IRC logs for #openttd on OFTC at 2009-04-02
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00:58:56 <Sacro> Hmmm
00:59:02 <Sacro> why has OpenTTD got the old purple/read icon
00:59:06 <Sacro> not the new orange/green one?
01:03:33 <Sacro> hmm, it seems GNOME-Brave comes with OpenTTD icons :O
01:05:42 *** KenjiE20 has quit IRC
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01:07:46 <Rubidium> then file a bug report to it
01:08:24 *** EoD has quit IRC
01:10:22 <Sacro> hmm
01:10:26 <Sacro> could be a bug, not sure
01:12:38 <Sacro> Rubidium: any other distro reporting issues re: icon?
01:13:53 <Sacro> Icon=openttd doesn't work
01:14:08 <Sacro> openttd-beta and openttd-svn do
01:17:30 <Sacro> I think it is something to do with using hicolor as the icon folder, is there a more generic place?
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01:18:23 <Sacro> installation directory is showing as '/' when it isn't
01:18:32 <Sacro> it's /home/ben/Packages/openttd/pkg
01:19:13 <goodger> uh?
01:19:19 <goodger> ah!
01:19:32 <goodger> another ben! \o/
01:25:49 <Sacro> Hey Ben!
01:26:05 <goodger> quite :P
01:30:00 <gleeb> Hmm?
01:49:47 *** Hendikins is now known as Hendikins|SRA412
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02:42:44 <Sacro> hmm, any download statistics for today?
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03:36:50 <FiCE> hi there, I had a quick question about compiling r15906 for use in #openttdcoop
03:37:07 <Sacro> that's nice
03:37:21 <FiCE> I'm receiving the following compile error:
03:37:23 <FiCE> [LANG] Generating table/strings.h
03:37:23 <FiCE> /tmp/openttd-coop/src/lang/english.txt:5: FATAL: unknown pragma 'grflangid 0x01'
03:37:49 <Sacro> Ah yes, that one
03:38:11 <FiCE> at least it's known :)
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03:38:56 <Sacro> Yep
03:39:37 <FiCE> I couldn't find any reference to it in the bug tracker
03:39:45 <FiCE> and no more recent commits seem to fix it
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06:08:29 <petern> FiCE, just because sacro says "ah yes, that one" does not mean there is a known problem... i for one have no problem compiling
06:09:08 <FiCE> ah ok let me try again with a clean checkout
06:13:10 <dihedral> good morning :-)
06:16:41 <FiCE> ok well that worked... I must have had some redundant files left behind in my build dir that were causing issues
06:16:54 <FiCE> (I did use git this time as well)
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06:31:59 <goodger> *yawnify*
06:32:08 <goodger> I have secured a ready supply of relentless! \o/
06:43:14 <goodger> the aluminium in these cans is especially thin...
06:43:38 <goodger> I suspect coca-cola may have expanded the can design from the usual 33cl but not increased the size of the aluminium pellets
06:45:25 <petern> cans bigger than 33cl?
06:47:06 <Noldo> petern: what was in the openloco exe?
06:48:14 <petern> i have absolutely no idea
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07:53:45 <planetmaker> good morning all
07:56:36 <goodger> morning planetmaker
07:56:46 <goodger> petern: yes, 50cl cans
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08:14:54 <petern> crazy talk
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09:55:31 <scarabeus> whom can i abuse about build system?
09:56:12 <SpComb> rewrite it to use CMake
09:57:34 <scarabeus> hm
09:57:41 <scarabeus> <-- gentoo cmake maintainer
09:57:44 <scarabeus> :D
09:58:13 <scarabeus> nah i would like more to see it respect / in the start of the --binary-dir
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09:58:19 <scarabeus> so if i set --prefix=/usr
09:58:29 <scarabeus> and --binary-dir=/usr/games/bin/
09:58:37 <scarabeus> it wont install into /usr/usr/games/bin
09:58:39 <scarabeus> :D
09:58:42 <scarabeus> which is kinda weird
09:59:03 <scarabeus> it should do join only if the --binary-dir first character is not /
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10:02:48 <scarabeus> because doing this with variables is ugly:
10:03:01 <scarabeus> ${GAMES_BINDIR/\usr/}
10:03:14 <scarabeus> ${GAMES_BINDIR/\/usr\//}
10:03:16 <scarabeus> :D
10:06:22 <dihedral> ^^
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10:39:30 <planetmaker> scarabeus: as you obviously know how to fix it, a supplied patch definitely helps :)
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11:04:47 <scarabeus> + [[ $data_dir = "/"* ]] || data_dir="$prefix_dir/$data_dir"
11:04:51 <scarabeus> hups
11:04:57 <scarabeus>
11:06:38 <dihedral> scarabeus, line 9 looks interesting ^^
11:07:23 <planetmaker> hehe
11:07:41 <planetmaker> still it should IMO go to :)
11:08:21 <scarabeus> hm if you have account feel free to put it into the flyspray :]
11:08:42 <dihedral> you mind fixing line 9?
11:10:14 <scarabeus> i already did
11:10:18 <scarabeus> i am waiting on wgetpaste
11:10:20 <scarabeus> :D
11:10:53 <scarabeus>
11:15:28 <planetmaker> wtf?! flyspray seems quite broken :(
11:16:03 <planetmaker> I get 404 on every sub-page of :(
11:16:53 <petern> report it as a bug
11:17:08 <planetmaker> :D
11:17:11 <scarabeus> i just thought it is disabled registration :D
11:17:22 <scarabeus> and it is broken even more :D
11:17:31 <planetmaker> scarabeus: no, you should usually be able to register
11:17:49 <dihedral> planetmaker, tell TrueBrain ^^
11:17:52 <planetmaker> as far as I know (at least they allowed my some time ago ;) )
11:18:05 <planetmaker> dihedral: how so?
11:19:22 <dihedral> your what?
11:19:28 <planetmaker> <-- 404, too :(
11:19:48 <planetmaker> dihedral: my registration :)
11:21:21 <dihedral> they switched back to lighttpd ^^
11:21:58 <planetmaker> I read that yesterday... given the 404 it doesn't look like an improvement :D
11:22:11 <Rubidium> the 404 is because something else
11:23:27 <Ammler> dihedral: had you already 15 companies on nightly server?
