IRC logs for #openttd on OFTC at 2009-06-18
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01:40:49 <Eddi|zuHause> <DJNekkid> planetmaker: we have steam, diesel, electric, metro and maglev <- what about battery powered cars, like the german ETA 150 (BR 515), they are electric powered, but they are not "electric" in the sense that they require electric rail, so they behave more like diesel powered, but are not smoking...
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02:24:12 <BoNes> Hello all.
02:24:13 <BoNes> I'm dropping in here to try and find out why won't work...
02:26:22 <BoNes> #openttd
02:26:26 <BoNes> #openttd.notice
02:29:25 <KenjiE20|LT> works fine for me
02:31:47 <Eddi|zuHause> here, too
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02:49:39 <BoNes> I've discovered that it's Opera's fault. Now, I'm forced to use IE :(
02:50:17 <KenjiE20|LT> still works for me
02:51:08 <BoNes> Thanks anyways.
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05:36:34 <mikk36|work> hey, q: would it be possible to get timestamps into console ?
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08:22:48 <planetmaker> <-- nice reply by Eddi :)
08:23:07 <Rubidium> :O session hijack!
08:23:36 <planetmaker> he :)
08:24:23 <planetmaker> you're right
08:25:04 <dihedral> eh - are sessions not also bound to ip / port ?
08:25:52 <planetmaker> whatever... session terminated :P
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09:02:06 <Eddi|zuHause> planetmaker: i had to rephrase that many times until it stopped sounding insulting :p
09:02:31 <planetmaker> hehe @ Eddi|zuHause
09:02:36 <planetmaker> I believe you to the word
09:02:57 <planetmaker> I considered to reply, too, but finally refrained.
09:03:57 <Eddi|zuHause> i have not had much contact with Oz, but he looks like a control freak to me
09:04:39 <Eddi|zuHause> he can't stand the fact that there are parts of the game that he cannot control, that's why his GRF contains so many different features
09:04:55 <planetmaker> same here. At least this detail control over the players and their user interface looks like
09:05:42 <planetmaker> Indeed, I think that each feature should rather be a separate newgrf. Somewhat like the Japan set does it.
09:06:01 <planetmaker> They're doing a marvelous job, but keep it modular
09:06:12 <planetmaker> e.g. let me choose.
09:06:52 <Eddi|zuHause> yes. the alpine grf suffers from the same problem, it contains both houses and industries. but at least MB realised that this is a problem
09:07:58 <planetmaker> he, yes :) I he isn't as radical in these things as Oz seems like. Luckily
09:08:14 <planetmaker> or we wouldn't have a dbset anymore either ;)
09:08:24 <planetmaker> which would be a shame.
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09:47:19 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: rubidium * r16590 /trunk/src/ (fileio.cpp newgrf.cpp): -Fix [FS#2967]: don't crash when tars/newgrfs are removed, just tell the file could be opened/found.
09:48:55 <Eddi|zuHause> missing "not"?
09:49:26 <Markk> Where?
09:49:42 <Eddi|zuHause> "could not be found"?
09:49:50 <Markk> Ah
09:49:59 <Markk> Yeah, woyuld think so
09:50:00 <Rubidium> yeah, I always miss at least word per sentence
09:50:01 <Markk> would*
09:50:08 <Markk> ^^
09:50:11 <Eddi|zuHause> :)
09:50:50 <Eddi|zuHause> yes, it was not the first commit message that was crippled like this ;)
09:55:15 <Rubidium> it won't be the last either
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10:44:48 <Eddi|zuHause> Microsoft is weird...
10:45:17 <Eddi|zuHause> facing possible sanctions by the EU, they announced that they will not ship IE 8 with Windows 7
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10:45:51 <Eddi|zuHause> now they announced that they would pack IE 8, together with "Live essentials" (mail, media player, etc.) on a separate disk
10:46:22 <SirSquidness> I think it's quite smart actually.
10:46:43 <SirSquidness> They don't get fined (as much?) by the EU, and most people will still put it on there
10:47:40 <Rubidium> if they're smart they just bundle IE8 and Firefox, make IE8 default, though unselectable, and keep Firefox as an option
10:47:59 <Rubidium> after all MS is making Firefox plugins
10:48:59 <Eddi|zuHause> well, the process was initiated by Opera, and Google also wants to have a say in it, so just putting firefox on would probably not solve the problem
10:49:20 <Rubidium> then add iceweasel ;)
10:49:50 <Eddi|zuHause> well, yes, even if microsoft would allow other browsers on their disk, the next question is where to draw the line
10:50:14 <Rubidium> although, I'm waiting for the moment when Norton sues Microsoft for shipping Explorer out-of-the-box
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10:51:46 <Rubidium> or photoshop for shipping paint out of the box
10:51:55 <Rubidium> s/photoshop/adobe/
10:52:59 <Rubidium> I really wonder why a webbrowser is such a big deal when there are many many other things that Neelie could fine MS for
10:53:16 <Rubidium> although maybe 'tax' is a better word for it
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11:18:07 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: rubidium * r16591 /trunk/src/strgen/strgen.cpp: -Codechange: some coding style in strgen
11:39:47 <petern>
11:44:54 <Eddi|zuHause> hm, we always played that on paper...
