IRC logs for #openttd on OFTC at 2017-06-11
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01:11:18 *** Hiddenfunstuff has quit IRC
01:15:39 *** Biolunar has joined #openttd
03:44:16 *** Maarten has joined #openttd
06:17:41 *** JacobD88 has joined #openttd
06:39:56 *** sim-al2 has joined #openttd
07:28:46 *** Progman has joined #openttd
08:06:27 *** andythenorth has joined #openttd
08:19:45 *** Biolunar has joined #openttd
08:54:47 *** sla_ro|master has joined #openttd
09:10:55 *** Alberth has joined #openttd
09:10:55 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Alberth
10:09:16 *** Speedy` has joined #openttd
10:09:37 *** Speedy` is now known as Speedy
10:13:39 * andythenorth writing a big changelog :P
10:24:22 <Alberth> Loads of changes, play the game, and find out!
10:24:37 <Alberth> diff attached for reference
10:31:58 <andythenorth> half the commits are “try x” and “x didn’t work, remove” :P
10:34:39 <Alberth> you're supposed to do that in a branch and delete the branch :p
10:34:59 <Alberth> building a branch at the devzone is tricky I guess
10:35:05 <andythenorth> I’ve done it before
10:36:02 <andythenorth> 7 year old thought it was ‘dragon drop
10:36:36 <Alberth> that'd much more interesting, at least :)
10:48:01 * andythenorth could use second eyes
10:54:29 <andythenorth> oops, found a broken list
10:55:04 <Alberth> I am not much fan of the word "improved"
10:55:37 <Alberth> vehicle industries not new?
10:56:09 <andythenorth> vehicle industries were in v2 ;)
10:56:13 <andythenorth> farm is a bit of a messy rename
10:56:25 * andythenorth might look at that some more
10:56:29 <Alberth> farm-ish industries are listed twice as new
10:56:31 <andythenorth> confuses people, including 7 year olds
10:57:54 <Alberth> hmm, did I ever reach vehicles with v2 then, I wonder :)
10:58:52 <andythenorth> oh, I fixed the issue in IAHC economy where there is ‘arable farm’ and ‘farm’ which was confusing
10:59:02 <andythenorth> then I re-added farm where there is only one in the economy (Steeltown)
10:59:11 <andythenorth> makes total sense eh :P
10:59:21 <Alberth> improved industry graphics and layouts <-- is a mess, some is just listed, some have explanations, and some are huh? like "renamed to Assembly Plant"
11:00:29 <andythenorth> yeah, that was the broken list
11:03:51 <Alberth> thhis <-- Brwery line
11:07:10 <Alberth> codechanges, some is in current tense(?) some is in past tense
11:08:13 <Alberth> "stopped setting multiple unnecessary properties ..." vs "stop setting zextents..."
11:13:34 <andythenorth> fixed a bit more
11:15:12 <andythenorth> ach Blast Furnace / Steel Mill is out of order in list :(
11:15:30 <andythenorth> as is Steel Finishing Plant / Metal Fabrication Plant
11:22:59 *** Hiddenfunstuff has joined #openttd
11:33:32 *** Wormnest has joined #openttd
11:56:16 * andythenorth will make a 3.0.0-alpha-1
12:00:33 <andythenorth> Bananas has no 1.7.0 option yet for min. OpenTTD :P
12:04:06 <andythenorth> Bananas rejects firs .tar
12:04:14 <andythenorth> doesn’t allow .dotall files
12:05:27 * andythenorth mangles an archive
12:22:53 *** FLHerne has joined #openttd
12:36:14 <Alberth> not designed to distribute sources :)
12:42:01 * andythenorth will have to fix that some time :P
12:42:55 <Wolf01> Put the sources online and write the link on the readme?
12:43:28 <andythenorth> need to fix the makefile so they’re not included I guess
12:43:32 <andythenorth> something like that
12:50:57 *** andythenorth has left #openttd
13:04:36 *** FLHerne has joined #openttd
14:40:02 *** frosch123 has joined #openttd
14:54:11 <frosch123> anyone else notices that we forgot to release 1.7.1?
14:54:40 <Wolf01> Uh.. yeah has been RC1 for a while
15:01:37 <frosch123> "thank you for developing this almost dead game" <- lol
15:02:01 <Wolf01> Wrong, we already said it is dead XD
15:36:12 <frosch123> anyone wants to check?
15:41:35 *** tokai|noir has joined #openttd
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16:04:22 <supermop_home> if I want to disable smoke for one segment of an articulated vehicle, do I have to use the effect_spawn?
