IRC logs for #openttd on OFTC at 2010-08-18
00:00:24 <TruePikachu> Hey everyone, what is the preferred setting for the ship pathfinder? Xrufuian thinks it's NPF
00:01:00 <ccfreak2k> Doesn't the option window tell you?
00:01:23 <TruePikachu> Yes, and it says the original
00:01:36 <TruePikachu> Xrufuian still insists that NPF is reccomended
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00:03:23 <CIA-2> OpenTTD: rubidium * r20533 /trunk/src/ (ai/api/ai_vehicle.cpp depot_gui.cpp vehicle_cmd.cpp): -Codechange: shuffle a bit with the bits in the sell command
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00:30:42 <CIA-2> OpenTTD: yexo * r20534 /trunk/src/ (57 files in 4 dirs): -Codechange: unify the naming of the 'vehicle must be stopped in depot' strings
00:46:45 <CIA-2> OpenTTD: yexo * r20535 /trunk/src/lang/english.txt: -Codechange: make the 'vehicle must be stopped in depot' strings consistant
00:48:01 <CIA-2> OpenTTD: rubidium * r20536 /trunk/src/ (7 files): -Codechange: unify the refitting of vehicles
00:48:49 <CIA-2> OpenTTD: rubidium * r20537 /trunk/src/ (vehicle_cmd.cpp vehicle_func.h): -Codechange: make RefitVehicle a static (local) function
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00:58:52 <BobbaayB> What happens when I want to replace old train engines, but there are none to select from?
00:59:43 <BobbaayB> How do I put new engines in the available list?
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01:00:01 <BobbaayB> hello?
01:00:27 <SmatZ> hello
01:00:31 <BobbaayB> hi
01:00:35 <BobbaayB> thank you
01:00:39 <SmatZ> BobbaayB: you can replace only engines you have
01:00:49 <BobbaayB> yes i know
01:01:02 <BobbaayB> but there aren't any to replace them with
01:01:06 <SmatZ> try changin rail type in the dropdown in the bottom midle
01:01:17 <SmatZ> it should read "rail vehicles" by default
01:01:32 <BobbaayB> yes it does
01:01:41 <SmatZ> so change it to something else :)
01:01:54 <SmatZ> or do you mean, you can't select engine to replace to?
01:01:59 <BobbaayB> but it is still blank on the right side
01:02:05 <BobbaayB> yes
01:02:10 <BobbaayB> thats what I mean
01:02:19 <BobbaayB> there aren't any to replace them with
01:02:43 <BobbaayB> even if I wanted to build new ones, there aren't any engines
01:03:03 <BobbaayB> just cars
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01:03:31 <SmatZ> BobbaayB: go to Advanced settings, Vehicles, enable Vehicles never expire
01:03:32 <BobbaayB> I had 3 different ones, but they just slowly one by one disappeared
01:03:52 <SmatZ> then open console by ~ and type "resetengines"
01:03:56 <SmatZ> +enter
01:05:46 <BobbaayB> ahh perfect thankyou
01:05:59 <BobbaayB> now I have 7 engines
01:06:08 <BobbaayB> thanks alot
01:06:11 <SmatZ> you are welcome :)
01:06:31 <SmatZ> enable "Vehicles never expire" in the main menu, so your new games are started with that setting enabled
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01:07:55 <BobbaayB> ok
01:08:07 <BobbaayB> one more question, sorry
01:08:28 <BobbaayB> how do I replace an engine with the same type?
01:08:34 <BobbaayB> is this possible?
01:08:46 <BobbaayB> t isn't on the right side
01:08:50 <BobbaayB> it*
01:09:14 <Yexo> you can do it by enabling autorenew
01:09:18 <SmatZ> enable "Autorenew" in "Advanced settings/Vehicles"
01:09:32 <Yexo>
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01:10:33 <BobbaayB> ahh ok thanks again :)
01:16:14 <BobbaayB> so just change it from red to green and it should work?
01:16:29 <BobbaayB> or do i have to type in something aswell?
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01:18:09 <SmatZ> BobbaayB: just make it green
01:18:27 <SmatZ> great, just great
01:18:37 <SmatZ> windows istalled some updates and rebooted itself
01:19:31 <CIA-2> OpenTTD: yexo * r20538 /trunk/src/ (airport.cpp table/airport_movement.h): -Codechange: introduce a few macros to initialize the airport classes
01:20:00 <BobbaayB> oh ok yes it worked, thanks :)
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01:20:22 <SmatZ> :)
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01:39:14 <dotwaffle> If I were to checkout the latest svn tag (for instance, 1.0.3) and run ./configure but with "--without-icu", is that ok to distribute as 1.0.3 or would it be preferable to distribute as "1.0.3-withouticu"? I'm testing out OSX builds.
