IRC logs for #openttd on OFTC at 2009-01-14
00:04:37 *** FauxFaux_ is now known as FauxFaux
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00:27:24 <haraldkl> I played it quite a while now, and it's really great. Thanks guys! Bye
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02:20:35 <R-Wing> hey guys
02:20:40 <R-Wing> thanks for the hard work
02:22:36 *** nicfer has joined #openttd
02:24:34 <goodger> R-Wing: I will pass on your compliments as soon as the devs wake up
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02:25:31 <nicfer> Ottd would be more fun if there was some in game objectives like ocs
02:26:20 <FauxFaux> nicfer: Good idea. Get to it.
02:26:29 <nicfer> Making cities grow is fun but there could be more
02:26:47 <R-Wing> ool
02:27:00 <R-Wing> I am working on a sim of my home island
02:27:28 <R-Wing> my trainset is a bastard combination of high speed japanese rail and steam freight
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02:28:56 <nicfer> Like connect all the primary industries or interconnect all cities in the map
02:29:30 <nicfer> Or why not a 'monopoly' mode?
02:31:03 <goodger> nicfer: you don't actually need code changes to have connecting all industries as a goal
02:31:17 <nicfer> That's: all companies start at the same time and the one that doesn't go bankrupt or gets bought wins the game
02:32:21 <nicfer> Yes, but you don't get any reward for doing that
02:32:54 *** WhiteRhino has joined #openttd
02:33:47 <WhiteRhino> Evening, folks.
02:35:08 <goodger> evening WhiteRhino
02:35:33 <goodger> nicfer: what reward could the game give you?
02:36:13 <R-Wing> hmm
02:36:21 <R-Wing> What sets do you guys like the most
02:37:30 <Belugas> it would be more fun if nicfer would even start to try to work on all his "marvelous" ideas instead of just spamming them relentlessly
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02:44:05 <nicfer> Reward? What about an ending? The 'Tycoon of the century window' anyone?
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02:55:55 <Belugas> a COOKIE DISTRIBUTION!!!!
02:56:43 <goodger> Belugas: only works on debian developers
02:56:43 <goodger> or not, as the case may be
02:57:48 <Keiya> Hmm
02:57:57 <Keiya> Do towns ever grow from 0? >_>
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02:58:34 <WhiteRhino> Like, start from scratch?
02:59:41 <Keiya> Well. I demolished the entire town, now I'm trying to coddle it back into existence :P
03:00:29 <WhiteRhino> If there's still stuff there, and placed stations mention acceptance of passengers, I'd say yes. Just stuff as many passengers as you can into the town and wait.
03:00:58 <Keiya> No, and no.
03:01:02 <Keiya> Hmm...
03:01:11 <Keiya> Maybe if I move pax around from my HQ?
03:01:22 <nicfer> Question, what problems can cause starting a random game with city road layout set to no more roads?
03:01:42 <Aali> you dont get any roads
03:01:49 <Aali> there will be no cities
03:02:08 <WhiteRhino> Your HQ does generate passengers from what I've read; stick it in your endangered species of a town and hope for some acceptance?
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03:02:33 <Keiya> Oh, damn...
03:02:52 <Keiya> It doesn't generate a full passenger, or accept it. >_>
03:03:17 <Keiya> Oh, hmm.... /me tries something
03:04:58 <Keiya> "Fund new buildings" might work... :J
03:05:04 <Keiya> Woo, it's building a warehouse!
03:05:14 <WhiteRhino> Sweet. =D
03:05:22 <Keiya> And an office block!
03:05:41 <WhiteRhino> Congrats. =D
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03:06:04 <nicfer> Bring an AI into the game and then control it and place their HQ near yours
03:06:07 <Keiya> It accepts passengers now... if only it wasn't the only town on the map >_>
03:06:43 <Keiya> Oooh! Ooh! It's working!
03:06:48 * Keiya huzzahs
03:07:03 <Keiya> I HAVE CONQUERED DEATH!
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03:14:18 * Belugas closes his eyes and wait for the comilation of his repo
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03:18:33 <Belugas> damned
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03:36:57 <R-Wing> hey all
03:37:13 <R-Wing> Does anyone know if there are 18 wheeler grf files?
03:38:14 <WhiteRhino> I think this website has them.. if it's the right site. Can't check, using my bandwith on a download. >.<
03:39:34 <R-Wing> are you from aU?
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03:40:50 <R-Wing> and thanks
03:41:03 <WhiteRhino> Nope. Massachusetts in the USA.
03:41:59 <Belugas> so... compiled, ran it, and no crash...
03:42:06 <Belugas> so i guess i can resume my work
03:42:18 <Belugas> tomorrow though
03:42:26 * Belugas crashes in bed
03:43:06 <WhiteRhino> I also suggest the Toyland to Mars conversion. Makes the vehicles look futuristic and adds more choices than Toyland had available for engines and such.
03:43:38 <R-Wing> ok
03:43:48 <R-Wing> I'm just happy I can run my long AU map now
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05:36:24 <Aali> hmm
05:37:12 <Aali> I'm looking for a good plane grf that makes planes alot less profitable
05:37:37 <Aali> I usually play with Aviators because it has nice planes but its waay too easy to make money with those
05:50:26 <WhiteRhino> This may sound weird, but.. it might be easier to find something that could boost the cost of the rest of the game to a level where it all evens out the way you'd like?
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06:00:30 <Eddi|zuHause> i don't think you can ever balance this game with a linear income/cost model...
