IRC logs for #openttd on OFTC at 2013-03-24
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02:15:04 *** Djohaal has joined #openttd
02:34:35 *** robotboy has joined #openttd
05:32:09 *** Flygon_ has joined #openttd
05:56:17 *** Eddi|zuHause has joined #openttd
05:56:35 *** RavingManiac has joined #openttd
06:17:49 *** Rhamphoryncus has joined #openttd
07:11:06 *** |Jeroen| has joined #openttd
07:17:47 <V453000> :D the new folder for screenshots confused the hell out of me :D
07:19:52 *** andythenorth has joined #openttd
07:22:27 *** Progman has joined #openttd
07:23:10 <V453000> the prophet of doom is back!
07:23:25 <V453000> so what is dying today andythenorth? :P
07:29:49 <V453000> actually, no NUTS release for the longest time so far :P
07:30:26 <DorpsGek> andythenorth: pikka was last seen in #openttd 2 days, 22 hours, 47 minutes, and 38 seconds ago: <Pikka> I do not want to watch a half-hour video for the one little piece of information I need and which probably isn't in there anyway
07:30:36 <V453000> not like I am adding about 3000 sprites, no :D
07:33:32 *** sla_ro|master has joined #openttd
08:01:24 <V453000> hm, how would I code something like ... "have every odd wagon get sprite A, have every even wagon get sprite B"
08:03:09 <V453000> ah, might not need that :D solved
08:36:19 *** RavingManiac has joined #openttd
08:38:27 *** Pensacola has joined #openttd
08:42:24 <DorpsGek> Zuu: OpenTTD uses TCP and UDP port 3979 for server <-> client communication, UDP port 3978 for masterserver (advertise) communication (outbound), and TCP port 3978 for content service, a.k.a. BaNaNaS (outbound)
09:09:48 *** Alberth has joined #openttd
09:09:49 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Alberth
09:16:59 *** tokai|noir has joined #openttd
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09:34:37 *** |Jeroen| has joined #openttd
09:55:36 *** oskari89 has joined #openttd
10:19:03 *** zeknurn has joined #openttd
10:19:21 *** LordAro has joined #openttd
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10:32:36 <LordAro> it's _still_ snowing... :L
10:36:00 <LordAro> not all that much on the ground here (~3 inches) but it hasn't stopped falling for the last 24 hours...
10:38:52 *** roboboy has joined #openttd
10:44:03 *** frosch123 has joined #openttd
10:44:56 <Zuu> We were supposed to get a "snow storm" last monday/thusday but only ended up geting a decimeter of snow. :-p
10:46:56 <LordAro> a 'decimeter' is quite a lot round here :P
11:04:21 *** ntoskrnl has joined #openttd
11:05:04 <DorpsGek> Commit by frosch :: r25117 trunk/src/game/game_text.cpp (2013-03-24 11:04:58 UTC)
11:05:05 <DorpsGek> -Fix [FS#5511]: Silence warning.
11:20:43 <DorpsGek> Commit by frosch :: r25118 trunk/src/gfx.cpp (2013-03-24 11:20:37 UTC)
11:20:44 <DorpsGek> -Codechange: Deduplicate basic line clipping code. (fonsinchen)
11:25:54 * andythenorth ponders extending CHIPS
11:27:58 * frosch123 ponders ranting about editors doing automatic linewrapping
11:29:55 <peter1139> hmm, decimeter isn't commonly used
11:31:07 <frosch123> i believe it's more common than decameter though :p
11:31:33 <Eddi|zuHause> is that deca or deka?
11:32:16 <frosch123> oh... the engish si prefix page does not list it :o
11:32:35 <frosch123> ah, it's only missing at the top
11:33:35 <frosch123> but, yeah, the prefix "da" is fairly unknown :)
11:34:39 <frosch123> oh, i did not know that the prefixes were added over time
11:36:55 <Zuu> In the land where we got a named unit for 10 km, decimeter is also quite commonly used. :-)
11:37:03 <LordAro> ^ i blame nano for that one :L
11:37:15 <Zuu> Especially when talking about amount of snow
11:37:28 *** Devroush has joined #openttd
11:38:05 *** tycoondemon has joined #openttd
11:38:37 <frosch123> oh, you got zephyris on the project :)
11:39:01 <frosch123> aw, and you have more followers on twitter than ottd :p
11:39:34 <Eddi|zuHause> there is a twitter account?