16:09:51 <Alberth> should it also mention maintenance of AIs/scripts? perhaps a bit tricky as there is often no author available any more
16:12:40 <supermop_home> or can I just have a switch that returns visual_effect_none for each part after 0
16:14:43 <frosch123> supermop_home: the latter
16:14:54 <supermop_home> ok that sounds easier
16:14:59 <planetmaker> frosch123, nice write-up on "how to contribute"
16:15:32 <planetmaker> "Contributing to the main game" and " How can I obtain the source code?" seem a bit duplicate, though
16:15:36 <frosch123> Alberth: usually people start new projects. same for newgrf. just for basesets that approach does not really work imho
16:18:35 <Wolf01> I would add "And there is Wolf01, don't be like Wolf01"
16:19:58 <frosch123> Wolf01: did i tell you that there was yet another mail asknig about ships?
16:47:36 *** HerzogDeXtEr has joined #openttd
16:48:06 <supermop_home> hey frosch123, when I had my tram without the is tram flag set, how did it know to only run on ELRD
16:48:19 <supermop_home> if it had tramtype set to ELRL?
16:48:50 <supermop_home> like how does the game decide that ELRD is similar to ELRL
16:49:16 <Wolf01> They have a catenary flag
16:50:12 <supermop_home> does that mean that for dual mode bus, instead of testing for a big list of known electric road types, I could test instead for 'is there catenary'
16:50:12 <frosch123> supermop_home: the tramtype property does not know about ELRL or ELRD, it only knows 0,1,2,3
16:50:36 <frosch123> apparently ELRL and ELRD were at the same position in your roadtype/tramtype tables
16:54:37 *** berndj-blackout is now known as berndj
16:55:35 <supermop_home> can I use position in consist and position in articulated veh interchangeably?
16:56:02 <supermop_home> ive been using _in_consist for articulated RVs and it seems to work fine
16:56:33 <frosch123> for rv it's the same
16:57:54 *** chomwitt has joined #openttd
17:01:36 *** andythenorth has joined #openttd
17:17:18 <LordAro> peter1138: i was gonna show off the route i did today, but jesus christ what you did
17:21:34 <andythenorth> such nml stations
17:26:48 * andythenorth would like feedback on the new FIRS map colours
17:26:54 <andythenorth> the alpha is in Bananas now
17:28:59 <frosch123> did you preassign any?
17:29:39 <supermop_home> andythenorth ill test after next compile of my rvs
17:40:28 <andythenorth> frosch123: no haven’t set assigned any yet
17:40:33 <andythenorth> not sure what direction I’d be taking
17:40:42 <peter1138> LordAro, stupidly i did too much yesterday so i was a bit dead for the last 5 miles
17:40:46 <andythenorth> all the old values and code is still in place, it’s one line to change
17:40:59 * andythenorth did 7kms yesterday on a static bike :P
17:41:39 <peter1138> "hey guys i'm doing 100km tomorrow, let's do 125km to warm up!"
17:41:50 <LordAro> peter1138: "oh no" :p
17:42:57 <LordAro> i need to work up to a century
17:43:40 <andythenorth> wonder if I could do 100km on a static bike
17:43:46 <andythenorth> how long does it take you to do it IRL?
17:44:05 <peter1138> though i did 100 miles in a day recently when i did an 80 mile road ride and 20-odd miles on the MTB in the evening
17:45:44 <peter1138> 3:25 moving time today
17:46:04 <peter1138> very much flat out though
17:46:55 * andythenorth might try for some high score on the static bike
17:46:59 <andythenorth> boredom kills me though
17:47:01 <peter1138> just stopping for traffic and a bicycle race at one point
17:47:04 <andythenorth> and it’s nothing like a real bike :P
17:47:13 <andythenorth> the saddle is designed for ‘comfort'
17:47:16 <peter1138> yeah i can't last 10 minutes on the static bike, too boring.
17:47:20 <andythenorth> so it’s completely uncomfortable
17:47:54 <peter1138> my static bike is a recumbent which just means it has a stupid seat instead of a saddle
17:48:14 <andythenorth> can it handle a laptop? :P
17:48:48 <peter1138> not without attaching a suitable surface to it
18:36:43 <andythenorth> it’s all BR Trains eh? :)
18:36:48 * andythenorth can scrap Iron Horse
18:37:17 <Snail> I’m doing some translations of your new industries
18:37:28 <Snail> peatlands = the mine where peat is produced?
18:38:01 <andythenorth> peat bog, peat mire
18:38:25 <andythenorth> dunno what the french is, but they have them in quebec etc
18:38:50 <Snail> I’ll do some research (I’m not that technical either :p )
18:39:12 <Snail> all this cargoes are available in Temperate, with the right industry type, I presume?
