IRC logs for #openttd on OFTC at 2023-02-15
01:02:00 *** keikoz has joined #openttd
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02:01:42 *** herms has quit IRC (Quit: bye)
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04:27:20 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] fmang commented on issue #10477: [Bug]: Build bridge window truncates speed and cost
04:48:08 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] krysclarke commented on issue #10474: [Crash]: Change setting caused assert failure
04:52:00 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] innocenat commented on issue #10474: [Crash]: Change setting caused assert failure
04:54:40 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] krysclarke commented on pull request #10484: Change: release with (much) newer versions of dependencies for Generic Linux
05:01:00 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] innocenat commented on issue #10474: [Crash]: Change setting caused assert failure
05:06:01 *** Flygon has joined #openttd
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05:11:02 *** nebulabc has joined #openttd
05:13:15 <nebulabc> Hello there! I didn't know OpenTTD had an IRC channel, but I'm real exited to talk to some other people who like this game.
05:13:15 <nebulabc> About a year ago I got interested in OpenTTD, and played through the game a couple times. I was curious if anyone can give me ideas for ways to spice it up. I know that there's a standing playerbase, so I'm kind of interested in what y'all do to keep the game interesting
05:13:54 <nebulabc> I've been thinking of setting up a server and playing with some family for one.
05:16:58 <bigyihsuan> nebulabc: newgrfs and gamescripts can change the mechanics and industries and etc quite a bit
05:16:58 <bigyihsuan> you can also take a look at one of the patch packs out there (i've played the most on jgrpp)
05:18:09 <nebulabc> Cool! I'll take a look at those. Also, do you know how well multiplayer works out? I know I set up a server a while back, and it seemed alright but I haven't worked much on it since. Anything I should look out for?
05:29:39 <kamnet> Multiplayer works just the same as a single game. And since last year it's a snap to set up. Instead of trying to figure out networking stuff, all you do is copy an invite code and send it to others. They enter it into the game and it takes them right into your server.
05:51:57 *** Yuki has joined #openttd
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06:35:32 <nebulabc> Last time I tried it, it needed more than just an invite code. That’s sweet, I’ll be sure to take advantage of that.
06:47:37 <pickpacket> The AI chose a name... πŸ˜‚
07:05:23 *** HerzogDeXtEr has joined #openttd
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08:10:12 *** HerzogDeXtEr has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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09:38:54 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] ShlokJswl commented on issue #8932: Maximum initial loan amount does not match Game Settings
09:42:18 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] rubidium42 commented on pull request #10480: Codechange: move curl into a thread so simplify code
09:49:20 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] rubidium42 commented on issue #8932: Maximum initial loan amount does not match Game Settings
10:10:04 <TrueBrain> Rubidium: front() returns the object, but doesn't release it from its pool. Pop() does that. So using a unique_ptr is a bit sketchy, I would think?
10:10:54 <TrueBrain> I ranted about this last night, but the queue specs are just shit and make things more complicated than they have to be :p
10:11:38 <TrueBrain> Your suggestion most likely works, but leaves a weird item on the queue
10:11:45 <TrueBrain> Hence the sharedptr :p
10:14:09 <LordAro> suggests it's fine
10:14:54 <TrueBrain> Yeah, and they confirm my point.. the front on the queue becomes a nullptr, which I find rather sketchy
10:15:11 <TrueBrain> So isn't using a sharedptr not just more sensible?
10:15:35 <TrueBrain> (Honest question, to be clear :p)
10:15:38 <petern> It becomes a nullptr rather than staying a pointer to something you don't own.
10:15:57 <petern> Or the comment is wrong πŸ™‚
10:16:33 <TrueBrain> I hope most compilers make it a nullptr yes πŸ˜„
10:17:15 <TrueBrain> All this because they couldn't return the entry with pop() ...
10:17:21 <TrueBrain> Would make such cleaner code
10:17:47 <LordAro> ikr
10:18:00 <LordAro> i've been annoyed by that plenty of times
10:19:09 <TrueBrain> How I see it, an uniqueptr needs a clear comments saying the pop needs to be there, and a sharedptr is just safe. I don't think there is a right or wrong here, just a choice.
