrain> ugh, okay, I still hate reading NewGRF specs 😛
20:44:40 <TrueBrain> let's do something fun instead 😄
20:44:53 <TrueBrain> `United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland` .. is that really the ISO name of the UK?
20:44:53 <TrueBrain> lol
20:45:00 <andythenorth> probably yes
20:45:04 <andythenorth> "it's complicated"
20:45:20 <TrueBrain> that makes for a very long text 😛
20:45:21 <frosch> did you not watch the video i linked yesterday?
20:45:30 <TrueBrain> yeah, well, I did not expect ISO to name it like that 😄
20:45:36 <FLHerne> TrueBrain: I would like to be able to search by number of significant landmasses :p
20:45:52 <FLHerne> (for which 'amount of water' might be a reasonable proxy for reasonable maps)
20:46:12 <FLHerne> I'm a big fan of maps with multiple continents that need ferries
20:46:16 <frosch> hmm, i cannot find a proper example grf using railtypes
20:46:50 <andythenorth> TrueBrain: I must have Stockholm syndrome, I like them, especially nfo docs
20:46:51 <TrueBrain> FLHerne: is it? Most maps I have seen just have a lot of water around it
20:47:05 <TrueBrain> for no good reason btw .. they are just .. well .. weird
20:47:20 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] serg-bloim commented on pull request #10476: Copy wagon configuration to all trains in shared orders/group.
20:47:23 <TrueBrain> just a single island, basically
20:49:08 <TrueBrain>
20:49:08 <TrueBrain> That would match 95% of the current "regional" tags we have
20:49:33 <frosch>
20:49:33 <frosch> TrueBrain: the thing with railtypes is: either you love them or you hate them:
20:49:35 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] LordAro commented on pull request #10476: Copy wagon configuration to all trains in shared orders/group.
20:49:43 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] rubidium42 updated pull request #10018: Codechange: Don't store tree counter in the map array
20:49:58 <frosch> different speed limits, different voltages
20:50:09 <TrueBrain> frosch: owh wait .. the crap was that "3rd rail" and shit is not part of any property .. people did want to make it universal via the label, but that fell flat too ..
20:50:12 <TrueBrain> I remember conversations about that
20:50:20 <frosch> i think the best classification for tailtypes is "< 8" and ">= 8"
20:50:43 <andythenorth> squirrel function params can't be optional? yes/no?
20:51:41 <frosch> <- TrueBrain do you want to deal with that in bananas? :p
20:51:51 * TrueBrain walks away slowly
20:52:05 <andythenorth> I didn't want to deal with it at all
20:52:22 <andythenorth> I wrote a lot of words to explain "lol you didn't think this through eh?"
20:52:31 <andythenorth> we want 'A' to be both max and min
20:52:45 <andythenorth> in a scheme where there are 5 possible values, or alternatively, as many as you like
20:53:16 <andythenorth> and it's all axle loads anyway, which are .... lol lol lol
20:53:24 <glx[d]> <>
20:53:38 <glx[d]> default params
20:53:45 <andythenorth> thanks glx
20:54:01 <dP> how do I run regression to see the output?
20:54:58 <glx[d]> output is in build dir
20:55:26 <dP> oh, ty xD
20:56:11 <glx[d]> but it's kept only on failure IIRC
20:56:27 <TrueBrain> so I see two paths for adding regions to content .. either via the numeric code in the table above, which means all our backend services need this table, so they can translate it back .. or the "name", which can be very lengthy .. hmm
20:56:29 <dP> yeah, it's ok
20:56:38 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] rubidium42 updated pull request #10471: Fix #10469, 5e14a20: [Script] League Table rating element is a int64 everywhere else
20:57:13 <TrueBrain> `Latin America and the Caribbean`, another example of a lengthy name 😄
20:57:19 <glx[d]> <> it's even written only on failure
20:57:38 <glx[d]> that way it's easy to update expected output 🙂
20:59:11 <glx[d]> nice 2-in-1 bumps rubidium
20:59:14 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] ldpl updated pull request #10018: Codechange: Don't store tree counter in the map array
20:59:35 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] glx22 approved pull request #10471: Fix #10469, 5e14a20: [Script] League Table rating element is a int64 everywhere else
21:01:36 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] serg-bloim commented on pull request #10476: Copy wagon configuration to all trains in shared orders/group.
