IRC logs for #openttd on OFTC at 2020-08-18
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03:24:04 *** Guest143 has joined #openttd
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09:41:38 <TrueBrain> so, what was next on my list of todo .. hmm
09:45:22 <TrueBrain> I rather be productive :)
09:45:50 <andythenorth> you point out my errors? :P
09:48:42 <_dp_> What's the best way to count number of wagons with certain cargo type in the consist?
09:48:52 <_dp_> basically like count_veh_id but for refits
10:01:31 <TrueBrain> hmm ... MasterServer has the same complexity issue as BaNaNaS: I have an OpenTTD-client serving server, an updater, an API, and a web frontend
10:02:01 <TrueBrain> the first three need some centralized database, so they can read the data
10:02:11 <TrueBrain> but this time a GitHub repository won't work :P Information is too dynamic :)
10:03:48 <andythenorth> _dp_ use the var for it?
10:03:55 <andythenorth> maybe there isn't one
10:04:27 <_dp_> andythenorth, there is var to query each wagon but that doesn't sound very efficient
10:05:04 <TrueBrain> andythenorth: what was a good (free) tool to crawl a website for dead links?
10:05:23 <andythenorth> _dp_ that checks up to 127 vehicles forward, reading a var
10:05:37 <andythenorth> TrueBrain I use Integrity on the mac, that doesn't help _you_ though
10:06:57 <andythenorth> there are loads of free ones given by SEO companies
10:09:50 <TrueBrain> w3c has a website that does it for you too, funny
10:11:16 <andythenorth> we have 4-5 validators running, creates good overlap
10:11:46 <andythenorth> all validators have some odd choices, spurious warnings etc
10:13:16 <TrueBrain> well, mostly, I am about to index FlySpray, and make a static copy out of it. So a validator afterwards telling me how I did would be nice :D
10:14:40 <andythenorth> we pay for them, time (and quality) versus money, no brainer
10:14:51 <andythenorth> I would say same for openttd, but eh, I'm not budget person :)
10:15:05 <andythenorth> I think we should spend money on things that make contributing more fun
10:15:12 <TrueBrain> the price is not worth the running only once :)
10:16:22 <_dp_> andythenorth, that looks like it just queries every wagon
10:16:38 <andythenorth> * every wagon in the chain
10:16:45 <_dp_> also I need it in properties callback so no var 61
10:16:46 <andythenorth> every time graphics runs
10:17:03 <andythenorth> server side patch then :)
10:17:43 <_dp_> well, if I could I'd gladly do it
10:17:52 <_dp_> but how do I pass value from server to newgrf?
10:17:54 <LordArtoo> TrueBrain: grepping the server logs for 404 works well :p
10:18:00 *** LordArtoo is now known as LordAro
10:18:00 <andythenorth> fork the newgrf spec
10:18:17 <TrueBrain> LordArtoo: does require someone accessing all the files first ;)
10:19:01 <TrueBrain> LordAro: for sure, but .. I was more hoping for a simpler solution
10:20:18 <_dp_> to bad bitmask_vehicle_info ore just OR'ed, can't quite do a good counter like that :(
10:24:28 <LordAro> TrueBrain: can't get a lot simpler than a single command, what sort of simplicity are you looking for?
10:25:10 <TrueBrain> LordAro: well, something with a hammer and everything is a nail :)
10:27:11 <TrueBrain> funny, we have broken links because we don't have a testing version up :) (on the main webpage)
10:30:53 <TrueBrain> okay, so what to index from FlySpray ..
10:31:02 <TrueBrain> the listings etc is not that useful .. so I guess only the issues themself
10:34:05 <andythenorth> we're archiving history?
10:34:17 * andythenorth assumes we don't want to just delete FS?
10:38:17 <TrueBrain> lot of old GitHub issues still link to FS
10:38:52 <TrueBrain> small effort to make it static and put it on an S3 bucket :)
10:40:26 <_dp_> what int type does nml use, int32?
