IRC logs for on OFTC at 2014-12-18
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04:21:52 *** fonsinchen has joined
04:21:52 *** Yexo has joined
04:22:09 *** planetmaker has joined
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04:23:22 *** Hirundo has joined
04:24:52 *** Terkhen has joined
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07:39:28 *** Alberth has joined
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10:45:00 *** JacobD88 has joined
12:31:48 *** Supercheese is now known as Guest2157
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16:33:04 *** JacobD88 has joined
16:38:35 *** frosch123 has joined
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16:56:55 <Alberth> I thought you can crash the program by having a world-gen window open while loading a height map, but perhaps somewhere the window is prevented from existing at that point. In any case, it's a bit streamlining
17:11:32 <frosch123> genworld_gui is a fix, the others are codechanges
17:12:19 <frosch123> personally i would rename "always" to "find_existing" or "return_existing"
17:13:02 <frosch123> i did not quite understood what it does without reading the source :p
17:15:40 <Alberth> I only found it because I am hacking the genworld gui :p
17:30:34 *** Webster has joined
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17:47:42 *** Webster has joined
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19:43:22 *** Alberth has left
23:13:09 *** tycoondemon has joined
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