IRC logs for #openttd on OFTC at 2011-01-24
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02:55:50 <z-MaTRiX_nonidentified> hey-hp
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06:49:23 <Terkhen> good morning
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09:19:04 <dihedral> good morning
09:19:23 <dihedral> TrueBrain, can you explain what you are refering to?
09:20:30 <dihedral> if it was me looking up how the commands work (e.g. [plugin] cmd) and testing how it handles duplicates, i think your warning is rather over the top
09:21:31 <dihedral> you can give me a warning if you really think i am that stupid to abuse your bot, and not know that you read the logs
09:21:56 <dihedral> and if you are complaining about me using the topic command for SmatZ birthday, i really feel sorry that you find that to be an abuse
09:22:46 <dihedral> + it's pretty late now too and you should have picked up on that a while ago
09:22:56 <glx> dihedral: it was about the CTCP Version
09:23:46 <dihedral> ah - say so. that was in the cause of the same thing - i was expecting it to ctcp me
09:24:22 <dihedral> i was looking at how the bot handled different commands in different plugins
09:24:32 <dihedral> i.e. prefering one over another
09:24:42 <dihedral> sorry for that
09:27:10 <dihedral> if i had known the extent of that command i would not have used it ;-)
09:27:57 <dihedral> glx, thanks for clarifying
09:28:50 <planetmaker> moin
09:28:52 <planetmaker> I think using another one's bot as playground and test dummy is quite worth telling off...
09:28:57 <planetmaker> I'd like to see your reaction
09:29:03 <planetmaker> if it was reverse and not TB.
09:29:20 <dihedral> ?
09:29:30 <dihedral> you are serious?
09:29:47 <dihedral> i find it hard to believe that
09:29:54 <planetmaker> someone playing with your stuff, causing things not intended... you're always then very quick with things like kill or ban
09:30:10 <planetmaker> as would I actually. TB was very friendly IMHO.
09:30:34 <dihedral> yes, but perhaps i did not see what went wrong from his message alone!
09:30:49 <dihedral> as soon as it was clarified - that sheds different light
09:30:50 <planetmaker> exactly. So don't play with other people things, if you don't know what they do or may cause
09:30:55 <dihedral> bye
09:31:01 <planetmaker> @kick dihedral
09:31:01 *** dihedral was kicked by DorpsGek (planetmaker)
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09:31:50 <planetmaker> tsk...
09:32:34 <planetmaker> double standards, I say
09:36:54 <TrueBrain> planetmaker: in this case, it was a double standard from my side yes; mostly because I like dih :)
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10:12:40 <George> Hi
10:12:54 <George> Small non OTTD related question
10:13:03 <planetmaker> TrueBrain, I think both sides :-)
10:13:39 <planetmaker> but having double standards when showing mercy is ... most often ok
10:13:46 <planetmaker> hi George
10:13:53 <George> Is there anybody here who can expect, whow much may in Europe the production planning and monitoring system cost?
10:13:54 <TrueBrain> lol @ pm :)
10:14:16 <TrueBrain> 12 euros *troll* :D
10:14:56 <planetmaker> uhm, what system, George? It awefully sounds like Mao's 5 year plan...
10:15:06 <George> the organisation staff is about 2100
10:15:32 <George> No, it's a software for making produuction plans
10:15:50 <George> including customiasation
10:16:08 *** HerzogDeXtEr has joined #openttd
10:16:32 <George> and implementation
10:18:03 <George> I've aproximated according to Russian, but my collegians said my result does not seem realistic
10:18:42 <George> so, is there anybody here, who could speak with me about it
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10:23:58 <George> planetmaker: Any ideas?
10:25:06 <planetmaker> Sorry, no. I never even heart about such thing
10:25:39 <planetmaker> I'm not familiar with that kind of software
10:26:09 <George> how do you think 170000Euro is too much or too little?
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10:31:14 <planetmaker> maybe. The most expensive piece of software I ever bought was 15k€ for a single user license.