10:24:43 <LordAro> shared_ptr is a lot more heavyweight than unique_ptr
10:24:51 <LordAro> conceptually, the memory isn't shared
10:25:31 <Rubidium> I was about to write what LordAro wrote ;)
10:26:13 <Rubidium> practically the std::move already conveys the meaning that the unique_ptr in the queue does not have its value anymore
10:26:50 <Rubidium> if there's a string in the queue, you should also use std::move so it doesn't copy the string allocation but just swaps pointers around
10:27:21 <LordAro> i wonder if a compiler might be able to optimise the "invalidness" away and just combine the two functions
10:27:33 <LordAro> though i suppose they're not inline, so probably not
10:27:46 <Rubidium> though I agree move semantics aren't the easiest to understand
10:29:12 <dP> hm, I wonder what is the exception safety of that move
10:29:24 <dP> guess if pop follows immediately there is nothing to trhow
10:29:41 <dP> but if anything is put in between it can go bd
10:34:21 <dP> oh, there is `std::move_if_noexcept`
10:35:06 <LordAro> oh right, yes
10:35:06 <LordAro> i remember
10:35:15 <LordAro> ...this is not the right channel
10:35:23 *** Webster has joined #openttd
10:35:25 <Rubidium> shared_ptr adds a mutex
10:36:17 <Rubidium>
10:47:16 *** Samu has joined #openttd
10:58:26 *** reldred has quit IRC (Quit: User went offline on Discord a while ago)
10:58:39 <dwfreed> TrueBrain: my understanding is that the reason pop can't return the value is that the copy constructor could throw an exception, which depending on the underlying container implementation would then make the state of the queue undefined
10:59:55 <TrueBrain> For this usecase, any memory usage or performance penalty ofc is not a worry, as these are very rare events
11:00:06 <TrueBrain> dwfreed: Still sucks :p
11:03:31 <TrueBrain> The std::move doesn't worry me. The nullptr on the queue I find annoying, so I picked the solution that doesn't do it :p but I think this is a tomato tomato case πŸ™‚
11:05:18 <dwfreed> you do need to make sure your receive callbacks are threadsafe now
11:48:52 <TrueBrain> Yup. They already had to be πŸ™‚ but some locking is missing
11:49:27 *** TheSGRhasbeenjeffeds has joined #openttd
11:49:27 <TheSGRhasbeenjeffeds> i forgor how to make a newgrf for openttd
11:50:36 <TrueBrain> So, what is our vote? Shared or unique? πŸ˜„
12:17:54 <Xarick>
12:17:54 <Xarick>
12:18:20 <Xarick> why aren't the entries iterated in the correct order they were created?
12:21:24 <dP> that's quite expected for an associative container
12:24:24 <Samu> :(
12:24:30 <Samu> so i need to use array?
12:24:37 <Samu> then give up on the name
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13:28:33 <Samu> how do I assign an index to each name?
13:28:45 <Samu> so that i can iterate them in order?
13:32:25 <Samu> i dont understand anything of this documentation
13:32:25 <Samu>
13:32:40 <Samu> the syntax exemples make no sense to me
13:53:25 <andythenorth> You can use arrays of arrays
13:53:31 <andythenorth> Or an array of slots
14:05:26 <Samu> when the slot is integer, they are ordered
14:05:33 <Samu> iterated in order
14:05:55 <Samu> when the slot is a string, a name, they're randomly ordered
14:05:59 <Samu> :(
14:13:51 <andythenorth> Store an index when you write to the slot?
14:14:02 <andythenorth> Then lambda sort on retrieval?
14:15:28 <Samu> can you show me an example?
14:23:58 <andythenorth> Not in squirrel
14:24:37 <andythenorth> It used to be really common in python where dicts weren’t order stable
14:25:02 <andythenorth> Dicts approximately same as squirrel tables
15:02:57 <Samu> string manipulation sucks
15:11:06 <Samu>
15:11:12 <Samu> i don't understand strings
15:11:39 <Samu> why does it assert
15:12:33 <Xarick>
15:12:33 <Xarick> results in this
15:16:40 <dP> Samu: you're probably initializing both elements with the same table
15:16:52 <dP> at least idk squirrel but that's how it would work in python
15:17:59 <dP> so tables[0] is tables[1]
15:18:40 <Samu> oh...
15:19:55 <Samu> okay let's try a different way
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15:26:00 <Samu> thx, that was it
15:26:38 <Samu> now it's also on a foreach
15:30:24 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] frosch123 commented on pull request #10480: Codechange: move curl into a thread so simplify code
15:44:14 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] JimmyNaidoo commented on issue #10482: [Bug]: No display
15:44:18 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] JimmyNaidoo closed issue #10482: [Bug]: No display
15:44:20 <Samu> nice, fantastic! it builds again
15:44:52 <Samu> changing a table to an array requires so much work, lol
15:50:10 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] glx22 commented on issue #10474: [Crash]: Change setting caused assert failure
15:51:18 *** _aD has joined #openttd
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17:54:40 <Samu> I need ideas for new score tables
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18:20:33 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] innocenat commented on issue #10474: [Crash]: Change setting caused assert failure
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18:39:01 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] innocenat commented on issue #10474: [Crash]: Change setting caused assert failure
18:40:59 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] TrueBrain updated pull request #10484: Change: release with (much) newer versions of dependencies for Generic Linux
18:46:08 <glx[d]> Ok #10474 is interesting
18:50:18 <Samu> there's some random huge stalls during river generation, unpredictable...
