IRC logs for #openttd on OFTC at 2017-06-13
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00:08:37 *** Lejving has joined #openttd
00:38:00 *** Hiddenfunstuff has quit IRC
01:29:03 *** Alkel_U3 has joined #openttd
01:38:09 <supermop_> hmm my trucks carry pig iron in crates
01:38:16 <supermop_> will need to add sprites
02:21:12 *** Alkel_U3 has joined #openttd
03:16:32 *** sim-al2 is now known as Guest2286
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03:28:40 *** Montana has joined #openttd
06:47:20 *** mindlesstux has joined #openttd
07:25:23 *** tycoondemon2 has joined #openttd
07:51:58 *** andythenorth has joined #openttd
08:15:45 *** andythenorth has joined #openttd
08:22:49 *** Montana has joined #openttd
08:44:16 *** NGC3982 has joined #openttd
10:30:47 *** JacobD88 has joined #openttd
10:40:30 *** FLHerne has joined #openttd
10:48:56 *** Biolunar has joined #openttd
11:20:57 *** andythenorth has left #openttd
11:38:24 *** FLHerne has joined #openttd
11:45:17 *** Hiddenfunstuff has joined #openttd
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13:41:07 <Wolf01> "what would happen if you put a computer in a fridge?" "the computer would turn off when you close the refrigerator door."
14:18:55 *** sim-al2 has joined #openttd
14:30:16 <__ln___> greetings not from germany
14:32:34 <peter1138> crisps, 50g for 85p or 150g for £1
14:32:37 <peter1138> no wonder i'm fat :(
15:29:54 <supermop_> "Phu Nhon Bar, Grill and Rooms"
15:30:25 <supermop_> I would have said Bar and grill, tavern, hotel, etc
15:46:24 *** tycoondemon has joined #openttd
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16:03:34 *** FLHerne has joined #openttd
16:10:39 <supermop_> now testing new arctic basic
16:20:09 <supermop_> i added exhaust pipes to my trucks
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16:51:51 *** andythenorth has joined #openttd
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17:10:36 *** Alberth has joined #openttd
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17:17:15 *** stefino has joined #openttd
17:21:44 <stefino> hello guys. I have a question about bridges. Have anybody know how to make different first/last part of the bridge? How to program it in nml? Base OTTD use only one sprite of this part but as I see total bridge replacement, there are used different initial sprites. thanks :)
17:24:58 <FLHerne> stefino: You can't do bridges in NML, only in NFO
17:29:13 <Alberth> I wonder how that was programmed in a baseset
17:29:34 <stefino> mmm, that's bad answer for me :D I'm happy that I learn to use nml. NFO is horror for me :D
17:30:19 <Alberth> you can extend nml first :p
17:30:40 <Alberth> minor issue is then you first have to know how to do it in NFO :p
17:31:08 <Alberth> so it's not actually shorter or simpler, except for the very last bit
17:34:14 <stefino> nml looks like user friendly :D
17:35:46 <Alberth> compared to NFO, almost anything is user-friendly :)
17:36:07 <Alberth> but indeed, it's easier to read and learn
17:47:02 <stefino> yes...look like easy but for first look it is a lot of "random" numbers :D
17:49:17 <Alberth> ha, yes, specifying sprite position, size, and offsets are a lot of numbers :)
17:51:10 <Alberth> most authors use a standard template and standard positions in the image, so it reduces to just using the same template everywhere
17:51:26 <stefino> Im going to try unpack TBRS and look how the code seems but this is for 8bit ? I know NFO only from old grfs where were 8bit sprites. But what about 32bit with extrazoom?