18:39:40 <andythenorth> cargos are available in all climates
18:47:32 <Snail> yes… that’s how I’d translate it
18:47:56 <Snail> “peatlands” would be “toubière"
18:48:36 <Snail> what’s that? a graveyard? :D
19:14:18 <andythenorth> might be rubbish, will look
19:15:08 <andythenorth> intentionally empty, but that’s confusing to translators
19:32:58 <andythenorth> FIRS 3 Alpha non-event eh :P
19:33:10 <andythenorth> supermop_home: it’s fun releasing grfs to silence :)
19:35:21 <frosch123> team up with silversurfer
19:36:27 <andythenorth> is that the cars guy?
19:36:43 <frosch123> alternative you can pick the wolf route
19:36:51 <frosch123> and announce that firs3 will block transport by ship
19:45:47 <DorpsGek> Commit by translators :: r27879 trunk/src/lang/polish.txt (2017-06-11 19:45:38 +0200 )
19:45:49 <DorpsGek> polish: 19 changes by lion
20:32:38 <Snail> andythenorth: you really like picturesque names for stations :p
20:59:19 * andythenorth needs ‘make bananas’ or something
21:01:02 <frosch123> all cool projects have it
21:04:16 <andythenorth> so bananas doesn’t like .dotall files
21:04:21 <andythenorth> what else is banned? o_O
21:04:28 * andythenorth has the source…somewhere :P
21:07:52 <andythenorth> the graphviz files :)
21:07:56 <andythenorth> added by one frosch
21:10:41 <frosch123> i think the warranty already passed
21:11:00 <andythenorth> seems I might need to drop the docs for bananas
21:14:29 <frosch123> where is the bananas target?
21:14:35 <frosch123> iirc you can also tell musa which files to ignore
21:15:09 <andythenorth> I don’t have a bananas target :)
21:15:15 <andythenorth> hmm, I could use musa
21:20:25 * andythenorth makes a tar manually
21:50:43 <supermop_home> been drinking bubbly rose
21:52:38 <supermop_home> going to a George Clinton concert soon
21:56:09 <supermop_home> what the hell is neo bulk
21:59:09 <supermop_home> my covered hoppers support it whatever it is
21:59:30 <supermop_home> say it on the list of classes and was like 'better safe than sorry'
22:03:19 <frosch123> it's an old name for non-pourable
22:03:33 * andythenorth remembers that debate
22:04:35 <andythenorth> why is FMSP 0.5625 ?
22:04:39 <frosch123> supermop_home: non-pourable/neo-bulk says "open wagon, but not hopper wagon"
22:05:08 <andythenorth> unless you can tip the open wagon upside down
22:07:21 *** HerzogDeXtEr1 has joined #openttd
22:13:48 <supermop_home> oops sounds like exact opposite of a covered grain hopper
22:16:21 <supermop_home> man how long have I been putting off drwing that arc furnace andy
22:18:00 <andythenorth> you could amuse yourself with cargo icons :)
22:18:40 <supermop_home> damn the br trains produce forum pages at a prodigious rate
22:19:58 <frosch123> what is the forum page to sprite ratio?
22:20:46 <supermop_home> well seeing as each BR class and car within class seems to get 15+ liveries
22:21:07 <supermop_home> the sprites are quite numerous as well
22:21:26 <frosch123> oh, that's new then
22:21:40 <andythenorth> 5th time lucky :P
22:22:14 <andythenorth> they are even supporting most FIRS cargos
22:22:24 * andythenorth doesn’t have an army of foamers to draw sprites
22:22:55 <supermop_home> should really be 32bpp if trying to recreate all those post privatization brandings
22:23:21 <supermop_home> blue as br blue doesn't look quite right to me
22:23:46 <supermop_home> but then I never saw a br blue loco freshly painted, only faded
22:24:33 <supermop_home> I think ttd lightblue+orange is the best match for br blue large logo in my minds eye
22:25:06 <supermop_home> swallow et all have too many thin pinstripes to work with 1x 8bpp
22:25:06 <andythenorth> I think an aversion to literal realism is the best solution :)
22:25:39 <supermop_home> andythenorth give be a light blue 'uu 37' any day
22:25:54 <andythenorth> new IH will be even less Brit realisms
22:26:12 <supermop_home> a 'sh 25' will also work
22:26:47 <supermop_home> andythenorth going to live in the uk in 97 was a field day for me coming off 3 years of playing tto
22:26:49 *** Montana has joined #openttd
22:27:05 <andythenorth> were there still proper trains in 97? :)
22:27:14 <supermop_home> and finding out the sh 125 was a real thing we could ride to London for a long weekend
22:27:37 <supermop_home> most GNER 43s were still in swallow in 97
22:28:12 <supermop_home> 158s to Manchester in regional railways - a treat
22:28:34 <supermop_home> our branch was all yorks pacers
22:29:32 <supermop_home> half in regional railways, half in the passenger transport executive red ish
22:29:59 <supermop_home> needs more green
22:30:26 <FLHerne> So does the OTTD sort? :P
22:31:18 <supermop_home> my secret shame - I use bing image search
22:31:58 <supermop_home> nearby in ilkly they had these emus with a shitload of doors down the side
22:32:06 <supermop_home> looked totally clapped out
22:32:45 <FLHerne> Those only lasted a couple of years up there afaik?