01:39:25 <Eddi|zuHause> <VVG> Rubidium: It behaves ok in rev17268, which is the rev diff i copied those bits of code from is made against. <- is that the one i updated?
01:40:52 <avdg> dotwaffle: I think you can't distribute osx binaries so long the problem with the static libraries isn't fixed
01:41:57 <avdg>
01:42:37 <dotwaffle> avdg: Ah! I had assumed "--enable-static" did what it said on the tin =)
01:42:38 <dotwaffle> Thanks.
01:43:06 <Eddi|zuHause> dotwaffle: icu is only for "weird" languages, it doesn't change gameplay. thus calling it 1.0.3 is ok
01:44:15 <dotwaffle> Eddi|zuHause: thanks. for some reason, the linker tries to use libicudatag (the only library I have it libicudata) so using --without-icu was the only way i could get it to compile.
01:46:19 <Eddi|zuHause> only really important library is zlib
01:47:07 <glx> dotwaffle: as often, icu-config doesn't work (similar stuff happens on windows)
01:49:24 * dotwaffle strokes chin
01:50:50 <dotwaffle> unless I'm misreading this, zlib is used for save/load and something in the network code?
01:51:19 <dotwaffle> How important is saving, really? =)
01:51:34 <avdg> for local games and backups :)
01:51:57 <Eddi|zuHause> well, saving is not the problem, you can make uncompressed savegames
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01:52:02 <Eddi|zuHause> but loading is
01:52:14 <Eddi|zuHause> loading includes joining a multiplayer game
01:52:14 <avdg> :p lol
01:52:24 <dotwaffle> ah, that makes sense.
01:53:11 <dotwaffle> just out of interest, what's the compression ratio like?
01:53:40 <Eddi|zuHause> depends mainly on the amount of trees ;)
01:54:08 <dotwaffle> DEFLATE is stream based, isn't it?
01:54:33 <dotwaffle> (as in, not sliding window)
01:55:02 <Eddi|zuHause> a 2048^2 map takes about 64MB of memory, and about 4MB of savegames
01:56:14 <dotwaffle> 115kB for a 256x256, I see....
01:56:23 <Eddi|zuHause> i have no idea how it works internally
01:57:19 <dotwaffle> I'm just having a play with it atm, looks fairly interesting...
01:58:09 <Eddi|zuHause> you can set the compression method in the .cfg, so you can make uncompressed savegame and compare
01:58:42 <dotwaffle> which .cfg? the compiled or the source?
01:59:36 <Eddi|zuHause> openttd.cfg
02:00:22 <dotwaffle> ah, user, got it
02:01:38 <dotwaffle> savegame_format =
02:01:54 <SmatZ> [03:54:38] <dotwaffle> (as in, not sliding window) <== you can't use sliding window for streams?
02:04:30 <dotwaffle> SmatZ: my mistake, deflate is (of course) a sliding window compressor. I've gone slightly mad. =)
02:04:31 <avdg> hmm 4:04 here
02:04:38 <avdg> need to sleep
02:05:20 <Eddi|zuHause> sleep is totally overrated ;)
02:06:13 <dotwaffle> 3:06 here... I've got to be up in 5 hours... But I'm too interested in this now ;)
02:06:26 <avdg> :p
02:06:41 <avdg> I had nights of 2 houres too
02:07:20 <avdg> but with 1 houre left, I think I can forget my sleep :p
02:07:24 <dotwaffle> this is only spurned by the fact my idiot housemate decided to delete his OpenTTD install off his mac, and I can't find the image I downloaded, so I'm re-compiing it for him. Tsk.
02:08:07 <avdg> :p
02:08:38 <dotwaffle> Someday I'm just going to put an Ubuntu VM on his mac and force him to use that.
02:09:12 <dotwaffle> but i bet that doesn't work with ipv6. hurumph
02:09:14 <avdg> just for openttd?
02:10:04 <avdg> install tools, get svn checkout, configure, make, done
02:10:09 <avdg> :p
02:10:38 <dotwaffle> there are four of us living here. we have a weekly openttd-athon, so it's essential we have a working openttd for windows (michael) ubuntu (me and o) osx (pete).
02:10:46 <Eddi|zuHause> it's mac, everything is more complicated there...
02:10:52 <dotwaffle> hehe :)
02:11:16 <Eddi|zuHause> everything connected with development, that is.
02:11:17 <dotwaffle> at least I've got it compiled now. i'll have to wait to see if the bundle opens, as I don't have a remote desktop into his laptop, only ssh
02:14:16 <dotwaffle> Eddi|zuHause: it says here that zlib is included in osx by default... is it really necessary to statically compile it?
