IRC logs for #openttd on OFTC at 2008-10-13
00:02:32 *** Fuco has quit IRC
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00:57:07 <pseudoprometheus> *ahem*
00:57:18 <pseudoprometheus> So yes, how is everyone?
00:57:21 * pseudoprometheus looks around.
01:07:24 <Sacro|Laptop> Yeah, alright thanks, you?
01:52:13 * Belugas yawns
01:58:02 *** ecke has quit IRC
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02:37:46 * Belugas goes to sleep
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03:27:01 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: rubidium * r14461 /trunk/src/ (8 files in 2 dirs): -Document: add some doxygen comments (Albert)
03:41:00 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: rubidium * r14462 /trunk/src/settings_gui.cpp: -Codechange: replace magic number with already existing constant (Albert)
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08:31:14 <boekabart> Question. When I 'svn up', I get: svn: Repository moved permanently to ''; please relocate
08:31:32 <boekabart> but svn info tells me i'm already there: URL:
08:35:07 *** fonso has joined #openttd
08:39:35 <boekabart> (unfortunately, I can't access svn using svn:// or http:// from here)
08:48:39 <petern> "works for me"
08:50:08 * boekabart switched to hg
08:50:15 <boekabart> "works for me" :P
08:59:05 *** Wezz6400 has joined #openttd
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09:13:49 <Pikka> orudgesan
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09:29:44 <fjb> Hello
09:30:21 *** Pikkaa is now known as Pikka
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10:24:06 *** Tim has joined #openttd
10:24:17 <Tim> Morning
10:24:52 <Brianetta>
10:24:55 <Brianetta> Find me!
10:25:01 <Brianetta> Aren't they all so cute?
10:25:52 <Tim> A quick question: Is there a way to store the .cfg-file and the savegames, scenarios and graphic-files somewhere else than either the game-directory or "Eigene Dateien" (My Data), or however it is called in English?
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10:28:34 *** Tim has quit IRC
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10:28:51 <Tim> ups ;)
10:28:58 <Tim> someone answered already? ;)
10:29:03 <planetmaker> no
10:29:08 <planetmaker> hello Tim :)
10:29:47 <planetmaker> You can store those files either centrally in ~/Eigene Datein or relative to the OpenTTD directory.
10:30:13 <Tim> Hey pm
10:30:25 <Tim> No chance to store them somewhere where i'd like them to?
10:30:59 <planetmaker> Well... you _can_ save them anywhere. But a cfg won't be used in a place elsehwere unless specifically specified via command line parameter.
10:31:08 <planetmaker> You can load save games from anywhere.
10:31:34 <planetmaker> The cfg in the relative path to OpenTTD takes precedence over the global cfg file
10:31:53 <planetmaker> (afaik, didn't really test for long time :) )
10:32:05 <Tim> Well, but if i put the openttd folder anywhere but in the game directory or under eigene dateien it just tells me etc. missing
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10:33:44 <Brianetta> Tim: If you compile from source you can tell the configure script to use another directory.
10:34:01 <Brianetta> That's where the location is hard-coded in.
10:34:20 <Tim> Hm... But compiling each version i want to play would get hard ;)
10:34:31 <Brianetta> As far as I'm aware, there's no way to specify it using the environment.
10:34:39 <Brianetta> You can specify the location of a config file on the command line
10:35:43 <roboboy> Brianetta: did you report that bug I encountered on your server of the game not geting unpaused for on my first connect about two games ago on your server?
10:35:57 <Brianetta> I did not.
10:36:01 <Tim> Couldn't something like: If the game can't find the .cfg, the, graphic files or whatsoever, it will ask you for the directory where it is in?`;)
10:36:09 <Tim> implemented? ;)
10:36:15 <Brianetta> You could suggest it.
10:36:25 <Tim> Just did that :D
10:36:34 <Brianetta> Myself, I'd prefer being able to override it with an environment variable.
10:36:48 <Brianetta> I don' tthink such a suggestion as yours would ever be implemented.
10:37:19 <roboboy> just wondering as when I connected to your last game for the first time it wouldnt un pause
10:37:20 <Brianetta> Just like any piece of software, it expects to be installed in a workable state before you run it.