17:53:38 <Alberth> there should be additional real-sprites in NFO for that
17:54:17 <stefino> it is more and more crazy :D
17:55:32 <Alberth> 32bpp is just an addition to the existing format
17:55:53 <Alberth> can't drop anything, or a lot of existing grfs would break
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18:00:15 *** TheMask96 has joined #openttd
18:14:11 <stefino> can I combine nfo 7 and nfo 32? I dont think so but I only ask
18:17:05 <Alberth> sorry, no idea at all
18:18:03 <stefino> I have an idea to put in existing code my 32bit graphics and in result it should show this graphics instead original 8bit
18:18:14 *** Progman has joined #openttd
18:18:33 <Alberth> "instead" is not an option, it's an addition
18:18:51 <Alberth> and it will show if your openttd displays 32 bpp sprites
18:19:38 <stefino> yes I mean that if I have 32bit so it will display 32bit part of graphics instead 8bit
18:24:01 <Alberth> you can easily try if it works by adding a 32bpp real sprite, and see if grfcodec accepts it
18:24:23 <Alberth> sprite doesn't even have to display anything from the game
18:24:54 <Alberth> although if you eventually do want to have your sprites in-game, you'll have to make them anyway :)
18:27:08 <stefino> yes yes...I'm trying it now
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18:59:15 *** Wormnest has joined #openttd
19:11:14 <planetmaker> stefino, my advice would be: if you are into sprite / graphics making: make those sprites and show them. If you really want to make a house set: make a new one. Use existing 8bpp sprites if you want - but do yourself the favour and write in nml
19:11:26 <planetmaker> nfo has an incredibly steep learning curve :)
19:11:53 <planetmaker> there's also swedish houses which is a set written in nml
19:13:48 <stefino> I'm making bridges atm :)
19:15:09 <planetmaker> TBRS... yeah :) I read TTRS :P Too similar acronyms :)
19:15:41 <supermop_> that truck is going to take a while to fill
19:16:08 <stefino> I'm not good at program graphics. I'm happy that I can program vehicles, replacing graphics and eyecandy object in nml. But this program like bridges, factories is quite hard for me :D
19:17:00 <stefino> I tried to add 32bit graphics into TBRS but mission failed :D encoding succesfully done but in game is still only 8bpp graphcs
19:17:59 <planetmaker> did you verify that your game is configured to show 32bpp graphics? Did you test with an existing 32bpp grf?
19:18:10 <planetmaker> you might have chosen the wrong blitter, for instance
19:18:24 <stefino> yes cause I'm making 32bpp graphics :)
19:19:27 <planetmaker> oh! that looks awesome :)
19:19:36 <planetmaker> ok - so it's not that. Good :)
19:20:24 <Alberth> hmm, wasn't there a special grfcodec flag seomthing?
19:20:25 <stefino> a see that grf codec load only original png file - not my 32bpp
19:21:20 <planetmaker> oh, yes, bmp might not work
19:21:37 <planetmaker> depends a bit, I think... depends on what grfcodec was compiled with
19:21:44 <stefino> maybe I have to write somethink more :-?
19:22:09 <stefino> i'm using png and grfcodec put png too from decoding
19:22:21 <Alberth> no flag for 32bpp enabling in encoding, it seems
19:22:34 <planetmaker> yep, png is the default format. bmp is not supported everywhere, I think
19:22:48 <Alberth> it's a horrible format anyway :p
19:23:02 <stefino> I only add syntaxe form ottd wiki
19:23:06 *** frosch123 has joined #openttd
19:23:12 <Wolf01> We need to make layered sprites for everything, specially to make shadows not overlap with other sprites
19:23:35 <planetmaker> stefino, one *can* make grfcodec work with bmp. But it depends on the setup where grfcodec was created
19:23:57 <planetmaker> but that's more trouble... so if you can use png: use that instead of bmp. :)
19:24:12 <stefino> ok ok but I always use png and it was ok everytime
19:24:26 <planetmaker> png should always be ok, yes
19:27:18 <stefino> I only add this syntaxe to realsprites what I wanna to change
19:27:19 <Alberth> you seem to need setting the NFO version near the top of the file
19:27:20 <stefino> | sprites/58_x2_32.png 32bpp 0 0 256 128 -127 -46 zi2 chunked nocrop
19:28:29 <stefino> yes it is possible cause set is in nfo7
19:28:48 <stefino> and I use nfo32 to decoding
19:28:57 <planetmaker> that... should fail then, I guess
19:29:29 <frosch123> the only difference between nfo7 and nfo32 is the syntax for the realsprites
19:29:57 <Alberth> decoding is from grf -> nfo text
19:30:01 <stefino> this is what I wanna to do - I'm trying to add to nfo7 32 bit sprites
19:30:33 <frosch123> who said you need to use nfo7 ?