11:39:45 <frosch123> though the ratio tweets/followers is about equal
11:40:20 <Eddi|zuHause> actually, i'm not even remotely interested :p
11:40:50 <frosch123> social media is important!
11:41:29 <frosch123> whole websites are based on that
11:41:56 *** HellTiger has joined #openttd
11:42:25 <andythenorth> twitter is just news
11:42:33 <LordAro> Zephyris has, yet again, drawn huge amounts of excellent graphics
11:42:35 * andythenorth goes back to python
11:43:19 * LordAro will be back shortly, assuming he doesn't screw his system up in the process
11:51:12 *** oskari89 has joined #openttd
11:52:11 <andythenorth> if I have a docs folder where some files are generated, and some are static
11:52:35 <andythenorth> should I move the static ones into docs_src, then have the compiler mv them at compile time?
11:52:48 <andythenorth> otherwise it's confusing which files in docs are editable and which are generated :P
11:54:42 <DorpsGek> Commit by frosch :: r25119 trunk/src/gfx.cpp (2013-03-24 11:54:37 UTC)
11:54:43 <DorpsGek> -Codechange [FS#5512]: Improve the clipping/visiblity check before sending lines to blitter for drawing. (fonsinchen)
11:54:44 <Alberth> package them at a completely separate place?
11:55:12 <Eddi|zuHause> Alberth: that would be silly from a user's point of view
11:55:30 <Eddi|zuHause> Alberth: why would a user search in two different places for documentation?
11:56:05 <Alberth> I mean to build a complete distribution in a separate directory
11:56:23 <andythenorth> I keep editing the wrong file :P
11:56:25 <Alberth> ie copy or build everything intended to distribute into that directory
11:56:38 <Alberth> andythenorth: remove all but one :)
12:04:15 *** HellTiger has joined #openttd
12:06:17 *** LordAro has joined #openttd
12:06:31 <LordAro> excellent, that worked
12:14:27 *** HerzogDeXtEr has joined #openttd
12:18:28 * andythenorth should not be left alone to write makefiles
12:21:36 <andythenorth> planetmaker: could you help me with FIRS makefile (if it's convenient)? o_O
12:31:33 *** roboboy has joined #openttd
12:32:06 *** Supercheese has joined #openttd
12:32:57 <Alberth> planet maker seems kind of absent nowadays
12:33:51 *** robotboy has joined #openttd
12:38:00 <andythenorth> hence my 'is dying' doom and gloom :D
12:39:45 *** r0b0tb0y has joined #openttd
12:40:43 <LordAro> he was here yesterday
12:43:43 *** the_oracle has joined #openttd
13:07:33 *** roboboy has joined #openttd
13:12:12 *** Ristovski has joined #openttd
13:15:39 *** robotboy has joined #openttd
13:20:37 *** roboboy has joined #openttd
13:37:17 <frosch123> hmm, if ottd dies... would that open the option to get zombies onto the project? :p
13:37:35 <frosch123> i heard zombies are good at programming
13:38:04 <frosch123> not sure whether they go well with unicorns though
13:44:56 *** Thomas6966 has joined #openttd
13:45:43 <Thomas6966> can somebody help me with the size of letters in the game?
13:49:25 <LordAro> frosch123: did you bring that up in your browser or did you type it out? :P
13:50:02 <Alberth> a standard set of bookmarked links :)
13:51:43 <Thomas6966> thanks a lot frosch... this sentence: "Note that you must change both the font and size entries for your changes to have any effect " in the FAQ was the important sentence :)
13:53:15 *** roboboy has joined #openttd
14:05:12 <LordAro> so, what's everybody doing?
14:07:52 *** robotboy has joined #openttd
14:08:45 <frosch123> hmm, the stream died in the deciding match :p
14:09:15 <frosch123> the current expansion of sc2
14:09:56 * Zuu alternates between cleaning his apartment while listening to the radio and tying to find inspiration for what to do.
14:10:52 <LordAro> surely you could do all of those at the same time? :P
14:11:25 <frosch123> finding an inspiration in cleaning your room? :o
14:12:30 <Zuu> More like finding inspiration for possible what hobby project to spend time with.