11:23:53 <dihedral> companies? yep
11:24:02 <dihedral> empty ones ^^
11:24:07 <dihedral> why?
11:24:33 <Ammler>
11:24:47 <Ammler> maybe something else, dunno
11:26:54 <dihedral> that's an issue in ap+
11:27:00 <Rubidium> so autopilot doesn't support 15 clients?
11:27:05 <Rubidium> uhm, 15 companies
11:27:27 <dihedral> Rubidium, it does ^^
11:27:39 <dihedral> just the index did not exist at that time
11:28:05 <dihedral> Ammler, did you run !companies right after connecting or what did you do?
11:29:08 <Ammler> I just switched between spec and new company
11:29:20 <dihedral> did nothing on irc?
11:29:27 <dihedral> no changed callback tcl file?
11:29:31 <Ammler> at #coopetition
11:29:48 <Ammler> vanilla ap
11:29:55 <Ammler> newest rev
11:30:16 <planetmaker> Autopilot AP+ 3.0 Beta (r682)
11:31:00 <Ammler> [13:30] <CoOPetition> *** AmmIer has left the game (wrong company-id in DoCommand)
11:31:07 <Ammler> :-D
11:31:21 <Ammler> never saw that before...
11:31:24 <planetmaker> ammler: that's head-to-head branch (just to make it clear to everyone) :)
11:31:34 <dihedral> ^^
11:31:43 <dihedral> does not head to head only modify the map?
11:32:00 <Yexo> no, it modifies a lot of the ontick functions
11:32:02 <planetmaker> well... it should modify who can do what where
11:32:10 <Yexo> but not something that could cause that error
11:32:42 <dihedral> so no do command is sent at any specific time
11:32:43 <Yexo> that's check in the network code, to prevent cheating, I haven't changed that code at all
11:32:46 <Ammler> planetmaker: that is why I asked dih, if he ever had 15 companies ;-)
11:32:51 <dihedral> ok
11:33:53 <dihedral> i dont like either of those
11:34:03 <dihedral> the ap+ issue and most of all the wrong company id ^^
11:34:14 <dihedral> what did you do Ammler right after starting the new company
11:34:29 <Ammler> nothing
11:34:37 <Ammler> now, I have 15 companies
11:34:42 <dihedral> no chat?
11:34:48 <planetmaker> it was far too quick changing companies that he could have done anything significant. No chat
11:34:52 <Ammler> I just switched between spec and creating new companies
11:34:52 <Yexo> Ammler: did you press the new company button twice?
11:34:54 <dihedral> just before you got the kick
11:35:09 <Ammler> Yexo: that might be possible
11:35:19 <Yexo> maybe it's a race condition, and sending the new company command when you're already in a company can maybe cause that message
11:35:33 <planetmaker> try it :)
11:35:43 <dihedral> Yexo, how should that work?
11:35:50 <Ammler> planetmaker: not that easy, you need to be faster then the network :P
11:36:06 <dihedral> Ammler, you need to be faster than you client closes the window
11:36:06 <planetmaker> that's easy for you, isn't it? ;)
11:36:18 <Ammler> dihedral: sending 2 "create new companies" at once
11:36:24 <dihedral> yes
11:36:35 <Yexo> dihedral: client->playas is the CompanyID a player is in, but the CompanyID is also send over the network
11:36:47 <dihedral> ...
11:36:53 <Yexo> when client->playas != the send CompanyID that check is triggered
11:36:58 <dihedral> i know
11:37:04 <dihedral> i wrote the move patch ;-)
11:37:14 <planetmaker> :P
11:37:20 <Yexo> then why do you ask "how should that work?"?
11:37:21 <Ammler> the client does change to "spec" only if you are in a company, but the server needs to create the company first, so you _can_ do that.
11:38:51 <Ammler> and the first run, I might just be too fast for autopilot.
11:38:57 <dihedral> Yexo, because i cannot see how clicking the button twice will work!
11:39:02 <Ammler> second run, I made everything a bit slower
11:39:31 <dihedral> Ammler - the code to create a new company is a doCommand
11:40:03 <Yexo> dihedral: with a small hickup in the network connection (or a large ping) it can be possible
11:40:26 <Ammler> quite easy :P
11:40:41 <Ammler> src/company_cmd.cpp:759: CommandCost CmdCompanyCtrl(TileIndex, DoCommandFlag, uint32, uint32, const char*): Assertion `_local_company == COMPANY_SPECTATOR' failed.
11:41:11 <Ammler> dihedral: and what happens, if that command will be send 2 times?
11:41:12 <dihedral> uh - i thought those commands are simply ignored if one is not spectator
11:41:25 <planetmaker> he... :)
11:42:03 <Ammler> well, I switch between new companies and spec
11:42:15 <Ammler> it is something usually doesn't happen ;-)
11:42:46 <planetmaker> the unusual bug is what will kill all your usual data :P
11:42:47 <Ammler> he, a nice additional toy
11:43:37 <dihedral> Ammler: what else should it be for if not switching between companies and spec?
11:44:01 <Ammler> well, but not that many times in one min ;-)
11:44:17 <Ammler> and to a new company
11:44:48 <dihedral> Ammler, it makes no difference
11:45:03 <Ammler> yeah, you need to fix it :P
11:45:31 <Ammler> if you need a race tester, I am here for you ;-)
11:45:53 <Ammler> I will test with vanilla openttd
11:46:04 <dihedral> i am... > autonightly ^^
11:46:23 <Ammler> aren't you able to break it?
11:47:11 <dihedral> Ammler, i have another question
11:47:15 <dihedral> that output you pasted
11:47:25 <dihedral> that is not original ap output
11:47:26 <Ammler> yeah, that was from first run
11:47:47 <Ammler> the others broke only client
11:47:52 <dihedral> do you have a on_client_connect.src script running?
11:48:09 <Ammler> does autopilot run such scripts?
