IRC logs for #openttd on OFTC at 2017-04-24
00:18:05 *** jinks_ has quit IRC
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00:47:50 <supermop> quiznilo does it agglomerate random names from parts?
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01:16:44 <quiznilo> ya, I did, I found a list of the top 5,000 cities in the US by pop, and scraped the top 50 from california, utah, nevada, arizona, new mexico and colorado
01:17:03 <quiznilo> except nevada has like only 18 cities in the list, and new mexico has 33
01:19:13 <Eddi|zuHause> quiznilo: so what if you want to have more than 250 towns on a map?
01:19:32 <quiznilo> I can up the number
01:19:53 <quiznilo> but lower numbers mean you're more likely to recognize the town
01:20:10 <quiznilo> LA and Denver won't get nuked by the RNG
01:21:46 <Eddi|zuHause> you can make bigger towns more likely to be chosen
01:21:55 <quiznilo> how?
01:21:58 <quiznilo> I asked that last night
01:22:09 <quiznilo> nobody was around, sadly
01:22:27 <Eddi|zuHause> each town name has a number next to it that affects how often it gets chosen in relation to the other names
01:23:06 <quiznilo> so obviously, the higher the number, the better
01:23:13 <quiznilo> this is great, I can include a lot more towns
01:23:41 <Eddi|zuHause> so if you have ("A",4),("B",2),("C",1), "A" has 4 in 7 chance, "B" has 2 in 7, and "C" has 1 in 7
01:24:25 <Eddi|zuHause> more advanced things are possible
01:24:29 <quiznilo> MAX is 255 or something?
01:25:19 <Eddi|zuHause> i'm not sure how nml handles it
01:26:56 <Eddi|zuHause> but internally, it rolls a 32bit number, which you can split into x-bit chunks to select the different parts of the name
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01:28:32 <Eddi|zuHause> it probably works best in nml if the total numbers add up to a power of 2 (e.g.256, 512, 65536, ...)
01:28:52 <Eddi|zuHause> but that should not be a requirement
01:29:47 <supermop> I've always felt that the middle third of cities would make the best names
01:30:34 <supermop> I like seeing plausible looking town names, that I don't necessarily recognize
01:31:18 <supermop> bottom and middle third or us cities probably have the problem of a lot of repeat names though
01:32:05 <supermop> anyway that's why for nearly a decade I used finnish names almost exclusively, and now use Vietnamese names
01:32:53 <supermop> a non-indo european language has the added benefit that names don't seem geographically incongruous
01:33:23 <FLHerne> Yeah, seeing "Bournemouth" as a tiny village on a mountain can be strange
01:33:24 <supermop> because i cant recognize anything that refers to a river, or lake or whatever
01:33:30 <supermop> exactly
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01:34:30 <supermop> a set of town names in one or more Mesoamerican languages would be nice
01:36:08 <Eddi|zuHause> yeah, that annoyed me with the german town name generator, it generates lots of "<X> an der <Y>" town names, but there's never an <Y> river, and the towns are not even close by
01:37:02 <Eddi|zuHause> then i started using the german town name newgrf
01:37:44 <Eddi|zuHause> which had the slightly less annoying habit of having two suffixes "-kirch" and "-kirchen", which combined appear too often
01:38:03 <supermop> original tto names had a ton of "X-on-Sea"
01:38:20 <supermop> haha Kirchkirchen
01:38:29 <supermop> sounds like a pious town
01:39:16 <Eddi|zuHause> no, not combied like that
01:39:55 <Eddi|zuHause> just due to them being so similar, it appears as if it's just appearing twice as often
01:41:30 <Wolf01> 'night
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01:42:52 <supermop> some kind of dutch/english/ and Algonquin bastardization generator would be nice for fictitious New York-ish feeling games
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02:38:41 <quiznilo> Chris Sawyer is scottish, no?
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03:34:04 <supermop> went to university in scottland
03:34:14 <supermop> but I believe he himself was english
03:36:54 <quiznilo> ah
03:37:15 <supermop> don't hold me to that
03:37:50 <supermop> well wikipedia says is scottish
03:39:04 <supermop> born in dundee
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05:05:01 <quiznilo> hmm... tunnel length 67 is 'too long'
05:05:08 <quiznilo> what's the max tunnel length?
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06:04:47 <quiznilo> this is firs
06:05:03 <quiznilo> waiting for the engineering supplies to juice the entire network
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11:12:42 <Wolf01> o/
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11:19:03 <Wolf01> the REAL transport fever road crossing
11:21:17 <crem> Lots of crossings look like that when watched on higher speed.
