IRC logs for #openttd on OFTC at 2020-11-24
00:04:21 *** Wolf01 has quit IRC
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00:30:12 <TrueBrain> Haha, that forum topic ... it made me laugh out loud .. I always forget how precious people are, and how non-construtive ... "omg something changed and I found 2 things I do not like, let's burn this shit to the ground" .. I cannot possibly take these kinds of posts serious :p
00:30:34 <TrueBrain> It might have good points, but it got complete lost in the stupidity of the form of typing
00:31:25 <TrueBrain> milek7: tnx for screen, seems input boxes are not normalized between browsers yet .. will check it tomorrow
00:31:40 <TrueBrain> It was designed for FF btw, Chrome looks a bit worse than FF
00:32:24 <milek7>
00:32:25 <milek7> this is chrome
00:34:35 <TrueBrain> I am guessing you are not on Windows?
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00:34:50 <milek7> of course not :P
00:35:00 <TrueBrain> LordAro: nice work :D will review tomorrow :)
00:35:20 <TrueBrain> Seems Chrome normalizes a bit more between OSes :)
00:35:30 <TrueBrain> Screenshot was FF?
00:35:45 <milek7> yes
00:36:05 <TrueBrain> Weird how FF doesnt normalize between OSes :p
00:36:26 <TrueBrain> I just assumed input boxes were styled the same everywhere :)
00:36:34 <TrueBrain> Silly, I know
00:36:42 <TrueBrain> The reason I normally don't do CSS
00:36:53 <TrueBrain> But ... something something nobody else home :p
00:39:00 <TrueBrain> now ... time for me to reply to a forum thread :D I really shouldn't, but I am really going to :D
00:39:15 <LordAro> and i was going to go to bed too
00:39:26 <LordAro> now i have to stay up to read it :p
00:40:18 <FLHerne> TrueBrain: Mind you don't get trapped in the forum
00:40:36 <milek7> TrueBrain: border: 0; padding: 3px; yields
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00:59:55 <TrueBrain> right, done writing .. now I need to tone down some wording .. :P
01:08:09 <TrueBrain> posted
01:13:31 <TrueBrain> milek7: yeah, I will apply a normalized CSS for input boxes; that should fix that all up nice and cleanly :)
01:13:46 <TrueBrain> I will also OCD-tune the magnifying glass if I can :P
01:14:19 <TrueBrain> FLHerne: tnx, don't worry, I won't. Just some people really have to understand they are the problem, not part of any solution :P
01:14:42 <TrueBrain> tt-forums is way to hostile for my taste
01:15:09 <milek7> I think placing icon *inside* input field is just looking for css problems..
01:15:21 <TrueBrain> and that is why it isn't! :)
01:15:40 <TrueBrain> I basically stole this from duckduckgo btw :P Not much of my own invention in there :D
01:16:04 <TrueBrain> well, I use ::after with content, instead of background image .. tomato tomato
01:17:01 <milek7> the way it is now it obscures content
01:17:03 <milek7>
01:17:13 <milek7> (chrome on screenshot)
01:17:54 <TrueBrain> ah, yes, well, that is my fault .. I forgot a padding there
01:18:02 <TrueBrain> will fix that too :)
01:18:27 <TrueBrain> the input field should stop before the submit button (which has the magnifying glass on top of it)
01:18:44 <TrueBrain> the submit button is now on top of the input box, which is not intended :)
01:20:18 <TrueBrain> I did not copy/paste enough from duckduckgo, it seems :D
01:20:57 <TrueBrain> padding: 4px 42px 5px 6px; <- haha, yes, forgot that one :)
01:21:03 <TrueBrain> did not read it said 42 ... :P
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01:24:24 <TrueBrain> milek7: how does look?
01:25:27 <milek7>
01:25:55 <TrueBrain> and text wraps correct, right?
01:26:03 <milek7> yep
01:26:14 <TrueBrain> cool; now let me see about the icon .. not sure why it is misplaced like that
01:27:34 <TrueBrain> <- updated with 2 new snippets
01:27:36 <TrueBrain> does that fix it?
01:28:36 <TrueBrain> looks like on Linux rotation is done in a different order from left/top
01:31:11 <milek7> it is not right.. but maybe I'm just screwing something up while pasting extra rules into inspector
01:31:28 <TrueBrain> wait, I can help with that ..