21:02:36 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] ldpl commented on pull request #10018: Codechange: Don't store tree counter in the map array
21:02:38 <andythenorth> does 'monitor' imply 'count' only or also 'take action'? 😛
21:03:00 <TrueBrain> neither; it implies you are only watching, not disturbing the process
21:03:15 <andythenorth> what about 'watchdog'? 😛
21:03:19 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] glx22 commented on pull request #10471: Fix #10469, 5e14a20: [Script] League Table rating element is a int64 everywhere else
21:03:36 <TrueBrain> that is a monitor+reboot
21:03:45 <andythenorth> lol
21:04:02 <andythenorth> I need a name for "I will watch how many coal mines you have, and build one if there are not enough"
21:04:16 <TrueBrain> Overwatch!
21:04:25 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/bananas-api] frosch123 approved pull request #333: Add: support feature-mapping and classify road-stop sets correctly
21:05:01 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/bananas-api] frosch123 approved pull request #332: Add: classify heightmaps with the information we can extract from it
21:05:34 <frosch> TrueBrain: did you see bananas #127 ?
21:05:41 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] rubidium42 commented on pull request #10471: Fix #10469, 5e14a20: [Script] League Table rating element is a int64 everywhere else
21:05:42 <TrueBrain> ah, yes, but also totally forgot about it 😄
21:06:13 <andythenorth> curator? 😛
21:06:14 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] ldpl updated pull request #9637: Invert the effect of Ctrl press when dragging signals
21:06:17 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/BaNaNaS] TrueBrain approved pull request #127: Change: add 'kamnet' as maintainer for the BaNaNaS upload of BSPI.
21:07:31 <TrueBrain> ugh, ISOs are very useful, but often "just" not useful enough 😛
21:07:45 <TrueBrain> but 3166-2 is nice; contains all local regions etc
21:07:58 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] ldpl updated pull request #9637: Invert the effect of Ctrl press when dragging signals
21:08:53 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] ldpl updated pull request #9637: Invert the effect of Ctrl press when dragging signals
21:09:40 <dP> is there iso code for mars? :p
21:10:35 <TrueBrain> 39187 cities in the world .. lol
21:10:38 <TrueBrain> 5MB of CSV .. lol
21:12:51 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/bananas-api] TrueBrain merged pull request #333: Add: support feature-mapping and classify road-stop sets correctly
21:12:53 <andythenorth> can we propose 3166-4? 😛
21:13:06 <XarothBrook> Number might be easier
21:13:17 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/BaNaNaS] TrueBrain opened pull request #128: Fix: classify road-stop GRFs correctly
21:13:20 <XarothBrook> or rather, 'an identifier'
21:13:29 <XarothBrook> so the regions can be translated
21:15:47 <TrueBrain> and if we revise the content-server protocol, we can send the number, and let the client handle the rest of the crap ... but that just means ... many new translation strings 😄
21:15:49 <TrueBrain> not sure 😛
21:16:05 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/BaNaNaS] frosch123 approved pull request #128: Fix: classify road-stop GRFs correctly
21:16:16 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/bananas-api] TrueBrain merged pull request #332: Add: classify heightmaps with the information we can extract from it
21:16:38 <XarothBrook> nothing wrong with 200-odd new translation strings? 😛
21:16:57 <frosch> hmm, did github activate this "pr must up-to-date thing" again?
21:17:05 <frosch> i thought we already disabled it agian las time
21:17:26 <TrueBrain> no, it just suggests it is out of date
21:17:29 <TrueBrain> you don't need to rebase
21:17:31 <TrueBrain> but the check is required
21:17:34 <TrueBrain> and doesn't want to start 😛
21:18:04 <frosch> i think i forgot to press "save changes" last time, it's way down at the bottom
21:18:22 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/BaNaNaS] frosch123 merged pull request #127: Change: add 'kamnet' as maintainer for the BaNaNaS upload of BSPI.