02:17:40 <TruePikachu> hello from McDonalds
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02:17:51 <dotwaffle> heh
02:18:57 <TruePikachu> xrufuian and i were death feeding a factory as opposing companies
02:20:56 <TruePikachu> we got it to reach 1k crates/month
02:21:45 <TruePikachu> And he stole all the goods, despite the fact i did most of the work
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02:28:33 <TruePikachu> @seen xrufuian <-- IDK if he's been _here_ today
02:28:33 <DorpsGek> TruePikachu: seen [<channel>] <nick>
02:28:52 <TruePikachu> @seen xrufuian
02:28:52 <DorpsGek> TruePikachu: xrufuian was last seen in #openttd 1 day, 2 hours, and 44 seconds ago: <Xrufuian> Sugestion: Use both NARS and UKRS.
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02:46:01 * TruePikachu is back home
02:59:54 * TruePikachu just came up with a very cruel practice for Multiplayer
03:01:00 <TruePikachu> 1. Lower entire map to sea level EXCEPT for the parts that touch water
03:01:20 <TruePikachu> 2. Let opponents build at sea level, while you remember to build a bit higher
03:01:42 <TruePikachu> 3. After ages of opponent construction, lower a water interface point to sea level
03:01:45 <TruePikachu> 4. ???
03:01:49 <TruePikachu> 5. PROFIT!!!
03:04:52 <VVG> Eddi|zuHause: yeah, that one
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03:26:06 <TruePikachu> I just brought the world population to 0
03:27:08 <TruePikachu> It was fun
03:27:13 <TruePikachu> But slow...
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03:35:29 <DarkTomas> Hello anyone here?
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03:46:57 <TruePikachu> I'm here
03:47:07 <TruePikachu> :( he left
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06:19:16 <Rubidium> Eddi|zuHause: probably not
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07:14:24 <Terkhen> good morning
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07:41:20 <planetmaker> good morning
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08:11:38 <Wolf01> morning
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09:54:31 <andythenorth> feature request: flag for type of ship.
09:54:44 <andythenorth> similar to prop 19 for trains:
09:55:15 <andythenorth> shame ship prop 10 can't be extended to support it :o
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10:42:03 <Hirundo> what should the effect of setting that flag be?
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10:44:58 <andythenorth> Hirundo: makes more CC options available
10:45:13 <andythenorth> It would be nice to be able to choose different colours for sail / steam / diesel ships
10:45:18 <andythenorth> similar to trains
10:45:43 <andythenorth> could also be used to decide type of smoke (if ships ever get smoke)
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10:46:04 <andythenorth> could also select the sound effect, but there might be an alternative way to do that already.
10:46:24 <SpComb> annoying when you build a long line to a "major" city somehwere a little far away
10:46:44 <SpComb> but then it turns out that a "minor" city along the way actually grows faster than said major city, and actually has a larger population now
10:58:53 <Ammler> blathijs: where would you install the gfx/msx/sfx docs to?
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10:59:51 <Ammler> /usr/share/doc/openttd/openmsx
11:01:14 <Ammler> I guess, it needs a DOCDIR var like INSTALLDIR, that doesn't make it easier, does it?
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11:12:02 <blathijs> Ammler: I need them in /usr/share/doc/openttd/openttd-openmsx, since that is the package name on Debian
11:12:50 <planetmaker> would adding a conditional variable DOCDIR be of help?
11:12:53 <blathijs> Ammler: Perhaps it would be good to have a DESTDIR variable as well, which is the root of where things should go
11:12:59 <planetmaker> e.g. set it and docs will go there?
11:13:10 <planetmaker> s/e.g./i.e./
11:13:12 <planetmaker> hmpf.
11:13:32 <blathijs> perhaps rename INSTALL_DIR to something else as well? If there's a DOC_DIR, INSTALL_DIR is a bit too generic?
11:13:58 <Ammler> planetmaker: I don't think, you can detect the package name, so yes, you would need a docdir
11:14:22 <blathijs> e.g., have DOC_DIR and DATA_DIR perhaps?
11:14:25 <blathijs> or GM_DIR even
11:14:32 <planetmaker> hm... INSTALL_DIR ... dunno anymore why I chose it. But...
11:14:39 <Ammler> blathijs: should work for every set
11:14:42 <planetmaker> would be DATA_DIR ;-)
11:14:56 <blathijs> good point
11:15:13 <Ammler> and default is /usr/share/doc/openttd/openmsx
11:15:16 <planetmaker> but then it could as well be called BIN_DIR or so.
11:15:26 <planetmaker> I shall also dig for the usual names
11:15:47 <planetmaker> which I *thought* INSTALL_DIR would be. But... long ago :-)
11:15:54 <Ammler> blathijs: why does it need package name there?
11:15:58 <blathijs> so install the docs into $DESTDIR/$DOC_DIR and the .mids and .obm into $DESTDIR/$DATA_DIR/gm/openmsx. Let DESTDIR default to "", DOC_DIR to /usr/share/doc/openttd/openmsx and DATA_DIR to /usr/<something> ?