14:12:54 <Zuu> But maybe that is good because then more cleaning get done :-)
14:12:59 *** RavingManiac has joined #openttd
14:13:00 <LordAro> a 4 letter acronym springs to mind :P
14:15:07 *** Flygon_ is now known as Flygon
14:15:32 <Flygon> Super Hydralic Instantanious Transport?
14:15:57 <Flygon> Now if there was a GRF for that
14:16:04 <Flygon> But the movie never revealed the design
14:17:33 <LordAro> still snowing a bit here...
14:17:34 * andythenorth is holding a toddler who is learning how to build ottd track
14:17:47 <LordAro> although it seems to be meliting faster than it's coming down
14:17:52 <andythenorth> and wondering how to get a 2x and 4x zoom for the GUI as well as the game viewport
14:18:20 <LordAro> or whatever it's called
14:18:25 <andythenorth> it's not the original?
14:18:56 <andythenorth> I have a 1280x800 screen, and I want a double-sized 640x400 game window for it
14:19:15 <andythenorth> I can't run full screen at lower resolutions in OS X anymore :(
14:19:33 <andythenorth> and it was never very crisp anyway, as it wasn't the default screen resolution
14:19:46 <LordAro> there must be some sort of zoom software somewhere
14:19:49 <andythenorth> whereas if I use the OS X screen zoom tool, it looks awesome, but I have to scroll a lot
14:19:55 *** oskari89 has joined #openttd
14:24:06 <andythenorth> biab, teaching toddlers to build in arctic
14:24:46 <LordAro> frosch123: you should add it to the todo list :)
14:26:05 <andythenorth> maybe I just found a use for toyland :P
14:26:35 <LordAro> pffft. i always liked toyland
14:26:54 <LordAro> especially maddog's toyshop(?) that came with TTD
14:29:50 <LordAro> screw it, i'll play it now :)
14:33:15 <LordAro> actually, no i won't play toyland now, cos Formula1 is on
14:33:20 <LordAro> i'll come back though :)
14:35:28 <andythenorth> we need to be able to colour vehicles individually
14:35:36 <andythenorth> according to at least one 3 year old
14:35:43 *** RavingManiac has joined #openttd
14:36:06 <frosch123> resp. poke v to finish it :p
14:36:59 <andythenorth> spose I could do some horrible thing in newgrf
14:37:25 <andythenorth> now we have a nnbhbuce nice sy b subtype refit
14:37:34 <andythenorth> keyboarbd contention :P
14:37:55 *** goodger has joined #openttd
14:38:20 <frosch123> are you now going to join the masses who tried to make a lego newgrf?
14:39:48 <andythenorth> apparently we need red snow :P
14:43:20 <frosch123> turning ottd into a zombie massacre game?
14:43:43 <frosch123> kill zombies with trains
14:44:31 <goodger> survival horror: the tower defence of 2012
14:44:45 <V453000> what isnt finished? :)
14:45:23 <V453000> also, colour schemes for train groups would be awesome, was saying that for ages too
14:46:04 <frosch123> oh yeah! andythenorth: we did not have a livery discussion for long :)
14:46:35 <andythenorth> normally it is derailed by thirty-something railfans who are overly addicted to counting rivets
14:46:42 <andythenorth> the pov of a toddler is more interesting :P
15:01:53 <V453000> in fact I actually am consireding making my wagons use MU
15:02:10 <V453000> so you could recolour these wagons depending on track type at least
15:02:39 <frosch123> wagons changing colour when entering different track? :p
15:03:38 <V453000> like the passenger wagon (rail)
15:03:43 <V453000> you only have -freight wagons-
15:04:02 <V453000> I figure if I use the MU flag on freight wagons it will make them use that too?
15:13:01 <HellTiger> hm will crashed plains disapear?
15:16:53 <HellTiger> and, about passengers, do i have to build trainstation very near to many buildings?
15:19:21 <V453000> no they will be there till you restart your pc
15:24:55 <Zuu> HellTiger: The crashed aircraft will disapear in a few in-game months
15:25:28 <HellTiger> V453000: i did alrdy two times. it didnt helped.
15:26:48 <frosch123> HellTiger: the population inside the covarage area of the station decides the pax and mail production
15:27:24 <frosch123> it's like industries, you only get the cargo if the industry is near the station
15:27:31 <frosch123> same holds for every single house
15:27:46 <HellTiger> that was a great point :>
15:29:39 <Zuu> HellTiger: In English, an airplane is a flying thing with wings. A aircraft could be an airplane but also a helicopter or zepelin. Just "plane" is an abrivation of "airplane". In this game "aircraft" or "airplane" is used commonly.