18:55:39 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] TrueBrain commented on pull request #10480: Codechange: move curl into a thread so simplify code
19:02:33 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] TrueBrain updated pull request #10480: Codechange: move curl into a thread so simplify code
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19:14:45 *** Flygon has quit IRC (Quit: A toaster's basically a soldering iron designed to toast bread)
19:23:27 *** Ernst has joined #openttd
19:23:34 <Ernst> Hi
19:23:54 <Ernst> Some help pls running openttd no iPad
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19:28:20 <andythenorth> There is no native ios version
19:28:36 <andythenorth> There’s a scam version on the App Store though
19:33:52 <TrueBrain> wauw, that whole content window can really use a rewrite .. so many odd things πŸ˜›
19:41:09 <Samu> trying to debug this thing
19:41:22 <Samu> FlowRiver calls FlowRiver
19:41:49 <Samu> probably an insane number of times
19:41:54 <Samu> how can i count?
19:43:56 <TrueBrain> okay, the weirdest bug: if you have a partial file on disk (Because you cancelled), the HTTP fails and it falls back to TCP, the download progress starts at `UINT32_MAX - filesize`
19:44:00 <TrueBrain> so silly
19:44:24 <Samu> std::tie(found, main_river) what is std::tie?
19:51:17 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/BaNaNaS] frosch123 opened pull request #123: Change: migrate OpenTTD users BRTrains and Leandenx to GitHub user FeniksX
19:53:59 <frosch> 58.1% of packages, 35.9% of users migrated
19:54:06 <frosch> even the sum is not yet 100 :p
19:55:15 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/BaNaNaS] TrueBrain approved pull request #123: Change: migrate OpenTTD users BRTrains and Leandenx to GitHub user FeniksX
19:55:24 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/BaNaNaS] TrueBrain merged pull request #123: Change: migrate OpenTTD users BRTrains and Leandenx to GitHub user FeniksX
19:55:24 <TrueBrain> lol
20:01:47 <Samu> hmm, the river generation is stuck in AyStar
20:11:28 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] TrueBrain opened pull request #10485: Fix #10131: actually cancel downloads when pressing cancel
20:12:05 <TrueBrain> right .. that should be it πŸ™‚ Seems to work .. curious how long it takes for someone to break it another way πŸ˜›
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20:18:10 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] TrueBrain updated pull request #10485: Fix #10131: actually cancel downloads when pressing cancel
20:30:18 <Samu> tiles 1007572, 1007573, 1007574
20:35:50 <TrueBrain> Curious if I got the `atomic` right frosch πŸ™‚
20:40:08 <frosch> you are right, settings thread_exist does not need to be inside the mutex
20:40:23 <frosch> it's enough if the reading of thread_exit is inside the mutex
20:41:57 <TrueBrain> yippie, means I am starting to understand this part of C++ πŸ™‚ Tnx πŸ™‚
20:42:17 <frosch> not much of c++ there, that's just pthreads
20:42:47 <TrueBrain> with Python I don't have this problem πŸ˜›
20:43:03 <frosch> because of the GIL?
20:43:08 <TrueBrain> yup
20:43:23 <frosch> some day cpython will get rid of it πŸ™‚
20:43:31 <TrueBrain> yeah .. then it will be a nightmare πŸ˜›
20:46:12 <frosch> i got a nightmare after reading your bananas-gs/ai-parser πŸ™‚
20:46:24 <frosch> i did not know that you could "send" to a "yield"
20:46:40 <frosch> i only knew generators
20:47:22 <TrueBrain> can't even remember what I did there πŸ˜›
20:53:44 <frosch> well, now i know, if i do not like the value a generator gave me, i can pass it an exception as revenge
20:54:31 <TrueBrain> you can do so much evil in Python πŸ˜›
20:55:03 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] frosch123 approved pull request #10480: Codechange: move curl into a thread so simplify code
20:56:24 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] TrueBrain merged pull request #10480: Codechange: move curl into a thread so simplify code
20:57:00 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] TrueBrain updated pull request #10485: Fix #10131: actually cancel downloads when pressing cancel
20:57:56 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] TrueBrain updated pull request #10481: Change: try to detect the CA file/path for CURL
20:59:29 <frosch> c++ is so wtf... glx used std::optional<const std::string> in #10483... what does const inside an optional even mean? doesn't that make the whole optional const as well?