11:16:07 <Ammler> isn't that give by openttd/openmsx?
11:16:19 <blathijs> Ammler: THe debian package name is openttd-openmsx
11:16:33 <blathijs> and on Debian documentation should go into /usr/share/doc/<packagename>
11:16:40 <Ammler> yep
11:16:48 <Ammler> but that is not what you pasted above :-)
11:17:38 <blathijs> uh, where?
11:17:42 <blathijs> ah
11:17:43 <blathijs> there
11:17:54 <blathijs> Hmm, I was mistaken the first time :-)
11:17:59 <Ammler> you don't do that with openttd
11:18:21 <Ammler> there it just fits because binary name is equal to the package name
11:19:38 <blathijs> Huh?
11:19:55 <blathijs> and on Debian documentation should go into /usr/share/doc/<packagename> <-- This is right, the previous remark was wrong
11:20:15 <Ammler> this is the same also in rpm
11:20:46 <blathijs> but perhaps the defaults shouldn't need to be adapted to .deb, they probably need overriding anyway
11:21:08 <blathijs> It's just important that they can be changed by us
11:21:35 <blathijs> (In fact, do people actually use "make install", apart from package builders?)
11:21:51 <Ammler> don't think so
11:22:09 <Ammler> well, the make install in the pm makefile is a bit special there
11:22:34 <blathijs> "the pm makefile" ?
11:22:41 <planetmaker> the makefile
11:22:50 <planetmaker> pm is my short nick ;-)
11:22:52 <Ammler> the Makefile framework used by the base sets
11:23:15 <blathijs> Ah, created by pm :-)
11:23:20 <Ammler> does make install per default still install to ~/.openttd?
11:23:38 <blathijs> I guess that might be good defaults for installing
11:24:03 <planetmaker> hm... I don't thing ;-)
11:24:08 <planetmaker> ~/.openttd/data maybe
11:24:23 <Ammler> imo, "install" implies root usage and so it should go to /usr...
11:24:51 <blathijs> (btw, for the DESTDIR thing I mentioned: This is commonly used to tell make install where the "fake root fs" lives, so that DOC_DIR and DATA_DIR can just point to /usr/share/something, while the install really happens into /tmp/package/usr/share or something)
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11:25:29 <Ammler> yeah, Rubidium teached us that already with nforenum/grfcodec :-)
11:25:38 <blathijs> (It is also important that DESTDIR is taken from the environment when make install is run, so no need to put it into Makefile.local. It is common run "DESTDIR=/somewher make install")
11:25:43 <blathijs> s/run/to run/
11:26:06 <Ammler> on rpm world, it is called buildroot
11:27:01 <Ammler> since the basesets require openttd to be installed
11:27:39 <Ammler> is it stupid to install the docs to /usr/share/doc/openttd/openmsx per default?
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11:28:03 <blathijs> It sounds reasonable
11:28:16 <blathijs> I won't be using the default either way, so I guess I don't really care ;-)
11:28:46 <Ammler> yeah, and the Makefile isn't able to detect the package name
11:28:59 <Ammler> so if you use something else then openmsx you have to define it
11:30:17 <Ammler> well, if pm like to keep make install to $HOME
11:30:26 <Ammler> everyone has to define it anyway
11:30:39 <blathijs> works for me
11:31:16 <blathijs> Another thing: Would it be possible to let gfx and sfx install separate files instead of a tarball (perhaps by default, or as an option)?
11:31:20 <blathijs> Just like msx?
11:31:45 <blathijs> On the long run, this would be easier when comparing package versions, for example
11:33:14 <Ammler> <-- pm created a ticket about
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11:44:36 <Eddi|zuHause> <-- we need realistic submarines in openttd! :)
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12:34:10 <IPG> hi
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12:37:32 <Rubidium> heffer: not sure whether you noticed yet, but the stable releases of nforenum and grfcodec have been published
12:37:35 <Rubidium> hi IPG
12:39:12 <IPG> i'm tried to make map from heightmap, and two times it crashed, and the third time it did it, i use the latest nightly
12:39:27 <IPG> do i post it to the flyspray?
12:39:46 <IPG> it was something about the town generating as i saw
12:40:13 <Rubidium> yes, with the heightmap you're using and the crash.log, crash.dmp, crash.png and such
12:40:37 <IPG> ok
12:41:31 <Belugas> hello
12:42:41 <Rubidium> ehlo Belugas
12:46:40 <Belugas> hi hi, sir Rubidium you
12:47:15 <andythenorth> Eddi|zuHause: freight submarines?
12:47:22 <andythenorth> add a cargo to FIRS: illicit narcotics?