15:30:42 <Zuu> "plains" is not airplane in plural :-)
15:31:00 <Zuu> Which is what V453000 tried to make a joke out of
15:31:52 <V453000> actually I didnt even notice the typo
15:37:31 <HellTiger> hm i tried some youtubes yet but i didnt find any single rail solutions where you have a small passing track at critical position
15:37:42 <HellTiger> is a two rail so common?
15:38:01 <Zuu> two way rail is cheap enough in OpenTTD.
15:39:36 <Zuu> I read that in Sweden about 17% of all tracks are double tracks (and the rest is single track. 3 or more is really uncommon)
15:40:31 <HellTiger> i know from germany many single tracks
15:40:36 <Alberth> being too cheap is easily solved with a basecost modification grf :)
15:40:38 <HellTiger> and they where connected to very big industry
15:40:43 <HellTiger> like hoechst, bayer degusa
15:40:54 <HellTiger> there where some double ones some times
15:41:03 <HellTiger> and on stations ofc a lot more.
15:41:40 <frosch123> HellTiger: single track with passing points is common in the early game
15:42:11 <frosch123> at least i saw others doing it, not only me :p
15:43:09 <HellTiger> hurts a bit in the brain yet
15:43:17 <Zuu> Switzerland which is far more dense (than Sweden) have about 60% double tracks. Eg. even there, there are a considerable amount of single tracks. In OpenTTD, it is often just easier to double. Requires often less time and though than single track systems which only are worth the hassle when you are short in money.
15:44:38 <Alberth> or short on time, if you play to get a goal :)
15:45:54 <Zuu> Doing it double from start doesn't take longer time to build. Makeing the bypass lines and signaling them takes some effort.
15:47:39 <frosch123> usually i build a one line track, then the train, then the second track :)
16:03:43 *** lofejndif has joined #openttd
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16:35:43 *** andythenorth has joined #openttd
16:55:26 <LordAro> how is the random starting company colour generated? i always (>80%) seem to get pink :L
16:56:46 <frosch123> LordAro: it tries to not use a colour which is similar to an existing company's
16:58:20 <frosch123> oh, and there is also some colour ranking
16:58:58 <LordAro> i'll look into it, shall i? :P
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18:41:15 *** Rhamphoryncus has joined #openttd
18:45:16 <DorpsGek> Commit by translators :: r25120 /trunk/src/lang (unfinished/macedonian.txt vietnamese.txt) (2013-03-24 18:45:09 UTC)
18:45:17 <DorpsGek> -Update from WebTranslator v3.0:
18:45:18 <DorpsGek> macedonian - 1 changes by Ristovski
18:45:19 <DorpsGek> vietnamese - 2 changes by nglekhoi
19:15:28 *** Lord_Aro is now known as LordAro
19:26:23 *** andythenorth has joined #openttd
19:35:59 <frosch123> andythenorth: the 2x gui zoom looks really scary actually
19:36:12 <frosch123> did it really look like that 18 years ago?
19:37:00 <andythenorth> frosch123: you have a flat panel screen right?
19:37:14 <frosch123> yeah, that might make the pixels more rectangular
19:37:28 <andythenorth> in 1994, crts had pixels you could see if you put your eye close
19:37:37 <andythenorth> but they were round-ish :)
19:37:46 <andythenorth> also they jittered somewhat
19:38:06 <andythenorth> 2x gui zoom looks good using my os zoom tool :)
19:41:06 <HellTiger_> strange, i just removed tracks directly on river to build bridge, but i have also bombed the river and can now just build tracks
19:41:26 <frosch123> andythenorth: the 2x zoom works surprisingly well
19:41:35 <HellTiger_> but now i see the costs!
19:41:57 <frosch123> the only stuff that is really broken are vehicles in lists, depot and such
19:43:02 <frosch123> andythenorth: you did not test yourself? :(
19:43:09 <frosch123> it's such an easy diff
19:43:22 <andythenorth> had a trip to hospital to glue a child's head back together earlier :P
19:43:33 <andythenorth> will test shortly
19:47:13 <frosch123> random selection of windows, with that one-line change :p
19:47:28 <frosch123> no idea what michi_cc might already have fixed :)
19:48:54 <michi_cc> Most of the stuff on your screenshot except those weired inconsistencies where some things use sprites and others font glyphs (like up/down scroll arrows compared to left/right scroll arrows).
