IRC logs for #openttd on OFTC at 2013-07-19
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00:16:49 *** Supercheese has joined #openttd
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07:19:50 <Xaroth|Work> I'd have to agree with __ln__ for now
07:20:50 <Supercheese> Some of us haven't even had half an hour of Friday yet ;)
07:22:08 <Supercheese> must be on the other side of the date line
07:22:18 <Supercheese> well, going backwards anyway
07:22:42 <roboboy> well it's Friday here
07:29:54 *** appe is now known as NGC3982
07:50:48 <NGC3982> Jesus. The LEGO provided for James May's Toy Stories had a sales worth of 900k.
07:50:59 <NGC3982> I hope it advertised itself well.
08:00:26 <peter1139> postfix/pickup[25537]: warning: 59976C0A4B9B: message has been queued for 1345 days
08:00:30 <peter1139> that's pretty old :p
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09:11:15 *** Midnightmyth has joined #openttd
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09:33:15 *** Alberth has joined #openttd
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09:55:32 <Zuu> Hmm, NAI could get SCP support for allowing AIs to query the stockpile count.
09:58:35 <Zuu> Hmm, my manager page should give a good overview over GSs with SCP support :-)
09:58:59 *** oskari89 has joined #openttd
10:00:13 <peter1139> To securely copy files?
10:00:35 <Xaroth|Work> but, if they support SCP, do they also support SSH?
10:01:58 <Alberth> scp means something else here, but I forgot what it is
10:02:03 <Zuu> Xaroth|Work: Nope, its Script Communication Protocol, which is quite unsecure as communication happens through signs on tile 0,0.
10:02:28 <Zuu> Its used to allow GSes and AIs to communicate.
10:02:39 <Zuu> Eg. for a GS to expose goals etc. to AIs.
10:03:18 <Zuu> Its a user-land library that sort of abuses the signs :-)
10:03:31 <Alberth> shouldn't that be in the story book, in a human-readable form?
10:04:39 <Alberth> they read it from the story book?
10:04:42 <Zuu> using SCP, NoCarGoal expose the 3 goal cargos so that AIs can focus on these and give you a challenge
10:04:52 <Alberth> is there a definition of what you can express?
10:04:55 <Zuu> AIs are unaware of the story book
10:05:12 <Zuu> Using SCP you can express things not defined by the Script API
10:05:51 <Alberth> using signs at the world doesn't sound like the right solution to me
10:06:19 <Xaroth|Work> sounds like it needs a patch
10:06:45 <Zuu> It was the best solution available when scp was written. Later we could add API extensions that adds a hidden communication channel that SCP can use on newer OpenTTD versions and fall back to the sign method for 1.3 and older.
10:06:58 <Alberth> Xaroth|Work: more like it needs a proper solution :p
10:07:40 <Alberth> why hidden? that undermines the idea of AIs
10:08:13 <Zuu> I though that was your problem, that the players can see the signs at tile 0,0 if they look over there.
10:08:59 <Xaroth|Work> Alberth: that too
10:09:24 <Xaroth|Work> Zuu: i think the problem more is the abuse of signs for something that should be put in programmatically...
10:09:49 <Zuu> Writing an AI that parses the strings in the StoryBook doesn't sound like the rigth solution to me.
10:10:38 <Alberth> no it's not, you write the technical information in scp format in the book, so ais can read it. the book expands the information to human readable form
10:11:16 <Alberth> at least, that would a solution more in my line of thought
10:11:37 <Zuu> Wouldn't that need a central definition of all things that GSs can expose to AIs?
10:12:34 <Zuu> scp is a communication protocol. It allow clients to send comands with arguments over a communication channel.
10:12:45 <Alberth> so how do I write a GS that tells any AI to transport coal?
10:12:55 <Zuu> Its up to the GS to offer a specification of which commands that it offers.
10:13:32 <Alberth> so require that to provide a human readable expansion as well?
10:13:41 <Xaroth|Work> AI should never, ever, be using data that a human cannot obtain
10:13:44 <Xaroth|Work> that's called cheating :P
10:15:09 <Zuu> Alberth: If you want to write an AI with support for NoCarGoal, you read the readme of NoCarGoal which specify which incomming command that it accepts and what commands that it will send back to the AI.
10:15:57 <Alberth> I want to write an AI that handles any GS. Does that mean I have to figure out how to talk to every GS out there?
10:16:11 <Alberth> sounds like a nice exponential explosion
10:16:51 <Zuu> Yes. At the time we wrote the library we figured that it would be hard to add generic support for every GS variant that anyone would think off.