10:59:02 <TrueBrain> YOU WIN ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! Congratulations :)
11:03:12 <_dp_> looks like having 256 cases in one switch was one case too much xD
11:04:39 <andythenorth> you can chain for more cases :P
11:05:04 <_dp_> I just combined some into ranges
11:05:14 <andythenorth> far too sensible
11:05:29 <andythenorth> nml points are only awarded for doing things you shouldn't
11:05:43 <_dp_> do switches use lookup btw?
11:06:28 <andythenorth> it's not leet unless you're running 50k checks of variables, per vehicle, on every graphics paint
11:06:47 <andythenorth> switch_doombringer_speed is quite nice
11:07:06 <andythenorth> this is a nice try, but far too readable
11:07:06 <andythenorth> [STORE_TEMP(LOAD_TEMP(0) * 50 + 200, 0)]
11:08:19 <_dp_> yeah, I didn't quite get to use python to turn this into unreadable mess yet :p
11:09:14 <andythenorth> I didn't even do that, it was possibly frosch :)
11:11:45 <_dp_> now, an interesting question is if that switch is faster than just adding 8 bits...
11:11:49 <_dp_> (hasbit(bitmask_consist_info, 0) + hasbit(bitmask_consist_info, 1) + hasbit(bitmask_consist_info, 2) + hasbit(bitmask_consist_info, 3) + hasbit(bitmask_consist_info, 4) + hasbit(bitmask_consist_info, 5) + hasbit(bitmask_consist_info, 6) + hasbit(bitmask_consist_info, 7)) * 50 + 200
11:13:36 <_dp_> it int was 64 bit I could just do (x * 0x200040008001 & 0x111111111111111) % 0xf
11:15:19 <andythenorth> 'faster' is pretty unknown afaik
11:15:57 <andythenorth> somebody with a detailed interest in profiling could be really fun to have around :)
11:15:57 <TrueBrain> so many dead links op flyspray .. so sad ...
11:17:16 <_dp_> well, I spent some time writing that damn switch so it better be faster xD
11:19:34 <_dp_> oh, it can handle 256 cases, it just was 257 with default
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11:27:51 <Eddi|zuHause> _dp_: that's in the "i hope you get paid by the line" category :p
11:29:30 <_dp_> yeah... and now I'm spending even more time to figure out if switches are more effecient :/
11:29:41 <andythenorth> user more procedures :P
11:29:53 <andythenorth> how are you testing if the switches are efficient? :)
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11:30:11 <_dp_> I'm just reading the code...
11:30:21 <_dp_> though I did find some newgrf profiler there...
11:32:29 <andythenorth> Eddi|zuHause is using a generator cheating?
11:33:33 <Eddi|zuHause> i knew about the rats in vietnam thing
11:42:43 <TrueBrain> we have a bug-ticket that points to nasatv ... now I am curious :)
11:44:49 <Eddi|zuHause> that sounds... fun :p
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11:51:33 <TrueBrain> they are bbbaaccccckkkk
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11:55:40 <TrueBrain> 640 outside links on the bug-tracker; most f them no longer work :P
11:58:02 <andythenorth> my validators tend to ruin my Mondays
11:58:07 <andythenorth> due to the rate of link-rot
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12:08:47 <Eddi|zuHause> you could make the president-approach and "test less"
12:09:05 <TrueBrain> we are not all idiots Eddi|zuHause
12:09:19 <Eddi|zuHause> are we really? p
12:14:41 <TrueBrain> w00p, I have a static version of a task, including all the css, images, javascript, and possibly uploaded files
12:16:34 <Eddi|zuHause> dunno why youtube would suggest me a video about the cobra effect...
12:16:59 <andythenorth> omg, it's almost like the internet tracks you
12:17:20 <Eddi|zuHause> ... particularly, one i watched probably like 5 years ago
12:25:21 <_dp_> hm... if I disable all anti-tracking stuff will it make youtube to suggest something actually interesting?