10:37:44 <Brianetta> roboboy: It might be something to do with the "start game paused" option
10:37:51 <Brianetta> I haven't even looked into it.
10:38:15 <roboboy> didnt someone else report it on your server though
10:38:24 <Brianetta> I don't know.
10:39:30 <roboboy> pause_on_newgame = false in my cfg
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10:40:15 <roboboy> and I have pause_on_join = true under network
10:40:58 <Brianetta> Sounds lovely.
10:41:33 <Doorslammer> davidx123 is a berk
10:41:45 <Doorslammer> Carry on
10:41:56 <Brianetta> There's a word I haven't seen for a while.
10:42:09 <Doorslammer> Berk :P
10:42:40 <Doorslammer> That's because Ben Elton lives up the road from me and doesnt write socialist comedies anymore :(
10:42:52 *** Tim has quit IRC
10:45:49 <roboboy> gnight
10:48:42 *** Progman has joined #openttd
10:49:02 <planetmaker> [12:32] <Tim> Well, but if i put the openttd folder anywhere but in the game directory or under eigene dateien it just tells me etc. missing <-- There should be a folder like ~/Eigene Dateien/OpenTTD/data
10:49:24 <planetmaker> That's where you need to put and all grf, be that the original and all newgrf.
10:49:56 <planetmaker> Path may vary slightly - I don't play OpenTTD on windows :)
10:50:05 <boekabart> planetmaker: Tim left
10:50:15 <planetmaker> oh... right :P
10:50:38 <planetmaker> I tend to forget that people not necessarily connect via bouncer and have a history to check the past :)
10:51:28 <Brianetta> I never use bouncers.
10:51:38 <roboboy> same
10:51:45 <roboboy> well gnight
10:51:47 <planetmaker> well... many people don't, I know... :)
10:51:48 <Brianetta> Makes people talk to you when you're not there. I like to discourage that.
10:51:51 <planetmaker> night roboboy
10:52:15 <Brianetta> If I don't discourage it, people start to think I care about what they have to say.
10:52:22 <planetmaker> :D
10:54:29 <FauxFaux> Brianetta: People get the hang of the fact that you don't reply pretty quickly. Unless they're teenage old girls. >.<
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10:56:11 <Brianetta> Sometimes I don't reply simply because I'm bored with the person doing the talking.
10:56:28 <Brianetta> I still manage to get this reputation for being nice, and helpful.
10:56:38 <Brianetta> I really must do something about that.
10:58:25 <Ammler> Brianetta: doesn't your client show the "away" flag?
10:58:47 <Brianetta> Ammler: Sure it does. People still talk at me, assuming I'll "read up" later.
10:59:13 <Ammler> well, I use the bouncer, because of my wifi
10:59:20 <Brianetta> /away No I don't read my logs.
10:59:38 <Ammler> else, I have around 10 d/c per day
11:00:22 <Brianetta> I'm using a tunnel. IRC sits minimised for the most part, with me checking by. When it's time to go home, I quit and reconnect at home (from the same apparentl IP).
11:00:27 <Ammler> and people can't see where I am... (office/mobile/home)
11:01:33 <Ammler> well, that looks like "pseudo" bouncer
11:01:42 <Brianetta> eh?
11:01:53 <Ammler> many use IRC from a server over ssh.
11:01:54 <Brianetta> It does no bouncing at all
11:02:07 <Ammler> but same effect.
11:02:12 <Brianetta> Hardly.
11:02:22 <Brianetta> If I pull the plug on this PC, I will ping out on IRC.
11:02:31 <Brianetta> The client is local, on this machine.
11:02:52 <Brianetta> The tunnel is simply to defeat a firewall.
11:03:37 <Brianetta> Additionally, once I get home, I have *no access at all* to anything logged while I was at work
11:03:43 <Brianetta> if I even have logging enabled.
11:05:36 <Ammler> that is one of reasons _for_ bouncer
11:06:09 <Ammler> if I join, the bouncer serves me with a backlog
11:07:15 <Ammler> that is helpful, if you disconnect for some minutes because of IP change etc.
11:07:37 <Brianetta> Not helpful.
11:07:47 <Brianetta> Like I said, I don't care what people have to say, in general.