01:31:43 <TrueBrain>
01:32:04 <milek7>
01:32:18 <TrueBrain> hmmm .... don't know why it is different :(
01:34:01 <TrueBrain> does this change anything? (reload the page :P)
01:34:22 <TrueBrain> remote debug session! I haven't done that in years ... :P
01:34:29 <milek7> no
01:34:41 <milek7> maybe it's just font issue?
01:34:52 <TrueBrain> owh, yes, of course
01:34:53 <TrueBrain> good point
01:35:02 <TrueBrain> well, that means someone really has to replace these with icons ..
01:35:52 <TrueBrain> okay, one more attempt .. reload please :)
01:36:06 <TrueBrain> owh ... I am a dipshit
01:36:09 <TrueBrain> I was editing the wrong CSS file
01:36:19 <milek7> that happens ;p
01:36:34 <TrueBrain> how about now? :)
01:37:14 <milek7>
01:37:25 <TrueBrain> look at that! I CAN DO CSS! Andy would be proud :)
01:37:45 <TrueBrain> tnx milek7 !
01:39:46 <DorpsGek_III> [OpenTTD/wiki-data-staging] TrueBrain opened pull request #4: Fix: style the search bar better on more browsers / OSes
01:39:53 <DorpsGek_III> [OpenTTD/wiki-data] TrueBrain opened pull request #6: Fix: style the search bar better on more browsers / OSes
01:40:10 <DorpsGek_III> [OpenTTD/wiki-data] TrueBrain merged pull request #6: Fix: style the search bar better on more browsers / OSes
01:40:14 <DorpsGek_III> [OpenTTD/wiki-data-staging] TrueBrain merged pull request #4: Fix: style the search bar better on more browsers / OSes
01:40:21 <milek7> does this have to be this weird ⚲ rotated?
01:40:34 <TrueBrain> no; it can also be a chicken if you like? :D
01:40:43 <milek7> for sure there is some unicode emoji for magnifying glass, isn't there? :P
01:40:46 <TrueBrain> it was the best I could do with the attention I could muster for CSS
01:40:55 <TrueBrain> not one you can colour and looks okay on most OSes
01:41:14 <TrueBrain> you would be surprised how many shitty character there are :P
01:41:30 <TrueBrain> it should just be an icon
01:41:36 <TrueBrain> but that is WAY out of the range of what I can do
01:41:40 <TrueBrain> or a SVG
01:41:41 <TrueBrain> even better
01:42:00 <TrueBrain> right, fixes deployed on production now
01:42:21 <TrueBrain> way passed my bedtime :) Tnx again, and good night!
01:45:08 <milek7> nitpick:
01:45:23 <milek7> submit button probably should be `cursor: pointer;`
01:48:40 <TrueBrain> Would you mind making a PR for that? As that is a nice improvement indeed! :)
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02:10:34 <DorpsGek_III> [OpenTTD/wiki-data] Milek7 opened pull request #7: Fix: pointer cursor style on search submit button
02:12:32 <milek7> I think background-color on hover is ugly too (low-contrast, it won't pass any WCAG formulas)
02:14:56 <milek7> and due to margin, there's thin area where hover will activate, but actually cursor is not under clickable button... no, I'm nitpicking too much :P
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08:19:39 <andythenorth> yo
09:10:32 <TrueBrain> andythenorth: I like my reply more :p :p
09:10:53 <andythenorth> I am a bit more hostile
09:12:18 * andythenorth likes those jeff bezos one line "?" emails :P
09:21:25 <TrueBrain> I couldn't resist pushing back on the hostility .. in general, it is pretty funny how everyone goes bananas over the wiki, but don't really come with solutions / suggestions :)
09:21:45 <TrueBrain> we have a few people in the spectrum, it seems ;)
09:24:18 <longtomjr> Why does software have to change???
09:24:58 <longtomjr> (not that I can throw any stones as a dev, I find that we are some of the most resistant people to change in software :P)
09:25:22 <andythenorth> I hate software change
09:25:22 <DorpsGek_III> [OpenTTD/wiki-data-staging] TrueBrain opened pull request #5: Fix: pointer cursor style on search submit button
09:25:39 <andythenorth> and almost all my waking hours are spent changing software :P
09:26:30 <DorpsGek_III> [OpenTTD/wiki-data] TrueBrain updated pull request #7: Fix: pointer cursor style on search submit button
09:27:07 <TrueBrain> without change, no innovation :)
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09:28:26 <andythenorth> without change, how do we rectify all our mistakes?