21:18:46 <TrueBrain> most settings are instant-save
21:18:48 <TrueBrain> but not that page
21:18:49 <TrueBrain> bit weird
21:19:11 <frosch> well, it even asked for 2fa confirmation
21:19:19 <frosch> so apparently it must be dangerous 🙂
21:19:30 <TrueBrain> hmm ... no job wants to start .. GitHub? You okay over there? Seems you are crying a bit 😛
21:19:54 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/BaNaNaS] TrueBrain updated pull request #126: Feature: add classification for every heightmap upload
21:20:52 <TrueBrain> now this should just work with bananas-server and bananas-frontend-web .. but I guess I should test first 😄
21:24:17 <TrueBrain> ah, no, there are a total of 4.3 million cities in the world
21:24:28 <TrueBrain> but 43,000 are worth talking about, city databases claim
21:25:18 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] rubidium42 merged pull request #10471: Fix #10469, 5e14a20: [Script] League Table rating element is a int64 everywhere else
21:25:21 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] rubidium42 closed issue #10469: [Bug]: League Table: zero is lower than any negative number
21:28:21 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] rubidium42 dismissed a review for pull request #9852: Fix #9810: 'Rebuilding' a through road stop costs money.
21:28:24 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] rubidium42 updated pull request #9852: Fix #9810: 'Rebuilding' a through road stop costs money.
21:29:10 <TrueBrain> ah, the reason the other repos are not doing their CI checks, is because someone made many pushes to their branch on OpenTTD ..
21:29:14 <TrueBrain> so the runners will be busy 😛
21:30:42 <Samu> those commits that change construction error messages may break some AIs :o
21:31:10 <Samu> but okay, let's hope not
21:31:16 <TrueBrain> dP: I cancelled a few of your checks for older versions of your PR
21:31:25 <TrueBrain> you shouldn't notice this, except some spam from GitHub
21:32:28 <TrueBrain> we should enable the cancel-in-progress 🙂
21:32:55 <dP> np
21:32:57 <Samu> some AIs already account for misleading error messages and act properly
21:33:13 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] 2TallTyler commented on issue #10501: [Bug]: Inconsistency in company ID
21:33:16 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] 2TallTyler closed issue #10501: [Bug]: Inconsistency in company ID
21:34:21 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] rubidium42 updated pull request #9852: Fix #9810: 'Rebuilding' a through road stop costs money.
21:34:55 <dP> hm, wth, I didn't do that many pushes
21:35:06 <dP> it's like it does 4 ci runs for every change
21:35:28 <TrueBrain> concurrency:
21:35:28 <TrueBrain> group: ${{ github.workflow }}-${{ github.ref }}
21:35:28 <TrueBrain> cancel-in-progress: ${{ github.ref != 'refs/heads/main' }}
21:35:32 <TrueBrain> okay, that is simple enough
21:35:51 <dP> ah, codeql thing...
21:36:38 <andythenorth> ok this is like 2 steps forward in GS now 😄
21:36:50 <andythenorth> the whiny part of me awaits 1 step back 😛
21:37:12 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] rubidium42 approved pull request #10018: Codechange: Don't store tree counter in the map array
21:37:30 <andythenorth> OpenTTD has always been crap at providing / maintaining suitable numbers of industries
21:37:47 <andythenorth> it only has the basic probabilities on the grf to work with, and the fixed counts by map size
21:37:52 <andythenorth> GS should be much better
21:38:27 <andythenorth>
21:38:27 <andythenorth> can't say how much this has improved my day though
21:38:42 <andythenorth> 'load a' is so much faster for reloading the GS
21:38:55 <petern> jpp
21:39:16 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] 2TallTyler approved pull request #10018: Codechange: Don't store tree counter in the map array
21:39:27 <Samu> smaller savegames!
21:39:35 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] TrueBrain opened pull request #10516: Change: [Actions] cancel previous run if pushing new PR
21:39:48 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] 2TallTyler merged pull request #10018: Codechange: Don't store tree counter in the map array
21:39:53 <TrueBrain> there, that should help. Not the first time I noticed this issue, and with our long long build-times .. that might improve for moments we are really busy 🙂
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21:40:20 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] TrueBrain updated pull request #10516: Change: [Actions] cancel previous run if pushing new PR
21:40:21 <TrueBrain> just to check .. lets make a new push
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21:40:30 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] michicc commented on pull request #10018: Codechange: Don't store tree counter in the map array
21:40:50 <TrueBrain> works as advertised 😄
21:41:08 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] 2TallTyler approved pull request #10516: Change: [Actions] cancel previous run if pushing new PR
21:41:21 <TrueBrain> now that is some quick approval 😛
21:42:01 <TallTyler> I'm excited to not feel guilty when I screw up rebasing and have to force push a few times 😛
21:42:16 <petern> RIP tree life
21:42:18 <TrueBrain> 😄
21:42:23 <TrueBrain> but how did the event go today TallTyler ?