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12:45:10 <mikk36|work> who is familiar with ecs vectors here ?
12:45:34 <Rubidium> George?
12:46:28 <planetmaker> mikk36|work, you're doing it wrong. Just ask the questions you want to aks. Don't ask meta-questions.
12:46:33 <mikk36|work> right
12:46:47 <mikk36|work> General behaviour change (Description)
12:47:22 <mikk36|work> i'd like to set the amount to unlimited and that the industries never disappear
12:47:41 <mikk36|work> i've set the second parameter for basic sector to "0 14"
12:47:46 <mikk36|work> but the amount left still decreases
12:47:51 <mikk36|work> how is it supposed to work ?
12:48:09 <planetmaker> so... does the industry disappear or does only the amount left decrease?
12:48:19 <planetmaker> the latter doesn't hurt.
12:48:45 <mikk36|work> i'm testing it now
12:48:52 <mikk36|work> to see what happens
12:59:29 <mikk36|work> uhuh
12:59:37 <mikk36|work> "Sand left" just raised
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13:00:22 <mikk36|work> it was something like 145k, now it's 171k
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13:04:18 <mikk36|work> o.O now it's 222k
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13:05:14 <Yexo> that's normal behavior
13:05:45 <Yexo> the amount left is only a guess, and providing good service can increase that (up to a certain point, defined at the time the industry was build)
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13:08:15 <mikk36|work> so how do i know if it will run out or not ?
13:08:54 <Yexo> you test longer
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13:09:30 <Belugas> hello
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15:06:07 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: rubidium * r16592 /trunk/src/network/network_server.cpp: -Fix [FS#2880]: 'connection lost' was also shown when the client was 'leaving'.
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15:07:01 <DJ_Nekkid> ... what is wrong? i can seriously not find a flaw... (action0 with "invalid escape sequense")
15:07:25 <Rubidium> \w<date> ?
15:07:47 <petern> dihedral, ^^
15:08:02 <DJ_Nekkid> thats never been a problem before...
15:08:17 <DJ_Nekkid> aha!
15:08:20 <DJ_Nekkid> i found it!
15:08:31 <Rubidium> DJ_Nekkid: line 12?
15:08:36 <DJ_Nekkid> 0E \dx3c30// Running cost Base vs 0E \dx3c30 // Running cost Base
15:08:54 <DJ_Nekkid> line12 is a valid line... :)
15:09:13 <Rubidium> hmm, then it just looks weird ;)
15:09:15 <DJ_Nekkid> (the comment didnt have a space)
15:09:35 <Rubidium> though why is line 26 invalid and 14 valid?
15:09:52 <DJ_Nekkid> 14 isnt either
15:10:00 <DJ_Nekkid> >(
15:10:01 <DJ_Nekkid> :)
15:10:18 <DJ_Nekkid> but i figured one example were enough :)
15:11:29 <DJ_Nekkid> im not used to work in such a documented fashion :)
15:12:31 <Rubidium> anyhow, it sounds like unwanted behaviour in nforenum
15:19:05 <DaleStan> *blink*blink* Prop 0B is no good but 0E is fine. What did I do *this* time?
15:21:19 <Rubidium> no, the prop 0B line gives an error too
15:21:45 <Rubidium> the problem seems to be \XYZ// (i.e. comments starting directly after the 'data'
15:23:57 <DaleStan> For me, with at least one version of nforenum, prop 0E works. I could have broken that later, though.
15:24:52 <DJ_Nekkid> DaleStan: both lines didnt work... \dx123//comment
15:26:24 <DJ_Nekkid> and im useing a _quite new_ version
15:26:27 <DJ_Nekkid> 2101 or something
15:26:50 <DJ_Nekkid> 12.05.2009 12:05
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15:27:49 <DaleStan> I was probably using an older version when I tested; I have entirely too many renum executables floating around my system.
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15:28:41 <DJ_Nekkid> grfcodec might have eaten it tho... that i didnt test...
15:29:36 <DaleStan> Oh dear. I see the problem. And yes, GRFCodec should be closer to right.
15:31:53 <DJ_Nekkid> :)
15:31:54 <Belugas> YOU GET ME CLOSER TO GOD!
15:32:00 <DJ_Nekkid> always glad to help :P
15:32:10 <DJ_Nekkid> blasphemy!
15:32:35 <Rubidium> Belugas: don't sit on him!
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15:33:15 <Belugas> no, indeed not... because next warning would be the same + h
15:33:19 <Belugas> buwhahaha!!!!
15:33:26 <Belugas> ding ding ding!@!@!!
15:33:37 <DaleStan> It reads "\w12000/" and goes "Oh! I know what this is! It's a date!" And then it can't find the month.
15:33:38 <Belugas> Areuh areuh
15:33:56 <DaleStan> Nevermind that the year is completely out of range.
15:34:59 <DJ_Nekkid> btw ... are there any arguments to not enable a callback on a vehicle (train?)
15:35:07 <DJ_Nekkid> i.e. performance hits
15:35:44 <Rubidium> callback processing can be expensive
15:36:04 <Rubidium> try starting a big map with lots of ECS industries
15:36:34 <DaleStan> But that's more an effect of the callback itself being expensive, rather than the callback overhead.