12:29:13 <Eddi|zuHause> _dp_: i do all my stuff in private browsing mode, and only watch the stuff i'm subscribed to in regular browsing mode. seems to help it along, but i wouldn't call it "good"
12:29:44 <Eddi|zuHause> means the only method of tracking they should have is IP and maybe browser version/os
12:31:32 <Eddi|zuHause> i also tried wiping the youtube history. that turned out to be a bad idea
12:34:41 <_dp_> I don't even care that much, just using adblock and vpn yet youtube seems quite clueless
12:34:48 <_dp_> mb I just watched it whole already :/
12:34:48 <Eddi|zuHause> ... because that means now all the suggestions are filled with videos i watched just prior to the wipe, because they're related to videos i just watched
12:35:35 <Eddi|zuHause> and that's even though i cliked to keep the watched video list
12:36:24 <Eddi|zuHause> turns out that's not what youtube uses to determine what videos you watched
12:37:37 <Timberwolf> YouTube for me has a similar problem to Spotify, in that I watch something relatively niche and it immediately tries to direct me to something popular with a weakly connected theme, rather than something strongly connected thematically.
12:38:47 <Timberwolf> e.g. if I watch someone tearing down and rebuilding the engine on an old Volvo, I am far more likely to get "watch this influencer drive a Lamborghini Aventador!" than "watch this guy rebuild a Cortina gearbox in his shed"
12:39:39 <Eddi|zuHause> well, youtube had, at least for a while, a problem that this popularity rating was based on "engagement", and that meant "controversial", so you weren't noticing that the videos you watched were getting more extremistic
12:40:49 <Timberwolf> I have a feeling that's still there, either that or the UI is bad because I like watching very uncontroversial videos and it's a constant pain to find them.
12:42:14 <Timberwolf> "You probably don't want to watch videos about arcane technical details of Space Quest that you actually subscribed to, so we'll hide them and give you 'why Call of Duty sucks' instead"
12:55:58 <andythenorth> I actually prefer YT learning about me
12:56:21 <andythenorth> then again it tries to surprise me out of my bubbgle
12:56:50 <andythenorth> so now and then it shows me some low-grade racist hysteria, or paranoid conspiracy stuff
13:00:18 <TrueBrain> how is that outside your bubble?
13:00:18 <Eddi|zuHause> <andythenorth> I actually prefer YT learning about me <-- maybe, but it doesn't seem to be learning the correct things
13:01:00 <andythenorth> TrueBrain it's my fault for watching a load of freeman-on-the-land videos 5 years ago :D
13:01:05 <Eddi|zuHause> like "if i watched episode 1 through 8 of a series, don't show me episode 10. show me episode 9"
13:12:17 <TrueBrain> I heavily underestimated how much data is on flyspray ...
13:12:23 <TrueBrain> over 2GB of data already, and I am not done yet :P
13:13:39 <TrueBrain> biggest task so far is only 30MB
13:14:32 <TrueBrain> many savegames and crashdumps in that task
13:16:04 <Eddi|zuHause> no giant screenshots? :p
13:16:41 <Eddi|zuHause> a giant screenshot of a 256^2 map should be around 25MB
13:17:25 <TrueBrain> none so far; only 7MB savegames :P
13:17:30 <TrueBrain> possibly the upload limit is 10MB btw :)
13:23:55 <TrueBrain> owh, no, an upload of 15MB .. another savegame :P
13:25:56 <TrueBrain> total of 4.2GB of data :) Lolz
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18:01:41 <_dp_> great, I just made a server that crashes clients :/
18:02:06 <_dp_> day of silly achievements
18:03:16 <TrueBrain> Is it that kind of day :(
18:16:52 <Timberwolf> Something weird: normally when I generate my set (using `nml -c`) the output GRF is ~28MB. However, if I re-render all the sprites the first couple of compiles the output will be 21MB, after which NML will regenerate every file in .nmlcache and it's back to 28MB.
18:17:29 <Timberwolf> Nothing seems obviously broken with the 21MB version, I wonder what it's doing :/
18:21:47 <andythenorth> I should really do something to ban the translators
18:22:23 <andythenorth> it's just wasted work
18:22:47 <andythenorth> Timberwolf that does sound....odd
18:25:00 <_dp_> andythenorth, why not just release another update for firs 3 with it?
18:28:06 <_dp_> ERROR: Game Load Failed?(undefined string)
18:48:34 <TrueBrain> it is not sure it failed? That is awesome :)
18:49:39 <_dp_> and I can't even find where this message comes from
18:49:49 <_dp_> I grepped everything I could thing of
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18:54:57 <nielsm> going to look at a way to have "dynamic" translations for newgrfs
18:55:20 <TrueBrain> :D That sounds like a borat :)
18:55:33 <nielsm> TrueBrain you'd have to support it in bananas!