19:30:36 <Alberth> grfcodec produces that
19:30:55 <stefino> Alberth - yes, nfo text what I edit and graphics file
19:31:09 *** andythenorth has joined #openttd
19:31:18 <Alberth> if you want a 32bpp image, you need to encode in nfo32
19:31:40 <Alberth> nfo7 doesn't have 32bpp images, afaik
19:31:43 <planetmaker> stefino, *if* you only want to have bridges in 32bpp w/o changing the bridges behaviour, you could get by simply replacing the real sprites... with NML. But if you anyway work in NFO for all your other stuff... dunno :)
19:31:51 <stefino> frosh: I don't know to make my own nfo file so I'm trying to edit existing bridgeset
19:32:31 <frosch123> my grfcodec outputs nfo32 when decoding
19:32:36 <stefino> yes, but I have a problem, cause basic bridges has the same initial part
19:33:09 <stefino> frosch: my grfcodec too - it writes // (Info version 32)
19:33:49 <frosch123> what's the problem then?
19:34:08 <stefino> planet: bridges has the same first and last part of the bridge. And I want to use different
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19:34:51 <Wolf01> andythenorth, lego question, did you ever made an air pump with pistons instead of the spring pump? I have a little problem with the valve timing :/
19:35:07 <stefino> problem is, that I decode grf, add realspirte syntaxe what define my 32 bpp sprites - encode back to grf and in game is still 8bpp graphics
19:35:20 <planetmaker> stefino, it's still different sprites. So you could still draw them different w/o modifying the creation-rules
19:35:28 <andythenorth> Wolf01: regular pistons? Or the compressor cylinder?
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19:35:33 <frosch123> stefino: then you missed the -g2 option when encoding
19:35:52 <stefino> thats possible, I used only -e
19:36:57 <stefino> it makes somethink more than before
19:37:20 <Wolf01> andythenorth: I need a lot of air, like 4 hand pumps, I have 4 compressor cylinders but even with the motor they can't keep up, so I thought I could use the arocs big pistons and a valve to switch between compression and suction
19:37:23 <planetmaker> hm... that's something which totally slipped my mind :)
19:37:46 <Wolf01> Or bring a real compressor to expositions...
19:38:37 <stefino> hmmm :D first problem solved...thanks a lot frosch :)
19:38:48 <andythenorth> you won’t get a performant one with the cylinders, they’re high friction
19:40:34 <Wolf01> glx: yes, but I need constant flow, even with the air tank it will deflate...
19:52:24 <frosch123> no idea whether it also operates with the reverse energy flow
20:04:53 <Alkel_U3> stefino: great choice of lamp posts :-)
20:05:58 <planetmaker> stefino, is the grf somewhere available?
20:07:03 <stefino> Alkel_U3: It is bridge for cities :D :)
20:09:24 <Alkel_U3> stefino: I'm refering specificaly to their paint, the screenshot has quite a realistic feel with the Karosa next to them :-) (albeit too clean :P)
20:10:18 <Alkel_U3> yr 2000 - must be some forgotten rural area with these :P
20:11:04 <stefino> planet: still not. I can put it to web when I will finish it but my sets are really "my" I mean, that I have my own sizes of roads, railways, so I think that only my vehicles will be OK due right position on roads/rails. And I draw only 32bpp 4xzoom too
20:11:22 <stefino> so if you swith on 8bpp, you will see nothing :D
20:14:22 <stefino> Alkel_U3: all things in my sets has real templates :) thats my target - to make realistic look of ottd based on Czech Republic enviroment what will support firs economic
20:19:27 <planetmaker> do you really draw that or do you render it some way or another?