09:28:30 <longtomjr> Yep, I try to be pro change in the software world, but man it gets really difficult sometimes. Especially when a website that I could navigate in my sleep changes their crap and I take 5 seconds longer to find something. My stupid monkey brain...
09:28:41 <DorpsGek_III> [OpenTTD/wiki-data-staging] TrueBrain merged pull request #5: Fix: pointer cursor style on search submit button
09:28:44 <DorpsGek_III> [OpenTTD/wiki-data] TrueBrain merged pull request #7: Fix: pointer cursor style on search submit button
09:29:24 <TrueBrain> longtomjr: I think we all have that issue :)
09:34:24 <TrueBrain> lol .. either the google search console is no longer updating the information, or it just stopped crawling completely :P
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09:45:57 <TrueBrain> <- comments on text / suggestions for improvements?
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09:56:04 <TrueBrain> nobody home :'(
09:58:46 <DorpsGek_III> [OpenTTD/aws-infra] TrueBrain approved pull request #4: Add: ansible playbook for configuring new caching content servers
09:59:40 <TrueBrain> LordAro: do we want to try to reset a VPS? I guess any deviation can be fixed if we ever spin up a new VPS?
10:18:08 <TrueBrain> LordAro: what did surprise me, was that the firewall doesn't define inbound vs outbound :P In our case not really important, honestly, but surprised me :)
10:19:40 <TrueBrain> <- w00p, first hit is the right hit :) I am so happy! :P
10:21:17 <TrueBrain> Google still returns, but at least that is now a bit nicer
10:25:34 <orudge> TrueBrain: the current * SSL certificate expires in a few days; I assume we won't be needing that any more? Or can make do with Let's Encrypt for a month or so rather than paying for a year's certificate that isn't needed? :D
10:26:03 <TrueBrain> you cannot even renew that certificate :D :P
10:26:17 <orudge> Probably not (CAA record, I assume)
10:26:22 <TrueBrain> the only system affected is email ... so I should hurry up with that :)
10:26:29 <TrueBrain> yeah, it is not in the CAA :)
10:26:58 <orudge> also, I seem to recall a month or two ago you said there was something (Docker-related?) that you were migrating for some part of the OpenTTD infrastructure but not OpenTTD itself. Can you remember what it is and if it still needs doing? Because I can't :P
10:27:00 <TrueBrain> so let me see if I can process email today ... :)
10:27:34 <TrueBrain> orudge: yeah, our releases still use Docker Hub as source for images; given their new policy, it is likely that will fail
10:27:41 <TrueBrain> there is a ticket about that on the OpenTTD main repo
10:27:49 <TrueBrain> LordAro has put work into this already, but not yet finished
10:27:57 <TrueBrain> it now is: "it works as long as it works"
10:28:45 <TrueBrain> surprisingly enough, the GitHub runners so far haven't hit that limit, which really surprises me .. either they have an agreement on their IP-range, or they are caching images on the GitHub side ..
10:29:26 <TrueBrain> orudge: to be exact
10:31:14 <TrueBrain> orudge: that last letter in the password for cPanel .... why?! :P
10:32:23 <TrueBrain> owh, nevermind ... my client was rendering that stupid
10:32:26 <TrueBrain> LALALALALA, nothing said
10:32:27 <TrueBrain> lol
10:32:47 <TrueBrain> (it rendered the last 2 as 1 single)
10:32:56 * orudge checks what the password was
10:33:14 <LordAro> TrueBrain: mm, i suppose it means that we could lockdown 22/80 outgoing a bit further, but it's probably not worth it
10:33:22 <LordAro> but quite nice that it does everything else for us
10:33:41 <TrueBrain> yeah .. and this is that balance of effort vs reward
10:33:47 <TrueBrain> sure, it is not needed we can SSH out of that box
10:33:53 <TrueBrain> but ... not worth the complexity of fixing it
10:33:58 <TrueBrain> it was just surprising it does it like that :)
10:34:10 <TrueBrain> and happy you remembered doing DHCP :)
10:34:33 <TrueBrain> orudge: can we disable "catchall" for
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10:40:01 <LordAro> TrueBrain: as for trying a reset... no harm in doing so really. if we do it after making them live, would be a good test for the round robin/fallback system :p
10:40:20 <TrueBrain> fair point
10:40:22 <LordAro> your call. (obviously, i can't do it)
10:40:31 <TrueBrain> well, I will first migrate mail today, after that I will check the VPS stuff
10:40:43 <TrueBrain> well, you could, if you wanted access to info@, but I guess you don't want to :D
10:42:32 <TrueBrain> orudge: I added mail and webmail subdomains as instructed, but .... they don't seem to end up anywhere sane :P
10:44:13 <TrueBrain> so now the question, how are we going to setup email ... I can just copy/paste forwarders how they were .. but people with mailbox only will be tricky ..