06:01:48 <Aali> well
06:02:04 <Aali> I have three options
06:02:50 <Aali> 1. get a newgrf that is balanced to make planes less profitable 2. get a basecosts grf that ups the running cost (eugh) 3. lower aircraft vehicle limit
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06:04:34 <Aali> both 2 and 3 have side-effects I don't want
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06:44:55 <XeryusTC> Aali: get pb_build :P
06:45:25 <Aali> no good
06:45:51 <Aali> it doesn't even seem to affect my planes at all
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06:48:08 <Aali> oh, it does, it doubles the running cost
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06:49:02 <Aali> so now my plane that was previously making 1.6 millions a year is now making 1.570.000 a year
06:49:05 <Aali> terrific
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06:55:51 <Aali> wait, no thats not right, it doesn't affect my planes at all
07:03:18 <snappy> Aali: what is it transporting?
07:04:27 <Aali> pax
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07:39:28 <Aali> there we go, price * 4 and running cost * 16, that should make planes a less tempting option :)
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08:14:15 <planetmaker> g'day
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08:30:32 <Forked> good morning :)
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10:01:55 <dihedral> morning
10:02:35 <TrueBrain> morning
10:02:51 <Vikthor> hi guys
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10:40:44 <TrueBrain> petern: how is my little tool going? :)
10:40:56 <petern> @seen bjarni
10:40:56 <DorpsGek> petern: bjarni was last seen in #openttd 4 days, 15 hours, 11 minutes, and 51 seconds ago: <Bjarni> hi Wolf01
10:41:26 <petern> he's not here ;)
10:42:01 <petern> oh, plain C, or C++?>
10:42:16 <TrueBrain> what ever you like best :)
10:44:04 *** _Felicitus has joined #openttd
10:44:10 <_Felicitus> good morning
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10:52:34 <TrueBrain> bah, I truly dislike it when people post only their problems, and can't say: but the rest works very good, or what ever ..
10:52:39 <TrueBrain> always complaining, never positive .. blegh
10:53:37 <_Felicitus> hehe TrueBrain, its the usual behaviour
10:53:50 <_Felicitus> the good things aren't noteworthy
10:55:01 <_Felicitus> hmm, i wonder if there's a palette documentation somewhere - i'm trying to add a patch to configure the industry colors on the smallmap, but i'm not sure which colors i can use
10:55:18 <Rubidium> take a look in docs/
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10:55:39 <_Felicitus> damn :) thanks
10:57:11 <_Felicitus> btw, many thanks for the pretty good compiling guide in the wiki, i had a running openttd compiler environment up in like one hour
10:57:24 <TrueBrain> :) Something positive!! :) :) :) :)
10:57:27 * TrueBrain gets a frame ... ;)
10:57:30 <TrueBrain> tnx _Felicitus, you made my day ;)
10:57:48 <_Felicitus> yes :) its necessary
10:58:11 <_Felicitus> by the way, am i the only one who thinks its hard to spot copper ore mines on the minimap?
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11:21:32 <petern> TrueBrain:
11:24:02 <TrueBrain> you are the best petern :) Tnx!!
11:25:19 <TrueBrain> works nicely :)
11:28:28 <mib_xfobev> _Felicitus btw, many thanks for the pretty good compiling guide in the wiki, i had a running openttd compiler environment up in like one hour ---> Yes, thanks from my side, too, the compiling guide is really really good!
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11:29:01 <petern> silly mibbit
11:29:32 <petern> is it so hard to install putty to log in to a remote server to run screen + irssi on? ;)
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11:38:14 <Gekz> petern: mibbit is good.
11:38:17 <Gekz> lol.
11:39:45 <petern> TrueBrain: shit, i didn't tell you the license ;)
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11:39:56 <TrueBrain> petern: doh ... :)
11:40:06 <petern> €10 per lookup? ;-)
11:40:15 <TrueBrain> but as you made it for me, I have no doubt I at least am allowed to use it ;) :p
11:40:27 <petern> (it's gpl, of course, as it's stolen from ottd...)
11:40:45 <TrueBrain> :)
11:40:59 <petern> (it would be gpl anyway, though)
11:41:08 <petern> (but who cares anyway)
11:41:35 <_Felicitus> are the industry colors for the minimap defined in the source or in grf files?
11:41:38 <TrueBrain> now testing if it detects non-grfs correctly ...
11:41:43 <petern> _Felicitus, yes
11:41:57 <_Felicitus> petern: yes to the first or yes to the second? :)
11:42:01 <petern> to both
11:42:16 <TrueBrain> "
11:42:16 <TrueBrain> File:
11:42:16 <TrueBrain> * Not a NewGRF
11:42:17 <TrueBrain> "
11:42:18 <TrueBrain> :)
11:42:21 <TrueBrain> Thank you petern :)
11:42:31 <petern> the default industries are in the source, additional industries in the grf files
11:42:37 <_Felicitus> ah okay
11:43:10 <petern> TrueBrain: if you want it can grab the grf name too ;)
11:43:47 <_Felicitus> can you give me a hint in which file they are defined?
11:44:00 <TrueBrain> petern: nah, people already fill that in manual
11:44:04 <petern> _Felicitus: somewhere in src/table/
11:44:43 <_Felicitus> thanks, seems that i have to dig through the structure there :)
11:49:26 <_Felicitus> found it
11:49:35 <_Felicitus> time for a break now :)
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12:50:25 <CIA-2> OpenTTD: rubidium * r15079 /trunk/ (9 files in 4 dirs): -Codechange: split tcp 'backend' and in-game handling like it is for UDP.