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10:37:56 <George> here we have at least 25 users working at the same time
10:38:34 <George> 2100 staff - it's a big company even for Russia
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10:53:50 <Rubidium> George: no idea what industry you're in, but I guess SAP has some components that your company can use. Maybe call their sales office for a quote?
10:54:35 <George> Is there anybody from SAP to answer? :)
10:54:57 <George> I know that SAP would be ready to sell such solution
10:55:56 <George> But I need to get the answer without official contacting to SAP
10:56:36 <Rubidium> why?
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10:57:22 <Rubidium> it's quite unlikely that anyone in here is doing the business decisions to go for such a system and as such have an idea how incredibly expensive the stuff is
11:03:51 <George> well, May be someone is. We have at least 109 users connected to the channel ;)
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12:20:56 <peter1138> hmm, anyone with good make-fu?
12:21:22 <peter1138> i have a list of sources that need to be compiled into individual .so files
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12:57:01 <Wolf01> hello
12:59:49 <SmatZ> hello Wolf01
13:04:52 <peter1138> hm
13:34:49 <supermop> hi
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14:12:58 <Belugas> hello
14:13:05 <supermop> hi
14:14:28 <Belugas> and it's -25 outside
14:17:03 <SmatZ> quite cold
14:17:09 <SmatZ> hello frozen Belugas
14:17:17 <supermop> sounds like a north american problem
14:17:30 <Belugas> quite
14:17:46 <Belugas> the whole weeken was under -20
14:18:16 <supermop> i hear it is also cold back in new york
14:20:53 <glx> Belugas: I guess it's worse in NWT :)
14:21:51 <Belugas> i'm pretty sure it is, glx
14:22:08 <Belugas> supermop, we're close to (relatively) NY, so we share about the same
14:22:53 <supermop> yeah,
14:23:15 <supermop> my coworkers are telling me i am missing out
14:25:57 <supermop> ok off to lunch
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14:27:41 <Belugas> iqaluit... -29
14:27:43 <Belugas> brrrrr
14:27:59 <Eddi|zuHause> i guess we have +1-ish
14:28:53 <Belugas> -14 new yrok city. not bad
14:28:58 <Belugas> Eddi|zuHause, i envy you
14:29:27 <Eddi|zuHause> the company i work for makes money off it being <0°C
14:29:30 <Belugas> although i remember you had (Europ) a cold periof while i was in cool temp :)
14:29:49 <Eddi|zuHause> we had snow basically through all december
14:33:53 <glx> +5 here :)
14:34:04 <__ln__> we still have 43 cm of snow here in the south. (with small values of south)
14:34:24 <glx> maybe snow on thursday
14:34:54 <__ln__> 3-meter-high heaps of snow here and there
14:36:16 <Terkhen> +10 here :)
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15:14:24 <planetmaker> this morning it was around 3°C here
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15:34:17 <supermop> ok
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16:06:57 <maddy_> hi guys
16:27:44 <maddy_> do widgets (buttons) get lowered automatically when they are clicked?
16:28:05 <planetmaker> it has to be implemented
16:28:23 <Terkhen> look for examples in buttons that you know that are lowered automatically
16:31:01 <planetmaker> hmpf... I've been hunting an inconsistency for hours - only to find out somewhere in the code instead of A2 there was a 12... :-P
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16:42:12 <glx> planetmaker: things like that happens in opendune :)
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16:51:32 <maddy_> I can't find where this widget is set to lowered state
16:52:01 <maddy_> in any case, the problem is that IsWidgetLowered in OnClick event handler is always true
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16:56:09 <maddy_> any tips?
17:04:20 <planetmaker> there's something like SetWidgetToLoweredState or so.
17:09:10 <maddy_> this is driving me crazy
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17:10:57 <planetmaker> ah... window->LowerWidget(widget) - but the widget has to know how it lowers itself
17:11:09 <maddy_> I see that func and LowerWidget, ToggleWidgetLoweredState, but as far as I can tell they aren't called
17:11:19 <planetmaker> normally the lowering by clicking is handled by the window which then passes it on to the widget to show itself lowered
17:11:20 <maddy_> in window_gui.h
17:11:20 <planetmaker> IIRC
17:11:48 <planetmaker> they surely aren't called in a header file...
