IRC logs for #openttd on OFTC at 2009-03-02
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00:00:50 *** energetic has joined #openttd
00:01:05 <energetic> Eddi: that doesnt matter
00:01:12 <energetic> since they delete their ends
00:01:37 <energetic> you can have a station of any town at any place in the game - if there is a landpath between those two places
00:02:08 *** DephNet[Paul] has joined #openttd
00:03:57 <Eddi|zuHause> don't statues only work in the town authority radius?
00:04:31 <energetic> statues work for stations build the first time in the town area
00:04:46 <energetic> so then they walk all across the map
00:05:11 <Eddi|zuHause> that sounds like a bug
00:05:22 <energetic> well what happens is:
00:05:29 <energetic> stations gets built, town assigned
00:05:44 <energetic> which doesnt change as the location of the name changes
00:06:05 <energetic> maybe when relocating the name of the station
00:06:19 <Bjarni> this was ok before you could remove one tile of a station
00:06:35 <energetic> recheck - and reassign if needed- the town it belings to
00:06:36 <Bjarni> so it sounds like the bug is that you can move a station
00:07:01 <Rubidium> nah, sounds like a bug that statues have a positive effect on stations
00:07:06 <energetic> Bjarni: it is a sideeffect of the introduction of join stations
00:07:50 <Eddi|zuHause> energetic: no, it's not. everything that is possible now was also possible before. only it was more difficult to use
00:08:22 <energetic> before join stations patch/functionality, this was impossible
00:08:31 <energetic> but that doesnt matter anyway
00:08:50 <Bjarni> actually you could if you built road stations
00:08:56 <energetic> anyway, that statues have a positive effect on stations' rating is intended bahviour
00:09:38 <energetic> true. But not for railstations
00:09:52 <Eddi|zuHause> Rubidium: "sounds like a bug that statues have a positive effect on stations" ... that are outside the town's radius of influence
00:09:53 <energetic> which is kinda the point, since you are not likely to compete with RVs
00:11:06 <energetic> Though I am not sure if you could remove parts of a station before the joinstation-patch
00:11:39 <Eddi|zuHause> energetic: removing parts of stations was introduced with irregular stations
00:11:47 <Eddi|zuHause> and that was a very very long time ago
00:11:49 <Bjarni> Mark: looks ok, except for the industries
00:12:02 <energetic> 04 era out of my head
00:12:04 <Bjarni> I got a whole lot of coal and as we all know that's not Sweden :P
00:12:36 <Bjarni> apart from the industries, the scenario looks quite nice
00:12:46 <Bjarni> or at least it looks like it captured the area quite good
00:13:13 <Bjarni> I don't know if it will be that interesting to play but that's an issue of how the area is in real life and not your work
00:13:52 <energetic> if (station.removed_tile.location == station.location) { station.ReassignTown(); }
00:14:40 <energetic> if (station.removed_tile.location == station.location) { station.ReassignTown(newlocation); }
00:16:48 <Bjarni> also the map have one major flaw
00:16:54 <Bjarni> my house is not in it :P
00:30:52 *** DaleStan has joined #openttd
00:33:12 <Bjarni> <Mark> You live in Denmark? <-- yeah
00:33:20 *** Eddi|zuHause has joined #openttd
00:33:43 <Eddi|zuHause> haha... this is so cool "we asked people in paris to sing the german national anthem, out of 25 people, only 1 person could hum the melody, and he was not even french", "we asked people in berlin to sing the french national anthem, and 3/4 of them knew the melody and often even the text"
00:36:03 <Bjarni> there is a wide line of water
00:36:36 <Bjarni> also I can terraform your name into whatever I want :P
00:56:34 <De_Ghosty> cuz they don't care about ze jermans!!
00:58:19 <Mark> Bjarni: I know, so what? :p
00:58:35 <Mark> That sealine in the north, how should I fix it?
01:00:18 <Brokkoli> move the land to the north
01:01:53 <Brokkoli> using 0.7 you can totaly remove the water at the borders
01:02:56 *** Nite_Owl has joined #openttd
01:02:59 <Mark> I'm reguraly using nightly, but for this scenario I used 0.6.3
01:08:59 *** DaleStan has joined #openttd
01:11:12 *** bennythen00b has joined #openttd
01:14:46 *** KenjiE20|LT has joined #openttd
01:27:14 <SpComb> Eddi|zuHause: did they ask a crowd of french tourists?
