IRC logs for #openttd on OFTC at 2013-12-09
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00:34:27 *** DarkAce-Z is now known as DarkAceZ
00:45:21 *** treaki__ has joined #openttd
00:52:55 *** The3rdIcon has joined #openttd
00:54:23 <Superuser> Make sure OpenTTD gets nominated for IOTY 2013. Vote above!
01:36:35 *** Lord_Aro has joined #openttd
01:37:40 *** Lord_Aro is now known as LordAro
03:03:17 <geoffreybeene> just got an android phone
03:03:20 <geoffreybeene> and ottd for the phone haha
03:03:27 <geoffreybeene> it makes me miss my mouse :|
03:14:24 <The3rdIcon> I can't figure out for the life of me how to set the train in one direction. When I put down signals. They just stop. I tried to read the wiki and I'm still lost
03:24:51 <The3rdIcon> There are a lot of people in here for no one talking
03:28:59 <Superuser> goddamn facebook generation
03:30:07 <Superuser> a lot of these people are using a bouncer, so they're probably not even at their computers
03:53:42 <geoffreybeene> yeah irc is basically all idle all the time
05:06:42 *** Hazzard has joined #openttd
05:30:45 *** tycoondemon2 has joined #openttd
05:30:52 *** Eddi|zuHause2 has joined #openttd
05:31:17 *** eQualizer|dada has quit IRC
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05:32:54 *** Eddi|zuHause has joined #openttd
05:32:54 *** Xaroth|Work has joined #openttd
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05:32:54 *** Rubidium has joined #openttd
05:32:54 *** Prof_Frink has joined #openttd
05:32:54 *** Guest1206 has joined #openttd
05:33:57 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Rubidium
05:56:15 *** Eddi|zuHause2 has joined #openttd
05:56:21 *** Eddi|zuHause2 is now known as Eddi|zuHause
06:49:12 *** HerzogDeXtEr has joined #openttd
07:00:09 *** DarkAce-Z has joined #openttd
07:03:00 *** valhallasw has joined #openttd
07:05:33 *** andythenorth has joined #openttd
07:28:08 *** Twofish has joined #openttd
07:33:40 *** Devroush has joined #openttd
08:25:23 *** valhallasw has joined #openttd
10:13:54 *** GriffinOneTwo has joined #openttd
10:58:04 *** Gethiox2 has joined #openttd
11:11:58 *** Super_Random has joined #openttd
11:48:46 *** sla_ro|master has joined #openttd
11:58:10 *** blackhair has joined #openttd
12:00:02 *** montalvo has joined #openttd
12:01:00 <blackhair> I want to float a proposal
12:01:19 <V453000> ships should be trains, your proposal is accepted
12:01:46 <blackhair> Awesome :P that was the fastest ever #mindreaders
12:02:34 <blackhair> On a serious note: There is a big community of users online on ttd website/forums. Similarly, there is a large community on the irc. How about connecting the users on both platforms? Look at the current method of connecting to webirc ( Like really? We expect users to go through a process to join the community chat.
12:02:34 <V453000> I was just making a stupid nuts wetrail joek, but unfortunately mr. andythenorth aint around to agree
12:03:42 <V453000> im not sure if the forum community is useful in any way
12:03:59 <alluke> i think most people here lurk tt-forums too
12:04:54 <MNIM> blackhair: IRC people are considerably different from forum people.
12:05:14 <blackhair> yup ... but so many people come to the website- New and old and they might love the idea of getting on the IRC - without searching for it may be ?
12:05:18 <MNIM> Every single community I know has a considerable split between irc and forum
12:05:56 <V453000> in majority forums are just a bunch of people who say a lot but dont do much, irc people generally communicate to achieve something they work on
12:06:34 <blackhair> I agree .. but lets give them a chance .. Has worked well for our Mozilla India community ..
12:06:36 <V453000> if nothing else, simply because you get instant solution/answer/discussion on irc
12:06:57 <MNIM> most forumers view the irc as enemy terrain, while most ircers view the forums as the sheep pastures.
12:07:14 <blackhair> users come to the website and generally are not aware of the active community at all?