17:12:02 <maddy_> that's where they are defined
17:12:24 <maddy_> so it's lowered sort of automatically?
17:13:03 <planetmaker> window.cpp:262
17:13:16 <planetmaker> Window::HandleButtonClick
17:13:26 <planetmaker> But the widget has to know how it lowers itself
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17:18:24 <maddy_> right...I'm trying to check the lowered state in the OnClick handler by using IsWidgetLowered, but it's always true, so I guess HandleButtonClick sets it to lower always
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17:20:00 <planetmaker> well, yes.
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17:41:17 <maddy_> damn...finally got it, I had to change the button type from WWT_PUSHTXTBTN to WWT_TEXTBTN
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18:45:41 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: translators * r21906 /trunk/src/lang/ (polish.txt spanish.txt turkish.txt ukrainian.txt):
18:45:41 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: -Update from WebTranslator v3.0:
18:45:41 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: polish - 2 changes by Simek
18:45:41 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: spanish - 1 changes by Terkhen
18:45:41 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: turkish - 4 changes by niw3
18:45:42 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: ukrainian - 2 changes by Fixer
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19:08:58 <maddy_> think I'm gonna upload my patch to forums, it feels pretty ready
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19:19:17 <Xaroth_> famous last words :P
19:20:30 <maddy_> hehe
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19:35:35 <maddy_> well its up if anyone wants to try
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20:09:41 <andythenorth> grr
20:09:46 <andythenorth> is all I have to say
20:13:20 <Belugas> brrrrr
20:13:22 <Belugas> is all i can say
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20:17:00 <DanMacK> Hey Andy
20:22:05 <Hirundo> @calc 0x80 + 0x48
20:22:05 <DorpsGek> Hirundo: 200
20:22:17 <Hirundo> @base 200 10 16
20:22:17 <DorpsGek> Hirundo: Error: '200' is not a valid base.
20:22:23 <Hirundo> @base 10 16 200
20:22:23 <DorpsGek> Hirundo: C8
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21:11:29 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: rubidium * r21907 /extra/osie/Makefile: [osie] -Fix: linking failed with some linkers
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21:40:14 <guru3> Sometimes I forget exactly how many ways there are to build...
21:41:13 <planetmaker> is there more than one way? ;-)
21:41:54 <guru3> Well, sometimes I'm reminded of the Transport Tycoon AI...
21:41:58 <SmatZ> :)
21:42:07 <guru3> Which you know... had a few issues let us say.
21:42:19 <planetmaker> I recall it, yes ;-)
21:42:21 <guru3> I being me, automatically assume my way is the Right way, but there are other ways that work.
21:42:38 <guru3> They just make me go 'gargh,' waste.
21:42:48 <planetmaker> ah. One right way and many wrong ways :-P
21:42:56 <guru3> You do not need 2 tracks when one and sidings will do, for starters.
21:43:09 <guru3> Why fight terrain when you can use it to your advantage? Etc.
21:43:37 <guru3> But it is one of the neat bits of multiplayer, getting to see this stuff.
21:44:07 <Rubidium> so make the ultimate intro game showcase ;)
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21:44:54 <guru3> What, and teach everyone else how to 'win?'
21:45:07 <guru3> I like being first on the leaderboard with half the networth. ;)
21:46:16 <planetmaker> the show it everyone ;-) - few will actually open the title game. But many would watch it then with awe :-)
21:47:01 <guru3> In my ever correct view, having cluttered spaces isn't the best way to go about it, although some neat stuff can be made...
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22:10:59 <peter1138> the one true way
22:20:25 <Zuu> Good evening
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22:48:29 <Terkhen> good night
22:50:51 <Wolf01> 'night
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