01:54:28 <apo_> <3 the tree huggers in city councils.
02:03:52 <Brokkoli> who needs a train station
03:12:24 *** TinoDidriksen has joined #openttd
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03:56:11 *** stuffcorpse has joined #openttd
04:00:40 <apo> Is there some easy way to upgrade >100 trains to monorail? :|
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06:09:19 *** goodger_ has joined #openttd
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07:22:08 *** Progman has joined #openttd
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08:00:15 <TSC> Anyone familiar with the NARS train set? It says a caboose is necessary for freight trains, but is it really needed?
08:00:56 <dihedral> apparently! if it says so
08:02:07 <TSC> I've got a train without one, and it seems fine...
08:02:44 <TSC> And I haven't noticed any coal falling off the back of the train (:
08:02:48 <TSC> Maybe it's just for decoration
08:05:05 <dihedral> well then - there you have your answer ;-)
08:14:15 *** Yeggstry has joined #openttd
08:37:40 *** racetrack has joined #openttd
09:14:38 *** Vikthor has joined #openttd
09:54:19 *** maristo has joined #openttd
10:05:12 *** smeding has joined #openttd
10:22:19 *** Brokkoli has joined #openttd
10:35:51 *** Combuster has joined #openttd
10:55:39 *** [com]buster has joined #openttd
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11:48:04 *** HerzogDeXtEr has joined #openttd
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12:42:17 *** Combuster has joined #openttd
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12:46:06 *** pleeby is now known as bleepy
12:55:57 *** Saladhunter has joined #openttd
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13:04:28 *** Yeggstry is now known as Yeggs-work
13:05:21 *** Combuster has joined #openttd
13:11:25 *** maristo has joined #openttd
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13:27:25 *** [com]buster has joined #openttd
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13:30:04 *** stuffcorpse has joined #openttd
13:48:12 *** [com]buster has joined #openttd
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13:51:08 *** goodger has joined #openttd
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14:11:16 *** [com]buster has joined #openttd
14:18:48 *** bleepy is now known as Guest220
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14:32:06 *** Combuster has joined #openttd
14:42:53 <Eddi|zuHause> this channel died? usually i have a huge backlog when i come home...
14:44:04 <planetmaker> Im Märzen der Bauer... etc pp. They're all sowing new OpenTTD plants. To be harvested in autumn :)
14:44:44 <Rubidium> Eddi|zuHause: your eyes died
14:54:45 *** [com]buster has joined #openttd
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15:07:56 <Eddi|zuHause> <SpComb> Eddi|zuHause: did they ask a crowd of french tourists? <- no, the french hymn is really widely known in germany
15:14:56 *** Swallow has joined #openttd
15:17:49 *** Combuster has joined #openttd
15:24:08 <apo> Apparently openttd doesn't like flattening 2000^2 pieces of land at once.
15:26:12 *** Hirundo has joined #openttd
15:28:19 <KingJ> Do a giant screenshot too
15:32:41 <planetmaker> apo: that's about 4M DoCommands...
15:33:17 *** stillunknown has joined #openttd
15:35:17 <apo> It's not even doing that many, though
15:35:34 <apo> It comes to a grinding halt when I try to select about 1/4 of the area
15:36:15 *** Hirundo is now known as Swallow
15:40:12 <apo> Hm, what happens if a city gets wet? Does it get destroyed?
15:41:56 <Rubidium> it drops it's leafs and once it dries up again it starts growing again
15:46:05 <apo> Let's see how fast it builds the first building again.
15:46:22 * apo just killed 700 e-people. =P
15:47:38 <Ammler> maybe you should play civilization or so ;-)
15:56:02 *** Timitry has joined #openttd
15:56:28 *** bleepy is now known as Guest232
15:56:28 *** pleeby is now known as bleepy
15:59:30 *** bleepy is now known as Guest234
15:59:30 *** pleeby is now known as bleepy
16:03:15 <dihedral> planetmaker, please dont harvest noobs
16:03:20 <dihedral> we have enough of them :-P
16:07:12 <dihedral> Brokkoli, not all of them
16:15:19 *** guru3_ is now known as guru3
16:24:04 *** lewymati has joined #openttd
16:26:00 <DASPRiD> that doesnt sound tasty :/
16:29:38 *** ChanServ sets mode: +v tokai
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17:05:59 *** amixppc has joined #openttd
17:12:17 *** |Jeroen| has joined #openttd
17:19:02 *** [com]buster has joined #openttd
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17:25:13 *** Vikthor has joined #openttd
17:32:43 *** Progman has joined #openttd
17:36:24 *** glx|away has joined #openttd
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17:43:05 *** glx|away has joined #openttd
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17:54:55 *** NukeBuster has joined #openttd
18:01:47 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: rubidium * r15598 /trunk/src/smallmap_gui.cpp: -Fix [FS#2695]: crash when opening viewport while scrolling the map and the mouse 'lands' on the window decoration of the viewport.