18:55:43 <TrueBrain> I have to do absolutely nothing! :D
18:55:55 <TrueBrain> (so happy with my time off :P)
18:56:01 <nielsm> like newgrfs being packed with additional translation files that can update without the id or compat of the newgrf updating at all
18:56:26 <_dp_> newgrf could use more "dynamic" in general
18:56:38 <TrueBrain> that could be pretty difficult .. but integrate it with eints, and you do have a nice platform :)
18:56:47 * _dp_ just butchered NUTS for sprites because it's not possible to just change properties in other grf
18:57:07 <_dp_> or, rather, callbacks, not properties
19:01:17 <_dp_> also, great idea of switching everything to wasm probably covers that as well
19:01:44 <_dp_> make dynamic translations and stuff with wasm -> put newgrf runner under wasm -> profit :p
19:02:04 <nielsm> I guess searching the newgrf for action 4, 8 and 14, and then giving replacements for the strings in them, by sprite id and string index
19:02:17 <nielsm> and something to make sure the "patching" matches the exact grf file
19:03:07 <TrueBrain> I was surprised to see WASM could be implemented with and without JIT :P
19:04:05 <nielsm> WASM is more or less a serialised parse tree of a structured language
19:04:18 <TrueBrain> bit like the clang IR
19:04:23 <TrueBrain> was how I read it at least
19:05:19 <TrueBrain> "Failed to create resource. Cannot request more certificates in this account. Contact Customer Service for details."
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19:14:57 <TrueBrain> one of the downsides of AWS .. there are random limits with very non-descriptive errors .. well, requested if they could increase that limit .. what-ever limit that is :D
19:28:34 <TrueBrain> well, what is a bit idiotic in this case, that certificates are region-based .. I raised the limit in one, but I now hit the limit in another .. and the location of certificates is sometimes forced by the AWS service to be here or there :P
19:28:42 <TrueBrain> owh well .. support tickets go quick enough most of the time
19:32:24 <TrueBrain> at least, my educated guess :P
19:32:50 <SpComb> default quota for number of ACM certificates is 1000, but may be lower for new accounts
19:33:20 <TrueBrain> which doesn't help for the confusion
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19:33:25 <TrueBrain> but we had this in one region, which they fixed
19:33:30 <TrueBrain> and now I think I have it in another region
19:33:37 <TrueBrain> I was hoping they would just change it all to "default"
19:33:49 <TrueBrain> but in the world of AWS, "default" rarely is "default"
19:33:56 <TrueBrain> as calling OpenTTD's account "new" is stretching it :)
19:35:51 <TrueBrain> doubtful; sounds more appropriate to augment an existing endpoint
19:36:30 <openttdguest> TrueBrain: The urls are not stored in the database. They are available upon request from the web api?
19:37:03 <TrueBrain> the ticket is about adding it to the API, so no (but I am sure I did not understand the question, as that was an open door)
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19:44:43 <andythenorth> so Warcraft 1 has a thing like station walking
19:45:02 <andythenorth> buildings can only build near other buildings
19:45:17 <andythenorth> but you can start construction of 1, then another, then cancel the 1st
19:45:37 <andythenorth> cheap way to increase defensive perimeter
19:45:53 <andythenorth> it's not a bad game
19:46:04 <TrueBrain> lol; why are you playing W1?
19:46:06 <nielsm> like chains of sandbags in C&C1 or silos in RA
19:46:29 <TrueBrain> the sandbags trick, I remember that :)
19:48:09 <andythenorth> I just really like W1
19:48:14 <andythenorth> the sound design is good
19:48:17 <andythenorth> the colour palette is good
19:48:38 <andythenorth> the unit pathfinding is crap, you have to work around it too much
19:48:41 <andythenorth> and the unit control is crap
19:50:44 <andythenorth> anyway, I think we should make Train Painter
19:51:11 <andythenorth> probably as a view on a group of trains
19:51:21 <andythenorth> TrueBrain ok I volunteer to be chief project manager!