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13:11:52 <CIA-2> OpenTTD: smatz * r15080 /trunk/src/terraform_gui.cpp: -Fix: terraforming at the northern border failed without any visible reason
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13:37:30 <SmatZ> ho... north ==> south ...
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13:40:02 <frosch123> north border of southern tiles :p
13:40:20 <SmatZ> :-)
13:40:24 <SmatZ> ahhh a frosch123! :)
13:40:30 <SmatZ> hello :)
13:40:38 <CIA-2> OpenTTD: smatz * r15081 /trunk/src/terraform_gui.cpp: -Fix (r15080): of course it's about southern border, not northern...
13:41:31 <frosch123> lol, hi smatz :)
13:43:52 <SmatZ> I was wondering you aren't connected, but I just failed to spot your nick in the client list :-P
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13:57:41 <angelo> hello
13:58:15 <SmatZ> hello
13:58:36 <edeca> Hi SmatZ
13:59:27 <SmatZ> hello edeca :)
14:00:32 <_Felicitus> if i wanted to add a table for alternative industry colors for the small map, where should i place that table? in industry.h?
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14:24:19 <SmatZ>
14:28:05 <frosch123> shit, I should have noticed, that it is png, not diff
14:28:27 <SmatZ> :o)
14:32:49 <Belugas> [06:24] <TrueBrain> you are the best petern :) Tnx!! <--- he just found out o_O
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14:34:08 <SmatZ> :)
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15:20:31 <CIA-2> OpenTTD: rubidium * r15082 /trunk/src/ (ai/ai_scanner.cpp fileio.cpp fileio_type.h): -Codechange: make the AI library path also a searchdir instead of manually manufacturing it into a searchdir.
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15:39:17 <CIA-2> OpenTTD: truebrain * r15083 /trunk/src/console_cmds.cpp: -Add [NoAI]: added a console command to reload an AI (requested by Zuu)
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16:14:10 <_Felicitus> whew, my first patch is finished :)
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16:14:55 <TrueBrain> concratz :)
16:15:44 <_Felicitus> i hope it will be added, because spotting copper ore mines on my screen is a real PITA
16:16:01 <_Felicitus> and iron ore mines / food processing plants also
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16:18:08 <petern> just because you're colour-blind...
16:19:17 <_Felicitus> petern: i am not.
16:19:39 <_Felicitus> strange comment...
16:19:40 <Aali> Microsoft (R) C/C++ Optimizing Compiler has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience.
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16:20:01 <Aali> just what I needed
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16:20:59 * dihedral fixed his laptop
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16:21:03 <dihedral> \o/
16:21:44 <TrueBrain> concratz :)
16:21:58 <TrueBrain> _Felicitus: that is called sarcasm ;) You get used to it here :)
16:22:01 <_Felicitus> congratz :)
16:22:07 <_Felicitus> TrueBrain: okay :) good to know
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16:24:58 <petern> i never had any problem spotting those...
16:25:38 <frosch123> how about a gamma slider for tuning the palette :p
16:26:08 * tokai wants day/night color cycling.. like in A-Train ;)
16:26:29 <_Felicitus> petern: it depends on the kind of screen you use, on the operating system, on its setting etc etc. so if you can easily spot it on your system, it might not be true for other systems
16:26:45 <frosch123> tokai: without a daylength patch that is only acceptable for the poles
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16:27:16 <dihedral> _Felicitus: you should not play OpenTTD via RDP
16:27:24 <nicfer> There's a patch for that
16:27:24 <tokai> frosch123: A cycle could go over a full year f.ex.
16:27:37 <_Felicitus> dihedral: ha, no, i play it via ssh, but dont tell anyone ;)
16:27:56 <dihedral> i once tried doing so via X forwarding :-D
16:28:14 <_Felicitus> did it work well?
16:28:38 * Rubidium uses an optic network to play OpenTTD; works quite well
16:28:45 <_Felicitus> haha
16:28:48 <_Felicitus> well spoken
16:30:42 * SpComb applies a neural network to playing OpenTTD
16:31:50 <_Felicitus> i'd rather play openttd using bio-neural gelpacks
16:35:42 <dihedral> i am playing with 3 friends - they are all attached to my body!
16:35:44 <dihedral> sounds gay :-D
16:36:22 <_Felicitus> hehe
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16:38:32 <nicfer> Yay - openttd for gays
16:39:19 <FauxFaux> There was no mention of them being the same sex.
16:39:23 <FauxFaux> (or of balls touching)
16:39:52 <nicfer> Sounds discriminatory
16:40:07 <dihedral> at least 2 would be the same sex :-P
16:40:17 <Rubidium> FauxFaux: as far as I am aware there are 3 genders, with 4 people at least 2 must have the same gender
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16:40:52 <nicfer> 3 genders?
16:41:09 <petern> inny, outy and nully
16:41:31 <FauxFaux> You left out all the fun genders.
16:41:35 <nicfer> Roflcopter
16:42:18 <nicfer> Ultimate grf for openttd!
16:43:05 <nicfer> Includes the roflcopter, the lmaotrain and the lolbus
16:44:05 <nicfer> And only for today: the WTFship
16:46:36 <petern> so, any useful contributions today?
16:47:09 <_Felicitus> only patches for color blind people
16:49:06 <petern> well it could probably be done with a newgrf
16:50:11 <_Felicitus> i am not that much experienced with the newgrf concept, but would a newgrf work on each and every server or would the server admin have to allow the newgrf?