15:37:19 <DJ_Nekkid> so if i just "1E FF" all my trains, it would not mean much?
15:37:31 <Rubidium> and the effect of 1000*1000 times trying to build an industry that may not be build on the map because there is already one ;)
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15:41:27 <Eddi|zuHause> i take it some of the tourist center layouts must be unique
15:42:04 <Rubidium> yeah, something like that
15:42:53 <Eddi|zuHause> maybe that needs a different system of generating the industry, instead of a callback that retroactively invalidates the attempt
15:44:38 <Rubidium> sure... but someone must be bothered enough to change that
15:45:44 <Rubidium> and based on the recent patches written by someone, it is unlikely
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15:47:54 <DJ_Nekkid> isnt CB15 supposed to be "absolute" ?
15:48:01 <DJ_Nekkid> or is that only for wagons?
15:48:32 <DJ_Nekkid> *trying to make a new template system for 2cc v2.0*
15:51:01 <DJ_Nekkid> and: isnt valuables in it's proper cargoclass by default?
15:51:28 <DJ_Nekkid> useing r16384
15:51:32 <DJ_Nekkid> *381
15:51:42 <DJ_Nekkid> perhaps its time to upgrade
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15:59:33 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: rubidium * r16593 /trunk/src/newgrf.cpp: -Cleanup: realign the TTDP flags table.
15:59:36 <DaleStan> DJ_Nekkid: I still can't reproduce "0E \dx3c30// Running cost Base" failing, but the latest source reads "\w12000// comment" correctly.
16:00:09 <DJ_Nekkid> DaleStan: when i "spaced" them it worked tho ...
16:00:26 <DJ_Nekkid> not sure what the version is, but it's rather new as i saied...
16:00:35 <DJ_Nekkid> shal i PM it or something?
16:00:39 <DJ_Nekkid> the exe?
16:00:59 <DaleStan> I bet it's not as new as the commit I made 2 minutes ago.
16:01:11 <DJ_Nekkid> nope...
16:01:23 <DJ_Nekkid> as i saied, around 2103
16:01:25 <DJ_Nekkid> r210
16:01:30 <DJ_Nekkid> r2103 god damn it!
16:01:48 <DJ_Nekkid> but; on a sidenote ...
16:02:25 <DJ_Nekkid> is valuables configured correctly as bit3 in the cargo class table?
16:02:55 <planetmaker> DJ_Nekkid, did you not try with the exe I supplied there:
16:03:08 <planetmaker> there you have nforenum 2116
16:03:23 <DJ_Nekkid> i tried it, but it didnt work in windows32
16:03:28 <DJ_Nekkid>
16:03:32 <planetmaker> oh... meh :P :(
16:03:55 <DaleStan> That's version's also broken. I fixed the bug in 2124.
16:04:15 <DJ_Nekkid> that _should_ as i can see use cID30 for valuables
16:06:02 <DJ_Nekkid> diamonds and gold dont work either
16:08:35 <Rubidium> DaleStan: is my assumption that action 2 variable 11 returns 0 for normal rail, 1 for elrail (if available), 1 for monorail (if no elrail, otherwise 2) and 2 for maglev?
16:08:46 <Rubidium> +right
16:09:28 <Eddi|zuHause> yet another word missing ;)
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16:29:51 <Belugas> DJ_Nekkid, if diamonds and gold are not working for you, send them to me, i'llmake good use of them!
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16:36:43 <frosch123> Rubidium: isn't there some FS task about that? iirc 0 is normal, 1 is elrail if present, 2 is maglev if present, and monorail is either 1 or 2 depending on the presence of elrail, maglev or both
16:37:21 <frosch123> but wrt. petern's railtypes that variable is not that useful :/
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16:53:08 <Rubidium> frosch123: when will railtypes actually be done?
16:54:16 <frosch123> no idea, but that variable already causes trouble when all four types are available
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16:56:13 <Rubidium> so do airport types ;)
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17:01:10 <frosch123> but it should at least work for the common railtypes normal, elrail, narrow gauge, shinkansen and third-rail
17:01:29 <frosch123> iirc they all do implementation specific stuff on deciding which railtype to override
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17:02:05 <frosch123> so imo this variable can just be implementation-specific too. you can return either the index of the railtype, or maybe just the railtype label
17:02:49 <z-MaTRiX> btw, there are trains that can go on narrow rail, and normal rail too
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17:03:12 <Rubidium> z-MaTRiX: yeah, mini-Shinkansens ;)
17:03:23 <frosch123> "btw" is somewhat misplaced :p
17:03:41 <z-MaTRiX> [190110] frosch123...
17:03:48 <z-MaTRiX> was thinking about related
17:04:43 <Yexo> the discussion was about stations, not trains :)
17:04:44 <z-MaTRiX> hm sry gmt+1
17:12:08 <Eddi|zuHause> 19:xx is not gmt+1
17:12:54 <planetmaker> :P
17:12:55 <Rubidium> Eddi|zuHause: doesn't GMT mean "Gordon's mommy time"?