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12:50:03 <fmauneko> Ohai
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12:53:18 <IPG> posted
12:53:49 <IPG> im trying to do the crash again, but it always works.... :/
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13:17:44 <Belugas> beurk... too much to do, forgot to "enjoy" the coffee
13:17:48 <Belugas> now it's almost cold
13:18:00 <Belugas> WHO CARES!!! it's still coffee!!!!
13:18:44 <glx> junkee ;)
13:19:10 <Forked> cold coffee that is suppose to be warm.. yuck.
13:19:22 <Belugas> who?? me??? naaaaaa
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14:46:32 <Ammler> does someone still use opengfx nightlies?
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14:56:49 <fmauNeko> Ammler: I do
14:57:14 <fmauNeko> But I don't upgrade every day, it more around once a week
14:57:19 <fmauNeko> it's*
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15:06:16 <Dx> Good afternoon y'all!
15:10:25 <planetmaker> :-) At least someone does, fmauNeko :-)
15:10:27 <planetmaker> hi Dx
15:11:11 <planetmaker> fmauNeko, we just wonder(ed) why there's little feedback ;-) or no comments to any changes made in the nightlies ;-)
15:14:03 <Belugas> people never actually send any feedback, unless something big (see disaster) stop them from enjoying life
15:15:57 <planetmaker> yeah
15:16:02 <planetmaker> :-(
15:16:54 <avdg> they just don't know how to report the issues or are too afraid or don't know what to do
15:17:18 <planetmaker> yeah... we have only do-not-readmes ;-)
15:17:28 <CIA-2> OpenTTD: rubidium * r20539 /trunk/ (14 files in 3 dirs): -Codechange: make order backups more self-contained.
15:22:53 <CIA-2> OpenTTD: smatz * r20540 /trunk/src/town_cmd.cpp: -Fix [FS#4049](r20480): use CmdDeleteTown instead of direct use of operator delete
15:25:05 <Dx> I'm trying to update a patch from before r10k to trunk. But I'm not at all familiar with the OpenTTD code base. Is there a way to search the documentation or do I have to check every file with, for example, "rail" or "train" in the name manually? :P
15:26:34 <SmatZ> Dx: that's going to be a lot of work
15:26:44 <SmatZ> maybe it's easier to just rewrite the patch from scratch
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15:30:34 <Rubidium> knowing which patch it is we might give a better suited reply than generic stuff
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15:58:43 <CIA-2> OpenTTD: rubidium * r20541 /trunk/src/ (order_backup.cpp order_backup.h vehicle.cpp): -Fix: when removing a vehicle update the "clone orders of"-vehicle of a backed up order, or remove it if there is no vehicle sharing orders with that vehicle.
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15:59:33 <planetmaker> whatever the patch, a re-write will be easier ;-)
16:02:34 <Rubidium> lies... there are plenty lines that haven't changed since r1
16:03:23 <planetmaker> :-)
16:04:06 <roboboy> is that the r1 try 2 or r1 the original? (:
16:04:54 <Rubidium> try 2
16:05:55 <Rubidium> VpSetPlaceSizingLimit <- has not changed at all since r1
16:06:24 <avdg> hmm… I'm too scared to touch the whole mouse event handler code, seems too much work
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16:07:41 <Dx> Sure, a rewrite seems inevitable, but that still leaves the fact that I need to get familiar with the code :P
16:08:37 <avdg> I'm a bit familiar with the code atm, but not with the api and object/variable relations and stuff
16:08:48 <Rubidium> it should be easy according to the mails we receive: "PS. I really like your source code. It's organized very neatly and easy to get started in as an outsider.
16:09:00 <avdg> :p
16:09:15 <avdg> I just need time and less fear
16:09:46 <avdg> well, I like clean code, thats a fact
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16:10:22 <Dx> The code looks fine, that's not the problem. I just don't feel like spending a day reading code to find all entries that might be of relevance ;)
16:11:35 <avdg> brb
16:12:13 <Belugas> VEERY GOOD reason, Dx, man.. this is such a nice logic you have there...
16:12:20 <Belugas> yes, i'm quite sarcastic
16:13:35 <Dx> Good for you, I enjoy making other people just a little happier :P
16:16:33 <avdg> bck
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16:19:55 <SmatZ> Dx is awesomeness
16:21:55 <Zuu> avdg: Do you have a problem with the DispatchLeftClick function?
16:22:10 <avdg> no, thats just a part :p
16:22:40 <avdg> I have a problem with the whole left click and I'm figuring now out how it works
16:23:08 <avdg> holding a button is in most cases impossible
16:23:19 <avdg> it feels unnatural
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16:24:48 <avdg> my current idea is to split the code up in onMouseUp and onMouseDown
16:24:57 <avdg> but I'm not a c++ coder :p
16:28:47 <Eddi|zuHause> he still has not told us what exactly he wants to do...
16:28:56 <Eddi|zuHause> only what he does not want...
