IRC logs for #openttd on OFTC at 2014-01-07
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00:17:52 <gaghiel`> i'm semidrunk, trying to do a ro-ro railway station
00:18:24 <gaghiel`> it pretty much works but it gets complicated if I add a second train (and have second tracks on a part of the route)
00:30:53 *** KillerByte has joined #openttd
00:31:15 <Xaroth|Work> right, this works \o/
00:35:31 <Xaroth|Work> got it to a state that (last time I checked) the admin port works, and i just finished the simple querying bit
00:35:37 <Xaroth|Work> tomorrow probably the master server listing
00:50:42 <NGC3982> How does autosave work with a yearly save at the year 500000?
00:53:45 *** zeknurn has joined #openttd
03:06:38 *** HerzogDeXtEr has joined #openttd
04:33:02 *** tokai|noir has joined #openttd
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05:56:17 *** Eddi|zuHause has joined #openttd
06:12:06 *** andythenorth has joined #openttd
06:17:13 *** andythenorth has left #openttd
06:55:54 *** LeandroL has joined #openttd
07:01:20 *** Pensacola has joined #openttd
07:52:03 *** GriffinOneTwo has joined #openttd
07:58:54 *** Devroush has joined #openttd
08:13:58 *** valhallasw has joined #openttd
08:52:14 *** Pensacola has joined #openttd
10:12:15 *** Devroush has joined #openttd
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10:30:40 *** ccfreak2k has joined #openttd
10:53:42 *** Midnightmyth has joined #openttd
10:57:18 *** sla_ro|master has joined #openttd
11:13:27 *** retro|cz has joined #openttd
12:20:48 *** Aristide has joined #openttd
12:22:05 *** Pensacola has joined #openttd
12:39:30 *** Myhorta has joined #openttd
12:45:32 *** ToBeFree has joined #openttd
13:19:12 *** Superuser has joined #openttd
13:40:44 *** ToBeFree has joined #openttd
14:59:58 *** andythenorth has joined #openttd
15:00:13 <andythenorth> I never expected it!
15:00:17 *** andythenorth has left #openttd
15:01:05 <LordAro> just andy being andy :p
15:01:37 <Flygon> You're all intelligent and of above average IQ
15:01:55 <Flygon> Anyone know an app that'll let me press a keyboard button when clicking with a mouse key?
15:02:03 <Flygon> If not. You're below average IQ, like I am.
15:02:47 <LordAro> Flygon: possibly autohotkey?
15:03:20 <Flygon> Long story short: PC port of Battle Squadron is giving me grief with firing
15:07:36 <Pinkbeast> autohotkey lets you remap keys and mouse buttons under Windoze in a fairly scriptable fashion.
15:08:10 <V453000> im below average and I do not fear to admit it =D
15:08:31 <Flygon> Pinkbeast: Looking up this stuff...
15:08:37 <V453000> bring the alcohol, our brain cells can only get stronger
15:08:47 <Flygon> What are you, Finnish? :D
15:09:17 <Flygon> No, really, are you? /whois is useless D:
15:10:31 *** Super_Random has joined #openttd
15:12:11 <Flygon> Do you guys get Fosters or VB?
15:12:22 <Flygon> Or are you guys smart enough to think it's terrible? :D
15:13:20 <V453000> fuck, I drank fosters once
15:13:42 <V453000> no clue wtf is VB except my initials :D
15:14:04 <V453000> still, we drink czech beer
15:14:13 <Flygon> It's considered my state's worst natural export, alongside Fosters
15:14:35 <V453000> sell damn, anything alongside fosters is probably "interesting"
15:15:27 <Flygon> That's an "interesting" word for cats piss :P
15:15:40 <V453000> very interesting indeed
15:15:59 <Flygon> And yet Victorians are still dumb enough to buy it, because it's cheap
15:16:16 <Flygon> Then again, there's people dumb enough to use Dodo as an ISP...
15:16:33 <Flygon> It's like telling your Frog to take care of a Lizard
15:16:37 <V453000> well, I know people who drink beer in HIGH amounts, when I see it I understand that they totally dont care about the taste, only about the price
15:16:38 <Flygon> Hint: It doesn't end well
15:18:16 <Flygon> Does Czechland have a word for "Lower class low IQ idiot that rides dirtbikes on public roads"?
15:19:33 <V453000> :D:D:D:D:D probably not a specific one, but various suitable words perhaps could be find :P
15:19:57 <Flygon> Best not tell them if they're not for public use x3
15:20:38 <V453000> yes because I am a totally nice not-swearing good-sort-of-thing person
15:20:49 <Flygon> A Finn suggests "Opilec"...
15:21:28 <Flygon> They live somewhere completly isolated, achieve things the rest of the world somehow ignores, and then become a blast at democonferences while completely stoned...