10:44:15 <TrueBrain> one thing at the time :)
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10:58:02 <TrueBrain> I have 9 mailboxes with no forward and no IMAP activity in the last month
10:58:07 <TrueBrain> what to do with those, I wonder ...
10:58:27 <TrueBrain> I think we archive their emails, and don't migrate it otherwise
11:10:16 <orudge> I'm happy to just reject them if nobody uses them
11:11:02 <orudge> TrueBrain: should work, should offer a login screen (but certificate isn't a proper certificate due to the CAA restrictions)
11:22:25 <orudge> [09:34:35] <TrueBrain> orudge: can we disable "catchall" for <-- it should be disabled, they should just be rejected at SMTP time
11:22:30 <orudge> if they're not, I will double-check
11:26:45 <TrueBrain> orudge: in Email Accounts, there is a "default" mailbox
11:26:49 <TrueBrain> that suggests it catches all emails
11:26:52 <TrueBrain> that is why I asked :)
11:27:07 <TrueBrain> orudge: ah, I was looking at
11:27:09 <TrueBrain> which is a bit odd :P
11:29:45 <TrueBrain> anyway, CAA record changed, so you can request the certs :)
11:32:03 <TrueBrain> okay .. everyone who didn't login to their email for 5+ years and have no forward, I am not going to migrate
11:32:14 <TrueBrain> @seen SmatZ
11:32:14 <DorpsGek> TrueBrain: SmatZ was last seen in #openttd 7 years, 17 weeks, 0 days, 13 hours, and 16 seconds ago: <SmatZ> wish I were so lucky...
11:32:28 <TrueBrain> that only leaves SmatZ of which I don't have an alternate email and hasn't been around :P
11:32:43 <LordAro> @seen SmatZ|wrk
11:32:43 <DorpsGek> LordAro: I have not seen SmatZ|wrk.
11:32:46 <TrueBrain> maybe this helps :D Yo SmatZ ! You still want smatz@ email address? If so, can you PM me a forwarding address :)
11:32:47 <LordAro> or something like that
11:33:08 <TrueBrain> he last logged in jun 2019, and is still receiving email
11:33:34 <TrueBrain> orudge: how do I add aliases? Just a forward?
11:33:35 <LordAro> pretty sure he said hi a couple of months ago in the other channel
11:34:05 <TrueBrain> LordAro: you want a lordaro@ ?
11:39:25 <TrueBrain> orudge: and how can I add a forward and still be able to send email via the server? I believe you mentioned that this is possible,but I cannot really find that in the interface :)
11:39:30 <TrueBrain> if it isn't possible, that is okay too
11:48:38 <TrueBrain> @seen fonsinchen
11:48:38 <DorpsGek> TrueBrain: fonsinchen was last seen in #openttd 3 years, 37 weeks, 5 days, 17 hours, 42 minutes, and 12 seconds ago: <fonsinchen> There we go.
11:48:45 <TrueBrain> well, let me email him :)
11:49:27 <TrueBrain> emailed him and Rb
11:51:18 <TrueBrain> planetmaker: you currently have a mailbox on I would prefer for all developers to forward mail to a private mailbox. You can get a mailbox still if that is something you prefer, but forwarding makes things a lot easier :) Can you let me know what you would like? If forwarding, send me a PM with the email. If mailbox, you will get some credentials in your mailbox soon to migrate any mail you want to keep (we cannot do that for you
11:51:18 <TrueBrain> we don't have your password :D). Tnx!