16:50:22 <petern> there is that
16:50:35 <petern> you could just adjust your monitor so it displays colours properly
16:52:46 <SmatZ> _Felicitus: the iron ore mine is really invisible, right? :)
16:52:55 <_Felicitus> SmatZ: yep
16:53:15 <_Felicitus> i have heard it from several people, too
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16:53:46 <_Felicitus> SmatZ: was it a joke or was it meant serious?
16:54:09 <SmatZ> _Felicitus: it was meant serious, I got the same problem
16:54:13 <SmatZ> ly
16:54:14 <_Felicitus> thats nice :)
16:54:19 <_Felicitus> another color blind
16:54:23 <SmatZ> :-P
16:54:34 <Belugas> [11:26] <frosch123> how about a gamma slider for tuning the palette :p <-- nicfer! Leave this body!!!
16:54:35 <_Felicitus> SmatZ: did you see the screenshots i attached to my patch?
16:56:37 <frosch123> huh?
16:57:22 <SmatZ> _Felicitus: too bad doesn't handle such big images :-/
16:58:04 <_Felicitus> good one :)
16:58:47 <SmatZ> :)
16:59:08 <_Felicitus> let me chop that big image
16:59:28 <SmatZ> _Felicitus: maybe it would help if you saved it as a PNG
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17:02:11 <el_en> buenas tardes
17:03:42 <Aali> if anyone is a 'tard around here, it's you
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17:04:42 <_Felicitus> High Server Load
17:04:50 <_Felicitus> seems that colorfilter doesnt work for us now
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17:53:07 <SHRIKEE> why do helicopters go away after some time
17:53:17 <mrfrenzy> they crash
17:53:32 <SHRIKEE> no i mean
17:53:42 <Eddi|zuHause> SHRIKEE: there are two solutions for that
17:53:49 <SHRIKEE> icannot buy them anymore after some time
17:53:59 <Eddi|zuHause> 1) in the advanced/patch settings, you can enable "vehicles never expire"
17:53:59 <SHRIKEE> they become obsolete or somethign
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17:54:11 <Eddi|zuHause> 2) you can use a newgrf set which has more helicopters
17:54:18 <SHRIKEE> aha
17:54:39 <SHRIKEE> in openttd vehicles are bound to periods in the game?
17:54:56 <Eddi|zuHause> yes. old vehicles expire, and usually new ones come
17:55:15 <SHRIKEE> ah
17:55:26 <SHRIKEE> hmm, where can i get the grfs?
17:55:30 * SHRIKEE heads to the website
17:55:37 <Eddi|zuHause>
17:55:54 <Eddi|zuHause> there should be a section for aircraft vehicles
17:56:31 <Eddi|zuHause> you should start a new game to enable a newgrf
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17:57:10 <Eddi|zuHause> and you should not mix vehicle sets of the same type
17:57:23 <Eddi|zuHause> i.e. when you have two aircraft grfs, you should only have one active
17:58:54 <SHRIKEE> i see
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17:59:13 <SHRIKEE> a grf replaces the existing stuff or adds to the original?
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17:59:23 <Belugas> yup
17:59:30 <planetmaker> :P
17:59:55 <SHRIKEE> yup as in adds to it?
18:00:02 <planetmaker> can do both
18:00:06 <Belugas> both
18:00:09 <Belugas> yup
18:00:26 <SHRIKEE> okie, cool
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18:00:54 <planetmaker> choice of the grf coder, though. Not yours :)
18:01:26 <SHRIKEE> i'll try some things, thanks :)
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18:03:20 <gynter> restart_game_year doesn't reload scenario if server is run with -g
18:03:33 <gynter> any ideas how to make it to run same scenario ?
18:05:31 <dihedral> SHRIKEE, i have a very good website for you
18:05:39 <dihedral> will answer all your questions
18:05:41 <SHRIKEE> and how usable are the trams yet? i read it's not fully completed
18:05:44 <dihedral> current ones and future ones
18:05:52 <dihedral>
18:06:05 <SHRIKEE> dihedral: i've been all over that thing for various stuff
18:06:12 <SHRIKEE> but thanks :)
18:06:18 <Belugas> not fully compkleted?
18:06:29 <dihedral> then you should know the answers and not have to ask ;-)
18:06:37 <Belugas> what is missing? and who told you lies like that?
18:06:45 <SHRIKEE>
18:06:55 <SHRIKEE> Due to this being a relatively new feature in OpenTTD and TTDPatch, there are not many tram vehicle GRFs yet fully completed.
18:07:02 <SHRIKEE> read the availability thing
18:07:48 <Belugas> there's a fucking difference between tram SETS and tram SUPPORT!
18:07:52 <SHRIKEE> dihedral: so you rather have this channel completely silent?
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18:08:21 <Belugas> tram support IS complete
18:08:37 <Belugas> it's up to the artists to finish their sets
18:08:52 <SHRIKEE> right, so if i find a proper set it will fully work then :)
18:08:52 <Belugas> and many are totally awesome
18:08:55 <SHRIKEE> great
18:08:59 <SHRIKEE> i'll look at that too
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18:09:25 <_Felicitus> uhm, trams work out of the box with the current version,no?
18:09:44 <dihedral> SHRIKEE, no - but there is a golly good reason why people write wiki pages!
18:09:45 <Belugas> they do?
18:09:48 <Belugas> current version?
18:10:03 <Forked> whats a wiki? :\
18:10:03 <dihedral> and there is no need to re-ask if answers are already there, one can then go and read
18:10:08 <SHRIKEE> _Felicitus: the option is greyed out for me
18:10:14 <SHRIKEE> i have the latest stable version
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18:10:23 <_Felicitus> Belugas: uhm yes, i play without any grfs and i can build trams (at least on the server i play on, havent tried others)
18:10:42 <dihedral> you have at least one grf loaded
18:10:46 <dihedral> else it would not work ;-)
18:11:02 <_Felicitus> let me check
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18:11:37 <el_en>*+speed+of+light+%2F+40+eur
18:11:37 <dihedral> generic tram set?