20:19:37 <planetmaker> how do you create the sprites? I'm curious
20:20:26 <Alkel_U3> stefino: so, will you make 32bpp ČSD set? Also, that looks like a picture of Czechoslovak Socialist Republic (sans dirt on busses and holes in the road), that's what caught my eye :-)
20:22:40 *** Executioner has joined #openttd
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20:23:11 <stefino> planet : I write draw but it is rendered :) I work in 3D software Rhinoceros and I use it in OTTD graphics too :) Have there templates with lights/shadows and after I make 3D model, I only render it to png with reflected background and put it to png sprite set :)
20:23:28 <supermop_> ooh another rhino user finally
20:23:37 *** Exec is now known as Execthts
20:24:22 <stefino> Alkel: yes my plan is to make complete base graphics + road, rail sets and try to redraw to next 20 years :D
20:24:53 <stefino> and roads with holes...this isnt history, this is reality :D
20:26:32 <stefino> supermop_: yes, rhino is my best friend :D :)
20:27:07 <Execthts> Will the Ubuntu 1404 binary work on 1704 too, or do I have to use the Debian/Generic binary?
20:27:23 <supermop_> i use it mostly for work and for product design as a hobby, haven't made anything for ottd in rhino since 2015
20:27:39 <frosch123> Execthts: try it, if it fails it will fail immediately on startup
20:28:42 <supermop_> hmm so a couple trucks are broken, i wonder if i should post grf for more testing today, or wait until i fix those trucks
20:29:40 <stefino> the same situation :) started to learn 11 years ago and use it for ottd for last year
20:30:41 <stefino> do you have your sets on tt forum? I wanna to look at your work :)
20:30:44 <DorpsGek> Commit by frosch :: r27880 /branches/1.7 (5 files in 3 dirs) (2017-06-13 20:30:37 +0200 )
20:30:45 <DorpsGek> [1.7] -Update: Documentation
20:32:12 <DorpsGek> Commit by frosch :: r27881 /tags/1.7.1 (12 files in 4 dirs) (2017-06-13 20:32:06 +0200 )
20:33:35 <stefino> btw why were trafficlights only in nightly?
20:34:20 <frosch123> you probably mean some patch
20:36:37 <frosch123> maybe you can convince supermop to draw traffic lights at road crossings in town zone 4
20:37:36 <Execthts> this is the point where I give it up, the .deb file needs additional three dependencies which are not in the repos...
20:38:01 <frosch123> that probably means you need the generic binary then :)
20:38:20 <Alkel_U3> or use the playdeb repository
20:38:33 <frosch123> i.e. the dependencies are not in the repository because they are ancient versions
20:39:29 <stefino> frosch: I'm using thist patchpack due trafficlights but for example new FIRS needed to lastest version. So I only wanna to ask if there is a possibility to have trafficlight in base OTTD or it will be still only some kind of patch
20:39:57 <frosch123> i have no idea what trafficlights does
20:40:03 <frosch123> if it is only visual, you can do it with nrt
20:43:25 <Execthts> why do I need libsdl for running dedicated?
20:43:46 <frosch123> compile with ./configure --enable-dedicated
20:44:03 <frosch123> then it does not need sdl
20:49:35 <Execthts> What kind of liblzma does it need? Both liblzma5 and liblzma-dev were installed
20:56:34 <Alkel_U3> stefino: traffic lights only hinder gameplay, there's no benefit to them. If they actually prevented collisions or jams at busy crossroads (implies change to RV behaviour would have to be made first), I think it might be in position to get to trunk. But as it is, it's mostly useless except for people who want to build a model city and I think patches like that don't make the cut. The best you
20:56:36 <Alkel_U3> could do is have someone (or DIY) update the patch to current trunk. OR I think it was also in Spring Patchpack whose latest version is 3 months old and I think the patch was in there (not 100% sure)
21:02:51 <Alberth> Execthts: something like xz-libs-5.2.2-2.fc24.x86_64
21:04:02 <Alberth> name is likely different, depending on the linux flavor that you use
21:06:59 <Execthts> "xz-utils is already the newest version (5.2.2-1.2)." great
21:07:29 <planetmaker> hm... grfcodec fails to compile here locally :|
21:08:07 <frosch123> lordaro showed various ottd diffs, but no grfcodec diffs
21:08:11 <frosch123> i guess noone cares :)
21:08:27 <planetmaker> probably newer than any CF uses
21:08:39 <glx> Execthts: and the dev package for xz ?