10:17:21 <Zuu> However, it is still open for conventions where all GSs use the same command ontop of scp to exchange some information.
10:17:36 <Alberth> indeed, I see that proposal as cheating
10:17:56 <Xaroth|Work> I agree with Alberth
10:18:04 <Zuu> But you can read text information in news, story book etc.
10:18:15 <Zuu> Its up to the GS to only provide that same information to AIs and not more.
10:18:31 <Alberth> it's good to have a protocol separate from contents
10:19:14 <Alberth> how do I know the AI gets the same information I do?
10:19:54 <Zuu> That requires that you create a protocol that support every information exchange that any GS ever will like to use.
10:20:01 <Alberth> for common goals, I know that other human players read the same information I get
10:20:50 <Alberth> no , it needs a language, a set of expressions common to understand what is wanted
10:21:17 <Alberth> true it may not be complete, but that can be changed as needed
10:21:25 <Alberth> just like eg the NewGRF definition
10:21:39 <Zuu> I do see your point, and that it would be nice to have a protocol where GSs tell OpenTTD that I want goal X and OpenTTD provide the strings (including translation) and AI API for that. However, GS authors will be creative and come up with ideas not possible to do this way as long as we allow manual town growth trottle etc.
10:22:51 <Zuu> What SCP offers is a way for scripts that goes beyond the fully supported golas in OpenTTD to still allow AIs to have the same access to information as players do. It do also allow a GS author to give more information, but that is unfortunately hard to avoid. All you can do is to read the source code then of the GS.
10:24:24 <Alberth> Define a language, and be free in expanding it with new expressions
10:24:49 <Alberth> I doubt you'll get past 100 commands or so
10:24:57 <Alberth> AIs are limited in smartness
10:26:14 <Alberth> the big advantage is that you get a common language between GSes and AIs, which imh is worth more than being able to express anything you like
10:26:42 <Alberth> since the latter is hardly useful, unless you make specific GS/AI combinations
10:29:13 <Zuu> What we did forsee was that when scp would get adopted by more GSes, there would be an AI library that offecs an AI client with a simple API to talk to all GSs with SCP support (and a published API).
10:29:56 <Alberth> yep that's likely to happen
10:30:44 <Zuu> However, the interest to include scp in GSs (and AIs) have so far been quite low.
10:31:00 <Zuu> The only scripts that I know support it so far is NoCarGoal and CluelessPlus.
10:31:00 <Alberth> it's a chicken and egg problem
10:31:41 <Alberth> and it's not in the regular API is perhaps also a point
10:32:22 <Zuu> Indeed, to discover it you need to read about it in the forum or see it mentioned in the readme of a GS that supports it.
10:32:25 <Alberth> eg I didn't know it existed. Tbh, I also don't look for it
10:33:38 <gynter> nmlc have issues using full paths?
10:34:00 <Alberth> gynter: I don't think so, what does it say?
10:34:05 <Zuu> The actual implementation was made by krinn. I did mostly provide feedback to him, wrote some wiki documentation and tested it.
10:34:16 <gynter> Alberth: Nothing, just hangs. If i make paths to relative it's fine
10:34:40 <Alberth> gynter: interesting, could you please file a bug report?
10:35:00 <Alberth> preferably with a small example, although
10:35:24 <Alberth> paths are very system specific, often :)
10:35:46 <gynter> I might know whats the problem, sec
10:37:23 <gynter> Yep, nmlc didn't like "" in path
10:37:31 <gynter> thou older nmlc worked fine, I just updated to latest
10:38:03 <Alberth> Zuu: another point is perhaps that from a GS or AI author point of view, it's mostly useless now. I have to write both a GS and a AI, and define my own language between them, which sounds like too much work if you only want to do one of them
10:38:40 <Alberth> gynter: I changed path handling so paths are handled the same way at both windows and unix
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10:39:08 <gynter> hmm never mind, I lied
10:39:21 <gynter> but older version (can't recall which one ofc) was ok
10:40:10 <Alberth> older version broke at users writing windows paths in nml that completely failed to work at unix systems
10:40:33 <Zuu> Alberth: The idea is that a GS author just add the support at his end and an AI adds just the support at that end. It shouldn't need that you are the author of both ends to use scp. However, for GS authors it is useful to bug-test the scp interface using a test AI.