19:51:28 <andythenorth> and ideation expert
19:51:31 <andythenorth> and motivation coach
19:51:32 <TrueBrain> now recruit some minions to do the work!
19:51:40 <andythenorth> I will also do the ISO 27001 for it
19:51:54 <andythenorth> and I will make sure it is cookie compliant
19:52:56 <TrueBrain> I am happy doesn't do cookies; easy to be compliant :)
19:53:09 <TrueBrain> well, possibly AWS adds a cookie; dunno tbh :P
19:53:38 <andythenorth> around about June this year
19:53:47 <andythenorth> I got to write "No cookies are used on this website"
19:53:50 <andythenorth> for company site
19:54:11 <TrueBrain> ah, yes, AWS adds sticky cookies, for the LB
19:55:15 <andythenorth> ok so the cookies part is done
19:55:22 <andythenorth> now we just need train painting part
19:55:45 <andythenorth> company colour is stored per vehicle?
19:56:13 <andythenorth> let me put it another way, sometimes individual vehicles show wrong CC, after reload_newgrfs
19:56:19 <andythenorth> so I assume it's cached per vehicle
19:56:28 * andythenorth didn't read any like...code
19:57:10 <andythenorth> I call this method 'learning the spec by observing bug behaviour in unsupported edge cases'
19:59:49 <TrueBrain> strictly seen I can disable the cookies, as it really is only to keep connections sticky
20:00:07 <TrueBrain> downside of disabling them, is that people can hit different versions when it is rolling over to a new version :P
20:00:14 <TrueBrain> so yeah, essential cookie :)
20:01:01 <TrueBrain> and I also observed AWS is doing something with the certificate manager .. I have not seen the code, I did observe the edge cases :D
20:03:34 <andythenorth> hmm I read rationalwiki for a bit earlier today
20:03:44 <andythenorth> and now YT is showing me conspiracy ads
20:03:46 <openttdguest> TrueBrain: Would this work?: /package/{content_type}/{unique_id}/download_url
20:04:05 <TrueBrain> openttdguest: no; no new endpoint. It is a piece of metadata, so it should be added to an existing
20:04:42 <TrueBrain> if you look at the API specs (see swaggerhub link), that would make no sense, to make a new endpoint
20:06:18 <openttdguest> TrueBrain: I see. Have '/package/{content_type}/{unique_id}' add the url to the returned dict?
20:07:19 <frosch123> openttdguest: did you read the last comment in that issue?
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20:12:52 <openttdguest> frosch123: I read it now. I wrote the code to get the download url already.
20:27:43 <TrueBrain> curious how exactly, but I guess we will see with a PR :)
20:42:44 <TrueBrain> hmm .. MS Flight Sim already leaked? How does that work with the highres textures? :P
20:44:42 <openttdguest> TrueBrain: Well I might have to make is async
20:45:06 <TrueBrain> now I am a bit scared of what you did :) Maybe show your current progress to us?
20:56:17 <andythenorth> frosch123 Train Painter? o_O
21:02:18 <andythenorth> web client for repainting trains
21:02:24 <andythenorth> with a connection to your running game
21:02:30 <andythenorth> OpenTTD + Train Manager
21:03:21 <andythenorth> what could go wrong?
21:04:23 <_dp_> lol, that's sort of thing I would do
21:04:30 <_dp_> if I even cared about repainting them :p
21:04:54 <_dp_> you can make tw in newgrf though I just realized
21:05:03 <_dp_> in fact I almost did that today with nuts sprites
21:05:36 <andythenorth> it's been a big success on the web
21:05:36 <TrueBrain> andythenorth: generate grfs on the fly? :D
21:05:52 <andythenorth> web success => move it to OpenTTD
21:06:09 <frosch123> were can i put down bets that the 3rd add-on format for ottd will be html+js ?
21:07:08 <_dp_> especially with flexbox ;)
21:07:37 <andythenorth> <div><train id><switch><var>
21:08:11 <frosch123> andythenorth: do trains support <i> or <em>?