11:48:15 <dihedral> no openttd does!!!
11:49:19 <Ammler> well, of course, I meant, if autopilot does create such scripts
11:49:30 <dihedral> no
11:50:08 <Ammler> there are only *example scripts there
11:50:12 <dihedral> ok
11:50:14 <Ammler> (and the readme)
11:50:29 <dihedral> i am more concerned about the wrong company id thing
11:50:39 <dihedral> i have never managed to reproduce it
11:50:53 <Ammler> that wasn't from the second run
11:51:00 <Ammler> was*
11:51:09 <dihedral> i still have never managed to reproduce it
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11:51:33 <dihedral> a bug in openttd caused by code i wrote is something i like less then a bug in ap+
11:51:36 <Ammler> well, I made it only once too ;-)
11:51:45 <dihedral> still needs fixiing!!
11:52:55 <Ammler> dihedral: just think about , what happens if you send 2 "create new companies" from the same client
11:53:05 <dihedral> how should it work??
11:53:17 <Ammler> i can do that
11:53:21 <dihedral> do it!
11:53:22 <Ammler> that is quite easy
11:53:33 <Ammler> second time, I had the assert
11:53:53 <dihedral> you had the assert, you can you reproduce it!
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11:56:41 <dihedral> sup dog ^^
11:58:26 * TrueBrain starts to have a big dislike for httpds
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12:04:08 <TrueBrain> can I just say, that SixXS is one of the worst services I have seen in ages?
12:04:37 <TrueBrain> a clear example of how not to organize something you want to make popular ....
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12:07:16 <Ammler> TrueBrain: write your own deamon ;-)
12:07:33 <TrueBrain> bandwidth issues :p
12:08:02 <Ammler> use the the http server of opentracker as base
12:08:02 <TrueBrain> and the software and stuff is not the problem ... the website .. the signup .. the thousands of requests you have to make which have to be authorized by a human ....
12:08:14 <TrueBrain> signup -> need authorization
12:08:19 <TrueBrain> request- > need authorization
12:08:37 <TrueBrain> ........................ how not to make something popular ... yeah ...
12:08:42 <Ammler> ah, ok
12:08:53 <TrueBrain> (sorry, a bit pissed about how long it takes to get it done ...)
12:09:30 <dihedral> so you just came here to rant?
12:09:38 <dihedral> :-P
12:09:38 <TrueBrain> yup
12:09:39 <Ammler> opentracker is used by piratebay, afaik
12:09:42 <TrueBrain> the perfect channel :)
12:09:58 <TrueBrain> no, I came to tell that the httpd is running okay again (bugs and wiki were failing)
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12:16:51 <Ammler> how to get rid of that debug msg? dbg: [misc] Nested widgets give different results
12:17:27 <petern> sixxs? heh
12:17:37 <petern> i still need to send off my forms for proper IPv6
12:18:17 <TrueBrain> petern: it turns out LeaseWeb can't supply us with IPv6 in the DC we are at .. and when they could, it would cost 300 euro per year :s
12:18:27 <TrueBrain> way to go LeaseWeb, a good way to promote IPv6: ask money for it!
12:18:49 <petern> they need to cover their costs
12:19:03 <petern> or they should use older kit ;p
12:19:05 <TrueBrain> and then people are supprised introducing IPv6 is slow-going ...
12:19:15 <petern> it's all cisco's fault
12:19:36 <glx> Ammler: you can't it's a debug_level 0 message
12:20:07 <glx> (of course you can edit the source to increase the level)
12:20:07 <TrueBrain> Ammler: make a patch
12:20:24 <petern> just wait until the widget migration is finished
12:20:25 <TrueBrain> petern: that is easy to say ;)
12:20:33 <petern> TrueBrain, it's true
12:20:36 <Ammler> glx: assumed, It is a wrong setting on my side.
12:20:37 <TrueBrain> why?
12:20:49 <petern> want ipv6? pay extra for software that supports it
12:20:59 <petern> oh, and by the way you'll need to buy more flash and ram to support it too
12:21:08 <petern> or you can buy this new £100,000 routers that does it
12:21:17 <TrueBrain> all Cisco hardware I bought in the last 3 years were all IPv6 ready
12:21:20 <glx> I just have to check a box to enable IPv6 :)
12:21:27 <TrueBrain> but I don't use core-routers from Cisco :p
12:21:41 <TrueBrain> glx: Wanadoo (sorry, Orange) is one of the few delvering it to its end-users ...
12:21:42 <Ammler> glx, could you add "make a patch" to your autokick script ;-)
12:21:47 <petern> TrueBrain, yeah
12:21:47 <petern> but
12:21:53 <petern> i have 7204s
12:21:55 <petern> which are old
12:21:58 <petern> but way more than i need
12:22:00 <glx> TrueBrain: I'm on Free
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12:22:16 <petern> not going to spend thousands of pounds replacing those when they are fine
12:22:31 <TrueBrain> petern: reasonable
12:22:39 <petern> and cisco pretty much won't sell you software images
12:23:00 <TrueBrain> but so either way ... IPv6 will take much much longer than I expected
12:23:20 <glx> <Ammler> glx, could you add "make a patch" to your autokick script ;-) <-- what?
12:23:20 <petern> my core switches support it
12:23:22 <Rubidium> TrueBrain: Wanadoo -> Orange -> Online and Online isn't doing anything w.r.t. ipv6 as far as their website is concerned
12:23:29 <petern> but not much point if you can't go anywhere :)
12:23:34 <TrueBrain> (I first tried it out in 2004 or so, back than it was VERY new .. but I don't see much change over the last 5 years .. the same idiotic beaurocratic bullshit)
12:23:44 <TrueBrain> Rubidium: France Wanadoo offers IPv6 to its customers
12:24:01 <TrueBrain> petern: yeah .. but getting a IPv6 backbone should be relative easy ...