19:50:56 <michi_cc> Which lead me on a tangential drift to font selection/ui, which lead to OSX CJK input with a diversion via the other upen OSX patches, which lead back to Windows CJK input, which lead to patching up the gapping holes on the non-Unicode windows build and some other Unicode fails.
19:51:58 <michi_cc> And if we start with e.g. the storyboard stuff we really need a proper text rendering engine that isn't completely ignoring things like combining characters :p
19:51:59 <DorpsGek> Commit by frosch :: r25121 trunk/src/widget.cpp (2013-03-24 19:51:53 UTC)
19:52:00 <DorpsGek> -Fix: Editboxes could become too small when resizing windows.
19:52:34 <frosch123> michi_cc: do you want to add rtl support for editboxes to that list? :p
19:53:57 <frosch123> anyway, the intro GUI looks the most scariest of all those windows
19:54:05 <frosch123> maybe also the company gui :)
19:54:35 <michi_cc> The support itself is probably easy, but deciding when input is RTL and when LTR is the difficult part I'd guess.
19:55:19 <frosch123> one of the problem is that our editboxes have no horizontal scrolling
19:55:27 <frosch123> only a magic hack which works surprisingly well
19:56:25 <frosch123> if the text in the editbox is wider than the editbox, it always scrolls so that the cursor is at the right border
19:57:54 <frosch123> that's also why i was not able to implement cursor positioning with the mouse :p because you cannot position the cursor in the middle of an editbox if the text is longer
19:58:11 <michi_cc> Editbox handling (or textbuf morr exactly) could be made a little bit less magic in general by storing the characters as UTF-32 instead of UTF-8 (tiny bot confusing to store some values in pixels, bytes and characters), but I'm not sure where the length limits are arbitrarily set and where mandated by the network protocol.
19:58:43 <frosch123> i don't think that would improve anything
19:58:51 *** Biolunar has joined #openttd
19:58:58 <frosch123> considering rtl control characters and such
19:59:18 *** Ristovski has joined #openttd
19:59:27 <frosch123> hmm, though maybe we do not allow entering those directly
20:00:42 <frosch123> but positioning the cursor when icu inserts ligatures
20:00:52 <michi_cc> It improves the code. CJK/IME handling for OS X must (and for Windows should) support painting not-yet-finished characters differently, and the current code is already quite complex because if the variable length characters.
20:01:19 <Zuu> frosch123: Detecting where a user clicked sounds very similar to my click-on-text patch :-)
20:01:36 <frosch123> Zuu: detecting is not the problem
20:01:43 <frosch123> just the editbox cannot draw a cursor in the middle
20:02:10 <frosch123> because it always scrolls in a way which positions the cursor at the right border
20:03:06 <frosch123> and because the same textbuf can be displayed in multiple windows with differently sized editboxes, you cannot just add a scrolling variable to the textbuf :p
20:03:10 <frosch123> it needs to go to the widget
20:04:17 <Zuu> If I put more content into a widget than fits it, I can still move around the cursor in the visible area.
20:04:40 <frosch123> the cursor is always at the right
20:04:46 <frosch123> you cannot move it to the middle of the wdiget
20:05:10 <frosch123> unless the text is already scrolled to the very left
20:06:02 <frosch123> when the text is not scrolled to the very left, the cursor keys effectively scroll the editbox instead of only moving the cursor
20:10:24 <frosch123> detecting the click position is easy in the editbox, because there are only simple characters with the same size :)
20:10:37 <frosch123> no control codes and such, so you do not have to hook into the whole string system
20:11:09 <frosch123> though that is also the reason why rtl does not work :p
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20:20:56 <HellTiger_> i am so confused. wich signal i place at entrance of station to force train not to turn?
20:21:39 <HellTiger_> ah maybe the one way path thing.
