IRC logs for #opendune on OFTC at 2015-12-02
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00:33:59 *** Tomaz^W has joined #openDune
00:33:59 *** TinoDidriksen has joined #openDune
00:33:59 *** Xaroth has joined #openDune
00:33:59 *** Tomaz^ has joined #openDune
00:33:59 *** sets mode: +o glx
00:34:01 *** TrueBrain has joined #openDune
00:34:01 *** planetmaker has joined #openDune
00:34:01 *** Xaroth|Work has joined #openDune
00:34:01 *** sets mode: +vov planetmaker Xaroth|Work Xaroth|Work
07:58:33 *** TrueBrain has joined #openDune
08:48:59 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Xaroth
08:48:59 *** ChanServ sets mode: +v DorpsGek
22:24:26 *** DorpsGek has joined #openDune
22:24:26 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o DorpsGek
22:26:08 *** TinoDidriksen has joined #openDune
continue to next day ⏵