15:21:29 <V453000> Opilec means drunkard
15:26:37 *** tokai|mdlx has joined #openttd
15:31:45 <Flygon> Now to make it type both m AND mouseclick
15:31:58 *** Midnightmyth has joined #openttd
15:32:21 <Flygon> That crashed the script
15:33:28 <LordAro> no idea, never used it before
15:48:49 <Flygon> <Flygon> Passing the button through WILL RUIN THE ORIGINAL POINT ANYWAY
15:48:50 <Flygon> <Flygon> Half this IRC room doesn't want to be on the planet anymore
15:48:50 <Flygon> <Flygon> I'll navigate the ingame menus with keyboard
15:48:50 <Flygon> <Flygon> So sorry about this mess
15:59:21 *** HerzogDeXtEr has joined #openttd
16:23:12 *** Belugas has joined #openttd
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16:44:54 *** DarkAce-Z has joined #openttd
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16:48:29 * Flygon cl- right, right, not an RP styled room
16:48:39 <Flygon> I hang around with too many curries :|
16:48:51 <Flygon> the heck did I typo that?
16:48:53 *** DarkAce-Z has joined #openttd
16:49:37 <Flygon> Shhh, stop making me want to complete my OTTD Europe game
16:49:57 <Flygon> I'm already planning 32 carriage Maglevs in Russia/Northern Scandinavia :|
16:51:10 *** Myhorta has joined #openttd
16:51:59 <Flygon> Also, Helsinki became so big that Tampere became a suburb
17:02:26 *** Midnightmyth has joined #openttd
17:07:04 *** Progman has joined #openttd
17:10:38 <Aristide> Flygon: Its possible to transform mony from Game to Life ? :D
17:11:00 <Flygon> I'm not sure I understand o.o
17:11:26 <Aristide> Take money from Game to Real Life :')
17:11:40 <Aristide> Its can be a good idea <3
17:11:48 <Flygon> I wish I had that money
17:11:54 <Flygon> It'd mean I have a job
17:12:03 <Aristide> Flygon: I have only 90 000 000¢ :3
17:12:33 <Flygon> In a country where the minwage is $17/hr
17:12:39 <Flygon> Welcome to the Australian Pension.
17:12:50 <Flygon> They won't put me on the dole because I'm too young
17:12:51 <Aristide> 90 000 000 in game x)
17:12:58 <Aristide> In life I have ... 200 EUR :')
17:13:01 <Flygon> No f***ing wonder there's so many homeless yout- oh
17:14:25 <Aristide> If I found a job, I can get « SMIC » :(
17:14:35 <Aristide> Its the minimum salary
17:15:40 <Flygon> That's a terrible wage
17:15:51 <Aristide> Oh 9€53 since January 2014 :o
17:15:55 *** tommerry11 has joined #openttd
17:16:10 <Flygon> $17 was a rounding down, here
17:16:49 <tommerry11> hey, does the reddit server run a outdated version of nieghbours or what?
17:17:12 <Flygon> Because neeeiighbours~
17:17:15 <Flygon> Are beeeest friiiieeends~
17:17:27 <Flygon> srsly tho, I hate that TV show
17:17:50 <tommerry11> what gs does reddit's server 2 run
17:19:08 <tommerry11> what are people upto?
17:19:49 <Flygon> Watching a 4AM airing of Star Trek: The Next Generation
17:19:59 <Flygon> That one where all the crew members are disappearing off the ship
17:20:04 <planetmaker> tommerry11, you best ask that the guys who run the server ;)
17:20:06 <Flygon> Or: One of the best ones
17:20:15 <planetmaker> thus in their forums / at reddit
17:20:19 <tommerry11> yeah i asked no one replied...
17:20:52 <planetmaker> we also have no backdoor to their server to find out
17:21:07 <Flygon> They might not reveal for security reasons
17:21:16 <tommerry11> was just wondering
17:21:21 <planetmaker> Flygon, security reasons?
17:21:25 <Flygon> As having been site staff for an unrelated website myself, I can understand their staff's reluctance
17:21:51 <tommerry11> i i i i... i just wanted to practice the gs in single player...
17:22:42 <Flygon> planetmaker: Outdated software is always a security risk if the risks previously known are fixed in later revisions
17:23:00 <planetmaker> Flygon, for an openttd game script?
17:23:07 *** DanMacK has joined #openttd
17:23:15 <Aristide> linux is better than Windows in Update, because Package Manager update ALL softwares, and Windows Update only Microsoft Softwares :x
17:23:21 <Flygon> I swear I'm not stupid!
17:23:41 <Flygon> I thought he meant some sort of reddit produced or reddit website-side software
17:24:15 <Flygon> I didn't know what it was
17:24:23 <Flygon> So I extrapolated. I am so extremely sorry. >_<
17:24:24 <tommerry11> i guess it could be possible that a GS could have a bug that cause a DDOS
17:25:13 <Flygon> tommerry11, if I ever relaxed
17:25:28 *** Haksoldier has joined #openttd
17:25:48 <planetmaker> do stuff sounds good
17:26:09 <Flygon> I made a 19in CRT do 2048*1536 :U
17:27:01 <tommerry11> that doesnt show the resolution?