20:22:34 <Zuu> With path signaling you cannot force the train to not turn back by puting signals just before the station. Instead turn the signals infront of the station intersection from "path" to "oneway path"
20:36:41 *** Devroush has joined #openttd
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20:51:41 <andythenorth> frosch123: may I have the link to the zoom diff? (Can't find it in logs, must be blind) ;P
20:52:13 <frosch123> and change the GUI constant to 2x instead of 4x
20:59:20 <andythenorth> offer open to all :)
20:59:55 <frosch123> not sure whether he offers translations though :)
21:00:26 <frosch123> all czech i have meet, ranted about czech translations just like i rant over german :)
21:00:40 <andythenorth> frosch123: the 2x GUI zoom is awesome
21:01:01 <andythenorth> I don't care that the font doesn't zoom, it's totally legible
21:01:05 <frosch123> did you saw michi's git repo?
21:01:26 <frosch123> andythenorth: don't tell me you don't know how to change font size :o
21:01:45 <andythenorth> adv. settings is borked
21:02:01 <frosch123> yup, also visible in my screenshot
21:02:06 <frosch123> the company gui is also fancy :p
21:02:09 <andythenorth> so are station guis etc
21:02:24 <frosch123> but wrt. playability the depot gui and vehicle list might be the most important ones
21:02:53 <andythenorth> Assertion failed at line 153 of /Users/andy/Documents/workspace/openttd/src/core/math_func.hpp: min <= max
21:02:56 <Supercheese> 1 outdated string for US english?
21:03:11 <frosch123> andythenorth: one of those things which you need to fix :)
21:03:24 <Supercheese> "both" vs. "two or more"
21:03:28 <frosch123> some windows do not expect images to be bigger than they thought
21:03:58 <andythenorth> Supercheese: user-suggested via pm :P
21:04:03 <andythenorth> it was inconsistent
21:04:11 <Supercheese> eh, fix things however you see fit; just 1 strong :P
21:04:26 <andythenorth> frosch123: so think it's a plausible project, or a death march? o_O
21:04:43 <frosch123> take a look at michi_cc's git :)
21:05:46 <andythenorth> it's probably the single best improvement I could think of in ottd
21:05:59 <andythenorth> "no, make it look like 1994" :P
21:06:19 <Supercheese> GameFAQs poll supports the 90s' superiority
21:08:18 <frosch123> Supercheese: isn't that more like a profile of the readers?
21:08:38 <frosch123> i would think 80% consider those games best which they played at age 16 to 20
21:09:05 <Supercheese> Nah, the 90s were the best, totally objective ;)
21:09:33 <Supercheese> I was only 0-9 in that decade
21:09:52 <Supercheese> No bias whatsoever :P
21:10:57 * andythenorth tries 'regular' sized gui
21:11:37 <Supercheese> Google sells those, don't they?
21:11:45 <Supercheese> Or have those not hit the market yet? ;)
21:15:52 *** Eddi|zuHause has joined #openttd
21:17:20 <andythenorth> 'docs' might be better
21:19:25 <andythenorth> I have more than that in mind :)
21:19:53 <andythenorth> the old site is outdated, maintaining it against src was a PITA
21:20:25 <andythenorth> this one will be canonical, as it comes from src :)
21:21:06 <Supercheese> andy: no guano mine yet? :P
21:21:21 <andythenorth> I have art for it
21:21:48 <Supercheese> I had never even heard of guano having industrial applications until FIRS mentioned it
21:21:55 <Supercheese> old website I think
21:22:45 <frosch123> i think if you use the clay pit, and just fill it with white stuff....
21:22:50 <frosch123> it would look disgusting :p
21:24:54 <Supercheese> what're the graphic sources?
21:25:34 <andythenorth> I keep meaning to use those huts
21:25:37 <andythenorth> haven't found a purpose
21:25:44 <andythenorth> 'someone' should do newairports
21:25:46 <Supercheese> license for graphics?