11:08:02 <Brianetta> If it was important, they'll usually fill me in.
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12:26:39 <murray> hi - æøå - are you recieving non-ascii chars ok ?
12:28:13 <Doorslammer> *silence*
12:28:26 <Doorslammer> Would love to tell you, but give us money first ;)
12:29:10 <murray> :p
12:29:37 <ln> i am reEIving your non-ascii chars ok.
12:29:43 <ln> d'ogh
12:29:50 <ln> recEIving
12:30:17 <murray> hehe ok, thanks
12:30:21 <murray> will try to remember that :p
12:30:52 <MapperOG> how can I delete signals?
12:31:15 <Doorslammer> In better have got our cash first
12:31:30 <planetmaker> MapperOG: select signal build tool, then press r
12:31:44 <planetmaker> then klick on signals you want to delete.
12:31:56 <planetmaker> generally: use the remove tool (not dynamite, but bulldozer)
12:37:55 <MapperOG> thanks
12:43:14 *** Celestar has joined #openttd
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12:45:53 <Celestar> petern: got a sec?
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13:01:08 *** Andrew has joined #openttd
13:01:20 <Andrew> Hi everyone
13:01:24 *** Andrew is now known as Pawz
13:02:05 <Pawz> Anyone by chance know whether it's normal for maps to take a very long time to download when you try join a server?
13:02:17 <Brianetta> yes
13:02:25 <Brianetta> if the map is large, the download is large.
13:02:42 <Pawz> 733 kb is large?
13:03:01 <Brianetta> Yes. My average saved game size is 0.5MB.
13:03:08 <Brianetta>
13:03:35 <Pawz> ok interesting. I just found this game today y'see :)
13:03:49 <Brianetta> My server is quick, because it's in a data centre with 100mbps both ways.
13:04:03 <Brianetta> Many OpenTTD servers are hosted on domestic ADSL or similar
13:04:09 <Brianetta> with limited upload speeds
13:04:18 <Brianetta> uploading 700k can take ages.
13:04:21 <Pawz> Yeah I've tried connecting to a couple but they just sit there trying to download
13:04:36 <Pawz> what's your server?
13:04:45 <Brianetta> See that site I pasted
13:05:27 <dih> hehe - uplink speed detauls would be nice in the server list :-P
13:05:34 <dih> *details
13:05:48 <Celestar> heh. Porsche got it right again. Demonstrated a electric version of the 911. > 200 HP, 0-100km/h in < 7 sec, and, most importantly, over 300km electric range.
13:06:05 <Brianetta> I bet it sounds like KITT, too.
13:06:07 <planetmaker> Celestar: got a link? :D
13:06:21 <planetmaker> hello, btw :)
13:06:22 <dih> Celestar: got the money to buy me one?
13:06:24 <Celestar> <= one is here.
13:06:28 <dih> i'd prefer that over a link
13:06:32 <Celestar> dih: yes but I'm not giving it to you :P
13:06:36 <Celestar> J/K
13:06:52 <planetmaker> thx
13:06:53 <dih> so you will give it to me?
13:06:57 <dih> :-P
13:07:06 <Celestar> planetmaker: I had a a better one somewhere, but I can't locate at the moment
13:07:16 <planetmaker> no worries :)
13:07:26 <Celestar> it's incredible how light these electric motors are meanwhile
13:07:50 <Celestar> you'll be hard pressed to find a 91kg ICE with 150kW
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13:09:46 <Brianetta> Adhesion wouldn't be much at 91 kilos
13:10:31 <Celestar> it's the engine only :P
13:10:55 <Celestar> Brianetta: how do you brits have managed to increase the passenger count on your railways that dramatically within the past 10 years?
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13:11:39 <Celestar> better service? higher speeds? lower prices? ...
13:11:47 <Brianetta> Celestar: "privatisation"
13:12:00 <Celestar> well. it apparently works
13:12:15 <Brianetta> Trains are overcrowded and the fares are sky high.
13:12:36 <Brianetta> I think that the frankly amazing increases in petrol prices are more to do with it.
13:12:46 <Celestar> well, only for 2006-2008.
13:12:51 <planetmaker> Celestar: but it's still difficulty to find an electric energy storage with the same energry density as fuel oil :)
13:12:52 <Celestar> not for the period before that.