17:28:11 <Flygon> The dot pitch isn't exactly up to the task
17:29:09 <tommerry11> im seeing it cut off just before the resolution
17:29:54 <Flygon>'s doing 2048*1536
17:30:41 *** kais58 is now known as kais58|AFK
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17:34:06 <tommerry11> but like i dont see the point of showing that picture if you dont show the resolution...
17:34:52 <tommerry11> you know you've played too much open tdd when you rightclick drag pictures
17:35:37 <Taede> is there a browser plugin for that?
17:37:09 <tommerry11> this supposedly works
17:38:30 <tommerry11> yup works, but not as in openttd
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18:08:10 *** gelignite has joined #openttd
18:21:46 <Flygon> The worst part is trying to adjust the camera in Battle Squadron
18:21:50 <Flygon> Which's a SHMUP. That has mouse support.
18:22:02 <Flygon> So I end up using one of those rare ultravaluable bombs
18:25:45 *** DanMacK has joined #openttd
18:34:38 *** gaghiel`` has joined #openttd
18:35:09 *** Aristide has joined #openttd
18:51:32 *** frosch123 has joined #openttd
19:31:51 <DorpsGek> Commit by rubidium :: r26229 /trunk/os/debian (control rules) (2014-01-07 19:31:46 UTC)
19:31:52 <DorpsGek> -Revert-ish: do not use libxdg in the Debian/Ubuntu packages just yet; it seems unmaintained, and might not even be kicked out in the next release of Debian
19:39:33 <DorpsGek> Commit by rubidium :: r26230 /trunk (5 files in 3 dirs) (2014-01-07 19:39:28 UTC)
19:39:34 <DorpsGek> -Prepare: 1.4.0-beta2
19:43:20 <DorpsGek> Commit by rubidium :: r26231 tags/1.4.0-beta2/ (2014-01-07 19:43:14 UTC)
19:43:21 <DorpsGek> -Release: 1.4.0-beta2
19:58:29 *** Alberth has joined #openttd
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20:20:15 *** DanMacK has joined #openttd
20:44:26 *** DarkAceZ has joined #openttd
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20:53:20 *** Progman has joined #openttd
21:37:58 *** Supercheese has joined #openttd
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22:16:24 <Xaroth|Work> yay, master server querying works
22:22:48 *** jjavaholic_ has joined #openttd
22:25:42 <Rubidium> how many times should the exact same complaint go to a help/service desk before being passed to someone who can actually fix it? Instead of the help/service desk employee doing the same futile thing every time again and again
22:26:45 <Xaroth|Work> third time I'd inform them that I would like this issue to be escalated
22:26:59 <planetmaker> one try. Second time being told it didn't work. Third time with please really check that it works ;)
22:28:24 <Rubidium> oh, then I have many times to go... I'm only at 8
22:28:26 <Xaroth|Work> that 'please' part won't be in my mails the third time around :P
22:28:51 <planetmaker> never hurts to be friendly (but stern)
22:29:26 <Xaroth|Work> you don't have to say please to be friendly (but stern) :)
22:29:38 <Rubidium> well, I already told them what is wrong... but for some reason they're unable to comprehend it
22:29:45 <Taede> just because you say please doesn't mean you are asking nicely
22:30:59 <planetmaker> Could you now please fix this stuff and not just the symptoms? :D
22:31:39 <Xaroth|Work> "Would you kindly escalate this issue so that this can be fixed a.s.a.p. ?"
22:32:01 <Rubidium> anyhow... the company I have problems with can't seem to get my bank account number right. In all their wisdom they seem to have a nightly "convert all bank numbers into IBAN" script running, which seems to do the conversion every night or so. In any case, that script links my BBAN to the wrong bank, so the IBAN is wrong and they can't get money from my account
22:32:04 *** Djohaal has joined #openttd
22:32:31 <planetmaker> sounds like their problem
22:32:44 <Rubidium> Xaroth|Work: did that; I even mentioned a person that is/was a lead in their conversion to IBAN project
22:33:56 <Xaroth|Work> and it's not like IBAN is rocket science either :/
22:34:34 <Rubidium> yeah, just change the script to detect valid IBAN, and don't touch it. Then all will be fine once the IBAN is entered correctly once, but heh... that's too difficult
22:34:59 <glx> oh the reconvert converted IBAN ?
22:36:24 <glx> seems a smart guy coded it :)
22:38:57 <Eddi|zuHause> <Rubidium> well, I already told them what is wrong... but for some reason they're unable to comprehend it <-- your mistake was to be too specific. as soon as you come across as "know more about the problem than myself", some people completely block out anything constructive
22:45:27 *** valhallasw has joined #openttd
23:43:02 *** retro|cz has joined #openttd
23:48:14 <Xaroth|Work> o_O strange revision names in the server listing
23:51:52 <Xaroth|Work> good to see most servers are running 1.3.3
23:52:07 <Xaroth|Work> even a few running beta2 already :o
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