21:25:56 * Supercheese would add them to his object set
21:26:04 <Supercheese> would have to swap licenses then, hmmmm
21:26:20 <andythenorth> or by arrangement
21:29:22 <Supercheese> Ugh, file transfer operations just grind computers to a halt
21:29:41 <Supercheese> I just want to copy a gigabyte or two from place to place
21:30:01 <Supercheese> Firefox just dies while that's happening :(
21:30:57 <andythenorth> FF has probably also eaten all your RAM and is in swap
21:31:09 <andythenorth> hmm wrong Super*
21:31:17 <Supercheese> the fox is a giant memory hog
21:31:55 <Supercheese> Windows probably is too
21:32:12 <Supercheese> Right click -> properties
21:32:18 <Supercheese> 45 seconds later, get results
21:32:48 <Supercheese> Oh jeez, now even Winamp is lagging
21:35:43 <HellTiger_> how do i skip a "send train to depot"
21:35:47 <HellTiger_> i didnt need anymore
21:35:52 <HellTiger_> and its not there yet
21:45:21 <Supercheese> derp, now windows has decided to lag out on a "moving to recycle bin" window
21:45:33 <Supercheese> no progress for ~3 minutes, can't close the window
21:53:12 <HellTiger_> where can i read in the log about closed fabrics? my target just disapeared while fast forward
21:53:46 <frosch123> top right, in the newspaper menu
21:54:20 <HellTiger_> ah now setted to full if closing
21:55:07 <andythenorth> generating industry names for docs is tricky when they rely on the default OTTD string :P
21:55:09 <HellTiger_> warnings arent good handled yet while fast forward
21:55:43 <Zuu> andythenorth: Just implement the OpenTTD string parameter system :-p
21:55:52 *** Rhamphoryncus has joined #openttd
21:57:54 <frosch123> just remove powerplants and sawmills and such
21:58:03 <frosch123> ottd does not have a default string for guano mines
22:01:23 <HellTiger_> god damit, second factory just disapeard while train was pretty near.
22:02:02 <frosch123> it's weird :) i never encountered that problem
22:02:12 <frosch123> but sometimes people comlpani about it happening all the time
22:03:58 <HellTiger_> i am on learning signals
22:04:08 <HellTiger_> is there some auto pause setting for events?
22:05:14 <frosch123> and wouldn't make any sense for multiplayer
22:05:25 <HellTiger_> if i get enaraged enough i will make a feature request.
22:05:46 <frosch123> and ottd is quite targeted to multiplayer, i believe :)
22:06:50 <HellTiger_> right i could not imaginate how it work, if some one just build into your way for fun
22:06:57 <frosch123> even though it might not relfect the majority of players :p
22:07:00 <andythenorth> what happens if I copy default industry names into FIRS?
22:07:03 <andythenorth> does the sky fall?
22:07:31 <frosch123> you lose tamil translations of them
22:07:45 <frosch123> can you copy them to your doc script instead?
22:12:22 <HellTiger_> hrm quite strange to build just a extreme over huge station, then remove only single parts and the accept of other to far away goods is possible
22:12:59 <frosch123> press ctrl when building :p
22:13:05 <frosch123> then you can skip the "remove" part
22:13:44 <frosch123> anyway, it's called "station walking" in the cheat book :p
22:13:45 <Supercheese> there's some strangeness about station rectangles and such
22:13:51 <Supercheese> for acceptance/delivering
22:14:17 <Supercheese> i.e. you can deliver cargo even if not directly in the catchment, or some such
22:14:42 <HellTiger_> what do you mean with holding crtl? i dont understand mechanics
22:15:11 <frosch123> buld one station piece
22:15:28 <frosch123> then build a second one with ctrl+click some tiles aways fromit
22:16:10 <HellTiger_> now i am confused again.
22:16:15 <HellTiger_> i think i skip station walking for now
22:17:23 <HellTiger_> will it work just normal if i chain with just 1x1 things to a resource part near? i mean, i could chain up tons of stations
22:17:30 <HellTiger_> where is the litle problem about it
22:22:13 *** Flygon_ has joined #openttd
22:31:00 <Zuu> HellTiger_: The problem about it is that there is a setting called maximum station spread. It sets the limit of how large the total station rectangle can be.
22:31:15 <Zuu> Also, your idea of how the game should be played may set limits.
22:31:38 <Zuu> And thirdly MP server rules tend to have an idea on what is OK and not OK.
22:59:25 <HellTiger_> ho do i make curve for tunnel?
22:59:48 <Eddi|zuHause> it's not possible
23:00:01 <Eddi|zuHause> tunnels and bridges must be straight
23:19:01 <HellTiger_> is it ok just to transfare iron and let goods stock up?
23:28:32 <Eddi|zuHause> your question doesn't make much sense
23:30:37 <HellTiger_> Eddi|zuHause: i wana deliver iron ore without gettint any steel from the same location yet.
23:31:24 <Eddi|zuHause> steel will not be piling up on your station until you send a wagon/truck to pick it up
23:33:56 *** Rhamphoryncus has joined #openttd
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