17:13:19 <Rubidium> which is now, due to summer time, UTC+1
17:13:46 <Eddi|zuHause> sounds... less likely :p
17:13:50 <z-MaTRiX> +2
17:13:58 <z-MaTRiX> ;/
17:14:05 <z-MaTRiX> yes
17:14:14 <z-MaTRiX> :)
17:16:52 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: rubidium * r16594 /trunk/src/network/network_chat_gui.cpp: -Fix [FS#2969]: mouse would under some circumstances not be undrawn when drawing the first chat line causing two mouse pointers to be visible.
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17:42:16 <HalfHand> A quick question: how do you close all windows in OpenTTD a once?
17:42:45 <frosch123> try "del"
17:42:46 <planetmaker> del
17:43:09 <frosch123> and use the sticky button to keep some
17:43:23 <HalfHand> thanks guys :D
17:43:48 <HalfHand> (and Frosch - knew about that feature - therefore the question ;-) )
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17:48:49 <DaleStan> Rubidium: Correct.
17:49:14 <Rubidium> thanks
17:50:25 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: translators * r16595 /trunk/src/lang/russian.txt:
17:50:25 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: -Update: WebTranslator2 update to 2009-06-18 17:50:03
17:50:25 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: russian - 31 fixed, 11 changed by Lone Wolf (42)
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17:58:14 <Yexo> how does nforenum make a difference between a 'normal' action 2 and a variational action 2?
17:58:35 <DaleStan> The fourth byte, IIRC.
17:59:12 <DaleStan> <type> always has bit 7 set; <nument1> never does.
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17:59:48 <Yexo> thanks, seems I've been reading the variational action 2 page incorrect
18:00:51 <Yexo> it makes sense now
18:01:54 <petern> heh
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18:08:43 <frosch123> DJ_Nekkid: you messed up your vehicle ids. you check the cargotype for engine 0x1b, but you build engine 0x00 which is not articulated
18:09:54 <petern> ?
18:10:03 <Yexo> varaction 2 starting with: 8 * 14 02 04 02 82 4A <- should be feature 4, so stations, gives me a nforenum warning about testnig nonexistant variable 4A
18:10:10 <petern> what do you mean "you build" ?
18:10:18 <Yexo> while tells me 4A is the current animation frame
18:10:24 <frosch123> fs2985
18:13:06 <frosch123> Yexo: with type 82 you access a town
18:13:32 <Yexo> frosch123: ah, seems like I can't read :p
18:13:51 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: smatz * r16596 /trunk/src/saveload/oldloader_sl.cpp: -Fix (r16378): there were several hundreds of empty signs above tile 0 after loading TTO/TTD savegame
18:17:34 <petern> eh
18:17:38 <petern> heh, evfen
18:17:40 <petern> oh fuck off
18:17:44 <petern> stupid keyboard
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18:36:39 <petern> i found a new distribution method for openttd
18:36:45 <petern>
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18:49:52 <Eddi|zuHause> well, for certain definitions of "new" ;)
18:51:31 <Yexo> it's be new as distribution for openttd
18:53:33 <planetmaker> petern, you produce the port to the 6800 processor type? :)
18:55:56 <Eddi|zuHause> i don't even know what a 6800 processor is
18:56:25 <Eddi|zuHause> i vaguely remember that 68000 was some kind of amiga processor
19:03:14 <petern> well it's a motorola cpu, like the 68000 is
19:06:23 <petern> planetmaker, and no, we can just use the same media
19:06:39 <planetmaker> ah, ok :P
19:06:52 <planetmaker> I read something like 4kB capacity. Sounds like fun ;)
19:07:01 <petern> you might need a few discs, yeah
19:07:26 <petern> then you sell the first edition for 99p, and the rest are £7.99
19:07:42 <glx> hehe
19:10:13 <petern>
19:10:20 <petern> ^ anyone done that in ottd? ;p
19:12:04 <DJ_Nekkid> opencoop guys have probably made something similar :p
19:13:06 <KenjiE20> I tend to dot little yards around in games I play
19:13:32 <KenjiE20> offline I like to stash old replaced stock in them
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19:23:47 <glx> there's an invisible engine to do that IIRC
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19:24:54 <planetmaker> there are a few eye-candy games where people build very intricate stations like that
19:25:04 <andythenorth> there's a switchyard in isr
19:25:25 <Eddi|zuHause> i found the switchyard in ISR too unflexible
19:25:58 <andythenorth> Eddi|zuHause: make suggestions in the isr thread :)
19:26:15 <Eddi|zuHause> some teaser shots of MB's stations had rolling stock etc. on them, but lord knows when that is ever coming out
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19:27:53 <Eddi|zuHause> anyway...,%2021.%20Okt%201925.png
19:30:01 <planetmaker> 404
19:30:10 <planetmaker> not really. :P
19:30:29 <Eddi|zuHause> it's working here...
19:30:38 <Eddi|zuHause> safari is known to have problems with the comma, though
19:30:56 <planetmaker> I'm using FF regardless of platform. :)
19:31:08 <planetmaker> somewhere a trailing slash appeared here.
19:31:16 <planetmaker> but nvm :)
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20:33:36 <PeterT> hi
20:33:42 <PeterT> any ottd developers here?