21:00:01 <frosch> is there a difference between "const optional<string>" and "optional<const string>"?
21:00:27 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] TrueBrain updated pull request #10481: Change: try to detect the CA file/path for CURL
21:02:21 <TrueBrain> and what did string_view do? πŸ˜›
21:03:10 <frosch> string_view is a pair<char*, size_t>
21:03:15 <frosch> it does not own the memory
21:03:21 <frosch> it's only a "view"
21:03:31 <TrueBrain> I know πŸ™‚
21:04:11 <frosch> the rhetoric escaped me πŸ™‚
21:04:21 <TrueBrain> yeah, sorry .. long day, so the humor is a bit dry πŸ˜›
21:08:12 <Samu> can someone explain me what std::tie do?
21:13:05 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] frosch123 commented on pull request #10483: Codechange: [Script] Don't expose static buffers outside of ScriptText
21:14:14 *** jellyknight has quit IRC (Quit: Stay safe!)
21:16:48 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] frosch123 approved pull request #10484: Change: release with (much) newer versions of dependencies for Generic Linux
21:17:00 <glx[d]>
21:17:02 <frosch> can't think of anything to test there, except maybe the nightly tomorrow
21:17:27 <TrueBrain> I tested it on my fork; seemed to work
21:18:27 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] TrueBrain merged pull request #10484: Change: release with (much) newer versions of dependencies for Generic Linux
21:19:07 <frosch> i can't believe "auto foo = {"a", "b"};" compiles πŸ™‚
21:19:17 <TrueBrain> I was mostly shocked it even compiled on MSVC
21:19:36 <frosch> in my mind "auto" checks the rhs for the type, and "{ ... }" checks the lhs for the type
21:19:58 <TrueBrain> it is a list of const chars btw
21:20:09 <TrueBrain> to be expected, but still
21:20:22 <frosch> i think the variable is a std::initializer_list in the end, no array
21:20:34 <TrueBrain> I didn't check that, but yes, it should
21:20:53 <frosch> yet another weird c++ magic thing πŸ™‚
21:21:18 <TrueBrain> but yeah .. `auto` surprised me here too πŸ™‚ Was afraid I had to look up how to write that initializer list bla πŸ˜›
21:22:19 <frosch> i guess initializer_list is implicit const
21:24:09 <frosch> that PR reminds me of dalestan skipping all whitespace, which is not strictly needed :p
21:24:24 <frosch> it skips all "const" which are not strictly needed πŸ™‚
21:24:29 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] frosch123 approved pull request #10481: Change: try to detect the CA file/path for CURL
21:27:15 <Samu> I think i detected the cause
21:27:16 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] glx22 commented on pull request #10483: Codechange: [Script] Don't expose static buffers outside of ScriptText
21:27:55 <TrueBrain> consts are for the weak
21:27:56 <TrueBrain> πŸ˜„
21:39:37 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] frosch123 commented on pull request #10485: Fix #10131: actually cancel downloads when pressing cancel
21:39:49 <frosch> i tried really hard to comment on every "const" πŸ™‚
21:42:25 <TrueBrain> πŸ˜„
21:44:13 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] SamuXarick commented on issue #10452: [Bug]: Long stalls during river generation on heightmap
21:46:52 <Samu> terrible screenshots ...
21:49:51 <Samu> okay, better now
21:50:09 *** keikoz has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)
21:56:53 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] TrueBrain commented on pull request #10485: Fix #10131: actually cancel downloads when pressing cancel
21:57:10 <Samu> can someone confirm you also get the stall during river generation?
21:57:22 <Samu> i added some steps to recreate
21:57:34 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] TrueBrain commented on pull request #10485: Fix #10131: actually cancel downloads when pressing cancel
21:57:47 <TrueBrain> frosch: a const member for a virtual function .. is that wanted?
21:58:05 <TrueBrain> should an interface define an implementation has to be done read-only?