21:08:36 <andythenorth> when somebody has won the semantic war, we'll be able to tell you
21:08:40 <andythenorth> if anybody is left alive
21:08:52 <andythenorth> italics are now supposed to be back in <i> again
21:09:29 <frosch123> maybe bananas can enforce strict xhtml
21:09:35 <andythenorth> html5 is a master class in retcon
21:09:42 <andythenorth> <i> is now idiomatic
21:09:48 <andythenorth> "Historically, these have been presented using italicized type, which is the original source of the <i> naming of this element."
21:10:01 <andythenorth> <em> should now only be used for actual emphasis
21:10:06 <andythenorth> the time I spent converting those :(
21:10:11 <andythenorth> to please some total fuckwits
21:10:20 <andythenorth> could have been spent making train whack
21:10:59 <andythenorth> oh from the <i> page on MDN
21:11:03 <andythenorth> "pp><i class="latin">Musa</i> is one of two or three genera in the family <i class="latin">Musaceae</i>; it includes bananas and plantains.</p>"
21:12:12 <frosch123> did rubidium write that?
21:13:21 <_dp_> crazy idea of the day: make a program that takes train grf and makes TW out of it
21:15:10 <andythenorth> yes, but what software can read a newgrf? o_O
21:15:18 <frosch123> imagine the drama if there was a tool that would create train screenshots from any grf with braking vans in the wrong position
21:15:26 <andythenorth> that would be rad
21:15:56 <andythenorth> I am considering using brakevans to modify train properties
21:16:23 <frosch123> V wanted to make a trainset, where the wagons define the properties of the train
21:16:33 <andythenorth> I thought he did in NUTS? :P
21:16:38 <andythenorth> oh that was emotional trains
21:16:47 <frosch123> like how many power, how fast, what loading speed, ...
21:16:52 <andythenorth> I think I can do it super realistic
21:17:10 <_dp_> frosch123, ehm, that's exactly what I'm doing right now xD
21:17:12 <frosch123> andythenorth: no, not like nuts. more like: code your own trainset within ottd
21:17:15 <_dp_> even with NUTS sprites...
21:17:28 <andythenorth> JUST USE INVISIBLE VEHICLES
21:17:44 <andythenorth> each vehicle has 1 bit of information available, due to flip
21:17:50 <frosch123> _dp_: V explained it to me with f modules :p
21:17:53 <andythenorth> assuming that cargo subtypes is something only silly people would use
21:18:15 <andythenorth> so 8 vehicles is quite a lot of information potential
21:18:22 <andythenorth> and there can be many types of vehicle
21:18:26 <andythenorth> and many possible orders
21:18:38 <andythenorth> orders / combinations /s
21:18:39 <frosch123> _dp_: you added a "speed" cargo? :p
21:18:53 <_dp_> frosch123, yep, speed and power! xD
21:20:08 * andythenorth considers how this might work
21:20:27 <andythenorth> I miss some sort of purpose for it :)
21:20:43 <andythenorth> so engines are just a 1hp shell?
21:21:34 <_dp_> well, I'm making a train racing minigame so it all has a perfect purpose :p
21:22:18 <frosch123> andythenorth: you pick 1 of 100 engine for the graphics, 1 of 10 wagon for the speed, 1 of 5 wagons for loading speed, and then a generic wagon to define the length of the train
21:22:24 <frosch123> the grf figures out the rest of the graphics
21:23:16 <frosch123> andythenorth: think of it like a fighting game. you need to figure out the correct wagon combos, to get the nice sprites
21:23:58 <_dp_> puzzle, until you figure out the correct order it won't leave the depot :p
21:24:18 <frosch123> maybe you should only have 6 wagons: L, R, U, D, A, B
21:24:27 <andythenorth> are some combinations just horrible to look at?
21:24:38 <frosch123> pick any subset to build a train
21:24:57 <frosch123> most will result in dull graphics, but some in nice and powerful ones
21:25:24 <andythenorth> can we combine it with some of numerology woo?
21:25:33 <andythenorth> illuminati shit?
21:25:50 <frosch123> yes, encoding the number A0 will make it invisible
21:26:04 <frosch123> but still occupy space
21:26:53 <frosch123> also, is V sober again?