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16:30:02 <glx> avdg: MouseUp and MouseDown are OS dependant IIRC
16:30:49 <avdg> if you can detect if the mouse is pressed, you can save the state in a variable
16:32:44 <avdg> @Eddi|zuHause: What do you need then?
16:33:16 <Eddi|zuHause> i'm not talking about you
16:33:29 <avdg> lol
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17:06:59 <CIA-2> OpenTTD: rubidium * r20542 /trunk/src/ (5 files in 2 dirs): -Codechange: generalise the setting of "p2" to the ClientID.
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17:23:16 <CIA-2> OpenTTD: rubidium * r20543 /trunk/src/company_cmd.cpp: -Fix (r20542): compilation failed when networking was disabled
17:24:53 <Ammler> he, who does find such bugs?
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17:32:49 <Rubidium> Ammler: my DOS cross-compile
17:33:12 <Ammler> oh, roboboy infected you :-)
17:33:30 <Rubidium> which is part of a bunch of GCC compilers that I run (usually) somewhere before the nightly run
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17:34:38 <Rubidium> and those checkouts all have slightly differing configure settings, so it tries to catch a lot of issues over a lot of configuration and GCC versions
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17:35:16 <Ammler> he, your little own compile farm
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17:45:53 <CIA-2> OpenTTD: translators * r20544 /trunk/src/lang/ (11 files): (log message trimmed)
17:45:53 <CIA-2> OpenTTD: -Update from WebTranslator v3.0:
17:45:53 <CIA-2> OpenTTD: belarusian - 19 changes by KorneySan, Wowanxm
17:45:53 <CIA-2> OpenTTD: traditional_chinese - 15 changes by josesun
17:45:53 <CIA-2> OpenTTD: esperanto - 40 changes by Christopher
17:45:54 <CIA-2> OpenTTD: finnish - 4 changes by jpx_
17:45:54 <CIA-2> OpenTTD: french - 3 changes by glx
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18:06:53 <andythenorth> hi hi
18:07:03 <Terkhen> hi andythenorth
18:08:52 * andythenorth wonders where to post a request for ship 'type' action 0 property. Flyspray? Suggestions forum? NewGRF dev forum?
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18:09:44 <planetmaker> spam all of them ;-)
18:09:50 <planetmaker> moin andythenorth
18:10:04 <andythenorth> bleargh
18:10:06 <andythenorth> hi planetmaker
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18:15:57 <Rubidium> andythenorth: the German forum!
18:16:08 <andythenorth> that is truly a good suggestion
18:16:15 <Wolf01> 'night
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18:16:43 <andythenorth> the man who fixed my windows used to work at Microprose in Chipping Sodbury, but I don't think he knew CS
18:16:54 <Rubidium> andythenorth: though I'd say the NewGRF dev forum
18:17:58 <andythenorth> ok
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18:26:36 <Hirundo> Is there any way to prevent (default) industries from changing production without changing the source code?
18:27:11 <Belugas> i think one caqn completely control industries production via grf code
18:27:33 <Belugas> but then, it's not default industries, at least not completely
18:27:50 * Belugas thinks again about a frozen economy model
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18:31:57 <Hirundo> Seems frosch once made something:
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18:37:15 <planetmaker> yes
18:37:37 <Belugas> and how did he did it? yes yes yes.. writing a grf!
18:37:58 <Belugas> how wonderfll is this world we are living in!
18:39:58 <Hirundo> it's simply amazing
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18:52:29 <CIA-2> OpenTTD: rubidium * r20545 /trunk/src/ (6 files): -Codechange: make sure an OrderBackup gets cleared when the depot it belongs to gets removed, the depot window gets closed or when another vehicle gets sold in a depot
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18:58:10 <CIA-2> OpenTTD: rubidium * r20546 /trunk/src/command.cpp: -Fix (r20542): starting AIs shouldn't cause an assertion to trigger
19:01:17 <planetmaker> <-- that's correct NFO?
19:02:27 <frosch123> half of it is not needed, but looks correct
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19:03:30 <planetmaker> hm, what other half is needed?
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19:03:56 <planetmaker> (Not version information or translation of grf name)
19:04:46 <frosch123> well, you do not need the "MASK" in that case
19:04:56 <frosch123> but you need an NPAR if it is not somewhere else
19:05:53 <planetmaker> yes, that's before in a separate sprite
19:08:22 * frosch123 wonders how old lenny actually is
19:09:45 <frosch123> hmm, should i try etch instead, or just continue with gentoo
19:09:54 <frosch123> er squeeze it is
19:09:55 <Rubidium> Feb 2009, frozen between OpenTTD 0.6.1 and 0.6.2
19:10:10 <Rubidium> i.e. frozen somewhere summer 2008
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19:10:14 <frosch123> ok, that explains :)
19:10:41 <planetmaker> lol
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19:14:15 <andythenorth> Terkhen: the kind of project you like :)
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20:00:50 <Terkhen> I've never understood why the company colour window has so many settings
20:01:15 <andythenorth> eye candy :)
20:01:28 <Terkhen> which other features besides smoke/effects could this add in the future?