22:32:55 <supermop_home> FLHerne 'light blue' approximates well
22:32:58 <FLHerne> Sorry, not 309s anyway
22:33:14 <supermop_home> I only lived in Yorkshire 2 years
22:33:40 <supermop_home> anyway, fancy nonetheless as Harrogate didn't even have wires
22:34:04 <FLHerne> 308s, I was only off by one :P
22:34:53 <FLHerne> Whereas Harrogate still has Pacers :-(
22:35:07 <FLHerne> My aunt lives there, have to go on them sometimes
22:35:10 <supermop_home> FLHerne never saw a train that flash in yorks while i lived there
22:35:35 <supermop_home> we took pacers into leeds on the weekend to hang out and get up to no good
22:35:54 <supermop_home> pacers to York to see old stuff when relatives visiting
22:36:27 <supermop_home> pacers to either to catch a train to kx when we couldn't make the 1tpd 125 set
22:37:52 <supermop_home> only rode a 158 once seemed very lux
22:38:03 <FLHerne> It's /supposed/ to get shiny refurbished 158s on every service with the new franchise
22:38:19 <supermop_home> 158s as a commuter train?
22:38:30 <supermop_home> not enough doors...
22:39:31 <FLHerne> Well, all the Pacers are going
22:39:31 <supermop_home> anyway first summr there, I bought N scale 08, ic 225 set, and regional railways 158 set
22:39:54 <FLHerne> 150s are crap, and everything else has end doors too
22:40:21 <supermop_home> the 158 blew my mind - my favorite train from tt, the dash diesel, in real life
22:40:43 <supermop_home> andythenorth simon foster was a magician
22:41:38 <supermop_home> to plant in my mind with so few px and idea, that I immediately knew it, at 12 without ever seeing before, in the flesh (steel?)
22:42:15 <supermop_home> FLHerne never rode a 150 in my time in the uk
22:42:22 <supermop_home> maybe in carlise
22:42:54 <FLHerne> That seems odd, there are loads around Leeds now
22:43:01 <FLHerne> I assumed they'd always been there :P
22:43:05 <supermop_home> only had pacers bac then
22:43:29 <supermop_home> 158s ran to Manchester, everthing else was pacers
22:44:58 <supermop_home> rarely rode a non pacer, non intercity train
22:45:41 <supermop_home> my stop was pannal, school in leeds,
22:47:11 <supermop_home> hmm, I tried to make an easter egg whereby you get a different livery if you buy a truck in the trial period,
22:47:28 <supermop_home> but now the buy menu shows the special livery all the time
22:48:18 <andythenorth> you can probably check for that
22:48:45 <supermop_home> the effect works in game as desired, just the surprise is ruined
22:56:09 <supermop_home> this rv set is 16000 lines
22:57:41 <frosch123> everyone else uses preprocessing
22:58:16 <frosch123> which makes it difficult to compare
23:07:36 <frosch123> python or intermediate nml?
23:07:56 <andythenorth> quite a lot of whitespace
23:08:57 <andythenorth> hmm now my texteditor hates me :P
23:09:04 * andythenorth tried to replace all whitespace on 70k lines
23:10:14 <frosch123> use "grep -c . hog.nml"
23:14:17 *** Biolunar has joined #openttd
23:14:55 <andythenorth> RH is 19k lines with all whitespace lines removed
23:15:27 <frosch123> 5/7 empty lines? :p
23:16:36 <andythenorth> oh no that got rid of a bunch of other stuff
23:16:45 *** andythenorth has left #openttd
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23:17:03 <andythenorth> too much deleting :P
23:17:07 *** andythenorth has left #openttd
23:44:02 *** Smedles has joined #openttd
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