12:07:15 <MNIM> (EG - full of dumb masses who bleat a lot and poop more)
12:07:20 <V453000> ofc because you cant talk shit on irc
12:07:23 <MNIM> *note: not my personal views
12:07:41 <V453000> nice one though MNIM :D
12:07:58 <MNIM> alluke: theoretically, yes, with some code changes
12:08:13 <MNIM> practically, however, that case could be solved by overlapping station tiles.
12:08:33 <alluke> i mean same way as the isr/dwe objects
12:08:37 <MNIM> in fact, if Im not mistaken, there's already a stationset which does that. not sure which, though
12:09:04 <blackhair> Lets bridge the gap for once and see .. if not we can demolish the bridge any day ... #cheap
12:10:18 <blackhair> heh .. spoiled by twitter :P
12:10:46 <alluke> i still havent got whats so fancy about it
12:11:42 <blackhair> alluke: What twitter ?
12:11:49 <MNIM> hah. I suddenly remembered.
12:12:09 <MNIM> four years ago, a lecturer of mine saying twitter is a journalist's wet dream.
12:12:44 <MNIM> but I guess that's exactly what journalism is all about, isn't it? attention whoring on national TV. :P
12:13:11 <blackhair> attention whoring is close. but it surprises me how a medium which takes all the inspiration from IRC became so popular so soon
12:13:51 <alluke> reporters or newsreaders on tv inform you about things
12:14:01 <alluke> they dont say 'look at me'
12:14:06 *** Midnightmyth has joined #openttd
12:15:00 <MNIM> of course. they don't need to, when something else accomplishes the same goal more efficiently and subtly.
12:16:01 <alluke> if only another tunnel was covered and the texture was ogfx concrete
12:16:03 <blackhair> twitter is like setting up a personal radio station. which might or might not have an audience depending upon how famous you are and what you broadcast is music or noise
12:18:16 <blackhair> on a serious note, who might i pitch this idea to give it a direction?
12:19:18 <blackhair> hah! the proposal, you remember?
12:20:16 <V453000> generally the way things work here is: you do it, nor likely nobody will
12:21:36 <blackhair> got it ! thanks V453000
12:23:43 <planetmaker> blackhair, and how would 'connecting the communities' look like?
12:24:08 <V453000> everybody from IRC gets a mandatory friend from forums
12:24:08 <Eddi|zuHause> <alluke> is is possible to overlap tunnel heads with newobject? <-- i think there's a grf for that
12:25:04 <planetmaker> blackhair, I do believe that most people here posess a forum account as well and read our forums more or less regularily
12:28:09 <planetmaker> blackhair, there also does exist an official twitter account. But ... noone really feels like maintaining that (and no point to emit pointless babble)
12:29:00 <planetmaker> I'm actually amazed that s/o tweeted our releases :D
12:29:04 <alluke> you mean the traintunnel with eyecandy road?
12:29:13 *** zeknurn` has joined #openttd
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12:31:23 *** zeknurn` is now known as zeknurn
12:31:43 *** Supercheese is now known as Guest8631
12:31:45 *** Supercheese has joined #openttd
12:35:38 *** tokai|mdlx has joined #openttd
12:40:42 <blackhair> planetmaker: V453000: missed the last few messages - here is what I was proposing - a perpetual chat room connected with the irc channel - see bottom right
12:41:08 <V453000> why do you tell that to me I dont really care sorry :d
12:41:16 <V453000> and I cant help you with the issue either
12:42:20 <blackhair> easy like a shout box for users to get on to the IRC
12:43:05 <alluke> irc box integrated somewhere in the forums
12:43:18 <alluke> i dont think its really good idea
12:43:41 <alluke> might kill the forum posting
12:44:16 <alluke> one thing to another, trains accelerate too fast
12:44:31 <alluke> my metros go 0-90kmh in 1 second
12:47:11 <alluke> that thing should be replaced with a irc box
12:47:23 <alluke> where you just type your nick and press enter
12:47:45 <blackhair> yup : time for upgrade
12:48:02 <planetmaker> blackhair, too complicated. A simple link to an IRC web interface like does the trick just well.