20:33:51 <Yexo> yes
20:33:53 <PeterT> that i could talk to
20:33:55 <PeterT> hey
20:34:03 <PeterT> this is peter, that you helped with patching
20:34:48 <Yexo> hello PeterT
20:35:15 <PeterT> ok, can i suggest something in openttd console?
20:35:24 <Yexo> sure, suggest whatever you want
20:35:24 <planetmaker> you can try :P
20:35:34 <Eddi|zuHause> that is the 3rd useless question
20:36:22 <PeterT> ok
20:36:56 <PeterT> could you put in a time for things that happen, like chats, when players join, just for the server?
20:37:20 <Yexo> we could do that yes
20:37:23 <PeterT> because its hard for me to determine who i need to ban when i dont know when they join
20:37:25 <PeterT> thanks :)
20:37:30 <glx> already suggested
20:37:32 <Yexo> I'm not waying someone will
20:37:36 <Yexo> just that it's possible :)
20:37:42 <PeterT> its not too much coding?
20:37:49 <Yexo> I guess not
20:38:05 <Eddi|zuHause> a couple dozen lines tops
20:38:09 * planetmaker shuckles
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20:38:33 <Eddi|zuHause> so one day of work, including research for timestamp formatting functions
20:38:33 <PeterT> ok great
20:38:42 <Eddi|zuHause> that makes 1500€
20:38:49 <planetmaker> :D
20:38:54 <Yexo> nice one :)
20:39:17 <SmatZ> :-)
20:39:34 * SmatZ would do that for "one zero less" euros / day ;)
20:39:44 <planetmaker> dumping!
20:39:53 <SmatZ> :-D
20:40:01 <PeterT> lol
20:40:03 <PeterT> thanks everyone
20:40:13 <Eddi|zuHause> well, only 1/4th of that would be the programmer's wage
20:41:12 <planetmaker> given the pay rolls in public employment, 150€ / day is not what my university will rent me out to industry on.
20:41:19 <Eddi|zuHause> and generally, for IT projects, you get paid for what the customer wants to pay for, not where the work actually goes.
20:42:09 <PeterT> so what else is new?
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20:43:04 <Eddi|zuHause> well, that means you charge extra for the parts that get demanded, and cross-finance the work that actually has to be done in the background
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20:43:37 <SmatZ> 3/4 of the price for the "background" job?
20:43:44 <planetmaker> Eddi|zuHause: it's about 50€ / h + 70% overhead for infrastructure
20:43:53 <Eddi|zuHause> no, half of that goes away for taxes and stuff
20:43:55 <planetmaker> official guidelines
20:43:58 <SmatZ> ah
20:44:10 <planetmaker> no, that's not what _I_ get. What university gets.
20:44:43 <Eddi|zuHause> 7,11€/h was what i got as a "Hiwi"
20:44:54 <planetmaker> he, yes. It's 7,98€ / h now
20:45:45 <planetmaker> quite cheap labour ;)
20:46:49 <SmatZ> :(
20:47:23 <planetmaker> SmatZ: "HiWi" = students employed at university
20:47:49 <planetmaker> @calc 7.98 * 160
20:47:49 <DorpsGek> planetmaker: 1276.8
20:47:53 <planetmaker> hm...
20:48:28 <SmatZ> still you have higher wage than most of university teachers here (but yes, your expenses are higher too)
20:48:42 <PeterT> @calc 1134
20:48:42 <DorpsGek> PeterT: 1134
20:48:45 <PeterT> @calc 1134
20:48:45 <DorpsGek> PeterT: 1134
20:48:46 <PeterT> @calc 1134
20:48:47 <DorpsGek> PeterT: 1134
20:49:05 <PeterT> @calc 1134 * x - 2 = 12 + x / 2
20:49:05 <DorpsGek> PeterT: Error: invalid syntax (<string>, line 1)
20:49:06 <planetmaker> well... it's not my wage. It what university charges others, if we do contract work
20:49:06 *** PeterT was kicked by DorpsGek (1134)
20:49:26 <SmatZ> :(
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20:49:33 <planetmaker> my wage is unfortunately lower...
20:49:35 <PeterT> ???
20:49:39 <PeterT> why was i kicked?
20:49:43 <planetmaker> PeterT: spamming
20:49:45 <Lakie> Spam?
20:49:52 <PeterT> not spam, look at what i had
20:49:57 <PeterT> @calc 1134 * x - 2 = 12 + x / 2
20:49:57 <DorpsGek> PeterT: Error: invalid syntax (<string>, line 1)
20:50:02 <PeterT> why doesnt that work
20:50:10 <PeterT> does it do variables
20:50:10 <Eddi|zuHause> why would it?
20:50:16 <PeterT> @calc 1134 * x - 2 = 12 + x / 2
20:50:17 <DorpsGek> PeterT: Error: invalid syntax (<string>, line 1)
20:50:20 <Yexo> probably becuase it doesn't solve equations
20:50:28 <KenjiE20> how would the bot know what 'x' is?
20:50:31 <SmatZ> hehe
20:50:32 <Yexo> PeterT: you can msg dorpsgek privatly
20:50:32 <Eddi|zuHause> it's a calculator, not an algebraic solver
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20:50:54 <Belugas> night all
20:51:12 <PeterT> i guess
20:51:23 <planetmaker> SmatZ: it's actually WAY less what I get...