13:12:59 <Celestar> planetmaker: it's not needed (=
13:13:08 <Pawz> barg.. Brianetta, is there somewhere I can get ALL the grfs for your server
13:13:12 <planetmaker> eh, no?
13:13:12 <Celestar> planetmaker: you only need about 1/5th of the density
13:13:14 <Brianetta> Pawz: Yes.
13:13:17 <Pawz> without wandering through 15+ websites?
13:13:18 <planetmaker> why?
13:13:21 <Brianetta> Yes.
13:13:43 <Celestar> planetmaker: because the efficiency of the electric car is about 3-5times higher than that of an ICE-based car
13:13:49 <Pawz> oh
13:13:52 <Pawz> *facepalm*
13:13:58 <Pawz> bottom links perhaps eh
13:13:59 <Celestar> Brianetta: I've just found this:
13:13:59 <Brianetta> (-:
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13:14:16 <planetmaker> An ICE should have something like 30 ... 40 % or so.
13:14:26 <Celestar> planetmaker: heh. yes. at peak power output.
13:14:28 <planetmaker> Electrical maybe 90% ... 95%.
13:14:36 <Pawz> anyone know where to find an explanation on how the advanced train signals work?
13:14:37 <Brianetta> 1960-1980 was a result of the Beeching Axe
13:15:01 <planetmaker> Pawz: did you look in the OpenTTD wiki for path signals?
13:15:09 <Celestar> planetmaker: ICEs quickly drop below 25% or even 20% when in partial load (i.e. constant speed driving at non-maximum speeds)
13:15:13 <Brianetta> Now why would anybody look for that?
13:15:42 <planetmaker> Celestar: true...
13:15:54 <Celestar> planetmaker: plus you lose all the kinetic energy when braking. Unless you drive a modern BMW, there you only lose part of it (=
13:15:58 <planetmaker> Brianetta: ?
13:16:18 <Brianetta> Celestar: Or a Prius...
13:16:23 <planetmaker> Celestar: hehe. I think Prius...
13:16:36 <Brianetta> Toyota++
13:16:58 <Celestar> yeah. but that's 1) not purely ICE and 2) a POS when you have 70%+ of highway driving.
13:17:13 <Brianetta> div/0 error
13:17:28 <Brianetta> I don't drive. I'd only consider a Prius at the moment if I did.
13:17:46 <Brianetta> It's the closest thing to a car that drives itself.
13:17:50 <Celestar> and a decent diesel car doesn't consume more fuel than a Prius.
13:18:08 <Brianetta> I'd really like a Prius with a Wankel
13:18:20 <Celestar> Wankels are not really efficient these days :(
13:18:28 <Brianetta> Mazda RX8 has a Wankel - not a bad performer at all for a 1.3l engine.
13:18:38 <Celestar> Brianetta: speaking of engines. Are there still any deltics in service?
13:18:47 <Brianetta> Celestar: Only in preservation.
13:18:55 <Brianetta> A couple have mainline certificates.
13:19:11 <Celestar> you got any idea why this idea wasn't pursued?
13:19:22 <Brianetta> They're not cheap to build or run.
13:19:25 <Celestar> efficiency? cost? maintenance?
13:19:33 <Brianetta> COmpared to the HST they were rubbish.
13:19:52 <Brianetta> They cost a lot to build, and more to maintain.
13:20:06 <Brianetta> Their only real benefit was the redundant power supply and the high speed.
13:20:13 <Celestar> heh.
13:20:15 <Brianetta> The class 43 had both in spades.
13:20:32 <Celestar> but it's an ingenious design for an ICE :)
13:21:55 <Celestar> it's SCARY how little of the german rail network is electrified
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13:22:43 <Brianetta> Now we have the HST and the Bombardier Voyager, the Deltic looks poor.
13:22:54 <Brianetta> From an operational perspective, not a passenger one.
13:23:06 <Celestar> how loud were they?
13:23:09 <Brianetta> They're both faster, cheaper to run, cheaper to maintain.
13:23:20 <Brianetta> Deltics were not as loud as an HST
13:23:39 <Brianetta> but they did sound like two triplets of motorbikes tied together.
