IRC logs for #opendune on OFTC at 2016-12-19
00:14:34 *** Nyerguds has left #opendune
03:58:32 *** glx has quit IRC
18:38:13 *** Nyerguds has joined #opendune
19:04:44 *** glx has joined #opendune
19:04:44 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o glx
19:05:40 <glx> hello
19:31:31 <Nyerguds> hey :)
19:31:36 <Nyerguds> How's stuff? :)
20:29:32 <Xaroth|Work> o7
20:34:06 <Nyerguds> o7?
20:34:09 <Nyerguds> Interesting.
20:34:44 <Xaroth|Work> it's an eve thing
20:34:53 <Xaroth|Work> a 'salute' emoticon
20:36:40 <Nyerguds> oh. Dunno eve things :p
20:37:00 <Nyerguds> only thin I know about Eve is that there's one IRC room I'm in in which there's a rule to never discuss Eve, ever :p
20:37:22 <Xaroth|Work> o_O
20:37:29 <Xaroth|Work> that's not very EVE like
20:37:59 <Nyerguds> Well the chatroom isn't about eve. I guess it's something that can... cause drama? :P
20:39:09 <Xaroth|Work> EVE and drama? never :
20:39:09 <Xaroth|Work> :P