20:51:37 <Yexo> bye Belugas
20:51:42 <planetmaker> bye Belugas
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20:53:22 <dihedral> amazon page on a laptop: weight: 4.3Kg, weight incl. packaging: 3.3Kg :-D
20:54:07 <SmatZ> planetmaker: I suppose you can earn money is some other way too :) I am "working" as "student helping force" or what for ~2€/ hour :-p But just ~3h/week, and I am not teaching or anything like that
20:54:09 <PeterT> !password
20:54:09 *** PeterT was kicked by DorpsGek (Wrong channel. Retry in #openttdcoop.)
20:54:13 <SmatZ> haha
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20:54:26 <PeterT> kicked for a command?
20:54:27 <PeterT> wow?
20:54:35 <planetmaker> lol :)
20:54:50 <Yexo> several people are/were trying that here instead of in #openttdcoop
20:54:56 <Yexo> so may that it became annoying
20:55:10 <SmatZ> they try it once, they get no reply, so they try it again
20:55:13 <Yexo> s/may/many/
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20:55:21 <SmatZ> until someone tells them they are in a wrong channel
20:55:26 <Zantor> anyone around?
20:55:33 <SmatZ> nope
20:55:37 <Zantor> lol
20:55:37 <planetmaker> never ever
20:55:39 <Yexo> we're all gone
20:55:39 <Zantor> you are :P
20:55:44 <Zantor> I have a problem
20:55:48 <Zantor> and it may be a common one
20:55:49 <SmatZ> so do I :(
20:55:49 <planetmaker> no. I am a-square
20:55:53 <SmatZ> :-D
20:55:58 <Yexo> I have problems too
20:56:12 <Zantor> I just downloaded and installed OTTD 0.7.1 and i get an error when I run it
20:56:17 <planetmaker> Yexo, you know, we can talk about everything :) Here.
20:56:21 <Zantor> cannot open file
20:56:32 <planetmaker> read again ;)
20:56:32 <SmatZ> Zantor: readme.txt ?
20:56:36 <planetmaker> it sais
20:56:39 <Yexo> planetmaker: you can tell me how to code a animated station tile in nfo?
20:56:40 <SmatZ> haha
20:56:42 <Zantor> o
20:56:42 <Zantor> sample
20:56:47 <Zantor> blame me for misreading
20:57:08 <planetmaker> Yexo: in principle yes. In reality I haven't done it, though :)
20:57:25 <Zantor> but I don't have a TTD CD!
20:57:32 <planetmaker> So it breaks down to: I'm probably as knowledgable as you as I'd use the wiki heavily, too :)
20:57:38 <planetmaker> Zantor: then get OpenGFX
20:57:39 <Yexo> Zantor: do you have a graphics set?
20:57:42 <SmatZ> Zantor: umm buy one
20:57:46 <Yexo> planetmaker: I'm trying to use the wiki
20:57:49 <Yexo> but it's still hard
20:57:56 <planetmaker> yes, I know...
20:57:59 <Zantor> well I didn't have this issue with 0.6.3 or 0.7.0
20:58:14 <planetmaker> Zantor: then copy your data folder to your new install
20:58:22 <Yexo> Zantor: just create an empty
20:58:23 <Zantor> this is a fresh install
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20:58:43 <planetmaker> so, how did your old installs work then? They have / had exactly the same requirements.
20:58:51 <SmatZ> hmm I think empty needs patched binary
20:58:57 <SmatZ> I may be wrong of course
20:59:00 <Zantor> I'm not sure
20:59:11 <Zantor> I extracted the stuff my brother gave me and it worked
20:59:25 <planetmaker> SmatZ: no, it's ok.
20:59:42 <planetmaker> you just get a message about a corrupted file, but it's fine.
21:00:26 <planetmaker> well. Any case you need a base graphics set.
21:00:35 <Zantor> I was using what came with OTTD before
21:00:37 <planetmaker> either you take the one from TTD
21:00:43 <planetmaker> or you get OpenGFX
21:00:50 <planetmaker> OpenTTD comes without any base graphics
21:00:54 <planetmaker> and always did
21:00:54 <Yexo> there never was a base graphics set included in any official openttd package
21:01:16 <planetmaker> that may (hopefully) change, once OpenGFX is finished, though ;)
21:01:18 <Zantor> AHA
21:01:24 <Zantor> I found the archive file with the needed files!
21:01:34 <planetmaker> good that we talked about it ;)
21:01:48 <Zantor> glad I found it; THIS is why I keep archives
21:02:14 <Yexo> just put the files in My Documents/OpenTTD/data and they'll be used by all future installations
21:02:21 <Yexo> so this problem won't happen with your next installation
21:02:23 <dihedral> all to be read in the readme.txt file
21:02:30 <Zantor> it's working!
21:02:45 <Zantor> thank you for t3h help
21:03:02 <Eddi|zuHause> what?
21:03:06 <Zantor> lol
21:03:11 <Zantor> t3h is l33t for teh or the
21:03:13 <Eddi|zuHause> can you repeat that in english?
21:03:25 <Yexo> see topic :)
21:03:29 <Zantor> ph33r my l33t h4x0r talk!