12:24:11 <TrueBrain> fun fact: with IPv6 you can access newsservers for free (at 20 mbit/sec)
12:24:16 <glx> most users don't want IPv6 because they think NAT is a security feature ;)
12:24:23 <petern> it is
12:24:31 <petern> it's a handy by-product
12:24:49 <TrueBrain> glx: a moment ago I enabled radvd for IPv6 .... was a bad idea (I am in a big network here, with tens of students all connected to the same network :p)
12:24:54 <TrueBrain> so I guess NAT is a security feature :)
12:25:37 <glx> yeah then they enable upnp ;)
12:25:52 <glx> because opening port is "hard"
12:26:17 <petern> if you don't have a cisco support contract they basically treat you as a criminal :p
12:26:30 <petern> bought something second hand? not allowed to do that
12:27:53 <Rubidium> isn't second hand cisco called linksys?
12:28:27 <petern> ... no
12:33:27 <Pikka> peter, can you come and ban jasperthecat and clean his companies? ;)
12:34:39 <dihedral> petern could do with ap+ :-D
12:36:07 <petern> i could do with readline
12:36:34 <planetmaker> ha, I see a TrueBrain here :) Hello
12:37:01 <planetmaker> Did someone already ask you to trigger a build of the head-to-head branch, TrueBrain ?
12:39:08 <TrueBrain> Rubidium: linksys is a subcompany of cisco
12:39:14 <TrueBrain> planetmaker: yexo did
12:40:20 <planetmaker> thank you, if you trigger(ed) it :) You made some simple minds quite happy :)
12:40:36 <TrueBrain> check the website :p
12:40:48 <planetmaker> tonight I will :)
12:43:07 <Ammler> TrueBrain: that is why planetmaker aksed, I guess, the current available binaries are buggy...
12:43:19 <TrueBrain> Ammler: I somehow doubt that very much
12:43:38 <Ammler> :-)
12:44:44 <planetmaker> as usual, they do exactly as they are programmed to do? :P
12:44:53 <Yexo> TrueBrain: Ammler is right
12:45:01 <TrueBrain> no, the current available binaries are the latest version of Yexo's hg
12:45:37 <Yexo> you triggered the cf again?
12:45:42 <TrueBrain> read your PM
12:45:48 <TrueBrain> get your facts together before talking guys ;)
12:46:17 <Yexo> TrueBrain: you should get your facts together and check the latest changeset :p
12:46:28 <Yexo> I fixed a bug +- 1 hour after you compiled the binaries
12:46:33 <TrueBrain> 16 hours ago yexo Don't use _local_company when it's not safe default tip
12:46:43 <Ammler> [14:40] <TrueBrain> check the website <-- implies to me, the bundle is already available ;-)
12:46:50 <glx> Yexo: don't ask for a compile when your code is buggy ;)
12:47:11 <TrueBrain> Yexo: grrr, timeoffset ... okay okay :p
12:47:40 <Yexo> glx: I wouldn't have if I knew the code was buggy
12:48:10 <TrueBrain> Yexo: well, it is running now, that beter? :p
12:48:18 <Yexo> yeah, thanks :)
12:48:34 <Ammler> thank you TrueBrain
12:48:46 * TrueBrain wishes SixXS would hurry up already ... grr ...
12:48:48 <Yexo> maybe I should have done some more testing before, but well, since it's running now anyway
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12:48:57 <TrueBrain> Yexo: nobody cares :p Plenty of CPU time :)
12:49:03 <Yexo> good :)
12:49:55 <glx> just don't expect to trigger it around 20H CEST ;)
12:50:27 <TrueBrain> glx: even if someone would trigger it, the nightly will take precedence
12:50:34 <glx> or 18H CEST when there's a strgen change
12:50:38 <TrueBrain> (a release on the other hand, wins from a nightly :p)
12:50:56 <TrueBrain> short: head-to-head has prio 9, nightly has prio 5, release has prio 0
12:51:07 <TrueBrain> and queue is sorted on prio ;)
12:51:14 <glx> good system :)
12:51:20 <TrueBrain> avoids ... mistakes :p
12:51:46 <glx> but when source and docs failed recently logs where not available ;)
12:52:00 <glx> (but I guess VM crashed)
12:52:33 <TrueBrain> glx: that was 2 days ago, not?
12:52:52 <TrueBrain> yeah, last night the docs were created correctly
12:53:16 <TrueBrain> and yes, the VM crashed and started to hang :p
12:53:26 <glx> 29/03 yes
12:53:42 <TrueBrain> still need to consider switching to ESXi ...
12:54:15 <TrueBrain> but, baby steps :)
12:54:28 <glx> a little addition would be to check what files have been generated ;)
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12:54:38 <TrueBrain> glx: on my todo-list :p
12:54:43 <TrueBrain> but ... as you might know .. the list is long :)
12:54:47 <glx> but that's useful for win32 only
12:54:53 <glx> so not on the top
12:55:10 <TrueBrain> (if I would start working on that list now, I work 24/7 ... it would take about 3 months to finish the list I hav enow :p)
12:56:31 <glx> yes I know
12:56:38 <glx> you have too much things to do
12:57:15 <TrueBrain> maybe I should publish the list :p
12:57:16 <TrueBrain> ghehe
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13:27:37 <TrueBrain> what a boring channel .. pff ..
13:28:34 <Forked> either make it interesting or shut up :p
13:28:39 * Forked hides
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13:50:18 <TrueBrain> As of now (give or take your DNS update and your browser-DNS-update), has full IPv6 support for all its services (with the exception of the masterserver and contentserver)
13:50:25 <TrueBrain> if there are any problems with it, please let me (or Rubidium) know
13:50:32 <Forked> :)
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13:51:10 <Forked> resolves fine here to 2001:1af8:fe00:f2::2
13:51:17 <Forked> (web.)
13:51:32 <TrueBrain> they are all CNAMEs to web. ;)
13:51:47 <Forked> ok ok
13:53:52 <petern> heh
13:53:58 <petern> cached negative for me
13:54:40 <petern> i really must get my arse into gear
13:54:53 <petern> to get a proper ipv6 allocation
13:55:22 <welshdragon> can an arse get in gear?
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13:56:24 <petern> give it a few beans...
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14:06:07 <Minge> Lol
14:06:19 <Minge> Can i DL the data file
14:06:39 <Forked> ..the data file?