21:27:59 <andythenorth> did I miss something?
21:28:06 <_dp_> hidden code to change day length!
21:28:15 <frosch123> andythenorth: friday was official factorio release
21:28:31 <_dp_> though considering how ineffecient all those chain calculations are it may even be real...
21:31:59 * andythenorth designs Train Painter
21:32:21 <andythenorth> I think we need a paint brush, and a paint bucket
21:32:31 <andythenorth> paint brush paints vehicles one at a time with CC
21:32:38 <andythenorth> paint bucket fills right from vehicle you click on
21:32:53 <andythenorth> also super paint bucket, paints all trains in group
21:33:37 <andythenorth> the history of proposed vehicle modifying stuff is a history of menu driven design
21:33:46 <andythenorth> but we don't build the train tracks with a menu
21:35:26 <andythenorth> OpenTTD 2, including Train Painter!
21:35:37 <andythenorth> all my ideas for vehicle variants were menu drien
21:35:52 <andythenorth> cargo subtypes is menu driven
21:35:57 <frosch123> andythenorth: can you also drag&drop different engines into the train?
21:35:59 <andythenorth> groups and autoreplace menu driven
21:36:07 <andythenorth> that's Train Painter 2
21:36:13 <andythenorth> or even Train Painter ^ 2
21:38:05 <andythenorth> trams also need steering
21:38:21 <frosch123> oh boy. speakers are the scariest thing in new trains
21:38:57 <frosch123> when you are used to inaudible announcements, and suddenly it is as clear as your smartphone
21:39:10 * andythenorth hasn't been outside for a while
21:39:23 <andythenorth> and outside encompasses 'inside' when it refers to trains
21:40:08 <andythenorth> I think all this is great!
21:40:17 <andythenorth> but I was just envisaging applying company colour per vehicle :P
21:40:41 <andythenorth> allowing alternative newgrf defined sprites per vehicle, using maybe a format for specifying alternative spritesets
21:40:52 <andythenorth> no vars, no newgrf action 2 chain for it
21:41:07 <andythenorth> just openttd understands that a vehicle has n spriteset choices, and player picks 1
21:46:20 <frosch123> do you also want to hand-pick the cargo that is loaded at stations? drag the caterpillar on the 3rd flatbed car. put the containers on the others, in your favorite order
21:48:22 <andythenorth> passengers in the coaches
21:48:51 <andythenorth> frosch123 also a dice tool
21:48:59 <andythenorth> so you can just drag it over trains for random
21:49:06 <frosch123> good idea. every passenger has a bio, and you can either put singles next to each other. or political enemies
21:49:27 <andythenorth> this would significantly improve passenger cdist
21:50:09 <TrueBrain> Policital enemies.. love stories .. riiigggghhhhttt
21:50:40 <frosch123> you can also seat js and haskell programmers next to each other
21:51:15 <frosch123> andythenorth: anyway, my point is. i don't consider ottd a game where you design individual trains
21:51:46 <andythenorth> you hide it so well :)
21:52:16 <andythenorth> I should have stopped at company colour :P
21:52:43 <frosch123> [21:39] * andythenorth hasn't been outside for a while <- maybe that's where it went wrong?
21:52:58 <andythenorth> but I think it went wrong before then
21:56:58 <andythenorth> designing very individual trains is not a goal :P
21:57:04 <andythenorth> I can draw them if I want that
22:00:00 <andythenorth> :o maybe there's a var to read the player-defined company colours?