21:03:34 <Zantor> :P
21:03:53 <Eddi|zuHause> once upon a time, this was a ban reason
21:04:09 <Zantor> I'm not excessive about it
21:04:11 <Zantor> jeez
21:04:14 <dihedral> i thought it still was ban reason
21:04:19 <dihedral> or at least kick reason
21:04:51 <Yexo> as long as it happens only occasionally and not structurally it's not problem imo
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21:05:02 <dihedral> Zantor: just a thing to remember - not all communities on the net are wiled about leet
21:05:55 <dihedral> _ln for example seems to have a highlight as soon as someone doesnt use ' :-D
21:06:19 <dihedral> he/she/it then goes on terribly
21:06:42 <dihedral> however leet is not really very welcome around here :-P
21:07:10 <dihedral> perhaps some doom channels over at freenode will welcome you for it though
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21:09:57 <andythenorth> animated loader nfo. one tile: 5251 lines of code
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21:12:57 <dihedral> Rubidium: r16592 <- what happens when a client gets kicked / banned?
21:14:11 <petern> GOD KILLS A KITTEN
21:14:27 <dihedral> i thought that happens because of other stuff :-D
21:15:17 <dihedral> (11:15:00 PM) dihedral: !rcon kick 3
21:15:18 <dihedral> (11:15:00 PM) Mrs_Console: dihedral: *** dihedraI has left the game (kicked by server)
21:15:18 <dihedral> (11:15:00 PM) Mrs_Console: dihedral: *** dihedraI has left the game (connection lost)
21:15:19 <Eddi|zuHause> god is a kitten murdering bastard
21:15:20 <dihedral> hehe
21:15:24 <Eddi|zuHause> he will kill kittens for anything
21:16:10 <Westie> yay
21:16:15 <dihedral> can someone reopen FS#2880 :-P
21:16:19 <dihedral> it's not quite fixed
21:16:20 <dihedral> :-D
21:16:45 <dihedral> the fix only concerns quit's not kick or ban :-P
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21:27:17 <Eddi|zuHause> that's a ' too much ;)
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21:40:07 <Sacro> grr
21:40:11 <Sacro> how do youset the version?
21:41:19 <Yexo> what version?
21:41:31 <Prof_Frink> of the internet.
21:41:33 <Sacro> in openttd :P
21:41:38 <Sacro> I thought nit was REV=
21:41:43 <Sacro> but it no worky :(
21:42:04 <SmatZ> configure --help?
21:43:21 <Sacro> oh yes
21:48:01 <z-MaTRiX> hey-hoo
21:48:15 <z-MaTRiX> SmatZ<< \o/
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21:52:57 <tosse> in an ongoing multiplayer game, can i change improved_load from false to true?
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21:53:19 <Yexo> did you try?
21:53:51 <tosse> in the main menu, i set it to true, but when i load the game, its off, and the button is pink and can't be changed
21:54:08 <tosse> i also changed the value in openttd.cfg
21:54:26 <Yexo> changes in the main menu have no effect on previously created savegames
21:54:34 <Yexo> and improved_load can't be changed in a network game
21:54:46 <Yexo> you can load the game in sp, change the value, save the game and load it again in mp
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21:55:10 <Sacro> hmm, nthink i'm getting zlib issues
21:55:14 <Sacro> dbg: [misc] Nested widgets give different results
21:55:17 <Sacro> dbg: [sl] Game Load Failed
21:55:21 <Sacro> Broken savegame - Invalid chunk size
21:55:25 <Sacro> Segmentation fault
21:55:28 <Yexo> dbg: [misc] Nested widgets give different results <- that one is expected
21:55:58 <tosse> Yexo: that worked! thanks :)
21:57:32 <Sacro> Yexo: yes, but the others? :P
21:57:59 <Yexo> invalid chunk size normall indicaetes you're trying to load a savegame saved with a patched version in clean trunk / stable version
21:58:23 <Yexo> if that happens with trunk on a previous trunk savegame something is seriously broken
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21:59:57 <Sacro> no no, this is IS3
22:00:53 <Yexo> and you tried to load a recent trunk save?
22:00:59 <Yexo> or a savegame from is2?
22:01:10 <Sacro> hmm
22:01:15 <Sacro> i think I have the wrong rev
22:01:21 <Yexo> is3 can't load savegames from is2
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22:01:58 <Sacro> hmm,
22:02:08 <Sacro> what#s the hg equivalent of svn up -r
22:02:23 <Rubidium> man hg?
22:03:14 <Yexo> hg up -r
22:03:16 <Sacro> Rubidium: yes, I wanted a specific bit :p
22:03:30 <Yexo> you may need hg pull first
22:03:34 <Sacro> I did a clone
22:03:36 <Rubidium> the commands bit of the hg manual?
22:03:58 <Rubidium> and of that the almost last bit
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22:04:57 <Sacro> hg update did it
22:05:00 <Yexo> ok, what do I have to do to make a simple animated station tile?