13:23:48 <Celestar> heh
13:24:04 <Celestar>
13:24:05 <Celestar> heh
13:24:24 <Brianetta> There are some ships with those engines.
13:24:37 <Brianetta> Every time one gets scrapped, the Deltic preservation groups are all over it.
13:24:42 <Doorslammer> Navy ships
13:24:47 <Brianetta> "Can we get the engine? Is the engine any good?"
13:25:12 <Doorslammer> Normally the answer is 'Is it bollocks...'
13:25:42 <Brianetta> Probably better than the one remaining serviceable one in the loco.
13:25:59 <Brianetta> Most Deltics are down to one half now.
13:26:10 <Doorslammer> They still get pretty shagged out but
13:26:37 <Doorslammer> A trio of screw blowers would have been a mighty thing to have had on them
13:26:37 <Brianetta> They're a source of spares.
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13:26:44 <Doorslammer> 5000bhp+ perhaps?
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13:34:49 <MapperOG> Is it possible to chat only with other specators (in a multiplayer game)
13:35:00 <Brianetta> It might be
13:35:10 <Brianetta> You can certainly speak to a specific other spectator
13:35:56 <Brianetta> unfortunately, speaking to team 255 using the say_player command in the console gives an error about the player number not being betwee 1 and 8
13:36:14 <Brianetta> which is, I think, a tad arbitrary.
13:38:17 <yorick> something with speak to company
13:38:57 <yorick> and possibly something with ctrl-enter?
13:39:43 <Brianetta> say_player is the command to send a message to a company
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13:40:21 <yorick> yes, it only works from gui
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14:22:18 <dih> @seen TrueBrain
14:22:18 <DorpsGek> dih: TrueBrain was last seen in #openttd 3 days, 3 hours, 13 minutes, and 29 seconds ago: <TrueBrain> enjoy
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14:51:26 <d-mike> hi ALL
14:51:31 <d-mike> ups
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14:58:55 <A_Person> Grah, I wish it were possible o make trees stop growing ins cenario editor :C
15:00:49 <A_Person> Hmm, and there's no build while paused in editor either, lol
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15:08:07 <MapperOG> I just bought an CPU player, now I think he did some unlogical track placing... but is it really worth removing and rebuilding tracks or should I just leave it?
15:08:35 <A_Person> don't you get a portion of the money back when removing tracks?
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15:08:51 <A_Person> You could leave diagonal tracks for blocking town growth tho
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15:17:03 <A_Person> Hmm, it would be nice if all cities placed or generated with the city growing as grid feature would all be on the same grid (depending on first city placed maybe
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15:20:23 <A_Person> Hmm, and an autoroad for building a road web with the predefined city block size
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15:22:09 <MapperOG> hm.. sometimes I've depots which cant be connected with the road - what's the deal with them?
15:24:06 <A_Person> build the road manually?
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15:24:16 <glx> vehicle on the road when you built depot?
15:24:20 <A_Person> maybe the depot is facing off a sloap
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15:24:31 <A_Person> slope*
15:27:34 <MapperOG> glx: hm.. that might be
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19:02:39 <nicfer> hmmm would be possible to add simultanealy snow and desert zones to temperate?
19:03:08 <ln> no.
19:04:02 <nicfer> I remember someone made a very primitive patch for it
19:04:11 <Wolf01> yes, richk did it, but it's a total mess up
19:04:25 <Wolf01> too many things to change
19:06:59 <ln> and especially it will never be done in the official OTTD.
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19:07:15 <nicfer> or would be better to put all the industries in temperate
19:13:05 <planetmaker> afaik TB did one for the first wwottdgd - but it wasn't quite satisfactorily either.
19:13:16 <planetmaker> And I cannot find a link as for me is down :S
19:13:41 <planetmaker> nicfer: the latter definitely is WAY easier to achieve.
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19:16:00 <nicfer> that's even doable by newgrf right?
19:16:12 <fjb> Yes.
19:17:20 <Ammler>
19:17:33 <Ammler> nicfer: no
19:17:44 <Ammler> not with ottd.
19:18:58 <nicfer> I mean putting all the industries in temperate
19:19:32 <Ammler> nicfer: that is quite easy, indeed.