10:40:36 <Alberth> due to differences in interpreting case
10:41:09 <Alberth> Zuu: how? I don't have a language to speak or listen
10:42:09 <Zuu> The GS first need to offer scp support before an AI can talk to it. The GS will declare the set of commands that it can exchange with AIs. Eg. the 'language'.
10:42:30 <Zuu> The GS author will then document this in his readme or where he/she see it fits.
10:43:41 <gynter> strace shows mremap(0x7f6405258000, 146919424, 165281792, MREMAP_MAYMOVE) = 0x7f6405258000 and thats it
10:44:27 <Zuu> For example if an AI send the command 'CurrentGoal' with arg0=company ID to NoCarGoal, then you will get the current goals for that company. The readme specifies exactly in which order data will be returned (in the data array which scp pass to the AI)
10:44:46 <Alberth> gynter: that has little meaning, as it's deep inside the Python interpreter
10:45:33 <Zuu> Sending Setting('play_years') to NoCarGoal GS will return number of years that the game covers.
10:46:32 <Zuu> (the name of the commands is exchanged in a init procedure. byond that commands are translated to IDs by scp to compact the data transported to the other side)
10:46:53 <Alberth> gynter: path handling is in nml/ line 212 or so (def find_file(path): ) maybe you can add some debug prints there?
10:49:48 <Alberth> Zuu: For example if an AI send the command 'CurrentGoal' with arg0=company ID to NoCarGoal <-- ah nice, it can cheat to read all goals of all companies?
10:50:28 <Zuu> That is available for players in trunk
10:50:43 <Zuu> and the goal is the same for all players in NoCarGoal
10:51:14 <Alberth> so you don't need to have a company at all :)
10:51:19 <Zuu> Its only there if the goals will ever be different in any future version of NoCarGoal (which is unlikely)
10:51:27 <Alberth> but ok, if players can read it too, that's fine
10:52:29 <Zuu> Anyway, a GS currently can do more evil things than providing AIs with additional informaiton. You need to trunst the GS you play.
10:53:00 <Alberth> my point is perhaps that as AI author, I am not interested in a specific GS
10:53:14 <Alberth> I don't know what my users want to use
10:54:47 <Zuu> Well, once GSs provide information that AIs can read, it is possible to create a library that provides more generic support. Eg. indicate what cargos it should focus on. However, the nature of GSs is that they can add very specific goals that are hard to handle with general rules.
11:05:13 <gynter> Alberth: it seems to me, that for some reason it'll stay on the line 228 while loop. Gona add some more debug code.
11:10:51 <Zuu> Alberth: However, even though I've argued for the reasons why scp was created, I have also had ideas that are more on the lines of your idea. As a start for that, my idea was that towns can set a GSGoal as requirement for growth. Only when the goal is marked as completed, the town will grow. Togeather with your idea of being able to specify the conditions to accomplish the goal using a rule set, it could bring both more translated goals and bette
11:12:41 * Alberth has to think about towns settng a goal
11:16:57 <Zuu> The town goals today, are perhaps not really true goals, but more conditions that needs to be met before the town grows.
11:18:00 <Alberth> Yeah, I agree with that. And while it's somewhat unusual, it seems like a nice idea to me
11:18:45 <Zuu> But we got about 4-5 GSs that adds such rules. Some uses the OpenTTD API with town effects which is something AIs can access. However, others have just a text in the Town Window for players with the goal and manually trottles the town growth.
11:19:38 <Alberth> town authorities to the power! :)
11:19:49 <planetmaker> Zuu, from the little of the backlog I just saw: is the script communication protocol not obsolete, if the scripts could communicate e.g. via json objects?
11:19:56 <planetmaker> like admin port and GS?
11:20:20 <Xaroth|Work> that's not the sollution tho
11:20:35 <Alberth> did you also read my objection against secret communication channels for AIs?
11:21:47 <planetmaker> like not being able to do what players can't?
11:22:12 <Zuu> planetmaker: The network layer of the protocol could become obsolete if the API provides an alternative communication channel that is better than encoding data into signs (limited to 31 chars and only allow visible characters - eg not even the full lower byte). However the SCP Lib could still exist and just transparently use the new channel when available.
11:22:31 <planetmaker> while that's true, I do believe writing a syntactic and semantic parser for all languages to read story book seems a bit too high expecatation for AI authors
11:22:42 <gynter> Alberth: the problem is with os.path.split('/')
11:22:54 <gynter> This always returns ('/', '') therefor path will never be ''
11:22:54 <planetmaker> if it was something else, I missed it
11:23:50 <Alberth> gynter: for absolute paths?