14:06:45 <Minge> s
14:06:48 <Minge> Files
14:07:07 <Forked> you can buy ttd and get them with your purchase?
14:07:19 <Minge> I can't seem to buy it anywhere
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14:08:43 <Forked> danes..
14:11:13 <Belugas> why did he entered laughing like a madman? Or did he had no idea at all what lol means?
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14:12:49 <Ammler> maybe he meant HELO
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14:18:17 <Belugas> does not explain the last L
14:18:24 <Belugas> but good attempt :)
14:20:58 <Rubidium> imagine A=0, then B=1, ..., E=4, H=7, L=11
14:23:21 <Rubidium> now you have HELO -> H+E+L+O -> (H+E)+L+O -> L+L+O
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14:24:28 <Rubidium> -> L2O
14:24:37 <TrueBrain> I like H2O more
14:24:42 <Rubidium> and H2O is actually H-O-H
14:24:48 <Rubidium> so L2O is actually L-O-L
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14:24:58 <TrueBrain> 10+ for creativity :)
14:26:19 <Belugas> turtuous plan!
14:30:28 <Rubidium> plan? rather explanation
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14:52:20 <petern> "As LeaseWeb can't supply us with native IPv6 support, the IPv6 is made available through a tunnel by SixXS. As our PoP is LeaseWeb"
14:52:23 <petern> LOL
14:52:39 <TrueBrain> oh, you found the irony in that too? :p
14:54:19 <petern> so is anyone working on ipv6 in openttd again?
14:54:46 <glx> SpComb has a patch
14:54:51 <TrueBrain> One might only hope petern ;) :p
14:54:58 <glx> (quite old IIRC)
14:55:05 <TrueBrain> glx: it is ;)
14:55:22 <Rubidium> use his git repos, it's slightly-ish newer
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15:28:17 <TrueBrain> bah, I want a piece of software where I can put things to do in, but which also shows things that are done (as in a changelog or what ever)
15:30:17 <glx> TrueBrain: like ?
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15:30:41 <TrueBrain> glx: 2003 ...
15:30:48 <glx> (didn't check features in details)
15:30:50 <TrueBrain> anyway, webbased if possible ;)
15:31:09 <glx> trac :)
15:31:22 <TrueBrain> I dislike trac very much :p (for good reasons)
15:35:14 <TrueBrain> I found a nice tool ..... which is CLI only :p Ghehehehe :)
15:35:21 <TrueBrain>
15:35:23 <TrueBrain> :)
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15:39:52 <glx> <-- this one is CLI too
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15:42:15 <TrueBrain> lol.... I clikc 'english' of a demo ... and I get chinese ... how nice!
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15:44:38 <fonsinchen> ouf - about 60k patch only for mapping back the flows for cargo distribution. If I had known that, I'd have split it in more parts.
15:45:59 <glx> fonsinchen: next time use hg and commit after each major change :)
15:46:08 <fonsinchen> I use git and do so
15:46:23 <fonsinchen> but 60k are just at the moment it compiles the first time
15:47:04 <fonsinchen> The loading/unloading code is ridiculously complicated
15:47:26 <TrueBrain> don't you just love it :)
15:47:38 <Rubidium> then simplify it without breaking it...
15:47:42 <fonsinchen> I did
15:47:45 <fonsinchen> a bit
15:47:53 <Rubidium> I reckon that's the same as fixing FS#119
15:47:57 <fonsinchen> just enough to make it work with cargo distribution
15:48:21 <fonsinchen> Uh, no.
15:48:27 <fonsinchen> FS#119 is harder
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16:02:43 <glx> TrueBrain: todo.txt-cli demo is done in cygwin ;)
16:02:58 <TrueBrain> glx: I noticed :)
16:03:00 <TrueBrain> very elegant tool btw
16:07:19 <petern> ugly :p
16:07:41 <TrueBrain> how can CLI every be UGLY?! :p
16:07:52 <petern> cygwin i mean :p
16:07:57 <TrueBrain> that is true :)
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16:20:33 <energetic> A friend of mine has a professional studio with keyboard etc and is willing to help on the music subproject
16:20:44 <petern> what music subproject?
16:21:31 <energetic> well, I *assume* Openttd wants to include music files using a CC style licence?
16:21:32 <planetmaker> energetic: first step probably is to get for all things non proprietary sound files :)
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16:22:21 <energetic> ^^ I am wondering if we can just record the ttd tunes onto mp3 format (or any other wanted format)
16:22:44 <energetic> said more specifically: Are the ttd tunes copyrighted?
16:22:53 <Belugas> yup
16:23:16 <Belugas> and ... making them in mp3... welll...already done, iirc
16:23:31 <energetic> So any music additions would need a seperately,new componed tune?
16:23:38 <Belugas> yup
16:23:46 <Belugas> in MIDI, if you ask me
16:24:01 <energetic> format isnt an issue, we can do any
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16:24:27 <Belugas> tut tut tut... format is an issue
16:24:28 <energetic> Then I am wondering to what extend we can take the original tune and remix it?
16:24:32 <glx> but openttd knows midi
16:24:39 <Belugas> indeed
16:24:41 <glx> other formats requires patching
16:24:45 <energetic> to _no_ extend?
16:25:13 <Belugas> what do you mean?
16:25:37 <energetic> well, if you take the midi files, change one note, is it still copyright protected?
16:25:50 <Belugas> ho boy... here we go again...
16:25:54 <Belugas> yes, indeed...
16:26:14 <Belugas> you need to find new songs, new melodies
16:26:28 <Belugas> any re-use of the original material is a breach
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16:26:48 <energetic> so for simplicity sake, OpenTTD just says: new tunes. No copyright horror can be followed.
16:26:59 <petern> you could load it up into a midi editor and draw new versions of the notes on top
16:27:03 <petern> (lol)
16:27:08 <energetic> :P
16:27:17 <petern> new tunes in an appropriate style
16:27:30 <Belugas> yup
16:27:30 <petern> and of course it must sound good in plain midi
16:28:32 <energetic> ok, thanks. I will ask him if he sees any creativity towards the current music style, and maybe he is willing/able to compone it in the same style.