22:05:19 <petern> hoops
22:05:22 <petern> jump through them
22:05:27 <Yexo> I have defined multiple sprite layouts via action 0, I've set prop 16 to 01 01
22:05:36 <Rubidium> rip-off an existing grf with animated stations, preferably one under an acceptable license
22:06:11 <Eddi|zuHause> i think using the word "simple" in that context is quite an understatement :p
22:06:23 <Yexo> most likely :p
22:06:30 <Rubidium> hmm... actually...
22:06:44 <Rubidium> a simple animated station tile == a non animated station tile with action colours
22:07:12 <Yexo> yes, but that's not the sort of animation I'm looking for ;p
22:07:19 <DaleStan> Yexo: Check var ... whichever one it is that provides current animation frame. Either in CB 14 or in the graphics lookup.
22:07:32 <Eddi|zuHause> i suppose those can only blink, flow, or blow up :p
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22:11:55 <Yexo> This is my latest nfo. I fail to see how to link the cb to my station tiles
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22:12:31 <Yexo> and I don't get the nforenum warning: //!!For feature 4 the following cargoIDs have not been used since their most recent definition:
22:12:56 <DaleStan> CB14 selects the prop 09 layout that should be drawn for that tile.
22:13:36 <Yexo> yes, that's what I'm trying to do
22:14:20 <Yexo> I've defined 4 prop 09 layouts, and cb14 should chose 0/1 for animated state 0, and 2/3 for animated state 1
22:14:24 <DaleStan> And that warning is "unreferenced action 2".
22:14:27 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: rubidium * r16597 /branches/0.7/src/ (4 files in 3 dirs):
22:14:27 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: [0.7] -Backport from trunk:
22:14:27 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: - Fix: Also catch FPEs in saveload and the warning about missing NewGRFs; only happens when assertions are disabled and NewGRFs are missing (r16572)
22:14:27 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: - Fix: In some cases, train could be stuck in depot [FS#2974] (r16571)
22:14:27 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: - Fix: [NoAI] AIMarine::AreWaterTilesConnected did not return true for bridge head<>neighbouring water tile (r16563)
22:14:28 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: - Fix: Removing of duplicates of base graphics set could behave randomly (r16548)
22:15:59 <Yexo> I get that warning on my varaction 2 sprite that should be my cb 14
22:17:04 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: rubidium * r16598 /branches/0.7/ (9 files in 3 dirs):
22:17:04 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: [0.7] -Backport from trunk:
22:17:04 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: - Fix: Mouse would under some circumstances not be undrawn when drawing the first chat line causing two mouse pointers to be visible [FS#2969] (r16594)
22:17:04 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: - Fix: Do not crash when tars/NewGRFs are removed, just tell the file could not be opened/found [FS#2967] (r16590)
22:17:06 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: - Fix: Set default stack size to 1MB to prevent _chstk crash (MSVC) [FS#2978] (r16589, r16588)
22:17:06 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: - Fix: [Network] Always send the starting date from the game you are currently playing instead the starting date from the config file (r16573)
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22:17:34 <DaleStan> That's because your action 3 goes straight to your graphics, not to the callback-check.
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22:24:57 <Yexo> thanks a lot DaleStan :)
22:25:07 <Yexo> now I'm sure the cb is called
22:25:27 <Yexo> now to figure out why either the animation frame doesn't change or I don't check it correctly
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22:34:06 <Yexo> do I need to implement cb 140 to increase the animation frame?
22:34:39 <Eddi|zuHause> wouldn't it be easier to start with an example?
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22:34:54 <Eddi|zuHause> and complement a tutorial while you're at it ;)
22:35:00 <Yexo> the problem with the exesting newgrfs it that they're way too big
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22:41:16 <Yexo> nvm, I should just read the specs more carefully
22:51:32 <glx> hmm I have a small station animation grf IIRC
22:51:40 <Yexo> I just got it working :D
22:51:46 <Yexo> only it animates now every tick
22:52:07 <Yexo> but I know why that is I think :)
22:57:27 <glx> and
22:57:57 <SmatZ> Impossible d'afficher la page
22:57:58 <glx> nfo is
22:58:11 <SmatZ> 403
22:58:23 <Yexo> same here
22:58:40 <DaleStan> Works for me.
22:59:11 <SmatZ> interesting
22:59:34 <Ammler> he might call the nfo directly ;-)
22:59:34 <Eddi|zuHause> 403 here, too
22:59:48 <DaleStan> Does your proxy not like sites not running on port 80?
22:59:54 <Eddi|zuHause> too many connections it says
23:00:03 <Yexo> I don't use a proxy
23:00:16 <glx> it's a home IIS, so it may be limited :)
23:00:33 <SmatZ> Eddi|zuHause: ah, true :)
23:00:37 <Eddi|zuHause> "Trop d'utilisateurs connectés"
23:01:51 <glx> I can't increase that
23:02:07 <Eddi|zuHause> should have given the link in private ;)
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23:02:39 <glx> well the problem is probably the link to grf2html page :)
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23:11:29 <SmatZ> @seen KUDr
23:11:29 <DorpsGek> SmatZ: KUDr was last seen in #openttd 1 week, 6 days, 8 hours, 10 minutes, and 48 seconds ago: <KUDr> hi
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23:40:25 <Eddi|zuHause> hm... apparently, in hungaria, a lot of people took loans in foreign currency (e.g. SFr), and are now suffering from the decay of their currency
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