11:21:47 <crem> Slow that one down to normal, and it becomes not exciting at all.
11:21:59 <crem> \o
11:28:53 <Wolf01>
11:50:51 <Wolf01> wow... looks like possessed by Cthulhu (warning, graphic images of an exploded steam locomotive)
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13:14:35 <Wolf01> It took me 18 days to make a working 3d camera
13:15:08 <Wolf01> And I still don't have any clue on how it works
13:16:05 <Wolf01> (ok, I really have some clues, I know the principles)
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13:32:51 <Wolf01> Eddi|zuHause, is that true?
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14:50:21 <Arveen> nice sayings
14:50:33 <Arveen> heard them all - and hate em :P
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16:23:08 <Alberth> o/
16:26:14 <supermop_> yo Alberth
16:33:17 <Wolf01> o/
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18:51:22 <Alberth> o/
18:52:59 <andythenorth> hi
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19:03:47 <supermop_> yo andy
19:04:12 <supermop_> bauxit from laterite strip mines/quarries?
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19:06:33 <Wolf01> o/
19:06:35 <Wolf01> Quak
19:09:01 <frosch123> moi
19:21:15 <quiznilo> love how tight you can get FIRS supply chains, and if there is any kind of disruption way back near the beginning, there is this ever expanding ripple effect throughout your entire chain
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19:22:43 <Alberth> increase gung-ho level for more maddness :)
19:23:15 <quiznilo> it's like flipping a switch
19:23:18 <quiznilo> turning the lights on
19:23:19 <dlite> yes, if your mines drop from gung-ho it is bad
19:23:29 <quiznilo> or turning them off
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20:15:57 <supermop_> use time tables, not full load
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20:40:26 <andythenorth> o/
20:41:31 <andythenorth> supermop: laterite? o_O
20:42:01 <supermop_> the stuff khmer temples are built out of
20:42:26 <supermop_> some laterites are bauxite, and some are iron ores
20:42:58 <supermop_> most tropical bauxite deposits are shallow or exposed laterites
20:43:36 <supermop_> other bauxites are are usually in karsts, which also have little to no overburden
20:44:11 <supermop_>
20:44:28 <andythenorth> some are nickel apparently
20:45:30 <andythenorth> I keep thinking that if I did ‘quarry’ tiles for all the slopes
20:45:36 <andythenorth> stuff like this would be easy
20:45:50 <andythenorth> a deep square quarry is quite hard to place
20:45:59 <andythenorth> as is one that is neatly cut out of a slope
20:46:09 <andythenorth> but sticking random cuts across a hill is easy
20:46:30 <supermop_> i think a quarry that just looks like the top bit scraped off of whatever tiles would be nice
20:49:35 <andythenorth> I’m going to do the same with fields, unless I reuse the base set versions
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20:49:57 <andythenorth> it’s either that, or paint over the water on the existing quarry
20:50:02 <andythenorth> or make everything a deep mine\
20:56:06 <quiznilo> good for FIRS, I would think
20:57:04 <quiznilo> not sure what to do about the tip of a train sticking out of the depot and blocking all the inbound trains
20:57:21 <quiznilo> roro depots or riot
20:59:28 <quiznilo> 1 should read 'trains pass through depot'
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21:19:19 <V453000> do you even automate?
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21:20:31 <frosch123> try !password
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21:32:20 <V453000> no
21:37:09 <andythenorth> such FIRS
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21:50:09 <Alberth> haha, great find :)
21:51:58 <andythenorth> slag grinding mill
21:52:06 <andythenorth> needed for Steeltown
22:00:08 <Alberth> it looks almost like toyland :)
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22:00:33 <Alberth> big tools, full of colour :)
22:02:21 <quiznilo> blast furnace
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22:04:50 <andythenorth> blast furnace is done eh :)
22:05:58 <quiznilo> can't find page for av9.8
22:08:00 <Cubey> <quiznilo> not sure what to do about the tip of a train sticking out of the depot and blocking all the inbound trains
22:08:20 <quiznilo> ya, I should see if I can create a roro depot
22:08:27 <Cubey> Won't the trains stay fully inside the depot until the station platform is clear if you remove the signals between the depot and the station?
22:08:50 <quiznilo> I suppose
22:09:07 <quiznilo> I wonder if that would block new trains coming in though... I can test this
22:09:34 <Cubey> If the train is completely "inside" the depot (no front end sticking out), I think new trains can enter the depot
22:09:46 <quiznilo> clever
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