11:24:25 <Alberth> right, makes sense indeed
11:25:08 <Xaroth|Work> planetmaker: instead, metadata could be added to the story book containing the data that the parser would otherwise extract
11:25:23 <Xaroth|Work> as long as it contains the same information as what players see
11:25:25 <Zuu> I think what Alberth proposes is a GSCondition object or similar where you can add eg [destination = town 52], [cargo_list = {1, 3}], [end_date=1960-01-01] to create a goal condition which AIs can intreprete using the AI API and we can auto-generate a human readable string to show in the goal list.
11:26:08 <Zuu> The auto generated goal string will then be translatable via the web translator of OpenTTD and offer better language support than GSes will ever do.
11:26:49 <Alberth> gynter: hmm, perhaps move the leading / to "drive" ? that's supposed to handle prefixes like c:, but this one seems like a good prefix as well
11:27:33 <gynter> Alberth: the easiest solution would be to make the... you type faster :P
11:27:41 <Zuu> It will then cover 80 % of what SCP offers and will in practice cause SCP to be more or less obsolete except for AI+GS combos, though in that case you easier write a sign communication yourself without help of SCP.
11:27:57 <gynter> Alberth: yes, that would be good solution imho
11:28:38 <Alberth> gynter: I wrote the code, so I can skip the "what does this code do" step :)
11:29:49 <planetmaker> ^ for me that's usually a function of delta time ;-)
11:37:50 <Alberth> that happens when my code is more clever than I remember :)
11:38:30 <Xaroth|Work> I'm glad you're not working on skynet then...
11:41:24 <Alberth> Xaroth|Work: perhaps that's why I don't write web apps?... :)
11:42:56 <Alberth> bummer, you can write // in the middle of paths :(
11:43:31 <gynter> Alberth: i'd use if not filepart :)
11:43:33 <planetmaker> yes... and tbh, that can be helpful under certain occasions
11:44:13 <gynter> Alberth: os.path.normpath fixes that afaik
11:44:56 <Alberth> gynter: I prefer to be explicit in comparisons :)
11:45:10 <Alberth> and good point about normpath
11:47:19 <Alberth> planetmaker: opinion on that paste?
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11:48:31 <Alberth> gynter: can you check whether it fixes your problem?
11:49:57 <gynter> sec, but the pythonic way is to use not instead of empty comparison :)
11:53:39 <Alberth> I have been bitten too many times by Python for not being specific in what type I expect to have
11:53:41 <gynter> this code is not really linux friendly there :D
11:54:15 <gynter> you don't need read permission to access the directory, only execute, gona make few changes there
11:55:24 <Alberth> it's surprising how many applications die when you remove read access of $HOME :)
12:00:47 <gynter> raise ScriptError("Path \"%s\" is not unique (case conversion gave %d solutions)" % (os.path.join(path, comp), len(matches)))
12:01:05 <gynter> /home/User and /home/user are different paths :)
12:01:43 <gynter> ofc one should be incredibelly dumb to do something like that, but still
12:02:29 <Alberth> at windows, you may get more solutions
12:03:20 <Alberth> although typically, people add paths in the nml source that don't actually exist at unix systems
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12:29:32 <planetmaker> Alberth, I didn't follow too closely. What problem exactly does it fix?
12:30:43 <Alberth> not getting into a livelock on the / path (which happens while breaking down an absolute path)
12:35:12 <planetmaker> I didn't yet test it, but looks like it can do the trick
12:35:34 <planetmaker> so please, if it fixes it, go for it
12:37:46 <Alberth> gynter is still working at more fixes :)
12:38:59 <planetmaker> :-) Let'im roll, I think :-D
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12:48:26 <planetmaker> hehe, nice analysis, Alberth on the target group of mobile tt
12:48:47 <planetmaker> (and en-passant scaling down of the importance of the majority of people posting there :D)
12:53:12 *** Invulner has joined #openttd
12:55:53 <Invulner> Hello, can someone recommend me a nice newgrf with locomotives only? I want to use regular wagons but with more than 1 locomotive on early sub-arctic map
12:56:53 <Invulner> or at least a newgrf without many same-cargo wagons
12:59:23 <V453000> same-cargo wagons? :o
12:59:33 <planetmaker> I wondered about the meaning of that, too
12:59:40 <Invulner> like 10 types of passenger carriages
13:00:01 <V453000> :D ah, yes, I love that too
13:00:36 <V453000> well all I can say is NUTS
13:00:52 <V453000> norwegian train set does not have wagons, but it is not too suitable for "early" games
13:00:54 <planetmaker> yeah, maybe that's worth a try
13:01:17 <Invulner> alright, i'll check those out, thank you!