19:20:03 <planetmaker> dear devs, any chance to get ./configure --revision=r<whatever> work again?
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19:20:42 <nicfer> yes, it's so easy that I can't find the climate flag of the industries
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19:21:34 <Ammler> use the LumberMill grf as example
19:22:33 <frosch123> or Manual Industries :p
19:23:09 <frosch123> nicfer: just set props 08 and 09
19:23:25 <frosch123> plus the probabilities when they shall appear themselfes
19:23:57 <nicfer> but in the manual it doesn't mention climates
19:25:46 <frosch123> that is correct :)
19:26:07 <frosch123> all industries you define will be available
19:26:39 <frosch123> industries and houses are different compared to vehicles
19:26:54 <frosch123> for vehicles you modify existing vehicles
19:27:06 <frosch123> for industries and houses you can only create new ones, and disable the old ones
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19:27:55 <Ammler> but you can copy them
19:28:23 <Ammler> (Substitute)
19:28:29 <nicfer> action 8 is for changing description and other things
19:29:09 <nicfer> action 9 is for skipping sprites
19:29:20 <nicfer> they have nothing to do with industries
19:29:34 <frosch123> props == properties != actions
19:29:56 <frosch123> properties are set by action0
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19:48:54 <nicfer> ah, props, not actions
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20:02:45 <Ammler> if I have a patch to fix a bug, where to post that in FS?
20:02:55 <Ammler> category bugs or patch?
20:03:00 <frosch123> bugs
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20:03:40 <Ammler> do I need to or is there another reason it is not fixed?
20:04:05 <Ammler> ah, offline too.
20:04:26 <Ammler> frosch123: but svn works so you could fix it ;-)
20:04:54 <Ammler> BugFix:
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20:06:23 <planetmaker> hehe...
20:08:50 <frosch123> is that some svn merge with negative changeset number?
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20:10:41 <planetmaker> frosch123: that's basically r14443 reverse
20:11:01 <planetmaker> with hg diff r10222:10220 (my local numbers)
20:11:38 <planetmaker> so it needs -p1 ...
20:11:57 <batti5> wath hapend with
20:12:18 <batti5> i searched the whole net
20:12:19 <planetmaker> lhc went into action, creating a black hole which now digests the server
20:14:17 <batti5> ok, maybe i tell the lhc to create some for sites a hate to, not ottd
20:14:39 <planetmaker> :)
20:14:55 <bow^znc> its back :)
20:15:01 <glx> it's just the usual OOM
20:15:05 <Ammler> frosch123: I need to run "svn diff -c14443 svn:// | patch -p0 -R" that since almost a week now.
20:16:39 <Ammler> it was discussed here and approved by multiple devs, so I do not see, why it is still not fixed.
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20:17:00 <glx> because we don't recommend using --revision ;)
20:17:36 <Ammler> then tell that earlier
20:17:51 <Ammler> so we now need to patch
20:18:14 <Ammler> or what will be recommend?
20:18:18 <glx> no it will be fixed one day
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20:23:11 <Ammler> me is wondering if there exist "unpatched" servers
20:23:46 <Ammler> (with >0 clients)
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20:53:48 <Eddi|zuHause> <Celestar> heh. Porsche got it right again. Demonstrated a electric version of the 911. > 200 HP, 0-100km/h in < 7 sec, and, most importantly, over 300km electric range. <- what troubles me the most currently about electric cars is not the range (i think they'll get that right before series production), but the recharge time. it takes significantly longer than just refuel
20:54:33 <glx> unless you "switch" batteries in the station
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21:00:54 <Eddi|zuHause> yes, but that puts serious limitations in the locations where you can put the batteries
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21:01:32 <Eddi|zuHause> yay, netsplit...
21:01:42 <Eddi|zuHause> oftc is not particularly stable today
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21:32:42 <TrueBrain> *look at me, I am pretty*
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21:36:00 <[com]buster> as pretty as a monospaced font :)
21:38:48 <TrueBrain> hmm .. that is pretty!
21:38:55 <TrueBrain> I see the useless quietness overcame this channel
21:41:09 <bow^znc> silence is golden
21:42:05 <TrueBrain> a kick is platinum!