20:01:36 <andythenorth> when I can be bothered, I use most of the CC settings
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20:01:48 <andythenorth> notice how the trains get a lot more than the other vehicles though :P
20:01:52 <andythenorth> fricking train nerds
20:01:55 <Terkhen> I'm not a big fan of eye candy myself
20:02:02 <Terkhen> yeah, trains usually get more of everything :P
20:02:22 <andythenorth> why can't truck nerds code so well?
20:02:36 <Terkhen> there's less of them
20:02:40 <andythenorth> :)
20:02:50 <andythenorth> resp. what other features this could be used for...
20:03:03 <andythenorth> ...there is an idea kicking around about sailing ships being affected by wind :o
20:03:12 <andythenorth> I blame pikka for that :P
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20:05:48 <Terkhen> AIs / pathfinder would love that
20:06:06 <andythenorth> AI authors might not love it :o
20:06:19 <Rubidium> andythenorth: but then the "fricking train nerds" want to have the smoke affected by the wind as well!
20:06:48 <andythenorth> well it's more realistic yes / no?
20:07:00 <andythenorth> trains should also require fuel
20:07:08 <andythenorth> blah blah blah blah
20:07:19 <Rubidium> that's why I like the steam powered log rafts :)
20:07:50 <Rubidium> the wood that gets lots at the stations is just the wood used to power those rafts
20:08:26 <andythenorth> how about one of these?
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20:36:02 <Ammler> [network]no_http_content_downloads = false <-- what is that for
20:36:28 <Ammler> ?
20:36:32 <Rubidium> for not using the mirrors, i.e. when http horribly fails in some way
20:36:45 <Rubidium> so happy happy leave it as it if it works
20:36:53 <Ammler> ok :-)
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20:49:00 <CIA-2> OpenTTD: rubidium * r20547 /trunk/src/ (13 files in 3 dirs): -Change: the way order backups are performed. Now restoring an order doesn't require up to 765 commands.
20:49:11 <SmatZ> :)
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21:17:25 <Belugas> night all
21:17:29 <andythenorth> bye
21:18:04 <SmatZ> bye bye Belugas
21:18:07 <avdg> cya
21:18:57 <planetmaker> g'night Belugas
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21:38:11 <CIA-2> OpenTTD: rubidium * r20548 /trunk/src/network/ (core/tcp_game.h network_command.cpp network_server.cpp): -Codechange: rename some variables giving them slightly more meaningful names
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22:07:23 <VVG> hello
22:07:47 <VVG> I've got a question about p2 parameter of CmdSetTimetableStart
22:08:11 <VVG> Is that amount of ticks a vehicle should wait from current tick until the start of timetable?
22:08:34 <Terkhen> planetmaker: <-- this issue is solved if the {} is removed
22:09:15 <planetmaker> oh, I didn't notice there was one in the string. Thanks, I'll take a look
22:12:16 <Terkhen> I'll check if I can make multilines work in those buttons (in spanish they also take almost all the space)
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22:12:16 <planetmaker> Translation fixed.
22:12:16 <planetmaker> Well. Then in our translations the window is a bit wider. Doesn't hurt much
22:12:41 <Terkhen> yeah, it is not high on the todo list but it'd be nice to have
22:14:02 <planetmaker> But the one which was there was one which I forgot to remove (again) after we talked about it.
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22:17:49 <JakeGrimshaw> evenin' all
22:19:31 <planetmaker> Terkhen: thanks for the translation
22:19:33 <planetmaker> :-)
22:19:37 <planetmaker> And now: have a good night
22:19:43 <Terkhen> you are welcome :)
22:19:47 <Terkhen> good night planetmaker
22:19:49 <Terkhen> hi JakeGrimshaw
22:20:14 <JakeGrimshaw> can anyone shed any light as to the best way of uploading a video to the forums
22:20:40 <JakeGrimshaw> just upload it as an .avi, or upload it to youtube then embed it
22:21:41 <Rubidium> it's doubtful any large video can get uploaded to the forum (the limit is 4MiB)
22:22:46 <JakeGrimshaw> I see.. so youtube is a better bet ?
22:23:31 <Rubidium> VVG: it's just a "simple" date
22:23:40 <Rubidium> i.e. days since "epoch"
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22:27:45 <VVG> so, i have to do to supply p2 as DateToTicks(_date) + X amount of ticks, if i want timetable to start in X ticks since current one?