13:01:21 <Alberth> V453000: would "regular wagons" work?
13:02:17 <V453000> but 1 wagon for every cargo is not confusing :P
13:02:53 <Alberth> but Invulner wants to have lots of wagons, apparently
13:03:21 <Invulner> i wanna have lots of locomotives, but few carriages
13:03:33 <V453000> then NUTS is perfect, it has lots of useful trains Invulner
13:03:51 <Invulner> yeah i've just downloaded it, seems good
13:04:03 <V453000> universal wagons for freight cargoes, and express wagon for all of passengers/mail/gold/valuables/diamonds
13:04:13 <Invulner> could've done without wetrails though
13:04:30 <Alberth> Invulner: it's called NUTS for a reason :p
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13:04:44 <V453000> well you dont have to use them :)
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13:05:48 <Invulner> ok thanks again, seems to be just what i needed
13:06:11 <V453000> if you want to read how to use it effectively,
13:07:45 <peter1139> i like the big graph
13:08:00 <peter1139> takes an element of surprise out though ;p
13:08:04 <V453000> graph is nice but outdated :d
13:08:14 <peter1139> too much work to remake? :p
13:08:26 <V453000> no I just didnt think of it lately :)
13:10:46 <V453000> about surprise, I fully agree, but people who play it for nth time (n is not 1 :) ), they like to have a table to know what comes when
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13:18:13 <Xaroth|Work> dun dun dunnnnnnnn
13:18:17 <LordAro> hai Alberth & planetmaker :)
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14:44:06 <gynter> sry it took so long, have daily job alos :P
14:50:22 <Alberth> that looks useful, could you make an issue for it, or shall I do that?
14:50:40 <gynter> Please do that, i'm too lazy to register myself :P
14:53:05 <gynter> hmm, getting some assert errors when increasing town name possiblility
14:55:22 <gynter> if self.num_bits is None:
14:55:31 <gynter> this makes me cringe :D
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14:58:25 <TWerkhoven> what do i put under [server_bind_addresses] to make adminport listen beyond localhost, just the local lan ip?
14:59:27 <planetmaker> uhm... don't assign any value unless you have a server with two network addresses
15:00:11 <planetmaker> and the admin port simply listens on the port which it is assigned to
15:00:31 <planetmaker> same IP as the client needs to assign
15:02:28 <gynter> somehow i have a set of town names autobroken into a 256 part chunk
15:02:51 <planetmaker> no larger chunks supported afaik
15:03:16 <gynter> 255 should be the largest
15:03:29 <planetmaker> oh, an off-by-one :-)
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15:06:35 <peter1139> i didn't think town names had the concept of probabilities
15:07:06 <planetmaker> peter1139, they have for... ages :-)
15:09:29 <peter1139> here's me thinking the name generator was meant to making up names from parts, not just picking from a big list
15:10:28 <planetmaker> yet the big lists is the FAAR more common way to use it
15:10:56 <gynter> Well letting it to randomly combine IRL city names doesn't really make sense :)
15:11:41 <peter1139> randomly placing IRL city names on a random map doesn't make much sense either :p
15:12:08 <planetmaker> gynter, the real art imho is to make a random townname generator which matches your language and region
15:12:20 <planetmaker> kinda like localized default names
15:12:56 <planetmaker> no, a simple list doesn't
15:15:59 <gynter> I know how to do this, but that's not the intent of my newgrf
15:17:13 <gynter> Thou this would be cool also :)
15:17:29 <gynter> could get like few million possible town names :P
15:17:43 <planetmaker> exactly. creating more variety
15:18:01 <gynter> well 4k is good too :P
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18:53:18 <andythenorth> so cargodist....
18:53:22 <andythenorth> what do I do? o_O
18:54:28 <Zuu> Stop using full load and use timetables instead
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18:55:39 <Zuu> Provide only point-to-point connections and no shared stations => same behaviour as before :-)
18:56:15 <Alberth> just disable cargodist is a lot simpler then:)
18:57:05 <Zuu> not enabling it in the first place is even easier :-)
18:57:42 <Zuu> andythenorth: There is a forum thread in general forum on how to adopt the playing style to cargodist.