21:08:55 * LordAro appears, as if summoned
21:09:49 <planetmaker> gcc (GCC) 6.3.1 20161221 (Red Hat 6.3.1-1)
21:09:53 <frosch123> planetmaker: i think we fixed those two years ago
21:10:29 <planetmaker> but... hg log -r.
21:10:29 <planetmaker> public [988:8513e253d1e3 default] 2015-05-09 12:55 +0200 frosch
21:10:29 <planetmaker> Added tag 6.0.5 for changeset c83b33fc5a10
21:11:38 <Eddi|zuHause> 2015 sounds very two-years-ago-y
21:12:05 <LordAro> date: Tue Jul 19 20:58:18 2016 +0200
21:12:06 <frosch123> maybe someone forgot to push :p
21:12:06 <planetmaker> I probably need to update my pull path
21:12:30 * LordAro wonders how long grfcodec has required boost
21:12:45 <frosch123> it's dalestan stuff
21:12:47 <planetmaker> LordAro, since DaleStan time
21:12:55 <frosch123> it was fixed by removing some "using"
21:12:57 <planetmaker> and... frosch123 you are right :)
21:13:09 <frosch123> planetmaker: no, it's only 15 months ago
21:13:10 <planetmaker> it's fixed. long ago
21:13:11 <Execthts> $ sudo apt list --installed | grep xz
21:13:11 <Execthts> xz-utils/zesty,now 5.2.2-1.2 amd64 [installed]
21:13:11 <Execthts> xzdec/zesty,now 5.2.2-1.2 amd64 [installed]
21:13:15 <Execthts> Does it need anything else?
21:13:28 <planetmaker> ceil(15 month) = 2 years ;)
21:13:33 <LordAro> but yeah, tons of warnings with gcc7.1, but no errors
21:14:05 <frosch123> Execthts: check for liblzma-dev
21:14:07 <Eddi|zuHause> now someone fix my steam...
21:14:16 <planetmaker> WARNING: yacc table file version is out of date
21:14:16 <planetmaker> WARNING: yacc table file version is out of date
21:14:16 <planetmaker> ^^ what's the fix for this NML compilation warning? :D
21:14:28 <Execthts> meanwhile I have the game running on its title screen on my desktop waiting for the server to be set up, and I heard a car/train crash :D
21:14:44 <Eddi|zuHause> sounds like missing cache invalidation
21:14:51 <Execthts> frosch123: "liblzma-dev is already the newest version (5.2.2-1.2)."
21:15:24 <frosch123> it does not need to be new
21:15:29 <frosch123> anything bigger than 5 is good
21:15:36 <Execthts> Well, it's installed...
21:15:54 <Eddi|zuHause> don't you nead libxz instead of liblzma?
21:16:01 *** andythenorth has left #openttd
21:16:13 <frosch123> Eddi|zuHause: i forgot the difference
21:16:13 <Execthts> checking zlib... not found
21:16:13 <Execthts> checking liblzma... not found
21:16:13 <Execthts> WARNING: lzma was not detected or disabled
21:17:09 <glx> maybe not installed in a usual place, you can tell configure where to find it
21:18:19 <Execthts> No such package named 'libxz-dev", also on google it points to "liblzma-dev"
21:18:47 <Eddi|zuHause> on some distributions, xz may be called lzma2
21:18:59 <Alberth> there are several lzma versions
21:20:44 <Execthts> libpng12-dev has no inst candidate, even better
21:21:22 <Alberth> planetmaker: WARNING: yacc table file version is out of date delete the table file that it generates? I once proposed to disable table file generation, but Yex0 was against it iirc
21:21:43 <planetmaker> any idea where I have to look for that?