18:12:12 <_Felicitus> hmm when i connect to a server which has the tram set, does it automatically activate that grf on my client?
18:12:23 <dihedral> yep
18:12:29 <_Felicitus> okay, thats the reason :)
18:12:32 <dihedral> else you could not join
18:12:33 <Forked> as long as you have the grf, yep
18:12:49 <dihedral> or you'd at least you'd not stay connected for very long when playing :-P
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18:13:11 <_Felicitus> so i have the generic tram set v0.4
18:13:17 <Belugas> latest stable version = 0.6.3. Say it so next time ;)
18:13:45 <_Felicitus> SHRIKEE: find the generic tram set v0.4, that seems to work
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18:14:24 <_Felicitus> time for another ttd match, cu later
18:15:32 <_Felicitus> hmm, before i play: it would be nice if one could mark a server as "favourite" and then pick from a list of favourite servers
18:16:06 <Rubidium> can already be done, just not very user friendly
18:16:11 <_Felicitus> oh, how?
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18:18:31 <Rubidium> in the config file
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18:18:57 <Rubidium> under server or so
18:20:28 <_Felicitus> hmm, i got an empty section [servers] there
18:21:01 <Rubidium> add the ips of your favorite servers there
18:21:07 <Rubidium> ip:port that is
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18:21:45 <_Felicitus> let me check
18:22:18 <_Felicitus> i added them, but it doesnt seem to happen anything
18:22:41 <_Felicitus> do i have to use servers=ip:host?
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18:22:52 <_Felicitus> i will check in the source, nevermind
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18:25:06 <_Felicitus> okay, syntax is ip:host = ip:host :)
18:25:37 <petern> er
18:25:41 <petern> no it's not
18:25:48 <petern> host:port
18:25:59 <_Felicitus> yeah thats what i meant
18:26:00 <CIA-2> OpenTTD: truebrain * r15084 /trunk/src/ai/api/ (ai_abstractlist.cpp ai_object.cpp): -Fix [NoAI] (r15027): by removing the threads for NoAIs, it is no longer possible to use DoCommand (even indirect) in AIAbstractList::Valuator().
18:27:09 <_Felicitus> to clarify, the syntax is host:port = host:port (that's what openttd adds when adding a server manually), a single host:port on each line gets removed when openttd loads
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18:28:07 <dihedral> oh? i thought when openttd saves the file again
18:28:17 <dihedral> which can be avoided with a -x argument
18:28:33 <_Felicitus> i think we mean the same
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18:28:54 <_Felicitus> its just a bit odd that lines like = appear there
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18:32:07 <dihedral> not really
18:32:11 <dihedral> that's how ini files work
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18:32:33 <dihedral> would be interesting if you can do <name> = <host>:<port>
18:32:43 <dihedral> and have the name listed in the lobby
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18:34:14 <_Felicitus> dihedral: would be more intuitive
18:34:31 <_Felicitus> or something like favourite_servers=<host>:<port>,<host>:<port>
18:34:38 <dihedral> no
18:34:52 <dihedral> that's not intuitive!
18:35:05 <_Felicitus> :)
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18:35:12 <SmatZ> well
18:35:19 <_Felicitus> i think a little gui addition for that would be the most intuitive solution :)
18:35:28 <SmatZ> current situation where the list contains only 1 server is bad
18:35:40 <dihedral> + what i meant was something along the lines favserver_in_nl = <host>:<port> and favserver_in_nl is then shown in the list as server name until it can be queried
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18:35:51 <dihedral> SmatZ, ?
18:36:13 <dihedral> oh - you mean the last played server right?
18:36:40 <dihedral> well - imo displaying favorite servers in an extra tab would be useful
18:37:20 <dihedral> and when selecting a server, or looking at the companies of a server, or in the game, have a button to add and remove from servers list
18:37:28 <dihedral> sorry, favourite servers list
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18:41:24 <SmatZ> dihedral: I mean this
18:43:07 <dihedral> does that not say something like "last played server" ?
18:43:15 <dihedral> in the config you can have many more
18:43:26 <dihedral> they will all be listed before you press the button "find servers"
18:44:04 <SmatZ> you can't add servers there in-gane,
18:44:25 <SmatZ> or maybe I don't know about this cool feature :)
18:44:40 <TrueBrain> we need a 'Favorite' tab ..
18:46:39 <Belugas> we need beer
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18:46:55 <TrueBrain> BEER!!!
18:47:09 <petern> SmatZ:...
18:47:52 <petern> SmatZ: tried the "Add Server" button?