22:31:59 <Rubidium> no, it is a date that you pass. It doesn't do "ticks"
22:32:53 <Rubidium> or in other words... you can't say: "tomorrow at noon"; it's always "tomorrow at midnight" or "the day after tomorrow at midnight"
22:33:33 <Rubidium> so you'll have to convert those ticks into days
22:33:42 <Rubidium> i.e. _data + X / TICKS_IN_DAY
22:35:02 <VVG> ahha, no wonder it doesn't work for me
22:36:14 <Ammler> if I start openttd stable in a openttd nightly workspace, I got some pinky things :-)
22:38:21 <SmatZ> :)
22:38:33 <Rubidium> Ammler: with the original graphics?
22:38:42 <Ammler> yes :-)
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22:39:08 <Ammler> well, I know why, I was just abit confused first
22:39:33 <Ammler> openttd stable is installed
22:40:06 <Ammler> that is how I made some quick tests between stable and nightly
22:40:27 <Rubidium> yeah, stable misses action14
22:40:29 <CIA-2> OpenTTD: rubidium * r20549 /trunk/src/network/ (6 files in 2 dirs): -Codechange: centralise the handling of the incoming commands (from clients and the server)
22:40:58 <Ammler> so openttd does load the openttd.grf from the workspace obviously
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22:42:19 <SmatZ> infoa bout palette, finally :)
22:43:01 <SmatZ> (I have missed a lot in last two months)
22:43:20 <Ammler> openttd -i0 solves it
22:43:30 <Ammler> hehe
22:43:37 <SmatZ> :)
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22:44:13 <Ammler> but now the newgrfs will go crazy, I assume
22:47:44 <Ammler> is it possible to tell openttd not reading .openttd at startup?
22:48:03 <Ammler> (without recompile)
22:48:51 <Rubidium> HOME:=/tmp/ openttd ?
22:50:24 <Ammler> that breaks it
22:50:28 <VVG> I'm confused. If it's in days, does the comment line "* @param p2 The timetable start date in ticks." still holds?
22:50:31 <Ammler> no vid driver
22:51:11 <Ammler> --without-personal-dir caused a whole recompile :-o
22:51:29 <glx> of course, you reconfigured
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22:51:51 <Ammler> well, if I force the revision, that doesn't happen
22:52:09 <glx> but you changed a setting
22:52:14 <CIA-2> OpenTTD: rubidium * r20550 /trunk/src/timetable_cmd.cpp: -Fix: documentation of CmdSetTimetableStart
22:52:16 <Rubidium> VVG: just update
22:52:26 <VVG> To be precise, i was certanly confused. After the explanation this comment line looks outdated to me, since code directly operates with _date.
22:52:45 <VVG> oh
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22:58:43 <Ammler> if openttd crashes the music continues :-)
22:59:35 <glx> external app yes
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23:00:46 <Rubidium> Ammler: and if the music crashes OpenTTD continues... oh, except on MacOSX and Windows...
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23:01:20 <Ammler> :-D I didn't find the openttd task to make it silent
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23:02:00 <Ammler> shall I set every font sprite bit6 to make it not crop?
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23:11:20 <Ammler> <-- any idea what those empty sprites 93+ are for?
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23:13:02 <Rubidium> Ammler: get your ASCII table :)
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23:15:22 <Rubidium> Ammler: that table follows (more or less) the ISO-8859-1 (
23:16:33 <Rubidium> you'll notice that after the empty sprites the ¢, £, ¥ and © (and more) are at the same place as they would be in the ISO-8859-1 table
23:17:09 <Rubidium> so the missing/empty ones are the ones that are empty in ISO-8859-1 as well
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23:21:06 <Ammler> yeah, and sprite 226 should be space, right?
23:21:25 <Rubidium> sprite 2 actually
23:21:38 <Ammler> that is for med font, 226 for small font
23:21:49 <Rubidium> that might be possible yes
23:22:26 <Ammler> it is called "random thingy" in opengfx source :-)
23:23:20 <Rubidium> that's arguably a correct name for the thing that gets put randomly between those stranges shapes
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23:27:25 <Ammler> dbg: [driver] extmidi: gracefully stopping failed, trying the hard way
23:28:50 <Ammler> I just wonder, if there are any other chars which don't like cropping
23:29:37 <Rubidium> you could start by checking which chars do get cropped
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23:29:54 <Rubidium> that way you'd reduce the number of characters to check :)
23:30:03 <Terkhen> good night
23:30:51 <Rubidium> night Terkhen
23:31:15 <Ammler> none has bit6 set
23:32:25 <Rubidium> Ammler: but you can check which ones get actually cropped, i.e. reduce in size
23:32:51 <Ammler> you mean kind of decode the grf again and diff?
23:33:09 <Ammler> that sounds complicated
23:34:22 <Ammler> it sounds somehow resonable, the sprite doesn't have something else then blue and there it could confuse grfcodec
23:34:49 <Rubidium> Ammler: yep
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