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21:43:15 <TrueBrain> frosch: <- mind pressing that magic button here too? 🙂
21:43:22 <petern> They all sat muted on voice chat, so that worked well.
21:43:46 <TallTyler> It went well! Some experienced players and some new ones. Playing with a goal script (Deliverance, by Pikka) was maybe not the most useful thing, because only dP got even close to beating it, so I probably won't set a goal next time.
21:43:57 <TallTyler> Yeah, I expected people to use voice chat a lot more than they did
21:44:07 <andythenorth> I was cooking and stuff otherwise I would have
21:44:15 <andythenorth> but then it would just be me talking over everyone 😦
21:44:23 <TrueBrain> TallTyler: nice 😄 Great to hear 🙂
21:46:19 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/BaNaNaS] TrueBrain merged pull request #128: Fix: classify road-stop GRFs correctly
21:46:20 <TallTyler> In our last two moderator meetings we've talked about helping new users find NewGRFs without just asking blindly, and setting up games like this is my way of introducing my favorite NewGRFs to the community. We might do Wasteland soon, but it's a really tight economy so new players would go bankrupt easily -- very low production and low cargo value.
21:47:23 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/bananas-api] TrueBrain created new tag: 1.6.0
21:47:39 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] rubidium42 commented on pull request #10018: Codechange: Don't store tree counter in the map array
21:49:53 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/BaNaNaS] frosch123 approved pull request #126: Feature: add classification for every heightmap upload
21:50:01 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] glx22 approved pull request #10516: Change: [Actions] cancel previous run if pushing new PR
21:50:06 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/BaNaNaS] TrueBrain merged pull request #126: Feature: add classification for every heightmap upload
21:50:06 <TrueBrain> merci bien
21:50:28 <TrueBrain> and now we wait for some runners to free up 😛 But that should happen on its own 🙂
21:50:48 <frosch> i thought i already approved it, maybe i forgot again to press the button :p
21:50:56 <TrueBrain> getting old? 😄
21:51:05 <TrueBrain> /me runs
21:51:53 <frosch> maybe, but usually it's time to replace the mouse again
21:52:01 <TrueBrain> owh, shit, euh .. yeah .. I made a boo-boo .. knew I had to wait with merging .. lol
21:52:06 <frosch> for some reason mice only last 2 years, and then the buttons become unreliable
21:52:23 <TrueBrain> bananas-api doesn't like the last merge, as it isn't in production yet 😄
21:52:42 <TrueBrain> well, should fix itself soon 🙂
21:53:39 <dP> TallTyler: hey, I beat it 😜 albeit in a cheesy way
21:53:49 <dP> but with growing towns it was impossible to do normally anyway
21:55:09 <TallTyler> Ah yes, I see how I phrased it wrong. You beat it but nobody else (myself included) even got close 🙂
21:57:36 <dP> with a goal like that it's kinda hard to classify "close"
21:57:59 <dP> I only had like 10% of the goal as a continuous production
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21:59:19 <TrueBrain>
21:59:19 <TrueBrain> Pretty!
21:59:35 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] 2TallTyler commented on pull request #10494: Add: Use specific error message when vehicle cannot go to station/waypoint
21:59:55 <frosch> kamnet: you can upload bspi now
22:00:52 <frosch> TrueBrain: it's funny how "normal" resolution is a minority :p
22:01:07 <TrueBrain> as it should!
22:01:25 <frosch> and "low" are two maps: a debugging map, and a frisian island
22:01:41 <frosch> poor frisians
22:01:59 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] TrueBrain commented on discussion #10509: Removal of old tags hinders finding new content
22:02:13 <TrueBrain> frosch: why? Seems accurate .. just a few tiles of land 😛
22:02:19 * TrueBrain runs .. once again this evening :D
22:02:36 <Rubidium> you're so sporty these days ;D
22:02:41 <TrueBrain> I know right!