16:29:00 <energetic> (without re-using current TTD(X) material)
16:29:25 <planetmaker> energetic: I'm sure it can be its own style. It just has to fit the game
16:29:32 <planetmaker> and be safe for children ;)
16:30:21 <Belugas> by the way, i tried to compose songs on the guitar that fits in the style. I'm afraid i am not really a jazzy type of guy
16:32:43 <energetic> by the way: if there is _any_ (if any) chance non-midi music files will be included, it will most likely be in the ogg format, wouldnt it?
16:33:12 <Belugas> currently, not a single little tiny chance
16:33:36 <Belugas> simply because there is no player for anytng else than midi music
16:34:23 <energetic> right, an ogg or [fill in format] player needs to be included first
16:35:23 <planetmaker> energetic: which is kind of a problem :)
16:35:48 <planetmaker> The to-do list of someone is already as long as from here to the Moon
16:36:32 <Belugas> honestly, i really do not get why people cannot get their hands on a decent player and are waiting for openttdt to include one...
16:36:52 <Belugas> i though that winamp was free and already available o_O
16:37:29 * planetmaker doesn't miss or use openttd's sound
16:38:02 <petern> indeed
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16:46:02 <Belugas_Gone> what the.../
16:46:14 *** Belugas was kicked by Belugas_Gone (Belugas)
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16:47:01 <FauxFaux> DING ding ding ding ding.
16:47:21 <TrueBrain> 9 Power_On_Hours 0x0032 075 075 000 Old_age Always - 18352
16:47:23 <TrueBrain> 4 Start_Stop_Count 0x0032 100 100 000 Old_age Always - 11
16:47:27 <TrueBrain> no errors ;) Who can top that? :p
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16:55:33 <Belugas> mmh... Bilbo is as annoying as Sirkoz, just q lot more intelligent and dangerous
16:55:39 <Belugas>
16:56:55 <TrueBrain> Belugas: you find out just now? :p
16:57:41 <planetmaker> he... he knows how to argue :)
16:57:46 <Belugas> honestly, only recently have i dare looking in to noai, because of mister sz
16:57:50 <Belugas> so... yes
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17:03:02 * Hendikins curses the time killing abilities of this program under his breath as he sees what time it is
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17:08:00 <TrueBrain> I AM SO HUNGRY!
17:08:05 <TrueBrain> but I need to wait an other 20 minutes :(
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17:16:46 <planetmaker> ATSUStyle text_style = NULL;
17:16:57 <planetmaker> ap_err = ATSUCreateStyle(&text_style);
17:17:15 <planetmaker> what's most likely the cause, given those lines, if I get a segfault when calling the 2nd?
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17:17:27 <planetmaker> text_style is supposed to be an output...
17:17:48 <glx> looks like apple framework ;)
17:18:10 <planetmaker> that look might not deceive ;)
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17:19:20 <glx> I think the "=NULL" is wrong
17:19:43 <planetmaker> just nothing?
17:20:57 <Belugas> and
17:21:00 <Belugas> nothing
17:21:01 <Belugas> else
17:21:03 <Belugas> matters
17:21:13 <glx> missing sharps ;)
17:21:19 <planetmaker> hm... nothing in the behaviour changed then :S
17:21:31 <Belugas> oops...
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17:21:49 <Belugas> sharp eye ;)
17:22:35 <planetmaker> Belugas: maybe you really should just record your guitar sessions and publish them as OTTD sound files ;)
17:22:51 <glx> planetmaker: hmm no ;)
17:23:00 <glx> totally not in ttd style
17:23:07 <planetmaker> :P
17:23:39 <Belugas> ho boy no...
17:23:48 <Belugas> unless it is acid ttd o_O
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17:27:00 <petern> Nine Inch NoAIs
17:33:30 <Belugas> that's too much on an honor, sir :D
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17:48:30 <petern> shock the money
17:48:31 <petern> er
17:48:33 <petern> monkey :o
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18:11:25 <Belugas> mmh... is it Peter Floyd? or Pink Gabriel?
18:12:36 <petern> heh
18:14:42 <planetmaker> hm... what's the string encoding OpenTTD uses by default? UTF-8?
18:16:07 <goodger> so we can only hope
18:16:21 <petern> by default? for what?
18:24:05 * Belugas yawns
18:24:08 <Belugas> again
18:24:09 <Rubidium> noes!
18:24:16 <Rubidium> moar oxygen
18:24:39 <Belugas> nomoarindaroom
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18:36:23 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: rubidium * r15914 /trunk/src/network/ (5 files in 2 dirs): -Codechange: let the content handling make use of NetworkAddress.
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19:04:48 <el_en> who is from norway?
19:05:19 <petern> emma
19:05:30 <Belugas> surely someone not from southstreet
19:07:25 <planetmaker> el_en: DJN und BennyNoob
19:07:47 <petern> und?
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19:08:21 <planetmaker> he... *and
19:09:43 <el_en> i don't see any of them here.
19:09:58 <planetmaker> I didn't say they're here :)
19:11:54 <glx> <planetmaker> hm... what's the string encoding OpenTTD uses by default? UTF-8? <-- internally all is UTF-8 yes
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19:12:51 <planetmaker> thx glx. Internally is sufficient for my case. And for apple I need to convert it all to utf-16... it works internally all with that... somewhat type-defed to another name
19:13:12 <glx> hehe for win32 we convert a lot too
19:14:18 <el_en> what are you converting for apple?
19:16:50 <Belugas> bananas?
19:16:53 <Belugas> pears?
19:16:55 <Belugas> peaches?
19:17:52 <planetmaker> I'm converting fruit salat to apple :P
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19:21:38 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: rubidium * r15915 /trunk/src/network/ (5 files in 2 dirs): -Codechange: let the udp code use NetworkAddress.