11:51:47 <TrueBrain> okay, that leaves aliases and my own mailbox :)
12:06:53 <TrueBrain> orudge: can you also add other OpenIDs to cPanel? (just curious)
12:13:42 <orudge> TrueBrain: Yes, but that's a server-wide thing
12:13:51 <TrueBrain> ah, that is not useful :P
12:14:11 <orudge> Would need to get a dedicated VPS for OpenTTD to support GitHub for instance, which would be something like £15-20/month for a cPanel licence these days :(
12:14:24 <TrueBrain> not worth it, not at all :)
12:14:32 <orudge> sorry, just saw your other messages
12:14:37 <orudge> aliases, yes - they're forwarders
12:15:09 <orudge> and forwarders and send mail, you'd want to create a new mailbox, but then you can set up rules to automatically forward and delete incoming e-mail for that account
12:15:17 <orudge> If you set up a mailbox I can take a look at the rules
12:15:31 <orudge> TrueBrain: also the OpenID would only at present work for the cPanel login itself, not for mailboxes etc
12:15:59 <orudge> [10:26:47] <TrueBrain> orudge: in Email Accounts, there is a "default" mailbox <-- it does, but the default account is disabled by default
12:16:03 <TrueBrain> okay :) Well, I decided against having a mailbox myself .. going to try some outlook magic :)
12:16:10 <TrueBrain> gotcha, tnx :)
12:21:46 <andythenorth> hmm
12:22:01 <andythenorth> newgrf property per vehicle, to ignore the group livery?
12:22:14 * andythenorth such trains
12:37:08 <TrueBrain> Your IP address had changed, please login again
12:37:11 <TrueBrain> WELL THAT IS A LIE
12:40:53 <TrueBrain> okay ... I seem to have wired everything as it should
12:40:59 <TrueBrain> confirmed all aliases work etc
12:41:19 <TrueBrain> orudge: now we will have to wait for 5 people to reply what they want; otherwise, I think I setup everything correctly
12:41:24 <TrueBrain> (everything except the MX record, basically)
12:46:25 <orudge> TrueBrain: the IP thing might have been because I logged in :)
12:46:36 <TrueBrain> I figured as much :P
12:46:44 <orudge> And OK. The only thing we want to maybe sort is the CAA record, if that was something you could do.
12:46:55 <orudge> So that we can get an AutoSSL certificate set up for mail/
12:47:13 <TrueBrain> as mentioned earlier, CAA is fixed ;)
12:47:16 <orudge> OK
12:47:26 <TrueBrain> guess your client doesn't highlight as good as mine :D Sorry :)
12:47:27 <orudge> I suspect there will be a DNS record we need to CNAME or delegate to Zernebok then, let me see what it's needing
12:47:47 <orudge> Sorry, am also "working" - things that say 'orudge' do get highlighted, but I may have just missed it :D
12:49:34 <TrueBrain> I am just teasing you, no worries :)
12:49:50 <orudge> TrueBrain: if you can delegate to be resolved by ns1/, then the DNS-based validation should hopefully work. I think it might HTTP-validate the mail/webmail domains, but unsure.
12:50:10 <orudge> Ah, well, I think it's done it via HTTP anyway
12:50:15 <orudge> so DNS validation may not be necessary
12:50:29 <orudge> should now work
12:50:29 <TrueBrain> try it first, if it fails, I will add the DNS entry
12:50:35 <TrueBrain> it does
12:50:36 <orudge> and shouldn't throw errors in a mail client
12:50:48 <orudge> All good
12:50:52 <TrueBrain> cool :)
12:52:07 <TrueBrain> now let's hope other developers reply quick
12:52:10 <TrueBrain> so we can flip the switch :D
12:52:25 <orudge> So yes, when you either hear back from 5 people, or give up (I wouldn't be waiting more than a week or two personally), then yep, flip the switch
12:53:02 <TrueBrain> and I really need to fix how we share passwords :P
12:54:41 <orudge> Eh, yes, probably :D
12:57:50 <TrueBrain> I believe 1password has an Open Source free Team thingy
13:02:44 <TrueBrain> they do; lets use that!
13:06:34 <TrueBrain> orudge: autodiscovery also works nicely :) That is pretty cool :)
13:07:01 <TrueBrain> info@ mailbox really should be cleaned up :P Holy crap ...
13:12:35 <milek7> what nginx reverse proxy will do with two simultaneous connections to file that is not in cache?
13:14:54 <milek7> a) open two connections to upstream
13:14:54 <milek7> b) open single connection to upstream and stream data to both clients
13:14:54 <milek7> c) open single connection to upstream and stream data to first client, block second while it waits for first to finish
13:15:20 <TrueBrain> if my memory serves me right, depends on your configuration, but by default c)
13:15:39 <TrueBrain> well, it is a bit more nuanced: it downloads from upstream to cache, and serves it after that to the clients
13:15:53 <TrueBrain> but they have settings for it
13:16:14 <TrueBrain> why you ask?