21:22:00 <Alberth> directory where you run the program probably
21:23:26 <planetmaker> that yacc one is from nml building, not grfcodec :)
21:23:53 <Alberth> self.parser = yacc.yacc(debug = False, module = self, write_tables = 0) <-- it's off in my version
21:24:13 <Alberth> nml/, line 36
21:28:14 <Alberth> depending on the ply version, the file may move, apparently
21:28:51 <Alberth> alternatively, hack to print the path to the detected file :p
21:28:52 <planetmaker> hg purge on the nml repo doesn't cut it
21:29:12 <frosch123> Execthts: you can also try apt-get build-dep openttd
21:29:24 <frosch123> planetmaker: it's not in nml
21:29:30 <frosch123> it's in your grf folder
21:29:50 <planetmaker> I get that when make in nml folder builds the regression tests
21:29:52 <Execthts> zlib1g-dev, liblzo2-dev, liblzma-dev are installed, yet the conf script still can't detect it
21:30:03 <Alberth> in the regression direcotry?
21:30:15 <Execthts> frosch123: doesn't that install a boatload of graphical packages?
21:30:34 <frosch123> ah, possibly, but maybe you can dry-run it
21:30:36 <Alberth> Execthts: linux flavor?
21:30:38 <frosch123> and then pick a subset
21:30:59 <Execthts> Alberth: Ubuntu server 1704
21:31:22 <frosch123> planetmaker: i have ./test/
21:32:24 <frosch123> but it looks like that is a local test folder :p
21:32:50 <planetmaker> hm... deleting everything and restoring a clean checkout removes that
21:33:08 <planetmaker> but a make clean didn't :) So something's not properly cleaned
21:33:22 <Alberth> parsetab files aren't cleaned afaik
21:33:38 <frosch123> planetmaker: Alberth: also 2192:89c05fb08f8e Alberth <> Thu May 29 20:46:21 2014 +0200Fix: Don't write parse tables. Closes #4091
21:34:25 <Alberth> either a very old nml, or a very old checkout :p
21:34:43 <planetmaker> hg purge didn't remove it either. That's what bothers me most :)
21:34:55 <frosch123> are you sure you are running the right nml
21:35:03 <frosch123> not some weird one from /usr
21:35:10 <Alberth> maybe it's ignored in some way?
21:35:11 <planetmaker> pretty sure. It's removed now
21:35:23 <Execthts> pkg-config was missing
21:36:03 <frosch123> you can not install that one?
21:36:15 <planetmaker> /home/planetmaker/bin/nmlc
21:36:15 <planetmaker> planetmaker@aeolusmaximus:~/ottd/grfdev/nml$ ls -l /home/planetmaker/bin/nmlc
21:36:15 <planetmaker> lrwxrwxrwx. 1 planetmaker planetmaker 38 1. Feb 2014 /home/planetmaker/bin/nmlc -> /home/planetmaker/ottd/grfdev/nml/nmlc
21:36:17 <planetmaker> ^^ and should always use my repo one :)
21:36:17 <Execthts> conf'd now fine, compiling...
21:37:25 <planetmaker> installing nml and grfcodec always leads to trouble when you want to use dev versions, too ;)
21:38:02 <Alberth> it's a bit weird it still looks for the table file even if it never writes one, you can't suppress that check probably
21:39:54 <Alberth> I wonder if you can exploit that :p
21:40:57 <Alberth> I hope it uses something more secure than pickle, which it used to
21:42:10 <Execthts> does the dedicated server need a graphics set too?
21:42:20 <frosch123> it needs a minimal one
21:43:02 <frosch123> but i don't remember whether there was ever a release for nogfx
21:44:14 <Alberth> it contains more than images
21:44:58 <Execthts> interesting, no_music and no_sound was already included, but no_graphics wasn't there
21:45:27 <Execthts> Yay, the server's finally running
21:48:50 <planetmaker> hehe, Alberth ... probably it's not secure :)
21:49:26 <planetmaker> frosch123, Execthts there was usually an OpenGFX version with minimal set as use for servers. But never really advertized
21:50:30 <planetmaker> hm... and not pushed to bundles server either as it seems
21:52:52 <frosch123> planetmaker: it doesn't really need updates :p
21:53:04 <frosch123> i guess the attachment will be valid forever
21:53:53 <planetmaker> it doesn't indeed... openttd used to complain about missing sprites, though. But you 'fixed' that by falling back to openttd.grf
21:54:47 <frosch123> did it also do that for dedicated servers?