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18:48:33 <dihedral> :-)
18:48:41 <SmatZ> petern: I have, but when I quit the game and run it again, there is just one server
18:49:07 <SpComb> <-- someone needs to continue work on that sometime
18:49:31 <TrueBrain> SpComb: you think? :p
18:49:36 <petern> SmatZ: that's a bug
18:49:38 <Zuu> Belugas: Reading back log I see you are in a big need of beer :)
18:49:47 <petern> similar thing happens with bans
18:49:49 <petern> they get wiped out
18:50:02 <SmatZ> :-(
18:50:25 <TrueBrain> fix it! :)
18:50:34 <dihedral> yep
18:50:38 <dihedral> noticed that on bans
18:50:50 <petern> same code is used for themn
18:54:05 <petern> gah, msvc won't debug properly :/
18:54:07 <petern> was working
18:54:12 <petern> now it keeps saying no symbols :/
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18:55:03 <petern> heh, quit & restart sorted that
18:55:05 <petern> stupid software :p
18:55:18 <Belugas> me? needing beer? naaa.... just an idea you have
18:55:25 <TrueBrain> welcome to Windows :)
18:56:04 <Belugas> Thanks TrueBrain :D
18:57:07 <petern> still od
18:57:10 <petern> odd
18:57:21 <petern> normally i can hover a variable and it tells the content
18:57:24 <petern> not doing that :/
18:57:35 <petern> and the immediate window denies knowledge of the symbol :/
18:58:39 * petern tries a rebuild
18:59:06 <Belugas> in debug mode?
18:59:11 <petern> yes
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18:59:19 <petern> it was working :/
18:59:41 <petern> ah, rebuild seems to help
19:00:38 <petern> must've got its knickers in a twist
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19:10:58 <Belugas> A good kick on the machine
19:11:05 <Belugas> nothing like it :D
19:12:41 <SmatZ> :-P
19:14:16 <_Felicitus> hmm, i just learned that building a depot and placing an exit signal after it, the trains from the depot wont leave unless that presignal shows green - is that intented?
19:14:44 <TrueBrain> exit signal ... presignal ... make up your mind would you :)
19:15:12 <_Felicitus> i know how entry and exit signals work
19:15:29 <_Felicitus> but usually an exit signal without an entry signal should work like a regular signal, no?
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19:15:38 <Wolf01> oh, finally
19:15:52 <TrueBrain> I meant: you say you placed an exit signal, and you talk about getting green of a PRESIGNAL?
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19:16:02 <TrueBrain> that doesn't add up .. for all I know that presignal is on the other side of the map :)
19:16:06 <TrueBrain> hi Wolf01 :)
19:16:07 <petern> TrueBrain: ...
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19:16:11 <_Felicitus> let me show you a screenshot, TrueBrain
19:16:19 <petern> presignal-entrance, -exit, -combo
19:16:28 <TrueBrain> petern: I know thatone: dots! :)
19:16:29 <petern> depots implicitly have presignal-entrance
19:16:31 <TrueBrain> did I win a price? :)
19:16:41 <_Felicitus> petern: thats what i thought
19:16:53 <_Felicitus> is it in the docs somewhere?
19:16:57 <petern> presignal-exits always work like regular signals
19:17:10 <petern> presignal-entrances depend on presignal-exits
19:17:29 <_Felicitus> yes i know that petern. i assumed that depots have regular signals
19:18:54 <petern> hmm
19:19:03 <_Felicitus> that was my mistake
19:19:17 <petern> is there something special that makes 'group->item = NULL;' not leak whatever group->item was before?
19:19:44 <SmatZ> hardly
19:19:51 <_Felicitus> if i remember correctly, it will leak
19:20:08 <SmatZ> by the way, there is a memory leak in the "Add Newgrf files" window, but I failed to find where it leaks
19:20:37 <petern> well if group->item was something like a pool member then it wouldn't leak
19:20:43 <petern> hence asking
19:21:32 <SmatZ> still you should "delete group->item", else it will "leak" in the memory pool (item won't be marked as invalid)
19:23:00 <SmatZ> but I think it is one of few leaks there are - if there was a leak in the cfg saving code, it would be most likely known
19:23:30 <Eddi|zuHause> <_Felicitus> yes i know that petern. i assumed that depots have regular signals <- they used to, but it was changed (quite a while ago)
19:24:58 <_Felicitus> currently that is only documented on the depot wiki page, i think i'll put it also on the presignal page
19:25:04 <_Felicitus> to have it in one place
19:25:24 <SmatZ> there is (one more) leak in the action 10 code (in some cases, labels are not freed - or at least they weren't ~week ago)
19:25:42 <petern> SmatZ, i don't care
19:25:53 <petern> i'm trying to figure out this ini bug
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19:31:13 <petern> following the code logically it shouldn't ever work :o
19:32:01 <SmatZ> hehe
19:32:08 <SmatZ> magic
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19:36:20 <angelo> how do i make a vehicle go to a deapot to wait for a bit before trying to load at a station where it previously couldn't?
19:36:28 <angelo> cause there wasn't any cargo waiting
19:38:01 <Alberth> Press the 'goto depot' button of the vehicle.
19:38:14 <angelo> i mean with orders
19:38:31 <angelo> something to do with the conditional orders
19:40:06 <Eddi|zuHause> afair there was a "stop in depot" order somewhere, but i think it lacked the ability to timetable it, so it would be necessary to manually start again
19:40:47 <Eddi|zuHause> besides, when no cargo is waiting, it is usually better to have a train loading in the station to keep up the rating
19:40:57 <Eddi|zuHause> more rating -> more cargo
19:41:07 <angelo> yeah that's why i asked cause i couldn't timetable the stop at depot
19:41:32 <angelo> you mean make it wait until there is cargo?
19:41:41 <angelo> timetable it?