13:18:16 <milek7> well, I'm moving some 500gb of user content to b2 and I'm looking for ways to optimize bandwidth costs
13:19:05 <TrueBrain> :D
13:19:29 <TrueBrain> that config uses the default caching, which does, if I remember correctly: download from upstream, store in cache, serve the clients; so c)
13:22:36 <milek7> I think it's a) by default
13:22:53 <milek7> there's proxy_cache_lock, that is probably c)
13:23:02 <milek7> but I don't see a way to have b)
13:23:04 <milek7> :(
13:23:13 <TrueBrain> is c) a real issue?
13:24:14 <DorpsGek_III> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] tochev opened pull request #8344: Fix spelling
13:24:17 <TrueBrain> well, with 500GB your cache-size won't be big enough
13:26:06 <milek7> maybe not big issue, but it might be confusing for user when he starts downloading eg. 1GB file, and it sits there on 0 bytes for a while
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13:26:33 <DorpsGek_III> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] James103 commented on pull request #8344: Fix spelling
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13:26:54 <TrueBrain> milek7: fully depends how fast your upstream is, I guess :)
13:28:00 <milek7> and for cache-size vs. optimized bandwidth I have this plot :)
13:28:03 <milek7>
13:28:44 <TrueBrain> the axis make little sense to me, sorry :P
13:29:29 <TrueBrain> both axis are bandwidth usage
13:29:31 <TrueBrain> bit weird :)
13:30:00 <milek7> no, bottom is stored file size (only sorted by bandwidth)
13:30:47 <milek7> it says eg. most popular 100GiB of files accounts for 5000GiB of bandwidth
13:31:06 <TrueBrain> I like how you assume it can be negative no the x-axis :D
13:31:12 <TrueBrain> :P :P
13:35:36 <DorpsGek_III> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] tochev updated pull request #8344: Fix spelling
13:38:02 <milek7>
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13:41:56 <TrueBrain>
13:42:01 <TrueBrain> lets see if they like us enough
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13:51:08 <DorpsGek_III> [OpenTTD/website] TrueBrain opened pull request #175: Fix: remove email address of people who do not have an email address
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14:20:54 <DorpsGek_III> [OpenTTD/website] orudge commented on pull request #175: Fix: remove email address of people who do not have an email address
14:21:23 <DorpsGek_III> [OpenTTD/website] orudge approved pull request #175: Fix: remove email address of people who do not have an email address
14:21:58 <orudge> TrueBrain: I'll leave the merging to you :)
14:24:28 <TrueBrain> Cheers :)
14:24:52 <TrueBrain> And the list is missing names too ..
14:33:41 <DorpsGek_III> [OpenTTD/website] TrueBrain merged pull request #175: Fix: remove email address of people who do not have an email address
14:34:17 <DorpsGek_III> [OpenTTD/website] TrueBrain created new tag: 1.4.4
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16:30:22 <TrueBrain> morning glx :)
16:30:27 <TrueBrain> glx: you currently have a mailbox on I would prefer for all developers to forward mail to a private mailbox. You can get a mailbox still if that is something you prefer, but forwarding makes things a lot easier :) Can you let me know what you would like? If forwarding, send me a PM with the email. If mailbox, you will get some credentials in your mailbox soon to migrate any mail you want to keep (we cannot do that for you, as we
16:30:27 <TrueBrain> have your password :D). Tnx!
16:33:24 <TrueBrain> tnx glx! Much appreciated :)
16:33:45 <glx> I'll just have to adapt the filters ;)
16:34:04 <TrueBrain> haha, I did that earlier today too :D
16:43:43 <DorpsGek_III> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] glx22 approved pull request #8344: Fix spelling
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18:36:26 <andythenorth> TrueBrain also some thx :)
18:36:36 <TrueBrain> yeah, I read; that is really nice :)
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18:58:53 <TrueBrain> morning frosch123
18:59:00 <TrueBrain> something that might be completely unexpected after reading the backlog
18:59:01 <TrueBrain> but ..
18:59:06 <TrueBrain> frosch123: you currently have a mailbox on I would prefer for all developers to forward mail to a private mailbox. You can get a mailbox still if that is something you prefer, but forwarding makes things a lot easier :) Can you let me know what you would like? If forwarding, send me a PM with the email. If mailbox, you will get some credentials in your mailbox soon to migrate any mail you want to keep (we cannot do that for you,
18:59:06 <TrueBrain> don't have your password :D). Tnx!