21:42:06 <Nite_Owl> The Sounds of Silence
21:42:36 <TrueBrain> The Silence of the Lamb
21:42:39 <TrueBrain> (cool game :p)
21:42:49 <SmatZ> +s (a cool movie)
21:42:52 <bow^znc> :)
21:43:34 <Nite_Owl> ...fava beans and a good chianti
21:45:42 <TrueBrain> you guys don't get this game, do you :(
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21:53:58 <Wolf01> 'night
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21:54:16 <Ammler> just you can't say, nobody reported:
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22:14:40 <dih> Ammler: is that an unpatched source checkout you are having issues with?
22:15:54 <Ammler> dih: isn't that obvious?
22:16:04 <TrueBrain> no
22:16:22 <Ammler> well, then it is
22:16:25 <TrueBrain> (really, believe me, it is not :))
22:16:31 <glx> as I said, using --revision is bad :)
22:16:37 <Ammler> as you would need to mention modifications
22:16:53 <Ammler> TrueBrain: you were dev
22:17:05 <Ammler> you should know, that you need to have clean trunk
22:17:06 <dih> wrong, he IS a dev
22:17:15 <TrueBrain> I do
22:17:16 <dih> perhaps not of trunk, but of enough other stuff
22:17:17 <TrueBrain> maybe you don't ;)
22:17:49 <Ammler> dih:
22:17:59 <TrueBrain> dih: I am still official retired :)
22:18:04 <Ammler> :-)
22:18:16 <dih> being a dev is not a state, it's something you are at heart
22:18:22 <TrueBrain> but tnx ;)
22:18:23 <glx> means he doesn't work on trunk :)
22:18:41 <Ammler> if he would be dev
22:18:47 <Ammler> the bug weren't there
22:18:49 <TrueBrain> glx: indeed :)
22:18:59 <TrueBrain> and Id on't do bugs, I don't do patches, I don't do forum :p
22:19:21 <glx> he just add bugs in his branches ;)
22:19:30 <TrueBrain> I am good in that, yes yes :)
22:19:30 <dih> i thought my previous lines made clear that i did not mean trunk :P
22:19:34 <TrueBrain> adding bugs nice
22:19:41 <dih> ;-)
22:21:34 <dih> everything has bugs
22:21:36 <dih> even apples
22:21:47 <dih> macs and the fruit
22:21:50 <SmatZ> :)
22:21:59 <Ammler> but not that long :P
22:22:07 <dih> well - apples have worms not bugs :-D
22:22:31 <dih> Ammler, should i tell you something about yourself?
22:23:04 <dih> you only complain because it currently hinders you in what you want to do - not because you are concerned
22:23:08 <dih> not because you dont like bugs
22:23:19 <dih> you would not even care for this bug if you never had to use that option
22:23:52 <dih> but now your beloved autostart script is at risk, you cannot stand that bug
22:23:56 <dih> it's your greatest fear
22:24:27 <dih> however, if it were some more useful option to the makefile generation such as --without-freetype you would not care
22:25:41 <dih> [23:37] <Ammler> I only want bug fixed. <- and i doubt that
22:25:53 <dih> you only want your stuff to work
22:26:27 <TrueBrain> I only want a lot of money
22:26:27 <TrueBrain> :(
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22:26:47 <dih> TrueBrain, tell the government there is a bug in their makefile
22:27:00 <TrueBrain> there is a bug in their market system
22:27:04 <TrueBrain> but we all found that out
22:27:12 <dih> yes - years ago :-P
22:27:18 <dih> and it's still not fixed :-P
22:27:24 <TrueBrain> no, last week, you twat
22:27:27 * dih visits
22:27:35 <dih> hihi
22:33:37 <TrueBrain> burp
22:35:23 * dih hands TrueBrain a glass of water
22:35:59 <TrueBrain> tnx
22:36:09 * TrueBrain hands dih the keys to his cars
22:36:12 <TrueBrain> that wasn't water
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22:37:13 <glx> looks like something with bubbles
22:37:14 <dih> russian water :-P
22:37:32 <TrueBrain> VODKA! VODKA!
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22:41:56 <TrueBrain> dih: what are you doing up so late? :p
22:47:09 <TrueBrain> night all
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