12:48:46 <planetmaker> yeah, that link is broken. This network banned that web interface due to non-complience with network rules
12:49:23 <planetmaker> yet any other (or nearly any other) web IRC client than mibbit will do
12:51:17 <blackhair> ok .. then lets get it on the website- the link - or any other IRC client .. I suggested Scrollback based on my experience. Seems they are one of the few open source clients under active development
12:53:35 <planetmaker> it has a one-click link to join this channel next to IRC
12:54:26 <planetmaker> And we put these community links specifically on the wiki page so that the page is easy to maintain. E.g. if you found an Indian OpenTTD website you're free to add it there in the appropriate place
12:58:20 <planetmaker> blackhair, but the main stumbling stone there will be if it should be added to the main website: it needs *someone* who implements that in django / python2 in a way it fits the theme and complies with oftc network rules
12:59:39 *** Myhorta has joined #openttd
12:59:51 <blackhair> @planetmaker: is the website open source?
13:05:22 <blackhair> thanks Xaroth, I will look into it
13:09:39 *** Super_Random has joined #openttd
13:10:35 *** kais58 is now known as kais58|AFK
13:13:19 *** Myhorta has joined #openttd
13:17:28 *** Myhorta has joined #openttd
13:22:02 <planetmaker> most parts are, yes
14:40:33 <alluke> why doesnt VAST objects 0.3.0 work?
14:40:37 <alluke> turns red without warning
14:58:07 *** Gethiox has joined #openttd
15:37:45 <planetmaker> or read the error message, alluke
15:38:07 <planetmaker> I'm sure the author implemented some sort of statement why he de-activates his grf
15:39:40 <V453000> did you just require anybody to READ?
15:44:09 <planetmaker> well, people don't see that necessarily, if they need to click the disabled newgrf in the newgrf list - and then need to look at the top of the description and know that it's the message being told to them
15:48:19 <alluke> it doesnt give any message
15:50:11 <V453000> im pretty sure the red text translates in to "fuck you" in english
15:50:42 <Xaroth|Work> alluke: now try that with the english language selected :|
15:51:04 <Rubidium> V453000: yeah, but isn't that the name of the Icelandic "fuck Europe's air transport industry" vulcano?
15:52:39 <planetmaker> alluke, I'd assume you use a too old version of OpenTTD. Which do you use?
15:52:59 <planetmaker> close enough indeed :P
15:53:59 <alluke> and the red text means 'not in use'
15:55:28 <planetmaker> yeah, I get the same in 1.3.3
15:55:41 <planetmaker> you should report it to the author
15:56:07 <Eddi|zuHause> isn't that exactly what i said in the beginning? :p
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16:53:35 <krinn> isn't that newGRF just trying to tell user it need 32bits graphics ?
16:55:21 *** DarkAce-Z is now known as DarkAceZ
16:55:59 <planetmaker> that may be an idea
16:56:12 <krinn> that's how i read 32bpp "not in use"
17:17:01 *** TheMask96 has joined #openttd
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17:58:54 *** frosch123 has joined #openttd
18:04:13 *** jjavaholic__ has joined #openttd
18:06:21 <planetmaker> krinn, but then... the blitter should not be detected by NewGRF... at least that would be a big problem in multiplayer
18:18:08 <krinn> planetmaker, message state Windows, 32bpp maybe it only doesn't works with dos palette
18:19:42 <krinn> lol but i'm surprise by your own surprise :) Nothing surprise me anymore from newGRF
18:26:58 *** oskari89 has joined #openttd
18:34:25 *** Myhorta has joined #openttd
18:38:13 <DorpsGek> Commit by frosch :: r26153 trunk/src/script/api/script_story_page.hpp (2013-12-09 18:38:07 UTC)
18:38:14 <DorpsGek> -Doc [FS#5826]: Fix copy-pasty. (krinn)
18:45:14 <DorpsGek> Commit by translators :: r26154 trunk/src/lang/luxembourgish.txt (2013-12-09 18:45:08 UTC)
18:45:15 <DorpsGek> -Update from WebTranslator v3.0:
18:45:16 <DorpsGek> luxembourgish - 34 changes by Phreeze
19:03:15 *** montalvo has joined #openttd
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21:18:44 *** gelignite has joined #openttd
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21:50:19 *** Superuser has joined #openttd
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22:45:17 *** Myhorta has joined #openttd
22:46:01 *** Hazzard has joined #openttd
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23:05:39 *** HerzogDeXtEr has joined #openttd
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23:38:38 <Eddi|zuHause> <krinn> isn't that newGRF just trying to tell user it need 32bits graphics ? <-- the newgrf can reqwuest 32bpp, but it will not get an answer whether that succeeded
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