19:02:27 <Eddi|zuHause> i find it interesting how every time a different amount of words are missing :p
19:03:04 <TrueBrain> get a better client, I would suggest :)
19:03:16 <LordAro> i'd suggest that to you
19:03:29 <TrueBrain> IRC logs show exactly what I wrote, not sure :P
19:03:32 <LordAro> "for you, <break> don't have your password"
19:04:13 <TrueBrain> and the break, well, yes, IRC has a limit per message ;) Every client breaks up long text .. or at least, any sane client does :)
19:04:22 <glx> "as we <break> have your password"
19:04:32 <LordAro> ^
19:04:58 <TrueBrain> a channel full of people with OCD .. you got to love it :)
19:05:43 <FLHerne> LordAro: We need a 'better' server that doesn't enforce limited message length
19:05:50 <FLHerne> TrueIRC?
19:06:07 <TrueBrain> we call it Matrix
19:06:11 <TrueBrain> it already exists
19:06:41 <LordAro> TrueBrain: we're not talking about the message limit length, we're talking about a different amount of (what appears to be) missing words at the point of the break
19:07:02 <LordAro> "as we" is definitely missing from your message to frscoh
19:07:05 <LordAro> *typos
19:07:31 <TrueBrain> guess the big IRC monster is eating them, nom nom nommmmm
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19:20:27 <andythenorth> when are we getting Slack?
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19:21:50 * LordAro smacks andythenorth
19:22:00 <LordAro> go wash your mouth out with soap
19:22:11 * andythenorth has never used Slack
19:22:30 <andythenorth> I believe it's just email, pretending to be not
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19:26:20 <frosch123> andythenorth: yet again, i have the suspicion you are the xkcd author
19:26:26 <andythenorth> I wish
19:26:31 <andythenorth> I am not that funny or clever
19:26:50 <frosch123> no, you just take all topics from this channel :p
19:27:09 <andythenorth> oh that xkcd is github notifications
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19:27:19 <andythenorth> I tried to stay on top of them
19:27:25 <andythenorth> now it's lolz how big the number might get
19:27:36 <andythenorth> 2, 40, lots
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19:51:42 <TrueBrain> tnx frosch; 3 users left :)
19:53:03 * andythenorth something something newgrf
19:53:13 <andythenorth> I think colour schemes might be the next NRT
19:53:19 <andythenorth> and probably the ditch I die in
19:53:45 * andythenorth worries how many rage quits NRT caused
19:55:27 <Eddi|zuHause> dunno, i've never had more than 2 unread emails, except when there was a problem and my client couldn't fetch them for several days
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19:56:23 <andythenorth> I don't read email and I never had to drive 1 hour commute twice a day
19:56:30 <andythenorth> and yet I never have any spare time
19:56:46 <andythenorth> how do normal people get anything done ever?
19:58:11 <Wolf01> I read email and I have to drive for 45 minutes twice a day, I work 8:30-12:30 14:00-18:00 5/7, and in my spare time I'm a zombie
19:58:45 <frosch123> i direct emails into a filter rule jungle. only the fittest survive
19:59:46 <frosch123> i read the spam mail that is sent to info@. they are more interesting than many non-spam mails
20:00:26 <andythenorth> I do read spam sometimes
20:00:28 <andythenorth> for amuse
20:00:37 <andythenorth> like I check LinkedIn to remember how bad it is
20:01:02 <frosch123> none of the spam i receive elsewhere compares to the spam to info@
20:01:04 <frosch123> no idea why
20:02:41 <andythenorth> sleeper coaches for Horse?
20:02:46 <andythenorth> but what would they do :P
20:02:56 * andythenorth looking at train pictures
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21:00:28 <Eddi|zuHause> frosch123: is it a battle royale filter?
21:01:17 <frosch123> there is no xp or other purchasable currency involved
21:02:25 <Eddi|zuHause> so it's not pay2win?
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21:43:15 <Wolf01> andythenorth: new feature, fake trains?
