IRC logs for #openttd on OFTC at 2017-07-19
00:10:22 <V453000> fuck the that is?
00:11:28 <ST2> cmon, he's stealing my factorio plans :S
00:11:36 <ST2> xD
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00:26:36 <UncleCJ> Anyone alive tonight?
00:26:43 <Wolf01> No
00:26:54 <ST2> nah, takes too much energy xD
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01:20:56 <Wolf01> 'night
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08:41:33 <kha_grejs> hello there I need some help with a scenorie called Denmark ver. 1.0. I says it is missing some files and I have found those files but still it will not start.
08:42:05 <kha_grejs> It is versin TDD 1.7.1 i am playing some ideas to get it to work?
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10:00:09 *** Wolf01 has joined #openttd
10:00:54 <Wolf01> o/
10:04:06 <Alberth> o/
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12:33:52 <Wolf01> Anyone which knows where the "architecture explorer" menu is located in VS14?
12:37:03 <Alberth> On the Architecture menu, point to Windows, and then click Architecture Explorer. ?
12:38:42 <Wolf01> I don't seem to have an "architecture menu"
12:39:18 <Wolf01> Even the "quick launch" doesn't suggest anything
12:42:02 <Wolf01> Add a UML class diagram to your solution: On the Architecture menu, choose New Diagram. In the Add New Diagram dialog box, select UML Class Diagram. A modeling project will be created, if you don’t already have one. <- I'm trying to do this
12:44:45 <Alberth> just quoted
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12:49:33 <Wolf01> I have solution explorer, team explorer, class view as panels, no sign of the "architecture"
12:54:36 <__ln__> perché no stai usando VS in italiano?
12:55:45 <Wolf01> Because when I look for info on internet I find them in english and I don't have to translate it :P
12:56:39 <__ln__> sounds boring :P
12:57:31 <Wolf01> Also I save some space avoiding to install language packs
12:57:39 <__ln__> besides, at least for warnings, errors and such, VS has those unique id numbers for each message, which enables one to easily search for them regardless of the language.
12:58:13 <Wolf01> Oh, that's not the problem, the problem are the various features
12:59:15 <Wolf01> I'm so used to english that I don't even know how many menu entries are called in italian, like the CVS ones
12:59:25 <Wolf01> Or VCS
13:07:04 <Wolf01> I think I didn't install the modeling tools
13:07:38 <__ln__> and you aren't curious to know the VCS terminology in italian?
13:07:43 <Wolf01> No
13:07:48 <__ln__> :(
13:13:25 <Wolf01> Also, since most of the SDK and 3rd party tools are in english only, I don't really like to have half of the things in one language and half in another one, I'm already pissed about this in fallout 4 :P
13:14:56 <__ln__> la ricaduta quattro
13:16:12 <Wolf01> Installing visual studio sdk, then modeling tools :|
13:16:20 <Wolf01> And lunch
13:16:54 <__ln__> didn't know one needs to install lunch
13:28:12 <Wolf01> Successfully installed lunch in my stomach
13:28:29 <__ln__> pizza?
13:28:33 <Wolf01> Pasta
13:28:46 <__ln__> ah, that would have been my second guess
13:30:53 <Wolf01> Ok, now I can install the modeling tools
13:31:36 <Wolf01> It took 16 seconds
13:32:04 <Wolf01> Waiting for a crash
13:33:10 <Wolf01> Still no architecture stuff
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13:54:22 <Wolf01> Ok, I need at least the pro version
13:55:43 <__ln__> community is not enough?
13:56:19 <Alberth> only professionals need architecture apparently
13:58:18 <Wolf01> It seem I can do it by hand with the community
14:06:43 *** sim-al2 is now known as Guest426
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14:09:16 <Wolf01> "In short, Belfiore explains that the full Windows 10 on ARM effort is about enabling great battery life and sleep on ARM based laptops and tablets, and not about bringing full Windows 10 to phones." <- yay
14:09:43 <Wolf01> Fuck surface phones :D
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14:12:12 <Alberth> windows 10 just eats too much processor time
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15:10:31 <Wolf01> installing wetrails
15:17:14 <Alberth> just cleaning the tracks :p
15:30:37 <supermop> Wolf01: my surface doesn't really fit in my pocket
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15:46:25 <Alberth> hmm, why is every grf opened like 3 times in openttd?
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17:15:59 <Alberth> o/
17:16:37 <frosch123> moi
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18:27:33 <Wolf01> Quak
18:27:51 <frosch123> bau
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20:01:21 <Eddi|zuHause> uhm, what's the most low-level way to switch between applications in osx? i'm in the (very bare) "wipe the system and reinstall osx" mode, and somehow i pressed something that pulled me away from the disk util process that tells me how far it's through wiping the disk.
20:01:33 <Eddi|zuHause> i can start a terminal and see that the process is still running
20:01:44 <Eddi|zuHause> but i have no way to switch to it
20:02:05 <Eddi|zuHause> (and i tried cmd+tab)
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20:07:01 <Rubidium> Eddi|zuHause: ask Steve Jobs for intervention
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21:12:52 <Wolf01> eh, they finally found the truth about OTTD AIs :P
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21:54:11 <Alberth> we were there long before them :p
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22:00:51 <andythenorth> such very
22:01:21 <andythenorth> my backup to spinning disk is slower than my backup to SSD :(
22:01:24 <andythenorth> :x
22:03:32 <Eddi|zuHause> i disagree, we specifically called it "NoAI"
22:04:03 <Eddi|zuHause> andythenorth: that does not sound very surprising
22:04:20 <andythenorth> it’s more along the lines of disappointing
22:04:28 <andythenorth> I want it to be done :P
22:05:02 <andythenorth> also I can walk around with the SSD backup plugged in to my laptop, low chance of it being harmed when I drop it :P
22:05:26 <andythenorth> how much is another SSD? o_O
22:06:40 <andythenorth> too much :(
22:07:23 <andythenorth> how many backups is enough?
22:18:36 <Alberth> 1 more than you mess up
22:19:25 <Alberth> unfortunately, somewhat an ambiguous number :(
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22:28:06 <andythenorth> FIRS 3 has no comments
22:28:13 <andythenorth> that means it must be super-awesome
22:30:35 <Eddi|zuHause> well, code with no comments is called "self-documenting", how is a release/presentation with no comments called then?
22:31:01 <andythenorth> self-whining
22:33:26 <Rubidium> efficient
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