22:03:10 <dP> TallTyler: btw, we can do some proper goal game on citymania at some point
22:03:16 <Rubidium> so, how does it classify maps of the Netherlands? Or Denmark?
22:03:17 <dP> once I get 13.0 merged 😅
22:04:46 *** FLHerne_ has joined #openttd
22:05:08 <frosch> Rubidium: there are at least 4 heightmaps for the netherlands, they range between very flat, flat and hilly
22:05:42 *** FLHerne has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
22:06:11 <Rubidium> hilly almost seems a stretch
22:06:14 *** FLHerne_ is now known as FLHerne
22:06:25 <frosch> TrueBrain: when the tag comboboxes are added in-game, we will have to hard-code them into ottd. people will file endless reports about the terraintype being sorted alphabetical instead of logical
22:07:55 <TrueBrain> that problem already exists on the website .. maybe we can fix that 🙂
22:08:22 <TrueBrain> maybe the API can indicate an order already
22:08:26 <frosch> rubidium: there are even historical heightmaps :p
22:08:47 <frosch> is 1800 the maximum extend of some netherland empire?
22:08:58 <frosch> did they include colonies?
22:09:23 <Rubidium> if they did, then the map would not be very flat
22:10:17 <Rubidium> after all, currently max-height European Netherlands * 3 ~= max-height Kingdom of the Netherlands
22:10:49 <TrueBrain> frosch: yeah, would require a new API endpoint to tell about all classifications and their order, but we can do that 🙂
22:11:28 <frosch> well, i also wondered about translations
22:11:38 <frosch> if the tags are limited and known to ottd, they can be translated
22:12:54 <TrueBrain> true; smart
22:13:04 <TrueBrain> I still want to fix the order of things in the frontend, as this looks weird 😛
22:13:10 <TrueBrain> how about location, do we want to translate that?
22:13:20 <Rubidium> and around 1826 max-height of colonies would be about 15 times max-height European Netherlands... so that would be mountainous I'd guess
22:13:23 <TrueBrain> as that would mean a massive amount of strings, if we look at ISO countries 😛
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22:14:02 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] rubidium42 updated pull request #10380: Hide Tile and TileExtended implementation details inside Map structure
22:14:21 <frosch> yeah, better not translate that :p
22:14:49 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] rubidium42 approved pull request #9852: Fix #9810: 'Rebuilding' a through road stop costs money.
22:14:55 <frosch> probably also lots of disputed regions
22:15:14 <TrueBrain> if we follow ISO, that shouldn't be too much
22:15:45 <frosch> the other day you claimed there are not that many regions :p
22:15:51 <TrueBrain> not many USED
22:15:58 <TrueBrain> you have seen the list 🙂
22:16:21 <frosch> yes, but i did not read it. no idea how you managed that 🙂
22:16:30 <TrueBrain> looking at the current tags 😛
22:17:33 <frosch> well, people show up tomorrow way too early
22:17:36 <frosch> so, night 🙂
22:17:39 <TrueBrain> night
22:33:19 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] TrueBrain merged pull request #10516: Change: [Actions] cancel previous run if pushing new PR
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22:34:47 <TallTyler> dP: I'd quite like that. Let me know when you want to do that, and I can get you permissions to create an event somehow
22:34:59 <TallTyler> I've never played a citymania game but would like to
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22:44:03 <dP> ok, let's try to do one in two weeks, should able to update in that time
22:44:25 <dP> won't do anything unique, just some simple goal like cargo total
22:44:38 <dP> for firs vehicles for example
22:45:03 <Samu> I'm down to 6 PR's :)
22:45:25 <Samu> 170 closed
22:45:33 <Samu> i posted that much already?
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23:10:04 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] ldpl updated pull request #10006: Make modifier keys configurable and split Ctrl into remove and function.
23:12:21 <Samu> CoronaAI is re-re-fixed :)
23:12:35 <Samu> the darned autoreplace feature is a headache for ais
23:12:56 <Samu> or it's just me
23:13:06 <Samu> who doesn't know how to deal with it
23:15:48 <Samu> i need to look at those other AIs that use autoreplace, see how they deal with it
23:16:56 <dP> btw, I feel like autoreplace was failing for no reason in the last game
23:17:04 <dP> will need to look into that at some point
23:17:24 <dP> but it had money and depots, just didn't replace for some reason
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