18:03:57 *** Mortomes has joined #openttd
18:09:38 *** Mortal is now known as Guest250
18:10:37 *** Combuster has joined #openttd
18:19:16 <batti5> Is it allowed to and banner from neobux, as a signature?
18:20:16 <planetmaker> if that's your favorite porn site, I guess not
18:20:42 <Sacro> that sentence makes no sens
18:20:59 <planetmaker> s/n/d/ <-- Sacro :)
18:21:47 <planetmaker> fuzzy logic rulez
18:22:02 * planetmaker wonders what PTC might stand for...
18:22:16 <smeding> positive temperature coefficient
18:22:17 *** Yeggs-work is now known as Yeggstry
18:28:53 *** maristo has joined #openttd
18:30:38 <Cutter> I want to install 0.6.3 over 0.6.2 on WinXP
18:30:49 <Cutter> do I have to uninstall 0.6.2 first?
18:31:45 <Cutter> I tried anyway and its ok
18:39:55 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: translators * r15599 /trunk/src/lang/ (brazilian_portuguese.txt german.txt lithuanian.txt):
18:39:55 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: -Update: WebTranslator2 update to 2009-03-02 18:39:38
18:39:55 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: brazilian_portuguese - 4 fixed by tucalipe (4)
18:39:55 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: german - 35 changed by planetmaker (35)
18:39:57 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: lithuanian - 49 fixed, 33 changed by Devastator (82)
18:55:19 *** glx|away has joined #openttd
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19:08:33 *** SHRIKEE has joined #openttd
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19:19:57 <petern> listening to and using ssh
19:20:38 <petern> and a train just went past
19:21:01 <apo> Same here. I have sound turned off ;)
19:21:15 <petern> going ip to aylesbury parkway
19:21:48 <petern> wonder what bitrate this is
19:22:08 <petern> proabably hurting 3g a bit
19:23:19 <petern> maybe i should've hopped on that
19:26:37 <petern> npt being a bus user i have no idea of the routes
19:30:24 <Belugas> whoo...!! restarted!
19:30:35 <Belugas> last time used, 29th of october
19:40:10 <Belugas> got this All-Mogwai CD on the drive :)
19:40:18 <Belugas> which are BACK IN TOWN!
19:42:05 <petern> taking photos of the abysmal cycle routes they've put in
19:42:54 <petern> i.e. painting a crossing red does not a cycle path make
19:43:03 *** KenjiE20 has joined #openttd
19:44:58 <petern> don't you fucking know what you are
19:45:22 <planetmaker> STR_CONFIG_SETTING_SERVINT <-- looks rather funny as you never really know whether it's % or days...
19:47:13 <SmatZ> planetmaker: I think this was discussed not a long time ago, with no clear result
19:47:33 <planetmaker> oh, ok. I didn't see that discussion :)
19:50:35 <Belugas> ho. ho... gho... I know it's address!!!! I DO!!!
19:51:59 <petern> otoh over half way there
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19:56:29 <batti5> dose anybody know whare ottd downloads grfs?, i cant find them in data directory.
19:56:43 <petern> 3br houses still more than what i paid
19:57:58 <petern> content_download or siimilar
19:58:43 <Belugas> batti5 : does -> does, whare -> where, cant -> can't
19:59:51 <petern> another set of takeaways
20:00:47 <Belugas> mobile... phone or laptop?
20:03:28 <petern> can run ottd but 320x240 sucks
20:15:58 *** maristo has joined #openttd
20:24:09 <batti5> how can you create a channel at OFTC?