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19:47:18 <petern> and the changes of no consequence will pick up the reins from nowhere
19:53:01 <petern> # oh poor boy
19:53:08 <petern> # so sorry for himself
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20:17:58 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: rubidium * r15916 /trunk/src/network/ (7 files in 2 dirs): -Codechange: let the network game list use NetworkAddress
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20:23:11 <fonsinchen>
20:23:29 <fonsinchen> I think this is as uncomplicated as the loading/unloading will get
20:23:36 <fonsinchen> ;)
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20:31:03 <Nite_Owl> Hello all
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20:33:21 <planetmaker> hi Nite_Owl :)
20:33:33 <Nite_Owl> Hello planetmaker
20:37:08 <petern> sirkoz is awake
20:39:42 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: rubidium * r15917 /trunk/src/network/ (6 files in 2 dirs): -Codechange: remove the latest traces of NetworkAddress::GetIP.
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20:53:24 <Belugas> night all
20:53:31 * Belugas is going to get some more rest
20:53:36 <petern> nini
20:55:13 <Nite_Owl> later Belugas
20:56:42 <EoD> yeah, openttd is ipv6-capable now... :)
20:57:15 <EoD> now someone has to (re)code a ipv6-ready version of openttd...
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21:04:21 <SpComb> EoD: did you get my old ancient version to compile?
21:05:42 <EoD> yeah, with some corrections it compiled fine
21:05:57 <EoD> but i don't get a ipv6 LAN server to connect to another
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21:09:34 <SpComb> did you use the command-line/console stuff, or the IPv6 LAN browser?
21:09:50 <EoD> latter
21:10:12 <SpComb> hmm, it did work when I tested it
21:10:29 <EoD> i'll give it a try in linux when i have some time
21:10:53 <SpComb> oh, right, windows
21:11:03 <SpComb> not sure I tested that
21:11:57 <SpComb> but looks like Rubidium is already committing incremental IPv6-isms to trunk :)
21:12:08 <EoD> what IDE do you use in linux to program with openttd?
21:12:22 <SpComb> vim...
21:12:33 <SpComb> and make
21:12:38 <EoD> lol - yeah vim is great :)
21:14:11 <EoD> oh, rubidium is importing the socket stuff... Interesting
21:17:06 * TrueBrain starts to hate SixXS more and more :(
21:17:26 <EoD> why? what's wrong?
21:17:39 <TrueBrain> their way of 'accepting' things is just fucked up
21:17:55 <TrueBrain> (sorry ... I have been battle SixXS the whole day now .. really getting tired of it :p)
21:18:23 <EoD> Is this tunnel running on your private account or on a different?
21:18:50 <TrueBrain> I tried to get two accounts .... somewhere allong the lines that completely failed ... as OpenTTD can't have an account on a non-name ... and I can't get two accounts on my name ...
21:19:02 <TrueBrain> fuck that ... I requested how to handle that situation WITH CLEAR BIG LETTERS
21:19:08 <TrueBrain> and they simply reply with: you already have an account
21:19:22 <TrueBrain> why do I WATE my time typing things in that big fat box of theirs which says: type here if you want to let us know blabla
21:19:25 <TrueBrain> WHEN THEY DONT READ IT
21:19:30 * TrueBrain tries to cool down now ...
21:19:41 <SpComb> Rubidium: careful with sockaddr_storage and memcmp, there's padding there that might be initialized at random values
21:20:11 <Rubidium> if that's the case memset is doing a bad job ;)
21:20:36 <SpComb> dunno, I guess it depends on where you get the sockaddr's from
21:20:39 <Rubidium> or you mean that functions may dump random data in the padding?
21:22:05 *** Yeggstry is now known as Yeggzzz
21:22:27 <SpComb> well, recvfrom/accept/etc with an uninitialized sockaddr_storage won't be memcmp-clean
21:22:59 <SpComb> dunno if it's been specified one way or another for the socket APIs
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21:30:04 <SpComb> but whatever, I need to wake up in six hours, and then I'm busy until tuesday
21:30:45 <petern> hmm, yes, it could well be sleepy time
21:32:31 <EoD> SpComb: wish you a good night
21:39:11 *** ben_ has joined #openttd
21:40:35 <ben_> Hi, I'm trying to play openttd, but always when I create a new map the railway icon is disabled.
21:40:58 <Rubidium> start in like 1950
21:41:15 <Rubidium> guess you're trying to start in 1900 or so, right?
21:41:24 <ben_> oh
21:41:26 <ben_> yes :)
21:42:00 <ben_> thanks, now it works :)
21:42:09 <TrueBrain> new users shouldn't touch default settings :p :p :p
21:42:35 <Nite_Owl> 1950 with default trains - 1920 with most older NewGrf train sets - 1800's with newer NewGrf train sets
21:43:03 <ben_> TrueBrain: i've heard it's good to start earlier ;)
21:43:12 <ben_> (but i left the rest as it was :) )
21:43:12 <TrueBrain> only with NewGRFs :)
21:43:20 <ben_> I have 1930 now and there are trains.
21:46:16 <Nite_Owl> even earlier with eGRVTS which has horse transport
21:47:40 <ben_> hehe
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21:47:47 <ben_> but no it's a steam train
21:47:53 <energetic> guys, what about
21:48:41 <energetic> *fears Dutch Moszkowicz IP lawyers appearing on doorstep*
21:48:46 <TrueBrain> HARP COAL?
21:48:51 <SmatZ> hehe
21:49:02 <TrueBrain> HAPD COAL
21:49:04 <TrueBrain> what does it say?
21:49:05 <energetic> :P
21:49:17 <SmatZ> seriously, why do you use jpg?
21:49:23 <TrueBrain> seriously, what does it say?
21:49:46 <energetic> I dont use jpg
21:49:56 <energetic> me!=creator
21:50:20 <Nite_Owl> Oooo - Hard Goal
21:50:28 <SmatZ> you aren't? then it's perfect
21:50:31 <TrueBrain> ah .. still doesn't make sense though ..
21:51:07 <Nite_Owl> That is someone's server name - no?