19:42:05 <Eddi|zuHause> the rating is best when there is always a train waiting
19:42:19 <Eddi|zuHause> i.e. when one train leaves, the next one should arrive
19:42:35 <angelo> actually i'm transferring oil from a dock to a refinery
19:42:47 <angelo> with trucks
19:42:59 <Eddi|zuHause> transfers do not have ratings
19:43:05 <angelo> i dont worry about ratings
19:43:16 <angelo> but for profit
19:43:27 <angelo> to avoid the running cost of the rvs
19:43:33 <angelo> when they're waiting for cargo
19:43:50 <Eddi|zuHause> rating has a much higher influence on profit than running cost
19:44:53 <angelo> yeah but since transfers dont have rating
19:46:03 <Eddi|zuHause> there is currently no automatted way to do what you want
19:46:05 <angelo> i transfer oil from an oilrig off the coast to a dock, and then from the dock to a refinery
19:46:32 <frosch123> there are vehicle grfs, which make running cost dependent on current speed
19:46:42 <Eddi|zuHause> you can make the truck automatically go to depot, when no cargo is waiting
19:46:54 <Eddi|zuHause> but you cannot make it start again once cargo arrives
19:47:03 <angelo> i know
19:47:58 <angelo> only way if i could timetable the depot then..
19:48:28 <angelo> thanks
19:48:51 <Eddi|zuHause> well, make a patch ;)
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19:50:02 <petern> holy shit
19:50:06 <angelo> or i can create a fake depot or something
19:50:14 <angelo> a useless station to make it go wait there
19:50:36 <Eddi|zuHause> what would that solve?
19:51:39 <angelo> nothing
19:51:52 <Eddi|zuHause> hm... "great"... the last 3 episodes of pushing daisies might be on air in germany before they are available in the USA
19:52:22 <angelo> it's getting axed?
19:52:44 <Eddi|zuHause> that is known for a long time already
19:53:01 <angelo> i'm not watching it
19:53:27 <Eddi|zuHause> it's one of the greatest series ever...
19:54:03 <Eddi|zuHause> now shares the fate with its sister series "dead like me"
19:54:45 <angelo> i like it but i can watch only so many series at a time
19:55:01 <angelo> dunno that last one
19:56:28 <Eddi|zuHause> that was the previous series of bryan fuller
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20:00:05 <Wolf01> who forgot to remove the .svn folders from the ai scripts folder?
20:00:17 <el_en> not me
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20:00:38 <Wolf01> hello man
20:02:23 <petern> SmatZ, Rubidium:
20:02:29 <petern> errr
20:02:55 * petern removes irrelevant bit
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20:05:37 <petern> SmatZ, so it didn't crash precisely because the old list was not deleted...
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20:12:18 <petern> broken since r14164 i guess
20:16:57 <petern> hmm, 's all quiet
20:17:26 <el_en> sí, señor. buenas noches.
20:18:19 <el_en> ¡sólo el inglés!
20:18:32 <petern> quoi?
20:23:20 <Belugas> "only the english"
20:23:35 <Belugas> roughly
20:23:45 <el_en> i'm not sure if that's the appropriate phrase for "english only".
20:23:58 <CIA-2> OpenTTD: peter1138 * r15085 /trunk/src/ (ini.cpp ini_type.h settings.cpp): -Fix (r14164): Clearing a settings group did not delete old items nor reset the last_item pointer, causing lists to not be saved unless they started blank.
20:25:31 <petern> 18:50 < dihedral> noticed that on bans
20:25:36 <petern> dihedral: fixed
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20:31:14 <Belugas> i'd rather have said "Solamente en ingles"
20:31:16 <Belugas> i think
20:32:27 <el_en> that sounds good too.
20:32:56 <el_en> i demand that we have a native spanish speaker on the channel to answer such questions.
20:35:58 <Belugas> o_O
20:37:22 <petern> i demand...
20:37:26 <petern> a SHRUBBERY
20:39:29 <Belugas> a strawberry flavored rhubarb that comes like shrub?
20:40:54 <petern> well, no
20:41:09 <petern> just a shrubbery
20:41:11 <petern> a nice one
20:41:56 <petern> not too expensive
20:43:16 <Belugas> looks nice :)
20:44:37 *** Terkhen has joined #openttd
20:44:55 <Terkhen> good night
20:45:13 <petern> bye
20:46:12 <Belugas> heheh
20:46:33 <petern> English lesson: 'good night' is a departure; 'good evening' is an arrival
20:47:13 <el_en> what, are my demands so powerful?
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20:49:23 <Terkhen> lol
20:49:25 <Terkhen> ok, thanks
20:49:52 <el_en> what's "English only" in spanish?
20:54:12 <petern> "Inglés, mierda y vete a casa"
20:55:51 <el_en> Chaleco salvavidas debajo de su asiento.
20:58:43 <Belugas> el condor pasa
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21:02:32 <el_en> Hasta mañana, señores. Ahora -> ZZZ.
21:03:14 *** Nite_Owl has joined #openttd
21:03:34 <Nite_Owl> Hello all
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21:07:01 <Belugas> got a scratch on my cd :(
21:07:20 <Nite_Owl> itch it
21:07:32 <Belugas> re-burn it would be better, i think
21:07:40 <Belugas> the complete mogwai
21:08:12 <Nite_Owl> as in "do not feed after midnight"
21:08:15 <TrueBrain> or just throw it away :p
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21:09:42 <Belugas> that is the very last thing i want to do ;)
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21:32:26 <CIA-2> OpenTTD: truebrain * r15086 /trunk/src/ai/ai.hpp: -Fix: start AIs after 6 months on hard, 12 months on medium, and 24 months on easy. The current values were a bit .. too long waiting period ;)
21:33:33 <welshdragon> i've had an idea for an openttd logo
21:33:53 <welshdragon> well, it's an update to the existing design
21:34:08 <TrueBrain> but we already have one :(
21:34:26 <Belugas> people are never satisfied with what they have...