21:54:48 <planetmaker> hm... *maybe* those essential sprites should be included there...
21:55:11 <frosch123> that would break the original baseset
21:55:12 <planetmaker> not sure how thoroughly it checked for dedicated servers
21:55:29 <planetmaker> why would it break original set, if toplogy sprites were read from there?
21:55:37 <planetmaker> the height level ones?
21:55:58 <frosch123> the mapgen sprites are the only reason why dedicated server insists on a baseset
21:56:11 <planetmaker> yes. And why can't they be read from the shipped openttd.grf?
21:56:32 <frosch123> you could also just disable the original mapgen if the sprites are not present
21:56:50 <frosch123> planetmaker: because openttd.grf is loaded after the trgt1
21:56:50 <planetmaker> But why can't they be put in openttd.grf?
21:57:24 <planetmaker> we can simply ignore those in trgt1 and read a new set of sprites from openttd.grf?
21:57:45 <frosch123> well, it's work either way; i would disable the mapgen if the sprites are missing
21:58:25 <frosch123> i am not sure whether replacing the mapgen sprites would even work via openttd.grf
21:58:30 <Alberth> lol, disable original mapgen because an extension is missing :)
21:59:38 <Alberth> you can also just delete the nogfx, and install a normal baseset, we won't ever have more than around 50 servers anyway
22:00:05 <planetmaker> it's not like normal base sets are a big waste of disk space nowadays
22:00:05 <Alberth> and disk-space is a non-issue
22:00:07 <frosch123> Alberth: if people don't play, they want at least a server running
22:00:36 *** DorpsGek changes topic to "1.7.1 | Website: * (translator: translator, server list: servers, wiki: wiki, patches & bug-reports: bugs, revision log: hg, release info: finger) | Don't ask to ask, just ask | 'Latest' is not a valid version, 'Most recent' neither | English only | Logs: @logs | if this channel is really spammy"
22:00:38 <planetmaker> (was meant for albert, but ... yeah... frosch is right, too)
22:00:51 <frosch123> anyway, someone wants to announce the removal of the bulldozer tool?
22:01:04 <frosch123> it's too "negative"
22:01:15 <frosch123> we want a positive community
22:01:16 <Alberth> haha, we remove one tool with each release? :p
22:01:17 <Execthts> Will the ctrl-bulldozing be removed too?
22:02:53 <planetmaker> it's not removal. It's "cleaning up the UI"
22:03:26 <Alkel_U3> make a table of features; each release a feature gets disabled at random and everyone has to find out which
22:06:22 *** Biolunar has joined #openttd
22:07:25 <frosch123> no, that only happens when changing grf in game or similar
22:08:48 <frosch123> in pbs sections it may also wait indefinitely in fronf of the signal
22:08:56 <frosch123> since there is no safe waiting position reachable
22:16:13 *** orudge`` has joined #openttd
22:47:34 <ST2> Thank you all for the release :)
22:48:29 <frosch123> 3 serves, 4 clients
22:48:35 <frosch123> it has never been a better ratio, right?
22:49:14 <ST2> I'm spamming our players to update clients ^^
22:49:29 <ST2> will improve soon (or not - some are lazy as hell xD)
23:38:52 *** Rocangus has joined #openttd
23:41:49 <Rocangus> Hello! I'm having an issue updating 1.6.1 to 1.7.1 on a Ubuntu machine, that is Linux. I go into the directory where the source and resulting game files for 1.7.1 was put and run openttd -D because the machine has no gui, just command line. It still launches 1.6.1 and changes the version info of the openttd.cfg in the 1.7.1 directory to 1.6.1.
23:42:19 <Rocangus> I did not run "make install" after "./configure". Might this be the cause of my troubles?
continue to next day ⏵