21:55:14 <TrueBrain> and OpenTTD just gained a year of 1password license :) Should be a better way of dealing with passwords :P
21:55:38 <TrueBrain> I will invite some people to share passwords with ... LordAro , if you have a forwarding address for me (via PM), for, I can add you to the 1password account too
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22:03:33 <orudge> Ah, that's handy
22:07:31 <TrueBrain> orudge / frosch123 / glx: I just sent you a 1password invite for the OpenTTD team
22:07:45 <TrueBrain> I will store all passwords there in the correct vault, so we don't have to use other silly methods :P
22:08:27 <TrueBrain> you can use 1password either from the website, from the application, or combine it with your current install if you already have one
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22:08:46 <TrueBrain> (like I do :P)
22:09:24 <TrueBrain> we have a license for a year, and every year we have to ask for a renew btw
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22:09:46 <orudge> OK
22:09:49 <orudge> Well, I'm signed up
22:10:20 <frosch123> aw, i thought we would store a keepass file on github :p
22:10:35 <TrueBrain> frosch123: lolz ... that ... is possible
22:10:44 <TrueBrain> but if we can avoid that, I rather avoid that :D
22:15:52 <Wolf01> Store them in plain text like a crossword
22:16:11 <orudge> Can you create new vaults, TrueBrain? Perhaps one for App Stores/Publishing, something like that? (For the MS account password). Can stick it elsewhere otherwise
22:16:28 <TrueBrain> you should be able to create vaults too, but sure, let me make one for that
22:16:35 <frosch123> aww, i can't confirm myself :p
22:16:52 <TrueBrain> done
22:16:53 <orudge> I'm just using the web interface (I use LastPass for my own passwords) but can't see a new vault option
22:16:58 <orudge> Cheers
22:17:34 <TrueBrain> so we now have Infra (AWS, GitHub, ..), Socials (Twitter, ..) and AppStores
22:17:46 <TrueBrain> if we need any more, just let me know; I try to limit who has access to what, for obvious reasons
22:18:03 <orudge> Yep
22:18:10 <orudge> I've migrated the passwords I have had some responsibility for
22:18:17 <orudge> There a couple of others in the current place
22:18:20 <orudge> not sure if they're still accurate or used
22:19:08 <TrueBrain> I will look them over tomorrow
22:19:14 <TrueBrain> I have a bunch more on yet-another-place :P
22:21:26 <TrueBrain> the best thing about this, that we can increase password complexity on many services :)
22:21:29 <TrueBrain> and rotate them :P
22:22:08 <TrueBrain> as for example the ones you just added orudge , are a bit short in general :) (which was better for how we did it, but might not be good overall :D)
22:22:29 <orudge> Yep
22:23:49 <TrueBrain> but all that is a job for tomorrow; not for today :)
22:24:41 <TrueBrain> 1password Open Source licenses, the dude doing that, is really nice. He left a personal note on accepting the Pull Request, that he hasn't played OpenTTD yet, but really would like to. How nice :)
22:24:57 <frosch123> oh dear, i think they have as many website designers as we have
22:29:21 <frosch123> yay, i managed to add an item
22:29:49 <TrueBrain> gratz! Now it is time to login and change it into a random 32char password :P
22:30:09 <TrueBrain> (no clue how old this password is :P)
22:30:36 <frosch123> i picked this one when i gave it to kamnet. he volunteered to make release tweets, but never made one :)
22:30:47 <TrueBrain> :( Sad panda :P
22:31:00 <frosch123> it's from 2016-04-09
22:31:07 <TrueBrain> yeah, time to reset it :D
22:31:29 <frosch123> not sure whether i entered the correct website url though, maybe it wanted the login page
22:31:55 <TrueBrain> using the login page can be easier
22:32:00 <TrueBrain> but often it figures it out anyway
22:32:37 <frosch123> should we keep the gitlab account? or delete it?
22:32:46 <TrueBrain> is there anything on it?
22:32:49 <frosch123> maybe someone else wants to host an "openttd" there :)
22:33:00 <TrueBrain> for that alone I would keep it, honestly :P
22:33:08 <frosch123> i don't think so, i just reserved the name while we were discussing what to use
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22:33:17 <TrueBrain> so keep it; no real harm :)
22:33:29 <orudge> You never know, GitHub might go rogue one day and we need to migrate...
22:34:49 <TrueBrain> I moved GitHub (DorpsGek) to the infra vault; gives you an idea what I store in these things
22:35:13 <TrueBrain> you can freely add labels in the sections with more stuff that might be important
22:35:21 <TrueBrain> you are not really limited in any dimension with 1password
22:39:44 <TrueBrain> tomorrow I am going to change so many passwords :P
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22:53:32 <frosch123> TrueBrain: i suppose only you can see members? i only get coloured icons on some vaults. can you see whether everyone has 2fa?
23:01:55 <TrueBrain> Will check tomorrow if I can, honestly do not know .. good question :)
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