20:24:37 <KenjiE20> same as anywhere, /join #channelname
20:25:06 <KenjiE20> registering on the other hand probably requires x numbers of ppl
20:25:16 *** MrFrans has joined #openttd
20:26:57 <KenjiE20> shorthand for people
20:34:01 <smeding> and silly at any rate
20:42:11 *** DaleStan has joined #openttd
20:45:24 *** De_Ghosty has joined #openttd
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20:58:41 *** De_Ghosty has joined #openttd
21:01:34 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: yexo * r15600 /trunk/src/statusbar_gui.cpp: -Fix (r0): Replace a newline in a news message by four spaces before drawing it in the statusbar.
21:19:47 *** NightKhaos has joined #openttd
21:28:03 *** Dred_furst has joined #openttd
21:38:41 <Yexo> it means the problem already existed in the first revision of the current repository
21:39:43 <Yexo> apparently others use r1 for that purpose
21:41:19 <Rubidium> r0 is an empty repository ;)
21:49:30 <kasper> hey there, is there a way to increase the station influence area? I'd like to build towns with less stations (passengers)
21:50:14 <Yexo> you can combine multiple stops in one stations, that's easy now distant-join is in trunk
21:51:33 <kasper> like building a single bit of the station somewhere?
21:51:51 <kasper> or a busstation just within the influence area of a railway station?
21:52:16 <Eddi|zuHause> press ctrl when building the station, and select it to join the existing station
21:52:48 <kasper> hmmz, didnt know that.. looks promising :)
21:55:18 <Eddi|zuHause> the magic ctrl key, you'd sometimes be suprised what it does ;)
21:57:16 <fjb> In communist Russia the the ctrl key would control you.
21:57:58 <Eddi|zuHause> i recommend you to not try ;=
21:58:09 <smeding> soviet russia, and also old, and also not all that interesting to begin with
21:58:27 <petern> spam: 8.3% clean: 91.7%
21:58:52 <smeding> maybe if we party like it's the 1970s
21:59:25 <kasper> Its amazing.. i cn cover a whole city with just 2 stations.. :)
22:00:30 * Yexo can cover a whole 256x256 map with just 4 stations :)
22:00:47 <Rubidium> Yexo: interesting ;)
22:01:05 <kasper> what code is used to code openttd actually? <-- pointing at things like the patches and such
22:01:31 <Yexo> Rubidium: that would indeed be interesting :p. With 16 stations it can be done though
22:01:34 <kasper> or the land generator.. I'd like to pick up coding again.. :)
22:02:50 <kasper> hehe, thats why the germans never understood it :P
22:09:04 <kasper> aye, looks like math lab mixed with php
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22:17:43 <kasper> there are so many things small id like to see included in openttd.. i guess i'd have to try it myself :P
22:18:38 *** [com]buster is now known as Combuster
22:21:39 <petern> math lab mixed with php? bwhaha
22:23:02 <kasper> well, the small example pieces.. don't know about the entire code.. :P just trying to find something simular
22:23:48 <Eddi|zuHause> kasper: almost all languages look very similar...
22:23:51 <Aali> maybe you should just look at the code
22:23:59 <Eddi|zuHause> doesn't mean they are in any kind related
22:24:07 <kasper> I'd like to live a tad bit longer Aali :P
22:24:33 <kasper> Do understand that Eddi, math lab and php arent the same either.. not at all
22:24:51 <Aali> so you're sifting through outdated examples of how the code might look like?
22:25:36 *** welterde has joined #openttd
22:26:08 <Aali> oh and, I hate to break it to you, but your life was over the second you joined this channel :)
22:26:38 <kasper> good, so you'd better drag me in then :)
22:27:33 <Eddi|zuHause> your only options now are taking the blue pill or the red pill
22:27:42 <Eddi|zuHause> they both make you addicted, though.
22:28:29 <kasper> I'm already addicted to TTD and openTTD.. since they supplied this silver game box with my first pc..
22:31:00 <Eddi|zuHause> i was addicted to TT when i first got the demo version, that was in 1993 or 1994
22:31:56 <kasper> But my general Transport Addiction is larger :P
22:32:29 <kasper> One must be quiet crazy to take classes in transport management. :P.
22:32:47 *** Progman has joined #openttd
22:33:04 <Eddi|zuHause> i still have the box, but the CD is missing :(
22:33:35 <energetic> Hmm, a submitted bug was closed before I could answer decently....
22:33:43 <kasper> mine came in a box with total annihilation.. and a few other games
22:33:52 <kasper> believe it was logitech
22:34:20 <kasper> And a motor racing game...