21:51:13 <energetic> yup
21:51:18 <TrueBrain> ah :)
21:51:26 <energetic> from a non-existing (yet) server
21:51:46 <energetic> hopefully to become in existence somewhere this year with some luck
21:52:05 <petern> i don't see why it needs "hard"
21:52:09 <petern> it's just goal based
21:52:17 <Nite_Owl> I thought Kurt had one or at least something similar
21:52:19 <petern> HARD CORE PORN TTD
21:52:30 * SmatZ wishes your HAPD COAL good luck :) (is it russian?)
21:52:31 <SmatZ> hehe
21:52:34 <TrueBrain> petern: go to bed :p
21:52:45 <energetic> hehe
21:53:10 <energetic> Kurts servers died today, OHG hopefully will be the successor someday
21:53:15 <petern> rewomnwal citpylocopa eht fo hcruhc eht retne
21:54:18 <TrueBrain> petern: I rather stay at home :)
21:54:50 <SmatZ> anyone running big-endian machine can check trunk?
21:55:01 <TrueBrain> how many BEs are there ...
21:55:06 <TrueBrain> old macs ...
21:55:53 <SmatZ> trunk fails in network communication on my sunray testmachine :)
21:56:08 <SmatZ> so I wonder if it's BE-related or SUNOS-related
21:56:08 <TrueBrain> buy a bluray! :P
21:56:31 <SmatZ> it's not mine :)
21:56:41 <TrueBrain> I don't think you can run OpenTTD on just a bluray :p
21:58:13 <SmatZ> you would wonder if you knew what I can do :)
21:58:27 <TrueBrain> hehe
21:58:30 * TrueBrain wonders
21:59:31 <SmatZ> :)
22:00:04 * TrueBrain is still looking for a nice 'todo' list like system with a 'blog' or 'changelog' of some kind
22:00:07 <TrueBrain> seems impossible ..
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22:02:36 <Ammler> trac :-)
22:02:44 <TrueBrain> trac sucks (sorry, it does)
22:03:39 <Ammler> well, I don't mind ;-)
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22:06:49 <Ammler> gallery software I use uses a framework called Kohana, maybe it has something
22:07:57 <TrueBrain> not looking for a framework :) Have plenty of those ...
22:08:41 <Ammler> well, frameworks depense on the addons ;-)
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22:11:17 <TrueBrain> I guess I can also just write something on my own :p
22:11:19 <TrueBrain> ghehe
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22:51:39 <EoD> if someone is interested in the ipv6 patch for openttd r12680: http://[2001:a60:f066:0:203:baff:fe20:c79]/openttd/r12680-to-ipv6-full.patch
22:52:44 <TrueBrain> for which you need IPv6 ... nice ;)
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22:55:06 <Sacro> EoD: I only have IPv4 :(
22:55:25 <Sacro> TrueBrain: what you can't access you don't need :P
22:55:29 <energetic> no ipv5?
22:55:32 <EoD> so why do you need an ipv6 patch for openttd? ^^
22:55:39 <energetic> :P
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22:55:40 <TrueBrain> energetic: feel free to implement IPv5
22:55:43 <TrueBrain> but it is a long way ...
22:55:46 <TrueBrain> doing the OS first and stuff
22:55:47 <EoD> ^^^=
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22:56:18 <energetic> for lijbrnadt it probably would be an improvement to switch to ipv5
22:56:29 <energetic> Lijbrandt
22:56:39 <TrueBrain> ANY improvement to lijbrandt is an improvement
22:56:41 <TrueBrain> even ipv5 ...
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23:03:30 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: rubidium * r15918 /trunk/src/network/ (core/udp.cpp network.cpp): -Fix (r15917): comparing IPs sometimes failed due to 'random' data (as spotted by SpComb)
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23:12:44 <Nite_Owl> The dinner bell has sounded - later all
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23:23:11 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: glx * r15919 /trunk/src/network/core/ (os_abstraction.h tcp_content.h): -Fix (r15916): mingw doesn't know getnameinfo() (unless you compile for XP SP2+). Also fix a MSVC warning.
23:24:03 <TrueBrain> "ws2_32.dll\0getnameinfo\0\0"); <- LOVELY! :p
23:24:32 <glx> tell that to the guy who wrote the function
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23:25:21 <glx> forget the last \0 and you may get infinite loop
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23:27:02 <TrueBrain> also lovely ...
23:27:09 * TrueBrain gives up understanding windows :p
23:27:55 * EoD doesn't actually understand what this windows function is about...
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23:29:13 <TrueBrain> getnameinfo for windows :p
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23:34:45 <TrueBrain> I wish you all a good night
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23:43:19 <EoD_> how do i kick EoD?
23:44:02 *** EoD_ was kicked by DorpsGek (this way)
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23:44:08 *** EoD was kicked by DorpsGek (this way)
23:44:10 <SmatZ> oops sorry
23:44:25 <EoD_> was this a kick?
23:44:28 <Aali> no point in kicking ghosts
23:44:46 <SmatZ> enjoying my power maybe?
23:45:07 <Aali> then you should've brought out the banhammer
23:45:26 <SmatZ> don't worry, you will be the first ;)
23:45:43 <Aali> can't wait :D
23:46:06 <SmatZ> do you know how hard is it to resist?! :)
23:46:20 <Sacro> Grrr. anyone here good with istreams?
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23:50:29 <SmatZ> hahaha
23:51:02 <SmatZ> posting in a new thread
23:51:07 <SmatZ> intead of reply
23:51:16 <SmatZ> a day after 0.7.0 has been released
23:51:24 <SmatZ> asking if it will be included in 0.7.0 ...
23:51:35 <EoD> ^^
23:51:46 <SmatZ> no matter it has been said thousand times it will never be
23:54:06 <glx> let me guess 2007xxx ?
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23:55:14 <Aali> actually this is some new guy
23:55:22 <Aali> and he's really lost
23:59:22 <Sacro> grr
23:59:36 <Sacro> why can't i declare "void read(istream& in);@
23:59:54 <SmatZ> Sacro: std::stream &in ?
23:59:55 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: rubidium * r15920 /trunk/src/network/core/ (address.cpp address.h tcp_connect.cpp): -Codechange: make the (TCP) connecting less AF dependent.