22:01:54 <b_jonas> andythenorth: I think someone said that there isn't because the player-defined colors can differ per client and they don't want behavior that has to be in sync to depend on that
22:02:28 <andythenorth> oh that is a good point b_jonas
22:02:30 <frosch123> b_jonas: in this case, the var exists, but the var may lie
22:02:44 <andythenorth> I know there's a var for vehicle colour, I'm using it :)
22:02:56 <frosch123> the var will always report the company colors, even is you configured "only show company colours for own vehicles"
22:02:56 <andythenorth> I wondered if there was a var, for e.g. player setting for wagons etc
22:03:17 <andythenorth> I could just remap the group-defined 1cc and 2cc back to player global setting for wagons
22:03:22 <b_jonas> frosch123: so it uses the colors that the owner of the train set? because then it's useful
22:03:34 <frosch123> b_jonas: yes, it does exactly that
22:03:59 <andythenorth> var 018 company's colour scheme
22:04:02 <andythenorth> doesn't look useful
22:04:08 <andythenorth> (offset 018, not var)
22:04:48 <frosch123> andythenorth: you can only read the final color for a vehicle, not the rules that defined it
22:05:13 <andythenorth> maybe I make my own rules, and ban certain colours
22:05:16 <andythenorth> this could be on a parameter
22:05:38 <frosch123> andythenorth: maybe you should draw vehicles in color "company_color + 1"
22:05:51 <frosch123> and wait when player report bugs that the dropdowns show the wrong color
22:06:04 <frosch123> then make a hotfix release which changes it into "+2"
22:07:01 <frosch123> ofc you could also just swap green and red
22:07:02 <andythenorth> wagons are white
22:07:05 <frosch123> and tell people they are blind
22:07:06 <andythenorth> and they carry salt :P
22:07:15 <andythenorth> frosch123 that is probably a WCAG violation
22:07:26 <andythenorth> we connect to bananas, so we're a web app
22:07:31 <andythenorth> so we're in scope for WCAG 2.1
22:07:46 * andythenorth might be creatively lying about that one
22:07:59 <frosch123> do they have rules about <i> and <em>?
22:08:19 <andythenorth> it will be a valid implementation technique
22:08:25 <andythenorth> for conveying meaning semantically
22:09:48 <Eddi|zuHause> World Congress of Abstract Geometry?
22:10:00 * andythenorth clearly lives in a different world of compliance
22:11:50 <b_jonas> I don't see how that would work, because (1) I know I'm not color blind at all, I had a shitton of tests for that while I was a child during normal optometrist examinations, (2) I can take a screenshot and ask the computer to tell me what color it is
22:12:47 <Eddi|zuHause> andythenorth: i'm not sure what you think we should be seeing there
22:14:29 <Eddi|zuHause> and we've never seen a big train before?
22:14:58 <andythenorth> this one goes to 11
22:24:13 <Wolf01> At least does it work in game or only in depot?
22:35:05 <Wolf01> You should do even the soviet 4-14-4 and forbid even 45° turns, only straight rails :P
22:37:07 <andythenorth> vehicle instigated crashes?
22:37:14 <andythenorth> 'this train has derailed'
22:39:02 <Wolf01> 25% probability of derailment when taking turns
22:39:29 <Wolf01> Make it randomly stop broken down on curves XD
22:39:32 <b_jonas> Wolf01: that should depend on speed, so eg. you can take turns more safely close to a depot where the trains slows down anyway
22:40:11 <andythenorth> invert the tilt factor property :P
22:40:31 <Wolf01> Except that locomotive destroyed the tracks wven at low speed
22:40:37 <b_jonas> also add attacks by indians as disasters if you build on their territory (depending on the year you're in) and animal-related disasters like sheep grazing on the trian
22:40:42 <b_jonas> sheep grazing on the tracks
22:40:47 <b_jonas> also collapsing bridges
22:40:47 <frosch123> xussr set has broad gauge, doesn't it?
22:41:02 <andythenorth> there's some kind of debate about that
22:41:08 <andythenorth> railtype labels or something
22:41:22 * andythenorth should draw a train
22:41:27 <andythenorth> I drew one already today
22:41:49 <b_jonas> as for less than 45° turns, we'd need a different system of building tracks, such as the one from Locomotion and Railroad tycoon, for that.
22:42:11 <b_jonas> I mean Locomotion or Roller-coaster tycoon
22:42:28 <b_jonas> the latter even has tilted tracks
22:44:54 <_dp_> merge openttd with openrct! :p
22:47:08 <andythenorth> do a factorio clone
22:51:55 <Wolf01> Integrate F into OTTD, so you can create the industries you want without FIRS
22:52:41 * _dp_ never really understood factorio
22:53:09 <Wolf01> I played 20 hours in the last 3 days :P
22:54:18 * _dp_ played 3 hours in last 20 years :p
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