22:53:54 *** Yeggstry is now known as Yeggzzz
22:57:58 *** ccfreak2k has joined #openttd
22:57:59 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: rubidium * r15601 /trunk/ (19 files in 4 dirs):
22:57:59 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: -Fix [FS#2615]: bridges/tunnels don't store tram owner making it possible to remove someone's tram tracks.
22:57:59 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: -Feature: allow building road stops on road/tram tracks of competitors.
22:59:21 <Eddi|zuHause> you _could_ have seen that coming if you watched the previous commits closely ;)
23:00:52 <Rubidium> Eddi|zuHause: all of it?
23:01:08 <Rubidium> part of it, yes, but I seriously doubt the other part
23:01:25 <Eddi|zuHause> well, "something like that"
23:02:34 *** De_Ghosty has joined #openttd
23:06:16 <Eddi|zuHause> <petern> must resist kebab <- i never manage that...
23:07:15 <Rubidium> are you digging through your backlog?
23:09:21 <Eddi|zuHause> my buffer is over 24h hours...
23:09:44 <Eddi|zuHause> there were days where it didn't even last 12h
23:10:11 <Rubidium> anyhow... feces covered frozen kebab is irresitable for you?
23:10:44 <Rubidium> or do you manage to resist that kebab?
23:10:48 *** De_Ghosty has joined #openttd
23:10:56 <Eddi|zuHause> not that this is a situation that is regularly occuring to me...
23:11:29 <Eddi|zuHause> there are laws on what may be in kebab to still call it kebab ;)
23:12:31 *** sigmund has joined #openttd
23:35:32 <Ammler> to load a grf from console, I need to
23:35:46 <Ammler> content select <grfid>
23:36:42 <Eddi|zuHause> hm, this "Spielzeugland" short film is really good
23:37:44 <Ammler> I tried also with all instead of the id,
23:40:14 <Ammler> there is still no webapi?
23:41:57 <glx> - update: get a new list of downloadable content; must be run first <-- doc is clear ;)
23:42:15 <Eddi|zuHause> the content download window needs a graphical representation for grfs that you have, but are not up-to-date
23:42:30 <Eddi|zuHause> like a yellow dot
23:43:50 <Ammler> but the id seems not work
23:44:18 <Rubidium> Eddi|zuHause: and how do you expect people to 'understand' that those yellow dots are in fact checkboxes?
23:44:31 <Rubidium> and how do you show the state of said checkboxes?
23:44:46 <glx> maybe id correspond to something shown by 'content state'
23:44:57 <Eddi|zuHause> Rubidium: introduce a new yellow box with both checked and unchecked state?
23:45:41 <Yexo> selecting a newgrf (with "content select [id]") and then opening the content download gui clears the selection
23:46:12 <glx> Yexo: of course, the gui reask for the list
23:46:49 <KenjiE20> <+glx> maybe id correspond to something shown by 'content state' <-- this is right
23:46:53 <Ammler> I guess, you would need the number of that "state"
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23:47:32 <Yexo> glx: why or course? selecting/unselecting items via the console while the content gui is open works as expected (only the gui isn't refreshed)
23:47:40 <KenjiE20> I just tested, "content update" -> "content state" -> picked 154 -> "content select 154" -> "content download"
23:47:46 <Ammler> well, I load it local and upload it...
23:48:34 <glx> console stuff has been added after gui
23:48:59 <Ammler> KenjiE20: yep, but what about GRFs disapeard on top of the list?
23:49:06 <Yexo> closing the gui and reopening it also clears all selected items
23:49:13 <Yexo> though that may be expected behavior
23:49:25 <Ammler> no sure, if ap allows that
23:49:40 <Yexo> Ammler: that only works in the in-game console
23:50:46 <KenjiE20> or for a ded run, put '> openttd.log' on the end of the command and then 'cat' it
23:52:21 <Eddi|zuHause> or run in any terminal that allows a longer buffer than the screen is high
23:52:37 <Ammler> how to select an old grf?
23:52:43 *** [com]buster is now known as Combuster
23:52:46 <Eddi|zuHause> hm... a 4x4 sudoku is somehow... trivial...
23:53:00 <Ammler> I think, you should be able to select with md5
23:53:01 <glx> old grf are selected only when loading game
23:53:32 <glx> server refuse loading when there's a missing grf :)
23:54:07 <Ammler> yep, but it has a nice output with missing grfid and md5sum, which you could use.
continue to next day ⏵