21:34:28 *** vraa has joined #openttd
21:34:36 <Belugas> first it was the name, now it's the logo...
21:34:47 <welshdragon> it was only an idea
21:35:01 * welshdragon shuts up
21:36:53 <petern> i never understood why someone put down "choose a new name" as a 0.x objective
21:37:13 <TrueBrain> 3115373 seconds, and I will be standing in the snow :) :) :)
21:37:14 <TrueBrain> woesh!
21:38:08 <TrueBrain> people just ar enever content with what they have
21:38:20 <TrueBrain> oh, Belugas already said something very simular
21:38:21 <TrueBrain> lol :)
21:39:02 <TrueBrain> I wish I had a real life .. then I wasn't so bored :(
21:39:04 <Belugas> hehe
21:39:17 <Belugas> you wanna bet?
21:39:37 <Belugas> mmh... no glx today
21:39:39 <TrueBrain> not really
21:39:41 <TrueBrain> if I have to ..
21:40:46 <TrueBrain> nope
21:40:50 <TrueBrain> he will be back tomorrow I believe :)
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21:43:53 <Belugas> i want to believe
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21:44:44 <TrueBrain> I believe I can fly (8)
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21:44:59 <TrueBrain> "Timed out waiting for response from Search Server." <- I hate sourceforge :(
21:49:59 * worldemar pings welshdragon
21:50:46 * TrueBrain intercepts the ping and makes a virus out of it
21:50:47 <TrueBrain> mwhahaha
21:51:35 *** [com]buster has joined #openttd
21:52:26 * welshdragon intercepts the virus and makes a trojan horse out of it
21:52:43 <TrueBrain> and .. you install that on your own system?
21:52:45 <TrueBrain> rather silly :)
21:52:49 <TrueBrain> but oh well .. what ever works for you :)
21:52:53 <worldemar> you intend to return it to me?
21:53:28 <welshdragon> Noldo, to TrueBrain
21:53:36 <welshdragon> grrrrrrrr
21:54:56 * TrueBrain is tempted to launch EVE again ..
21:55:23 <Belugas> Wall-e will protest, yuo are warned
21:55:39 <TrueBrain> haha :)
21:55:40 <TrueBrain> niceone :)
21:55:56 <worldemar> ))
21:56:02 <Belugas> pfff... the imagination required to entertain a TrueBrain...
21:56:03 <Belugas> hehehe
21:56:46 <TrueBrain> last played it at 28-10-2007 .. lol
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21:58:20 * Belugas goes home, waving you all
21:58:39 <TrueBrain> have a nice trip home Belugas :)
22:00:08 <Nite_Owl> later Belugas
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22:00:51 * worldemar meditates looking at emerge
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22:05:12 <fjb> Hello
22:05:22 <TrueBrain> hi fjb
22:05:24 <Nite_Owl> Hello fjb
22:05:49 <fjb> I'm feeling home. :-)
22:06:45 <TrueBrain> good
22:06:47 <TrueBrain> then we can leave now :)
22:07:37 <Nite_Owl> or you can tidy up the place
22:08:05 *** Belugas has joined #openttd
22:08:05 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Belugas
22:08:08 <fjb> :-P I'm really feeling like home now.
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22:12:50 <TrueBrain> and I am still bored out of my ass
22:13:07 <petern> write that ai
22:13:22 <goodger> boredom is excreted rectally?
22:13:25 <goodger> hmm
22:13:33 <goodger> interesting... *strokes beard*
22:13:41 <TrueBrain> petern: enough others are writing much better AIs :)
22:13:56 <Yexo> finish AIGui
22:14:46 <TrueBrain> Yexo: awaiting your fix for the window drawing stuff :)
22:14:52 <Brianetta> RIp #6
22:14:56 <Yexo> TrueBrain: I have no idea how to fix that :(
22:19:16 <dihedral> [21:25] <petern> dihedral: fixed
22:23:45 <dihedral> thank you
22:25:39 <TrueBrain> it took you 4 minutes to come up with a reply? :p
22:27:22 <TrueBrain> cool, people on the forums are placing heightmaps in the public domains where their source is licensed ..
22:27:26 <TrueBrain> I wonder how they do that :)
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22:32:35 <fjb> You can do a lot of things as long as you don't get caught...
22:33:05 <TrueBrain> very true :)
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22:37:02 <fjb> You should have thought before getting caught. :-)
22:38:12 * worldemar noticed it's almost 3:00, so he have to go sleep
22:38:19 <worldemar> bye all)
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22:41:48 <petern> Belugas, i forgot about the quiet bit in With Teeh
22:42:33 <petern> so when it went back to loud suddenly, i jumped :/
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22:47:15 <Terkhen> good night!
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22:49:09 <petern> :)
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22:53:09 <SmatZ> hmm why I can't partially specialise function templates :-/
22:58:58 <petern> SpComb, how did ipv6 go?
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23:02:52 <SpComb> petern: ipv6 what?
23:03:17 <SpComb> (the ipv6experiment is getting closer to release, btw)
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23:06:35 <petern> your patch
23:06:40 <petern> for openttd
23:07:36 <SpComb> it's presumeably quite outdated
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23:07:56 <SpComb> it grew too big to have any hope of being merged into trunk, really
23:08:06 <petern> quite so
23:08:10 <SpComb> it did work, though
23:08:55 <petern> ipv6experiment == porn?
23:09:19 <petern> i still need to get my ipv6 allocated
23:11:32 <fjb> If it was porn Sacro would already have it.
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23:35:26 <Wolf01> 'night
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23:49:25 <Nite_Owl> need to feed - later all
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