18:57:43 <Alberth> I have been doing a few short starts with cargodist to find out how to do map-wide cargo distribution
18:58:46 <Alberth> the easiest seems to be to make a big network with constant trains running around, visiting those industries that are relevant for their wagons
18:58:51 <Zuu> If you disable town growth, that helps not getting overcrowded trains. :-)
18:59:21 <Alberth> I hardly do pax transport :)
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20:22:51 <andythenorth> can someone finish my FISH docs, ta?
20:23:00 <andythenorth> too hot to code well :P
20:23:49 <andythenorth> it's a little bit FIRS-ish right now :P
20:24:28 <andythenorth> also I need to render some properties here
20:37:27 <andythenorth> how much can I trust a dict to return in same order when iterated?
20:49:04 <planetmaker> did you see the patch I posted?
20:49:12 <planetmaker> not really for the readme, but... meh
20:49:40 <planetmaker> you kind broke shipped bundles with r1159
20:50:14 <planetmaker> I quite don't get the reason for 1159 anyway
20:50:28 <planetmaker> what was the reason behind it?
20:51:15 <andythenorth> previous commit broke bundle build, I didn't want bundle server nagging me (and it was way past bedtime) ;)
20:51:26 <andythenorth> I would have done it right...but tired
20:52:46 <planetmaker> I don't understand that... you didn't touch docs generation there?
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20:54:16 <planetmaker> I guess it's broken again :D
20:54:44 <andythenorth> we'll find out in a minute
20:54:58 <planetmaker> it then needs some magic like the other targets
20:55:31 <andythenorth> same issue got solved in FIRS, but different makefile structure iirc
20:55:57 <planetmaker> in any case, DOC_FILES should not be altered really. That defines what gets shipped
20:56:18 <andythenorth> FIRS has Makefile_doc
20:56:21 <planetmaker> the GENERATE_DOC variable may be pointed to a new target, though in
20:56:56 <andythenorth> should maybe point to src/
20:56:58 <planetmaker> FIRS likely uses the old one? Or does it use the new and just has still dead code there?
20:57:07 <andythenorth> could be dead code
20:57:31 <andythenorth> either dead code, or FIRS renders docs twice :P
20:58:39 <planetmaker> that's for another day :-)
20:58:56 <planetmaker> docs are rendered not by, yes, but only src/
21:00:02 <andythenorth> renders docs too
21:00:05 <andythenorth> that could be adjusted
21:00:12 <andythenorth> it's current state, but not essential
21:00:25 <andythenorth> also should strictly be in /scripts :)
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21:01:59 <planetmaker> a readme.txt is not generated any longer, no?
21:03:16 <andythenorth> it will be restored
21:03:36 <andythenorth> in a bit of a 'work-in-progress' moment right now
21:03:41 <planetmaker> +GENERATE_DOC := fish-nml
21:03:41 <planetmaker> in might be needed to make it build then
21:04:07 <planetmaker> I wonder what DevZone waits for :D
21:04:36 <planetmaker> without the + of course
21:05:26 <planetmaker> hm, might even not be needed. But would be proper
21:08:50 <planetmaker> with respect where you place the build scripts: doesn't really matter where they reside
21:11:45 <andythenorth> advice from others was that it is cleaner to put build script with rest of makefile stuff
21:11:51 <andythenorth> works either way though
21:11:54 <planetmaker> it has some point, yes
21:12:12 <planetmaker> basically, the scripts dir is empty of makefile stuff meanwhile ;-)
21:12:25 <planetmaker> it's the place for the translation status, though
21:12:38 <planetmaker> and possibly the gimp script. which you don't need, though
21:12:59 <planetmaker> Makefile is now easy: Makefile, Makefile.config and ;-)
21:13:22 <planetmaker> was alberth's complaint that it's too scattered. And he was right
21:13:58 <planetmaker> I didn't find stuff myself :D
21:18:31 <andythenorth> any legacy stuff to delete? :)
21:18:38 <andythenorth> FIRS might have some ;P
21:18:59 <planetmaker> dunno FIRS now. But... FISH does
21:19:03 <NGC3982> I was about to throw the keyboard on the couch. Instead i tossed it right on the floor.
21:19:24 <planetmaker> andythenorth, scripts/Makefile*
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21:19:57 <planetmaker> hm. no :-)
21:20:14 <andythenorth> do you want to do the honours?
21:25:10 <planetmaker> firs still uses an older Makefile... maybe I can update it
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21:35:56 <andythenorth> easier to read that than check properties in game
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continue to next day ⏵