21:58:47 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] TrueBrain merged pull request #10481: Change: try to detect the CA file/path for CURL
22:00:35 <frosch> interesting question, i always see it from the other side: i have a const pointer, what can i do with it
22:01:07 <TrueBrain> in this case, that is rather unknown
22:01:15 <TrueBrain> (so: nothing :P)
22:01:35 <frosch> also, wtf. win32... I assumed DWORD_PTR was a "DWORD*", not an "intptr_t"
22:01:49 <TrueBrain> yeah, don't get me started on that shit
22:03:02 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] TrueBrain commented on pull request #10485: Fix #10131: actually cancel downloads when pressing cancel
22:07:10 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] TrueBrain updated pull request #10485: Fix #10131: actually cancel downloads when pressing cancel
22:07:17 <TrueBrain> let's hope that fixes mingw/MSVC .. not sure 😦
22:07:25 <TrueBrain> and enjoy the consts!
22:08:27 <TrueBrain> wow, downloading Brix seems a lot faster now .. πŸ˜„
22:16:43 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] frosch123 approved pull request #10485: Fix #10131: actually cancel downloads when pressing cancel
22:16:46 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] glx22 commented on pull request #10483: Codechange: [Script] Don't expose static buffers outside of ScriptText
22:17:16 <TrueBrain> right amount of consts? πŸ˜„
22:29:31 <frosch> did i already made fun of "constinit" variables being mutable at runtime?
22:29:51 <TrueBrain> every chance you get! πŸ˜›
22:30:13 <TrueBrain> why do all those things feel so messy?
22:31:22 <frosch> because the C parser is so messy
22:31:31 <frosch> C is the root of all evil πŸ™‚
22:32:11 <TrueBrain> <- tested the linux-generic on my last PR, just to make sure the nightly will work .. all seems fine πŸ™‚ Size also appears fine .. so it seems this will actually work πŸ™‚
22:32:27 <TrueBrain> (Artifacts, openttd-linux-generic)
22:32:39 <frosch> C and C++ both have a long tradition of reusing reserved words for a different meaning instead of defining a new reserved word, if the meaning can somehow twisted into it
22:32:41 <TrueBrain> frosch: ah, yes, C ... the best language in the world! πŸ˜„
22:33:48 <frosch> i mean, can you explain the meaning of "static" :p
22:34:28 <TrueBrain> ` (28, 'Connection timed out after 30001 milliseconds')` .. wow ... that is a shitty timeout value for `yum install` ...
22:34:48 <TrueBrain> frosch: Sure! /me searches for the page explaining ... πŸ˜›
22:35:15 <frosch> did they copy old youtube's "301 views"?
22:35:41 <TrueBrain> I was wondering why the linux build took longer than last time .. but it spend 5 minutes on ... waiting for a yum mirror to not work
22:35:46 <TrueBrain> I so hate how yum did their mirror network
22:35:50 <TrueBrain> it never actually works
22:37:29 <TrueBrain> lol, reading #10474 .. always cute that people think our website has a different binary than Steam .. so happy they are 100% absolutely identical πŸ˜„
22:38:59 <TrueBrain> I am impressed the user managed to dig up so much detail
22:39:09 <TrueBrain> we could use more of those people πŸ˜„
22:42:11 <glx[d]> yeah but it would be nice to manage to reproduce it (I can't see a simple way to do that)
22:42:33 <TrueBrain> install DropBox? πŸ˜„
22:47:55 *** Wolf01 has quit IRC (Quit: Once again the world is quick to bury me.)
22:48:10 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] TrueBrain merged pull request #10485: Fix #10131: actually cancel downloads when pressing cancel
22:48:13 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] TrueBrain closed issue #10131: [Bug]: Cancelling in-game content download does not actually cancel it.
22:56:49 <Samu>
22:57:02 <Samu> i wish i had a decent video recording program
22:57:16 <Samu> i have obs, but it's overkill, i dont need to stream
23:05:37 <nielsm> OBS is a good and flexible screen recorder for most use cases, I don't think there are cases where I would ever consider it "overkill"
23:05:58 <nielsm> however there are some specific situations where it might be insufficient
23:06:20 <Samu> something that is suitable for openttd
23:06:37 <Samu> even gifs get better quality
23:06:40 <nielsm> but if you're after something to make quick, short recordings, take a look at ShareX
23:06:41 <Samu> gifs of openttd
23:06:55 <nielsm> it's also "overkill", in the same way that it can be configured in a ton of ways
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23:07:40 <nielsm> but also much more direct in its ability to selct a part of the screen and start recording instantly, and then give you a ready MP4 or GIF file a few seconds later
23:09:16 <Samu> I'll check it out, I like the idea of GIF "videos" of openttd
23:10:36 <Samu> but now it's bed time, cyas
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